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Larvae of the syrphid fly Microdon mutabilis are social parasites which live up to two years, feeding on ant brood in nests of Formica lemani ants. We questioned why M. mutabilis is extremely localized when its host is widespread and abundant. Like endoparasitic diseases, social parasites must penetrate formidable defences before ''infecting'' their hosts. This occurs during the egg stage of M. mutabilis: females are sedentary and oviposit at F. lemani nest entrances, which workers treat as part of their nest, leaving the thin-shelled eggs vulnerable to attack for 10 to 14 days before hatching. We describe experiments which show a strong maternal effect in M. mutabilis. New-laid eggs had > 95% survival when introduced to the individual ant colony that reared each mother fly or to its close neighbours, but survival declined as a sigmoidal logistic function of distance from the mother nest, with F. lemani colonies from 2 and 30 km away killing 80 and > 99% of eggs, respectively, within 24 h. Attacks on eggs also increased in proportion to the delay before introduction to laboratory nests. We suggest that they may be coated with a mimetic chemical disguise that lasts for three to four days after oviposition. The results indicate extreme local adaptation by an M. mutabilis population not simply to one species of host, but to an individual host population and possibly to local strains or family groups within an F. lemani population. This conclusion is discussed in terms of virulence, transmission and coevolution in parasitic diseases.  相似文献   

1. Phengaris butterflies are obligatory social parasites of Myrmica ants. Early research suggested that there is a different Myrmica host species for each of the five European Phengaris social parasites, but more recent studies have shown that this was an oversimplification. 2. The pattern of host ant specificity within a Phengaris teleius metapopulation from southern Poland is reported. A combination of studying the frequency distribution of Phengaris occurrence and morphometrics on adult butterflies were used to test whether use of different host species is reflected in larval development. 3. Phengaris teleius larvae were found to survive in colonies of four Myrmica species: M. scabrinodis, M. rubra, M. ruginodis, and M. rugulosa. Myrmica scabrinodis was the most abundant species under the host plant but the percentage of infested nests was similar to other host ant species at two sites and lower in comparison to nests of M. rubra and M. ruginodis at the other two sites. Morphometric measurements of adult butterflies reared by wild colonies of M. scabrinodis and M. ruginodis showed that wing size and number of wing spots were slightly greater for adults eclosing from nests of M. ruginodis. 4. Our results suggest that P. teleius in the populations studied is less specialised than previously suggested. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that P. teleius is expected to be the least specific of the European Phengaris species, as it has the largest and best defended fourth‐instar caterpillars and, as a predatory species, it spends less time in the central larval chambers of the host colonies. The fact that individuals reared by M. ruginodis had wider hind wings may suggest that P. teleius had better access to resources in M. ruginodis than in M. scabrinodis colonies.  相似文献   

  1. The hoverfly Microdon myrmicae is a rare and extremely localised social parasite of Myrmica ants, only occurring around wet grassland. Dispersal, location of the host, and oviposition are crucial steps in the life of ant parasites but are poorly known due to the challenge of studying such rare species.
  2. Using genome‐wide loci obtained by RADseq, we investigated the genetic structure and relatedness of Mi. myrmicae larvae and its ant host, collected from three localities in South West England, and inferred biological and behavioural traits.
  3. We found that: (a) Mi. myrmicae larvae show high inbreeding levels and severe heterozygosity deficiency, as an expression of the small population size that favours the mating between siblings or half‐siblings; (b) Mi. myrmicae adults can disperse for many kilometres, spreading much more than it is reported for its sibling species, Microdon mutabilis; (c) a single female lays small egg bunches in different ant colonies, sometimes spanning substantial distances (bet‐hedging strategy); in parallel, a single ant nest can harbour eggs from different Microdon females; (d) preliminary evidence suggest that contrary to Mi. mutabilis, host colony choice seems not to depend on the number of queens residing in a single colony.
  4. These results overall strongly deviate from what previously found for Mi. mutabilis, whose females oviposit in the natal nest generation after generation. We argue that such different ecological traits and parasitic strategies between closely related species are mainly ascribable to the different selective pressure on the two ant hosts.

Although it has always been assumed that chemical mimicry and camouflage play a major role in the penetration of ant societies by social parasites, this paper provides the first direct evidence for such a mechanism between the larvae of the parasitic butterfly Maculinea rebeli and its ant host Myrmica schencki. In the wild, freshly moulted fourth-instar caterpillars, which have no previous contact with ants, appear to be recognized as ant larvae by foraging Myrmica workers, which return them to their nest brood chambers. Three hypotheses concerning the mechanism controlling this behaviour were tested: (i) the caterpillars produce surface chemicals that allow them to be treated as ant larvae; (ii) mimetic compounds would include hydrocarbons similar to those employed by Myrmica to recognize conspecifics and brood; and (iii) the caterpillars'' secretions would more closely mimic the profile of their main host in the wild, M. schencki, than that of other species of Myrmica. Results of behavioural bioassays and chemical analyses confirmed all three hypotheses, and explained the high degree of host specificity found in this type of highly specialized myrmecophile. Furthermore, although caterpillars biosynthesized many of the recognition pheromones of their host species (chemical mimicry), they later acquired additional hydrocarbons within the ant nest (chemical camouflage), making them near-perfect mimics of their individual host colony''s odour.  相似文献   

This paper examines molecular and phenotypic variability in the widely spread European hoverfly species complex Merodon avidus. Herein, based on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and morphometric wing parameters, M. avidus is shown to comprise a complex of cryptic species, and one variety is redefined as a valid species: M. bicolor Gil Collado, 1930 (as var. of spinipes). The species M. bicolor, M. avidus A, and M. avidus B were clearly delimited based on their wing size. A total of 29 M. avidus and M. bicolor individuals presented 20 mtDNA haplotypes, four of which were shared by M. avidus A and M. avidus B, three were confined to M. bicolor, seven to M. avidus A, and six to M. avidus B. Sequence divergences between lineages occurring in the Balkan and in Spain ranged from 4.93 to 6.0 (uncorrected p in %) whereas divergences between M. avidus A and M. avidus B were 0.26 to 1.56. Divergence among morphologically identified individuals of M. avidus A and M. avidus B species ranged from 0.13 to 1.58, and from 0.13 to 0.52, respectively. The phenotypic substructuring and observed genetic uniqueness of populations in spatially and temporally fragmented M. avidus taxa were used to identify genetic units. The early split of two allopatric lineages, Spanish M. bicolor and Balkan M. avidus, was followed by diversification in each lineage. Present‐day morphological uniformity masks much of the genetic complexity of lineages within the M. avidus complex. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 819–833.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies are like fortresses, well protected and rich in shared stored resources. This makes them ideal targets for exploitation by predators, parasites and competitors. Colonies of Myrmica rubra ants are sometimes exploited by the parasitic butterfly Maculinea alcon. Maculinea alcon gains access to the ants' nests by mimicking their cuticular hydrocarbon recognition cues, which allows the parasites to blend in with their host ants. Myrmica rubra may be particularly susceptible to exploitation in this fashion as it has large, polydomous colonies with many queens and a very viscous population structure. We studied the mutual aggressive behaviour of My. rubra colonies based on predictions for recognition effectiveness. Three hypotheses were tested: first, that aggression increases with distance (geographical, genetic and chemical); second, that the more queens present in a colony and therefore the less-related workers within a colony, the less aggressively they will behave; and that colonies facing parasitism will be more aggressive than colonies experiencing less parasite pressure. Our results confirm all these predictions, supporting flexible aggression behaviour in Myrmica ants depending on context.  相似文献   

A molecular study of the wetland pleurocarpous moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus (Mitt.) Hedenäs, based on the ITS region, the trnL-trnF region, and rpl16 revealed two cryptic species. One of these is widespread in Europe, and was also sampled from several localities in Minnesota (United States). The other cryptic species occurs only south of the boreal zone in Europe, and was in addition sampled from single localities in Peru and northernmost Asiatic Russian Federation. Although it seems likely that the southern species colonized parts of Europe from southern refugia after the last glaciation, its wide distribution outside Europe indicates that the speciation event is unrelated to the European glacial history. No correlations could be found between variation in habitat preferences (pH and electric conductivity) and molecular variation.  相似文献   

Understanding the responses of insects to ecological variables provides information that is fundamental for their conservation. The present study took place in three different landscapes (three plots of 10 × 10 km each) in a typical Mediterranean ecosystem of a Spanish national park. Each landscape included three vegetation types, grasslands, scrublands, and woodlands, and was characterised by a dominant vegetation type. Our objectives were: (1) to assess how important the influence of the dominant vegetation type and the vegetation type of sites are on hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) diversity at landscape scale; (2) to assess whether scrublands are contributing to the loss of hoverfly diversity in an ecosystem with a long history of human use. In order to achieve these goals, we compared hoverfly diversity among sampling sites by prospecting all three diversity levels, alpha, beta and gamma, at each landscape. We sampled adult hoverflies at 18 sites located in different vegetation types within the three landscapes. No evidence was found that demonstrated an effect of the dominant vegetation type on alpha or beta diversity of sites, but the vegetation type of sites did have an affect. The highest species richness was found in woodland sites, particularly in the grassland-dominated landscape. At each landscape, beta diversity among sampling sites contributed more to gamma diversity than alpha diversity did. Our results highlight the need to focus on the conservation of woodland remnants of grassland-dominated landscape and scrubland-dominated landscape in order to preserve a large proportion of the biodiversity of Cabañeros hoverflies, as well as on the maintenance of the mosaic landscape, which is linked to high beta diversity, typical in many Mediterranean ecosystems. We emphasise the importance of open clearings in the vast mass of scrubland in the scrubland-dominated landscape in order to provide extra resources for the hoverflies.  相似文献   

Freshly emerged, inexperienced imagos of the hoverfly Eristalis tenax L. extend their proboscis towards small, yellow colour stimuli, such as anther parts and artificial floral guides. The releasing of this behaviour, which is adapted to pollen feeding, was investigated in behavioural tests using white, UV-reflecting artificial flowers with four small screens illuminated with test stimuli serving as artificial floral guides. The releasing of the innate proboscis extension was tested using monochromatic test lights. Within an intensity range from approx. 5·1011 to approx. 1014 quanta · cm-2· s-1, the flies extended their proboscis only towards green and yellow test lights (approx. 520–600 nm). The inhibition of the innate proboscis extension was tested using mixed light stimuli composed of a yellow monochromatic reference light (560 nm, 1013 quanta·cm-2 -1) and of a monochromatic test light. When the reference light was mixed with ultraviolet or blue test lights, the releasing of the innate proboscis extension was strongly inhibited, whereas admixing green/yellow light slightly promoted it; admixing red light had no effect. The results indicate that the releasing of the innate proboscis extension is mediated by the photoreceptor type R8y. Other receptor types which could cause the inhibition of the proboscis reaction are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Relationships between species richness in higher taxa and large‐scale environmental variables have been widely studied over the past 15 years. Much less is known about how different functional groups (FGs) of species with similar biological and life‐history traits contribute to the overall trends, or how they differ in species‐richness patterns. 2. Multivariate analysis clustered 641 species of Syrphidae into eight FGs on the basis of 10 life‐history features, revealing feeding strategy as the main factor separating the groups. 3. Geographical trends in species richness and determinants of species richness within the FGs were compared across Europe. 4. Total species richness showed no latitudinal trend. However, the richness of individual FGs revealed variable relationships with latitude, including positive, negative, and hump‐shaped ones. This appeared to be related to how different environmental factors affected species richness within FGs. 5. Functional groups differed in their responses to the environmental variables. Annual temperature, evapotranspiration, and elevation span were the most important variables separating the FGs in ordination analysis. The multiple regression models showed further differences between FGs and their responses to the environment. 6. The FG approach revealed important inconsistencies in latitudinal diversity gradients and diversity‐climate relationships.  相似文献   

Protist diversity is currently a much debated issue in eukaryotic microbiology. Recent evidence suggests that morphological and genetic diversity might be decoupled in some groups of protists, including ciliates, and that these organisms might be much more diverse than their morphology implies. We sought to assess the genetic and morphological diversity of Carchesium polypinum, a widely distributed peritrich ciliate. The mitochondrial marker cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and the nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA were used to examine genetic diversity. For the morphological assessment, live microscopy and Protargol staining were used. The mitochondrial marker revealed six robust, deeply diverging, and strongly supported clades, while the nuclear gene was congruent for three of these clades. There were no major differences among individuals from the different clades in any of the morphological features examined. Thus, the underlying genetic diversity in C. polypinum is greater than what its morphology suggests, indicating that morphology and genetics are not congruent in this organism. Furthermore, because the clades identified by the mitochondrial marker are so genetically diverse and are confirmed by a conserved nuclear marker in at least three cases, we propose that C. polypinum be designated as a "cryptic species complex." Our results provide another example where species diversity can be underestimated in microbial eukaryotes when using only morphological criteria to estimate species richness.  相似文献   

We examined food utilization in a community of aphidophagous hoverfly larvae (Diptera: Syrphidae and Chamaemyiidae) in open lands in an urban habitat in central Japan for 3 years. The community consisted of 17 hoverfly species feeding on 20 aphid species occurring on 14 species of dominant herbaceous plants. In terms of larval prey preference, the dominant eight species of hoverfly were categorized into three groups: a polyphagous ‘generalist’ group consisting of four species,Episyrphus balteatus, Betasyrphus serarius, Syrphus vitripennis andSphaerophoria sp.; an oligophagous ‘specialist’ group consisting of three species,Metasyrphus hakiensis, Dideoides latus andParagus hemorrhous; andLeucopis puncticornis, which showed a preference for two aphid species on the plantTorilis scabra. The prey aphids of the second group have behavioral or morphological defense mechanisms that are effective for preventing attacks by generalist hoverflies; two prey aphids are aggressive toward generalist predators and the others are protected by ant-attendance. The specialist hoverflies seem to be adapted to overcome these defense mechanisms. The prey ranges overlapped little between the generalist and the specialist groups, while those within the generalist group overlapped greatly.  相似文献   

This study extends our comparative knowledge of Pseudacteon interactions with Solenopsis fire ant workers. Reported in this work are development times for seven Argentinean parasitoid species reared on two hosts, Solenopsis richteri Forel and Solenopsis invicta Buren, under laboratory temperature regimes comparable with those of the climatic zones occupied by these host species. Developmental times spanned 31-66 d across phorid species, and in general did not differ between genders or host species, but were longer at lower temperatures. The size distribution of flies reared was bimodal, with a group of large (Pseudacteon borgmeieri, Pseudacteon nocens, Pseudacteon obtusus and Pseudacteon tricuspis) and small (Pseudacteon cultellatus, Pseudacteon curvatus, and Pseudacteon nudicornis) species. P. borgmeieri was exceptional with respect to length of developmental time. Also reported are results of initial oviposition and developmental studies of some of these phorid species on other Argentinean Solenopsis ant species; P. curvatus was the only species able to complete its development on nonhost fire ants. These results support the concept of incorporating several complementary species of Pseudacteon in the biological control of pest fire ants.  相似文献   

Molecular data from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) mitochondrial DNA gene and the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) nuclear rDNA region were used to test the current morphologically-based taxonomic hypothesis regarding species of Monorchiidae (Hurleytrematoides) from chaetodontid and tetraodontid fishes from six sites in the tropical Indo-West Pacific (TIWP): Heron and Lizard Islands off the Great Barrier Reef (GBR, Australia), Moorea (French Polynesia), New Caledonia, Ningaloo Reef (Australia) and Palau. The 16 morphospecies analysed differed from each other by a minimum of 55 bp (9.1%) over the mitochondrial cox1 and 8 bp (1.6%) over the ITS2 DNA regions. For two species, Hurleytrematoides loi and Hurleytrematoides sasali, specimens from the same host species in sympatry differed at levels comparable to those between pairs of distinct morphospecies for both cox1 and ITS2 sequences. We take this as evidence of the presence of combinations of cryptic species; however, we do not propose new species for these taxa because we lack identified morphological voucher specimens. For seven species, Hurleytrematoides coronatum, Hurleytrematoides deblocki, Hurleytrematoides faliexae, H. loi, Hurleytrematoides morandi, H. sasali and Hurleytrematoides sp. A, samples from some combinations of localities had base pair differences that were equal to or greater than differences between some pairs of distinct morphospecies for one or both cox1 and ITS2 sequences. For three species, H. coronatum, H. loi and H. morandi, one haplotype differed from every other haplotype by more than the morphospecies benchmark. In these cases morphological specimens could not be distinguished by morphology. These data suggest extensive cryptic richness in this genus. For the present we refrain from dividing any of the morphospecies. This is because there is a continuum of levels of intra- and interspecific genetic variation in this system, so that distinguishing the two would be largely arbitrary.  相似文献   

Parasite species with global distributions and complex life cycles offer a rare opportunity to study alternative mechanisms of speciation and evolution in a single model. Here, genealogy and genetic structure, with respect to geography and fish host preference, have been analyzed for Ligula intestinalis, a tapeworm affecting freshwater fish. The data analyzed consisted of 109 tapeworms sampled from 13 fish host species in 18 different localities on a macrogeographic scale. Two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome oxidase subunit I and cytochrome B, and the nuclear sequence of intergenic transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) were used for the genetic reconstruction. Different evolutionary patterns were found at the local and at the global geographic scales. On a local scale, the flat genetic structure was mainly attributed to contiguous range expansion. Migrating birds are the most likely cause of the homogenisation of the whole population, preventing the creation of significant genetic barriers. By contrast, on a global scale, genetically distant and well-separated clusters are present in different geographic areas. Reproductive isolation was found even between clades living in sympatry and infecting the same definitive host, suggesting the existence of efficient biologically determined genetic barriers, and thus possibly separate species. Although the ITS2 sequences were found to display considerable intragenomic variability, their relationships were generally in good agreement with the topology derived from mitochondrial genes.  相似文献   

【目的】观察研究黑带食蚜蝇Episyrphus balteatus De Geer成虫复眼形态、小眼结构和不同光暗条件对小眼结构的影响,以明确其光视觉的结构基础和调光机制。【方法】利用组织切片法和扫描电镜等技术。【结果】1.复眼位于头部两侧,正面观呈半球形,占据除额颜外大部分头部。雄虫与雌虫单个复眼分别有约7 180个、7 230个小眼。各小眼面呈整齐排列的规则六边形。2.小眼由角膜及伪晶锥组成的屈光器、不同水平面分布的8个小网膜细胞及其特化形成的离散型视杆、屏蔽色素细胞和基膜等组成。小眼自远端至近端由主色素细胞和12个附属色素细胞围绕。3.随光暗条件的改变小眼内的附属色素细胞色素和基细胞细胞核沿小眼纵轴移动。光适应时,附属色素细胞色素颗粒沿小眼纵轴均匀分布,基细胞细胞核位于基膜上方。暗适应时,附属色素细胞色素颗粒向伪晶锥近端压缩,基细胞细胞核亦向远端移动,到达视杆中段。【结论】黑带食蚜蝇复眼精密的小眼排列形式和内部结构均显示了其强大的生理功能;屏蔽色素颗粒的移动是其复眼适应外界光环境变化的重要机制。本试验为进一步探究黑带食蚜蝇视觉结构和光调节机制,以及与其飞行行为间的关系提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

Poecilogony, a rare phenomenon in marine invertebrates, occurs when alternative larval morphs differing in dispersal potential or trophic mode are produced from a single genome. Because both poecilogony and cryptic species are prevalent among sea slugs in the suborder Sacoglossa (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia), molecular data are needed to confirm cases of variable development and to place them in a phylogenetic context. The nominal species Alderia modesta produces long-lived, feeding larvae throughout the North Atlantic and Pacific, but in California can also produce short-lived larvae that metamorphose without feeding. We collected morphological, developmental, and molecular data for Alderia from 17 sites spanning the eastern and western Pacific and North Atlantic. Estuaries south of Bodega Harbor, California, contained a cryptic species (hereafter Alderia sp.) with variable development, sister to the strictly planktotrophic A. modesta. The smaller Alderia sp. seasonally toggled between planktotrophy and lecithotrophy, with some individuals differing in development but sharing mitochondrial DNA haplotypes. The sibling species overlapped in Tomales Bay, California, but showed no evidence of hybridization; laboratory mating trials suggest postzygotic isolation has arisen. Intra- and interspecific divergence times were estimated using a molecular clock calibrated with geminate sacoglossans. Speciation occurred about 4.1 million years ago during a major marine radiation in the eastern Pacific, when large inland embayments in California may have isolated ancestral populations. Atlantic and Pacific A. modesta diverged about 1.7 million years ago, suggesting trans-Arctic gene flow was interrupted by Pleistocene glaciation. Both Alderia species showed evidence of late Pleistocene population expansion, but the southern Alderia sp. likely experienced a more pronounced bottleneck. Reduced body size may have incurred selection against obligate planktotrophy in Alderia sp. by limiting fecundity in the face of high larval mortality rates in warm months. Alternatively, poecilogony may be an adaptive response to seasonal opening of estuaries, facilitating dispersal by long-lived larvae. An improved understanding of the forces controlling seasonal shifts in development in Alderia sp. may yield insight into the evolutionary forces promoting transitions to nonfeeding larvae.  相似文献   

1. Development in organisms can vary in response to fluctuating environments. In holometabolous insects, variation in adult phenotypic traits is strongly influenced by growth conditions experienced by larvae. The main aim of this study was to assess how much environmental insight can be gained from analysis of the phenotypic changes in an insect's life history parameters in response to realistic food limitations. 2. This investigation was motivated by a need for more information about the developmental requirements of the endangered pine hoverfly Blera fallax (Linnaeus) (Diptera, Syrphidae) in Scotland. Blera fallax depends on a scarce and often ephemeral habitat, rot holes of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. stumps. We studied how rearing conditions affected growth in captive larvae, and compared these responses with a wild population. 3. The growth curve observed in the field was similar to that in resource‐limited, lab conditions, suggesting that resources are limiting in nature. The effects of resource availability on development time and body size depended on sex. Adult females were larger but had more variable size at maturity compared with males. In contrast, males typically were not smaller in resource‐limited conditions, but rather continued to develop for another year. Between 2% and 20% of larvae extended development over 2 years regardless of growth conditions, perhaps indicating a semivoltine strategy to circumvent extinction during years with a low breeding success. 4. These results identify life history traits that may be important for other saproxylic Diptera in rot holes, and organisms that experience food restrictions during growth.  相似文献   

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