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1. Macroinvertebrate production and macrophyte growth were studied in logged and unlogged sections of a sand‐bottomed, low‐gradient, blackwater stream on the Coastal Plain of Virginia, U.S.A. A section of the catchment had been clear‐cut 3 years prior to sampling. No logging occurred in the upstream area of the catchment, which had experienced almost no land disturbance by humans for over 100 years. 2. A primary difference among the logged and unlogged sections of the stream was in the abundance of macrophytes. The combined biomass of Sparganium americanum and of Chara sp. was over 300‐times greater in the logged than the unlogged section. 3. Annual macroinvertebrate production in the sediment was higher in the unlogged section (41 g dry mass m–2) than in the logged section (25 g m–2). 4. Annual macroinvertebrate production on Sparganium was higher in the logged section (10 g m–2 of plant surface area) than in the unlogged section (6 g m–2). Annual production associated with Chara, which occurred only in the logged section, was 196 g m–2 of stream bottom covered by this plant. 5. Whole‐stream annual macroinvertebrate production, calculated by summing habitat‐specific production that was weighted by habitat availability, was greater in the logged section (103 g m–2) than in the unlogged section (41 g m–2). Sediments supported 99% of the annual production in the unlogged section, whereas macrophytes supported 76% in the logged section. 6. Much of the additional macroinvertebrate production in the logged section was by collector‐filterers living on macrophytes. Production by collector‐gatherers was also greater in the logged section, whereas production by other functional feeding groups changed little with logging. 7. Although logging along high‐gradient, rocky streams also results in increased macroinvertebrate production, that increase often is stimulated by greater periphyton growth rather than the macrophyte growth observed in this low‐gradient stream.  相似文献   

1. The replicability of mesocosms is assessed in a case study of artificial streams (4 m2) flanking a lowland chalk river in southern U.K. Among‐mesocosm comparisons of physicochemistry and macroinvertebrate assemblage composition (in drift and benthos) were made during a 2‐year survey of 12 outdoor once‐through linear channels. 2. Mesocosm physicochemistry was highly replicable, with statistically significant congruence in temporal variation across the mesocosm series, low spatial variation and no significant blocking or positional effects arising from mesocosm layout. Parallel physicochemistry was attributed to the outdoor stream‐side location and short water residence times. 3. Mesocosms were colonized by 127 macroinvertebrate taxa from 15 taxonomic orders. Both benthic and drifting assemblages were comparable among mesocosms, with no significant effect of mesocosm layout. Small differences in taxonomic composition were, however, evident among particular mesocosms, with higher (e.g. Tinodes, Limnius and Elmis) or lower (e.g. Pisidium and Valvata) abundances observed for a minority (5%) of taxa. We conclude that large (4 m2) outdoor flow – through mesocosms can be replicable when located near to the source system and allowed to establish naturally.  相似文献   

  • 1 It is axiomatic that unusually long dry periods (droughts) adversely affect aquatic biota. Recovery after drought is rapid by macroinvertebrates that possess strategies to survive drying or are highly mobile but other taxa take longer to recolonise depending on the timing, intensity, and duration of the dry phase.
  • 2 Although drought acts as a sustained ‘ramp’ disturbance, impacts may be disproportionately severe when certain critical thresholds are exceeded. For example, ecological changes may be gradual while a riffle dries but cessation of flow causes abrupt loss of a specific habitat, alteration of physicochemical conditions in pools downstream, and fragmentation of the river ecosystem. Many ecological responses to drought within these habitats apparently depend on the timing and rapidity of hydrological transitions across these thresholds, exhibiting a ‘stepped’ response alternating between gradual change while a threshold is approached followed by a swift transition when a habitat disappears or is fragmented.
  • 3 In two Australian intermittent streams, drought conditions eliminated or decimated several groups of macroinvertebrates, including atyid shrimps, stoneflies and free‐living caddisflies. These taxa persisted during the early stages of the drought but did not recruit successfully the following year, despite a return to higher‐than‐baseflow conditions. This ‘lag effect’ in response to drought emphasises the value of long‐term survey data. Although changes in faunal composition were inconsistent among sites, marked shifts in taxa richness, abundance and trophic organisation after the riffle habitat dried provide evidence for a stepped response.
  • 4 Responses by macroinvertebrate assemblages to droughts of differing severity in English chalk streams were variable. The prolonged 1988–92 drought had a greater impact than shorter droughts in the early 1970s but recovery over the next 3 years was swift. Effects of the 1995 summer drought were buffered by sustained groundwater discharge from the previous winter. These droughts tended to reduce available riverine habitats, especially via siltation, but few taxa were eliminated because they could recolonise from perennial sections of the chalk streams.
  • 5 In the contrasting environments of the intermittent streams studied in England and Australia, there are parallels in the rapid rates of recolonisation. However, recruitment by taxa that lack desiccation‐resistant stages or have limited mobility is delayed. Currently, long‐term data on these systems may be insufficient to indicate persistent effects of droughts or predict the impacts of excessive surface or groundwater abstraction or the increased frequency and duration of droughts expected with global climate change.

Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (eCO2) has been shown to have a variety of ecosystem‐level effects in terrestrial systems, but few studies have examined how eCO2 might affect aquatic habitats. This limits broad generalizations about the effects of a changing climate across biomes. To broaden this generalization, we used free air CO2 enrichment to compare effects of eCO2 (i.e., double ambient ~720 ppm) relative to ambient CO2 (aCO2~360 ppm) on several ecosystem properties and functions in large, outdoor, experimental mesocosms that mimicked shallow sand‐bottom prairie streams. In general, we showed that eCO2 had strong bottom‐up effects on stream autotrophs, which moved through the food web and indirectly affected consumer trophic levels. These general effects were likely mediated by differential CO2 limitation between the eCO2 and aCO2 treatments. For example, we found that eCO2 decreased water‐column pH and increased dissolved CO2 in the mesocosms, reducing CO2‐limitation at times of intense primary production (PP). At these times, PP of benthic algae was about two times greater in the eCO2 treatment than aCO2 treatment. Elevated PP enhanced the rate of carbon assimilation relative to nutrient uptake, which reduced algae quality in the eCO2 treatment. We predicted that reduced algae quality would negatively affect benthic invertebrates. However, density, biomass and average individual size of benthic invertebrates increased in the eCO2 treatment relative to aCO2 treatment. This suggested that total PP was a more important regulator of secondary production than food quality in our experiment. This study broadens generalizations about ecosystem‐level effects of a changing climate by providing some of the first evidence that the global increase in atmospheric CO2 might affect autotrophs and consumers in small stream ecosystems throughout the southern Great Plains and Gulf Coastal slope of North America.  相似文献   

1. Macroinvertebrate colonization dynamics were examined on artificial substrata in a stream with terrestrial litter inputs excluded, downstream of the litter-exclusion treatment, and in a reference stream. 2. Short-term examination of the rates of organic matter accrual and invertebrate colonization demonstrated significantly lower accumulation of leaf detritus and invertebrates in the litter-excluded reach and a short distance downstream of that reach. 3. All major fractions of organic matter and invertebrates declined on artificial substrata during the 3-year litter exclusion. Further, secondary production on artificial substrata in the litter-excluded reach decreased from 6.2 to 1.5 g AFDM m−2 year−1 from pretreatment to the third year of litter exclusion, respectively. 4. Downstream, fine particulate organic matter on artificial substrata decreased during litter exclusion, and there was a significant reduction in colonization of collector-filterers. Total secondary production downstream of the litter exclusion declined >70%, demonstrating that downstream colonization dynamics are linked to upstream detritus inputs and processing by stream invertebrates.  相似文献   

Ongoing climate change is increasing the occurrence and intensity of drought episodes worldwide, including in boreal regions not previously regarded as drought prone, and where the impacts of drought remain poorly understood. Ecological connectivity is one factor that might influence community structure and ecosystem functioning post‐drought, by facilitating the recovery of sensitive species via dispersal at both local (e.g. a nearby habitat patch) and regional (from other systems within the same region) scales. In an outdoor mesocosm experiment, we investigated how impacts of drought on boreal stream ecosystems are altered by the spatial arrangement of local habitat patches within stream channels, and variation in ecological connectivity with a regional species pool. We measured basal ecosystem processes underlying carbon and nutrient cycling: (a) algal biomass accrual; (b) microbial respiration; and (c) decomposition of organic matter, and sampled communities of aquatic fungi and benthic invertebrates. An 8‐day drought event had strong impacts on both community structure and ecosystem functioning, including algal accrual, leaf decomposition and microbial respiration, with many of these impacts persisting even after water levels had been restored for 3.5 weeks. Enhanced connectivity with the regional species pool and increased aggregation of habitat patches also affected multiple response variables, especially those associated with microbes, and in some cases reduced the effects of drought to a small extent. This indicates that spatial processes might play a role in the resilience of communities and ecosystem functioning, given enough time. These effects were however insufficient to facilitate significant recovery in algal growth before seasonal dieback began in autumn. The limited resilience of ecosystem functioning in our experiment suggests that even short‐term droughts can have extended consequences for stream ecosystems in the world's vast boreal region, and especially on the ecosystem processes and services mediated by algal biofilms.  相似文献   

1. Nitrogen retention in wetlands provides an example of an ecosystem function that is desired by human society, and is a rationale for the creation of wetlands to decrease nitrogen fluxes from nitrate‐loaded river catchments to coastal waters. 2. Here, we tested the impact of different vegetation states on species diversity and nitrogen retention during 4 years in surface‐flow wetlands receiving nitrate‐rich water. Tall emergent vegetation or submerged vegetation was introduced to six experimental wetlands each and six wetlands were left as unplanted controls for free development of vegetation. This resulted in three vegetation states dominated by emergent vegetation, by a mixture of submerged vegetation and filamentous green algae or by filamentous green algae. 3. Species diversity (species richness and Shannon diversity) of plants was initially lowest in free development wetlands, but during the study became lower in the emergent vegetation wetlands than in the other wetlands. Diversity of macroinvertebrates was initially lower in the submerged vegetation wetlands than in the other wetlands, but this difference disappeared during the study. Nitrogen retention was consistently higher in emergent vegetation wetlands than in the other wetlands throughout the study. 4. We conclude that plant diversity in wetlands dominated by tall emergent vegetation gradually became lower than in other wetlands, due to dominant species competitively excluding other plants. However, these wetlands were more efficient at removing nitrogen than those dominated by filamentous algae or submerged macrophytes. 5. Management of wetlands often aims to decrease the dominance of tall emergent vegetation for the benefit of plant species diversity and habitat heterogeneity. Our results demonstrate a biodiversity benefit, but also show that this strategy may decrease the ability of wetlands to remove nitrogen. In this case, there is no support for the hypothesis that biodiversity enhances ecosystem function.  相似文献   

1. Unpredictable, extreme climatic events (e.g. droughts) can potentially destabilize aquatic communities. From 1998 to 2002, southwestern Georgia, U.S.A., experienced the third worst drought of the last 100 years, leading to loss of surface flow in many small streams. We sampled macroinvertebrates, flow and water chemistry in small headwater streams from 2001 to 2007 in two adjacent coastal plain streams of contrasting headwater type (wetland and groundwater‐fed seep) following resumption of flow. 2. Decreasing water temperature, conductivity and nutrient concentrations within the first 2 years of the study indicated flushing of the streambed associated with increased discharge. Invertebrate community composition became less variable over time and during wetter years, reflecting water chemistry, hydrological and climate conditions. 3. A core set of species appeared immediately following breaking of the drought in both streams, reflecting a shared species pool. These species exhibited resilience traits, including short life cycles and resistance to desiccation, which allowed for rapid recovery from disturbance. Such species, which were small‐bodied, sclerotized and abundant in the drift, were then replaced as flows increased by those that were larger, soft‐bodied and rare in drift, suggesting a more stable and less ephemeral habitat. 4. Hydrologic regime and long‐term precipitation indices were strongly correlated with invertebrate community and trait structure. Long‐term data allowed for better interpretation of the effects of infrequent disturbances on aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, long‐term precipitation indices (i.e. 48‐month standardized precipitation index) can indicate the likelihood of a return to drought, allowing for the collection of pre‐disturbance data.  相似文献   

1. We measured responses in macroinvertebrate secondary production after large wood additions to three forested headwater streams in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. These streams had fine‐grained sediments and low retention capacity due to low amounts of in‐channel wood from a legacy of past logging. We predicted that wood addition would increase macroinvertebrate secondary production by increasing exposed coarse substrate and retention of organic matter. 2. Large wood (25 logs) was added haphazardly to a 100‐m reach in each stream, and a 100‐m upstream reach served as control; each reach was sampled monthly, 1 year before and 2 years after wood addition (i.e. BACI design). Macroinvertebrate secondary production was measured 1 year after wood addition in two habitat types: inorganic sediments of the main channel and debris accumulations of leaf litter and small wood. 3. Overall macroinvertebrate production did not change significantly because each stream responded differently to wood addition. Production increased by 22% in the main‐channel of one stream, and showed insignificant changes in the other two streams compared to values before wood addition. Changes in main‐channel macroinvertebrate production were related to small changes in substrate composition, which probably affected habitat and periphyton abundance. Macroinvertebrate production was much greater in debris accumulations than in the main‐channel, indicating the potential for increased retention of leaf litter to increase overall macroinvertebrate production, especially in autumn. 4. Surrounding land use, substrate composition, temperature and method of log placement are variables that interact to influence the response of stream biota to wood additions. In most studies, wood additions occur in altered catchments, are rarely monitored, and secondary production is not a common metric. Our results suggest that the time required for measurable changes in geomorphology, organic matter retention, or invertebrate production is likely to take years to achieve, so monitoring should span more than 5 years, and ecosystem metrics, such as macroinvertebrate secondary production, should be incorporated into restoration monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate communities of five headwater streams in catchments disturbed by wildfire were compared with five similar streams with no catchment disturbance. Over the five years of observation, communities in disturbed streams were more similar to one another than they were to reference streams. Communities in disturbed streams exhibited more year-to-year variation than reference streams, although some indication of decreasing variation was evident through time, and species richness was greater in reference streams than disturbed streams. No increasing trend in richness over time was observed in disturbed streams. Stability of the relative abundance structure and persistence of dominant taxa through time may be characteristic of temperate streams over moderate time intervals. Local effects of catchment-wide disturbance have persistent effects that alter these trends.  相似文献   

溪流生态系统潜流带生态学研究概述   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
袁兴中  罗固源 《生态学报》2003,23(5):956-964
最近一、二十年,对潜流带研究的逐渐开展已使人们充分认识到潜流带在溪流生态系统结构、功能和生态过程中的重要意义。潜流带是溪流地表水和地下水相互作用的界面,占据着在地表水、河道之下的可渗透的沉积缓冲带、侧向的河岸带和地下水之间的中心位置。有关潜流带重要性的近期研究进展增进了我们对溪流生态学的理解,大大扩展了水生生物生境的物理空间以及生物相互作用和生产力存在的区域。潜流带生境包含多样化的、丰度很高的动物区系,其常常控制着溪流生物生产力和生态过程。潜流带对溪流生态系统的潜在重要性来自于生物学和生物地化活动。潜流带在溪流有机物的分解和水质净化等生态过程中发挥着重要的作用。潜流带是溪流集水区内各种环境特征的综合表征体,它能够反映周围景观的环境条件及其变化,集水区内的自然或人为干扰,都会影响到潜流带的水文循环、理化特征、生境分布、营养结构和基本生态过程。因此,对溪流生态系统的综合管理必须包括潜流带。最后对潜流带生态学研究现存的主要问题及未来研究展望提出了几点看法。  相似文献   

1. This study quantified patterns of macroinvertebrate secondary production and stored benthic organic matter along a gradient of pollution and habitat channelisation over a 3‐km reach of Goosefare Brook, a first‐order stream in southern Maine (U.S.A.). 2. Whole‐community invertebrate production decreased from 26.4 g ash‐free dry mass (AFDM) m−2 year−1 at the reference station to 1.1 g AFDM m−2 year−1 at stations with the greatest levels of pollution. Production decreased along the pollution gradient for most taxa, although decreases were partly offset by production increases in tolerant taxa. Biomass turnover rates (P/B) were less affected by the stresses than was production. 3. Differences in functional characteristics of the community were evident at stations with channelised habitat, but overall production declined in a linear pattern that mirrored the pollution gradient. Stored organic matter showed a decline along the gradient, but was also lower at channelised stations. Populations of taxa with documented pollution tolerance were more likely to maintain or increase production and P/B. 4. Decreasing biomass because of decreasing stored organic matter and lethal effects of pollutants resulted in shifts in the pathways of energy flow observed at stations exposed to moderate physical or chemical stress, to the loss of most taxa and an extreme (96%) decrease in production at the stations receiving the highest levels of metal pollution. 5. The shifting prominence of different taxa along a continuum of stress in Goosefare Brook shows that describing the nature of an impairment in a functional context requires consideration of chemical stressors, habitat alterations and food resources.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed in an upland stream to determine the effects of the frequency of physical disturbance on the relationship between an abundant glossosomatid trichopteran (Agapetus monticolus; Banks) and the epilithon upon which it feeds. Artificial cobbles with an established epilithic community were tumbled either every 1, 2 or 4 weeks. The first experiment failed to detect any significant effects of rock tumbling on the abundance of A. monticolus or the epilithon: a result due to several spates. The first experiment did reveal that disturbances may disrupt the ability of A. monticolus to locate patches of abundant food. The second experiment found that although the abundance of A. monticolus was not affected by the disturbances, periphyton abundance was significantly reduced. Increasing the frequency of disturbance did not magnify this effect. Comparisons of these results with other studies of disturbance in streams indicate that the effects of disturbance on herbivory may be highly variable. A variety of factors, such as the relative resistances of the herbivores and the epilithon, need to be examined before the effects of disturbances on lotic herbivorous interactions can be completely understood.  相似文献   

Grazer diversity effects on ecosystem functioning in seagrass beds   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
High plant species richness can enhance primary production, animal diversity, and invasion resistance. Yet theory predicts that plant and herbivore diversity, which often covary in nature, should have countervailing effects on ecosystem properties. Supporting this, we show in a seagrass system that increasing grazer diversity reduced both algal biomass and total community diversity, and facilitated dominance of a grazer‐resistant invertebrate. In parallel with previous plant results, however, grazer diversity enhanced secondary production, a critical determinant of fish yield. Although sampling explained some diversity effects, only the most diverse grazer assemblage maximized multiple ecosystem properties simultaneously, producing a distinct ecosystem state. Importantly, ecosystem responses at high grazer diversity often differed in magnitude and sign from those predicted from summed impacts of individual species. Thus, complex interactions, often opposing plant diversity effects, arose as emergent consequences of changing consumer diversity, advising caution in extrapolating conclusions from plant diversity experiments to food webs.  相似文献   

Diagnostic carbon cycle models produce estimates of net ecosystem production (NEP, the balance of net primary production and heterotrophic respiration) by integrating information from (i) satellite‐based observations of land surface vegetation characteristics; (ii) distributed meteorological data; and (iii) eddy covariance flux tower observations of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) (used in model parameterization). However, a full bottom‐up accounting of NEE (the vertical carbon flux) that is suitable for integration with atmosphere‐based inversion modeling also includes emissions from decomposition/respiration of harvested forest and agricultural products, CO2 evasion from streams and rivers, and biomass burning. Here, we produce a daily time step NEE for North America for the year 2004 that includes NEP as well as the additional emissions. This NEE product was run in the forward mode through the CarbonTracker inversion setup to evaluate its consistency with CO2 concentration observations. The year 2004 was climatologically favorable for NEP over North America and the continental total was estimated at 1730 ± 370 TgC yr?1 (a carbon sink). Harvested product emissions (316 ± 80 TgC yr?1), river/stream evasion (158 ± 50 TgC yr?1), and fire emissions (142 ± 45 TgC yr?1) counteracted a large proportion (35%) of the NEP sink. Geographic areas with strong carbon sinks included Midwest US croplands, and forested regions of the Northeast, Southeast, and Pacific Northwest. The forward mode run with CarbonTracker produced good agreement between observed and simulated wintertime CO2 concentrations aggregated over eight measurement sites around North America, but overestimates of summertime concentrations that suggested an underestimation of summertime carbon uptake. As terrestrial NEP is the dominant offset to fossil fuel emission over North America, a good understanding of its spatial and temporal variation – as well as the fate of the carbon it sequesters ─ is needed for a comprehensive view of the carbon cycle.  相似文献   

The role of Chironomidae in energy flow of a lotic ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chironomid secondary production was estimated on a species-specific basis for 14 dominant taxa in a third-order woodland stream. Results from this study were used to provide an expalanation for the common observation that benthos secondary production in streams is insufficient to account for levels of fish production,i.e., the ALLEN paradox. Annual chironomid secondary production was 29.7 g dry mass m–2 and accounted for 80% of the total aquatic insect secondary production. A contribution by chironomids this high has not been reported previously from similar streams and indicates that chironomids are an energetically important group available for fish consumption. Most studies examining chironomid secondary production group all taxa at the family level and calculate secondary production for the entire family using the size-frequency method. This approach violates assumptions of the size-frequency method and will result in inaccurate and unpredictable estimates of chironomid secondary production. The species-specific approach to estimate chironomid production used in this study, combined with non-chironomid production, yielded a benthos annual production rate that exceeded consumption necessary to support fish production.  相似文献   

Resource dynamics and detritivore production in an acid stream   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Life history patterns and production of eight shredder‐detritivore species were studied in relation to the detritus dynamics of a small acidic stream in England. Mean annual detritus inputs (direct and lateral sources combined) were approximately 400 g m?2 year?1 and showed significant seasonal and annual variation. 2. Detritus standing stock did not increase significantly during times of high input, reflecting low retention efficiency. However, the mean detritus standing stock was relatively large (108 g m?2) reflecting a slow decomposition rate typical of acid streams. 3. Four species were univoltine with highly synchronous patterns of emergence and recruitment (Leuctra inermis, Leuctra hippopus, Capnia vidua and Amphinemura sulcicollis). Two species were univoltine with extended patterns of emergence and recruitment (Nemoura cinerea, Potamophylax cingulatus). Leuctra nigra was apparently semivoltine, while Protonemura meyeri showed two successive cohorts in the second year of the study, suggesting either bivoltinism or cohort splitting. 3. Secondary production of the dominant shredders was 1.67 g m?2 year?1 in 1997 and 1.99 g m?2 year?1 in 1998, which is low compared with other small European streams. This was probably because of an impoverished invertebrate community and poor food quality associated with acid conditions. Food availability probably did not account for the low production as the detritus standing stock far exceeded the estimated shredder ingestion of 42–50 g m?2 year?1. 4. Despite low overall shredder production, species‐specific production was high, possibly because of competitive release in this species‐poor acid stream. Periods of high production and growth showed no relationship with detritus availability but were closely related to life history.  相似文献   

1. Temperature and oxygen are recognised as the main drivers of altitudinal limits of species distributions. However, the two factors are linked, and both decrease with altitude, why their effects are difficult to disentangle. 2. This was experimentally addressed using aquatic macroinvertebrates; larvae of Andesiops (Ephemeroptera), Claudioperla, (Plecoptera), Scirtes (Coleoptera) and Anomalocosmoecus (Trichoptera), and the amphipod Hyalella in an Ecuadorian glacier‐fed stream (4100–4500 m a.s.l.). The following were performed: (i) quantitative benthic sampling at three sites to determine altitudinal patterns in population densities, (ii) transplants of the five taxa upstream of their natural altitudinal limit to test the short‐term (14 days) effect on survival, and (iii) in situ experiments of locomotory activity as a proxy for animal response to relatively small differences in temperature (5 °C vs. 10 °C) and oxygen saturation (55% vs. 62%). 3. The transplant experiment reduced survival to a varying degree among taxa, but Claudioperla survived well at a site where it did not naturally occur. In the in situ experiment, Scirtes and Hyalella decreased their activity at lower oxygen saturation, whereas Andesiops and Anomalocosmoecus did so at a low temperature. The decrease in activity from a high to a low temperature and oxygen for the five taxa was significantly correlated with their mortality in the transplant experiment. 4. Together the present experiments indicate that even relatively small differences in temperature and oxygen may produce effects explaining ecological patterns, and depending on the taxon, either water temperature or oxygen saturation, without clear interacting effects, are important drivers of altitudinal limits.  相似文献   

Large terrestrial consumers have direct and indirect effects on forest ecosystem function, but few studies have investigated the impacts of terrestrial consumers on freshwater ecosystems. In the Cape Breton Highlands of Nova Scotia, browsing by hyper‐abundant moose following a spruce budworm outbreak has transformed boreal forest into grasslands. We conducted a field study to investigate the potential for cross‐ecosystem effects of hyper‐abundant moose following budworm outbreak on small boreal stream ecosystem structure and function. With our field study, we tested the prediction that watersheds with higher levels of moose‐mediated grasslands in their sub‐basin would have higher stream temperatures, total nitrogen, electrical conductivity, periphyton biomass and macroinvertebrate abundances. While our data supported several of our predictions pertaining to moose impacts on the abiotic variables (i.e. temperature range, total nitrogen, electrical conductivity) we found evidence of variable moose impacts on the benthic community. Specifically, we observed lower relative abundance of predatory invertebrates in streams with high moose impacts compared to streams with low moose impacts in their watersheds but no evidence of moose impacts on the relative abundance of shredders, filterers, gatherers, and grazers. This empirical study fills a key gap in our understanding of spatial ecosystem ecology by providing insight into the effects of large terrestrial consumers across ecosystem boundaries with potential implications for landscape‐scale management of hyper‐abundant ungulates. Given the broad availability and improvement in remote sensing technology, the novel integration of remote sensing and field studies employed here may provide a roadmap for future studies of meta‐ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   

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