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The Transverse Ranges in southern California have been identified as having a prominent phylogeographic role. Numerous studies have identified distinct north-south and/or east-west lineage breaks involving the Transverse Ranges. However, in evaluating their findings, most authors have regarded this complex system somewhat simplistically. In this study we more deeply investigate these breaks using two approaches: first we examine the phylogeographic history of Sepedophilus castaneus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) and then implement a comparative phylogeography approach applying Brooks parsimony analysis to the topologies of nine additional taxa. Phylogenetic analysis, nested clade analysis, and AMOVAs for S. castaneus agree that there is a major lineage break between the eastern and western Transverse Ranges, localized between the Sierra Pelona and the San Gabriel Mountains. The comparative phylogeographic analysis supports a generally strong concordance of area relationships with geographic proximity. It is notable, however, that the Transverse Ranges as a group do not show phylogenetic cohesion, but rather they are split into three main regions: an eastern region (San Gabriel, San Bernardino, and San Jacinto Mountains), a central region (central Transverse Ranges and Sierra Pelona) that is often grouped with the Tehachapi and Sierra Nevada populations, and a western region (northwestern Transverse Ranges and Santa Ynez Mountains) that is consistently grouped with coast range areas to the north. The lineage break between east and west Transverse Ranges is attributable to the presence of a marine embayment in what is now the Santa Clara River valley 5-2.5 million years ago.  相似文献   

Leptodactylus fuscus is a neotropical frog ranging from Panamá to Argentina, to the east of the Andes mountains, and also inhabiting Margarita, Trinidad, and the Tobago islands. We performed phylogenetic analyses of 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, tRNA-Leu, and ND1 mitochondrial (mt) DNA sequences from specimens collected across the geographic distribution of L. fuscus to examine two alternative hypotheses: (i) L. fuscus is a single, widely distributed species, or (ii) L. fuscus is a species complex. We tested statistically for geographic association and partitioning of genetic variation among mtDNA clades. The mtDNA data supported the hypothesis of several cryptic species within L. fuscus. Unlinked mtDNA and nuclear markers supported independently the distinctness of a 'northern' phylogenetic unit. In addition, the mtDNA data divided the southern populations into two clades that showed no sister relationship to each other, consistent with high differentiation and lack of gene flow among southern populations as suggested by allozyme data. Concordance between mtDNA and allozyme patterns suggests that cryptic speciation has occurred in L. fuscus without morphological or call differentiation. This study illustrates a case in which lineage splitting during the speciation process took place without divergence in reproductive isolation mechanisms (e.g. advertisement call in frogs), contrary to expectations predicted using a biological species framework.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 87 , 325–341. No claim to original US government works.  相似文献   

An important dimension of adaptive radiation is the degree to which diversification rates fluctuate or remain constant through time. Focusing on plethodontid salamanders of the genus Desmognathus, we present a novel synthetic analysis of phylogeographic history, rates of ecomorphological evolution and species accumulation, and community assembly in an adaptive radiation. Dusky salamanders are highly variable in life history, body size, and ecology, with many endemic lineages in the southern Appalachian Highlands of eastern North America. Our results show that life-history evolution had important consequences for the buildup of plethodontid-salamander species richness and phenotypic disparity in eastern North America, a global hot spot of salamander biodiversity. The origin of Desmognathus species with aquatic larvae was followed by a high rate of lineage accumulation, which then gradually decreased toward the present time. The peak period of lineage accumulation in the group coincides with evolutionary partitioning of lineages with aquatic larvae into seepage, stream-edge, and stream microhabitats. Phylogenetic simulations demonstrate a strong correlation between morphology and microhabitat ecology independent of phylogenetic effects and suggest that ecomorphological changes are concentrated early in the radiation of Desmognathus. Deep phylogeographic fragmentation within many codistributed ecomorph clades suggests long-term persistence of ecomorphological features and stability of endemic lineages and communities through multiple climatic cycles. Phylogenetic analyses of community structure show that ecomorphological divergence promotes the coexistence of lineages and that repeated, independent evolution of microhabitat-associated ecomorphs has a limited role in the evolutionary assembly of Desmognathus communities. Comparing and contrasting our results to other adaptive radiations having different biogeographic histories, our results suggest that rates of diversification during adaptive radiation are intimately linked to the degree to which community structure persists over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity provides the basic substrate for evolution, yet few studies assess the impacts of global climate change (GCC) on intraspecific genetic variation. In this review, we highlight the importance of incorporating neutral and non‐neutral genetic diversity when assessing the impacts of GCC, for example, in studies that aim to predict the future distribution and fate of a species or ecological community. Specifically, we address the following questions: Why study the effects of GCC on intraspecific genetic diversity? How does GCC affect genetic diversity? How is the effect of GCC on genetic diversity currently studied? Where is potential for future research? For each of these questions, we provide a general background and highlight case studies across the animal, plant and microbial kingdoms. We further discuss how cryptic diversity can affect GCC assessments, how genetic diversity can be integrated into studies that aim to predict species' responses on GCC and how conservation efforts related to GCC can incorporate and profit from inclusion of genetic diversity assessments. We argue that studying the fate of intraspecifc genetic diversity is an indispensable and logical venture if we are to fully understand the consequences of GCC on biodiversity on all levels.  相似文献   

Abstract The ecology and evolutionary biology of insect–plant associations has realized extensive attention, especially during the past 60 years. The classifications (categorical designations) of continuous variation in biodiversity, ranging from global patterns (e.g., latitudinal gradients in species richness/diversity and degree of herbivore feeding specialization) to localized insect–plant associations that span the biospectrum from polyphenisms, polymorphisms, biotypes, demes, host races, to cryptic species, remain academically contentious. Semantic and biosystematic (taxonomical) disagreements sometimes detract from more important ecological and evolutionary processes that drive diversification, the dynamics of gene flow and local extinctions. This review addresses several aspects of insect specialization, host‐associated divergence and ecological (including “hybrid”) speciation, with special reference to the climate warming impacts on species borders of hybridizing swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae). Interspecific hybrid introgression may result in collapse of multi‐species communities or increase species numbers via homoploid hybrid speciation. We may see diverging, merging, or emerging genotypes across hybrid zones, all part of the ongoing processes of evolution. Molecular analyses of genetic mosaics and genomic dynamics with “divergence hitchhiking”, combined with ecological, ethological and physiological studies of “species porosity”, have already begun to unveil some answers for some important ecological/evolutionary questions. (i) How rapidly can host‐associated divergence lead to new species (and why doesn't it always do so, e.g., resulting in “incomplete” speciation)? (ii) How might “speciation genes” function, and how/where would we find them? (iii) Can oscillations from specialists to generalists and back to specialists help explain global diversity in herbivorous insects? (iv) How could recombinant interspecific hybridization lead to divergence and speciation? From ancient phytochemically defined angiosperm affiliations to recent and very local geographical mosaics, the Papilionidae (swallowtail butterflies) have provided a model for enhanced understanding of ecological patterns and evolutionary processes, including host‐associated genetic divergence, genomic mosaics, genetic hitchhiking and sex‐linked speciation genes. Apparent homoploid hybrid speciation in Papilio appears to have been catalyzed by climate warming‐induced interspecific introgression of some, but not all, species diagnostic traits, reflecting strong divergent selection (discordant), especially on the Z (= X) chromosome. Reproductive isolation of these novel recombinant hybrid genotypes appears to be accomplished via a delayed post‐diapause emergence or temporal isolation, and is perhaps aided by the thermal landscape. Changing thermal landscapes appear to have created (and may destroy) novel recombinant hybrid genotypes and hybrid species.  相似文献   

Cave animals have historically attracted the attention of evolutionary biologists because of their bizarre ‘regressive’ characters and convergent evolution. However, understanding of their biogeographic and evolutionary history, including mechanisms of speciation, has remained elusive. In the last decade, molecular data have been obtained for subterranean taxa and their surface relatives, which have allowed some of the classical debates on the evolution of cave fauna to be revisited. Here, we review some of the major studies, focusing on the contribution of phylogeography in the following areas: biogeographic history and the relative roles of dispersal and vicariance, colonization history, cryptic species diversity and modes of speciation of cave animals. We further consider the limitations of current research and prospects for the future. Phylogeographic studies have confirmed that cave species are often cryptic, with highly restricted distributions, but have also shown that their divergence and potential speciation may occur despite the presence of gene flow from surface populations. Significantly, phylogeographic studies have provided evidence for speciation and adaptive evolution within the confines of cave environments, questioning the assumption that cave species evolved directly from surface ancestors. Recent technical developments involving ‘next generation’ DNA sequencing and theoretical developments in coalescent and population modelling are likely to revolutionize the field further, particularly in the study of speciation and the genetic basis of adaptation and convergent evolution within subterranean habitats. In summary, phylogeographic studies have provided an unprecedented insight into the evolution of these unique fauna, and the future of the field should be inspiring and data rich.  相似文献   

Alpine species often have similar demographic responses to Pleistocene climate changes, but exhibit different spatial patterns of genetic diversity. Using a comparative phylogeographical approach, we examined the factors influencing lineage formation in three alpine carabid beetles of the genus Nebria Latreille inhabiting the California Sierra Nevada. These flightless beetles differ in altitudinal zonation and habitat preferences, but overlap spatially, have limited dispersal capacities and share life history characteristics. Species distribution modelling predicted decreasing population connectivity in relation to increasing altitudinal preferences. Diversity patterns at the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene revealed north–south genetic structure and recent population growth in all three species. The high‐elevation‐restricted species, Nebria ingens Horn, exhibited a deep phylogeographical split, morphological divergence and evidence of limited, unidirectional gene flow towards the south. This was supported by additional data from three nuclear genes and isolation with migration analysis. Nebria spatulata Van Dyke, inhabiting an intermediate altitudinal range, exhibited fixed morphological differences between northern and southern populations, but showed limited structure. The broadly distributed Nebria ovipennis LeConte showed less structure and lacked morphological variation. Diversification of these Nebria species supports the role of altitudinal zonation in lineage formation and is consistent with the Pleistocene species pump model. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Glacial cycles have played a dominant role in shaping the genetic structure and distribution of biota in northwestern North America. The two major ice age refugia of Beringia and the Pacific Northwest were connected by major mountain chains and bordered by the Pacific Ocean. As a result, numerous refugial options were available for the regions taxa during glacial advances. We reviewed the importance of glaciations and refugia in shaping northwestern North America’s phylogeographic history. We also tested whether ecological variables were associated with refugial history. The recurrent phylogeographic patterns that emerged were the following: (i) additional complexity, i.e. refugia within refugia, in both Beringia and the Pacific Northwest; and (ii) strong evidence for cryptic refugia in the Alexander Archipelago and Haida Gwaii, the Canadian Arctic and within the ice‐sheets. Species with contemporary ranges that covered multiple refugia, or those with high dispersal ability, were significantly more likely to have resided in multiple refugia. Most of the shared phylogeographic patterns can be attributed to multiple refugial locales during the last glacial maximum or major physiographic barriers like rivers and glaciers. However, some of the observed patterns are much older and appear connected to the orogeny of the Cascade‐Sierra chain or allopatric differentiation during historic glacial advances. The emergent patterns from this review suggest we should refine the classic Beringian‐southern refugial paradigm for northwestern North American biota and highlight the ecological and evolutionary consequences of colonization from multiple refugia.  相似文献   

Historical isolation during Pleistocene low sea level periods is thought to have contributed to divergence among marine basin populations across the Coral Triangle. In the Philippine archipelago, populations in the South China Sea, Sulu Sea–inland seas, and Philippine Sea‐Celebes Sea basins might have been partially isolated. Meanwhile, present‐day broadscale oceanographic circulation patterns suggest connectivity between these basins. To evaluate hypotheses regarding the influence of historical and contemporary factors on genetic structure, phylogeographic patterns based on mitochondrial control region sequences for a reef‐associated fish, Siganus fuscescens, were analysed. Three distinct lineages were recovered. One lineage was identified as the morphologically similar species Siganus canaliculatus, while two lineages are monophyletic with S. fuscescens. Clade divergence and demographic expansion in S. fuscescens occurred during the Pleistocene. A strong signal of latitudinal structure was detected (ΦCT = 0.188), driven by marked differences in clade distribution: one clade is widely distributed (clade A), while a second clade (clade B) has a restricted northern distribution. Regional structure of clade A is consistent with the basin isolation hypothesis (ΦCT = 0.040) and suggests isolation of the South China Sea (ΦCT = 0.091). Fine‐scale structure was observed in the South China Sea and south Philippine Sea, while Sulu Sea and inland seas were unstructured. Genetic structure across multiple spatial scales (archipelagic, regional, and fine‐scale within basins) suggests the influence of vicariant barriers and contemporary limits to gene flow in S. fuscescens that may be influenced by oceanographic circulation, geographical distance between available habitats, and latitudinal temperature differences.  相似文献   

Stockman AK  Bond JE 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(16):3374-3392
Species exhibiting morphological homogeneity and strong population structuring present challenging taxonomic problems: morphology-based approaches infer few species, whereas genetic approaches often indicate more. Morphologically cryptic, yet genetically divergent species groups require alternative approaches to delimiting species that assess adaptive divergence and ecological interchangeability of lineages. We apply such an approach to Promyrmekiaphila, a small genus (three nominal taxa) of trapdoor spiders endemic to northern California to define cohesion species (lineages that are genetically exchangeable and ecologically interchangeable). Genetic exchangeability is evaluated using standard phylogeographical techniques (e.g. nested clade analysis); ecological interchangeability is assessed using two GIS-based approaches. First, climatic values are extracted from layer data for each locality point and utilized in a principal components analysis followed by MANOVA. Second, niche-based distribution models of genetically divergent lineages are created using a maximum-entropy modelling approach; the amount of overlap among lineages is calculated and evaluated against a probability distribution of null overlap. Lineages that have significant amounts of predicted overlap are considered ecologically interchangeable. Based on a synthetic evaluation of ecological interchangeability, geographical concordance, and morphological differentiation, we conclude that Promyrmekiaphila comprises six cohesion species, five of which are cryptic (i.e. undetectable by conventional means).  相似文献   

The increase in biological diversity with decreasing latitude is widely appreciated but the cause of the pattern is unknown. This pattern reflects latitudinal variation in both the origin of new species (cladogenesis) and the number of species that coexist. Here we address latitudinal variation in species origination, by examining population genetic processes that influence speciation. Previous data suggest a greater number of speciation events at lower latitudes. If speciation events occur more frequently at lower latitudes, we predicted that genetic divergence among populations within species, an important component of cladogenesis, should be greater among lower latitude populations. We tested this prediction using within-species patterns of mtDNA variation across 60 vertebrate species that collectively spanned six continents, two oceans, and 119 degrees latitude. We found greater genetic divergence of populations, controlling for geographic distance, at lower latitudes within species. This pattern remained statistically significant after removing populations that occur in localities previously covered by continental glaciers during the last glaciation. Results suggest that lower latitude populations within species exhibit greater evolutionary independence, increasing the likelihood that mutation, recombination, selection, and/or drift will lead to divergence of traits important for reproductive isolation and speciation. Results are consistent with a greater influence of seasonality, reduced energy, and/or glacial (Milankovitch) cycles acting on higher latitude populations, and represent one of the few tests of predictions of latitudinal variation in speciation rates using population genetic data.  相似文献   

The phylogeographical patterns and demographic history of mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b, N = 327; D‐loop, N = 252) and nuclear DNA (IRBP gene, N = 235) haplotypes were studied for the Meriones meridianus complex in northern China, a desert‐dwelling gerbil species complex. The phylogenetic analyses, which were performed on the separate and combined (mitochondrial + nuclear) datasets, revealed two divergent clades (Clade A and Clade B) corresponding to distinct geographical regions. Clade A contained the haplotypes found mostly in individuals from the Tianshan Mountains area. Clade B contained haplotypes from populations located in other deserts in northern China. The divergence times indicated that the history of the M. meridianus complex was influenced by the uplift of the Tianshan Mountains and climate‐induced habitat fluctuations. In the Pleistocene, the expansion of forests and grasslands during interglacial period led to the isolation of the M. meridianus complex, which preferred to inhabit deserts. Hence, long geological isolation and the M. meridianus complex adaptation to local ecological conditions led to its genetic divergence. Clade A had long‐lasting demographic stability, most likely because the populations of this clade remained in a stable desert environment for a long time. However, the extension of other deserts and disappearance of palaeolakes during the last glacial period resulted in demographic expansion of Clade B. Furthermore, our genetic data indicated that two subspecies may exist within the M. meridianus complex. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 362–383.  相似文献   

Identifying explicit hypotheses regarding the factors determining genetic structuring within species can be difficult, especially in species distributed in historically dynamic regions. To contend with these challenges, we use a framework that combines species distribution models, environmental data and multi-locus genetic data to generate and explore phylogeographic hypotheses for reptile species occupying the coastal sand-dune and sand-plain habitats of the south-western Australian biodiversity hotspot, a community which has both a high diversity of endemics and has varied dramatically in spatial extent over time. We use hierarchical amova, summary statistic and distance-based analyses to explicitly test specific phylogeographic hypotheses. Namely, we test if biogeographic vicariance across barriers, habitat stability, population isolation along a linear habitat or fragmentation across different environments can explain genetic divergence within five co-distributed squamate reptile species. Our results show that patterns of genetic variation reflect complex and species-specific interactions related to the spatial distribution of habitats present currently and during repeated glacial minima, as opposed to being associated with historical factors such as habitat stability between glacial and inter-glacial periods or vicariant barriers. We suggest that the large impact of habitat characteristics over time (i.e. relative levels of habitat connectivity, climatic gradients and spatial heterogeneity of soil types) reflects the ecological restrictions of the sand-dune and sand-plain reptile communities and may explain the lack of concordance across taxa. The study demonstrates the general utility of the approach for assemblage-level, as well as single species, phylogeographic study, including its usefulness for exploring biologically informed hypotheses about what factors have influenced patterns of genetic variation.  相似文献   

Chromosome inversions may be involved in adaptation and speciation. We investigate ecological diversification among members of the Simulium arcticum species complex at different stages of chromosome divergence. Our analyses focus on two geographical scales. First, we assess ecological divergence of sibling species throughout North America using niche modelling methods. Then, using canonical correspondence analysis, we investigate habitat associations of sibling species and cytotypes in the northern Rocky Mountains ecoregion, where cytotypes tend to occur. Despite significant overlap in predicted distributions, all sibling species are ecologically unique. On the other hand, we discover various degrees of ecological divergence for cytotypes. Some cytotypes are ecologically distinct and perhaps are in their initial stages of incipient speciation. Other cytotypes are ecologically associated with one another or with particular sibling species. Thus, for members of the S. arcticum complex, ecological and chromosomal differences tend to develop early in lineage formation. Ecological distinctiveness of sibling species and cytotypes suggests that local adaptation may be involved in diversification of these chromosomal forms. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 13–27.  相似文献   

We used mitochondrial cyt b sequences to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of Crocidura russula (sensu lato) populations across the Strait of Gibraltar, western Europe, Maghreb, and the Mediterranean and Atlantic islands. This revealed very low genetic divergence between European and Moroccan populations. The application of a molecular clock previously calibrated for shrews suggested that the separation of European from Moroccan lineages occurred less than 60 000 bp, which is at least 5 million years (Myr) after the reopening of the Strait of Gibraltar. This means that an overwater dispersal event was responsible for the observed phylogeographical structure. In contrast, genetic analyses revealed that Moroccan populations were highly distinct from Tunisian ones. According to the molecular clock, these populations separated about 2.2 million years ago (Ma), a time marked by sharp alternations of dry and humid climates in the Maghreb. The populations of the Mediterranean islands Ibiza, Pantelleria, and Sardinia were founded from Tunisian populations by overwater dispersal. In conclusion, overwater dispersal across the Strait of Gibraltar, probably assisted by humans, is possible for small terrestrial vertebrates. Moreover, as in Europe, Quaternary climatic fluctuations had a major effect on the phylogeographical structure of the Maghreb biota.  相似文献   

Pattern and process in the geographical ranges of freshwater fishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
North American freshwater fishes were studied to determine whether they displayed the same relationships between log (geographical range size) and log (body size) and the same pattern of range shape as found among North American birds and mammals. The forces that produce these patterns were also investigated. The log (geographical range size) : log (body size) relationship was analysed for 121 North American freshwater fish species. Thirty‐two imperilled species were compared with 89 non‐imperilled species to determine if the overall relationship could result from differential extinction. Range geometries were analysed, within and among habitat guilds, to determine if general patterns could be detected. The log (geographical range size) : log (body size) pattern among freshwater fish species was triangular and qualitatively similar to that found for North American birds and mammals. The results suggest that below a minimum geographical range, the likelihood of extinction increases dramatically for freshwater fishes and that this minimum range size increases with body size. The pattern of fish species’ range shapes differs from that found for other North American vertebrate taxa because, on average, fish possess much smaller ranges than terrestrial species and most fish species’ geographical ranges extend further on a north–south axis than on an east–west axis. The log (geographical range size) : log (body size) pattern reveals that fish species’ geographical ranges are more constrained than those of terrestrial species. The triangular relationship may be caused by differential extinction of species with large bodies and small geographical ranges as well as higher speciation rates of small‐bodied fish. The restricted geographical ranges of freshwater fishes gives them much in common with terrestrial species on oceanic islands. Range shape patterns within habitat guilds reflect guild‐specific historical and current ecological forces. The overall pattern of range shapes emerges from the combination of ecologically different subunits.  相似文献   

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