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R. G. Blanks 《Cytopathology》2011,22(3):155-163
R. G. Blanks Estimation of disease severity in the NHS cervical screening programme. Part II: quantitative methods of estimating disease severity and progression potential Objective: This is the second of a two‐part paper exploring the use of a more quantitative approach to both cytology and histology disease severity measurements. In Part I the problem of artificial cut‐off points was discussed and a semi‐quantitative solution to the problem proposed. In Part II quantitative methods are proposed that are used to predict the estimated progression probability (EPP) to invasive cancer. Methods: Based on models derived from published data the grade number (GN) is related to the EPP to invasive cancer over the next 10 years for both cytology (CEPP) and histology (HEPP) using a look‐up table. CEPP and HEPP are then adjusted by other factors such as age, persistence, HPV result, number of cells and lesion size to obtain the adjusted CEPP and HEPP (ACEPP and (AHEPP). The two factors can be combined to produce an adjusted weighted estimated progression potential using the formula AWEPP ((ACEPP + AHEPP)/2) × AHEPP) using a two to one bias in favour of the histology. Results: As an example of the methodology consider a slide estimated as showing a 60% probability of moderate dyskaryosis (HSIL favouring CIN2) and 40% probability of mild dyskaryosis (LSIL favouring CIN1). The GN number would be 1.6 (as described in Part I) and the EPP over the next 10 years 0.78%. For a woman aged 52 years (correction factor ×2.0) with a second mildly dyskaryotic smear (correction factor ×1.25) and >50 dyskaryotic cells (correction factor 1.5) the ACEPP would be 0.78 × 2.00 × 1.25 × 1.5 = 2.9%. If the HEPP on histology was 50:50 between CIN1 and CIN2, the AHEPP can be calculated as 1.4%. The AWEPP would be ((2.9 + 1.4)/2 × 1.4) = 1.7%. The final estimate of disease progression potential based on both cytology and histology is 1.7% over 10 years. Conclusions: These quantitative approaches based on adjusted and weighted EPP provide a framework suitable for research, audit and comparison between screening centres, and for tailoring criteria for colposcopy referral and treatment. Further research is required to improve the estimates given in the paper.  相似文献   

S. A. Thiryayi, J. Marshall and D. N. Rana
An audit of liquid‐based cervical cytology screening samples (ThinPrep and SurePath) reported as glandular neoplasia Objectives: The aims of this study were to assess the number of cases diagnosed as glandular neoplasia (national report code 6) of cervical (6A) and non‐cervical (6B) types on ThinPrep (TP) and SurePath (SP) liquid‐based cytology (LBC) samples and to calculate the positive predictive value (PPV) of these diagnoses for significant glandular and/or squamous pathology for local audit and as a contribution to national data on glandular neoplasia. Methods: A computerized search identified all screening LBC samples reported as glandular neoplasia during the 24‐month period from January 2006 to December 2007. Corresponding histology samples were identified, with a minimum follow‐up period of 6 months for each case. Results: A total of 70 samples, representing 70 patients, were reported as glandular neoplasia, 39 TP (55.7%) and 31 SP (44.3%), with 46 samples (31 TP, 15 SP) reported as 6A and 24 samples (eight TP, 16 SP) as 6B. PPV of glandular neoplasia was calculated for a biopsy diagnosis of cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia/adenocarcinoma and/or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 2 or worse. The PPV of 6A was 100% for both TP and SP. The PPV of 6B for adenocarcinoma was 62.5% for TP and 66.7% for SP. The combined PPV for 6A + 6B was 92.3% for TP, 83.3% for SP and 88.4% combined. The overall pick‐up rates for the two methods were significantly different (TP 0.031%, SP 0.052%; P = 0.014). Histology showed only CIN3 with endocervical crypt involvement in nine TP cases and one SP case.  相似文献   

A. Repše‐Fokter, A. Pogačnik, V. Snoj, M. Primic‐Žakelj and M. S. Fležar
Review of negative and low‐grade cervical smears in women with invasive cervical cancer after the first 3 years of the national cervical screening programme in Slovenia Objective: The purpose of the study was to perform a national review of negative, low‐grade and inadequate smears reported during the latest screening period before cervical cancer diagnosis in 2006, after the first 3 years of the screening programme. Methods: Among 162 new cervical cancer cases there were 47 (29%) without previous cytology, 47 (29%) with one high‐grade smear prior to diagnosis and 68 (42.0%) with at least one previous negative, low‐grade, atypical or inadequate smear 1–40 months before diagnosis. Of the latter 68 cases, 37 patients with 59 smears (together with 118 control slides) were included in the review as 31 had smears reported at laboratories no longer operating. Findings were related to the last cytology report before diagnosis as well as to histological type and stage of the cancer. Results: In our study group, 19 (51%) of 37 patients had squamous cell carcinoma, 15 (41%) adenocarcinoma and 3 (8%) adenosquamous carcinoma, compared with 121 (75%), 26 (16%), 12 (7%), respectively, and 3 (2%) other types, for all carcinomas. Twenty‐one of 37 women also had high‐grade cytology prior to diagnosis of cancer. Women with previous cytology (with or without recent high‐grade smears) were more likely to have stage I cancers than those without cytology (P < 0.0001). The expert group upgraded 17/33 smears in the patients with squamous carcinomas, which was more than in those with adeno‐ and adenosquamous carcinomas (5/24, P < 0.05). Conclusion: As expected, a higher proportion of smears preceding adenocarcinomas were true negative. Under‐diagnosed smears were not related to cancer stage or last cytology report before diagnosis.  相似文献   

In a 3-year study of the population of Southampton and south-west Hampshire there were 10 times as many cases of CIN III compared with invasive squamous carcinoma (700 compared with 70). The peak incidence of CIN III per 1000 screened women years was in those aged 25-29 years, which was 20 years earlier than the peak incidence of invasive cervical cancer per 1000 women years at risk. Ninety percent of CIN III was diagnosed in women under 50 years. There were 14 cases of cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia grade III (CGIN III), three coexisting with CIN III, all in women aged under 50 years: the gap between intraepithelial and invasive lesions was not seen for glandular neoplasia. Although referral was for at least moderate dyskaryosis in 86.8% of women with CIN III or CGIN III, most had been screened previously, either having had mild abnormalities requiring repeat cytology (39.8%) or negative cytology (34.5%). Only 12 women aged > or = 50 years had previous negative cytology: 21.4% compared with 35.6% of women aged < 50 years (P = 0.034). The results of this study suggest that the best opportunity for preventing invasive squamous cell carcinoma lies in screening women aged 20-39 years when the incidence of CIN III in the screened population is highest and before the peak incidence of invasive disease. The results also indicate the importance of repeated screening and follow up of minor cytological abnormalities in the detection of CIN III. The benefit of screening must be regarded as a treatment of risk, since it is almost certain that a high proportion of CIN III regresses or persists unchanged.  相似文献   

Objective:  To identify the target age group where screening efforts may be concentrated in order to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer in resource-limited countries.
Study design:  The results of cyto-screening in a hospital-based screening programme for early detection of cervical cancer were analysed retrospectively. The frequency of epithelial cell abnormalities (ECAs) was computed in different age groups.
Observations and results:  A total of 5.6% ECAs were detected on cyto-screening. The peak age incidence for squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs) was in the 30–39 age group while that for malignancies was age >60 years. The mean ages for LSIL, HSIL and cancer were 34.7, 37.7 and 51.8 years respectively. Around 43% LSILs and 48% HSILs presented in the fourth decade. If both fourth and fifth decade are covered by screening we could detect almost two-thirds of SILs.
Conclusions:  A distinct latent period of more than a decade between the onset of SIL and development of frank cancer provides us with ample opportunity to prevent cervical cancer through screening. Our data validate the WHO recommendation of once in a lifetime screening of women in their fourth decade, for low-resource settings. If resources permit, screening can be extended to include women in the fifth decade. This approach would enable us to pick up maximum SILs within the available resources and prevent their progression to cancer.  相似文献   

Optical spectroscopic techniques show improved diagnostic accuracy for non‐invasive detection of cervical cancers. In this study, sensitivity and specificity of two in vivo modalities, i.e diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) and Raman spectroscopy (RS), were compared by utilizing spectra recorded from the same sites (67 tumor (T), 22 normal cervix (C), and 57 normal vagina (V)). Data was analysed using principal component – linear discriminant analysis (PC‐LDA), and validated using leave‐one‐out‐cross‐validation (LOOCV). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value for classification between normal (N) and tumor (T) sites were 91%, 96%, 95% and 93%, respectively for RS and 85%, 95%, 93% and 88%, respectively for DRS. Even though DRS revealed slightly lower diagnostic accuracies, owing to its lower cost and portability, it was found to be more suited for cervical cancer screening in low resource settings. On the other hand, RS based devices could be ideal for screening patients with centralised facilities in developing countries.


As explained by Kitchener in a previous issue of Cytopathology (2015; 26 :4‐6), primary human papillomavirus (HPV) testing is likely to be introduced in the UK for all women aged 25–64 years following pilot site studies already in place. This will be necessary when the prevalence of cervical cancer and its precursors declines when vaccination takes effect but there is a risk in abandoning cytology as a primary test: a risk that would be most apparent in the present unvaccinated population in which the prevalence of cervical cancer and its precursors is exceptionally high. HPV testing is more sensitive than cytology but has a significant false‐negative rate that could be detrimental to a successful screening programme if introduced without cytology backup. Accurate cytology would be needed for triage and could be compromised if HPV‐negative tests were excluded from examination. This article proposes a compromise: cytology and HPV co‐testing for the first two screening tests to optimise the sensitivity of the test as a whole. Registrations of invasive and in situ carcinoma of the uterine cervix in England indicate that the prevalence of the disease is highest in young women in the early rounds of screening. Calculations of the likely impact on the workload of this proposal have been based on a service evaluation of 295 cytology tests received at St Thomas’ Hospital, which suggests that the volume of cytology tests would be reduced by approximately 60% compared with 80% for primary HPV testing alone. This proposal should be debated openly before irrevocable changes are made to a skilled workforce.  相似文献   

Inositol polyphosphate‐1‐phosphatase (INPP1) is an enzyme that is responsible for glycolysis and lipid metabolism. Here, we discovered that INPP1 expression was up‐regulated in CC tissues compared to that in adjacent normal tissues by RT‐qPCR. Inositol polyphosphate‐1‐phosphatase overexpression promoted and INPP1 knockdown suppressed cell viability, cellular migration/invasion and EMT in CC cells. To explore the mechanism of dysregulation, INPP1 was predicted to be a target of miR‐27a, and a pmiRGLO dual‐luciferase reporter assay showed that miR‐27a bound to the 3′ UTR of INPP1. RT‐qPCR revealed that miR‐27a was also up‐regulated and had a positive correlation with INPP1 expression in CC tissues. Furthermore, shR‐INPP1 could favour the malignant phenotype reversion induced by miR‐27a, suggesting that miR‐27a up‐regulates INPP1 to promote tumorigenic activities. Altogether, our findings show that the up‐regulation of INPP1 by miR‐27a contributes to tumorigenic activities and may provide a potential biomarker for CC.  相似文献   

J. H. F. Smith ABC3 Part I: a review of the guidelines for terminology, classification and management of cervical cytology in England The provision of guidance on cytology reporting and evaluation, first outlined in 1995 with the publication of Achievable Standards, Benchmarks for Reporting, and Criteria for Evaluating Cervical Cytopathology (ABC), and subsequently revised and expanded in a second edition in 2000, has been pivotal to the success of the National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme (NHSCSP), ensuring that standards are upheld, and that rigorous evaluation and quality assurance take place. In the last decade, major changes to the NHSCSP, notably the adoption of revised age ranges and screening intervals for all women in England, implementation of liquid‐based cytology and, most recently, the decision to introduce high‐risk human papillomavirus (HR‐HPV) testing for triage of low‐grade and borderline (equivalent to 'atypical') cytological abnormalities and test of cure after treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) determined that an updated version of ABC was required. The third edition of ABC recommends adoption, with minor modification, of the revised British Society for Clinical Cytology terminology and provides guidance on the management of abnormal cytology results linked to this terminology taking account of HR‐HPV testing. To accommodate these changes, expanded result codes, which are electronic codes used to transfer management information to central computers for follow‐up, call and recall of individual women, have been developed. Further guidance on specimen adequacy is also provided. Revised performance indicators are described and explained in a separate article by R. Blanks in this issue of Cytopathology. All the changes in ABC3 are designed to support the mission statement of the NHSCSP that ‘the objective of cervical screening is to reduce cervical cancer incidence and mortality by screening with a high sensitivity for the detection of CIN2 or worse, whilst maintaining a high specificity’.  相似文献   

G. Bigras, J. Wilson, L. Russell, G. Johnson, D. Morel and M. Saddik
Interobserver concordance in the assessment of features used for the diagnosis of cervical atypical squamous cells and squamous intraepithelial lesions (ASC‐US, ASC‐H, LSIL and HSIL) Objectives: Given the well‐known poor reproducibility of cervical cytology diagnosis, especially for atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC‐US) and low‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), this study surveyed reproducibility in the assessment of individual cytomorphological features. Methods: One hundred and fifty cells or groups of cells, with a variety of morphological appearances, including normal cells, high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL), LSIL, ASC‐US and ASC cannot exclude HSIL (ASC‐H), were precisely marked on 150 different liquid‐based cytological preparations. They were analysed by 17 observers who assessed 17 cytological features including nuclear features (chromatin texture, nuclear outline, nuclear shape, etc.), cytoplasmic features (cell shape, cytoplasmic staining, cytoplasmic clearing, etc.) and group characteristics (nuclear polarity, cellular density, etc.). A total of 43 350 data scores were collected in a database using a web‐based survey. Kendall’s W and relative entropy indexes were utilized to compute concordance indexes of respectively ordinal and nominal variables. Results: Nuclear features have significantly lower reproducibility (0.46) compared with other cytological features (0.59). The feature with least agreement is assessment of chromatin texture. A small but significant difference in concordance was found between two subsets of observers with different levels of experience. Conclusion: Most previous studies assessing reproducibility of cytological diagnoses show, at best, moderate reproducibility among observers. This study focused on agreement regarding the presence of constituent morphological features used to recognize dyskaryosis and various grades of squamous intraepithelial lesions. A map of reproducibility indexes is presented that highlights, for daily practice or teaching, the robustness of features used for cytological assessment, recognizing that diagnosis is always based on a combination of features.  相似文献   

Cyclodipeptides, formed from two amino acids by cyclodehydration, are produced naturally by many organisms, and are known to possess a large number of biological activities. In this study, we found that cyclo (l ‐Pro‐l ‐Pro) and cyclo (d ‐Pro‐d ‐Pro) (where Pro is proline) could induce defence responses and systemic resistance in Nicotiana benthamiana. Treatment with the two cyclodipeptides led to a reduction in disease severity by Phytophthora nicotianae and Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infections compared with controls. Both cyclopeptides triggered stomatal closure, induced reactive oxygen species production and stimulated cytosolic calcium ion and nitric oxide production in guard cells. In addition, the application of cyclodipeptides significantly up‐regulated the expression of the plant defence gene PR‐1a and the PR‐1a protein, and increased cellular salicylic acid (SA) levels. These results suggest that the SA‐dependent defence pathway is involved in cyclodipeptide‐mediated pathogen resistance in N. benthamiana. We report the systemic resistance induced by cyclodipeptides, which sheds light on the potential of cyclodipeptides for the control of plant diseases.  相似文献   

The clinical symptoms of Alzheimer disease (AD) include a gradual memory loss and subsequent dementia, and neuropathological deposition of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. At the molecular level, AD subjects present overt amyloid β (Aβ) production and tau hyperphosphorylation. Aβ species have been proposed to overactivate the phosphoinositide3‐kinase (PI3K)/Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) axis, which plays a central role in proteostasis. The current study investigated the status of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in post‐mortem tissue from the inferior parietal lobule (IPL) at three different stages of AD: late AD, amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and pre‐clinical AD (PCAD). Our findings suggest that the alteration of mTOR signaling and autophagy occurs at early stages of AD. We found a significant increase in Aβ (1–42) levels, associated with reduction in autophagy (Beclin‐1 and LC‐3) observed in PCAD, MCI, and AD subjects. Related to the autophagy impairment, we found a hyperactivation of PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in IPL of MCI and AD subjects, but not in PCAD, along with a significant decrease in phosphatase and tensin homolog. An increase in two mTOR downstream targets, p70S6K and 4EBP1, occurred in AD and MCI subjects. Both AD and MCI subjects showed increased, insulin receptor substrate 1, a candidate biomarker of brain insulin resistance, and GSK‐3β, a kinase targeting tau phosphorylation. Nevertheless, tau phosphorylation was increased in the clinical groups. The results hint at a link between Aβ and the PI3K/Akt/mTOR axis and provide further insights into the relationship between AD pathology and insulin resistance. In addition, we speculate that the alteration of mTOR signaling in the IPL of AD and MCI subjects, but not in PCAD, is due to the lack of substantial increase in oxidative stress.


Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook .f. & Thomson forma genuina (Annonaceae) is a tropical tree, grown for the production of ylang‐ylang essential oil, which is extracted from its fresh and mature flowers. Despite its economic and social importance, very little information is available on its variability and the possible factors causing it. Therefore, the relationship between the genetic structure, revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), and the essential oil chemical composition, determined by GC/MS analysis, of ylang‐ylang grown in semi‐managed systems in three Indian Ocean islands (Grande Comore, Mayotte, and Madagascar) was investigated. Our results revealed a low genetic variation within plantations and contrasted situations between islands. Variations of the chemical composition could be observed within plantations and between islands. The genetic differentiation pattern did not match the observed pattern of chemical variability. Hence, the chemical variation could not be attributed to a genetic control. As Grande Comore, Madagascar, and Mayotte present different environmental and agronomic conditions, it can be concluded that the influence of these conditions on the ylang‐ylang essential oil composition is consistent with the patterns observed. Finally, several strategies were proposed to valorize the chemical composition variations.  相似文献   

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