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Studying food webs across contrasting abiotic conditions is an important tool in understanding how environmental variability impacts community structure and ecosystem dynamics. The study of extreme environments provides insight into community‐wide level responses to environmental pressures with relevance to the future management of aquatic ecosystems. In the western Lake Eyre Basin of arid Australia, there are two characteristic and contrasting aquatic habitats: springs and rivers. Permanent isolated Great Artesian Basin springs represent hydrologically persistent environments in an arid desert landscape. In contrast, hydrologically variable river waterholes are ephemeral in space and time. We comprehensively sampled aquatic assemblages in contrasting ecosystem types to assess patterns in community composition and to quantify food web attributes with stable isotopes. Springs and rivers were found to have markedly different invertebrate communities, with rivers dominated by more dispersive species and springs associated with species that show high local endemism. Qualitative assessment of basal resources shows autochthonous carbon appears to be a key basal resource in both types of habitat, although the particular sources differed between habitats. Food‐web variables such as trophic length, trophic breadth, and community isotopic niche size were relatively similar in the two habitat types. The basis for the similarity in food‐web structure despite differences in community composition appears to be broader isotopic niches for predatory invertebrates and fish in springs as compared with rivers. In contrast to published theory, our findings suggest that the food webs of the hydrologically variable river sites may show less dietary generalization and more compact food‐web modules than in springs.  相似文献   

Rick A. Relyea 《Oecologia》2009,159(2):363-376
The ubiquity of anthropogenic chemicals in nature poses a challenge to understanding how ecological communities are impacted by them. While we are rapidly gaining an understanding of how individual contaminants affect communities, communities are exposed to suites of contaminants yet investigations of the effects of diverse contaminant mixtures in aquatic communities are rare. I examined how a single application of five insecticides (malathion, carbaryl, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, and endosulfan) and five herbicides (glyphosate, atrazine, acetochlor, metolachlor, and 2,4-D) at low concentrations (2–16 p.p.b.) affected aquatic communities composed of zooplankton, phytoplankton, periphyton, and larval amphibians (gray tree frogs, Hyla versicolor, and leopard frogs, Rana pipiens). Using outdoor mesocosms, I examined each pesticide alone, a mix of insecticides, a mix of herbicides, and a mix of all ten pesticides. Individual pesticides had a wide range of direct and indirect effects on all trophic groups. For some taxa (i.e., zooplankton and algae), the impact of pesticide mixtures could largely be predicted from the impacts of individual pesticides; for other taxa (i.e., amphibians) it could not. For amphibians, there was an apparent direct toxic effect of endosulfan that caused 84% mortality of leopard frogs and an indirect effect induced by diazinon that caused 24% mortality of leopard frogs. When pesticides were combined, the mix of herbicides had no negative effects on the survival and metamorphosis of amphibians, but the mix of insecticides and the mix of all ten pesticides eliminated 99% of leopard frogs. Interestingly, these mixtures did not cause mortality in the gray tree frogs and, as a result, the gray tree frogs grew nearly twice as large due to reduced competition with leopard frogs. In short, wetland communities can be dramatically impacted by low concentrations of pesticides (both separate and combined) and these results offer important insights for the conservation of wetland communities.  相似文献   

1. Trophic linkages between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are common and sensitive to disruption. However, there is little information on what causes variation in the strength and spatial scale of these linkages. 2. In the highly aquatic adults of the headwater salamander Gyrinophilus porphyriticus (family Plethodontidae), use of terrestrial prey decreases along a gradient from early‐ to late‐successional riparian forests. To understand the cause of this relationship, we tested the predictions that (i) terrestrial prey abundance is lower in late‐successional forests, and (ii) G. porphyriticus adults cannot move as far from the stream to forage in late‐successional forests, thus limiting access to terrestrial prey. 3. We established 100‐m long study reaches on six headwater streams in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire. Three reaches were in early‐successional forests and three were in late‐successional forests. We conducted pitfall trapping for invertebrate prey in June and July of 2005, with three traps at 0, 2, 5 and 10 m from the stream at each reach. In June, July and August of 2004 and 2005, nighttime salamander surveys were conducted at each reach along ten, 10‐m long by 2.5‐m wide transects perpendicular to the stream. 4. Abundance of terrestrial prey was consistently lower in late‐successional forests, suggesting that consumption of terrestrial prey by G. porphyriticus is affected by prey abundance. Contrary to our prediction, G. porphyriticus adults moved farther from the stream in late‐successional forests, suggesting that habitat conditions in late‐successional forests do not limit movement away from the stream, and that lower abundances of terrestrial prey in these forests may cause salamanders to move farther from streams. 5. Our results provide novel insight on the extent of terrestrial habitat use by G. porphyriticus. More broadly, these results indicate that major habitat gradients, such as forest succession, can affect the strength and scale of terrestrial‐aquatic linkages. Application of this insight to the design of vegetation buffers along headwater streams would have widespread benefits to freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

We describe the seasonal variations of the insect community of the rain pools in a park of Buenos Aires during a 1-year period, based on a weekly sampling programme. We also analyse the relationships between the observed biotic patterns and some physical and meteorological variables. Four periods, fairly coincident with the seasons of the year, were graphically identified as functions of temperature, rainfall, flooded area, number of rain pools, depth and taxonomic richness. A total of 45 insect taxa was identified: 18 Coleoptera, 15 Diptera, 9 Heteroptera, 1 Ephemeroptera and 2 Odonata. Culicidae represented 76% of the pooled abundance of insects, probably related to their rapid development before the pools dry up. Taxonomic richness was maximum at the end of the summer (32), in coincidence with maximum rainfalls and temperatures. Inversely, the minimum richness (2) was recorded during the spring drought. Richness was positively correlated to the flooded area and to the number of pools on each sampling date. The species recorded throughout the study period were: Aedes albifasciatus, Culex eduardoi, Culex pipiens, Liodessus sp., Rhantus signatus signatus, Tropisternus setiger, Tropisternus lateralis limbatus and Sigara platensis. Some of the species recorded are considered pioneer in temporary habitats. Both coleopterans and heteropterans are likely to persist in the park through repeated colonisation from more permanent habitats. Habitat duration and flooded area were positively correlated to richness in each one of the rain pools.  相似文献   

By infecting multiple host species and acting as a food resource, parasites can affect food web topography and contribute to ecosystem energy transfer. Owing to the remarkable secondary production of some taxa, parasite biomass – although cryptic – can be comparable to other invertebrate and vertebrate groups. More resolved estimates of parasite biomass are therefore needed to understand parasite interactions, their consequences for host fitness, and potential influences on ecosystem energetics. We developed an approach to quantify the masses of helminth parasites and compared our results with those of biovolume‐based approaches. Specifically, we massed larval and adult parasites representing 13 species and five life stages of trematodes and cestodes from snail and amphibian hosts. We used a replicated regression approach to quantify dry mass and compared these values with indirect biovolume estimates to test the validity of density assumptions. Our technique provided precise estimates (R2 from 0.69 to 0.98) of biomass across a wide range of parasite morphotypes and sizes. Individual parasites ranged in mass from 0.368 ± 0.041 to 320 ± 98.1 μg. Among trematodes, adult parasites tended to be the largest followed by rediae, with nonclonal larval stages (metacercariae and cercariae) as the smallest. Among similar morphotypes, direct estimates of dry mass and the traditional biovolume technique provided generally comparable estimates (although important exceptions also emerged). Finally, we present generalized length‐mass regression equations to calculate trematode mass from length measurements, and discuss the most efficient use of limited numbers of parasites. By providing a novel method of directly estimating parasite biomass while also helping to validate more traditional methods involving length‐mass conversion, our findings aim to facilitate future investigations into the ecological significance of parasites, particularly with respect to ecosystem energetics. In addition, this novel technique can be applied to a wide range of difficult‐to‐mass organisms.  相似文献   

Studies on the determinants of plant–herbivore and herbivore–parasitoid associations provide important insights into the origin and maintenance of global and local species richness. If parasitoids are specialists on herbivore niches rather than on herbivore taxa, then alternating escape of herbivores into novel niches and delayed resource tracking by parasitoids could fuel diversification at both trophic levels. We used DNA barcoding to identify parasitoids that attack larvae of seven Pontania sawfly species that induce leaf galls on eight willow species growing in subarctic and arctic–alpine habitats in three geographic locations in northern Fennoscandia, and then applied distance‐ and model‐based multivariate analyses and phylogenetic regression methods to evaluate the hierarchical importance of location, phylogeny and different galler niche dimensions on parasitoid host use. We found statistically significant variation in parasitoid communities across geographic locations and willow host species, but the differences were mainly quantitative due to extensive sharing of enemies among gallers within habitat types. By contrast, the divide between habitats defined two qualitatively different network compartments, because many common parasitoids exhibited strong habitat preference. Galler and parasitoid phylogenies did not explain associations, because distantly related arctic–alpine gallers were attacked by a species‐poor enemy community dominated by two parasitoid species that most likely have independently tracked the gallers’ evolutionary shifts into the novel habitat. Our results indicate that barcode‐ and phylogeny‐based analyses of food webs that span forested vs. tundra or grassland environments could improve our understanding of vertical diversification effects in complex plant–herbivore–parasitoid networks.  相似文献   

1. Anthropogenic effects have propelled us into what many have described as the sixth mass extinction, and amphibians are among the most affected groups. The causes of global amphibian population declines and extinctions are varied, complex and context‐dependent and may involve multiple stressors. However, experimental studies examining multiple factors contributing to amphibian population declines are rare. 2. Using outdoor mesocosms containing zooplankton, phytoplankton, periphyton and tadpoles, we conducted a 2 × 2 × 3 factorial experiment that examined the separate and combined effects of an insecticide and the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) on three different assemblages of larval pacific treefrogs (Pseudacris regilla) and Cascades frogs (Rana cascadae). 3. Larval amphibian growth and development were affected by carbaryl and the amphibian assemblage treatment, but only minimally by Bd. Carbaryl delayed metamorphosis in both amphibian species and increased the growth rate of P. regilla. Carbaryl also reduced cladoceran abundance, which, in turn, had positive effects on phytoplankton abundance but no effect on periphyton biomass. Substituting 20 intraspecific competitors with 20 interspecific competitors decreased the larval period but not the growth rate of P. regilla. In contrast, substituting 20 intraspecific competitors with 20 interspecific competitors had no effect on R. cascadae. Results of real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis confirmed infection of Bd‐exposed animals, but exposure to Bd had no effects on either species in univariate analyses, although it had significant or nearly significant effects in several multivariate analyses. In short, we found no interactive effects among the treatments on amphibian growth and development. 4. We encourage future research on the interactive effects of pesticides and pathogens on amphibian communities.  相似文献   

Salinity varies considerably among temporary pools in the Dead Sea Basin, Israel. We experimentally assessed the effects of four salinity levels (0, 10, 20 and 30 g NaCl per liter) on the aquatic insect community in this basin in an artificial pool experiment. Each salinity level was randomly assigned to six pools (total=24 pools). Salinity did not affect total insect abundance but strongly affected abundance and distributions of different species, and consequently, community structure. Of 13 taxa colonizing the pools, 12 were Diptera including 10 mosquito species. Five taxa were sufficiently common to assess abundance in relation to salinity. Polypedilum nubiferum Skuse (Diptera: Chironomidae) was largely salinity intolerant being abundant only in the freshwater. Ephydra flavipes Macquart (Diptera: Ephydridae) was most abundant at the highest salinity level and was rare in freshwater. Ochlerotatus caspius Pallas (Diptera: Culicidae) abundance tended to be highest at 10 g/l and lowest at 30 g/l although the differences were not statistically significant. Anopheles multicolor Cambouliu (Diptera: Culicidae) was relatively euryhaline although numbers dropped significantly at the highest salinity. Cleon dipterum Linnaeus (Baetidae: Ephemeroptera) was also euryhaline and showed no significant differences in abundance across salinities. For the mosquito species, we also estimated survival to pupation. Survival to pupation was significantly lower for O. caspius in freshwater, but was not statistically significantly different across salinities for A.␣multicolor. Species diversity was highest at the two lowest salinities tested and then dropped with increasing salinity. Evenness was not significantly different across salinities. Community similarity generally decreased with increasing salinity differences though dissimilarity was greatest when comparing freshwater to other salinities. Thus, regional diversity is likely increased when there is a range of salinities among pools.  相似文献   

Multitrophic interactions play key roles in the origin and maintenance of species diversity, and the study of these interactions has contributed to important theoretical advances in ecology and evolutionary biology. Nevertheless, most biodiversity inventories focus on static species lists, and prominent theories of diversity still ignore trophic interactions. The lack of a simple interaction metric that is analogous to species richness is one reason why diversity of interactions is not examined as a response or predictor variable in diversity studies. Using plant–herbivore–enemy trophic chains as an example, we develop a simple metric of diversity in which richness, diversity indices (e.g., Simpson's 1/D), and rarefaction diversity are calculated with links as the basic unit rather than species. Interactions include all two-link (herbivore–plant and enemy–herbivore) and three-link (enemy–herbivore–plant) chains found in a study unit. This metric is different from other indices, such as traditional diversity measures, connectivity and interaction diversity in food-web studies, and the diversity of interaction index in behavioral studies, and it is easier to compute. Using this approach to studying diversity provides novel insight into debates about neutrality and correlations between diversity, stability, productivity, and ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Pesticide pollution can alter parasite transmission, but scientists are unaware if effects of pesticides on parasite exposure and host susceptibility (i.e. infection risk given exposure) can be generalised within a community context. Using replicated temperate pond communities, we evaluate effects of 12 pesticides, nested in four pesticide classes (chloroacetanilides, triazines, carbamates organophosphates) and two pesticide types (herbicides, insecticides) applied at standardised environmental concentrations on larval amphibian exposure and susceptibility to trematode parasites. Most of the variation in exposure and susceptibility occurred at the level of pesticide class and type, not individual compounds. The organophosphate class of insecticides increased snail abundance (first intermediate host) and thus trematode exposure by increasing mortality of snail predators (top–down mechanism). While a similar pattern in snail abundance and trematode exposure was observed with triazine herbicides, this effect was driven by increases in snail resources (periphytic algae, bottom–up mechanism). Additionally, herbicides indirectly increased host susceptibility and trematode infections by (1) increasing time spent in susceptible early developmental stages and (2) suppressing tadpole immunity. Understanding generalisable effects associated with contaminant class and type on transmission is critical in reducing complexities in predicting disease dynamics in at‐risk host populations.  相似文献   

Experimental manipulations of food supply were performed on soft sediment cores from two European estuaries, the Westerscheldt and the Gironde, with a view to determining benthic macrofaunal community response. Over a period of twenty weeks in a laboratory mesocosm system, both communities showed losses in terms of numbers of individuals and small, but non-significant, losses in terms of numbers of species. Whereas no effect of the different types of foods or the dose levels at which they were supplied was detected for the Westerscheldt benthic community, that of the Gironde showed some significant response. This was largely attributed to the differential mortality of spionid polychaetes across the dose levels used, with the highest dose, equivalent to 200 g C m–2 yr–1, only just maintaining their initial population densities. The results are discussed in terms of the importance of lateral advection of food particles at the benthic boundary layer and the general insufficiency of many estimates of carbon input to shallow benthic systems.  相似文献   

In recent years, the analysis of interaction networks has grown popular as a framework to explore ecological processes and the relationships between community structure and its functioning. The field has rapidly grown from its infancy to a vibrant youth, as reflected in the variety and quality of the discussions held at the first international symposium on Ecological Networks in Coimbra—Portugal (23–25 October 2013). The meeting gathered 170 scientists from 22 countries, who presented data from a broad geographical range, and covering all stages of network analyses, from sampling strategies to effective ways of communicating results, presenting new analytical tools, incorporation of temporal and spatial dynamics, new applications and visualization tools.1 During the meeting it became evident that while many of the caveats diagnosed in early network studies are successfully being tackled, new challenges arise, attesting to the health of the discipline.  相似文献   

We used stable isotopes and gut-content analysis to compare trophic relations of macroinvertebrates between two types of saline wetlands in the Laramie Basin, Wyoming, USA. Amphipods (Hyallela azteca), chironomid larvae, and predatory insects (mainly Zygopteran larvae) occurred in both wetland types. However, in oligosaline wetlands (0.5–5‰ total dissolved solids) amphipods were dominant, whereas in mesosaline wetlands (5–18‰) amphipods were scarce and chironomid larvae and predatory insects were much more abundant. Salinity alone seemed inadequate to explain these differences, so we examined trophic interactions to address three main questions: (1) why are predatory insects more abundant in mesosaline wetlands, (2) why are chironomid larvae less abundant in oligosaline wetlands, and (3) why are amphipods uncommon in mesosaline wetlands? Zygopteran larvae ate mainly chironomid larvae and zooplankton, and did not eat amphipods; chironomid larvae were an average 93 dry mass of zygopteran intake. Guts of amphipods contained no animal parts and little vascular plant tissue, but rather mainly amorphous detritus. Chironomid larvae ate amorphous detritus as well as diatoms. There is potential for competition between amphipods and chironomids, but the nature of amorphous detritus in these wetlands needs further study. Because amphipods appear unavailable as prey for predatory insects, top-down impacts on chironomid larvae may be greater in oligosaline than in mesosaline wetlands. Our results suggest that (1) predatory zygopteran larvae and hemipterans are more abundant in mesosaline wetlands due to more abundant chironomid prey, (2) chironomids are less common in oligosaline wetlands because of both competition with amphipods and greater per capita consumption by predatory insects, and (3) amphipods are scarce in mesosaline wetlands because, lacking a resting stage and mode of direct dispersal, they do not cope well with extremes created by hydrologic instability in mesosaline wetlands. These mechanisms may apply to wetlands in other regions where similar patterns of invertebrate community structure have been reported.  相似文献   

1. Ants are extremely abundant in lowland tropical forests where they are important predators, plant mutualists, and herbivores. Their complex role in tropical plant–insect food webs can be best assessed by experimental manipulation of their abundance. Historically, ant exclusion experiments have had a small‐scale focus, such as single trees. Here, we test a new ‘whole‐forest' method of ant exclusion, using treated canopy bait stations, in a diverse tropical rainforest in New Guinea. 2. We conducted a 10‐month manipulative experiment in primary and secondary rainforests. In each forest type, a 625 m2 treatment plot was isolated from the surrounding forest and 135 bait stations treated with fipronil, S‐methoprene, and hydramethylnon were placed in trees to suppress ants. Ant activity was monitored in the forest canopy and understorey with an additional 65 stations in treatment and control plots. 3. We achieved a dramatic decline in ant abundance in treatment plots compared with controls in both forest types, with an average decrease in ant numbers per station of 82.4% in primary and 91.2% in secondary forest. In particular, native dominant species Oecophylla smaragdina, Anonychomyrma cf. scrutator in primary forest, and invasive Anoplolepis gracilipes in secondary forest were greatly affected. In contrast, Tapinoma melanocephalum flourished in treatment plots, perhaps benefiting from reduced competition from other ant species. 4. Our study demonstrates that it is possible to selectively eradicate most of the foraging ants in a structurally complex tropical forest. We propose whole‐forest manipulation as a novel tool for studying the role of ants in shaping plant–insect food webs.  相似文献   

Estimates of forest leaf litter frog density, mass, richness and diversity given by the widely used 8 m × 8 m large plot method (LPM) were compared with estimates obtained by a newly proposed method (small 2 m × 1 m plots with leaf removal; SPLR). The study site was an undisturbed area of the Atlantic Rainforest of Ilha Grande, an island located in the south of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Twenty‐four LPM (totalling 1536 m2 of forest floor) and 90 SPLR (totalling 180 m2 of forest floor) were performed. The estimates obtained by the two methods differed markedly, indicating that even using a much smaller sampling area (11.7% of that of LPM), SPLR gave frog density estimates six times higher, and frog mass estimates approximately 2.5 times higher than estimates provided by LPM. The species richness and diversity obtained by the two methods were similar, despite the fact that the total area sampled with SPLR was much smaller. These data suggest that LPM may underestimate the abundance and biomass of leaf litter frogs in a given area.  相似文献   

Biomass and production of plankton communities were investigated in two Chinese integrated fish culture ponds in August, Dianshanhu Pond (with high density of planktivorous carp) and Pingwang Pond (with low density of planktivorous carp). The plankton communities were composed of rotifers, protozoans, phytoplankton (<40 µm) and bacteria. The large phytoplankton (>40 µm), cladocerans and copepods were rare because of grazing pressure by the carp. The density or biomass of bacteria (1.93 × 107 and 2.20 × 107 cells ml–1 on average in Dianshanhu and Pingwang Ponds, respectively), picophytoplankton (24.6 and 18.5 mg m–3 Chla on average) and rotifers (5372 and 20733 ind. 1–1 on average) exceeded the maximum values reported for natural waters.The average [3H]thymidine uptake rates were 694 and 904 pmoles 1–1 h–1 (13.4 and 20.6 µgC 1–1) and the bacterial production by the >2 µm fraction amounted 21–28% of total [3H] thymidine uptake rate in both ponds. The mean chlorophylla concentrations were 59.1 and 183 mg m–3 in Dianshanhu and Pingwang Ponds, respectively. 82.4% and 65.3% of the total Chla was contributed by the <10 µm nano- and picophytoplankton in each pond, respectively. In particular, the picophytoplankton contribution amounted 41.2% of thtal Chla in Dianshanhu Pond. Primary production was 2.5 and 3.4 gC m–2 d–1 in each pond, respectively, and >50% of production was contributed by picophytoplankton. The mean biomasses of protozoa were 168 µg 1–1 and 445 µg 1–1 and those of rotifers were 763 µg 1–1 and 1186 µg 1–1 in Dianshanhu and Pingwang Ponds, respectively. The ecological efficiencies expressed in terms of the ratios of primary production to zooplankton production were 0.22 and 0.31, for the two ponds.  相似文献   

Membrane lipids play important roles in the regulation of cell fate, including the execution of ferroptosis. Ferroptosis is a non-apoptotic cell death mechanism defined by iron-dependent membrane lipid peroxidation. Phospholipids containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are highly vulnerable to peroxidation and are essential for ferroptosis execution. By contrast, the incorporation of less oxidizable monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) in membrane phospholipids protects cells from ferroptosis. The enzymes and pathways that govern PUFA and MUFA metabolism therefore play a critical role in determining cellular sensitivity to ferroptosis. Here, we review three lipid metabolic processes—fatty acid biosynthesis, ether lipid biosynthesis, and phospholipid remodeling—that can govern ferroptosis sensitivity by regulating the balance of PUFAs and MUFAs in membrane phospholipids.  相似文献   

Two symmetric matrices underlie our understanding of microevolutionary change. The first is the matrix of nonlinear selection gradients (gamma) which describes the individual fitness surface. The second is the genetic variance-covariance matrix (G) that influences the multivariate response to selection. A common approach to the empirical analysis of these matrices is the element-by-element testing of significance, and subsequent biological interpretation of pattern based on these univariate and bivariate parameters. Here, I show why this approach is likely to misrepresent the genetic basis of quantitative traits, and the selection acting on them in many cases. Diagonalization of square matrices is a fundamental aspect of many of the multivariate statistical techniques used by biologists. Applying this, and other related approaches, to the analysis of the structure of gamma and G matrices, gives greater insight into the form and strength of nonlinear selection, and the availability of genetic variance for multiple traits.  相似文献   

The structure of gastropod communities was examined from January to June 1999 in four sites of the streams of Mont Saint-Michel Bay along a gradient of salinity, and the occurrence of larval trematodes infecting snails was studied. Abundance and species richness of gastropods increased from polyhaline (95 snails, 1 species) to oligohaline waters (6672 snails, 6 species). Whatever the salinity, the most abundant species was Potamopyrgus antipodarum, an invasive non-indigenous species that represented 80% of the gastropods. Only one male was found in P. antipodarum populations suggesting a predominantly parthenogenetic mode of reproduction. Among 7218 gastropods collected, 1.2% were infected by larval trematodes: 5 species in Lymnaea peregra (4.4%), 4 species in Planorbis planorbis (12.0%), one echinostome in Physa acuta (0.2%), and a new species of Sanguinicola in P. antipodarum (0.5%). This is the first record of infected P. antipodarum in Europe. No parasites were found in polyhaline waters. The prevalence per host population varied from 0 to 100% depending on time of collection, salinity and host species. In the lowest-salinity site, abundance of gastropods and prevalence of trematodes were negatively correlated. The dominance of P. antipodarum in the gastropod communities is discussed in relation with euryhalinity, parthenogenesis and weak rate of parasitism.  相似文献   

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