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Our study aimed to analyze the effects of chronic nutrient loading on the capacity of headwater streams to retain phosphorus and ammonium pulses of different duration. For this purpose, we selected nine headwater streams located across a gradient of increasing agricultural land use and eutrophication. In each stream, we performed sequential plateau additions with increasing nutrient concentrations in summer 2015 and instantaneous slug additions in summer 2016 under similar hydrological conditions. We modelled kinetic uptake curves from the slug additions via the Tracer Additions for Spiraling Curve Characterization method and calculated ambient uptake parameters. Ambient uptake rates generally increased (1.4–20.8 µg m?2 s?1 for NH4–N and 0.3–10.3 µg m?2 s?1 for SRP, respectively), while ambient uptake velocities decreased from oligotrophic to polytrophic streams (1.8–14.0 mm min?1 for NH4–N and 1.6–9.9 mm min?1 for SRP, respectively). However, correlations between ambient uptake parameters and background concentrations were weak. Concentration-dependent uptake rates followed either a linear or a Michaelis–Menten saturation model, regardless of the degree of nutrient loading. Uptake rate curves showed counter-clockwise hysteresis in oligotrophic streams and clockwise hysteresis in streams of higher trophic states, indicating a reduced significance of hyporheic uptake with increasing nutrient loading. Comparisons of slug and plateau additions revealed that oligotrophic streams were most efficient in uptake during short nutrient pulses, while eutrophic streams profited from longer pulse duration. The results indicate that nutrient uptake is increasingly transport-controlled in polluted streams where increased biofilm thickness and clogging of sediments restrict nutrient transport to reactive sites.  相似文献   

How do grazers affect periphyton heterogeneity in streams?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Alvarez M  Peckarsky BL 《Oecologia》2005,142(4):576-587
The effects of grazing by stream invertebrates on algal biomass and spatial heterogeneity were tested experimentally in flow-through microcosms with natural substrates (rocks). One experiment tested the effects of fixed densities of three species of grazers (the caddisfly Allomyia sp. and two mayflies, Epeorus deceptivus and Baetis bicaudatus) on periphyton. Baetis was tested with and without chemical cues from fish predators, which reduced grazer foraging activity to levels similar to the less mobile mayfly (Epeorus). Mean algal biomass (chlorophyll a; chl a) was reduced in grazer treatments compared to ungrazed controls, but there were no differences among grazer treatments. Algal heterogeneity (Morisita index) increased with grazer mobility, with the highest heterogeneity occurring in the Baetis-no fish treatment (most mobile grazer) and the lowest in the caddisfly treatment (most sedentary grazer). A second experiment used a three factorial design, and tested whether initial resource distribution (homogeneous vs. heterogeneous), Baetis density (high vs. low) and fish odor (present vs. absent) affected grazer impact on algal resources. Abundances of Baetis and chl a on individual rocks were recorded to explore the mechanisms responsible for the observed distributions of algae. Initial resource heterogeneity was maintained despite being subjected to grazing. Mean chl a was highest in controls, as in experiment I, and effects of Baetis on algal biomass increased with grazer density. There were no fish effects on algal biomass and no effects of grazer density or fish on algal heterogeneity. At the scale of individual rocks Baetis was unselective when food was homogeneously distributed, but chose high-food rocks when it was heterogeneously distributed. Results of these mechanistic experiments showed that Baetis can track resources at the scale of single rocks; and at moderate densities mobile grazers could potentially maintain periphyton distributions observed in natural streams.  相似文献   

1. Anthropogenic impacts on the biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) affect natural ecosystems worldwide. Modelling is required to predict where and when these key nutrients limit primary production in freshwaters. 2. We reviewed 382 nutrient‐enrichment experiments to examine which factors promote limitation of microphytobenthos biomass by N or P in streams and rivers. Using regression models, we examined whether the response of microphytobenthos biomass to N and P additions could be predicted by the absolute N and P concentrations in the water, the water N:P ratio or a combination of the two. 3. The absolute N concentration in the water was the best predictor of the magnitude of the response of microphytobenthos biomass to N additions. In comparison, the N:P ratio was the best predictor of whether or not N was limiting. However, predictions were uncertain except at extreme N:P ratios <1 : 1 and >100 : 1. 4. The absolute P concentration in the water was the best predictor of the magnitude of the response of microphytobenthos biomass to P additions. Neither the absolute nor the relative N and P concentrations predicted whether or not P was limiting. 5. The absolute and the relative N and P water concentrations contribute significant and complementary insights into the responses of microphytobenthos biomass to nutrient enrichment in running waters. However, ability to predict nutrient limitation from these concentrations is constrained by substantial error in the models. In the future, the prediction ability of models of nutrient limitation might be improved by focussing on regional scales and accounting for additional factors such as light and disturbance.  相似文献   

We investigated whether phosphorus limitations of primary producers propagate upwards through the food web, not only to the primary consumer level but also onto the secondary consumers’ level. A tri-trophic food chain was used to assess the effects of phosphorus-limited phytoplankton (the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina) on herbivorous zooplankters (the copepod Acartia tonsa) and finally on zooplanktivores (the ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus). The algae were cultured in phosphorus-replete and phosphorus-limited media before being fed to two groups of copepods. The copepods in turn were fed to the top predator, P. pileus, in a mixture resulting in a phosphorus-gradient, ranging from copepods having received only phosphorus-replete algae to copepods reared solely on phosphorus-limited algae. The C:P ratio of the algae varied significantly between the two treatments, resulting in higher C:P ratios for those copepods feeding on phosphorus-limited algae, albeit with a significance of 0.07. The differences in the feeding environment of the copepods could be followed to Pleurobrachia pileus. Contrary to our expectations, we found that phosphorus-limited copepods represented a higher quality food source for P. pileus, as shown by the better condition (expressed as nucleic acid content) of the ctenophore. This could possibly be explained by the rather high C:P ratios of ctenophores, their resulting low phosphorus demand and relative insensitivity to P deficiency. This might potentially be an additional explanation for the observed increasing abundances of gelatinous zooplankton in our increasingly phosphorus-limited coastal seas.  相似文献   

We measured a tubular brush-border enzyme (alanine aminopeptidase, AAP) and a lysosomal hydrolase (N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, NAG) in morning urines from 15 healthy normal subjects to check if different storage times and temperatures could modify enzyme concentrations. Short-term (24 h) storage time at room temperature or 4 degrees C does not affect AAP and NAG activities. Both enzymes are well preserved at -70 degrees C. AAP dramatically falls after 1 month at -20 degrees C, lowering to about 8% of the initial value after only 4 days of storage. On the contrary, NAG is well preserved at these storage conditions. Centrifugation has revealed not critical for measurement of these two enzymes.  相似文献   

The conservation of migratory birds requires internationally coordinated efforts that, in turn, demand an understanding of population dynamics and connectivity throughout a species' range. Whimbrels (Numenius phaeopus) are a widespread long‐distance migratory shorebird with two disparate North American breeding populations. Monitoring efforts suggest that at least one of these populations is declining, but the level of migratory connectivity linking the two populations to specific non‐breeding sites or identifiable conservation threats remains unclear. We deployed light‐level geolocators in 2012 to track the migration of Whimbrels breeding near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. In 2013, we recovered 11 of these geolocators, yielding complete migration tracks for nine individuals. During southbound migration, six of the nine Whimbrels stopped at two staging sites on the mid‐Atlantic seaboard of the United States for an average of 22 days, whereas three individuals made nonstop flights of ~8000 km from Churchill to South America. All individuals subsequently spent the entire non‐breeding season along the northern coasts of Brazil and Suriname. On their way north, all birds stopped at the same two staging sites used during southbound migration. Individuals staged at these sites for an average of 34 days, significantly longer than during southbound migration, and all departed within a 5‐day period to undertake nonstop flights ranging from 2600 to 3100 km to the breeding grounds. These extended spring stopovers suggest that female Whimbrels likely employ a mixed breeding strategy, drawing on both endogenous and exogenous reserves to produce their eggs. Our results also demonstrate that this breeding population exhibits a high degree of connectivity among breeding, staging, and wintering sites. As with other long‐distance migratory shorebirds, conservation efforts for this population of Whimbrels must therefore focus on a small, but widely spaced, suite of sites that support a large proportion of the population.  相似文献   

Abstract. Gradients in acidity‐alkalinity and nutrient availability were studied in 2 Sphagnum‐dominated peatlands on the southeastern Italian Alps. Decreasing concentrations of most mineral elements (Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Al3+ and Si4+) in pore water indicated a progressively lower influx of mineral‐soil water from the slightly minerotrophic conditions in the peatland margins to ombrogenous conditions in the central part of the peatlands. This was paralleled by decreasing concentrations of ash, bulk density, Ca, Fe and, partly, Mn in the peat. The nutrient gradient, as defined by pore water concentrations of N and P, was largely independent of the acidity‐ alkalinity gradient: NO3‐ and PO43‐ had similar concentrations throughout the gradient, whereas NH4+ concentrations increased with increasing pore‐water pH. In contrast, the peat nutrient gradient coincided with the acidity‐alkalinity gradient, with total concentrations of N and P decreasing from the margin to the centre. Bryophytes and vascular plants had different responses along the acidity‐alkalinity gradient and the nutrient gradient. Bryophyte distribution reflected the acidity‐alkalinity gradient both in pore water and in peat. Vascular plant distribution was mainly influenced by variations in nutrient availability.  相似文献   

Climate warming affects the phenology, local abundance and large-scale distribution of plants and pollinators. Despite this, there is still limited knowledge of how elevated temperatures affect plant-pollinator mutualisms and how changed availability of mutualistic partners influences the persistence of interacting species. Here we review the evidence of climate warming effects on plants and pollinators and discuss how their interactions may be affected by increased temperatures. The onset of flowering in plants and first appearance dates of pollinators in several cases appear to advance linearly in response to recent temperature increases. Phenological responses to climate warming may therefore occur at parallel magnitudes in plants and pollinators, although considerable variation in responses across species should be expected. Despite the overall similarities in responses, a few studies have shown that climate warming may generate temporal mismatches among the mutualistic partners. Mismatches in pollination interactions are still rarely explored and their demographic consequences are largely unknown. Studies on multi-species plant-pollinator assemblages indicate that the overall structure of pollination networks probably are robust against perturbations caused by climate warming. We suggest potential ways of studying warming-caused mismatches and their consequences for plant-pollinator interactions, and highlight the strengths and limitations of such approaches.  相似文献   

Current climate change has raised concerns over the fate of the stenothermal Antarctic marine fauna (animals that evolved to live in narrow ranges of cold temperatures). The present paper focuses on Notothenioidei, a taxonomic group that dominates Antarctic fish. Notothenioids evolved in the Southern Ocean over the last 20 million years, providing an example of a marine species flock with unique adaptations to the cold at morphological, physiological and biochemical levels. Their phenotypic modifications are often accompanied by ‘irreversible’ genomic losses or gene amplifications. On a micro‐evolutionary scale, relatively ‘shallow’ genetic variation is observed, on account of past fluctuations in population size, and a significant genetic structure is evident, suggesting low population connectivity. These features suggest that Antarctic fish might have relatively little potential to adapt to global warming, at least at a genetic level. The extent of their phenotypic plasticity, which is evident to some degree, awaits further research.  相似文献   

The changes in photosynthetic activity and composition of pigments induced by changes in temperature were examined in the third leaf of three chilling-tolerant and three chilling-sensitive genotypes of maize (Zea mays L.). The plants were grown under a controlled environment at a photon flux density of 550 mol m-2 s-1, a 12 h photoperiod and at a suboptimal temperature of 14/12 C (day/night) until the full expansion of the third leaf. After this treatment, the chilling-tolerant genotypes, when compared with the sensitive ones, displayed a higher photosynthetic activity, a higher content of chlorophyll (Chl) a+b, a higher Chl a/b ratio, a larger total carotenoid pool size as well as a different carotenoid composition. When temperature was subsequently increased to 24/22 C for 3 d the composition of the pigments changed, but the chilling-sensitive genotypes, while adjusting their lower Chl a/b ratio and their different carotenoid composition, were unable to adjust their lower content of chlorophyll, their smaller total carotenoid pool size or their lower photosynthetic performance. Moreover, while the chilling-tolerant genotypes converted the most part of zeaxanthin to violaxanthin in the xanthophyll cycle, the chilling-sensitive genotypes retained high amounts of zeaxanthin. The changes in pigment composition that occurred over the 3 d at 24/22 °C were largely conserved when the plants were returned to 14/12 °C, but photosynthetic activity decreased and zeaxanthin accumulated again. The results suggest that the capability of the chilling-tolerant genotypes, when compared with the sensitive ones, to retain high amounts of pigments and to form a competent photosynthetic apparatus at low temperature is the basis for their more vigorous growth in cool climates.  相似文献   

Introduction: Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is a label free, multiplex imaging technology able to simultaneously record the distributions of 100’s to 1000’s of species, and which may be configured to study metabolites, lipids, glycans, peptides, and proteins simply by changing the tissue preparation protocol.

Areas covered: The capability of MSI to complement established histopathological practice through the identification of biomarkers for differential diagnosis, patient prognosis, and response to therapy; the capability of MSI to annotate tissues on the basis of each pixel’s mass spectral signature; the development of reproducible MSI through multicenter studies.

Expert commentary: We discuss how MSI can be combined with microsampling/microdissection technologies in order to investigate, with more depth of coverage, the molecular changes uncovered by MSI.  相似文献   

High biodiversity is an important component of sustainable agricultural systems, and previous studies have found that increases in the diversity of the natural enemies of pests are associated with decreases in pest populations. Weaver ants are well known for their highly territorial and aggressive behaviour and for their control efficiency of many insect pests in tropical crop trees. Because of this, the ants have been used as a key component in integrated pest management (IPM) programmes for tropical crop trees. In implementing the IPM programmes, we received a number of enquiries related to whether weaver ants have negative effects on arthropod diversity and other natural enemies in orchard systems due to their aggressive behaviour. To answer these questions, we regularly sampled canopy arthropods in cashew and mango orchards in the Northern Territory of Australia in 1996, 2002 and 2003. We sampled, using a vacuum sampler, orchards with and without weaver ants. Cashew and mango plots with abundant weaver ants had similar or higher canopy arthropod and natural enemy diversity and similar ratios of natural enemies to insect pests, compared with plot where the weaver ant was absent. The study also showed that the application of insecticides reduced arthropod diversity and the ratio of natural enemies to insect pests in a mango orchard. However, insecticide spray did not affect natural enemy diversity and abundance, which may be related to a high immigration rate of natural enemies in small plots surrounded by areas that were not sprayed.  相似文献   

1. We examined effects of nutrients on leaf breakdown in interior forest streams at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. We tested the hypothesis that dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) becomes limiting when ambient phosphorus (P) concentration is high. We also compared the breakdown of relatively ‘low quality’ leaves (lower C : N, Trema integerrima) with that of ‘higher quality’ leaves (higher C : N, Ficus insipida) in a high‐P stream. 2. Litterbags were incubated in two streams: one enriched experimentally with P [target concentration 200 μg soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) L?1] and one control (naturally low P concentration approximately 10 μg SRP L?1). Ammonium enrichment was achieved by adding fertiliser upstream of half of the litterbags in each stream. 3. Phosphorus addition stimulated leaf breakdown, microbial respiration, ergosterol and leaf %P. Leaf breakdown rate was consistent with those in La Selva streams with naturally high P concentration. 4. Nitrogen (N) addition had no effect on leaf breakdown, microbial respiration, ergosterol or leaf chemistry in either the P‐enriched or the reference stream, in spite of low N : P ratios. We conclude that N is probably not limiting in streams at La Selva that are naturally high in P. This may be due to moderately high ambient N concentration (>200 μg DIN L?1) prevailing throughout the year. 5. The species with a lower C : N decomposed more rapidly and supported higher microbial activity than that with a higher C : N. Subtle differences in leaf N content, as well as dissolved P concentration, may be important in determining microbial colonisation and subsequent leaf breakdown.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate if female growing pigs spend similar amounts of time exploring a wooden stick as they do exploring enrichment material regardless of its proximity to the feeder. Forty-eight pigs aged 18 to 26 weeks allocated to 16 pens with three pigs per pen were studied. Fifty percent of the pens had a wooden stick beside the feeder, and the rest had a similar stick opposite to the feeder. Two observers assessed the pigs by means of scan and focal sampling. The pigs spent more time (p < .0001) exploring the wood during the first week than during the rest of the study (10.9% vs 3.6%). The pigs with the wood close to the feeder spent less (p = .0001) time resting (29.9%) and more (p < .0001) time exploring (6.3%) the wood than did pigs with the wood opposite to the feeder (32.4% and 2.5%, respectively). In conclusion, a wooden stick placed close to the feeder was associated with more exploratory behaviorcompared with a similar stick placed opposite to the feeder.  相似文献   

Foundation species structure environments and create refuge from environmental stress. In New England high salt marsh, the grass Spartina patens is a foundation species that reduces salinity, anoxia, desiccation, and thermal stresses through canopy shading and root proliferation. In a factorial S. patens-removal and warming field experiment, foundation species removal strongly impacted every aspect of the community, reiterating the important role of the foundation species S. patens in the high marsh. Given this central role, we hypothesized that facilitation by the foundation species would be even more important under warmer conditions by ameliorating more severe thermal stress. However, the ecological role of S. patens was unaffected by experimental warming, and, independent of the presence of the foundation species, warming had only weak effects on the salt marsh ecological community. Only the foundation species itself responded strongly to warming, by significantly increasing aboveground production in warmed plots. Apparently, amelioration of thermal stress is not as important for salt marsh ecosystem function as S. patens’ moderation of salinity and desiccation stresses. From these experimental results, we anticipate that climate change-associated thermal stress will not greatly affect S. patens-dominated high marsh communities. In contrast, foundation species loss, an emergent conservation issue in Atlantic salt marshes, represents a critical threat to salt marsh ecosystem function.  相似文献   

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