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东亚温带藤本植物多样性及其格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡亮 《生物多样性》2011,19(5):567-573
藤本植物的组成及其地理分布是藤本植物生态学研究的重要内容之一,但对温带藤本植物的相关研究相对缺乏.本文对包括中国东北、日本、朝鲜半岛和蒙古在内的东亚温带9个分区种子植物区系中藤本植物的科属组成、区系成分、生活型和攀援方式及其地理格局进行了比较研究.结果表明:研究范围内总计有藤本304种(含变种、亚种),分属38科96属...  相似文献   

Abstract Understanding co-adapted traits and strategies in organisms has been increasingly shown to require a broader view of structure, function, taxonomic affiliation (phylogeny) and their possible interactions. In order to understand mechanisms of recruitment dynamics in tropical forest, nine juvenile (fruit, seed and seedling) and seven adult ecological and morphological traits were examined in 89 woody plant species, from 75 genera, 35 families and 21 orders. The species were from tropical rainforest in northern Queensland and varied widely in light requirements and hence regeneration niches. The importance of taxonomic (phylogenetic) constraints was considered using various techniques. Data were collected mostly from herbarium specimens, augmented by observations in the field. The main source of variation in most traits was at the species level, although fruit size and light requirement varied most at the genus level, and flower size at the level of order. Covariation among attributes increased in strength with increasing taxonomic level. Cluster analyses of the species arising either from five or three groups reflected juvenile rather than adult attributes. However, these groups were not morphologically distinct. Sets of juvenile traits poorly predict adult functions (and vice-versa) at species, genus and family levels, but do so more strongly at the order level. Analyses of variance and multivariate analyses, with and without the effects of phylogeny, indicated that fruit size, seed size, hardness of seed coat, seedling cotyledon function, fruit maturation period and, to a lesser extent, seed number per fruit and wood density could predict light requirement, and hence regeneration niche. Flower size showed a strong phylogenetic effect, and thus is conserved along taxonomic lines. It is concluded that as different traits may vary at different taxonomic levels, the influence of phylogeny on interspecific variation needs to be routinely recognized by ecologists involved in comparative analyses of plant life-history functions.  相似文献   

胡亮 《生物多样性》2016,24(10):1105-104
喜马拉雅山地是生物地理学研究的热点地区之一。本文对喜马拉雅地区的藤本植物多样性及其与毗邻地区的联系进行了统计分析, 并对该地区与印度河-恒河平原地区藤本植物多样性的地理格局及其成因进行了研究。结果显示: (1)喜马拉雅地区总计有1,083种藤本植物, 分属72科309属; 其中木质藤本725种, 草质藤本358种; 攀援方式主要为缠绕攀援(51.3%)。(2)该区域的藤本植物组成受相邻区域植物区系的显著影响, 其1,083种藤本植物中有74.1% (802种)在东南亚地区有分布, 50.6% (548种)在南亚有分布, 48.9% (530种)在中国西南地区有分布。本区藤本植物缺乏特有性, 仅125种(11.5%)为本区所特有, 没有特有含藤属。(3)藤本植物多样性及其在植物区系中的比例均自东向西逐渐降低; 木质藤本比例和缠绕攀援藤本比例均自东向西略呈上升趋势; 大多数含藤属的藤本多样性由东往西递减, 仅极少数含藤属由东往西逐渐增加, 如野豌豆属(Vicia)和菟丝子属(Cuscuta)。(4)藤本植物多样性在喜马拉雅和印度河-恒河平原地区呈现出自东向西递减的相似格局, 由东往西方向上含藤属递减率分别为8.4属/100 km和6.3属/100 km, 但喜马拉雅地区藤本植物多样性更高。喜马拉雅和印度河-恒河平原地区均有分布的272个含藤属中有196属在中亚及伊朗高原不再有分布, 其中31.1% (61属)在喜马拉雅地区的分布显著更偏西, 仅4.1% (8属)在印度河-恒河平原的分布显著更偏西。综合分析表明, 喜马拉雅地区藤本植物的多样性及其地理格局的特点与其特殊的地理位置、气候条件和生境的梯度变化以及毗邻地区植物区系的多元化有关; 水分条件的东西向梯度变化可能是藤本植物在喜马拉雅和印度河-恒河平原地区形成相似格局的主要原因。  相似文献   

Summary Several surveys have documented an association among species between habitat type and seed mass, suggesting that habitat attributes impose a direct selective force on seed mass. Previous comparative surveys, however, have not controlled for the statistical effects of shared phylogenetic history (at the genus or family level) and life form when evaluating the relationship between habitat and seed mass. This study of the Indiana Dunes angiosperm flora provides statistical control of genus and family membership by: (i) partitioning out the statistical effect of genus membership prior to measuring the effect of habitat on seed mass, and (ii) seeking an association between habitat and seed mass within eight genera (206 species) and ten families (366 species). To measure the associations between ecological factors, taxonomic membership and seed mass, I examined life form, phenological schedules and seed mass among species in 8 genera distributed among 13 habitat types (assigned to 1 of 4 categories of inferred water and light availability). One-way ANOVAS indicated that genus, life form, habitat, water/light category, the onset of flowering and the duration of flowering accounted for 71%, 51%, 10%, 4%, 14% and 14% of the variance in seed mass, respectively. However, multi-factor ANOVAS measured the variance in seed mass accounted for by each variable independently of the others: only genus explained a significant proportion (11%). Genus membership is strongly associated with the other ecological factors, accounting for the difference between one-way and multi-factor ANOVAS. Within the ecologically widespread genera and families of this study, there was no significant association between water/light category and seed mass, even though this association can be detected across taxa. Among congeners and confamilials, interspecific variation in seed mass (measured as the coefficient of variation) was as high within habitat types as among them, suggesting that habitats do not provide upper limits to the range of seed mass exhibited by the species within them. A previous study of 648 Indiana Dune species showed that species segregate among habitats on the basis of seed size; large-seeded species tend to occupy closed habitats and small-seeded species tend to inhabit open habitats. This segregation creates the ecologically meaningful observation that low-light habitats support larger-seeded species than high-light habitats, even though this pattern cannot be detected independently of taxonomic membership. Generalist taxa may occupy a wide range of habitats for reasons other than their seed size. If this is a common feature of ecological generalists, it may not be possible to detect an association between habitat and seed size independently of taxonomic membership.  相似文献   

Questions: Are traits related to the performance of plant species in restoration? Are the relationships between traits and performance consistent across the functional groups of annual forbs, perennial forbs and grasses? Do the relationships between traits and performance depend on neighboring functional groups? Location: A former agricultural field, being restored to native upland prairie, in the Willamette Valley of western Oregon, USA. Methods: Twenty‐eight native species, representing three functional groups, were sown in seven different combinations. Eleven functional traits were measured from plants in the laboratory and in the field. Correlations between individual traits and performance variables were measured and regression techniques used to determine which sets of traits were most strongly related to performance. Results: Sets of traits explained up to 56% of variation in cover, and up to 48% of variation in establishment frequency. The relationships between traits and performance were influenced by functional group identity; the functional group identity of neighboring species also influenced species' cover and the relationships between traits and cover. Species' establishment rate in monoculture was the trait most strongly correlated to both establishment and cover in mixtures. In multi‐trait models, annual forb functional group identity was strongly related to establishment in mixtures, and height, leaf weight ratio at 7 d and seed mass were strongly related to cover. Conclusions: Multiple‐trait models should be a useful way of predicting the performance of species prior to sowing in restoration. The functional group identity of each species and the other species being sown may need to be taken into account when making predictions.  相似文献   

1. Comparative studies on insect life histories are facilitated by the increasing availability of reliable phylogenies but are hampered by the scarcity of comparable data. Fortunately, morphological proxies of some life‐history traits can be measured on preserved specimens. 2. This study compared values of size‐related life‐history traits among a tropical (Ugandan) and a temperate (Estonian) assemblage of geometrid moths. 3. A comparative analysis based on an originally derived phylogeny revealed that tropical moths were, on average, larger than temperate ones. Tropical moths also had somewhat lower relative abdomen masses than temperate ones. This indicates that the tropical rather than the temperate moths tend to use an income (rather than capital) breeding strategy. Nevertheless, no difference was found in a related index of pro‐ovigeny. When body size was accounted for, tropical moths were found to lay smaller eggs than temperate ones. 4. The differences between the two compared areas are consistent with selection on higher mobility of the moths imposed by the more diverse tropical vegetation. Relatively larger eggs of temperate moths may constitute an adaptation to overcome the presumably stronger quantitative defences of their host plants. 5. Overall, however, we conclude that the differences in ecologically relevant size‐related traits are relatively low among moth assemblages of a tropical and a temperate forest region, indicating that these environments may not impose radically different selective pressures on insect life histories.  相似文献   

1 This study examines the abundance and distribution of grassland plant species in particular relation to features affecting colonization. Seed production (inversely related to seed size) and recruitment success (positively related) affect colonization ability, suggesting that seed size can be used as a key trait.
2 Data on seed size, dispersal mode, life form, geographical range size and abundance were gathered for 81 grassland plant species in a field study area in Sweden. Seed production and plant size were estimated for 69 of these species. Analyses were performed both across species, with species treated as independent data points, and for 43 'phylogenetically independent contrasts'.
3 The cross-species analyses suggested that local abundance was related to life forms but not dispersal or plant size. Perennials were generally most abundant, as were clonal species. If abundance reflects colonization we predicted that species with intermediately sized seeds (or intermediate seed production) would be most abundant, and this was supported by the phylogenetic contrast but not by cross-species analyses. In the former analysis, a high abundance of species was significantly associated with a small seed size deviation (and seed number deviation) from the median values of these traits in the community.
4 Local abundance, seed production and seed size deviation from the community median value were positively related to geographical range size in the cross-species analysis, but no relationships were seen in the phylogenetic contrast analysis.
5 We conclude that colonization processes do have a significant influence on abundance patterns in grasslands. Seed size is a key trait for colonizing ability, and the effects of the trade-off of seed size vs. seed number must be considered. No single mechanism can be identified that influences both abundance and geographical distribution range.  相似文献   

Aim To enhance our understanding of the evolutionary interactions between seed‐dispersal syndromes, life‐forms, seed size, and habitat characteristics by studying their association with the regional‐scale distributions of subtropical rain‐forest plants in the context of climatic gradients. Location South‐east Queensland, subtropical eastern Australia (152° E, 26° S). Methods We classified 250 rain‐forest sites into six floristic site‐groups based on their woody plant composition. The resulting classification was strongly associated with variation in rainfall. The distribution of species across the floristic site‐groups was used to assign 568 species to seven habitat classes (one class for ‘widespread’ species, with all other species classified according to the site‐group within which they were most frequent). Species were also classified for three other categorical life‐history factors: three dispersal syndromes based on diaspore morphology (fleshy, wind‐assisted, and unadorned); four life‐forms (trees, shrubs and small trees, tall climbers, and short and shrubby climbers); and four seed‐diameter classes (< 3 mm, ≥ 3 and < 4.5 mm, ≥ 4.5 and < 7 mm, and ≥ 7 mm). We used a basic comparative approach augmented by simple phylogenetically constrained comparisons to assess association between dispersal syndrome, seed size, life‐form, and habitat class. Results Across the rain forests of south‐east Queensland, the proportion of species with fleshy diaspores or of large stature increases with rainfall. High‐rainfall sites also have larger average seed sizes, but the difference in average seed size between high‐ and low‐rainfall sites is small compared with variation within sites. Among species, those with fleshy fruit tend to have larger seeds and to favour high‐rainfall sites. Very few small trees produce diaspores adapted for wind‐assisted dispersal. On average, species with unadorned diaspores have smaller seeds than those with fleshy diaspores. However, within sites, species with unadorned and fleshy diaspores have similar average seed sizes, and some species with unadorned diaspores from high‐rainfall habitats have extremely large seeds. Main conclusions Commonly observed associations between fleshy fruit, larger plants, larger seeds, and productive habitats are apparent within the rain‐forest flora of south‐east Queensland. However, these associations are generally weak and involve complex interactions. For example, the strong tendency for species with fleshy fruit to have larger seeds than those with unadorned diaspores concealed a significant group of species from wetter forests that produce extremely large seeds and unadorned diaspores. The most widespread species in this study tend to be large plants (particularly robust lianes) and to produce fleshy fruit, but they tend not to have relatively large seeds. The association between large seeds, large plants, fleshy fruit and productive habitats is discussed as part of an evolutionary strategy favouring fitness in populations close to carrying capacity. We review some problems with focusing on establishment chances per seed as the driver towards association between large seeds, large plants and productive rain‐forest habitats (the difficult‐establishment hypothesis). Instead we suggest that production of large, short‐lived seeds by long‐lived plants in temporally stable, closed habitats may reflect the limited evolutionary potential for strategies enhancing colonization (e.g. producing large numbers of dormant seeds), thus allowing the establishment benefits of large seeds greater selective influence (the slow‐replacement hypothesis). The association of fleshy fruit with large seeds probably reflects the difficulty of dispersing large seeds by other means (the difficult‐dispersal hypothesis).  相似文献   

Introduced deer occur in many forests and woodlands in Australia and potentially play an important role in influencing the floristics and structure of these landscapes through eating plants and disseminating seeds. In a glasshouse trial, we tested whether field‐collected scats of Fallow Deer (Dama dama) contained viable plant seeds. Scats of deer obtained from a woodland study area in Kosciuszko National Park, New South Wales, produced seedlings from a range of native and introduced plant species. Forbs and herbs were dominant in these samples, confirming the grazing behaviour of deer at the time scats were collected. Samples of scats from Eastern Grey Kangaroos (Macropus giganteus), collected contemporaneously from the same sites as deer scats, also produced plant germinants. By volume, deer scats produced a greater diversity of plant germinants, including native and weed species, than did kangaroo scats. Although no weed species emanating from deer or kangaroo scats were of national significance, several species were of regional environmental significance, including Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsis), which was only found germinating out of deer scat, Stinkgrass (Eragrostis cilianensis) and Purpletop (Verbena bonariensis). In addition to dispersing viable seeds, Fallow Deer may also influence vegetation structure through their browsing. Further research is necessary to elucidate their respective role in dispersing native and introduced plants as well as any impacts that foraging behaviour might be having on woodland landscapes, to better inform management of the resident deer population.  相似文献   


Selected examples of pollen and seed dispersal in Mediterranean plants are described. The aspects of pollination considered are: comparison between cleistogamous and chasmogamous forms in the same species; differences in attractants and rewards; duration of pollen viability according to pollination syndrome. The aspects of seed dispersal considered are: presence or absence of specialized structures for dispersal; examples of active, passive and induced dispersal; animals involved in seed dispersal and their reward; type and functions of elaiosomes.  相似文献   

In order to identify key factors in the evolution of life history traits in Ascothoracida and Rhizocephala (two groups of crustacean parastes of invertebrates), comparative analyses were performed using phylogenetically independent contrasts. Among 59 ascothoracidan species, latitude correlated positively with body size, whereas there was no relationship between water depth and body size. Body size also correlated strongly with egg size; however, once corrected for body size, egg size was not related to either latitude or water depth. Among 91 rhizocephalan species, neither latitude nor water depth correlated with body size. However, host species of larger sizes harboured larger species of rhizocephalan parasites. Egg size of rhizocephalans did not correlate with body size, and was not influenced by either latitude or water depth. The patterns observed in this study show both differences from an similarities to those reported for other groups of crustacean parasites, and suggest that adaptations to similar selective pressures are not always identical among distantly-related taxa.  相似文献   

Large-bodied frugivores are essential to the ecological function of rainforest communities. The southern cassowary (Casaurius casuarius johnsonii) is the only large frugivore in the tropical rainforests of Australia. Here, we assessed whether cassowaries remain important to native plant seed dispersal in areas where the rainforest is highly fragmented, and exotic fruits are abundant. To do this, we developed a tri-axial acceleration logger integrated with a motion sensor and VHF radio transmitter. The telemetry device was small enough to be hidden inside a native fruit. The cassowaries ingested it, transported it and defecated it up to 24 h later with the seeds from the fruits they had ingested during the tracking period. The telemetry device was then located by VHF radio and collected with the scat. The distance travelled, activity profile, consumed fruit diversity, and scat energy content were assessed for cassowaries inhabiting regions with different degrees of urbanization. We found that cassowaries inhabiting more urbanized areas consumed the greatest proportion of fruits from exotic plants (~30%) but still incorporated a significant proportion of fruits from native plants in their diet. These individuals existed in higher states of activity and rested less than individuals inhabiting more intact swathes of rainforest, actively moving between urban gardens and the rainforest. The study shows cassowaries have a flexible foraging strategy that has enabled them to persist in rainforest-fragmented landscapes. They remain a significant disperser of seeds from native plants between rainforest patches, and as such, cassowaries remain essential in maintaining native plant diversity within these fragmented patches.  相似文献   

Effective management of introduced species requires the early identification of species that pose a significant threat of becoming invasive. To better understand the invasive ecology of species in New England, USA, we compiled a character data set with which to compare non-native species that are known invaders to non-native species that are not currently known to be invasive. In contrast to previous biological trait-based models, we employed a Bayesian hierarchical analysis to identify sets of plant traits associated with invasiveness for each of three growth forms (vines, shrubs, and trees). The resulting models identify a suite of 'invasive traits' highlighting the ecology associated with invasiveness for each of three growth forms. The most effective predictors of invasiveness that emerged from our model were 'invasive elsewhere', 'fast growth rate', 'native latitudinal range', and 'growth form'. The contrast among growth forms was pronounced. For example, 'wind dispersal' was positively correlated with invasiveness in trees, but negatively correlated in shrubs and vines. The predictive model was able to correctly classify invasive plants 67% of the time (22/33), and non-invasive plants 95% of the time (204/215). A number of potential future invasive species in New England that deserve management consideration were identified.  相似文献   

Animals from different clades but subject to similar environments often evolve similar body shapes and physiological adaptations due to convergent evolution, but this has been rarely tested at the transcontinental level and across entire classes of animal. Australia's biome diversity, isolation and aridification history provide excellent opportunities for comparative analyses on broad‐scale macroevolutionary patterns. We collected morphological and environmental data on eighty‐four (98%) Australian hylid frog species and categorized them into ecotypes. Using a phylogenetic framework, we tested the hypothesis that frogs from the same ecotype display similar body shape patterns: (i) across all the Australian hylids, and (ii) through comparison with a similar previous study on 127 (97%) Australian myobatrachid species. Body size and shape variation did not follow a strong phylogenetic pattern and was not tightly correlated with environment, but there was a stronger association between morphotype and ecotype. Both arboreal and aquatic frogs had long limbs, whereas limbs of fossorial species were shorter. Other terrestrial species were convergent on the more typical frog body shape. We quantified the strength of morphological convergence at two levels: (i) between fossorial myobatrachid and hylid frogs, and (ii) in each ecomorph within the hylids. We found strong convergence within ecotypes, especially in fossorial species. Ecotypes were also reflected in physiological adaptations: both arboreal and cocooned fossorial frogs tend to have higher rates of evaporative water loss. Our results illustrate how adaptation to different ecological niches plays a crucial role in morphological evolution, boosting phenotypic diversity within a clade. Despite phylogenetic conservatism, morphological adaptation to repeatedly emerging new environments can erase the signature of ancestral morphotypes, resulting in phenotypic diversification and convergence both within and between diverse clades.  相似文献   

Aim To determine whether life‐history characters that affect population persistence (e.g. habit and life span) and those that influence reproductive success (e.g. sexual system and fruit type) are non‐randomly correlated with extinction risk (i.e. threat category) in the Australian flora (c. 19,000 species, of which c. 14% is threatened). To identify patterns that present useful conservation directions. To understand patterns of extinction risk in the Australian flora at a broad scale. Location Continental Australia. Methods A country‐wide exploration of four life‐history characters in the Australian flora (n = 18,822 species) was undertaken using reference texts, expert opinion, herbarium records and field work. For each character and threat‐category combination, a G‐test (using a log‐linear model) was performed to test the null hypothesis that the two factors were independent in their effects on count. A generalized linear model (GLM) with a logit link and binomial error distribution was constructed with the proportion of taxa in each extinction risk category as the response variable and the habit, sex and fruit‐type characters as explanatory terms. In a separate approach, we investigated patterns across the threat categories of non‐endangered extant, endangered, and extinct using a multinomial model. We examined whether or not species‐poor genera were more likely to contain threatened or extinct species than species‐rich genera. A GLM with a binomial error distribution and logit link function was constructed to obtain a weighted regression on the proportion of species listed as extinct or endangered within a genus versus the log of the size of the genus. We also used a supertree analysis and character tracing to investigate the role of phylogeny on extinction risk. Results We found that the Australian flora is primarily composed of bisexual shrubs with dry‐dehiscent fruits. Dioecious breeding systems (separate female and male flowers on separate plants) in many floras are the predominant unisexual system, but in Australia there are unexpectedly high levels of monoecy (separate female and male flowers on the same plant). Within the extinct data set of 31 species we detected a significant departure from that expected for habit but not for life span, sexual system or fruit type. There are significantly fewer trees on the extinct list than expected. This may reflect the greater resilience of trees than of other growth habits to extinction processes as well as the observation time‐frame. Within the endangered data set of 450 species we found significant differences in the representation of the observed characters from that expected within sex systems and fruit types. We show that, depending on the life form, unisexual breeding systems can be significantly and positively associated with endangered species compared with non‐threatened species. For example, there are more monoecious species than expected by chance among the tree species listed as endangered but fewer among the herbaceous life forms. Threat category was found to be non‐randomly clustered in some clades. Main conclusions Life‐history characters in certain combinations are predictive of extinction risk. Phylogeny is also an important component of extinction risk. We suggest that specific life‐history characters could be used for conservation planning and as an early warning sign for detecting vulnerability in lists of species.  相似文献   

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