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1. In semi‐arid climates, seasonally‐flowing streams provide most of the water required for human use, but knowledge of how water extraction affects ecological processes is limited. Predicted alterations in stream flows associated with the impacts of climate change further emphasize the need to understand these processes. Benthic algae are an important base for stream food webs, but we have little knowledge of how algae survive dry periods or respond to altered flow regimes. 2. We sampled 19 streams within the Grampians National Park, south‐eastern Australia and included four components: a survey of different drought refuges (e.g. permanent pools, dry biofilm on stones and dry leaf packs) and associated algal taxa; a survey of algal regrowth on stones after flows recommenced to determine which refuges contributed to regrowth; reciprocal transplant experiments to determine the relative importance of algal drift and regrowth from dry biofilm in recolonization; direct measurement of algal drift to determine taxonomic composition in relation to benthic assemblage composition. 3. Algae showed little specificity for drought refuges but did depend on them; no species were found that were not present in at least one of the perennial pool, dry biofilm or leaf pack refuges. Perennial pools were most closely correlated with the composition of algal assemblages once flows resumed, but the loss or gain of perennial pools that might arise from stream regulation is unlikely to affect the composition of algal regrowth. However, regulated streams were associated with strong increases in algal density in dry biofilm, including increased densities of Cyanobacteria. 4. A model for algal recolonization in seasonally‐flowing streams identified three pathways for algal recolonization (drift‐dependent, dry biofilm‐dependent and contributions from both), depending on whether streams are diatom‐dominated or dominated by filamentous algae. The model predicted the effects of changes to stream flow regimes on benthic algal recolonization and provides a basis for hypotheses testable in streams elsewhere.  相似文献   

Both disturbance history and disturbance type act to structure communities through selecting for particular species traits but they may also interact. For example, flooding selects for species with flood‐resistant traits in streams, but those traits could make communities susceptible to other disturbances and so could cause shifts in community composition due to anthropogenic climate change. To better understand the interactive influences of disturbance history and type on community composition, we investigated the response of macroinvertebrate communities to disturbance using in‐stream channels. Using a split‐plot design, individual channels in five ‘stable’ streams and five ‘frequently disturbed’ streams (disturbance history) were subject to different disturbance type treatments (flooding, drying and a control). Disturbance type independently drove effects on species diversity, but all other effects of disturbance type depended on disturbance history. In particular, the interaction of disturbance type and history determined overall community response. Both disturbance types tested produced similar community responses in frequently disturbed streams, including changes in community composition and alterations to the abundance of less mobile taxa, but low‐flow had a significantly greater effect in stable streams. Macroinvertebrate drift was greatest in the rock‐rolling treatments and significantly less in the low‐flow treatment for both disturbance histories. Therefore, disturbance history moderated the effects of disturbance type and determined the mechanism of community response by determining how well species were adapted to disturbance. This outcome suggests that previous disturbances strongly influence how vulnerable communities are to changes in disturbance, and so should be considered when predicting how changes in disturbance regimes will affect future community composition.  相似文献   

Climate change is altering hydrological cycles globally, and in Mediterranean (med-) climate regions it is causing the drying of river flow regimes, including the loss of perennial flows. Water regime exerts a strong influence over stream assemblages, which have developed over geological timeframes with the extant flow regime. Consequently, sudden drying in formerly perennial streams is expected to have large, negative impacts on stream fauna. We compared contemporary (2016/17) macroinvertebrate assemblages of formerly perennial streams that became intermittently flowing (since the early 2000s) to assemblages recorded in the same streams by a study conducted pre-drying (1981/82) in the med-climate region of southwestern Australia (the Wungong Brook catchment, SWA), using a multiple before-after, control-impact design. Assemblage composition in the stream reaches that remained perennial changed very little between the studies. In contrast, recent intermittency had a profound effect on species composition in streams impacted by drying, including the extirpation of nearly all Gondwanan relictual insect species. New species arriving at intermittent streams tended to be widespread, resilient species including desert-adapted taxa. Intermittent streams also had distinct species assemblages, due in part to differences in their hydroperiods, allowing the establishment of distinct winter and summer assemblages in streams with longer-lived pools. The remaining perennial stream is the only refuge for ancient Gondwanan relict species and the only place in the Wungong Brook catchment where many of these species still persist. The fauna of SWA upland streams is becoming homogenised with that of the wider Western Australian landscape, as drought-tolerant, widespread species replace local endemics. Flow regime drying caused large, in situ alterations to stream assemblage composition and demonstrates the threat posed to relictual stream faunas in regions where climates are drying.  相似文献   

Headwater species and peripheral populations that occupy habitat at the edge of a species range may hold an increased conservation value to managers due to their potential to maximize intraspecies diversity and species' adaptive capabilities in the context of rapid environmental change. The southern Appalachian Mountains are the southern extent of the geographic range of native Salvelinus fontinalis and naturalized Oncorhynchus mykiss and Salmo trutta in eastern North America. We predicted distributions of these peripheral, headwater wild trout populations at a fine scale to serve as a planning and management tool for resource managers to maximize resistance and resilience of these populations in the face of anthropogenic stressors. We developed correlative logistic regression models to predict occurrence of brook trout, rainbow trout, and brown trout for every interconfluence stream reach in the study area. A stream network was generated to capture a more consistent representation of headwater streams. Each of the final models had four significant metrics in common: stream order, fragmentation, precipitation, and land cover. Strahler stream order was found to be the most influential variable in two of the three final models and the second most influential variable in the other model. Greater than 70% presence accuracy was achieved for all three models. The underrepresentation of headwater streams in commonly used hydrography datasets is an important consideration that warrants close examination when forecasting headwater species distributions and range estimates. Additionally, it appears that a relative watershed position metric (e.g., stream order) is an important surrogate variable (even when elevation is included) for biotic interactions across the landscape in areas where headwater species distributions are influenced by topographical gradients.  相似文献   

Rivers are among the world's most modified ecosystems, with poor water quality representing a prominent problem for over 200 years, especially in urban areas. In Western Europe, however, industrial decline, tighter regulation and improved wastewater treatment have combined over recent decades to create conditions conducive to extensive restoration and positive biological change. Here, we evaluate the river macroinvertebrate fauna of England and Wales in relation to water quality, physical habitat and climate over almost two decades. We predicted that biological recovery would be characterized by: (i) greater taxon richness and prevalence of pollution‐sensitive taxa, (ii) larger changes in more heavily urbanized catchments, and (iii) temporal trends in assemblage structure that correlated with improving water quality. Family level richness increased on average by nearly 20% during 1991–2008, accompanied by a widespread shift towards taxa characteristic of well‐oxygenated and less polluted waters. Changes were largest in the most urbanized catchments. A combination of natural gradients and anthropogenic pressures explained the variation among sites, whereas temporal changes correlated with improving water quality and variations in discharge. Positive trends were not universal, however, and there was localized deterioration in some streams draining upland areas and in the lowland south east. Our results are consistent with a large‐scale ecological recovery of English and Welsh rivers since 1990, probably continuing a trend from the mid‐20th century. Based on these results, we suggest: (i) freshwater communities are resilient to long‐term anthropogenic pressures, (ii) biodiversity benefits can arise from investment and long‐term restoration intended largely to enhance ecosystem services such as drinking water and sanitary concerns, and (iii) long‐term monitoring data collected for statutory purposes–based in this case on nearly 50 000 samples–can address scientific questions at spatial and temporal extents seldom achieved in research programmes.  相似文献   

Functional traits are growing in popularity in modern ecology, but feeding studies remain primarily rooted in a taxonomic‐based perspective. However, consumers do not have any reason to select their prey using a taxonomic criterion, and prey assemblages are variable in space and time, which makes taxon‐based studies assemblage‐specific. To illustrate the benefits of the trait‐based approach to assessing food choice, we studied the feeding ecology of the endangered freshwater fish Barbus meridionalis. We hypothesized that B. meridionalis is a selective predator which food choice depends on several prey morphological and behavioral traits, and thus, its top‐down pressure may lead to changes in the functional composition of in‐stream macroinvertebrate communities. Feeding selectivity was inferred by comparing taxonomic and functional composition (13 traits) between ingested and free‐living potential prey using the Jacob's electivity index. Our results showed that the fish diet was influenced by 10 of the 13 traits tested. Barbus meridionalis preferred prey with a potential size of 5–10 mm, with a medium–high drift tendency, and that drift during daylight. Potential prey with no body flexibility, conical shape, concealment traits (presence of nets and/or cases, or patterned coloration), and high aggregation tendency had a low predation risk. Similarly, surface swimmers and interstitial taxa were low vulnerable to predation. Feeding selectivity altered the functional composition of the macroinvertebrate communities. Fish absence favored taxa with weak aggregation tendency, weak flexibility, and a relatively large size (10–20 mm of potential size). Besides, predatory invertebrates may increase in fish absence. In conclusion, our study shows that the incorporation of the trait‐based approach in diet studies is a promising avenue to improve our mechanistic understanding of predator–prey interactions and to help predict the ecological outcomes of predator invasions and extinctions.  相似文献   

The regional occupancy and local abundance of species are affected by various species traits, but their relative effects are poorly understood. We studied the relationships between species traits and occupancy (i.e., proportion of sites occupied) or abundance (i.e., mean local abundance at occupied sites) of stream invertebrates using small‐grained data (i.e., local stream sites) across a large spatial extent (i.e., three drainage basins). We found a significant, yet rather weak, linear relationship between occupancy and abundance. However, occupancy was strongly related to niche position (NP), but it showed a weaker relationship with niche breadth (NB). Abundance was at best weakly related to these explanatory niche‐based variables. Biological traits, including feeding modes, habit traits, dispersal modes and body size classes, were generally less important in accounting for variation in occupancy and abundance. Our findings showed that the regional occupancy of stream invertebrate species is mostly related to niche characteristics, in particular, NP. However, the effects of NB on occupancy were affected by the measure itself. We conclude that niche characteristics determine the regional occupancy of species at relatively large spatial extents, suggesting that species distributions are determined by environmental variation among sites.  相似文献   

Aim Ecologists have shown increasing interest in the relative roles of local and regional factors in structuring biotic communities. One approach to studying this is to examine the relationship between local species richness (LSR) and regional species richness (RSR). We examined the LSR–RSR relationship in stream diatoms, using two data sets that varied in spatial extent. At broad spatial extent ranging across drainage systems, we expected climatic and dispersal‐related factors to constrain LSR, thus resulting in a linear LSR–RSR relationship. However, at small spatial scales dispersal across sites should be unconstrained, resulting in strong local interactions and a weak or asymptotic LSR–RSR relationship. Location Boreal streams in Finland. Methods For data set 1, we sampled 15 stream riffles (localities) in each of eight drainage systems (regions), with the latitudinal gradient between the southernmost and northernmost sites being almost 1100 km. For data set 2, a locality for estimating LSR was a single stone, and each riffle represented a region for estimating RSR. We sampled 20 stones in each of eight riffles. We used linear regressions to examine the relationship between LSR and RSR across regions. We used both observed richness values, as well as values estimated with the Chao1 estimator. Results We found a relatively strong linear relationship between the Chao1‐estimated mean LSR and RSR (R2 = 0.654, P = 0.015) across drainage systems. The slope of the regression was 0.643 and it did not differ from 1.0, thus indicating linearity. At the riffle scale, however, LSR and RSR were not linearly related, and the slope of the regression (0.039) differed significantly from 1.0, indicating curvilinearity. Main conclusions These results suggest that the relationship between mean LSR and RSR varies across spatial scales in diatoms – from significantly linear at large scales to curvilinear at small scales. These plots imply strong regional enrichment in stream diatoms across drainage systems. Their diversity is thus determined largely by the composition of the regional species pool, as also in many macroorganisms. In contrast, at small spatial scales the LSR–RSR relationship implied a hard limit to local diversity, reflecting the primacy of local processes.  相似文献   

Trophic relations among introduced species may induce highly variable and complex effects in communities and ecosystems. However, studies that identify the potential impacts for invaded systems and illuminate mechanisms of coexistence with native species are scarce. Here, we examined trophic relations between two introduced fishes in streams of NW Patagonia, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (Salmo trutta). These species originate from different regions of the Northern Hemisphere but they now coexist as invading species over the world. We used gastric contents and stable isotopes analysis to compare the diets of two size‐classes of these two invaders in three localities of southern Chile. Both species displayed similar ontogenic diet shifts with smaller trout consuming mostly invertebrates and larger trout being more piscivorous and epibenthic feeders. However, piscivory was more prevalent in brown trout than in rainbow trout and highest at the site with the greatest density of native fishes suggesting that the availability of native fishes as trout prey may limit the occurrence of trout piscivory. We found an elevated dietary overlap between the two trout species at larger sizes while at smaller size a higher intraspecific dietary overlap occurred suggesting a potential interference competition among the two fish invaders especially at larger sizes. Our results highlight that the impacts of invading species on non‐native fishes are context specific (i.e. species and ontogenic stages) and thus, difficult to generalize.  相似文献   

The diet of the Iberian otter (Lutra lutra) was determined by analysing 547 spraints collected at 28 sites within a wide area invaded by centrarchid fishes (pumpkinseed sunfish, Lepomis gibbosus and largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides): the middle Guadiana basin (South-west Iberian Peninsula). Fish was the otters’ main prey, representing more than 60% of total individuals and more than 80% of total biomass. Otters preyed on most of the fish species captured in the field; however, the consumption of centrarchids was low compared to their abundance in the streams, and Jacobs’ index of preference showed a clear rejection of both species by the otter. Consumption of native fish genera (Squalius, Barbus and Chondrostoma) by otters increased in relation to their increase in the environment. In contrast, increasing numbers of L. gibbosus in the field was not reflected in otter consumption. The general decline of native freshwater fishes in Iberian rivers, the preferred prey of otters, together with the spread of exotic fish species (centrarchids and others) could put otter populations at risk.  相似文献   



The introduction of non‐indigenous species (NIS) via man‐made corridors connecting previously disparate oceanic regions is increasing globally. However, the environmental and anthropogenic factors facilitating invasion dynamics and their interactions are still largely unknown. This study compiles and inputs available data for the NIS bivalve Brachidontes pharaonis across the invaded biogeographic range in the Mediterranean basin into a species distribution model to predict future spread under a range of marine scenarios.


Mediterranean Sea.


A systematic review produced the largest presence database ever assembled to inform the selection of biological, chemical and physical factors linked to the spread of B. pharaonis through the Suez Canal. We carried out a sensitivity analysis to simulate current and future trophic and salinity scenarios. A species distribution model was run to determine key drivers of invasion, quantify interactive impacts arising from a range of trophic states, salinity conditions and climatic scenarios and forecast future trajectories for the spread of NIS into new regions under multiple‐parameter scenarios (based on the main factors identified from the systematic review).


Impacts on invasion trajectory arising from climate change and interactions with increasing salinity from the new opening of the canal were the primary drivers of expansion across the basin, the effects of which were further enhanced by eutrophication. Predictions of the current distribution were most accurate when multiple stressors were used to drive the model. A habitat suitability index developed at a subcontinental scale from model outputs identified novel favourable conditions for future colonization at specific locations under 2030 and 2050 climatic scenarios.

Main conclusions

Future expansion of B. pharaonis will be enhanced by climate‐facilitated increased sea temperature, interacting with increasing pressures from salinity and eutrophication. The spatially explicit risk output maps of invasions represent a powerful visual product for use in communication of the spread of NIS and decision‐support tools for scientists and policymakers. The suggested approach, the observed distribution pattern and driving processes can be applied to other NIS species and regions by providing novel forecasts of species occurrences under future multiple stressor scenarios and the location of suitable recipient habitats with respect to anthropogenic and environmental parameters.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the role of multiple landscape factors on the species richness patterns of native and introduced freshwater fish. Location Mediterranean streams, south‐western Iberian Peninsula, Europe (c. 87,000 km2). Methods We used a dataset of fish occurrences from 436 stream sites. We quantified the incremental explanatory power of multiple landscape factors in native, introduced, and overall local species richness using regression analysis. First, we related variation in local species richness across river basins to regional species richness (here, the basin species pool), area and factors of climate and topography. Second, we related within‐river basin local species richness to site’s climate and topography, and spatial structure derived from Principal Coordinates of Neighbour Matrices approach, after testing for species richness spatial autocorrelation; predicted local richness was mapped. Results Patterns of local species richness across river basins were strongly associated with regional species richness for overall, native and introduced species; annual rainfall showed a significant incremental contribution to variation in introduced species richness only. Within river basins, environmental factors were associated with local richness for the three species groups, though their contributions to the total explained variation were inferior to those of spatial factors; rainfall seasonality and stream slope were the most consistent environmental correlates for all species groups, while the influence of spatial factors was most prevalent for native species. Main conclusions Landscape factors operating among and within river basins seem to play a relevant role in shaping local species richness of both native and introduced species, and may be contingent on basin‐specific contexts. Nevertheless, local factors, such as habitat characteristics and biotic interactions and human‐induced disturbances may also be at play. Multiscale approaches incorporating a multitude of factors are strongly encouraged to facilitate a deeper understanding of the biodiversity patterns of Mediterranean streams, and to promote more effective conservation and management strategies.  相似文献   

The existence of fine‐grain climate heterogeneity has prompted suggestions that species may be able to survive future climate change in pockets of suitable microclimate, termed ‘microrefugia’. However, evidence for microrefugia is hindered by lack of understanding of how rates of warming vary across a landscape. Here, we present a model that is applied to provide fine‐grained, multidecadal estimates of temperature change based on the underlying physical processes that influence microclimate. Weather station and remotely derived environmental data were used to construct physical variables that capture the effects of terrain, sea surface temperatures, altitude and surface albedo on local temperatures, which were then calibrated statistically to derive gridded estimates of temperature. We apply the model to the Lizard Peninsula, United Kingdom, to provide accurate (mean error = 1.21 °C; RMS error = 1.63 °C) hourly estimates of temperature at a resolution of 100 m for the period 1977–2014. We show that rates of warming vary across a landscape primarily due to long‐term trends in weather conditions. Total warming varied from 0.87 to 1.16 °C, with the slowest rates of warming evident on north‐east‐facing slopes. This variation contributed to substantial spatial heterogeneity in trends in bioclimatic variables: for example, the change in the length of the frost‐free season varied from +11 to ?54 days and the increase in annual growing degree‐days from 51 to 267 °C days. Spatial variation in warming was caused primarily by a decrease in daytime cloud cover with a resulting increase in received solar radiation, and secondarily by a decrease in the strength of westerly winds, which has amplified the effects on temperature of solar radiation on west‐facing slopes. We emphasize the importance of multidecadal trends in weather conditions in determining spatial variation in rates of warming, suggesting that locations experiencing least warming may not remain consistent under future climate change.  相似文献   

1. High‐gradient mountain streams are ideal for studying longitudinal biological patterns, although the degree of similarity in the biological gradient among physically similar streams in a region is poorly known. Our first objective was to evaluate variability in benthic communities along four streams in the central Rocky Mountains of Colorado. We analysed the relative influence of longitudinal position versus reach‐scale physical variables on community structure and measured community similarity at comparable longitudinal positions on the four streams. 2. Our second objective was to evaluate the relative utility of taxonomically versus functionally defined communities to characterise assemblage structure: are taxonomic patterns more predictable along the gradient than are patterns of ecologically important species traits? 3. Redundancy analyses (RDA), including measures of both reach‐scale environmental variables (substratum properties, periphytic cover, local channel slope) and longitudinal position (altitude, stream size), confirmed that the longitudinal position of a site was most important in determining taxonomic composition. Functional community structure was also influenced by longitudinal position, but reach‐scale variables (especially periphyton and median particle size) were of greater importance. 4. Redundancy analyses explained 29.3% of total taxonomic variance and 26.0% of functional variance, indicating that defining assemblages functionally provides no greater understanding of community patterns given several known environmental variables. Strict longitudinal limits of taxa, the presumably identical regional species pool across our sites, and/or trade‐offs among different types of species traits probably explain this result. 5. Redundancy analyses did suggest, however, that traits related to longer life (semivoltinism, long‐lived adults, and slow larval development) were more common downstream, while long‐distance dispersal ability and high fecundity were associated with higher altitude and its associated harsher conditions. 6. When sampling sites were grouped into three ecological zones defined by altitude, mean community similarity (measured both taxonomically and functionally) was lowest across streams at the highest altitude. This pattern could be driven by increased insularity of alpine‐zone streams, resulting from a combination of harsh terrestrial environment, lack of hydrological connectivity, and limited species ranges along the longitudinal continuum.  相似文献   

The question of whether species co‐occurrence is random or deterministic has received considerable attention, but little is known about how anthropogenic disturbance mediates the outcomes. By combining experiments, field surveys and analysis against null models, we tested the hypothesis that anthropogenic habitat modification disrupts species co‐occurrence in stream invertebrates across spatial scales. Whereas communities in unmodified conditions were structured deterministically with significant species segregation, catchment‐scale conversion to agriculture and sediment deposition at the patch‐ or micro‐habitat scale apparently randomized species co‐occurrences. This shift from non‐random to random was mostly independent of species richness, abundance and spatial scale. Data on community‐wide life‐history traits (body size, dispersal ability and predatory habits) and beta‐diversity indicated that anthropogenic modification disrupted community assembly by affecting biotic interactions and, to a lesser extent, altering habitat heterogeneity. These data illustrate that the balance between predictable and stochastic patterns in communities can reflect anthropogenic modifications that not only transcend scales but also change the relative forces that determine species coexistence. Research into the effects of habitat modification as a key to understanding global change should extend beyond species richness and composition to include species co‐occurrence, species interactions and any functional consequences.  相似文献   

Large spatial and temporal gradients in rainfall and temperature occur across Australia. This heterogeneity drives ecological differentiation in vegetation structure and ecophysiology. We examined multiple leaf‐scale traits, including foliar 13C isotope discrimination (Δ13C), rates of photosynthesis and foliar N concentration and their relationships with multiple climate variables. Fifty‐five species across 27 families were examined across eight sites spanning contrasting biomes. Key questions addressed include: (i) Does Δ13C and intrinsic water‐use efficiency (WUEi) vary with climate at a continental scale? (ii) What are the seasonal and spatial patterns in Δ13C/WUEi across biomes and species? (iii) To what extent does Δ13C reflect variation in leaf structural, functional and nutrient traits across climate gradients? and (iv) Does the relative importance of assimilation and stomatal conductance in driving variation in Δ13C differ across seasons? We found that MAP, temperature seasonality, isothermality and annual temperature range exerted independent effects on foliar Δ13C/WUEi. Temperature‐related variables exerted larger effects than rainfall‐related variables. The relative importance of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance (gs) in determining Δ13C differed across seasons: Δ13C was more strongly regulated by gs during the dry‐season and by photosynthetic capacity during the wet‐season. Δ13C was most strongly correlated, inversely, with leaf mass area ratio among all leaf attributes considered. Leaf Nmass was significantly and positively correlated with MAP during dry‐ and wet‐seasons and with moisture index (MI) during the wet‐season but was not correlated with Δ13C. Leaf Pmass showed significant positive relationship with MAP and Δ13C only during the dry‐season. For all leaf nutrient‐related traits, the relationships obtained for Δ13C with MAP or MI indicated that Δ13C at the species level reliably reflects the water status at the site level. Temperature and water availability, not foliar nutrient content, are the principal factors influencing Δ13C across Australia.  相似文献   

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