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Male snakes typically have longer tails relative to body length than females, but the extent of this dimorphism varies among species. Three hypotheses have been suggested to explain tail dimorphism. The Morphological Constraint Hypothesis proposes that males have relatively longer tails to accommodate hemipenes and retractor muscles. The Female Reproductive Output Hypothesis proposes that females have relatively shorter tails as a secondary result of natural selection for increased reproductive capacity. The Male Mating Ability Hypothesis proposes that sexual selection favours relatively longer tails in males during courtship. These hypotheses make different predictions about the relationships among tail length, body size, male reproductive morphology, female reproductive output, mode of reproduction, and male mating behaviour among and within taxa. Predictions were tested using published data for 56 genera in the family Colubridae and original data for the water snake, Nerodia sipedon. Tail length dimorphism was more male-biased in tam having relatively short tails (r=–0.52, P < 0.001), hemipenes and retractor muscles occupied a greater proportion of the tail in taxa having relatively short tails (r=– 0.71, P < 0.00l and r=– 0.66, P = 0.001, respectively), and tail length dimorphism was more male-biased in taxa in which body size dimorphism was more female-biased (r=– 0.60, P < 0.001). These results support both the Morphological Constraint Hypotheses and the Female Reproductive Output Hypothesis. However, tests of other predictions, including those regarding patterns within N. sipedon , failed to support any of the three hypotheses. Comparisons among taxa suggest several species in which further tests of these hypotheses would be especially appropriate.  相似文献   

Vertebrate morphologists often implicate functional adaptationsof bone to mechanical milieus when comparing animals with distinctbehavioral repertoires. Functional morphologists frequentlyuse comparative osteology and locomotor behavior to constructcorrelative form–function relationships. While some experimentalwork has investigated functional adaptations of bone elicitedby specific locomotor behaviors, these studies usually manipulaterepertoires by introducing artificial situations (e.g., treadmills)or creating differences in the level of activity (i.e., exercise),either of which can compromise extrapolations to free-ranginganimals. Here, we present trabecular bone morphology and microarchitecturefrom an inbred mouse model in which components of naturalisticlocomotor repertoires were accentuated. Using inbred mice, wecontrol for genetic variability, further isolating the osteogenicresponses to these behaviors. Single female (BALB/cByJ) mice(n = 10 per group) were housed for 8 weeks beginning at 30 dayspostbirth in custom-designed cages that accentuated either linearquadrupedalism or turning. Concurrently, mice in a control groupwere housed singly in open cages. The distal femoral metaphysiswas scanned by micro-computed tomography at the end of the 8-weekexperiment protocol. The experimental groups, particularly the"linear" group, differed significantly from the control group(simulated "free-ranging" condition) in several variables: bonevolume fraction ("linear" 42% less than controls; "turning"24% less than controls), trabecular number ("linear" 12% lessthan controls; "turning" 9% less than controls), connectivitydensity ("linear" 43% less than controls; "turning" 35% lessthan controls), and a characterization of trabecular surfaces("linear" 15% greater than controls; "turning" 11% greater thancontrols). No differences in the degree of anisotropy were observedamong groups, and generally, "linear" and "turning" groups didnot differ significantly from one another in any measures oftrabecular microarchitecture. Considering the distinct differencesin locomotor behaviors between the "linear" quadrupedalism and"turning" groups, these data suggest that comparisons at thedistal femoral metaphysis of trabecular microarchitecture ororientation between different groups of animals may be somewhatlimited in accurately reconstructing the loading conditionsassociated with different locomotor modes.  相似文献   

A series of questionable elements in certain specimens ofMorone cf.aequalis (Koken 1891) from Lower Miocene deposits near the village of Berkersheim, N of Frankfurt a. M. (Hessen, Germany) is described, which has not been known from any other percoid before. These elements are fully ossified and cover the cheek and the preopercular region. Even within well-preserved material, they are only present in some specimens. Therefore, they may be specialized structures that are indicative for sexual dimorphism. Nevertheless, they clearly differ from all other respective structures that have been described from teleosts: Multicellular epidermal horny tubercles (“breeding tubercles”) mainly consist of keratine and not of calciumphosphate. By contrast, contact organs consist of bone and are located mainly at the surface of the fin rays and scales, respectively. At present, “breeding tubercles” are the favorite interpretation and the original substance may have been replaced via post-mortem phosphatization.  相似文献   

Variation in the extent of sexual dimorphism among bird species is traditionally attributed to differences in social mating system. However, there are many different forms of dimorphism among birds, and not all of them show an obvious correlation with social mating system. For example, recent work has shown that many highly polygamous species are, in fact, monomorphic, whereas many putatively monogamous species are dimorphic. In this paper we break up sexual dimorphism into subcomponents and then use comparative analyses to examine the pattern of covariation between these subcomponents and various aspects of sexual, social, and parental behaviour. Our first finding is that size dimorphism and plumage-colour dimorphism do not show the same pattern of covariation. Differences in size dimorphism are associated with variation in social mating system and sex differences in parental care, whereas differences in plumage-colour dimorphism are associated with variation in the frequency of extra-bond paternity. These results suggest that size dimorphism is associated with the sort of intrasexual competition described by traditional classifications of social mating system, whereas plumage-colour dimorphism is associated with cryptic female choice. However, when we break up plumage-colour dimorphism according to whether it is due to melanins, carotenoids or structural colours, we find that each category of plumage-colour dimorphism shows a different pattern of covariation. The correlation between overall plumage-colour dimorphism and the rate of extra-bond paternity is due to structural colours, whereas melanin-based dimorphism is associated with sex differences in parental care. The former result is particularly interesting given that new work suggests structural colours are associated with active sexual displays and the reflection of ultraviolet light.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in immunocompetence, usually in the directionof inferior male immunocompetence, has historically been explainedas the result of proximate physiological mechanisms such asthe immunosuppressive effects of the male hormone testosterone.More recently, it has been argued that this pattern is bestunderstood as a result of resource-based trade-offs betweenmale mating effort and immune defense, a trade-off that femalesdo not make. The central prediction of this hypothesis is thatas the strength of sexual selection on males increases, themagnitude of the sex differences in immunocompetence will increase.Two implicit assumptions of this argument are that 1) longevityis of more importance for female than for male fitness and 2)that the primary benefit of immunocompetence is increased longevity.However, both of these assumptions may not be as broadly applicableas has been argued. We have modeled the optimal allocation toimmunocompetence for males and females without making theseassumptions. We find that the optimal allocation to immune defensefor males decreases as the strength of sexual selection increases,as predicted. However, males may still invest more, relativeto females, into immunocompetence if the impact of parasiteson condition differs for the sexes and/or if the relationshipbetween condition and reproduction differs for the sexes. Weargue that these previously overlooked assumptions may be criticalfor predicting sex-specific patterns of immunocompetence.  相似文献   

A powerful new technique for visualizing neurons in the fly brain has uncovered fine neuroanatomical differences between the olfactory circuitries of male and female Drosophila.  相似文献   

Summary This study examines the hypothesis that intersexual differences in habitat use by small mammals is an adaptive strategy. Specifically, I evaluate the occurrence of sexual differences in habitat by Peromyscus and Microtus, and test possible adaptive mechanisms which may lead to such differences.White-footed mice and meadow voles were live-trapped and microhabitat quantified in four habitats. Sexual differences in microhabitat use were found in three of 12 comparisons. These differences may be related to density dependent resource subdivision and habitat heterogencity, but neither of these can account completely for the observed patterns. Sexual differences in habitat do not appear to be an evolutionary strategy maximizing reproductive effort by females, or reducing predation. These sexual differences may reduce intraspecific resource overlap, or may simply reflect reproductive constraints limiting female habitat use to suitable nesting areas.  相似文献   

During field studies in 1997–1999 in South Bohemia (Czech Republic), we found significant differences in size between the sexes in a local breeding population of red-backed shrike Lanius collurio. Males were significantly larger than females for wing length and tarsus length, but had smaller body mass than females. However, there was considerable overlap in the ranges of these parameters between the sexes. Interestingly, pairs were formed at random with respect to wing length and tarsus length, but assortative mating was significant for body mass/body condition. Among tested variables, only male wing length correlated significantly with nestling body mass at day 7. However, clutch size and the number of fledglings strongly depended on differences in tarsus length between mates, but not on body size of mates. Individual improvements in foraging skills and/or courtship feeding rates are proposed as possible explanations for these findings.  相似文献   

Sexual cannibalism in scorpions: fact or fiction?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Females of several scorpion species are currently deemed to be sexual cannibals, but this reputation is, however, largely built on anecdotal evidence from the older literature. Theoretical models predict that given the low rates of female-male encounter, males should allow themselves to be cannibalized after sperm transfer. The present paper examines the information available for a number of species to determine (a) whether sexual cannibalism is as widespread as previously suggested, and (b) whether it is likely to involve male self-sacrifice. Information on three scorpions currently regarded as sexual cannibals is presented: the bothriurids Bothriurus bonariensis (C.L. Koch) and Urophonius jheringii Pocock, and the buthid Leiurus quinquestriatus (Hemprich & Ehrenberg). No post-mating cannibalism was ever observed in these species, nor in another 19 representatives of four families. In L. quinquestriatus only two cases of cannibalism of the male by the female occurred, both in the beginning of courtship and after long periods of food deprivation. We suggest that if sexual cannibalism occurs in scorpions, it is most likely to be of an 'economic' type, where females perceive males as prey rather than mates, and not a 'self-sacrificial', post-mating cannibalism enhancing the fitness of the offspring of the male.  相似文献   

There are numerous hypotheses to explain the evolution of sexual dimorphism in spiders. One of the most controversial is the differential mortality model (DMM) which proposes that differing rates of (adult) male and female mortality can result in a skewed operational sex ratio and lead to the evolution of small males. This hypothesis has been examined using a comparative approach which assumes that the behaviour of males and females could be used as a surrogate measure of mortality. We tested this assumption using two model species, Hogna helluo and Pardosa milvina (Araneae: Lycosidae) that differ in the degree of sexual dimorphism both in terms of body size and level of activity. Our data demonstrate that differences in male and female behaviour are not predictive of differences in mortality. Rather, as in other organisms, mortality is a complex phenomenon dependent on activity as well as size. These data call into question the methods previously used to test the DMM and suggest that understanding sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in spiders will require evaluation of historical constraints as well as how size currently influences fitness in each sex.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 97−103.  相似文献   

Gehart H  Kumpf S  Ittner A  Ricci R 《EMBO reports》2010,11(11):834-840
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling occurs in response to almost any change in the extracellular or intracellular milieu that affects the metabolism of the cell, organ or the entire organism. MAPK-dependent signal transduction is required for physiological metabolic adaptation, but inappropriate MAPK signalling contributes to the development of several interdependent pathological traits, collectively known as metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome leads to life-threatening clinical consequences, such as type 2 diabetes. This Review provides an overview of the MAPK-signalling mechanisms that underly basic cellular metabolism, discussing their link to disease.  相似文献   

Muscles power movement, yet the conceptual link between muscle performance and locomotor performance is poorly developed. Frog jumping provides an ideal system to probe the relationship between muscle capacity and locomotor performance, because a jump is a single discrete event and mechanical power output is a critical determinant of jump distance. We tested the hypothesis that interspecific variation in jump performance could be explained by variability in available muscle power. We used force plate ergometry to measure power produced during jumping in Cuban tree frogs (Osteopilus septentrionalis), leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) and cane toads (Bufo marinus). We also measured peak isotonic power output in isolated plantaris muscles for each species. As expected, jump performance varied widely. Osteopilus septentrionalis developed peak power outputs of 1047.0 ± 119.7 W kg(-1) hindlimb muscle mass, about five times that of B. marinus (198.5 ± 54.5 W kg(-1)). Values for R. pipiens were intermediate (543.9 ± 96.2 W kg(-1)). These differences in jump power were not matched by differences in available muscle power, which were 312.7 ± 28.9, 321.8 ± 48.5 and 262.8 ± 23.2 W kg(-1) muscle mass for O. septentrionalis, R. pipiens and B. marinus, respectively. The lack of correlation between available muscle power and jump power suggests that non-muscular mechanisms (e.g. elastic energy storage) can obscure the link between muscle mechanical performance and locomotor performance.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that females should invest least in mate searching when young, but increase their effort with age if they remain unmated. Few studies have examined variation in female sexual signalling. Female Dawson''s burrowing bees (Amegilla dawsoni) search for males by signalling their receptivity on emergence, but many leave the emergence site unmated and must attract males at feeding sites. Female bees prevented from mating on emergence had more extreme versions of cuticular hydrocarbon profiles that make them attractive to males, lending empirical evidence of adaptive shifts in female mating effort.  相似文献   

Members of the Wnt family of secreted glycoproteins participate in many signalling events during development. Recent findings suggest that Wnt signals can sometimes play a permissive role during cell-fate assignment. Wnt proteins have been shown to interact with a number of extracellular and cell-surface proteins, whereas many intracellular components of the Wnt-signalling pathway are also involved in other cellular functions. The consequences of Wnt signalling can be affected by members of the MAP kinase family. These observations suggest that the future understanding of Wnt signalling may require models that are based on a signalling network rather than a single linear pathway.  相似文献   

Calcium signalling and pancreatic cell death: apoptosis or necrosis?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Secretagogues, such as cholecystokinin and acetylcholine, utilise a variety of second messengers (inositol trisphosphate, cADPR and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate) to induce specific oscillatory patterns of calcium (Ca(2+)) signals in pancreatic acinar cells. These are tightly controlled in a spatiotemporal manner, and are coupled to mitochondrial metabolism necessary to fuel secretion. When Ca(2+) homeostasis is disrupted by known precipitants of acute pancreatitis, for example, hyperstimulation or non-oxidative ethanol metabolites, Ca(2+) stores (endoplasmic reticulum and acidic pool) become depleted and sustained cytosolic [Ca(2+)] elevations replace transient signals, leading to severe consequences. Sustained mitochondrial depolarisation, possibly via opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP), elicits cellular ATP depletion that paralyses energy-dependent Ca(2+) pumps causing cytosolic Ca(2+) overload, while digestive enzymes are activated prematurely within the cell; Ca(2+)-dependent cellular necrosis ensues. However, when stress to the acinar cell is milder, for example, by application of the oxidant menadione, release of Ca(2+) from stores leads to oscillatory global waves, associated with partial mitochondrial depolarisation and transient MPTP opening; apoptotic cell death is promoted via the intrinsic pathway, when associated with generation of reactive oxygen species. Apoptosis, induced by menadione or bile acids, is potentiated by inhibition of an endogenous detoxifying enzyme NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1), suggesting its importance as a defence mechanism that may influence cell fate.  相似文献   

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