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Gondwanan vicariance, long‐distance dispersal (LDD), and boreotropical migration have been proposed as alternative hypotheses explaining the pantropical distribution pattern of organisms. In this study, the historical biogeography of the pond skater genus Limnogonus was reconstructed to evaluate the impact of biogeographical scenarios in shaping their modern transoceanic disjunction. We sampled almost 65% of recognized Limnogonus species. Four DNA fragments including 69 sequences were used to reconstruct a phylogram. Divergence time was estimated using a Bayesian relaxed clock method and three fossil calibrations. Diversification dynamics and ancestral area reconstruction were investigated by using maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Our results showed the crown group of Limnogonus originated and diversified in Africa in the early Eocene (49 Ma, HPD: 38–60 Ma), subsequently expanding into other regions via dispersal. The colonization of the New World originated from the Oriental Region probably via the Bering Land Bridge in the late Eocene. Two split events between the Old World and New World were identified: one between Neotropics and Oriental region around the middle Oligocene (30 Ma, HPD: 22–38 Ma), and the other between Neotropics and Africa during the middle Miocene (14 Ma, HPD: 8–21 Ma). The evolutionary history of Limnogonus involved two biogeographical processes. Gondwanan vicariance was not supported in our analyses. The diversification of Limnogonus among Africa, Oriental, and Neotropical regions corresponded with the age of land bridge connection and dispersed as a member associated with the broad boreotropical belt before local cooling (34 Ma). The current transoceanic disjunctions in Limnogonus could be better explained by the disruption of “mixed‐mesophytic” forest belt; however, the direct transoceanic LDD between the Neotropics and Africa could not be ruled out. In addition, the “LDD” model coupled with island hopping could be a reasonable explanation for the diversification of the Oriental and Australian regions during the Oligocene.  相似文献   

Aim Several recent studies have suggested that a substantial portion of today’s plant diversity in the Neotropics has resulted from the dispersal of taxa into that region rather than by vicariance. In general, three routes have been documented for the dispersal of taxa onto the South American continent: (1) via the North Atlantic Land Bridge, (2) via the Bering Land Bridge, or (3) from Africa directly onto the continent. Here a species‐rich genus of Neotropical lowland rain forest trees (Guatteria, Annonaceae) is used as a model to investigate these three hypotheses. Location The Neotropics. Methods The phylogenetic relationships within the long‐branch clade of Annonaceae were reconstructed (using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference) in order to gain insight in the phylogenetic position of Guatteria. Furthermore, Bayesian molecular dating and Bayesian dispersal–vicariance (Bayes‐DIVA) analyses were undertaken. Results Most of the relationships within the long‐branch clade of Annonaceae were reconstructed and had high support. However, the relationship between the Duguetia clade, the XylopiaArtabotrys clade and Guatteria remained unclear. The stem node age estimate of Guatteria ranged between 49.2 and 51.3 Ma, whereas the crown node age estimate ranged between 11.4 and 17.8 Ma. For the ancestral area of Guatteria and its sister group, the area North America–Africa was reconstructed in 99% of 10,000 DIVA analyses, while South America–North America was found just 1% of the time. Main conclusions The estimated stem to crown node ages of Guatteria in combination with the Bayes‐DIVA analyses imply a scenario congruent with an African origin followed by dispersal across the North Atlantic Land Bridge in the early to middle Eocene and further dispersal into North and Central America (and ultimately South America) in the Miocene. The phylogenetically and morphologically isolated position of the genus is probably due to extinction of the North American and European stem lineages in the Tertiary.  相似文献   

Aim African–Asian disjunctions are common in palaeotropical taxa, and are typically explained by reference to three competing hypotheses: (1) ‘rafting’ on the Indian tectonic plate, enabling Africa‐to‐Asia dispersal; (2) migration via Eocene boreotropical forests; and (3) transoceanic long‐distance dispersal. These hypotheses are tested using Uvaria (Annonaceae), which is distributed in tropical regions of Africa, Asia and Australasia. Recent phylogenetic reconstructions of the genus show a clear correlation with geographical provenance, indicating a probable origin in Africa and subsequent dispersal to Asia and then Australasia. Ancestral areas and migration routes are inferred and compared with estimates of divergence times in order to distinguish between the prevailing dispersal hypotheses. Location Palaeotropics. Methods Divergence times in Uvaria are estimated by analysing the sequences of four DNA regions (matK, psbA–trnH spacer, rbcL and trnL–F) from 59 Uvaria species and 77 outgroup species, using a Bayesian uncorrelated lognormal (UCLD) relaxed molecular clock. The ancestral area of Uvaria and subsequent dispersal routes are inferred using statistical dispersal–vicariance analysis (s‐diva ). Results Uvaria is estimated to have originated in continental Africa 31.6 Ma [95% highest posterior density (HPD): 38.4–25.1 Ma] between the Middle Eocene and Late Oligocene. Two main migration events during the Miocene are identified: dispersal into Madagascar around 17.0 Ma (95% HPD: 22.3–12.3 Ma); and dispersal into Asia between 21.4 Ma (95% HPD: 26.7–16.7 Ma) and 16.1 Ma (95% HPD: 20.1–12.1 Ma). Main conclusions Uvaria fruits are widely reported to be consumed by primates, and are therefore unlikely candidates for successful long‐distance transoceanic dispersal. The other biogeographical hypotheses, involving rafting on the Indian tectonic plate, and dispersal via the European boreotropical forests associated with the Eocene thermal maximum, can be discounted due to incongruence with the divergence time estimates. An alternative scenario is suggested, involving dispersal across Arabia and central Asia via the tropical forests that developed during the late Middle Miocene thermal maximum (17–15 Ma), associated with the ‘out‐of‐Africa’ dispersal of primates. The probable route and mechanism of overland dispersal between Africa and Asia for tropical plant groups during the Miocene climatic optimum are clarified based on the Uvaria data.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the historical biogeography of the pantropical flowering plant family Hernandiaceae (Laurales), which today comprises 62 species in five genera. Location Hernandiaceae occur in Africa (9 species), Madagascar (4), the Neotropics (25), Australia (3), southern China, Indochina, Malesia, and on numerous Pacific Islands (32). These numbers include two widespread species, Hernandia nymphaeifolia, which ranges from East Africa to the Ogasawara Islands and New Caledonia, and Gyrocarpus americanus, thought to have a pantropical range. Methods We sampled 37 species from all genera, the widespread ones with multiple accessions, for a chloroplast DNA matrix of 2210 aligned nucleotides, and used maximum likelihood to infer species relationships. Divergence time estimation relied on an uncorrelated‐rates relaxed molecular clock calibrated with outgroup fossils of Lauraceae and Monimiaceae. Results The deepest split in the family is between a predominantly African–Madagascan–Malesian lineage comprising Hazomalania, Hernandia and Illigera, and an African–Neotropical lineage comprising Gyrocarpus and Sparattanthelium; this split may be 122 (110–134) Myr old. The stem lineages of the five genera date back at least to the Palaeocene, but six splits associated with transoceanic range disjunctions date only to the Oligocene and Miocene, implying long‐distance dispersal. It is inferred that Hernandia beninensis reached the West African islands of São Tomé and Bioko from the West Indies or the Guianas; Hernandia dispersed across the Pacific; and Illigera madagascariensis reached Madagascar from across the Indian Ocean. Main conclusions The disjunct ranges and divergence times of sister clades in the Hernandiaceae are partly congruent with the break‐up of West Gondwana, but mostly with later transoceanic dispersal. An exceptional ability to establish following prolonged oceanic dispersal may be largely responsible for the evolutionary persistence of this small clade.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse the historical biogeography of the lichen genus Chroodiscus using a phenotype‐based phylogeny in the context of continental drift and evolution of tropical rain forest vegetation. Location All tropical regions (Central and South America, Africa, India, Southeast Asia, north‐east Australia). Methods We performed a phenotype‐based phylogenetic analysis and ancestral character state reconstruction of 14 species of the lichen genus Chroodiscus, using paup * and mesquite ; dispersal–vicariance analysis (DIVA) and dispersal–extinction–cladogenesis (DEC) modelling to trace the geographical origin of individual clades; and ordination and clustering by means of pc‐ord , based on a novel similarity index, to visualize the biogeographical relationships of floristic regions in which Chroodiscus occurs. Results The 14 species of Chroodiscus show distinctive distribution patterns, with one pantropical and one amphi‐Pacific taxon and 12 species each restricted to a single continent. The genus comprises four clades. DIVA and DEC modelling suggest a South American origin of Chroodiscus in the mid to late Cretaceous (120–100 Ma), with subsequent expansion through a South American–African–Indian–Southeast Asian–Australian dispersal route and late diversification of the argillaceus clade in Southeast Asia. Based on the abundance of extant taxa, the probability of speciation events in Chroodiscus is shown to be extremely low. Slow dispersal of foliicolous rain forest understorey lichens is consistent with estimated phylogenetic ages of individual species and with average lengths of biological species intervals in fungi (10–20 Myr). Main conclusions The present‐day distribution of Chroodiscus can be explained by vicariance and mid‐distance dispersal through the interconnection or proximity of continental shelves, without the need for recent, trans‐oceanic long‐distance dispersal. Phylogenetic reconstruction and age estimation for Chroodiscus are consistent with the ‘biotic ferry’ hypothesis: a South American origin and subsequent eastward expansion through Africa towards Southeast Asia and north‐eastern Australia via the Indian subcontinent. The present‐day pantropical distributions of many clades and species of foliicolous lichens might thus be explained by eastward expansion through continental drift, along with the evolution of modern rain forests starting 120 Ma, rather than by the existence of a hypothetical continuous area of pre‐modern rain forest spanning South America, Africa and Southeast Asia during the mid and late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The geological history of Australasia, New Caledonia, and Southeast Asia, has been complex, resulting in competing biogeographic hypotheses for taxa found here. Alternative hypotheses-Gondwanan vicariance, rafting terranes, long-distance dispersal-may be distinguished by different predicted divergence times between disjunct sister taxa. Taxa within Rutaceae subfamily Aurantioideae are ideal for testing these hypotheses because of their distributions. Therefore, the ages of Rutaceae and Aurantioideae were estimated using molecular dating. One data set comprised 51 sequences of rbcL and atpB with sampling across rosids and three fossil calibrations: crown Fabales+Fagales+Rosales (>94 Ma), Fabaceae (>51 Ma) and stem Ailanthus, Simaroubaceae (>52 Ma). Another data set comprised 81 Aurantioideae using >8 kb of chloroplast sequence and secondary calibration. Confidence in estimated divergence times was explored by varying the root age, dating method (strict, local, and relaxed clocks), and inclusion of internal calibrations. We conclude that the Rutaceae crown diverged in the Eocene (36.4-56.8 Ma, mean 47.6), whereas the Aurantioideae crown originated in the early Miocene (12.1-28.2 Ma, mean 19.8). This young age suggests that Gondwanan vicariance does not explain the distributions of extant Aurantioideae. Taxa found in New Caledonia may have arrived by separate transoceanic dispersal events.  相似文献   

Aim We investigate the directionality of mainland‐to‐island dispersals, focusing on a case study of an African‐Malagasy bat genus, Triaenops (Hipposideridae). Taxa include T. persicus from east Africa and three Triaenops species from Madagascar (T. auritus, T. furculus, and T. rufus). The evolution of this bat family considerably post‐dated the tectonic division of Madagascar from Africa, excluding vicariance as a viable hypothesis. Therefore, we consider three biogeographical scenarios to explain these species' current ranges: (A) a single dispersal from Africa to Madagascar with subsequent speciation of the Malagasy species; (B) multiple, unidirectional dispersals from Africa to Madagascar resulting in multiple, independent Malagasy lineages; or (C) early dispersal of a proto‐species from Africa to Madagascar, with later back‐dispersal of a descendant Malagasy taxon to Africa. Location East Africa, Madagascar, and the Mozambique Channel. Methods We compare the utility of phylogenetic and coalescent methodologies to address the question of directionality in a mainland‐to‐island dispersal event for recently diverged taxa. We also emphasize the application of biologically explicit demographic systems, such as the non‐equilibrium isolation‐with‐migration model. Here, these methods are applied to a four‐species haploid genetic data set, with simulation analyses being applied to validate this approach. Results Coalescent simulations favour scenario B: multiple, unidirectional dispersals from Africa to Madagascar resulting in multiple, independent Malagasy bat lineages. From coalescent dating, we estimate that the genus Triaenops was still a single taxon approximately 2.25 Ma. The most recent Africa to Madagascar dispersal occurred much more recently (c. 660 ka), and led to the formation of the extant Malagasy species, T. rufus. Main conclusions Haploid genetic data from four species of Triaenops are statistically most consistent with multiple, unidirectional dispersals from mainland Africa to Madagascar during the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Aim The biogeography of the tropical plant family Monimiaceae has long been thought to reflect the break‐up of West and East Gondwana, followed by limited transoceanic dispersal. Location Southern Hemisphere, with fossils in East and West Gondwana. Methods We use phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences from 67 of the c. 200 species, representing 26 of the 28 genera of Monimiaceae, and a Bayesian relaxed clock model with fossil prior constraints to estimate species relationships and divergence times. Likelihood optimization is used to infer switches between biogeographical regions on the highest likelihood tree. Results Peumus from Chile, Monimia from the Mascarenes and Palmeria from eastern Australia/New Guinea form a clade that is sister to all other Monimiaceae. The next‐deepest split is between the Sri Lankan Hortonia and the remaining genera. The African Monimiaceae, Xymalos monospora, then forms the sister clade to a polytomy of five clades: (I) Mollinedia and allies from South America; (II) Tambourissa and allies from Madagascar and the Mascarenes; (III) Hedycarya, Kibariopsis and Leviera from New Zealand, New Caledonia and Australia; (IV) Wilkiea, Kibara, Kairoa; and (V) Steganthera and allies, all from tropical Australasia. Main conclusions Tree topology, fossils, inferred divergence times and ances‐tral area reconstruction fit with the break‐up of East Gondwana having left a still discernible signature consisting of sister clades in Chile and Australia. There is no support for previous hypotheses that the break‐up of West Gondwana (Africa/South America) explains disjunctions in the Monimiaceae. The South American Mollinedia clade is only 28–16 Myr old, and appears to have arrived via trans‐Pacific dispersal from Australasia. The clade apparently spread in southern South America prior to the Andean orogeny, fitting with its first‐diverging lineage (Hennecartia) having a southern‐temperate range. The crown ages of the other major clades (II–V) range from 20 to 29 Ma, implying over‐water dispersal between Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, and across the Indian Ocean to Madagascar and the Mascarenes. The endemic genus Monimia on the Mascarenes provides an interesting example of an island lineage being much older than the islands on which it presently occurs.  相似文献   

Aim The species‐rich family of true toads (Anura: Bufonidae) has been the focus of several earlier studies investigating the biogeography of geographically widespread taxa. Herein, we employ newly developed Bayesian divergence estimate methods to investigate the biogeographical history of this group. Resulting age estimates are used to test several key temporal hypotheses including that the origin of the bufonid clade pre‐dates Gondwanan vicariance (~105 million years ago, Ma). Area cladograms are also invoked to investigate the geographical origin of the family. Location Worldwide, except the Australia–New Guinea plate, Madagascar and the Antarctic. Methods A phylogenetic hypothesis of the relationships among true toads was derived from analysis of 2521 bp of DNA data including fragments from three mitochondrial (12S, tRNAval, 16S) and two nuclear (RAG‐1, CXCR‐4) genes. Analysis of multiple, unlinked loci with a Bayesian method for estimating divergence times allowed us to address the timing and biogeographical history of Bufonidae. Resulting divergence estimates permitted the investigation of alternative vicariance/dispersal scenarios that have been proposed for true toads. Results Our area cladogram resulting from phylogenetic analysis of DNA data supports a South American origin for Bufonidae. Divergence estimates indicate that the family originated earlier than had been suggested previously (78–99 Ma). The age of the enigmatic Caribbean clade was dated to the late Palaeocene–early Eocene. A return of bufonids to the New World in the Eocene was followed by rapid diversification and secondary expansion into South America by the early Oligocene (Rupelian). Main conclusions The South American origin of Bufonidae in the Upper Cretaceous was followed by relatively rapid expansion and radiation around the globe, ending with a return to the Americas via a Eurasian/North American land bridge in the Eocene. Though the exact route of this dispersal (Beringia or North Atlantic) remains unclear, an argument is made for the less frequently invoked North Atlantic connection. The origin of the enigmatic Caribbean lineage was found to be consistent with colonization following the bolide impact at the K/T boundary. These findings provide the first, firm foundation for understanding true toad divergence times and their truly remarkable and global radiation.  相似文献   

Oceanic dispersal has emerged as an important factor contributing to biogeographic patterns in numerous taxa. Chameleons are a clear example of this, as they are primarily found in Africa and Madagascar, but the age of the family is post-Gondwanan break-up. A Malagasy origin for the family has been suggested, yet this hypothesis has not been tested using modern biogeographic methods with a dated phylogeny. To examine competing hypotheses of African and Malagasy origins, we generated a dated phylogeny using between six and 13 genetic markers, for up to 174 taxa representing greater than 90 per cent of all named species. Using three different ancestral-state reconstruction methods (Bayesian and likelihood approaches), we show that the family most probably originated in Africa, with two separate oceanic dispersals to Madagascar during the Palaeocene and the Oligocene, when prevailing oceanic currents would have favoured eastward dispersal. Diversification of genus-level clades took place in the Eocene, and species-level diversification occurred primarily in the Oligocene. Plio-Pleistocene speciation is rare, resulting in a phylogeny dominated by palaeo-endemic species. We suggest that contraction and fragmentation of the Pan-African forest coupled to an increase in open habitats (savannah, grassland, heathland), since the Oligocene played a key role in diversification of this group through vicariance.  相似文献   

The relative importance of dispersal and vicariance in the diversification of taxa has been much debated. Within butterflies, a few studies published so far have demonstrated vicariant patterns at the global level. We studied the historical biogeography of the genus Junonia (Nymphalidae: Nymphalinae) at the intercontinental level based on a molecular phylogeny. The genus is distributed over all major biogeographical regions of the world except the Palaearctic. We found dispersal to be the dominant process in the diversification of the genus. The genus originated and started diversifying in Africa about 20 Ma and soon after dispersed into Asia possibly through the Arabian Peninsula. From Asia, there were dispersals into Africa and Australasia, all around 5 Ma. The origin of the New World species is ambiguous; the ancestral may have dispersed from Asia via the Beringian Strait or from Africa over the Atlantic, about 3 Ma. We found no evidence for vicariance at the intercontinental scale. We argue that dispersal is as important as vicariance, if not more, in the global diversification of butterflies.  相似文献   

Aim Four genera of the plant family Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae –Apium, Chaerophyllum, Daucus and Lilaeopsis– are characterized by amphitropic and amphiantarctic distribution patterns, and in Australasia the subfamily is also represented by the tribe Aciphylleae. We infer the molecular ages of achieving amphitropic distribution for these lineages, reconstruct the biogeographical histories of Apium, Chaerophyllum, Daucus and Lilaeopsis, and identify the sister group of Aciphylleae. Location Worldwide, with an emphasis on South America and Australasia. Methods Divergence times were estimated employing a Bayesian approach (beast ) with fossil pollen of basal apioids as calibration points and using a data set of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (nrDNA ITS) sequences from 284 accessions of Apioideae. Additionally, maximum‐likelihood analyses were performed for data subsets comprising Apium, Daucus and Lilaeopsis. For Chaerophyllum, maximum‐likelihood and beast analyses were carried out using combined chloroplast DNA and ITS data. Biogeographical scenarios were inferred using diva and lagrange . Results The sister group to Aciphylleae is the Sino‐Himalayan Acronema clade and the divergence between these two lineages is dated at 34.8 Ma, whereas the radiation of Aciphylleae started 11.0 Ma. A Northern Hemispheric origin was inferred for Apium, Chaerophyllum and Daucus, whereas Lilaeopsis probably originated in South America following a dispersal of its ancestor from North America. Chaerophyllum, Daucus and Lilaeopsis dispersed to the Southern Hemisphere at 5.3, 7.0 and 27.9 Ma, respectively. For Apium, two dispersals from Europe were inferred: to South America at 6.3 Ma, and to southern Africa at 3.9 Ma. The taxa migrated along the land masses of North and South America (Daucus, Lilaeopsis) and Africa (Apium) or by direct transoceanic dispersals through the Atlantic (Apium) or the Pacific (Chaerophyllum). Within the Southern Hemisphere they dispersed both westwards (Apium, Daucus, Lilaeopsis) and eastwards (Chaerophyllum, Lilaeopsis). For Chaerophyllum and Lilaeopsis, subsequent dispersal events to the Northern Hemisphere were also inferred. Main conclusions Similar timing, contrasted with the diversity of migration routes, suggests that the dispersal events of these umbellifer taxa (and many other amphitropic amphiantarctic genera) were facilitated by favourable ecological conditions in the Southern Hemisphere (climatic cooling of the late Palaeogene/early Neogene) rather than by increased dispersal opportunities.  相似文献   

Aim In Madagascar the family Rubiaceae includes an estimated 650 species representing 95 genera. As many as 98% of the species and 30% of the genera are endemic. Several factors make the Rubiaceae a model system for developing an understanding of the origins of the Malagasy flora. Ancestral area distributions are explicitly reconstructed for four tribes (Knoxieae, Naucleeae, Paederieae and Vanguerieae) with the aim of understanding how many times, and from where, these groups have originated in Madagascar. Location Indian Ocean Basin, with a focus on Madagascar. Methods Bayesian phylogenetic analyses are conducted on the four tribes. The results are used for reconstructing ancestral areas using dispersal–vicariance analyses. Phylogenetic uncertainties in the reconstructions are accounted for by conducting all analyses on the posterior distribution from the analyses. Results Altogether, 11 arrivals in Madagascar (one in Paederieae, five in Knoxieae, three in Vanguerieae, and two in Naucleeae) are reconstructed. The most common pattern is a dispersal event (followed by vicariance) from Eastern Tropical Africa. The Naucleeae and Paederieae in Madagascar differ and originate from Asia. Numerous out‐of‐Madagascar dispersals, mainly in the dioecious Vanguerieae, are reconstructed. Main conclusions The four tribes arrived several times in Madagascar via dispersal events from Eastern Tropical Africa, Southern Africa and Tropical Asia. The presence of monophyletic groups that include a number of species only found in Madagascar indicates that much endemism in the tribes results from speciation events occurring well after their arrival in Madagascar. Madagascar is the source of origin for almost all Rubiaceae found on the neighbouring islands of the Comoros, Mascarenes and Seychelles.  相似文献   

Aim  The flowering plant family Proteaceae is putatively of Gondwanan age, with modern and fossil lineages found on all southern continents. Here we test whether the present distribution of Proteaceae can be explained by vicariance caused by the break-up of Gondwana.
Location  Africa, especially southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand, South America, New Caledonia, New Guinea, Southeast Asia, Sulawesi, Tasmania.
Methods  We obtained chloroplast DNA sequence data from the rbc L gene, the rbc L- atp B spacer, and the atp B gene from leaf samples of forty-five genera collected from the field and from living collections. We analysed these data using Bayesian phylogenetic and molecular dating methods, with five carefully selected fossil calibration points to obtain age estimates for the nodes within the family.
Results  Four of eight trans-continental disjunctions of sister groups within our sample of the Proteaceae post-date the break-up of Gondwana. These involve independent lineages, two with an Africa-Australia disjunction, one with an Africa–South America disjunction, and one with a New Zealand–Australasia disjunction. The date of the radiation of the bird-pollinated Embothriinae corresponds approximately to the hypothesized date of origin of nectar-feeding birds in Australia.
Main conclusions  The findings suggest that disjunct distributions in Proteaceae result from both Gondwanan vicariance and transoceanic dispersal. Our results imply that ancestors of some taxa dispersed across oceans rather than rafting with Gondwanan fragments as previously thought. This finding agrees with other studies of Gondwanan plants in dating the divergence of Australian, New Zealand and New Caledonian taxa in the Eocene, consistent with the existence of a shared, ancestral Eocene flora but contrary to a vicariance scenario based on accepted geological knowledge.  相似文献   

Aim ‘Tropical Anagallis’ corresponds to one of two evolutionary lineages within the genus Anagallis L. Generally, species within this lineage have a limited distribution in (sub‐)tropical regions in Africa or Madagascar. Two species, however, are endemic to South America, and exhibit a trans‐Atlantic disjunction with the rest of the species within the lineage. To investigate this disjunct distribution, as well as other dispersal events, the distribution of extant taxa was used to hypothesize the ancestral area(s) of distribution. Location Africa, Madagascar, Europe and South America. Methods Dispersal–vicariance analysis (DIVA) was used to optimize distribution areas onto parsimony and Bayesian phylogenies based on sequence data from four chloroplast loci and the nuclear internal transcribed spacers (ITS). Results Parsimony analysis gave one most parsimonious tree while Bayesian analysis resulted in a collapsed node due to alternative placements of Anagallis nummularifolia Baker, endemic to Madagascar. Optimization of the present distribution using DIVA, and the most parsimonious tree and six alternative topologies of the Bayesian analysis, show an origin of the lineage in Europe as most likely, although one topology indicates a broader ancestral distribution area. Dispersal to Africa appears to have been a single event, while two parallel dispersal events seem to have resulted in the American as well as Madagascan distributions. Main conclusions The lineage ‘tropical Anagallis’ evolved in Europe and may have been present in the Eocene boreotropical forests, although scarcity of fossils makes assessment of age difficult. Dispersal to South America is proposed to have been via the North Atlantic land bridge, or, more likely, through transport by the North Equatorial Current. Dispersal from Europe to Africa represents a single event, while dispersal to Madagascar from mainland Africa has occurred twice.  相似文献   

Aim Geological and fossil records are critical for historical biogeography studies. A plant fossil assemblage from a small, well‐dated, transient late Palaeocene island was re‐investigated with regard to regional geology and vicariance versus dispersal hypotheses. Location Deep Sea Drilling Program Leg 22, Site 214 on the Ninetyeast Ridge (NER) in the mid‐Indian Ocean region. Methods Leaf cuticular material was recovered from residues from a previous palynofloral study of Site 214 sediments during the 1970s and identified. The palynoflora was reassessed. Results The only leaf cuticular material recovered with stomata can be placed in crown‐group Lauraceae. It is confirmed that the palynoflora reflects the presence of a low‐diversity island flora in the late Palaeocene, comprising ferns and mostly herbaceous angiosperms with readily dispersible propagules, and perhaps austral podocarps. Other pollen taxa of almost certain local origin were arecoid palms and taxa related to Chloranthaceae. The strong overall similarity of the palynoflora to Australo‐Antarctic and New Zealand assemblages is also confirmed. Main conclusions Foliar fossils of Lauraceae demonstrate the occurrence of one of the world’s largest, most widely distributed woody plant families on a late Palaeocene island. The presence of plants on this island could be explained by vicariance via a vegetated Upper Cretaceous Kerguelen Plateau, in part because crown‐group Lauraceae may be at least this old. However, there are records of other taxa in the Kerguelen region that are anomalous with vicariance, plus evidence for a catastrophic biotic extinction event centred in the area in the latest Cretaceous. Plants were therefore most likely to have reached the island by means of dispersal. This suggests either the presence of presently unknown vegetated land nearby in the Kerguelen region in the late Palaeocene, or long‐distance dispersal, probably from the Australian region. The dispersal of viable seeds could have been facilitated by birds or perhaps by ocean‐surface drift with or without the assistance of ocean‐going animals. The fossils allow that even small, short‐lived islands could have acted as ‘stepping stones’ for biotic interchange between Australia and Africa, and perhaps other regions.  相似文献   

Aim The sequential break‐up of Gondwana is thought to be a dominant process in the establishment of shared biota across landmasses of the Southern Hemisphere. Yet similar distributions are shared by taxa whose radiations clearly post‐date the Gondwanan break‐up. Thus, determining the contribution of vicariance versus dispersal to seemingly Gondwanan biota is complex. The southern freshwater crayfishes (family Parastacidae) are distributed on Australia and New Guinea, South America, Madagascar and New Zealand and are unlikely to have dispersed via oceans, owing to strict freshwater limitations. We test the hypotheses that the break‐up of Gondwana has led to (1) a predominately east–west (((Australia, New Zealand: 80 Ma) Madagascar: 160–121 Ma) South America: 165–140 Ma), or (2) a southern (((Australia, South America: 52–35 Ma) New Zealand: 80 Ma) Madagascar: 160–121 Ma) pattern for parastacid crayfish. Further, we examine the evidence for a complete drowning of New Zealand and subsequent colonization by freshwater crayfish. Location Southern Hemisphere. Methods The evolutionary relationships among the 15 genera of Parastacidae were reconstructed using mitochondrial [16S, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)] and nuclear (18S, 28S) sequence data and maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods of phylogenetic reconstruction. A Bayesian (multidivtime ) molecular dating method using six fossil calibrations and phylogenetic inference was used to estimate divergence time among crayfish clades on Gondwanan landmasses. Results The South American crayfish are monophyletic and a sister group to all other southern crayfish. Australian crayfish are not monophyletic, with two Tasmanian genera, Spinastacoides and Ombrastacoides, forming a clade with New Zealand and Malagasy crayfish (both monophyletic). Divergence of crayfish among southern landmasses is estimated to have occurred around the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (109–178 Ma). Main conclusions The estimated phylogenetic relationships and time of divergence among the Southern Hemisphere crayfishes were consistent with an east–west pattern of Gondwanan divergence. The divergence between Australia and New Zealand (109–160 Ma) pre‐dated the rifting at around 80 Ma, suggesting that these lineages were established prior to the break‐up. Owing to the age of the New Zealand crayfish, we reject the hypothesis that there was a complete drowning of New Zealand crayfish habitat.  相似文献   

Aim In order to resolve disputed biogeographical histories of biota with Gondwanan continental distributions, and to assess the null hypothesis of vicariance, it is imperative that a robust geological time‐frame be established. As an example, the sudden and coincident appearance of hystricognath rodents (Rodentia: Hystricognathi) on both the African and South American continents has been an irreconcilable controversy for evolutionary biologists, presenting enigmas for both Gondwanan vicariance and Late Eocene dispersal hypotheses. In an attempt to resolve this discordance, we aim to provide a more robust phylogenetic hypothesis and improve divergence‐date estimates, which are essential to assessing the null hypothesis of vicariance biogeography. Location The primary centres of distribution are in Africa and South America. Methods We implemented parsimony, maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian methods to generate a phylogeny of 37 hystricognath taxa, the most comprehensive taxonomic sampling of this group to date, on the basis of two nuclear gene regions. To increase phylogenetic resolution at the basal nodes, these data were combined with previously published data for six additional nuclear gene regions. Divergence dates were estimated using two relaxed‐molecular‐clock methods, Bayesian multidivtime and nonparametric rate smoothing. Results Our data do not support reciprocal monophyly of African and South American lineages. Indeed, Old World porcupines (i.e. Hystricomorpha) appear to be more closely related to New World lineages (i.e. Caviomorpha) than to other Old World families (i.e. Bathyergidae, Petromuridae and Thryonomyidae). The divergence between the monophyletic assemblage of South American lineages and its Old World ancestor was estimated to have occurred c. 50 Ma. Main conclusions Our phylogenetic hypothesis and divergence‐date estimates are strongly at odds with Gondwanan‐vicariance isolating mechanisms. In contrast, our data suggest that transoceanic dispersal has played a significant role in governing the contemporary distribution of hystricognath rodents. Molecular‐clock analyses imply a trans‐Tethys dispersal event, broadly confined to the Late Cretaceous, and trans‐Atlantic dispersal within the Early Eocene. Our analyses also imply that the use of the oldest known South American rodent fossil as a calibration point has biased molecular‐clock inferences.  相似文献   

Aim The family Rutaceae (rue family) is the largest within the eudicot order Sapindales and is distributed mainly in the tropical and subtropical regions of both the New World and the Old World, with a few genera in temperate zones. The main objective of this study is to present molecular dating and biogeographical analyses of the subfamily Spathelioideae, the earliest branching clade (which includes eight extant genera), to interpret the temporal and spatial origins of this group, ascertaining possible vicariant patterns and dispersal routes and inferring diversification rates through time. Location Pantropics. Methods A dataset comprising a complete taxon sampling at generic level (83.3% at species level) of Spathelioideae was used for a Bayesian molecular dating analysis (beast ). Four fossil calibration points and an age constraint for Sapindales were applied. An ancestral area reconstruction analysis utilizing the dispersal–extinction–cladogenesis model and diversification rate analyses was conducted. Results Dating analyses indicate that Rutaceae and Spathelioideae are probably of Late Cretaceous origin, after which Spathelioideae split into a Neotropical and a Palaeotropical lineage. The Palaeotropical taxa have their origin inferred in Africa, with postulated dispersal events to the Mediterranean, the Canary Islands, Madagascar and Southeast Asia. The lineages within Spathelioideae evolved at a relatively constant diversification rate. However, abrupt changes in diversification rates are inferred from the beginning of the Miocene and during the Pliocene/Pleistocene. Main conclusions The geographical origin of Spathelioideae probably lies in Africa. The existence of a Neotropical lineage may be the result of a dispersal event at a time in the Late Cretaceous when South America and Africa were still quite close to each other (assuming that our age estimates are close to the actual ages), or by Gondwanan vicariance (assuming that our age estimates provide minimal ages only). Separation of land masses caused by sea level changes during the Pliocene and Pleistocene may have been triggers for speciation in the Caribbean genus Spathelia.  相似文献   

Historical biogeography of scarabaeine dung beetles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Aim (1) To review briefly global biogeographical patterns in dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), a group whose evolutionary history has been dominated by ecological specialization to vertebrate dung in warmer climates. (2) To develop hypotheses accounting for the evolution of these patterns. Location Six principal biogeographical regions: Palaearctic, Oriental, Afrotropical, Australasia, Neotropical, Nearctic and five outlying islands or island groups harbouring endemic genera: Caribbean, Madagascar, Mauritius, New Caledonia, New Zealand. Methods Major patterns of tribal, generic and species distribution are investigated using cluster analysis, ordination, parsimony analysis of endemism and track analysis. Attempts are made to resolve biogeographical patterns with findings in the fields of plate tectonics, fossil and evolutionary history, plus phylogeny of both mammals and dung beetles. Results Because of conflict between published findings, it is uncertain at what point in time density of dinosaur dung, mammal dung or both became sufficiently great to select for specialized habits in dung beetles. However, biogeographical evidence would suggest a Mesozoic origin followed by further taxonomic radiation during the Cenozoic, possibly in response to the increasing size and diversity of mammalian dung types in South America and Afro‐Eurasia. Proportional generic distribution in fourteen tribes and subtribes showed four principal biogeographical patterns: (1) southerly biased Gondwanaland distribution, (2) Americas or (3) Madagascar endemism, and (4) northerly biased, Afro‐Eurasian‐centred distribution with limited numbers of genera also widespread in other regions. Proportional composition of faunas in eleven geographical regions indicated three principal distributional centres, East Gondwanaland fragments, Afro‐Eurasia and the Americas. These patterns probably result from three principal long‐term range expansion and vicariance events (Mesozoic: Gondwanaland interchange and fragmentation, Cenozoic: Afro‐Eurasian/Nearctic interchange and the Great American interchange). It is suggested that old vicariance caused by the Mesozoic fragmentation of Gondwanaland leads to a high degree of regional endemism at generic or tribal level across one or more Gondwanaland tracks. In contrast, it is suggested that the more recent Cenozoic range expansions occurred primarily towards northern regions leading to endemism primarily at species level. These Cenozoic radiations were facilitated by the re‐linking of continents, either because of tectonic plate movements (Africa to Eurasia in Miocene), climatically induced sea‐level change (Afro‐Eurasia to Nearctic in Miocene and Pleistocene), or similar coupled with orogenics (Nearctic to Neotropical in Pliocene). Speciation has followed vicariance either because of climatic change or physical barrier development. These recent range expansions probably occurred principally along an Afro‐Eurasian land track to the Nearctic and Neotropical and an Americas land track northwards from the Neotropics to the Nearctic, with limited dispersal from Eurasia to Australia, probably across a sea barrier. This accounts for the overall, spatially constrained, biogeographical pattern comprising large numbers of species‐poor genera endemic to a single biogeographical region and fewer more species‐rich genera, many of which show wider biogeographical distributions. In most southerly regions (Australasia, Madagascar, Neotropical), faunal composition and generic endemism is primarily dominated by elements with Gondwanaland ancestry, which is consistent with the Gondwanaland origin claimed for Scarabaeinae. In Afro‐Eurasia (Palaearctic, Oriental, Afrotropical), generic endemism of monophyletically derived Afro‐Eurasian and widespread lineages is centred in the Afrotropical region and faunal composition is numerically dominated by Afro‐Eurasian and widespread elements. In the Nearctic region, the fauna is jointly dominated by widespread elements, derived from Afro‐Eurasia, and Gondwanaland and Americas elements derived from the Neotropical region. Main conclusions Global biogeographical patterns in scarabaeine dung beetles primarily result from Mesozoic and Cenozoic range expansion events followed by vicariance, although recent dispersal to Australia may have occurred across sea barriers. Detailed phylogenetics research is required to provide data to support dispersal/vicariance hypotheses.  相似文献   

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