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Studies were carried out on two populations occupationally exposed to ethylene oxide (EtO) using different physical and biological parameters. Blood samples were collected from 9 hospital workers (EI) and 15 factory workers (EII) engaged in sterilization of medical equipment with EtO and from matched controls (CI and CII). Average exposure levels during 4 months (the lifespan of erythrocytes) prior to blood sampling were estimated from levels of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)valine adducts in hemoglobin. They were significantly enhanced in EI and EII and corresponded to a 40-h time-weighted average of 0.025 ppm in EI and 5 ppm in EII. Exposures were usually received in bursts with EtO concentrations in air ranging from 22 to 72 ppm in EI and 14 to 400 ppm in EII. All samples were analyzed for HPRT mutants (MFs), chromosomal aberrations (CAs), micronuclei (MN) and SCEs. MFs were significantly enhanced by 60% in EII but not in EI. These results are the first demonstration of mutation induction in man by ethylene oxide. CAs were significantly enhanced in EI and EII by 130% and 260% respectively. MN were not enhanced in EI but significantly in EII(217%). The mean frequency of SCEs was significantly elevated by 20% in EI and by almost 100% in EII. SCE was the only parameter that allowed distinction between daily and occasionally exposed workers in EII. An interesting finding in exposed workers was the large increase of the percentage of cells with high frequencies of SCE (3–4 times in EI and 17-fold in EII).

The relative sensitivity of endpoints for detection of EtO exposure in the present investigation was in the following order: HOEtVal adducts > SCEs > chromosomal aberrations > micronuclei > HPRT mutants.  相似文献   

The extent of environmental pollution and resulting human exposure to hazardous toxic chemicals in the environment is often difficult to assess. One of the possible alternative approaches to this problem is the use of the biological indicators to demonstrate environmental pollution. This approach appears to be particularly suitable for demonstrating exposure to potentially toxic trace elements. In addition to analyses of plant and animal specimens the element content of human hair as an indicator of exposures to arsenic, mercury, cadmium, lead, antimony, manganese, nickel and cobalt has been repeatedly confirmed as reliable, provided the analyses were carried out and evaluated on group diagnostic basis and were done in groups of individuals occupationally not exposed to these metals. Preferably groups of 10-year-old children are to be used when only environmental pollution is to be taken into account. Hair samples are incomparably easier to collect, transport and store than the alternative biological material such as blood and urine used commonly to demonstrate exposure to various toxic agents. Biological monitoring of environmental pollution cannot replace the standard procedures of measuring air, water and soil pollution; however, the technique appears to have the potential of being an effective tool search for the extent of environmental pollution and for delimitation of territorial boundaries of areas affected most by hazardous emissions containing potentially toxic trace elements.  相似文献   

Smokeless tobacco habits are associated with a high incidence of oropharyngeal cancer in India. Hence, the biological effects of occupational exposure to smokeless tobacco used for making bidis (the Indian version of cigarettes) were studied in 2 groups of bidi rollers designated BR-K and BR-S and in control subjects with no tobacco habits. Specific tobacco exposure and the electrophilic burden were determined by estimating urinary cotinine and thioethers respectively. Urine mutagenicity was tested with the Ames assay using Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 and TA100. While cotinine was not detected in control samples, the mean cotinine levels (mmole/mole creatinine) in the BR-K and BR-S groups were 0.79 +/- 0.30 and 0.09 +/- 0.03 respectively. Urinary thioether excretion (mmole/mole creatinine) was significantly elevated in the BR-S group 4.59 +/- 0.52; p less than 0.001) but it was lower in the BR-K group (0.54 +/- 0.08; p less than 0.001) compared to the control (1.83 +/- 0.34). Furthermore, beta-glucuronidase-treated samples from both groups of bidi rollers exhibited increased mutagenicity to TA98 compared to the control group; in addition, BR-S samples exhibited direct mutagenicity to TA98. The results show that occupational tobacco exposure modulates the glutathione conjugation pathway and increases the mutagenic burden of bidi rollers.  相似文献   

Biological monitoring of exposure to metals and metalloids involves not only determination of these elements in selected body fluids and tissues but, in some cases, also determination of a certain biochemical indicator which signalises the presence of the monitored element in the organism. Biological monitoring of occupational exposure to metals has a long tradition whereas biological monitoring of exposure in general environment has developed more intensively only in the past two decades. New information about the toxic effect of some metals and metalloids and about their kinetics of absorption, distribution and excretion in experimental animals, and particularly in man, is necessary for elaborating suitable biological exposure tests. Of current interest is also the movement of persistent noxae in the environment, seen from the ecologic view point. This report outlines the present state of the problem in Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   

The purposes of the present study are (1) to develop a sensitive analytical method to measure 1-bromopropane (1-BP) in urine, (2) to examine if 1-BP or bromide ion (Br) in urine is a useful biomarker of exposure to 1-BP, and (3) to identify the lowest 1-BP exposure concentration the method thus established can biomonitor. A factory survey was carried out on Friday, and 33 workers (all men) in cleaning and painting workshops participated; each worker was equipped with a diffusive sampler (carbon cloth KF-1500 as an adsorbent) to monitor 1-BP vapour for an 8-h shift, and offered a urine sample at the end of the shift for measurement of 1-BP and Br in urine. In addition, 10 non-exposed men offered urine samples as controls. The performance of the carbon cloth diffusive sampler was examined to confirm that the sampler is suitable for monitoring time-weighted average 1-BP vapour exposure. A head-space GC technique was employed for analysis of 1-BP in urine, whereas Br in urine was analysed by ECD-GC after derivatization to methyl bromide. The workers were exposed to vapours of seven other solvents (i.e. toluene, xylenes, ethylbenzene, acetone, etc.) in addition to 1-BP vapour; the 1-BP vapour concentration was 1.4 ppm as GM and 28 ppm as the maximum. Multiple regression analysis however showed that 1-BP was the only variable that influenced urinary 1-BP significantly. There was a close correlation between 1-BP in urine and 1-BP in air; the correlation coefficient (r) was >0.9 with a narrow variation range, and the regression line passed very close to the origin so that 2 ppm 1-BP exposure can be readily biomonitored. The correlation of Br in urine with 1-BP in air was also significant, but the r (about 0.7) was smaller than that for 1-BP, and the background Br level was also substantial (about 8 mg l-1). Thus, it was concluded that 1-BP in end-of-shift urine is a reliable biomarker of occupational exposure to 1-BP vapour, and that Br in urine is less reliable.  相似文献   

In vivo X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques were used for biological monitoring of lead, cadmium, and mercury. Lead accumulates in bone, the level of which may thus be used for monitoring of exposure. However, there was no close association between lead levels in bone and exposure time, partly because of differences in exposure patterns and partly, probably, because of variations in the toxicokinetics of lead. There are at least two separate bone lead compartments. The average over-all half-time is probably 5–10 yr. The finger bone level may be an index of the lead status of the total skeleton. In lead workers, the mobilization of bone lead causes an “internal” lead exposure and affects the blood lead level considerably. In cadmium workers, in vivo XRF is a sensitive and risk-free method for assessment of accumulation in kidney cortex, the critical tissue as to toxic effects; workers displayed increased levels. However, there was no clear association with duration and intensity of exposure, cadmium levels in urine, or microglobulinuria. Determinations of kidney cadmium may add important information on the state of accumulation and, thus, risk of kidney damage. Workers exposed to elemental mercury vapor, as well as fishermen exposed to methyl mercury, had mercury levels in bone below the detection limit of the XRF method.  相似文献   

As the production of missile, nuclear devices and electronics grew and modern industrial technologies emerged the risk of the occupational exposure to beryllium has become increasingly common and widespread. The environmental burden of beryllium is also on the increase, not only as a result of emissions from plants producing and processing beryllium, or its alloys and compounds, but also from burning coal of higher beryllium content in some localities. This article discusses primarily the hygienic and toxicologic aspects of beryllium and its threat to human health. The following topics are included in this review: occurrence, production and uses of beryllium; its metabolism and experimental toxicology; clinical toxicology and pathogenesis of berylliosis; hygienic and epidemiologic aspects of berylliosis; berylliosis treatment and prevention. Berylliosis is here characterized as a disease combining clinical manifestations of pneumosclerosis, allergy to beryllium and, in its granulomatous form, autoimmune reactions. Importantly, the available technical means and measures can ensure that the both occupational and environmental exposure to beryllium can be kept below the established MAC values. If occasionally impossible, special preventive measures should be adopted. It is essential that all persons with allergy be prophylactically excluded from work at risk of exposure to beryllium.  相似文献   

The analysis of exhaled air has several advantages since it is a noninvasive method applicable to a large number of toxic agents, in addition to being a simpler matrix than those of other biological samples such as urine and blood. However, it presents some challenges, such as the necessity of a more sensitive sampling procedure, since the chemical substances eliminated through exhaled air are unchanged in form, not being metabolized, and exhaled compounds are present at extremely low concentrations, i.e. in the nanomolar range. To improve the sensitivity and precision of measurement of the concentration of these substances in exhaled air, the sample usually has to be concentrated before assay by gas chromatography. To this end, the use of the solid-phase microextraction (SPME) technique has been proposed as an efficient sampling method. This paper presents a revision of breath analysis as a biomarker for occupational and environmental exposure to chemicals. The sampling methods and the potential use of SPME for determining chemical substances in exhaled air are discussed.  相似文献   

Biological monitoring of chemical exposure in the workplace has become increasingly important in the assessment of health risk as an integral part of the overall occupational health and safety strategy. In environmental medicine biological monitoring plays also an important role in the assessment of excessive, acute or chronic exposure to chemical agents. To guarantee that the results obtained in biological monitoring are comparable with threshold limit values and results from other laboratories, the analysis must be carried out with tested and reliable analytical methods and accompanied by a quality assurance scheme. Confounding influences and interferences during the pre-analytical phase can be minimised by recommendations from experienced laboratories. For internal quality control commercially available control samples with an assigned concentration are used. External quality control programs for biological monitoring are offered by several institutions. The external quality control program of the German Society of Occupational and Environmental Medicine has been organised since 1982. In the meantime the 27th program has been carried out offering 96 analytes in urine, blood and plasma for 47 substances. This program covers most of the parameters relevant to occupational and environmental medicine. About 350 laboratories take part in these intercomparison programs. At present, ten German and 14 international laboratories are commissioned to determine the assigned values. The data evaluated from the results of the intercomparison programs give a good overview of the current quality of the determination of analytes assessed in occupational and environmental toxicological laboratories. For the analysis of inorganic substances in blood and urine the tolerable variation ranges from 7.5 to 43.5%. For organic substances in urine the tolerable variation ranges from 12 to 48%. The highest variations (36-60%) were found for the analysis of organochlorine compounds in plasma. The tolerable variations for the determination of solvents in blood by head space gas chromatography range from 26 to 57%. If the recommendations for the pre-analytical phase, the selection of reliable analytical methods by the laboratory and the carrying out of adequate quality control are observed, the pre-requisites for reliable findings during biological monitoring are fulfilled  相似文献   

The Authors examine the variations of the levels of PbB and EPP in 39 workers at known lead exposure and evaluate the capacity of these parameters to follow the measured decreases of the environmental pollution. They conclude that the variations of the mean PbB values are well related to environmental pollution and that the diagram on the probability paper of median values and their corresponding standard deviations allows to calculate the number of exposed workers with biological values above a fixed limit.  相似文献   

Principal haematological tests in peripheral blood, non-specific phosphatases and myeloperoxidase in granulocytes were determined in a group of 89 males occupationally exposed to the elementary mercury during manufacture of chlorine. Examined males were employed for 2-26 years. Blood mercury levels did not exceed 50 micrograms per l-1. The obtained results indicate that low concentrations of the elementary mercury in the environment do not produce significant abnormalities in both quantitative and qualitative picture of peripheral blood but markedly inhibit neutrophil non-specific phosphatases activity.  相似文献   

In the frame of applicative research in occupational hygiene of hospital workplaces, we investigate hospital indoor contamination as a consequence of the use of antineoplastic drugs (ANDs), with the purpose of assessing exposure of medical and nursing personnel to potentially harmful doses of ANDs, and ultimately of yielding advice on safe operating procedures for manipulation of ANDs in hospitals and in house-care of cancer patients. Among the large number of currently employed ANDs, methotrexate (MTX) has been selected as a tracer of surface contamination, on the basis of its wide use in therapy, its ease of measurement and of its chemical properties relevant to persistence and transport in the indoor environment. MTX is a polyelectrolyte, with a high water, but lower organic solvent solubility, a negligible vapour pressure and a high chemical robustness to environmental stress, thus allowing to measure surface-to-surface carryover (e.g. from spillage or glove fingerprint) and indoor contamination due to aerosol transport (e.g. from syringe manipulation procedures). Monitoring of MTX in environmental samples such as swab washings of surfaces and objects requires an analytical method with characteristics of sensitivity, reproducibility, precision, analytical speed, ease of automation and robustness. We have therefore developed an analytical procedure which employs simple short-column RP-HPLC with UV detection, automated sample injection and a close analogue internal standard for improved precision and solid-phase extraction (SPE) for sample concentration. Our method has proven suitable for detecting traces of MTX on a wide variety of surfaces and objects, with a limit of quantification in the range of 50 μg/dm3 for direct injection of unconcentrated washings, corresponding to the possible detection of surface contamination as low as 1 μg/m3 and a limit of detection in the range of 10 ng/m2 for samples as large as 100 dm3 concentrated by SPE. We present preliminary results from a recent hospital case-study, assessing the contamination level of furniture and equipment in drug preparation areas. Spillage fractions as high as 5% of the employed mass (70–260 mg/day) are measured on the polythene-backed paper disposable hood cover sheet; traces of MTX in the microgram range can also be measured on floor surfaces, furniture and handles, even at a distance from the preparation hoods.  相似文献   


Conflicting evidence exists as to whether nitric oxide expresses damaging/inflammatory or antioxidant/anti-inflammatory properties. Data presented in this review indicate that in vitro or in vivo exposure to selected environmental or occupational agents, such as asbestos, silica, ozone or lipopolysaccharide, can result in up-regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase by alveolar macrophages and pulmonary epithelial cells. In the case of silica exposure, evidence consistently supports a damaging/inflammatory role of nitric oxide and/or peroxynitrite in the pathogenesis of lung disease. Although conflicting data have been reported, the majority of published studies suggest that nitric oxide plays a damaging role in pulmonary injury resulting from exposure to ozone or asbestos. In contrast, most information supports an anti-inflammatory role of nitric oxide following exposure to lipopolysaccharide. Further investigation is required to elucidate fully the mechanisms involved in determining the role of nitric oxide in the initiation and progression of various pulmonary diseases.  相似文献   

Validated biological monitoring methods are used in large-scale monitoring programmes involving determination of ubiquitous environmental pollutants such as metals and pesticides. Some programmes focus on children's exposure, and policies to prevent adverse health effects. Most of these initiatives are aimed at characterizing trends. Some of these programmes are designed to investigate the role of certain exposures in disease. Fewer new biological monitoring methods were presented during the present meeting than in previous meetings. All of these new methods used mass spectrometric-based detection and quantification. There is an increasing use of biomarkers to study genetic polymorphisms of enzyme systems involved in both toxification pathways and metabolite conjugation and DNA repair. At the meeting a discussion was started that could lead to a further harmonization of the scientific fundaments of the use of biological monitoring in occupational health with possible value also for applications in the field of environmental health.  相似文献   

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