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Synthetic biology is a newly developed field of research focused on designing and rebuilding novel biomolecular components, circuits, and networks. Synthetic biology can also help understand biological principles and engineer complex artificial metabolic systems. DNA manipulation on a large genome-wide scale is an inevitable challenge, but a necessary tool for synthetic biology. To improve the methods used for the synthesis of long DNA fragments, here we constructed a novel shuttle vector named pGF (plasmid Genome Fast) for DNA assembly in vivo. The BAC plasmid pCC1BAC, which can accommodate large DNA molecules, was chosen as the backbone. The sequence of the yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) regulatory element CEN6-ARS4 was synthesized and inserted into the plasmid to enable it to replicate in yeast. The selection sequence HIS3, obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from the plasmid pBS313, was inserted for screening. This new synthetic shuttle vector can mediate the transformation-associated recombination (TAR) assembly of large DNA fragments in yeast, and the assembled products can be transformed into Escherichia coli for further amplification. We also conducted in vivo DNA assembly using pGF and yeast homologous recombination and constructed a 31-kb long DNA sequence from the cyanophage PP genome. Our findings show that this novel shuttle vector would be a useful tool for efficient genome-scale DNA reconstruction.

Y Nagami  M Kimura  Y Teranishi  T Tanaka 《Gene》1988,69(1):59-69
A shuttle vector has been constructed by fusing the Bacillus subtilis trimethoprim-resistance-carrying (TpR) plasmid pNC601 with the Escherichia coli plasmid pBR322. The resultant plasmid pNBL1 can replicate in both B. subtilis and E. coli, conferring Tp resistance on both cells and ampicillin resistance (ApR) on E. coli. The B. subtilis dihydrofolate reductase operon (dfr) on pNC601 and therefore on pNBL1 consists of the thymidylate synthase B gene (thyB) and the TpR-dihydrofolate reductase gene lacking the C-terminal seven codons (designated as drfA' as compared with the complete dfrA gene). A direct-expression vector pNBL3 has been constructed by inserting synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides containing a Bacillus ribosome-binding site (RBS) and the ATG codon downstream from dfrA' on pNBL1. When the E. coli lacZ gene was placed downstream from the dfrA' gene in pNBL3, efficient synthesis of beta-galactosidase was observed in both cells, showing that the polycistronic expression system is suitable for directing expression of heterologous genes. Translational efficiency of the lacZ gene on pNBL3 was further examined in B. subtilis by changing the sequence upstream from lacZ. Unlike the results previously reported [Sprengel et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 13 (1985) 893-909], when RBS was present, the high level of lacZ expression was preserved irrespective of spacing between the stop codon of the upstream dfrA' gene and the start codon of the downstream lacZ gene. However, in the absence of RBS, the spacing between both genes affected lacZ expression. That is, translational coupling of dfrA'-lacZ was observed, although the translational efficiency was very low.  相似文献   

A new promoter probe plasmid, pMOL618, has been specifically designed to be selective for strong promoter sequences. The plasmid contains two origins of replication which allow it to replicate both in Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli, as well as an indicator gene which also functions in both backgrounds. The plasmid is therefore useful in the screening of promoter sequences in both organisms. The stringency of the promoter selection is demonstrated using a known strong promoter.  相似文献   

We studied the frequencies and types of excision events which can occur with a retroviral shuttle vector containing the simian virus 40 origin of DNA replication. Analysis of the recloned vector plasmids by size and restriction enzyme mapping indicated that most contain one long terminal repeat. By hybridizing the plasmids to a mouse genomic repetitive DNA probe, we also determined that approximately 1 to 3% contain transduced cellular DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The recombinant shuttle vector pSV2gpt was introduced into V79 Chinese hamster cells, and stable transformants expressing the Escherichia coli gpt gene were selected. Two transformants carrying tandem duplications of the plasmid at a single site were identified and fused to simian COS-1 cells. Plasmid DNA recovered from the heterokaryons was used to transform a Gpt- derivative of E. coli HB101, and the relative frequency of plasmids carrying a mutation in the gpt gene was determined. The high frequency of Gpt- plasmids (ca. 1%) was similar to that observed when plasmid was recovered from COS-1 cells which had been transfected with pSV2gpt. Most of the mutant plasmids had rearrangements in the region containing the gpt gene.  相似文献   

To clone the malolactic enzyme gene from Lactobacillus sp. 89, construction of a shuttle vector able to express itself in Lactobacillus sp. 89 and Escherichia coli was undertaken. The shuttle plasmid pLE16 resulted from the union of pBR328 and of the pLB10 plasmid extracted from Lactobacillus bulgaricus 10. The bacterial transformation in Lactobacillus sp. 89 was performed by electroporation, and the clones were selected on MRS medium with 30 micrograms.mL-1 chloramphenicol added. Fifty percent of the clones from Lactobacillus sp. 89 lost their resistance to chloramphenicol following 28 generations when the selection pressure was not maintained. The restriction map of pLE16 (7600 bp) was established using several restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

I Barák  M Koptides  M Jucovic  M Sisová  J Timko 《Gene》1990,95(1):133-135
We constructed a promoter-probe vector, pJUP05, for brevibacteria and Escherichia coli based on the promoterless neomycin-resistance (neoR) gene from Tn5. This gene confers resistance to the aminoglycosides, kanamycin and neomycin. The promoter of the neoR gene was deleted and replaced by a suitable multiple cloning site. There are translation stop codons in all three reading frames upstream from the neoR gene. The plasmid contains functional origins of DNA replication for both brevibacteria and E. coli, and permits selection for chloramphenicol- and/or ampicillin-resistance markers.  相似文献   

Recent pan-genome studies have revealed an abundance of DNA sequences in human genomes that are not present in the reference genome. A lion’s share of these non-reference sequences (NRSs) cannot be reliably assembled or placed on the reference genome. Improvements in long-read and synthetic long-read (aka linked-read) technologies have great potential for the characterization of NRSs. While synthetic long reads require less input DNA than long-read datasets, they are algorithmically more challenging to use. Except for computationally expensive whole-genome assembly methods, there is no synthetic long-read method for NRS detection. We propose a novel integrated alignment-based and local assembly-based algorithm, Novel-X, that uses the barcode information encoded in synthetic long reads to improve the detection of such events without a whole-genome de novo assembly. Our evaluations demonstrate that Novel-X finds many non-reference sequences that cannot be found by state-of-the-art short-read methods. We applied Novel-X to a diverse set of 68 samples from the Polaris HiSeq 4000 PGx cohort. Novel-X discovered 16 691 NRS insertions of size > 300 bp (total length 18.2 Mb). Many of them are population specific or may have a functional impact.  相似文献   

We recently reported an 868-bp plastid DNA minicircle, NICE1, that formed during transformation in a transplastomic Nicotiana tabacum line. Shuttle plasmids containing NICEI sequences were maintained extrachromosomally in plastids and shown to undergo recombination with NICE1 sequences on the plastid genome. To prove the general utility of the shuttle plasmids, we tested whether plastid genes outside the NICE1 region could be rescued in Escherichia coli. The NICE1-based rescue plasmid, pNICER1, carries NICE1 sequences for maintenance in plastids, the CoIE1 ori for maintenance in E. coli and a spectinomcyin resistance gene (aadA) for selection in both systems. In addition, pNICERl carries a defective kanamycin resistance gene, kan*, to target the rescue of a functional kanamycin resistance gene, kan, from the recipient plastid genome. pNICERl was introduced into plastids where recombination could occur between the homologous kan/kan* sequences, and subsequently rescued in E. coli to recover the products of recombination. Based on the expression of kanamycin resistance in E. coli and the analysis of three restriction fragment polymorphisms, recombinant kan genes were recovered at a high frequency. Efficient rescue of kan from the plastid genome in E. coli indicates that NICE 1-based plasmids are suitable for rescuing mutations from any part of the plastid genome, expanding the repertoire of genetic tools available for plastid biology.  相似文献   

Bhasin M  Zhang H  Reinherz EL  Reche PA 《FEBS letters》2005,579(20):4302-4308
DNA methylation plays a key role in the regulation of gene expression. The most common type of DNA modification consists of the methylation of cytosine in the CpG dinucleotide. At the present time, there is no method available for the prediction of DNA methylation sites. Therefore, in this study we have developed a support vector machine (SVM)-based method for the prediction of cytosine methylation in CpG dinucleotides. Initially a SVM module was developed from human data for the prediction of human-specific methylation sites. This module achieved a MCC and AUC of 0.501 and 0.814, respectively, when evaluated using a 5-fold cross-validation. The performance of this SVM-based module was better than the classifiers built using alternative machine learning and statistical algorithms including artificial neural networks, Bayesian statistics, and decision trees. Additional SVM modules were also developed based on mammalian- and vertebrate-specific methylation patterns. The SVM module based on human methylation patterns was used for genome-wide analysis of methylation sites. This analysis demonstrated that the percentage of methylated CpGs is higher in UTRs as compared to exonic and intronic regions of human genes. This method is available on line for public use under the name of Methylator at http://bio.dfci.harvard.edu/Methylator/.  相似文献   

The CO2 fixation ability of Rhodopseudomonas palustris DH was enhanced by introducing the recombinant plasmid pMG-CBBM containing the form II ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) gene (cbbM) isolated from Rps. palustris NO. 7. Sequencing of a 3.0-kb PstI fragment containing the cbbM gene revealed an open reading frame encoding 461 amino acids, homologous to known cbbM genes, with a ribosome binding site upstream of cbbM and a terminator downstream of cbbM, without promoter. pMG-CBBM, a Rhodopseudomonas/Escherichia coli shuttle expression plasmid, was derived from the Rhodopseudomonas/E. coli shuttle cloning vector pMG105, by inserting the promoter of the pckA gene and the cbbM gene into its multiple cloning site. Plasmid pMG-CBBM was transformed into Rps. palustris DH by electroporation, and was stably maintained when transformants were grown either photoheterotrophically or photolithoautotrophically in the absence of antibiotics. This is the first report of an expression plasmid containing a Rps. palustris-specific promoter that allows stable expression of a foreign gene in the absence of antibiotic selection.  相似文献   

AIMS: Construction and characterization of a new cloning shuttle vector for gene transfer and expression in Bacillus thuringiensis. METHODS AND RESULTS: A novel short and high-copy number shuttle vector called pHBLBIV, was constructed for gene transfer and expression in Bacillus thuringiensis. A 1.6-kbp replicon of a relatively high-copy number endogenous plasmid of a selected B. thuringiensis strain was ligated to Escherichia coli pUC18 replicon containing the ampicillin and the erythromycin resistance genes used for the selection of respectively E. coli and B. thuringiensis transformants. The constructed vector was shown to have a high copy number compared with the conventional B. thuringiensis vectors, and used successfully for the transfer of vegetative insecticidal protein-encoding gene (vip) in between B. thuringiensis strains. CONCLUSIONS: A new shuttle vector of B. thuringiensis-E. coli named pHBLBIV was constructed. It was characterized by its high copy number, small size and segregational stability. This vector was successfully used for vip gene cloning and transfer in B. thuringiensis. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A novel shuttle vector has been constructed, which has demonstrated potential for the cloning and expression of genes in B. thuringiensis.  相似文献   

A highly efficient protoplast transformation system for Streptococcus faecalis has been developed by systematically optimizing different parameters. Up to 10(6) transformants per micrograms of DNA were consistently obtained within 3 days, and cell wall regeneration of protoplasts was virtually 100%. A systematic search for useful vectors showed that the broad-host-range plasmid pIP501 could transform S. faecalis at a high frequency (6.3 X 10(4) transformants per microgram). By combining a high-copy-number derivative of pIP501, designated pGB354, with the Escherichia coli vector pACYC184, we constructed a new E. coli-S. faecalis shuttle vector (pAM401) having nine unique restriction sites. In a shotgun cloning experiment, we ligated a tetracycline resistance determinant from Streptococcus sanguis chromosomal DNA into pAM401 by direct transformation of S. faecalis, establishing the utility of the protoplast transformation system and of the new shuttle vector.  相似文献   

Summary A new shuttle vector was constructed by inserting a 3.1 kbp-DNA fragment from thermophilicBacillus sp. plasmid pIH41 intoEscherichia coli plasmid pUC18. The resultant hybrid replicates in bothE. coli andB. stearothermophilus. This vector has ten unique restriction sites within a part oflacZ gene. Insertion of foreign DNA into these sites can be readily detected by a coloration method.  相似文献   

S Hinshelwood  N G Stoker 《Gene》1992,110(1):115-118
A shuttle cosmid vector, pMSC1, has been constructed which replicates in Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium smegmatis. The vector was mainly derived from the lambda ori cosmid, Lawrist4, and the Mycobacterium fortuitum cryptic plasmid, pAL5000, which replicates in M. smegmatis and Mycobacterium bovis BCG. The vector contains two cos sites which facilitates library construction, unique BamHI and HindIII sites for cloning, and a kanamycin-resistance-encoding gene for selection in mycobacteria. After packaging, the vector sequences comprise 10.3 kb, so that the theoretical size limits for inserts are 30-42 kb. A genomic library from M. smegmatis was constructed in E. coli; clones from this library were transferred into M. smegmatis by electroporation, and back again to E. coli, without any apparent rearrangements. This vector will be useful in cloning genes encoding complex pathways in mycobacteria.  相似文献   

A 3.7-kb cryptic plasmid designated pMGT was found in Magnetospirillum magneticum MGT-1. It was characterized and used for the development of an improved expression system in strain AMB-1 through the construction of a shuttle vector, pUMG. An electroporation method for magnetic bacteria that uses the cryptic plasmid was also developed.  相似文献   

M Solioz  M Waser 《Biochimie》1990,72(4):279-283
In the present study, an Enterococcus-Escherichia coli shuttle vector, pC3, was constructed that allows efficient transformation by electroporation of Enterococcus hirae ATCC9790. 5 x 10(6) transformants per microgram of plasmid DNA were obtained, using a commercial capacitor discharge device with an improved circuitry and a home-made electrode assembly, delivering pulses of 24 kV/cm across the cell suspension. The transformants were stable without selective pressure and plasmid DNA reisolated from transformed cells displayed no alterations in restriction enzyme analysis. Chromosomal DNA from E coli or E hirae, carried by pC3, was stably maintained in E hirae, making cloning and genetic manipulation in this organism feasible.  相似文献   

C Baldari  G Cesareni 《Gene》1985,35(1-2):27-32
We describe the construction and properties of pEMBLY plasmids. They belong to a new family of yeast shuttle vectors which are derived from plasmid vector pEMBL9 and offer the following improvement: relatively small size; large number of cloning sites; screening for insert-containing plasmids on indicator plates; different combinations of genes which complement auxotrophic deficiencies and sequences that support DNA replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae; and ability to isolate the plasmid DNA in single-stranded (ss) form. The yeast S. cerevisiae can be efficiently transformed by these plasmids in both the ss and double-stranded (ds) forms. Finally, the presence of the phage f1 intergenic region allows one to obtain the cloned sequences in the ss form upon infection with the wild-type ss phage [Dotto et al., Virology 114 (1981) 463-473].  相似文献   

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