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Since first reported in 1981, about a fourth of all cases of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in the United States have occurred in California. In response to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic, California has developed a five-point strategy consisting of epidemiologic surveillance; prevention education; the provision of medical treatment and supportive services; research; and continuous planning, evaluation, and coordination of programs. Given the size and tremendous environmental and cultural diversity of California, as well as the variable local impact of HIV disease local jurisdictions need to develop HIV disease prevention and treatment plans specifically tailored to the circumstances of their communities. At a minimum, these plans should include central participatory planning, epidemiologic surveillance, HIV antibody testing and prevention education programs, provision for medical treatment and social support services, and coordination of financing mechanisms. We present a model for such plans.  相似文献   

In order to determine the status of Coronary Care Unit activity in California hospitals, especially as it pertains to nurse training, a survery was conducted by the California State Department of Public Health. More than 95 percent of hospitals that were questioned responded. Only one-third of the hospitals reported they neither had a unit nor plans to build one. All units in operation were either directed by an individual medical director or by a Coronary Care Unit Committee.The survey indicated that in some hospitals with operational units, nurses were not permitted to perform life-saving resuscitative procedures. All operational units reported in-service education programs of some type. Many hospitals indicated they would like to have Coronary Care Unit training programs to which they could send nurses. The reasons why nurses may not perform important resuscitative procedures are discussed as well as the need for Coronary Care Unit training programs for both physicians and nurses in California.  相似文献   

For many years physicians, ethicists and members of the legal community have attempted to minimize ambiguity and unpredictability in making decisions to withhold or withdraw extraordinary life support. Recent developments in national and California law now afford medical care providers unparalleled protection from criminal and civil liability in surrogate decision-making situations. They also reinforce the concept of patient''s rights by providing medical care consumers with new and effective mechanisms for enforcing their “right to decide,” even after they have lost decision-making capacity. A case in point is California''s new Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, which serves as a model for other jurisdictions that do not have such legislation. Thus, the medical and legal professions, working together, can contribute immeasurably to respectful medical decision making by educating the public about these developments and by adopting policies that reinforce these rights.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the evolution of U.S. policy responses to calls to allow patients to use cannabis for medical purposes. It first summarizes the research evidence on the safety and efficacy of cannabinoids for various medical uses. It then outlines the challenges in developing new pharmaceutical cannabinoids that are safe, effective, and acceptable to patients. It briefly describes the strengths and limitations of the different ways in which U.S. states have allowed patients to use cannabis for medical purposes. These include allowing access for research trials only, allowing medical necessity as a defense against prosecution, and allowing commercial medical dispensaries to provide cannabis to approved patients. It argues that liberal definitions of indications for medical cannabis use and the commercialization of medical cannabis supply in California have produced the de facto legalization of recreational cannabis use.  相似文献   

Both plants and humans have inducible defense mechanisms. This passive defense strategy leaves the host unprotected for a period of time until resistance is activated. Moreover, many bacterial pathogens have evolved cell-cell communication (quorum-sensing) mechanisms to mount population-density-dependent attacks to overwhelm the host's defense responses. Several chemicals and enzymes have been investigated for years for their potential to target the key components of bacterial quorum-sensing systems. These quorum-quenching reagents, which block bacterial cell-cell communications, can disintegrate a bacterial population-density-dependent attack. It has now been shown that a quorum-quenching mechanism can be engineered in plants and might be used as a strategy in controlling bacterial pathogens and to build up a proactive defense barrier.  相似文献   

In the background of those physicians who have problems in medical practice serious enough to attract attention by the licensing body, there are factors that apparently can help predict such behavior. As a candidate for medical school the applicant more likely to have future problems has the following profile: (1) older than the average applicant with a lower grade point average; (2) more likely to have used tobacco; (3) did not receive a baccalaureate degree; (4) no military service; (5) turned in a sloppy handwritten application form, and (6) received a less than ideal character reference by the college from which applying. Furthermore, after admission to medical school the person more prone to future problems tends to be a poorer student than his peers and to receive a poorer rating in his first postgraduate year. The Loma Linda University graduate who has had such problems is also more likely to have settled in Southern California and to be in general practice.  相似文献   

A physician has an ethical duty to hold in confidence communications made to him by his patient. A legal recognition of this ethical duty is found in the concept of privilege, which is the subject of this article. January 1967 will bring to California physicians a new protection for patients'' communications. The physician-patient privilege has been redefined to include confidential communications made during diagnostic evaluation, those made to non-licensed physicians, interns and medical aides, and those overheard by eavesdroppers. There has been added a psychotherapist-patient privilege designed to facilitate communications required in psychotherapy as well as in behavioral research.This paper first presents a brief historical background and discusses the protections and limitations afforded by the new California Evidence Code. There follows a section on the psychotherapist-patient privilege with the recommendation that in the context of psychotherapy, patients of physicians who are not psychiatrists should be afforded the additional benefits of the psychotherapist-patient privilege. Lastly, advice is given concerning the physician''s conduct in relation to his duty to claim privilege under the new code.  相似文献   

Robert O. Jones 《CMAJ》1965,92(7):333-340
The basic premise that psychiatry and medicine are one and the same discipline is advanced. Patients present with symptoms: sometimes largely the result of structural change, sometimes largely the result of emotional perturbation, but most frequently a mixture of both. The physician can never do his job satisfactorily without attention to the emotional problems of his patient, which is essentially the subject matter of psychiatry. He must have adequate training during his medical school years in order to recognize and handle emotional problems. The psychiatrically oriented general practitioner and the psychiatrist, who live in the community, are most valuable mental health resources and must have treatment facilities in the general hospital. Furthermore, hospital and medical insurance plans must be devised that will not penalize either doctor or patient when mental illness is recognized and dealt with in the most appropriate manner.  相似文献   

From comparatively scanty information, an increased traffic accident risk appears to be associated with several chronic medical conditions including alcoholism, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, diabetes and mental illness. Further study probably will show that medical handicaps other than alcoholism are a factor in from 5 to 10 per cent of traffic accidents. However, in about half of the accidents caused by heart attacks, the individual has no previous knowledge of his illness, and prevention of the accident would not be possible. A selective program for identifying high risk drivers with medical conditions is feasible and warranted, but a program of mass medical examinations for all drivers is not.A very strong relationship has been shown between drunk driving and traffic accidents, and 50 to 75 per cent of all severe and fatal traffic accidents involve the use of alcohol. However, studies have shown that drivers with alcoholism rather than social drinkers represent the preponderance, but not the entirety, of those who get into trouble. A major reduction in the traffic accident toll may thus depend on the early identification and treatment of alcoholism.  相似文献   

From comparatively scanty information, an increased traffic accident risk appears to be associated with several chronic medical conditions including alcoholism, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, diabetes and mental illness. Further study probably will show that medical handicaps other than alcoholism are a factor in from 5 to 10 per cent of traffic accidents. However, in about half of the accidents caused by heart attacks, the individual has no previous knowledge of his illness, and prevention of the accident would not be possible. A selective program for identifying high risk drivers with medical conditions is feasible and warranted, but a program of mass medical examinations for all drivers is not.A very strong relationship has been shown between drunk driving and traffic accidents, and 50 to 75 per cent of all severe and fatal traffic accidents involve the use of alcohol. However, studies have shown that drivers with alcoholism rather than social drinkers represent the preponderance, but not the entirety, of those who get into trouble. A major reduction in the traffic accident toll may thus depend on the early identification and treatment of alcoholism.  相似文献   

A 1950 study of group practice in California reveals 52 “true general medical groups” among 123 medical organizations surveyed, involving 634 full-time and 215 part-time physicians. The groups, in contrast to the national patterns, tend to be larger, younger and more urban. There is also a greater tendency toward unit hospital affiliation (30 groups) and operation of group prepayment plans (10 groups).In general similarity to the national scene, California groups are most frequently organized as private partnerships with a salary method of remuneration sometimes augmented by a share of net earnings. The range of medical and technical services offered varies widely with the size of the group.The combination of group prepayment, medical group practice, and coordinated medical-hospital centers seems to offer special opportunities for satisfactory practice and adequate medical care.  相似文献   

A rapid upward spawning rush is a nearly universal phenomenon among reef fishes that spawn pelagic eggs. Although spawning rushes have long been considered to have evolved as a defense against egg predators and/or attacks on the spawning fishes by piscivores, these hypotheses have never been tested in the field. We analysed piscivore attacks during three motor patterns associated with group spawning of the labrid fishThalassoma cupido at Miyake-jima, Izu Islands, Japan. Egg predation on group spawnings was also quantified. Of 206 piscivore attacks on spawning fishes by seven predator species, 17.1 (83.1%) occurred during 461 spawning rushes (1/2.7 spawning rushes). No attacks were successful during spawning rushes, and only four kills were made in 206 attacks summed from all three motor patterns associated with spawning, amounting to a piscivore success rate of only 1.9 %. In contrast, gametes from 90 of 213 spawnings (42.3 %) were consumed by nine species of planktivorous fishes. Spawning fish seemed not to recognize egg predators and made no attempt to avoid them, often spawning in the midst of waiting aggregations of damselfishes. Our data indicate that the rapidly of the spawning rush ofT. cupido serves as an excellent defense against piscivores, but is ineffective against egg predators. Evidence is presented from observations of seven other species suggesting that spawning ascents provide little protection against water column egg predators in predator-rich environments.  相似文献   

During the recent civil war in E1 Salvador, as in other modern wars, human rights abuses adversely affected health workers, patients, and medical facilities. The abuses themselves have been described in reports of human rights advocacy organisations but health sector adaptations to a hostile wartime environment have not. Agencies engaged in health work during the civil war adapted parties such as training of community based lay health workers, use of simple technology, concealment of patients and medical supplies, denunciation of human rights abuses, and multilevel negotiations in order to continue providing services. The Salvadorean experience may serve as a helpful case study for medical personnel working in wars elsewhere.  相似文献   

Under California Assembly Bill 464, special classes may be provided by school districts for children designated as educationally handicapped. An educationally handicapped child is not mentally retarded or physically disabled. He may have neurological handicap or emotional disorder, but he must show impaired achievement in relation to his tested abilities.A physician may be asked to participate in the program, either as a specified member of the admissions committee of the school district or to provide a medical clearance for entrance of one of his own patients into the program.He does a thorough history and physical examination but adds special examination of attention, activity, coordination and attitudes.The educationally handicapped child is helped most by the physician who does not reject the idea of educational handicap even if the medical examination is negative; who treats his minor ills; who medicates, when it is indicated, for hyperactivity, distractibility or extreme anxiety; who cooperates with parents and school personnel.  相似文献   

Plants are capable of recognizing the penetrating pathogens and of responding to their attack by the activation of the defense systems. Signal transduction from the receptor to the cell genome is required for this activation. Recently, signal molecules have been found, which are involved in the signal transduction triggered in response to biotic stress. The data accumulated imply the presence of a complex and well-coordinated signal network in plant cells. This net controls plant defense responses to pathogen attacks.  相似文献   

The Federal Civil Defense Administration has been consolidated under the President''s Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958 with the Office of Defense Mobilization. The new organization, the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization, should be able to deal more efficiently with the problem of mobilization and management of all resources and production of the nation in time of disaster. As preparation for possible enemy attack, organized plans entailing training, supplies, equipment and communications for use in major peacetime disasters—floods, earthquakes, tornado damage—should be carried forward vigorously. Apathy must be overcome. From the local to the highest level all civil defense and disaster plans must be developed and kept flexible enough to be operable during any kind of emergency.Physicians must learn as much as they can about the mass care of casualties, how to survive under the most trying of circumstances. Drills in dealing with simulated disaster are of utmost importance for finding out ahead of time what must be done and the personnel and supplies needed for doing it.  相似文献   

The ratio of physicians to general population in California has been approximately the same for many years, the influx of physicians having kept pace with the population trend.For many years California has licensed more physicians than any other state.The five medical schools in this state have been increasing the number of candidates admitted to the freshman class. Attempts are being made to increase the number of medical schools in this state to seven in anticipation of the future growth and medical needs of the population.The heaviest concentration of physicians is as always in the thickly populated areas as determined by the population physician ratio.A study of the detailed statistics presented in this paper should be of interest to all California physicians.  相似文献   



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 156,300 (95% CI 144,100–165,900) Americans living with HIV in 2012 were unaware of their infection. To increase knowledge of HIV status, CDC guidelines seek to make HIV screening a routine part of medical care. This paper examines how routinely California primary care providers test for HIV and how providers’ knowledge of California’s streamlined testing requirements, use of sexual histories, and having an electronic medical record prompt for HIV testing, relate to test offers.


We surveyed all ten California health plans offered under health reform’s Insurance Exchange (response rate = 50%) and 322 primary care providers to those plans (response rate = 19%) to assess use of HIV screening and risk assessments.


Only 31.7% of 60 responding providers reported offering HIV tests to all or most new enrollees and only 8.8% offered an HIV test of blood samples all or most of the time despite the California law requiring that providers offer HIV testing of blood samples in primary care settings. Twenty-eight of the 60 providers (46.6%) were unaware that California had reduced barriers to HIV screening by eliminating the requirement for written informed consent and pre-test counseling. HIV screening of new enrollees all or most of the time was reported by 53.1% of the well-informed providers, but only 7.1% of the less informed providers, a difference of 46 percentage points (95% CI: 21.0%—66.5%). Providers who routinely obtained sexual histories were 29 percentage points (95% CI: 0.2%—54.9%) more likely to screen for HIV all or most of the time than those who did not ask sexual histories.


Changing HIV screening requirements is important, but not sufficient to make HIV testing a routine part of medical care. Provider education to increase knowledge about the changed HIV testing requirements could positively impact testing rates.  相似文献   

《California medicine》1963,98(6):372-373
Almost 7 out of every 10 of the estimated population of 16.2 million persons in California, were covered under some form of voluntary health insurance at the end of 1961. The forms of protection included hospital, surgical, regular medical and major medical expense benefits. The per cent of the civilian population of California covered for surgical benefits was slightly over 66 per cent, while 56 per cent were covered for regular medical expense benefits. Comparable percentages for the United States are approximately 74 per cent (hospital), 69 per cent (surgical), and 51 per cent (regular medical). While the percentage of the State's population covered for hospital and surgical expenses is below that for the United States, it is higher for regular medical expense benefits. The rate of increase in coverage for the different forms of health care protection in California exceeded the rate of population growth during the one-year period ending 1961. The foregoing summary and the information in the accompanying text, does not reflect the total number of persons in California who receive or are eligible for health care services. A large variety of government financed programs on local, state and federal levels either finance or provide such services to an estimated 40 to 50 per cent of the California population, which does not have voluntary health insurance coverage. No current data are available regarding the number of persons who do not desire voluntary health insurance coverage for a variety of personal or financial reasons.  相似文献   

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