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Clonal plants grow in diameter rather than height, and therefore competition among genets is likely to be symmetric and to result in smaller variation in size of genets than in non-clonal plants. Moreover, clonal plants can reproduce both sexually and vegetatively. We studied the effects of density on the size of rosettes and of clones, variation in the size of rosettes and of clones, and allocation to sexual and vegetative reproduction in the clonal herb Ranunculus reptans . We grew plants from an artificial population of R. reptans in 32 trays at two densities. After four months, differences in density were still apparent, although clones in the low-density treatment had on average 155% more rosettes and 227% more rooted rosettes than clones in the high-density treatment. The coefficient of variation of these measures of clone size was 15% and 83% higher, respectively, in the low-density treatment. This indicates that intraspecific competition among clones of R. reptans is symmetric and increases the effective population size. Rooted rosettes were larger and varied more in size in the low-density treatment. The relative allocation of the populations to sexual and to vegetative reproduction was 19% and 13% higher, respectively, in the high-density treatment. Moreover, seeds produced in the high-density treatment had a 24% higher mass and a 7% higher germination percentage. This suggests that with increasing density, allocation to sexual reproduction increases more than allocation to vegetative reproduction in R. reptans , which corresponds to the response of some other species with a spreading growth form but not of species with a compact growth form. We conclude that intraspecific competition is an important factor in the life-history evolution of R. reptans because intraspecific competition affects its clonal life-history traits and may affect evolutionary processes such as genetic drift and selection through its effect on the effective population size.  相似文献   

We examined separate and interactive effects of intraspecific competition, vertebrate browsing and substrate disturbance on the growth and size structure of pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica L.) in the first two seasons of growth after clearcutting, in a hardwoods forest in New Hampshire, United States. Over the 15-month study period, 97.5% of 1801 individuals survived, and mean plant height increased from 4-fold at high density to 5-fold at low density. Relative height growth was significantly lower at higher plant densities in two of the three growth periods examined. Vertebrate browsers (moose and deer) significantly preferred taller plants. Browsed plants had higher relative height growth following browsing than unbrowsed plants (compensatory growth) at low and intermediate densities. The degree of compensation declined with density and compensation was not significant at the highest density level. At low and intermediate densities, plants browsed early in life regained height dominance through compensatory growth; they failed to regain dominance at high density. Because compensatory growth tended to offset the effects of size-selective browsing, there was no difference in the degree of size inequality between browsed and unbrowsed plots. However, size inequality increased with plant density. Substrate disturbance caused by logging had no significant effects on either relative height growth or size inequality. The slope of the relationship between relative height growth and initial height increased significantly with density and time, and was higher in unbrowsed than in browsed plots, suggesting that competition among plants was size-asymmetric. Despite the preference of browsers for large plants, there was a clear net growth advantage for plants of large initial size, when the effects of competition, browsing and compensatory growth were combined. The interactive effects of density and browsing demonstrate the importance of a multifactorial approach to the analysis of individual plant performance and population structure.  相似文献   

Summary Two factorial pot experiments, each with four rates of soil-applied manganese (Mn), four levels of cereal cyst nematodes (CCN) and four replicates, were conducted under controlled environmental conditions to investigate the interaction of these factors on growth of barley. The experiments were harvested sequentially to count numbers of nematodes at two developmental stages. Development of the nematodes was independent of the Mn status of the host, indicating no effect of Mn on host resistance. In the absence of CCN, decreased Mn had a small effect on vegetative growth, not significantly decreasing dry weight of tops but tolerance at the higher densities of CCN was considerably reduced at low Mn supply, both vegetative growth and grain yield being depressed. Increasing CCN density exerted little effect on the growth of Mn sufficient hosts. Two field surveys supported conclusions from the pot experiments in that increasing nematode densities were correlated with decreasing plant size only at the site where plants were low in Mn. An implication for the field is that crops infected with the nematode and also low in Mn may yield less than expected because the two factors interact to reduce growth and retard development.  相似文献   

J. R. Obeso 《Ecography》1993,16(4):365-371
The cost of reproduction has been studied in two populations of the polycarpic herb Asphodelus albus under natural conditions The percentage of plants with flowers was determined in four sites and varied markedly among them The occurrence of reproduction was size-dependent, increasing flowering probability with plant size The cost of reproduction was assessed in terms of modular growth in reproductive plants relative to modular growth in vegetative ones I compared the modular growth of vegetative and reproductive plants considering two different densities m each of two populations Neither incidence of flowering nor modular growth were affected by density Flowering plants exhibited a withinramet demographic cost (in terms of modular growth) relative to non-flowering ramets in one population but not in the other This cost was greater in larger plants These results were concordant with the occurrence of flowering at both sites Both populations exhibited size-dependent patterns of allocation to reproduction, but no significant relationships were found between allocation to reproduction and cost of reproduction The data presented demonstrate differences in the cost of reproduction within a species This cost might determine whether a plant begins the reproduction, but probably have no effect on the reproductive allocation since the weight of the reproductive structures was not related to modular growth  相似文献   

The twitch grass Agrostis gigantea var. dispar occurs commonly as a serious weed on the light semi-acid soils found on the lower greensand near Woburn, Beds. It spreads rapidly by means of rhizomes, rarely forming stolons. All the rhizome growth takes place within 6 in. of the surface: I g. dry weight of roots and rhizomes may occupy up to 260 C.C. of soil. A. gigantea is slightly more easily eradicated than Holcus mollis.
When barley and this Agrostis are planted together, with abundance of water and nutrients for both, it is found that increasing the density of planting of the barley reduces the crop loss due to Agrostis competition, but the weed can, nevertheless, diminish the yield of close-planted barley by about a quarter. In a sparse crop of barley, any increase in Agrostis growth is reflected in an almost equal reduction in yield of barley. In proportion to its relative density the barley secures a larger share of the soil nitrogen than does the Agrostis.
Evidence is given suggesting that there is a marked effect of the one grass on the other even when there is no competition for root space and an ample supply of water and nutrients.  相似文献   

The root, vegetative shoot and fruit growth of November and January sown glasshouse tomato plants grown in flowing water culture was followed over 6–7 months. The relationship between vegetative and reproductive growth was examined after two-thirds of the flowers were removed from half the experimental plants. This resulted in larger plants which had fewer, larger fruits and eventually a fruit yield almost as large as the controls. In the control plants, fruit growth increased steadily until it reached 90% of the total incremental fresh weight of the plant 50–60 days after first anthesis. Leaf growth was markedly depressed at this stage and root growth ceased 4 wk after anthesis. Some root death was observed from anthesis onwards. When fruit growth subsequently diminished, vegetative growth recovered but to a lower rate than before fruiting commenced. Following partial flower removal, only 64% or less of the total increment of fresh weight went into the fruit. Although vegetative growth at this stage was thus greater than in the control plants, both shoot and root growth followed the same qualitative pattern with time. The ratio of vegetative shoot to root fresh weight remained essentially constant throughout the fruiting phase in plants of both sowings whether flowers were removed or not. This suggests that the fruit grew in competition with the vegetative organs as a whole, although, for a short period at early fruiting, root growth was more seriously affected. The pattern and amount of fruiting in this indeterminate plant was influenced by the size of the vegetative organs at fruiting, and by the effect of the existing developing fruit on further vegetative and reproductive growth.  相似文献   

The effects of competition from volunteer barley (Hordeum vulgare) on the growth and yield of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) were investigated in four experiments over three seasons. The growth of rape in the autumn was reduced by 50 - 91 % by competition from 400 barley plants m-2. A lower barley density of 200 plants m-2 had less effect but still reduced growth of rape by 65 - 81% in two of the experiments and 25 - 40% in the other two. During winter and spring the barley decreased in vigour and in the spring the rape started to recover, especially on the early drilled (23 - 30 August) plots. The rape sown in mid-September recovered less quickly. In Experiment 3, herbicides applied in November to control barley did not result in increased growth of rape in winter but led to greater recovery in spring. The barley died during the winter in Experiments 2 and 4, even in the absence of herbicides. Despite the marked effects of barley on the growth of rape in the autumn, yields on plots that had previously contained 200 barley plants m-2 were reduced by a maximum of only 16% in three of the experiments. In Experiment 3, where the barley was most competitive, this density and 400 plants m-2 lowered yields by 39% and 78%, respectively. Where a herbicide was used in November to control the barley these yield losses were reduced to 5%. In many rape crops the cost of herbicide treatment would be greater than the financial returns from the expected increase in yield resulting from the control of weeds. Possible reasons for the small loss in yield of rape from barley densities that had substantial effects on the growth of rape in the autumn are discussed.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out during three successive years to study through a dynamic approach the competition for soil N and its interaction with N2 fixation, leaf expansion and crop growth in pea–barley intercrops. The intensity of competition for soil N varied between experiments according to soil N supply and plant densities. This study demonstrates the key role of competition for soil N which occurs early in the crop cycle and greatly influences the subsequent growth and final performance of both species. Relative yield values for grain yield and N accumulation increased with the intensity of competition for soil N. Barley competed strongly for soil N in the intercrop. Its competitive ability increased steadily during the vegetative phase and remained constant after the beginning of pea flowering. The period of strong competition for soil N (500–800 degree-days after sowing) also corresponded to the period of rapid growth in leaf area for both species and therefore an increasing N demand. For each species, the leaf area per plant at the beginning of pea flowering was well correlated with crop nitrogen status. Barley may meet its N needs more easily in intercrops (IC) and has greater leaf area per plant than in sole crops (SC). Barley having a greater soil N supply results in an even higher crop N status and greater competitive ability relative to pea in intercrop. Competition by barley for soil N increased the proportion of pea N derived from fixation. The nitrogen nutrition index (NNI) values of pea were close to 1 whatever the soil N availability in contrast to barley. However N2 fixation started later than soil N uptake of pea and barley and was low when barley was very competitive for soil N. Due to the time necessary for the progressive development and activity of nodules, N2 fixation could not completely satisfy N demand at the beginning of the crop cycle. The amount of N2 fixed per plant in intercrops was not only a response to soil N availability but was largely determined by pea growth and was greatly affected when barley was too competitive.  相似文献   

Pistia stratiotes is an aquatic macrophyte that grows in temporary-ponds in the southern Pantanal, Brazil. It reproduces both sexually and asexually and is usually observed forming dense mats on the water surface, a condition favored by the plant's vegetative reproduction coupled with an ability for rapid growth. In this study we examined the effect of densely crowded conditions on the production of reproductive and vegetative structures. In addition, we verified whether there is a trade-off between clonal growth and investment in sexual reproductive structures, and whether there is an allocation pattern with plant size. Individual plant biomass and the number of the rosettes producing sexual reproductive structures and vegetative growth structures both increased with density. Increase in plant size resulted in increased proportional allocation to sexual reproductive structures and vegetative growth structures. Allocation of biomass to reproduction did not occur at the expense of clonal growth. Thus, the density response appears as a increase of rosettes producing sexual reproductive structures and vegetative growth structures. Therefore, long leaves and stolons may be adaptive under densely crowded conditions where competition for light is intense. An important aspect in the study of trade-offs is the size-dependency of the allocation patterns .Usually, larger plants produce more biomass. Therefore, larger plants can allocate more biomass to both vegetative and sexual reproduction than smaller plants and thus show a positive correlation between both traits rather than the expected negative one.  相似文献   

In Morocco, oilseed rape is commonly exposed to mustards competition which are not totally controlled by herbicides. To understand the competitiveness of each species, growth parameters should be studied notably dry matter allocation. The objective of this study was to confirm the competitiveness of oilseed rape with regard to Sinapis alba and S. arvensis and to investigate how the dry matter is allocated. A pot experiment was undertaken with a quartz sand as substrate. Two plant densities were tested (one and two plants). The binary density was either a monoculture or a mixture. Half the pots were maintained at field moisture capacity and the other half was irrigated up to 70% of its water holding capacity. Dry matter allocation of each species at density two was compared to that of the same species at density one. Results of replacement series diagrams and those of the relative crowding coefficient (based on total dry matter) showed that Brassica napus was more competitive than S. alba. S. arvensis was the least competitive. Under competition, B. napus irrigated at water holding capacity allocated more dry matter to stem when compared to its dry matter at density one. Under the same condition, when reducing water supply, B. napus allocated more dry matter to leaves. In case of S. alba, dry matter percent in leaves and roots were respectively low and high in normally irrigated plant and inversely under water shortage. S. arvensis allocated high and low dry matter percent respectively to root than to leaves when sufficiently irrigated. But no clear tendency was noticed under water shortage, for this species.  相似文献   

Summary Four species of grassland plant, Plantago lanceolata, Holcus lanatus, Lolium perenne and Rumex acetosa, were grown as monocultures and mixtures in pots of nutrient poor soil in a glasshouse for 8 months. There were four plants per pot and these were arranged in two competition modes: either root and shoot interactions were permitted, or only roots allowed to interact by using above-ground partitions. Time of introduction of seedlings was varied to give a range of plant size ratios at the start of the experiment. The factorial design catered for all combinations of species, competition modes and planting times, replicated in four blocks. The shoots were clipped at a fixed height at each of five harvests. Rumex grew badly and was mostly omitted from analysis of the data.By (i) following the change in the relationship of clip dry weights against planting time with successive harvests, (ii) plotting the change in the logarithm of the ratio of cumulative clip dry weights with time and (iii) the use of de Wit logarithmic ratio plots it was demonstrated that each monoculture and mixture combination's ratios of plant weights converged towards stable equilibrium values. Three hypotheses are put forward to explain why in monocultures a smaller plant was at a competitive advantage relative to a larger neighbour and was not suppressed in its growth by the latter. In mixtures this plant size effect was superimposed to different extents on the relative aggressiveness of the species considered. It was concluded that in a nutrient poor soil, when competition for light was low, root interactions can promote the co-existence of neighbouring plant species.  相似文献   

The effects of increased intraspecific competition on size hierarchies (size inequality) and reproductive allocation were investigated in populations of the annual plant, spring wheat (Triticurn aestivurn). A series of densities (100, 300, 1 000, 3 000 and 10 000 plants/m^2) along a gradient of competition intensity were designed in this experiment. The results showed that average shoot biomass decreased with increased density. Reproductive allocation was negatively correlated to Gini coefficient (R^2 = 0.927), which suggested that reproductive allocation is inclined to decrease as size inequality increases. These results suggest that both vegetative and reproductive structures were significantly affected by intensive competition. However, results also indicated that there were different relationships between plant size and reproductive allocation pattern in different densities. In the lowest density population, lacking competition (100 plants/m^2), individual reproductive allocation was size independent but, in high density populations (300, 1 000, 3 000 and 10 000 plants/m^2), where competition occurred, individual reproductive allocation was size dependent: the small proportion of larger individuals were winners in competition and got higher reproductive allocation (lower marginal reproductive allocation; MRA), and the larger proportion of smaller individuals were suppressed and got lower reproductive allocation (higher MRA). In conclusion, our results support the prediction that elevated intraspecific competition would result in higher levels of size inequality and decreased reproductive allocation (with a negative relationship between them). However, deeper analysis indicated that these frequency- and size-dependent reproductive strategies were not evolutionarily stable strategies.  相似文献   

We characterized the type and extent of grasshopper injury to above- and below-ground plant parts for four crops [barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oats (Avena sativa L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and canola (Brassica campestris L.)] commonly grown, or with potential to grow, in central Alaska. Cages were placed on 48 pots containing plants in second to third leaf stages and stocked with 0, 2, 4, and 6 first-instar Melanoplus sanguinipes F. pot(-1). Plants were harvested 22 d after planting. Stem growth of barley and oats was not affected except at the highest grasshopper treatment. In canola, stem biomass was reduced at the medium and high grasshopper treatments, when most of the leaves had been consumed. The highest grasshopper treatment reduced leaf area in barley and oats by approximately 55%, and caused a significant reduction in dry weight of leaves, stems, and roots (41-72%). Wheat and canola plants were smaller than barley and oats across all treatments and, at the highest grasshopper density, above-ground portions of wheat and canola were completely destroyed. Length and surface area of roots of barley and oats were reduced by 20-28% again at the highest grasshopper density, whereas the reduction for wheat and canola ranged from 50 to 90%. There was little or no difference among all grasshopper densities for C-N ratio in leaf and stem tissues of all crops. The results suggest that wheat and canola are more susceptible than barley and oats and that densities > or = 2 pot(-1) (approximately > or = 50 m(-2)) of even very small grasshoppers could cause significant damage in small-grain and oilseed crop production.  相似文献   

Victor O. Sadras 《Oecologia》1997,109(3):427-432
In indeterminate plant species, the rate of vegetative growth usually declines during the stage of active reproductive growth. Fruit shedding, as induced by insect herbivores, could counteract this decline. Due to the relative increase in vegetative growth, plants that have suffered reproductive damage could be better able to intercept light and acquire soil resources than undamaged plants. If so, plants with damaged neighbours might grow less than their counterparts with smaller, undamaged neighbours. This hypothesis was tested in high- and low-density cotton crops subjected to three treatments: (i) undamaged controls; (ii) uniformly damaged, in which all plants were damaged; (iii) non-uniformly damaged, in which every second plant was damaged. Damaged plants had their flowerbuds and young fruits manually removed at 85 days after sowing to simulate shedding as induced by Helicoverpa spp. (Lepidoptera) and mirid bugs (Hemiptera). As expected, damaged plants had greater leaf area and more vegetative dry matter than undamaged ones. This was most pronounced at high plant density. Neighbour status did not affect vegetative growth but it had a substantial, asymmetric effect on the reproductive growth of target plants. Damaged targets recovered to the level of undamaged controls in terms of total fruit number but had a large reduction in the mass of mature fruit due to the limited time available for recovery. The effect of neighbour status, if any, on the production of mature fruit in damaged targets was overridden by the limit imposed to recovery by the duration of the growing season. In contrast, neighbour status affected the production of mature fruit of undamaged targets: undamaged targets with damaged neighbours had 34% (low density) and 56% (high density) less mature fruit mass than their counterparts with undamaged neighbours. This was because (i) reproductive allocation and (ii) the proportion of total fruit that reached maturity in target plants declined with increasing neighbour interference. Most studies dealing with changes in competitive relationships among plants subjected to differential herbivory have shown how undamaged plants may benefit from herbivores that feed on their neighbours. This study shows that differential reproductive damage can cause the opposite effect, as undamaged plants may have a significant reduction in productivity due to the influence of neighbours whose vegetative growth was stimulated by the loss of reproductive organs. Received: 2 June 1996 / Accepted: 8 September 1996  相似文献   

Red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are a potential light source for growing plants in spaceflight systems because of their safety, small mass and volume, wavelength specificity, and longevity. Despite these attractive features, red LEDs must satisfy requirements for plant photosynthesis and photomorphogenesis for successful growth and seed yield. To determine the influence of gallium aluminium arsenide (GaAlAs) red LEDs on wheat photomorphogenesis, photosynthesis, and seed yield, wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. 'USU-Super Dwarf') plants were grown under red LEDs and compared to plants grown under daylight fluorescent (white) lamps and red LEDs supplemented with either 1% or 10% blue light from blue fluorescent (BF) lamps. Compared to white light-grown plants, wheat grown under red LEDs alone demonstrated less main culm development during vegetative growth through preanthesis, while showing a longer flag leaf at 40 DAP and greater main culm length at final harvest (70 DAP). As supplemental BF light was increased with red LEDs, shoot dry matter and net leaf photosynthesis rate increased. At final harvest, wheat grown under red LEDs alone displayed fewer subtillers and a lower seed yield compared to plants grown under white light. Wheat grown under red LEDs+10% BF light had comparable shoot dry matter accumulation and seed yield relative to wheat grown under white light. These results indicate that wheat can complete its life cycle under red LEDs alone, but larger plants and greater amounts of seed are produced in the presence of red LEDs supplemented with a quantity of blue light.  相似文献   

Dehydration-responsive-element-binding protein 1 genes have important roles in response to stress. To improve the drought tolerance of an upland rice cultivar NERICA1, we introduced Arabidopsis AtDREB1C or rice OsDREB1B driven by a stress-inducible rice lip9 promoter. Plants of some transgenic lines survived better than non-transgenic plants under severe drought. AtDREB1C transgenic plants had higher dry weights than non-transgenic plants when grown under moderate drought until the late vegetative growth stage. On the other hand, OsDREB1B transgenic plants had lower dry weights than non-transgenic plants under the same condition. Similar results were obtained under osmotic stress. The AtDREB1C transgenic plants headed earlier, had a larger sink capacity, and had more filled grains than non-transgenic plants. These results suggest that AtDREB1C expressed in NERICA1 improves not only survival under severe drought, but also growth and yield under moderate drought.  相似文献   

A morphogenetic study, from the first-leaf stage onwards, wasmade of barley plants grown at a range of plant populationsfrom 50 to 1600 plants m-2. Increasing density reduced leafnumber from 10.2 to 8 and caused stem internode elongation tostart earlier at a lower node. Final stem length was reduceddue to earlier cessation of growth. The lamina and sheath lengthof the lower leaves was increased with increasing density, andlamina width was decreased. At the highest density the apexreached the double ridge stage 6 days earlier than at the lowestdensity, and this difference persisted throughout the developmentof the apex. The rate of primordium production was little affectedby density, but the duration was markedly affected. Primordiumproduction stopped abruptly, first at the highest density, andthen successively at the lower densities. At this stage changeswere seen at the tip of the apex, and eventually the 10 distalprimordia died. There were small differences in the length ofshoot apex or ear during growth, but earlier cessation of growthin the higher densities led to a shorter ear. Growth of theinternodes of the floral apex started first at the high density. These observations suggest that plants grown at high densitieshad a high concentration of gibberellins (GA) in their tissues.The promotion of apex development by the higher concentrationof GA gave rise to earlier competition for nutrients diffusingthrough the apex. This lead to starvation of the tip of theapex and earlier death of this region and, consequently, fewerspikelets. Differences in the light environment of the plants,either intensity or red/far red ratio, most probably broughtabout the differences in GA.  相似文献   

Growth and yield of ''Veebrite'' tomato were studied in 20-cm (i.d.) clay-tile microplots containing initially 260, 1,840, 6,120, or 27,950 Meloidogyne hapla larvae/kg of soil. Low nematode numbers stimulated, and the highest nematode population suppressed, vegetative plant growth. More tomatoes, with a higher total weight, were harvested from plants infested with 260 and 1,840 nematode larvae at planting than from those with initial densities of 6,120 and 27,950 larvae. At the two highest densities, the cumulative fruit production (weight) was suppressed by 10% and 40%, respectively. The increase in growth and yield at the lower densities appeared to be due to an increase in the size of the root systent. However, at the higher densities, yield was no longer directly related to root weight. The reproduction factor of M. hapla was negatively correlated with initial density; for the lowest and highest initial densities, it was 96X and 7X at midseason, and 354X and 3X at harvest, respectively. The equilibrium density was 63,000 larvae/kg of soil; initial densities larger than 2,000 larvae/kg of soil may require control.  相似文献   

The basic and simplest system that one can consider in ecology is a group of individuals of equal age and representing one species, that is, a cohort. This paper is an attempt to show that analysis of such a system may be of great importance to understanding basic ecological problems, such as, intraspecific competition and the dynamics of a single population. It is easy to observe that in even-aged populations individuals differ in weights. A close look can show that weight distributions in even-aged populations may have different skewness. Most common are distributions with coefficients of skewness greater than zero. Sometimes weight distributions are symmetrical or with skewness coefficients less than zero. In a cohort of growing individuals the coefficient of skewness changes with time: most often starting from zero (symmetrical distribution), it increases in time; sometimes after an initial increase it can decrease in the final stage of growth, which is related to an increased mortality of individuals. The rate of change in skewness, and the skewness itself depend on the density of individuals in a cohort and on food conditions. They are greater at higher densities and increase with deteriorating food conditions. Weight distributions are symmetrical at low densities and optimal food conditions. The differences in individual weights measured by variance of weight distributions or coefficient of variation follow the same pattern, but observed changes with time, density and food conditions are not so clear. These conclusions rest upon the review of numerous papers concerning both plants and animals, which is presented in this paper. In the past, the properties of weight distributions in even-aged populations were explained not by interactions between individuals, but rather as a natural outcome of the growth process of non-interacting individuals. The exponential equation of growth, with relative growth rate having a normal distribution in populations, was used to support this hypothesis. Obtained weight distributions were of positive skewness; however, this model, which in fact is able to describe the growth process only in its initial stage, cannot explain the changes of skewness of weight distributions with density and food conditions. A model has been developed which includes competitive interactions among members of even-aged populations to explain observed properties of weight distributions in them. The basic assumption is that intraspecific competition leads to uneven partitioning of resources, which are the object of competition. Functions describing resource partitioning among individuals are included into the model.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Phosphate uptake was measured for Artemisia tridentata, Agropyron desertorum and Pseudoroegneria spicata, three common perennial North American Great Basin species. Four patterns of nutrient-rich microsites were used in the experiments (different distances, densities and nutrient concentrations) All species were more efficient at taking up P from microsites nearest the plants than from more distant microsites. Artemisia and Agropyron acquired P more rapidly from the distant microsites when there was a larger number of microsites and, therefore, a greater probability of encounter. Uptake from the nearest microsites did not increase after 26 days, while uptake from distant microsites increased and was equal to uptake from the nearest microsites by the end of the experiment. Phosphate uptake was four to five times higher for Artemisia than for Agropyron on a shoot mass basis and seven to eight times greater than for Pseudoroegneria, which reflects species relative growth rates. Differences in shoot dry mass were significant among species, but little evidence was found for interspecific competition. Root density, root dry mass and P uptake in the upper part of the soil mixture was higher for Artemisia than the other species. Phosphate acquisition seems to be influenced by the distance of microsites and their density and the ability of plants to encounter and proliferate absorbing organs in the microsites.  相似文献   

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