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Tagged G‐protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been used to facilitate intracellular visualization of these receptors. We have used a combination of adenoviral vector gene transfer and tagged olfactory receptors to help visualize mammalian olfactory receptor proteins in the normal olfactory epithelium of rats, and in cell culture. Three recombinant adenoviral vectors were generated carrying variously tagged versions of rat olfactory receptor I7. The constructs include an N‐terminal Flag epitope tag (Flag:I7), enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fusion protein (EGFP:I7), and a C‐terminal EGFP fusion (I7:EGFP). These receptor constructs were assayed in rat olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) and in a heterologous system (HEK 293 cell line) for protein localization and functional expression. Functional expression of the tagged receptor proteins was tested by electroolfactogram (EOG) recordings in the infected rat olfactory epithelium, and by calcium imaging in single cells. Our results demonstrate that the I7:EGFP fusion protein and Flag:I7 are functionally expressed in OSNs while the EGFP:I7 fusion is not, probably due to inappropriate processing of the protein in the cells. These data suggest that a small epitope tag (Flag) at the N‐terminus, or EGFP located at the C‐terminus of the receptor, does not affect ligand binding or downstream signaling. In addition, both functional fusion proteins (Flag:I7 and I7:EGFP) are properly targeted to the plasma membrane of HEK 293 cells. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 50: 56–68, 2002  相似文献   

We applied an automatic and unsupervised system to a nearly complete database of mammalian odor receptor genes. The generated motifs and gene classification were subjected to extensive and systematic downstream analysis to obtain biological insights. Two major results from this analysis were: (1) a map of sequence motifs that may correlate with function and (2) the corresponding receptor classes in which members of each class are likely to share specific functions. We have discovered motifs that have been implicated in structural integrity and posttranslational modification, as well as motifs very likely to be directly involved in ligand binding. We further propose a combinatorial molecular hypothesis, based on unique combinations of the observed motifs, that provides a foundation for understanding the generation of a large number of ligand binding sites.  相似文献   

The human olfactory system can recognize and discriminate a large number of different odorant molecules. The detection of chemically distinct odorants begins with the binding of an odorant ligand to a specific receptor protein on the olfactory neuron cell surface. To address the problem of olfactory perception at a molecular level, we have cloned, functionally expressed and characterized the first human olfactory receptor (OR 17-40). Application of a mixture of hundred different odorants elicited a transient increase in intracellular calcium at HEK 293-cells which were transfected with a plasmid containing the receptor encoding DNA and a membrane import sequence. By subdividing the odorant mixture in smaller groups we could identify a single component which represented the only effective substance: helional. Testing some structurally closely related molecules we found only one other compound which also could activate the receptor: heliotropyl acetone. All other compounds tested were completely ineffective. These findings represent the beginning of molecular understanding of odorant recognition in humans.  相似文献   

Mammalian olfactory receptors (ORs) appear to have the capacity to couple to multiple G protein-coupled signaling pathways in a ligand-dependent selective manner. To better understand the mechanisms and molecular range of such ligand selectivity, we expressed the mouse eugenol OR (mOR-EG) in HEK293T cells together with Gα15 to monitor activation of the phospholipase-C (PLC) signaling pathway and/or Gαolf to monitor activation of the adenylate cyclase (AC) signaling pathway, resulting in intracellular Ca2+ release and/or Ca2+ influx through a cyclic nucleotide-gated channel, respectively. PLC-dependent responses differed dynamically from AC-dependent responses, allowing them to be distinguished when Gα15 and Gαolf were co-expressed. The dynamic difference in readout was independent of the receptor, the heterologous expression system, and the ligand concentration. Of 17 reported mOR-EG ligands tested, including eugenol, its analogs, and structurally dissimilar compounds (mousse cristal, nootkatone, orivone), some equally activated both signaling pathways, some differentially activated both signaling pathways, and some had no noticeable effect even at 1–5 mM. Our findings argue that mOR-EG, when heterologously expressed, can couple to two different signaling pathways in a ligand selective manner. The challenge now is to determine the potential of mOR-EG, and perhaps other ORs, to activate multiple signaling pathways in a ligand selective manner in native ORNs.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1RI) is a master regulator of inflammation and innate immunity. When triggered by IL-1beta, IL-1RI aggregates with IL-1R-associated protein (IL-1RAcP) and forms a membrane proximal signalosome that potently activates downstream signaling cascades. IL-1beta also rapidly triggers endocytosis of IL-1RI. Although internalization of IL-1RI significantly impacts signaling, very little is known about trafficking of IL-1RI and therefore about precisely how endocytosis modulates the overall cellular response to IL-1beta. Upon internalization, activated receptors are often sorted through endosomes and delivered to lysosomes for degradation. This is a highly regulated process that requires ubiquitination of cargo proteins as well as protein-sorting complexes that specifically recognize ubiquitinated cargo. Here, we show that IL-1beta induces ubiquitination of IL-1RI and that via these attached ubiquitin groups, IL-1RI interacts with the ubiquitin-binding protein Tollip. By using an assay to follow trafficking of IL-1RI from the cell surface to late endosomes and lysosomes, we demonstrate that Tollip is required for sorting of IL-1RI at late endosomes. In Tollip-deficient cells and cells expressing only mutated Tollip (incapable of binding IL-1RI and ubiquitin), IL-1RI accumulates on late endosomes and is not efficiently degraded. Furthermore, we show that IL-1RI interacts with Tom1, an ubiquitin-, clathrin-, and Tollip-binding protein, and that Tom1 knockdown also results in the accumulation of IL-1RI at late endosomes. Our findings suggest that Tollip functions as an endosomal adaptor linking IL-1RI, via Tom1, to the endosomal degradation machinery.  相似文献   

The G protein-coupled olfactory receptor (OR) superfamily plays a critical role in recognizing a broad range of odorants. Each OR appears to recognize odorants based on similarities in molecular structures such that mOR-EG, a mouse OR, binds eugenol, vanillin, and some other structurally related odorants. Only a few ORs, however, have been characterized functionally due to the difficulties in expressing ORs in heterologous cells. In this report, we demonstrate roles of the N- and C-terminal domains as key elements in the functional expression and signal transducing activity of an OR. Disruption of the N-terminal glycosylation site of the mOR-EG completely impaired its membrane trafficking to the cell surface. Functional expression of the mOR-EG was greatly enhanced by addition of extra N-terminal glycosylation sequences. Addition of a C-terminal epitope-tag or C-terminal truncation significantly reduced the odorant-response activity, although the receptors were properly targeted to the plasma membrane. Analysis of a series of truncated ORs revealed a region in the C-terminus that was crucial for the receptor activity. Replacement of the C-terminal portion of the mOR-EG with that of rhodopsin disrupted the coupling to G(alphas) but not to G(alpha15), demonstrating that the C-terminus is involved in regulating G protein specificity. These results suggest that glycosylation of the N-terminal portion is critical for OR expression and membrane trafficking, while the C-terminal portion plays a role in defining proper conformation, which, in turn, specifies the G protein selectivity of the OR. This information helps clarify the mechanisms that regulate membrane trafficking and G protein interaction of the OR superfamily.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has revived interest in the idea that phosphoinositides (PIs) may play a role in signal transduction in mammalian olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). To provide direct evidence that odorants indeed activate PI signaling in ORNs, we used adenoviral vectors carrying two different fluorescently tagged probes, the pleckstrin homology (PH) domains of phospholipase Cδ1 (PLCδ1) and the general receptor of phosphoinositides (GRP1), to monitor PI activity in the dendritic knobs of ORNs in vivo. Odorants mobilized PI(4,5)P2/IP3 and PI(3,4,5)P3, the substrates and products of PLC and PI3K. We then measured odorant activation of PLC and PI3K in olfactory ciliary-enriched membranes in vitro using a phospholipid overlay assay and ELISAs. Odorants activated both PLC and PI3K in the olfactory cilia within 2 s of odorant stimulation. Odorant-dependent activation of PLC and PI3K in the olfactory epithelium could be blocked by enzyme-specific inhibitors. Odorants activated PLC and PI3K with partially overlapping specificity. These results provide direct evidence that odorants indeed activate PI signaling in mammalian ORNs in a manner that is consistent with the idea that PI signaling plays a role in olfactory transduction.  相似文献   



Mammalian olfactory receptor (OR) genes reside in numerous genomic clusters of up to several dozen genes. Whole-genome sequence alignment nets of five mammals allow their comprehensive comparison, aimed at reconstructing the ancestral olfactory subgenome.  相似文献   

Overexpression of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is a major cause of multidrug resistance in cancer. P-gp is mainly localized in the plasma membrane and can efflux structurally and chemically unrelated substrates, including anticancer drugs. P-gp is also localized in intracellular compartments, such as endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi, endosomes and lysosomes, and cycles between endosomal compartments and the plasma membrane in a microtubular-actin dependent manner. Intracellular trafficking pathways for P-gp and participation of different Rab proteins depend on cellular polarization and choice of primary culture, cell line or neoplasm. Interruption of P-gp trafficking to the plasma membrane increases intracellular P-gp accumulation and anticancer drug levels, suggesting a potential approach to overcome P-gp-mediated multidrug resistance in cancer.  相似文献   

Mammalian odorant receptors form a large, diverse group of G protein-coupled receptors that determine the sensitivity and response profile of olfactory receptor neurons. But little is known if odorant receptors control basal and also stimulus-induced cellular properties of olfactory receptor neurons other than ligand specificity. This study demonstrates that different odorant receptors have varying degrees of basal activity, which drives concomitant receptor current fluctuations and basal action potential firing. This basal activity can be suppressed by odorants functioning as inverse agonists. Furthermore, odorant-stimulated olfactory receptor neurons expressing different odorant receptors can have strikingly different response patterns in the later phases of prolonged stimulation. Thus, the influence of odorant receptor choice on response characteristics is much more complex than previously thought, which has important consequences on odor coding and odor information transfer to the brain.  相似文献   

Niimura Y  Nei M 《PloS one》2007,2(8):e708
Odor perception in mammals is mediated by a large multigene family of olfactory receptor (OR) genes. The number of OR genes varies extensively among different species of mammals, and most species have a substantial number of pseudogenes. To gain some insight into the evolutionary dynamics of mammalian OR genes, we identified the entire set of OR genes in platypuses, opossums, cows, dogs, rats, and macaques and studied the evolutionary change of the genes together with those of humans and mice. We found that platypuses and primates have <400 functional OR genes while the other species have 800-1,200 functional OR genes. We then estimated the numbers of gains and losses of OR genes for each branch of the phylogenetic tree of mammals. This analysis showed that (i) gene expansion occurred in the placental lineage each time after it diverged from monotremes and from marsupials and (ii) hundreds of gains and losses of OR genes have occurred in an order-specific manner, making the gene repertoires highly variable among different orders. It appears that the number of OR genes is determined primarily by the functional requirement for each species, but once the number reaches the required level, it fluctuates by random duplication and deletion of genes. This fluctuation seems to have been aided by the stochastic nature of OR gene expression.  相似文献   

Intracellular trafficking of secretory proteins   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

Parachlamydia acanthamoebae is an obligate intracellular bacterium that naturally infects free-living amoebae. It is a potential agent of pneumonia that resists destruction by human macrophages. However, the strategy used by this Chlamydia-like organism in order to resist to macrophage destruction is unknown. We analysed the intracellular trafficking of P. acanthamoebae within monocyte-derived macrophages. Infected cells were immunolabelled for the bacteria and for various intracellular compartments by using specific antibodies. We analysed the bacteria colocalization with the different subcellular compartments by using epifluorescence and confocal microscopy. Bacterial replication took place 4-6 h post infection within acidic vacuoles. At that time, P. acanthamoebae colocalized with Lamp-1, a membrane marker of late endosomal and lysosomal compartments. A transient accumulation of EEA1 15 min post infection, and of rab7 and the mannose 6-phosphate receptor 30 min post infection confirmed that P. acanthamoebae traffic through the endocytic pathway. The acquisition of Lamp-1 was not different after infection with living and heat-inactivated bacteria. However, 24.5% and 79.5% of living and heat-inactivated P. acanthamoebae, respectively, colocalized with the vacuolar proton ATPase. Moreover, P. acanthamoebae did not colocalized with cathepsin D, a lysosomal hydrolase, suggesting that P. acanthamoebae interferes with maturation of its vacuole. Thus, P. acanthamoebae survives to destruction by human macrophages probably by controlling the vacuole biogenesis.  相似文献   

Background information. Spherulites are multi‐lamellar lipidic vesicles that can encapsulate biomolecules and may be used as carriers for drug delivery. STxB (Shiga toxin B‐subunit) is known to bind the glycosphingolipid Gb3 (globotriaosyl ceramide), which is overexpressed by various human tumours. After Gb3 binding, the toxin enters the cytoplasm via the retrograde route, bypassing the degrading environment of the late endosomes/lysosomes. STxB is non‐toxic and has been identified as a promising tool for drug delivery. So far, applications have relied on direct coupling with therapeutic agents. In the present study, we have investigated the functionalization of spherulites by STxB and the intracellular trafficking of these structures. Results. We demonstrate that STxB‐spherulites (ST×B‐functionalized spherulites) are internalized into HeLa cells in a receptor‐dependent manner. The intracellular distribution was studied by confocal microscopy for lipids, ligand and content. We observed an early separation between spherulites and STxB, leading to a late endosomal/lysosomal localization of lipids and content, whereas STxB remained partially at the plasma membrane. Conclusions. Although recognition of Gb3 is the cause of their specific adhesion to cell membranes, STxB‐spherulites do not follow the retrograde transport route. Our results strongly suggest that STxB‐spherulites are, at least in part, disrupted at the plasma membrane, leading to lipid and content targeting to the classical endocytic pathway. We discuss how these findings influence the development of innovative delivery strategies.  相似文献   

Intracellular trafficking of TRP channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cayouette S  Boulay G 《Cell calcium》2007,42(2):225-232
Thirteen years ago, it was suggested that exocytotic insertion of store-operated channels into the plasma membrane lead to increased Ca(2+) entry in non-excitable cells upon G protein-coupled or tyrosine kinase receptor stimulation. Since the discovery of the TRP channel superfamily and their involvement in receptor-induced Ca(2+) entry, many studies have shown that different members of the TRP superfamily translocate into the plasma membrane upon stimulation. While the exact molecular mechanism by which TRP channels insert into the plasma membrane is unknown, TRP-binding proteins have been shown to directly regulate this trafficking. This review summarizes recent advances related to the mechanism of TRP channel trafficking, focusing on the role of TRP-binding proteins.  相似文献   

In the past decade, intracellular antibodies have proven to be a useful tool in obtaining the phenotypic knock-out of selected gene function in different animal and plant systems. This strategy is based on the ectopic expression of recombinant forms of antibodies targeted towards different intracellular compartments, exploiting specific targeting signals to confer the new intracellular location. The functional basis of this technology is closely linked to the ability of intracellular antibodies to interact with their target antigens in vivo. This interaction allows either a direct neutralising effect or the dislodgement of the target protein from its normal intracellular location and, by this mechanism, the inactivation of its function. By using this approach, the function of several antigens has been inhibited in the cytoplasm, the nucleus, and the secretory compartments. In this article, we shall describe all the steps required for expressing single-chain Fv fragments in different subcellular compartments of mammalian cells and their subsequent use in knock-out experiments, starting from a cloned single-chain Fv fragment. This will include the analysis of the solubility properties of the new scFv fragment in transfected mammalian cells, the intracellular distribution of the antigen-antibody complex, and the resulting phenotype.  相似文献   

Rab11a small G protein (Rab11p) is implicated in vesicle trafficking, especially vesicle recycling. We have previously isolated a downstream effector of Rab11p, named rabphilin-11. We found here that rabphilin-11 directly bound the mammalian counterpart of yeast Sec13 protein (mSec13p) in cell-free and intact cell systems. Yeast Sec13p is involved as a component of coat proteins II in the Sar1p-induced vesicle formation from the endoplasmic reticulum, but the precise role of mSec13p is unknown. The interaction of rabphilin-11 with mSec13p was enhanced by GTP-Rab11p. Rabphilin-11 localized on the vesicles in perinuclear regions and along microtubules oriented toward the plasma membrane, whereas mSec13p partly colocalized with rabphilin-11 in the perinuclear regions, most presumably the Golgi complex. Disruption of the rabphilin-11-mSec13p interaction by overexpression of the mSec13p-binding region of rabphilin-11 impaired vesicle trafficking. These results indicate that the rabphilin-11-mSec13p interaction is implicated in vesicle trafficking.  相似文献   

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