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M Molinaro  I Tinoco  Jr 《Nucleic acids research》1995,23(15):3056-3063
RNA molecules of > 20 nucleotides have been the focus of numerous recent NMR structural studies. Several investigators have used the UNCG family of hairpins to ensure proper folding. We show that th UUCG hairpin has a minimum requirement of a two base-pair stem. Hairpins with a CG loop closing base pair and an initial 5'CG or 5'GC base pair have a melting temperature approximately 55 degrees C in 10 mM sodium phosphate. The high stability of even such small hairpins suggests that the hairpin can serve as a nucleation site for folding. For high resolution NMR work, the UNCG loop family (UACG in particular) provides excellent spectroscopic markers in one-dimensional exchangeable spectra, in two-dimensional COSY spectra and in NOESY spectra that clearly define it as forming a hairpin. This allows straightforward initiation of chemical shift assignments.  相似文献   

Picornavirus internal ribosome entry site (IRES) elements direct cap-independent internal initiation of protein synthesis within mammalian cells. These RNA elements (about 450 nt) contain extensive secondary structure including a hairpin loop with a conserved GNRA motif. Such loops are important in RNA-RNA and RNA-protein interactions. Plasmids that express dicistronic mRNAs of the structure GUS/IRES/HOOK have been constructed. The HOOK sequence encodes a cell-surface-targeted protein (sFv); the translation of this open reading frame within mammalian cells from these dicistronic mRNAs requires a functional IRES element. Cells that express the sFv can be selected from nonexpressing cells. A pool of up to 256 mutant encephalomyocarditis virus IRES elements was generated by converting the wild-type hairpin loop sequence (GCGA) to NNNN. Following transfection of this pool of mutants into COS-7 cells, plasmids were recovered from selected sFv-expressing cells. These DNAs were amplified in Escherichia coli and transfected again into COS-7 cells for further cycles to enrich for plasmids encoding functional IRES elements. The sequence of individual selected IRES elements was determined. All functional IRES elements had a tetraloop with a 3' terminal A residue. Optimal IRES activity, assayed in vitro and within cells, was obtained from plasmids encoding an IRES with the hairpin loop sequence fitting a RNRA consensus. In contrast, IRES elements containing YCYA tetraloops were severely defective.  相似文献   

New resonance Raman (RR) spectra at 15 K are reported for poplar (Populus nigra) and oleander (Oleander nerium) plastocyanins and for Alcaligenes faecalis pseudoazurin. The spectra are compared with those of other blue copper proteins (cupredoxins). In all cases, nine or more vibrational modes between 330 and 460 cm-1 can be assigned to a coupling of the Cu-S(Cys) stretch with Cys ligand deformations. The fact that these vibrations occur at a relatively constant set of frequencies is testimony to the highly conserved ground-state structure of the Cu-Cys moiety. Shifts of the vibrational modes by 1-3 cm-1 upon deuterium exchange can be correlated with N-H...S hydrogen bonds from the protein backbone to the sulfur of the Cys ligand. There is marked variability in the intensities of these Cys-related vibrations, such that each class of cupredoxin has its own pattern of RR intensities. For example, plastocyanins from poplar, oleander, French bean, and spinach have their most intense feature at approximately 425 cm-1; azurins show greatest intensity at approximately 410 cm-1, stellacyanin and ascorbate oxidase at approximately 385 cm-1, and nitrite reductase at approximately 360 cm-1. These variable intensity patterns are related to differences in the electronic excited-state structures. We propose that they have a basis in the protein environment of the copper-cysteinate chromophore. A further insight into the vibrational spectra is provided by the structures of the six cupredoxins for which crystallographic refinements at high resolution are available (plastocyanins from P. nigra, O. nerium, and Enteromorpha prolifera, pseudoazurin from A. faecalis, azurin from Alcaligenes denitrificans, and cucumber basic blue protein). The average of the Cu-S(Cys) bond lengths is 2.12 +/- 0.05 A. Since the observed range of bond lengths falls within the precision of the determinations, this variation is considered insignificant. The Cys ligand dihedral angles are also highly conserved. Cu-S gamma-C beta-C alpha is always near -170 degrees and S gamma-C beta-C alpha-N near 170 degrees. As a result, the Cu-S gamma bond is coplanar with the Cys side-chain atoms and part of the polypeptide backbone. The coplanarity accounts for the extensive coupling of Cu-S stretching and Cys deformation modes as seen in the RR spectrum. The conservation of this copper-cysteinate conformation in cupredoxins may indicate a favored pathway for electron transfer.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that the vibrational modes associated with the catalytically labile region of N-acylalanine dithioacyl papains undergo a major reorganization compared to the normal modes of corresponding model compounds. Thus, the resonance Raman (RR) spectrum of, e.g., N-benzoylalanine dithioacyl papain and its response to isotopic labeling cannot be understood completely on the basis of the RR spectrum of N-benzoylalanine ethyl dithio ester in one of its known conformational states [detailed in Lee, H., Angus, R. H., Storer, A. C., Varughese, K. I., & Carey, P. R. (1988) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)]. This situation contrasts sharply to that for N-acylglycine dithioacyl papains whose RR spectra closely resemble those of the corresponding N-acylglycine ethyl dithio esters in a conformational state known as conformer B. For the N-acylalanine intermediates two possible causes are put forward to explain the rearrangement of the normal modes. First, the acyl groups based on alanine may bind in papain's active site in a conformation whose torsional angles near the -C(=S)S-group differ markedly from those of characterized model compounds. The second, and presently favored, explanation is that the N-acylalanine moiety is binding in the active site in an A- or C5-like conformation and that, in addition, there is significant vibrational coupling between some of the normal modes of the bound substrate and the normal modes associated with parts of the enzyme in contact with the substrate. The finding that deacylation for N-acylglycine or N-acylalanine dithioacyl papains must proceed from structures which are different is an indication that the mechanism of deacylation may not have strict stereochemical requirements.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A C Storer  H Lee  P R Carey 《Biochemistry》1983,22(20):4789-4796
A diode array based multichannel Raman spectrometer has made it possible to record complete, high quality, resonance Raman (RR) spectra of enzyme-substrate intermediates. The intermediates are dithioacylpapains in which the acyl group is either N-benzoylglycine or N-(beta-phenylpropionyl)glycine. RR data are reported for the unlabeled dithioacylpapains as well as for the intermediates labeled separately with ND, 15N, and 13C = S in the glycine residue. Comparison of the results for the dithioacylpapains with that of the corresponding labeled glycine ethyl dithioesters [Lee, H., Storer, A. C., & Carey, P. R. (1983) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)] leads to the conclusion that for both substrates in the active site the dihedral angles in the glycine NH-C-C(= S) linkages assume an essentially relaxed type B conformation. Similarly, there is no evidence for distortion about the C(= O)-NH peptide bond which links the P1 and P2 sites on the substrate. However, for the N-benzoylglycine case there is evidence for some conformational distortion in the -S-C-C cysteine linkages. The present data favor a single homogeneous conformational population about the substrates' NH-C-C(= S) bonds in the native dithioacylpapains. However, below pH 3.0 the dithioacyl enzymes denature and the RR spectra of the 13C = S substituted species confirm that the conformational population reverts to the mixture of conformers A and B found for the corresponding ethyl dithioesters in solution.  相似文献   

The Malpighiaceae are a family of ~1250 species of predominantly New World tropical flowering plants. Infrafamilial classification has long been based on fruit characters. Phylogenetic analyses of chloroplast DNA nucleotide sequences were analyzed to help resolve the phylogeny of Malpighiaceae. A total of 79 species, representing 58 of the 65 currently recognized genera, were studied. The 3' region of the gene ndhF was sequenced for 77 species and the noncoding intergenic spacer region trnL-F was sequenced for 65 species; both sequences were obtained for the outgroup, Humiria (Humiriaceae). Phylogenetic relationships inferred from these data sets are largely congruent with one another and with results from combined analyses. The family is divided into two major clades, recognized here as the subfamilies Byrsonimoideae (New World only) and Malpighioideae (New World and Old World). Niedenzu's tribes are all polyphyletic, suggesting extensive convergence on similar fruit types; only de Jussieu's tribe Gaudichaudieae and Anderson's tribes Acmanthereae and Galphimieae are monophyletic. Fleshy fruits evolved three times in the family and bristly fruits at least three times. Among the wing-fruited vines, which constitute more than half the diversity in the family, genera with dorsal-winged samaras are fairly well resolved, while the resolution of taxa with lateral-winged samaras is poor. The trees suggest a shift from radially symmetrical pollen arrangement to globally symmetrical pollen at the base of one of the clades within the Malpighioideae. The Old World taxa fall into at least six and as many as nine clades.  相似文献   

Population bottlenecks are often invoked to explain low levels of genetic variation in natural populations, yet few studies have documented the direct genetic consequences of known bottlenecks in the wild. Empirical studies of natural population bottlenecks are therefore needed, because key assumptions of theoretical and laboratory studies of bottlenecks may not hold in the wild. Here we present microsatellite data from a severe bottleneck (95% mortality) in an insular population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). The major findings of our study are as follows: (i) The bottleneck reduced heterozygosity and allelic diversity nearly to neutral expectations, despite non-random survival of birds with respect to inbreeding and wing length. (ii) All measures of genetic diversity regained pre-bottleneck levels within two to three years of the crash. This rapid recovery was due to low levels of immigration. (iii) The rapid recovery occurred despite a coincident, strong increase in average inbreeding. These results show that immigration at levels that are hard to measure in most field studies can lead to qualitatively very different genetic outcomes from those expected from mutations only. We suggest that future theoretical and empirical work on bottlenecks and metapopulations should address the impact of immigration.  相似文献   

Cladistic parsimony analyses of rbcL nucleotide sequence data from 171 taxa representing nearly all tribes and subtribes of Orchidaceae are presented here. These analyses divide the family into five primary monophyletic clades: apostasioid, cypripedioid, vanilloid, orchidoid, and epidendroid orchids, arranged in that order. These clades, with the exception of the vanilloids, essentially correspond to currently recognized subfamilies. A distinct subfamily, based upon tribe Vanilleae, is supported for Vanilla and its allies. The general tree topology is, for the most part, congruent with previously published hypotheses of intrafamilial relationships; however, there is no evidence supporting the previously recognized subfamilies Spiranthoideae, Neottioideae, or Vandoideae. Subfamily Spiranthoideae is embedded within a single clade containing members of Orchidoideae and sister to tribe Diurideae. Genera representing tribe Tropideae are placed within the epidendroid clade. Most traditional subtribal units are supported within each clade, but few tribes, as currently circumscribed, are monophyletic. Although powerful in assessing monophyly of clades within the family, in this case rbcL fails to provide strong support for the interrelationships of the subfamilies (i.e., along the spine of the tree). The cladograms presented here should serve as a standard to which future morphological and molecular studies can be compared.  相似文献   

Gracilariaceae are mostly pantropical red algae and include ~230 species in seven genera. Infrafamilial classification of the group has long been based on reproductive characters, but previous phylogenies have shown that traditionally circumscribed groups are not monophyletic. We performed phylogenetic analyses using two plastid (universal plastid amplicon and rbcL) and one mitochondrial (cox1) loci from a greatly expanded number of taxa to better assess generic relationships and understand patterns of character distributions. Our analyses produce the most well‐supported phylogeny of the family to date, and indicate that key characteristics of spermatangia and cystocarp type do not delineate genera as commonly suggested. Our results further indicate that Hydropuntia is not monophyletic. Given their morphological overlap with closely related members of Gracilaria, we propose that Hydropuntia be synonymized with the former. Our results additionally expand the known ranges of several Gracilariaceae species to include Brazil. Lastly, we demonstrate that the recently described Gracilaria yoneshigueana should be synonymized as G. domingensis based on morphological and molecular characters. These results demonstrate the utility of DNA barcoding for understanding poorly known and fragmentary materials of cryptic red algae.  相似文献   

To probe the details of protein heme interactions, we have developed a Raman difference spectroscopic technique, which allows reliable detection of very small, approximately equal to 0.01 cm-1, frequency differences. When this technique is applied to heme proteins, structural differences in the protein which perturb the porphyrin macrocycle may be examined by obtaining Raman difference data on the porphyrin vibrational modes which are strongly enhanced in the Raman spectrum produced with visible laser excitation. We report here Raman difference spectroscopic data on cytochromes c from 24 species. The differences in the Raman spectrum of the porphyrin between the cytochromes c of any two species are small, confirming that all of the cytochromes we have examined have the same "cytochrome fold". However, many small (0.02-2 cm-1) but systematic differences were detected which indicate structural differences among these proteins. These differences could be classified into three different groups and interpreted in terms of different types of structural variations resulting from specific differences in the amino acid sequences. First, direct interactions between near-heme residues and the porphyrin influence the electron density in the pi orbitals of the porphyrin macrocycle. Second, variation in the residue at position 92, far removed from the heme, affects the frequency of the core-size marker line at 1584 cm-1. Third, the conformation near cysteine 14 affects the shape of the Raman mode which is sensitive to the pyrrole ring substituents (approximately 1313 cm-1). From these data we conclude that there are several ways in which the protein amino acid sequence may regulate the oxidation-reduction potential and several ways in which the sequence can modify the binding site between cytochrome c and its redox partners.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectra of soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) reported by five independent research groups have been classified as two types: sGC(1) and sGC(2). Here we demonstrate that the RR spectra of sGC isolated from bovine lung contain only sGC(2) while both species are observed in the spectra of the CO-bound form (CO-sGC). The relative populations of the two forms were altered from an initial composition in which the CO-sGC(2) form predominated, with the Fe-CO (nu(Fe)(-)(CO)) and C-O stretching modes (nu(CO)) at 472 and 1985 cm(-)(1), respectively, to a composition dominated by the CO-sGC(1) form with nu(Fe)(-)(CO) and nu(CO) at 488 and 1969 cm(-)(1), respectively, following the addition of a xenobiotic, YC-1. Further addition of a substrate, GTP, completed the change. GDP and cGMP had a significantly weaker effect, while a substrate analogue, GTP-gamma-S, had an effect similar to that of GTP. In contrast, ATP had a reverse effect, and suppressed the effects of YC-1 and GTP. In the presence of both YC-1 and GTP, vinyl vibrations of heme were significantly influenced. New CO isotope-sensitive bands were observed at 521, 488, 363, and 227 cm(-)(1). The 521 cm(-)(1) band was assigned to the five-coordinate (5c) species from the model compound studies using ferrous iron protoporphyrin IX in CTAB micelles. Distinct from the 472 cm(-)(1) species, both the 488 and 521 cm(-)(1) species were apparently un-photodissociable when an ordinary Raman spinning cell was used, indicating rapid recombination of photodissociated CO. On the basis of these findings, binding of YC-1 to the heme pocket is proposed.  相似文献   

We have used an in vitro assay to study the induction of DNA synthesis by cytoplasmic extracts from the actively growing cell line Molt 4 in nuclei isolated from quiescent human lymphocytes. The TTP incorporation which takes place in these nuclei has been shown to be inhibitable by serine protease inhibitors, particularly aprotinin. This DNA synthesis has also been proposed to reflect the initiation of true DNA replication; however, we find evidence that much, if not most, of this incorporation is due to nonreplicative synthesis initiated on primer templates formed by calcium-dependent activation of the nuclear chromatin substrate. The principal DNA polymerase supplied by the Molt 4 extract appears to be polymerase alpha and the results show that the activated chromatin is a substrate for purified bacterial DNA polymerases. DNA synthesis is significantly enhanced by preincubation at 37 degrees C in the presence of calcium, and the almost complete inhibition of DNA synthesis induced by extracts or bacterial polymerases in the presence of T4 ligase suggests that this chromatin activation involves calcium-dependent endonucleases. Nevertheless, DNA synthesis in the isolated nuclei, with both Molt 4 extracts and bacterial polymerases, is substantially inhibited by addition of serine protease inhibitors, with aprotinin the most potent of those tested on a molar basis. Thus, the results suggest that specific proteolytic activity is required before nicked or damaged nuclear DNA can serve as an acceptable substrate for DNA polymerase activity.  相似文献   

Vibrational Raman spectra of polycrystalline 1,2-dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine-d9 (fully deuterated choline methyl groups) and 1,2-dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine-d62 (fully deuterated acyl chains) were recorded in the 3050- 2800, 2250-2050 and 1800-700 cm-1 regions. The fundamental vibrational modes were assigned primarily on the basis of isotopic frequency shift ratios, group frequency correlations and comparisons with specific model compounds. Since deuterium-substituted lipids provide well-isolated spectral probes, particularly in the carbon-deuterium stretching region, the dependence of the 2250-2050 cm-1 region on lipid phase was examined for the dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine-d62 species. The methylene CD2 deformation and twisting modes at 984 and 919 cm-1, respectively, also exhibit intense, isolated vibrational transitions which should prove useful for monitoring molecular order in mixed dueterated and undeuterated lipid systems. Except for the relatively weak choline methyl C-D and C-H stretching modes, the spectrum of 1,2-dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine-d9 is not distinguishable from that of the undeuterated system. For both the d9 and undeuterated species, the vibrational modes associated with the lipid head group region are sensitive to slight hydration.  相似文献   

H Takeuchi  Y Nemoto  I Harada 《Biochemistry》1990,29(6):1572-1579
Raman spectroscopy has been used to investigate the hydrophobic interaction of the indole ring with the environments, the water accessibility to the N1H site, and the conformation about the C beta-C3 bond for the four tryptophan side chains of gramicidin A incorporated into phospholipid bilayers. Most of the tryptophan side chains of the head-to-head helical dimer transmembrane channel are strongly interacting with the lipid hydrocarbon chains, and the hydrophobic interactions for the rest increase with increasing hydrocarbon chain length of the lipid. One tryptophan side chain (probably Trp-15) is accessible to water molecules, another (Trp-9) is deeply buried in the bilayer and inaccessible, and the accessibilities of the remaining two (Trp-11 and Trp-13) depend on the bilayer thickness. The torsional angle about the C beta-C3 bond is found to be +/- 90 degrees for all the tryptophans irrespective of the membrane thickness. Binding of the sodium cation to the channel does not change the torsional angles but decreases the water accessibilities of two tryptophans (Trp-11 and Trp-13) considerably. In conjunction with a slight spectral change in the amide III region, it is suggested that the sodium binding causes a partial change in the main-chain conformation around Trp-11 and Trp-13, which results in the movements of these side chains toward the bilayer center. Two models consistent with the present Raman data are proposed for the tryptophan orientation in the dominant channel structure.  相似文献   

Diabetic cardiomyopathy is defined as ventricular dysfunction of the diabetic heart in the absence of coronary artery disease. With the use of both in vivo and ex vivo techniques to assess cardiac phenotype, reduced contractile performance can be observed in experiments with mouse models of both type 1 (insulin-deficient) and type 2 (insulin-resistant) diabetes. Both systolic dysfunction (reduced left ventricular pressures and decreased cardiac output) and diastolic dysfunction (impaired relaxation) is observed in diabetic hearts, along with enhanced susceptibility to ischemic injury. Metabolism is also altered in diabetic mouse hearts: glucose utilization is reduced and fatty acid utilization is increased. The use of genetically engineered mice has provided a powerful experimental approach to test mechanisms that may be responsible for the deleterious effects of diabetes on cardiac function.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the genetic and biologic characteristics of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) have by necessity used tissue culture-derived virus. We recently reported the molecular cloning of four full-length HIV-1 genomes directly from uncultured human brain tissue (Y. Li, J. C. Kappes, J. A. Conway, R. W. Price, G. M. Shaw, and B. H. Hahn, J. Virol. 65:3973-3985, 1991). In this report, we describe the biologic properties of these four clones and the complete nucleotide sequences and genome organization of two of them. Clones HIV-1YU-2 and HIV-1YU-10 were 9,174 and 9,176 nucleotides in length, differed by 0.26% in nucleotide sequence, and except for a frameshift mutation in the pol gene in HIV-1YU-10, contained open reading frames corresponding to 5'-gag-pol-vif-vpr-tat-rev-vpu-env-nef-3' flanked by long terminal repeats. HIV-1YU-2 was fully replication competent, while HIV-1YU-10 and two other clones, HIV-1YU-21 and HIV-1YU-32, were defective. All three defective clones, however, when transfected into Cos-1 cells in any pairwise combination, yielded virions that were replication competent and transmissible by cell-free passage. The cellular host range of HIV-1YU-2 was strictly limited to primary T lymphocytes and monocyte-macrophages, a property conferred by its external envelope glycoprotein. Phylogenetic analyses of HIV-1YU-2 gene sequences revealed this virus to be a member of the North American/European HIV-1 subgroup, with specific similarity to other monocyte-tropic viruses in its V3 envelope amino acid sequence. These results indicate that HIV-1 infection of brain is characterized by the persistence of mixtures of fully competent, minimally defective, and more substantially altered viral forms and that complementation among them is readily attainable. In addition, the limited degree of genotypic heterogeneity observed among HIV-1YU and other brain-derived viruses and their preferential tropism for monocyte-macrophages suggest that viral replication within the central nervous system may differ from that within the peripheral lymphoid compartment in significant and clinically important ways. The availability of genetically and biologically well characterized HIV-1 clones from uncultured human tissue should facilitate future studies of virus-cell interactions relevant to viral pathogenesis and drug and vaccine development.  相似文献   

Polyploidization, which is expected to trigger major genomic reorganizations, occurs much less commonly in animals than in plants, possibly because of constraints imposed by sex-determination systems. We investigated the origins and consequences of allopolyploidization in Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup) from Central Asia, with three ploidy levels and different modes of genome transmission (sexual versus clonal), to (i) establish a topology for the reticulate phylogeny in a species-rich radiation involving several closely related lineages and (ii) explore processes of genomic reorganization that may follow polyploidization. Sibship analyses based on 30 cross-amplifying microsatellite markers substantiated the maternal origins and revealed the paternal origins and relationships of subgenomes in allopolyploids. Analyses of the synteny of linkage groups identified three markers affected by translocation events, which occurred only within the paternally inherited subgenomes of allopolyploid toads and exclusively affected the linkage group that determines sex in several diploid species of the green toad radiation. Recombination rates did not differ between diploid and polyploid toad species, and were overall much reduced in males, independent of linkage group and ploidy levels. Clonally transmitted subgenomes in allotriploid toads provided support for strong genetic drift, presumably resulting from recombination arrest. The Palearctic green toad radiation seems to offer unique opportunities to investigate the consequences of polyploidization and clonal transmission on the dynamics of genomes in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The Gran Chaco region of central South America has been settled by humans for only the last 4,000-5,000 years. To investigate population structure and variation in this region's indigenous population, we scored males from tribes of the Argentinean part of the Gran Chaco (Pilagá, Wichí, and Toba, representing two major language groups, the Mataco and Guaycurú) for a number of Y-chromosome polymorphisms. The markers included eight microsatellites (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, and DYS439) and the unique native American single nucleotide polymorphism, DYS199. Sixty males (77%) from the total sample carried the DYS199T chromosome, and these were the focus of the present analysis. Unlike most other native Americans, Gran Chaco males show a moderate level of diversity at the DYS19 locus but still less than that seen in non-native Americans. The FST value for Y-chromosome markers in Gran Chaco was 0.107, a value that is more than double that found for mtDNA haplogroups in the same tribes but is not particularly high compared with other Y-chromosome studies. Phylogenetic trees based on all eight microsatellites showed relatively poor correlation of the tribes with either geography or language, and this is possibly explained by their ecology. They are seasonal hunters living in small bands, and under such circumstances drift will be a powerful evolutionary force. An UPGMA tree based on five microsatellites (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, and DYS393), however, showed a more positive relationship, suggesting that DYS437, DYS438, and DYS439 may behave differently from the other microsatellites. No association was found between maternal and paternal lineage distributions. The time to the most recent common ancestor of the DYS199T chromosome is calculated to lie between 13,000 and 26,000 years. This range is consistent with estimates from other Y-chromosome studies as well as with estimates from mtDNA and the archeology of the colonization of South America. We conclude that the male lineages present in the contemporary Gran Chaco population reflect the level of diversity found in South America and that the region's male founders did not carry a restricted gene pool.  相似文献   

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