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A glucan from the cell wall of the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A polysaccharide was isolated from the cell wall of the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. Hydrolysis of the polysaccharide only yielded glucose. Curie-point pyrolysis mass spectrometry of the polysaccharide resulted in a spectrum very similar to that of -1,2-glucan. Probably the glucan originates from the fibrillar inner layer of the cell wall.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of Spirulina platensis, a cyanobacterium with a helical morphology, has been studied in relation to temperature and light intensity. An increase in temperature gives rise to a more tightly coiled trichome, an increase in sheath material formation and a decrease in cyanophycin (above 17°C) and polyglucan (above 20°C) granule concentration. An increase in light intensity leads to an increase in gas vesicle concentration while the phycobilisome content decreases. Furthermore, cylindrical bodies have been observed with a somewhat different ultrastructure from those found in other species of cyanobacteria. The occurrence, size and ultrastructure of polyhedral bodies, photosynthetic lamellae, mesosomes, lipid deposits and an unknown kidney-shaped inclusion in relation to temperature and light intensity are described.  相似文献   

Effects of manganese salt (MnCl2) on growth of Spirulina platensis and capacity of the cyanobacteria to accumulate the metal in various cell components were studied. S. platensis cells were shown to tolerate high concentrations of manganese and preserve, although strongly suppressed, the capacity to grow in the medium containing 5.1 mM MnCl2. The concentrations of manganese that did not inhibit growth considerably altered cell ultrastructure and changed the protein profile. The accumulation of manganese in S. platensis cells was proportional to the period of culturing and manganese concentration in the medium, reaching a plateau at about 2.5 mM. A threshold intracellular concentration of this metal is estimated as 28 ± 3 μmol/g dry wt. The fractionation of the manganese-enriched biomass demonstrated that the major portion of intracellular manganese (over 90%) was found in the total protein fraction. The chromatographic separation of the soluble protein fraction showed that manganese was incorporated into proteins with molecular weight of 5 to 15 kD. Dry biomass adsorbed manganese cations; this evidence seems to indicate a considerable contribution of biosorption to manganese accumulation by S. platensis cells.  相似文献   

Protoplasts were obtained from the filamentous blue-green algaSpirulina platensis by treating the filaments with 0.05% (w/v) lysozyme in 0.03m phosphate buffer. The protoplasts regenerated cell walls and formed colonies when plated on a regeneration medium. The highest percentage of regeneration, 40% was obtained after 21 days.  相似文献   

The effect of chitosan on cell wall deposition was investigated in the two wood-inhabiting fungal species Trichoderma harzianum (CBS 597.91) and Sphaeropsis sapinea (NZFS 2725). The study used three independent analytical techniques to quantify chitin in the fungal mycelium. A colorimetric method for the detection of d-glucosamine was compared with two gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) methods employing alditol acetates analysis and pyrolysis. The latter used a stable-isotope-labelled internal standard, d3-N-acetyl glucosamine. At least in the case of S. sapinea, the study provided evidence of an increase in the chitin content in the mycelium due to chitosan treatment, indicating that chitosan treatment affected cell wall deposition. Electron microscopy techniques showed alteration in surface morphology and cell wall texture due to chitosan treatment. The implications of these results are discussed with a view to analysing possible mechanisms for growth inhibitory effects of chitosan on fungal hyphae.  相似文献   

C-Phycocyanin and allophycocyanin of Spirulina platensis are fractionated and purified using a non-chromatographic method namely, aqueous two phase extraction for the first time. Optimized process parameters of aqueous two phase extraction (PEG 4000/potassium phosphate of tie line length 18.64% with a phase volume ratio 1.45) resulted in pure C-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin with a purity of 3.23 and 0.74, respectively, in a single extraction. Multiple extractions (two) improved the purity of C-phycocyanin from 3.23 to 4.02. Integration of aqueous two phase extraction with membrane process not only facilitated the separation of phase forming components from the products and also increased the purity of allophycocyanin from 0.74 to 1.5.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis was studied in relation to temperature, light intensity and nitrate concentration. The organism was able to grow in media supplied with nitrate in concentrations up to 250mm. High nitrate concentrations increased the yield and growth rate at temperatures above 35°C. Occurrence, distribution and abundance of cyanophycin granules, polyglucan granules, cylindrical bodies, carboxysomes and mesosomes varied widely in relation to the factors studied. At low temperatures (up to 17°C) cyanophycin was the abundant organelle, especially at high nitrate concentrations, whereas in the temperature range 17–20°C polyglucan was found in large quantities particularly at low nitrate concentrations. Special attention was paid to the cylindrical bodies, the ultrastructure of which was dependent on temperature. Three types of ultrastructure were distinguished each with several possible shapes.  相似文献   

Different concentrations either of ammonium chloride or urea were used in batch and fed-batch cultivations of Spirulina platensis to evaluate the possibility of substituting nitrate by cheaper reduced nitrogen sources in wastewaters biotreatment. The maximum nitrogen concentration able to sustain the batch growth of this microalga without inhibition was 1.7 mM in both cases. Ammonium chloride was limiting for the growth at lower concentrations, whereas inhibition took place at higher levels. This inhibition effect was less marked with urea, likely because the enzymatic hydrolysis of this compound by urease controlled the ammonia transfer into the cell. Fed-batch experiments carried out by pulse-feeding either ammonium or urea proved that the use of these compounds as nitrogen sources can sustain the long term-cultivation of S. platensis, provided that the conditions for their feeding are accurately optimized.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on the efficiency of phycocyanin extraction from Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira platensis) cells disrupted by ultrasonic irradiation. Extraction followed first-order kinetics with respect to the length of time for irradiation. The first-order rate constant increased linearly with the output of ultrasonic irradiation. In order to extract phycocyanin there was an appropriate range of ultrasonic frequency, fu. In addition the most important finding is that the purity of phycocyanin in its crude extract depended on fu. For example, phycocyanin was extracted with higher purity at fu = 28 kHz than at fu = 20 kHz. It is suggested that rapid and selective extraction of phycocyanin from S. platensis may be possible if an optimized ultrasonic application is developed for a given suspension.  相似文献   

The impact of the biomass of the blue-green microalga (cyanobacterium) S. platensis on bacteriophage T4 (bacterial virus) has been evaluated. The study revealed that the addition of S. platensis biomass into the agar nutrient medium, followed by sterilization with 2% chloroform and thermal treatment, produced an inhibiting or stimulating effect on the reproduction of the bacteriophage in Escherichia coli B cells, depending on the concentration of S. platensis and the multiplicity of phage infection, as well as on the fact whether the microalgae were added during the first cycle of the development of the virus. The reproduction of the bacteriophage in E. coli B was influenced by the method and duration of the sterilization of the nutrient medium with S. platensis.  相似文献   

Ammonia Uptake in the Alkalophilic Cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ammonia uptake was studied in the alkalophilic cyanobacteriumSpirulina platensis. In continuous cultures under optimal growthconditions ammonia supported optimal growth (doubling time of9.3 h), causing a reduction of glutamine synthetase activityto 25% of that found in cultures grown on NO3. Long term (20min) ammonia uptake assays were performed to study the dependencyon metabolism: 1) Ammonia uptake proceeded at the same ratesin the light and in the dark, the pH dependency pattern correlatingwith light-dependent O2 evolution and dark O2 consumption. 2)The uptake of ammonia was pH dependent with an optimum at pH9.3. 3) The uptake was totally dependent upon the activity ofglutamine synthetase and was completely inhibited by methoininesulfoximine. To study the mechanism by which NH4+/NH3 enters the cells, shortterm experiments (up to 1 min) were performed at pH 7.0 andpH 10.0: At pH 7.0 the uptake was slow and at a constant rate.At pH 10.0, the uptake did not saturate even at 1 mM ammoniaand the kinetics were biphasic, consisting of a fast componentlasting less than 5 seconds and of a subsequent slower component.The fast phase was insensitive to methionine sulfoximine, whereasthe slower phase was completely inhibited by this compound.We suggest that under optimal (alkaline) pH the entry of ammoniainto Spirulina cells is likely to be a pH driven diffusion process,continuously supported by its intracellular assimilation. 1Contribution number 35 of the Microalgal Biotechnology Laboratory. (Received September 19, 1988; Accepted January 16, 1989)  相似文献   

M Takano  J Sado  T Ogawa  G Terui 《Cryobiology》1973,10(5):440-444
A species of blue-green alga, Spirulina platensis, is extremely susceptible to freezing and drying. However, young cells grown autotrophically with a high intensity of light were resistant to freeze-thawing if the rate of temperature change in the operation was in the range of 20–50 °C/min. Several amino acids, gum arabic, and gelatin were effective in protecting cells from injury caused by freezing.In the case of drying only gum arabic and gelatin could protect cells from injury. The gum arabic-plug method of freeze-drying was shown to be the most suitable method for the maintenance of viability in this alga.The freeze-thawed or freeze-dried cells grew to form abnormally long cells after a period of long lag in the first stage of transfer.  相似文献   

Spirulina platensis is a nonheterocystic filamentous blue-green alga (cyanobacterium). Large quantity of highly qualified spheroplasts were obtained by improved isolation method. The spheroplast has a wrinkled and porous surface. Their diameter ranged from 3.8 btm to 4. 6 μm. The activity of photosynthetic oxygen evolution in the spheroplasts was about 40 % of the intact cell. The absorption spectra of the filaments and spheroplasts at room temperature revealed that they had the same pigments, Chla, PC, PEC and carotenoid. In spheroplasts the relative content of PC and carotenoid decreased, and that of PEC increased. It implicated that the light absorption of Spirulina platensis could be influenced by the cell wall. Some differences existed between the original cells and spheroplasts in the low temperature fluorescence emission spectra. F757 of spheroplasts excited by 436 nm was reduced obviously and that excited by 580 nm was disapeared. F728/F685 and F640/F685 enhanced, and F693/F685 was reduced. F728/F640 was lower than that of the original cells. These results indicated that removing the cell wall may inhibit the PS Ⅱ activity and influence the F695 from core antenna pigment system.  相似文献   

Abstract The development of a micro-method for the production and regeneration of spheroplasts starting from S. platensis trichomes is presented. The influence of the growth stage along with different treatments and conditions on the efficiency of spheroplast formation and regeneration are analyzed.  相似文献   

Accumulation of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate in Spirulina platensis.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate has been identified in the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. The addition of reduced carbon compounds to the growth medium was not required for poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate accumulation. Poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate accumulated during exponential growth to 6% of the total dry weight and then decreased during the stationary phase.  相似文献   

The uranium sequestering potential of Spirulina platensis was studied in batch mode, and its equilibrium was established in approximately 60 minutes. It had maximum sorption at pH 4.0 to 4.5. Equilibrium data is well represented by the Langmuir isotherm model followed by the Freundlich and Redlich-Peterson models. The interference of other cations and anions in solution was found to decrease sorption of the uranium, suggesting a competition for sorption sites on S. platensis. The desorption results showed that sodium citrate solution is effective, with 83% of uranium being recovered through nondestructive means.  相似文献   

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