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The monophyly of the tribe Oxyptilini and phylogenetic relationships of the genera embraced in this tribe were examined using 171 (75 binary and 96 multistate) characters of adult morphology. The study material included 98 species of 30 genera, representing all previously recognized genera of Oxyptilini, together with the genera Sphenarches, Antarches, Diacrotricha, and Cosmoclostis, four species of Oidaematophorini, three species of Platyptiliini, as well as three and two other species belonging to Pterophorini and Exelastini respectively. Two Agdistis species were used as outgroups. The cladistic analysis resulted in six equally parsimonious trees. A majority of the recovered synapomorphic characters have previously been used in the taxonomy of the subfamily. However, 25 novel characters were found. The monophyly of Oxyptilini was supported, although only with homoplastic characters and low amounts of tree confidence; the genera Capperia, Procapperia, Paracapperia, Oxyptilus, Megalorhipida, and Trichoptilus were found to be nonmonophyletic; Sphenarches and Antarches were recovered as members of Oxyptilini; the two genera Cosmoclostis and Diacrotricha were placed out of Oxyptilini, inside the tribe Pterophorini; and close affinity of the genus Dejongia to Stangeia, Stenodacma, Megalorhipida, Trichoptilus, and Buckleria species was revealed. Four new combinations, Cosmoclostis lanceata (Arenberger) comb. nov. , Nippoptilia regulus (Meyrick) comb. nov. , Capperia tadzhica (Zagulajev) comb. nov. , and Buckleria negotiosus (Meyrick) comb. nov. are proposed; Capperia insomnis Townsend was considered as a senior synonym of Procapperia hackeri Arenberger syn. nov. , Buckleria negotiosus (Meyrick) as a senior synonym of Buckleria vanderwolfi Gielis syn. nov. , and Oxyptilus variegatus Meyrick syn. nov. as a junior synonym of Oxyptilus secutor Meyrick. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 484–547.  相似文献   

Cepaeavindobonensis has been shown to be closely related to Caucasotachea in recent molecular studies. The phylogenetic relationships within this clade and especially the phylogenetic position of ‘Cepaeavindobonensis were, however, not well resolved. Our phylogenetic analyses on the basis of an increased number of molecular genetic loci from the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes unambiguously demonstrate that ‘Cepaeavindobonensis represents the sister group of the Caucasotachea taxa, with Cleucoranea from the Caspian region of Azerbaijan and Iran being the sister species of the remaining Caucasian and eastern Pontic Caucasotachea species. We argue for the inclusion of ‘Cepaeavindobonensis in Caucasotachea rather than for a re‐erection of a monotypic genus Austrotachea for the species because of the overall low degree of morphological differentiation and the low number of species in the group.  相似文献   

In the past years, paraphyly of the traditional ‘Caprimulgiformes’ (nightjars and allies) with respect to Apodiformes (swifts and hummingbirds) has been well established, but the relationships between the five ‘caprimulgiform’ family‐level taxa remain controversial. These crepuscular or nocturnal birds differ in numerous anatomical features, and here an analysis of 69 morphological characters is performed. Except for the position of the Nyctibiidae (potoos), the topology of the single most‐parsimonious tree agrees with the results of a recently published large‐scale ‘phylogenomic’ study. Whereas molecular data support a clade including Nyctibiidae and the Steatornithidae (oilbird), potoos were shown to be the sister taxon of Caprimulgidae (nightjars) in the present analysis. A sister group relationship between Nyctibiidae and Caprimulgidae is strongly supported, both in terms of bootstrap robustness and the number of synapomorphies, and it is detailed that the morphological data are more likely to reflect the true relationships of these birds. A classification is proposed, and the term Strisores is introduced for a clade including all ‘Caprimulgiformes’ and Apodiformes. It is most parsimonious to assume a single origin of dark activity in the stem lineage of Strisores and a reversal to diurnal activity in Apodiformes. However, a fourfold origin of dark‐activity in the stem lineages of Steatornithidae, Podargidae, Aegothelidae and the Caprimulgidae/Nyctibiidae cannot be conclusively excluded with the data at hand.  相似文献   

We provide a comparison of 520 base pairs of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from exemplars of the Meliponini, the Apini, the Bombini and the Euglossini to determine the phylogenetic relationships within the corbiculate Apinae. Our results strongly suggest (91–97% according to bootstrap resampling) that the Meliponini and the Bombini are sister groups. This finding agrees with those of other molecular studies, but is discordant with previous hypotheses based on morphology and the combination of molecular and morphological data. If the Bombini and Meliponini are sister groups and reversal of advanced eusociality is unlikely, then advanced eusociality arose twice within this clade. However, if reversion of eusociality occurred, then it is not possible to discriminate between single or dual origins of advanced eusociality within this group.  相似文献   

The order Oedogoniales is made up of green algae with an unusual form of cytokinesis, a ring of flagella on the zoids, and a complex sexual reproduction. The genera included in this order, Oedogonium, Oedocladium and Bulbochaete, differ in their type of habit. In this contribution we report a phylogenetic analysis using 18S ribosomal DNA sequences from 66 species of green algae, including ten species of Oedogonium isolated from fresh water bodies in Argentina. The phylogenetic study demonstrates the monophyly of the Oedogoniales within the green algae, and suggests that in this group the flagellar apparatus of the stephanokont zoid could have derived from a DO configuration. It is also found that the genus Oedogonium does not appear to be monophyletic and that the morphological characters traditionally used for the taxonomic classification of Oedogonium species do not define natural groups.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of orbiniid taxa were reconstructed based on sequence data of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA and nuclear 18S rRNA genes. Both genes were analysed separately and in combination using maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference and maximum parsimony. Regardless of the method used, a clade consisting of the investigated Orbiniidae, Methanoaricia dendrobranchiata and Questa was strongly supported by the 18S dataset. The analysis of the combined dataset suggests inclusion of M. dendrobranchiata within the Orbiniidae with close relationships to species of Orbinia and Phylo, rather than as a sister taxon to all other orbiniids. Evidence is given for the paraphyletic status of Leitoscoloplos , Naineris , Orbinia , Phylo and Scoloplos , which represent the most species-rich genera of the Orbiniidae. It is thus reasoned that the morphological characters presently used for genus diagnosis are not informative for cladistic analysis. No support is found for the hypothesis that taxa of the Protoariciinae represent juveniles of Orbiniinae. Instead, in the case of Protoaricia oerstedi , strong support for a progenetic origin is found.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 144 , 59−73.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of a short limbed and slightly elongate gymnophthalmid lizard is described from the Atlantic rain forests of north-eastern Brazil. The new genus is also characterized by short and stout pentadactyl limbs, presence of prefrontals, absence of frontoparietals, distinctive ear opening and eyelid, two pairs of genials, a distinct collar, smooth, quadrangular, dorsal scales, quadrangular ventrals, fused postfrontal and postorbital bones, and two pairs of sternal ribs. The geographical distribution of the new taxon extends from the state of Rio Grande do Norte to the northern bank of the Rio São Francisco in the state of Alagoas. All specimens were obtained in leaf litter, an observation which agrees with the fossorial habits suggested by the body shape and massive aspect of the head of this species. A phylogenetic analysis based on external morphology, osteology, and molecular data recovered the new lizard as the sister genus to Anotosaura , and Colobosauroides as the sister group to these two.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 144 , 543−557.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among peritrichs remain unresolved. In this study, the complete small subunit rRNA (SSrRNA) gene sequences of seven species (Epistylis galea, Campanella umbellaria, Carchesium polypinum, Zoothamnium arbuscula, Vaginicola crystallina, Ophrydium versatile, and Opercularia microdiscum) were determined. Trees were constructed using distance-matrix, maximum-likelihood and maximum-parsimony methods, all of which strongly supported the monophyly of the subclass Peritrichia. Within the peritrichs, 1) E. galea grouped with Opercularia microdiscum and Campanella umbellaria but not the other Epistylis species, which indicates that the genus Epistylis might not be monophyletic; 2) the topological position of Carchesium and Campanella suggested that Carchesium should be placed in the family Zoothamniidae, or be elevated to a higher taxonomic rank, and that Campanella should be independent of the family Epistylididae, and probably be given a new rank; and 3) Opisthonecta grouped strongly with Astylozoon, which suggested that Opisthonecta species were not the ancestors of the stalked peritrichs.  相似文献   

Gregarine apicomplexans are unicellular parasites commonly found in the intestines and coeloms of invertebrate hosts. Traits associated with the conspicuous feeding stage of gregarines, known as the trophozoite, have been used in combination with molecular phylogenetic data for species delimitation and the reconstruction of evolutionary history. Trophozoite morphology alone is often inadequate for inferring phylogenetic relationships and delimiting species due to frequent cases of high intraspecific variation combined with relatively low interspecific variation. The current study combined morphological data with small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequences to describe and establish two novel marine gregarine species isolated from the intestine of a polychaete host Lumbrineris inflata collected in British Columbia (Canada): Paralecudina anankea n. sp. and Lecudina caspera n. sp. The sister species to the host is Lumbrineris japonica, which can be found on the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean (Japan) and contains two different species of gregarine parasites: Paralecudina polymorpha and Lecudina longissima. Molecular phylogenetic analyses placed P. anankea n. sp. as the sister species to P. polymorpha and L. caspera n. sp. as the sister species to L. longissima. This phylogenetic pattern demonstrates a co‐evolutionary history whereby speciation of the host (Lumbrineris) corresponds with simultaneous speciation of the two different lineages of intestinal gregarines (Paralecudina and Lecudina).  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of Australian drywood termites (Isoptera, Kalotermitidae) based on partial sequence from the cytochrome oxidase II (COII) and cytochrome b genes is presented. In addition to providing new information on the evolutionary relationships among 25 species from seven genera, we evaluate the relative likelihoods of alternative topological hypotheses, including those derived from morphology-based classifications. We also test the applicability of a molecular clock for estimating the age of the Kalotermitidae and infer the evolution of species-specific variation for habitat type and soldier caste phragmosis by mapping this information onto the independently derived phylogeny. Maximum-likelihood analysis of both nucleotide and protein sequences from a multigene data set jointly support a single topology, which is shown to be the best estimate of the true phylogeny among the alternatives tested. Our results support the monophyly of all genera but question the discrimination between Procryptotermes and Cryptotermes. A basal dichotomy among generic groups suggests two principle lines of divergence within the family. Intergeneric relationships show mixed congruence to previous proposals, resulting in one morphology-based classification being rejected. A molecular clock hypothesis is not supported due to significant among-lineage rate heterogeneity in the COII gene. Patterns revealed through trait mapping suggest that the most recently diverged taxa tend to occupy the driest habitats and that these same taxa reflect a defensive transition away from large mandibulate soldiers toward small phragmotic soldiers. The association between habitat and defensibility supports the hypothesis that these two characters have been tightly linked throughout the social diversification of termites.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of callitrichine primates have been determined by DNA sequence analyses of exons 1, 2, and 3 of the β2‐microglobulin gene. Parsimony, distance, and maximum likelihood analyses of ca. 900 base pairs of 21 taxa, representing all callitrichine genera, indicated that Saguinus was the most basal offshoot. Within Saguinus, S. fuscicollis appeared as the first divergent lineage followed by an unresolved trichotomy formed by S. mystax/S. imperator, S. midas/S. bicolor, and S. oedipus. A second callitrichine lineage was formed by Leontopithecus; each of the three species studied showed identical nucleotide sequences. Callimico appeared as the sister taxon of Callithrix/Cebuella. Genetic distances within this latter group were very small, although a stronger association between Cebuella and species of the Callithrix argentata group was observed. The inclusion of Cebuella in the genus Callithrix is suggested. These studies indicated that tamarins are more plesiomorphic than marmosets in agreement with the phyletic dwarfism hypothesis. Am. J. Primatol. 48:225–236, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

By molecular analysis of a high number of gammarids, including 29 out‐group genera, we could assure the monophyly of Gammaridae. To avoid the paraphyly of the family, we propose the omission of Pontogammaridae, Typhlogammaridae, and all Baikalian families. Similarly, the genera Fontogammarus, Sinogammarus, Lagunogammarus, Pephredo, Neogammarus, and Laurogammarus may be cancelled. But, tens of Baikal genera, nested within Gammarus, are so diverse that they must be retained, although rendering Gammarus paraphyletic. Besides we propose the polyphyletic Echinogammarus–Chaetogammarus group to be divided into monophyletic genera Echinogammarus s. str., Homoeogammarus, Parhomoeogammarus, Marinogammarus, R elictogammarus gen. nov. , Chaetogammarus, and T richogammarus gen. nov. These solutions made it possible to complete the first analysis of the family evolution in light of its phylogeny. Perimarine clades are mainly basally split clades, whereas in some ancient lakes extremely rich endemic faunas had developed polyphyletically. The troglobiotic Typhlogammarus group from Dinarides and Caucasus formed a monophylum, whereas the troglobiotic assemblage of Gammarus species is highly polyphyletic. Reduction of the uropod III endopodite, which classically distinguishes between the genera Gammarus and Echinogammarus, appeared to be highly polyphyletic. Protective dorsal pleonal projections occur scattered across the family and beyond, whereas lateral projections were limited to species of ancient lakes, so both structures were polyphyletic. The evolutionary history of Gammaridae was investigated with ten different calibration schemes, which produced incompatible results; however, the most probable scenario is a late rise of the family, which can only explain the absence of Gammaridae species around the Indo‐Pacific. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

本研究选取优茧蜂亚科Euphorinae(膜翅目Hymenoptera:茧蜂科Braconidae)的8族19属23种作为内群,茧蜂其它6个亚科的8属8种作外群,首次结合同源核糖体28S rDNA D2基因序列片段和41个形态学特征对该亚科进行了系统发育学研究。利用"圆口类"的内茧蜂亚科Rogadinae、茧蜂亚科Braconinae、矛茧蜂亚科Doryctinae的3个亚科为根,以PAUP*4.0和MrBayes3.0B4软件分别应用最大简约法(MP)和贝叶斯法对优茧蜂亚科的分子数据和分子数据与非分子数据的结合体进行了分析;并以PAUP*4.0对优茧蜂亚科的28S rDNA D2基因序列的片段的碱基组成与碱基替代情况进行了分析。结果表明:优茧蜂亚科的28S rDNA D2基因序列片段的GC%含量在40.00%~49.25%之间变动,而对于碱基替代情况来讲,优茧蜂亚科各个成员间序列变异位点上颠换(transversion)大于转换(transition);不同的分析和算法所产生的系统发育树都表明目前根据形态定义出的优茧蜂亚科Euphorinae不是一个单系群,而是一个与蚁茧蜂亚科Neoneurinae和高腹茧蜂亚科Cenocoelinae混杂在一起的并系群;在优茧蜂亚科内部,悬茧蜂族Meterorini和食甲茧蜂族Microctonini(排除猎户茧蜂属Orionis)为单系群,而宽鞘茧蜂族Centistini、大颚茧蜂族Cosmophorini、优茧蜂族Euphorini、瓢虫茧蜂族Dinocampini为并系群;悬茧蜂族Meterorini在优茧蜂亚科Euphorinae内位于基部位置的观点得到部分的支持,同时食甲茧蜂族Microctonini被判定为相对进化的类群。此外对于优茧蜂亚科内各属之间的相互亲缘关系,不同算法所得到的系统发育属的结果不完全一致,这表明优茧蜂亚科内(属及族)的系统发育关系还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

The phylogeography of the European wild boar was mainly determined by postglacial recolonization patterns from Mediterranean refugia after the last ice age. Here we present the first analysis of SNP polymorphism within the complete mtDNA genome of West Russian (n = 8), European (n = 64), and North African (n = 5) wild boar. Our analyses provided evidence of unique lineages in the East‐Caucasian (Dagestan) region and in Central Italy. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that these lineages are basal to the other European mtDNA sequences. We also show close connection between the Western Siberian and Eastern European populations. Also, the North African samples were clustered with the Iberian population. Phylogenetic trees and migration modeling revealed a high proximity of Dagestan sequences to those of Central Italy and suggested possible gene flow between Western Asia and Southern Europe which was not directly related to Northern and Central European lineages. Our results support the presence of old maternal lineages in two Southern glacial refugia (i.e., Caucasus and the Italian peninsula), as a legacy of an ancient wave of colonization of Southern Europe from an Eastern origin.  相似文献   

Aim The phylogeny of the enid land-snail genus Pachnodus was determined in order to provide information on biogeographical patterns within the granitic Seychelles islands. Location The genus Pachnodus is endemic to the granitic islands of Seychelles (Mahé, Silhouette, Praslin, La Digue and Fregate). Methods Phylogeny was determined using a cladistic analysis of nineteen shell and soft-body anatomy characters. The outgroup used was the central-east African genus Cerastus. Results The proposed phylogeny indicates that the genus divided into two distinct subgenera early in its history. Subsequent speciation occurred in parallel in the two subgenera, resulting in several islands supporting at least two distinct species representing the two subgenera. Main conclusions The pattern of speciation is largely explicable by vicariance as a result of sea-level rises, followed by habitat specialisation and further speciation. The pattern is in contrast to previously published scenarios for other taxa in the islands and indicates significant differences between evolutionary and habitat factors in the biogeography of the Seychelles fauna  相似文献   

With c. 85 species, the genus Micranthes is among the larger genera of the Saxifragaceae. It is only distantly related to the morphologically similar genus Saxifraga, in which it has frequently been included as Saxifraga section Micranthes. To study the molecular evolution of Micranthes, we analysed nuclear ribosomal (internal transcribed spacer, ITS) and plastid (trnLtrnF) DNA sequences in a comprehensive set of taxa comprising c. 75% of the species. The molecular phylogenetic tree from the combined dataset revealed eight well‐supported clades of Micranthes. These clades agree in part with previously acknowledged subsections or series of Saxifraga section Micranthes. As these eight groups can also be delineated morphologically, we suggest that they should be recognized as sections of Micranthes. New relationships were also detected for some species and species groups, e.g. section Davuricae sister to sections Intermediae and Merkianae, and M. micranthidifolia as a member of section Micranthes. Species proposed to be excluded from the genus Micranthes for morphological reasons were resolved in the molecular tree in Saxifraga. Many morphological characters surveyed were homoplasious to varying extents. Micromorphological characters support comparatively well the clades in the phylogenetic tree. An updated nomenclature and a taxonomic conspectus of sections and species of Micranthes are provided. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 178 , 47–66.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis was conducted in order to reconstruct the evolution of female flightlessness in the geometrid tribe Operophterini (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae). DNA variation in four nuclear gene regions, segments D1 and D2 of 28S rRNA, elongation factor 1α , and wingless , was examined from 22 species representing seven tribes of Larentiinae and six outgroup species. Direct optimization was used to infer a phylogenetic hypothesis from the combined sequence data set. The results obtained confirmed that Operophterini (including Malacodea ) is a monophyletic group, and Perizomini is its sister group. Within Operophterini, the genus Malacodea is the sister group to the genera Operophtera and Epirrita , which form a monophyletic group. This relationship is also supported by morphological data. The results suggest that female flightlessness has evolved independently twice: first in the lineage of Malacodea and, for the second time, in the lineage of Operophtera after its separation from the lineage of Epirrita . An alternative reconstruction (i.e. recovery of flight ability in an ancestor of Epirrita ) appears unlikely for various reasons. The similarities shared by Epirrita with a basal representative of Perizomini, Perizoma didymatum , allow the proposal of a sequence of evolutionary events that has led to flightlessness. It is likely that the transition to female flightlessness in the two lineages of Operophterini occurred after the colonization of stable forest habitats, followed by the evolution of a specific set of permissive traits, including larval polyphagy, limited importance of adult feeding, and adult flight during the cold months of the season.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 241–252.  相似文献   

The Rufous‐headed Robin Larvivora ruficeps is one of the world's rarest and least known birds. We summarize the known records since it was first described in 1905 from Shaanxi Province, central China. All subsequent Chinese records are from seven adjacent localities in nearby Sichuan Province. We studied its phylogenetic position for the first time using mitochondrial and nuclear markers for all species of Larvivora and a broad selection of other species in the family Muscicapidae. Our results confirmed that L. ruficeps is appropriately placed in the genus Larvivora, and suggested that it is sister to the Rufous‐tailed Robin Larvivora sibilans, with these two forming a sister clade to a clade comprising both the Japanese Robin Larvivora akahige and Ryukyu Robin Larvivora komadori. Siberian Blue Robin Larvivora cyane and Indian Blue Robin Larvivora brunnea form the sister clade to the other Larvivora species. In contrast, song analyses indicated that the song of L. ruficeps is most similar to that of L. komadori, whereas the song of L. sibilans is relatively more similar to that of L. akahige, and songs of L. cyane and L. brunnea closely resemble each other. We used ecological niche modelling to estimate the suitable habitats of L. ruficeps based on the records from breeding grounds, suggesting that north and central Sichuan, south Gansu, south Shaanxi and south‐east Tibet are likely to contain the most suitable habitats for this species.  相似文献   

Conflict among data sources can be frequent in evolutionary biology, especially in cases where one character set poses limitations to resolution. Earthworm taxonomy, for example, remains a challenge because of the limited number of morphological characters taxonomically valuable. An explanation to this may be morphological convergence due to adaptation to a homogeneous habitat, resulting in high degrees of homoplasy. This sometimes impedes clear morphological diagnosis of species. Combination of morphology with molecular techniques has recently aided taxonomy in many groups difficult to delimit morphologically. Here we apply an integrative approach by combining morphological and molecular data, including also some ecological features, to describe a new earthworm species in the family Hormogastridae, Hormogaster abbatissae sp. n., collected in Sant Joan de les Abadesses (Girona, Spain). Its anatomical and morphological characters are discussed in relation to the most similar Hormogastridae species, which are not the closest species in a phylogenetic analysis of molecular data. Species delimitation using the GMYC method and genetic divergences with the closest species are also considered. The information supplied by the morphological and molecular sources is contradictory, and thus we discuss issues with species delimitation in other similar situations. Decisions should be based on a profound knowledge of the morphology of the studied group but results from molecular analyses should also be considered.  相似文献   

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