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Theoretical considerations have suggested that there may be differences in photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) among plants that use different biochemical variants of C(4) photosynthesis. To test this hypothesis we examined the leaf nitrogen content and photosynthetic rates of six grass species (three of C(4) subtype NAD-ME and three of C(4) subtype NADP-ME) grown over a wide range of nitrogen supply. While there were significant differences among the species in various traits, there were no consistent differences between the C(4) subtypes in either leaf nitrogen content at a given level of nitrogen supply or in the leaf nitrogen-photosynthesis relationship. We suggest that species-level variation in photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency among C(4) species is large enough to mask any differences that may be due to C(4) subtype.  相似文献   

I compared the C(4) grass flora and climatic records for 32 sites in the United States. Consistent with previous studies, I found that the proportion of the grass flora that uses the NADP malic enzyme (NADP-ME) variant of C(4) photosynthesis greatly increases with increasing annual precipitation, while the proportion using the NAD malic enzyme (NAD-ME) variant (and also the less common phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase [PCK] variant) decreases. However the association of grass subfamilies with annual precipitation was even stronger than for the C(4) decarboxylation variants. Analysis of the patterns of distribution by partial correlation analysis showed that the correlations between the frequency of various C(4) types and rainfall were solely due to the association of the C(4) types with particular grass subfamilies. In contrast, there was a strong correlation of the frequency of the different subfamilies with annual precipitation that was independent of the influence of the different C(4) variants. It therefore appears that other, as yet unidentified, characteristics that differ among grass subfamilies may be responsible for their differences in distribution across natural precipitation gradients.  相似文献   

Losos JB 《Ecology letters》2008,11(10):995-1003
Ecologists are increasingly adopting an evolutionary perspective, and in recent years, the idea that closely related species are ecologically similar has become widespread. In this regard, phylogenetic signal must be distinguished from phylogenetic niche conservatism. Phylogenetic niche conservatism results when closely related species are more ecologically similar that would be expected based on their phylogenetic relationships; its occurrence suggests that some process is constraining divergence among closely related species. In contrast, phylogenetic signal refers to the situation in which ecological similarity between species is related to phylogenetic relatedness; this is the expected outcome of Brownian motion divergence and thus is necessary, but not sufficient, evidence for the existence of phylogenetic niche conservatism. Although many workers consider phylogenetic niche conservatism to be common, a review of case studies indicates that ecological and phylogenetic similarities often are not related. Consequently, ecologists should not assume that phylogenetic niche conservatism exists, but rather should empirically examine the extent to which it occurs.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic niche conservatism (PNC) typically refers to the tendency of closely related species to be more similar to each other in terms of niche than they are to more distant relatives. This has been implicated as a potential driving force in speciation and other species‐richness patterns, such as latitudinal gradients. However, PNC has not been very well defined in most previous studies. Is it a pattern or a process? What are the underlying endogenous (e.g. genetic) and exogenous (e.g. ecological) factors that cause niches to be conserved? What degree of similarity is necessary to qualify as PNC? Is it possible for the evolutionary processes causing niches to be conserved to also result in niche divergence in different habitats? Here, we revisit these questions, codifying a theoretical and operational definition of PNC as a mechanistic evolutionary process resulting from several factors. We frame this both from a macroevolutionary and population‐genetic perspective. We discuss how different axes of physical (e.g. geographic) and environmental (e.g. climatic) heterogeneity interact with the fundamental process of PNC to produce different outcomes of ecological speciation. We also review tests for PNC, and suggest ways that these could be improved or better utilized in future studies. Ultimately, PNC as a process has a well‐defined mechanistic basis in organisms, and future studies investigating ecological speciation would be well served to consider this, and frame hypothesis testing in terms of the processes and expected patterns described herein. The process of PNC may lead to patterns where niches are conserved (more similar than expected), constrained (divergent within a limited subset of available niches), or divergent (less similar than expected), based on degree of phylogenetic relatedness between species.  相似文献   

王海青  田育红  黄薇霖  肖随丽 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3225-3232
人工草地建设是缓解内蒙古地区草地生存压力的必要途径,而水分短缺是该区人工草地建设中牧草生长的主要限制因素,适量的人工补水以实现牧草的高产节水是解决这一问题的关键。以当地主要牧草冰草和紫花苜蓿为研究对象,开展单播和混播条件下不同灌溉量对牧草产量、光合性能和水分利用效率影响的对比试验。研究结果表明:(1)豆禾混播有利于提高冰草和紫花苜蓿的产量;(2)8月初现蕾期是冰草和紫花苜蓿收割的最佳季节,此时牧草产量最高;(3)灌溉量达到田间持水量的45%(包含降雨量在内的单位面积灌溉量在7月初达到903.8 m3/hm2,在8月初达到1812.4 m3/hm2)是牧草高产节水的最佳补水选择;(4)6—8月水分胁迫更有利于提高牧草的长期水分利用效率(long-term water use efficiency,WUEL),开花期后补水对提高牧草WUEL的作用开始显著;(5)在牧草产量最高的8月初水分胁迫更有利于提高牧草的瞬时水分利用效率(instantaneous water use efficiency,WUEI),而在7月初光照强烈、水分蒸发量大时,较多地补水更有利于提高牧草的WUEI。  相似文献   

At micro‐site scale, the spatial pattern of a plant species depends on several factors including interactions with neighbours. It has been seen that unfavourable effects generate a negative association between plants, while beneficial effects generate a positive association. In grasslands, the presence of shrubby species promotes a particular microenvironment beneath their canopy that could affect differently the spatial distribution of plants with different tolerance to abiotic conditions. We measured photosynthetic active radiation, air temperature and wind speed under shrub canopies and in adjacent open sites and analysed the spatial distribution of four grass species (two C3 and two C4) in relation to shrub canopy in a grazed sub‐humid natural grassland in southern Uruguay. Radiation, air temperature and wind speed were lower under shrubs than in adjacent open sites. The spatial distribution of grasses relative to the shrub canopy varied depending on the photosynthetic metabolism of grasses. C4 grasses showed a negative association or no correlation with the shrubs, whereas C3 grasses showed a positive association. Our results highlight the importance of the photosynthetic metabolism of the grasses in the final outcome of interactions between grasses and shrubs. Micro‐environmental conditions generated underneath shrubs create a more suitable site for the establishment of C3 than for C4 grasses. These results show that facilitation could be more important than previously thought in sub‐humid grasslands.  相似文献   

Reconstructing ecological niche evolution can provide insight into the biogeography and diversification of evolving lineages. However, comparative phylogenetic methods may infer the history of ecological niche evolution inaccurately because (a) species' niches are often poorly characterized; and (b) phylogenetic comparative methods rely on niche summary statistics rather than full estimates of species' environmental tolerances. Here, we propose a new framework for coding ecological niches and reconstructing their evolution that explicitly acknowledges and incorporates the uncertainty introduced by incomplete niche characterization. Then, we modify existing ancestral state inference methods to leverage full estimates of environmental tolerances. We provide a worked empirical example of our method, investigating ecological niche evolution in the New World orioles (Aves: Passeriformes: Icterus spp.). Temperature and precipitation tolerances were generally broad and conserved among orioles, with niche reduction and specialization limited to a few terminal branches. Tools for performing these reconstructions are available in a new R package called nichevol.  相似文献   

提高生态位模型转移能力来模拟入侵物种 的潜在分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生态位模型利用物种分布点所关联的环境变量去推算物种的生态需求, 模拟物种的分布。在模拟入侵物种分布时, 经典生态位模型包括模型构建于物种本土分布地, 然后将其转移并投射至另一地理区域, 来模拟入侵物种的潜在分布。然而在模型运用时, 出现了模型的转移能力较低、模拟的结果与物种的实际分布不相符的情况, 由此得出了生态位漂移等不恰当的结论。提高生态位模型的转移能力, 可以准确地模拟入侵物种的潜在分布, 为入侵种的风险评估提供参考。作者以入侵种茶翅蝽(Halyomorpha halys)和互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)为例, 从模型的构建材料(即物种分布点和环境变量)入手, 全面阐述提高模型转移能力的策略。在构建模型之前, 需要充分了解入侵物种的生物学特性、种群平衡状态、本土地理分布范围及物种的生物历史地理等方面的知识。在模型构建环节上, 物种分布点不仅要充分覆盖物种的地理分布和生态空间的范围, 同时要降低物种采样点偏差; 环境变量的选择要充分考虑其对物种分布的限制作用、各环境变量之间的空间相关性, 以及不同地理种群间生态空间是否一致, 同时要降低环境变量的空间维度; 模型构建区域要真实地反映物种的地理分布范围, 并考虑种群的平衡状态。作者认为, 在生态位保守的前提下, 如果模型是构建在一个合理方案的基础上, 生态位模型的转移能力是可以保证的, 在以模型转移能力较低的现象来阐述生态位分化时需要引起注意。  相似文献   

The radiation use efficiency (RUE) model is one of the most used tools to generate large spatial and temporal scale net primary productivity (NPP) estimations by remote sensing. It involves two key issues to make accurate estimations of NPP: the estimation of the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intercepted by vegetation (fPAR) and the estimation of the plant RUE. The objectives of this work were to quantify the above‐ground RUE under optimal water and nutrient conditions in two C3 and one C4 grass species and to analyse the effect of restrictions in these factors upon RUE by comparing both metabolic pathways. Grasses were cultivated from seeds and four treatments combining contrasting availabilities of water and nutrients were applied. RUE values were calculated from measurements of the incoming PAR, fPAR and productivity. In each of the species, plants with sufficient water and nutrients showed the highest RUE (2.61–3.52 g MJ?1), whereas those with deficiencies in both resources presented the lowest RUE (1.15–2.39 g MJ?1). Cynodon dactylon (C4) was the species with higher value of RUE and no significant differences were detected between treatments. However, no significant differences were detected between C. dactylon and D. glomerata under no stress treatment (N1W1) and between C. dactylon and L. perenne under water stress treatment (N1W0). RUE values of Dactylis glomerata (C3) diminished if only one of the two stress factors was presented, while Lolium perenne (C3) only when both stress factors were present. The decreases under stress treatments were between 35% and 60% compared with the no stress treatment. When regional NPP is estimated it is therefore important to take into account the decrease in the RUE, especially in areas under severe stress.  相似文献   

Body size is evolutionarily constrained, but the influence of phylogenetic relationships on global body size (i.e. body mass) gradients is unexplored. We quantify and map the family‐level phylogenetic and non‐phylogenetic structure of the global gradient of birds, evaluating the extent to which it is influenced by phylogenetic inertia in contrast to heat conservation, resource availability, starvation resistance, niche conservatism, or interspecific competition. Phylogenetic eigenvector regression (PVR) partitioned the global bird body size gradient into phylogenetically autocorrelated (PA) and phylogenetically independent (PI) components. Simple, piecewise, and partial regressions were used to investigate associations between the PA and PI components of body size and environmental correlates, and to quantify independent and overlapping contributions of environment, phylogenetic autocorrelation, and species richness to the body size gradient. Two‐thirds of the geographic variation in bird body size can be explained by phylogenetic relationships at the family level. The global variation in body size, independent of phylogenetic relationships, is most strongly associated with net primary productivity, which is consistent with ‘starvation resistance’. However, the New and Old worlds have very different patterns. We found no independent association of species richness with body size. Despite major unresolved regional differences, deep phylogenetic relationships, heat conservation, and starvation resistance probably operate in concert in shaping the global bird body size gradient in different parts of the world. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Global climate change is expected to shift regional rainfall patterns, influencing species distributions where they depend on water availability. Comparative studies have demonstrated that C4 grasses inhabit drier habitats than C3 relatives, but that both C3 and C4 photosynthesis are susceptible to drought. However, C4 plants may show advantages in hydraulic performance in dry environments. We investigated the effects of seasonal variation in water availability on leaf physiology, using a common garden experiment in the Eastern Cape of South Africa to compare 12 locally occurring grass species from C4 and C3 sister lineages. Photosynthesis was always higher in the C4 than C3 grasses across every month, but the difference was not statistically significant during the wettest months. Surprisingly, stomatal conductance was typically lower in the C3 than C4 grasses, with the peak monthly average for C3 species being similar to that of C4 leaves. In water‐limited, rain‐fed plots, the photosynthesis of C4 leaves was between 2.0 and 7.4 μmol m?2 s?1 higher, stomatal conductance almost double, and transpiration 60% higher than for C3 plants. Although C4 average instantaneous water‐use efficiencies were higher (2.4–8.1 mmol mol?1) than C3 averages (0.7–6.8 mmol mol?1), differences were not as great as we expected and were statistically significant only as drought became established. Photosynthesis declined earlier during drought among C3 than C4 species, coincident with decreases in stomatal conductance and transpiration. Eventual decreases in photosynthesis among C4 plants were linked with declining midday leaf water potentials. However, during the same phase of drought, C3 species showed significant decreases in hydrodynamic gradients that suggested hydraulic failure. Thus, our results indicate that stomatal and hydraulic behaviour during drought enhances the differences in photosynthesis between C4 and C3 species. We suggest that these drought responses are important for understanding the advantages of C4 photosynthesis under field conditions.  相似文献   

Grasses using the C4 photosynthetic pathway dominate grasslands and savannahs of warm regions, and account for half of the species in this ecologically and economically important plant family. The C4 pathway increases the potential for high rates of photosynthesis, particularly at high irradiance, and raises water-use efficiency compared with the C3 type. It is therefore classically viewed as an adaptation to open, arid conditions. Here, we test this adaptive hypothesis using the comparative method, analysing habitat data for 117 genera of grasses, representing 15 C4 lineages. The evidence from our three complementary analyses is consistent with the hypothesis that evolutionary selection for C4 photosynthesis requires open environments, but we find an equal likelihood of C4 evolutionary origins in mesic, arid and saline habitats. However, once the pathway has arisen, evolutionary transitions into arid habitats occur at higher rates in C4 than C3 clades. Extant C4 genera therefore occupy a wider range of drier habitats than their C3 counterparts because the C4 pathway represents a pre-adaptation to arid conditions. Our analyses warn against evolutionary inferences based solely upon the high occurrence of extant C4 species in dry habitats, and provide a novel interpretation of this classic ecological association.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of combined morphological, chemical and ITS/5.8S sequence data reveals that species of Ateleia are often more genetically than morphologically divergent, and that species thought to be most closely related morphologically are distant relatives within the genus. Ateleia shows niche conservatism, with most species confined to seasonally dry tropical forest in Central America and the Caribbean, and fewer species in the same biome in South America. Four independent transitions to wet forests may have occurred in the genus. The estimated ages of Ateleia lineages spanning Central and South America are either older or younger than the estimated age of closure of the Isthmus of Panama. The older dates clearly suggest that over‐water dispersal is responsible for the distribution of Ateleia that includes the Caribbean Islands. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 162 , 39–53.  相似文献   

Breeding economically important C4 crops for enhanced whole‐plant water‐use efficiency (WUEplant) is needed for sustainable agriculture. WUEplant is a complex trait and an efficient phenotyping method that reports on components of WUEplant, such as intrinsic water‐use efficiency (WUEi, the rate of leaf CO2 assimilation relative to water loss via stomatal conductance), is needed. In C4 plants, theoretical models suggest that leaf carbon isotope composition (δ13C), when the efficiency of the CO2‐concentrating mechanism (leakiness, ?) remains constant, can be used to screen for WUEi. The limited information about how ? responds to water limitations confines the application of δ13C for WUEi screening of C4 crops. The current research aimed to test the response of ? to short‐ or long‐term moderate water limitations, and the relationship of δ13C with WUEi and WUEplant, by addressing potential mesophyll CO2 conductance (gm) and biochemical limitations in the C4 plant Sorghum bicolor. We demonstrate that gm and ? are not responsive to short‐ or long‐term water limitations. Additionally, δ13C was not correlated with gas‐exchange estimates of WUEi under short‐ and long‐term water limitations, but showed a significant negative relationship with WUEplant. The observed association between the δ13C and WUEplant suggests an intrinsic link of δ13C with WUEi in this C4 plant, and can potentially be used as a screening tool for WUEplant in sorghum.  相似文献   

Abstract In this study the contribution of climatic factors and phylogenetic relationships affecting the geographical distribution of C3 and C4 genera of the Cyperaceae in South Africa was investigated. The δ13C values of herbarium specimens of 68 southern African species from 22 genera and eight tribes were used to assign the species to either the C3 or C4 photosynthetic pathway. Geographical distribution data for the Cyperaceae were used to investigate relationships between climatic factors and the number of species and proportional abundance of C4 species per region. The number of Cyperaceae species per 2° × 2° square across South Africa varied from less than five in the north‐western regions to more than 15 in the south‐western and north‐eastern regions of South Africa where rainfall exceeds 800 mm y‐1. Of the 68 species investigated, 28 had C4 photosynthesis and these were scattered among nine genera of four tribes (Cypereae, Scirpeae, Abildgaardieae and Rhyncosporeae). The proportional abundance of C4 species ranged from 14% in the winter rainfall regions of the south‐west of South Africa to 67% in the summer rainfall areas of the north‐east. The geographical distribution of species was related to their phylogenetic position such that the distributions of C3 and C4 species in Cypereae, Scirpeae and Schoeneae was quite distinct. Linear regression analysis showed that the transition temperatures (equal C3 and C4 species numbers) for the Cyperaceae were different to those obtained for the Poaceae from the same region. No strong relationships were found between the proportional abundance of C4 species and other climate factors such as altitude and rainfall. Our analysis of the current geographical distribution of C4 Cyperaceae in southern Africa in a phylogenetic context suggests that the ecological advantages conferred by the C4 pathway differ amongst the different plant groups.  相似文献   

A number of studies have demonstrated the ecological sorting of C3 and C4 grasses along temperature and moisture gradients. However, previous studies of C3 and C4 grass biogeography have often inadvertently compared species in different and relatively unrelated lineages, which are associated with different environmental settings and distinct adaptive traits. Such confounded comparisons of C3 and C4 grasses may bias our understanding of ecological sorting imposed strictly by photosynthetic pathway. Here, we used MaxEnt species distribution modeling in combination with satellite data to understand the functional diversity of C3 and C4 grasses by comparing both large clades and closely related sister taxa. Similar to previous work, we found that C4 grasses showed a preference for regions with higher temperatures and lower precipitation compared with grasses using the C3 pathway. However, air temperature differences were smaller (2 °C vs. 4 °C) and precipitation and % tree cover differences were larger (1783 mm vs. 755 mm, 21.3% vs. 7.7%, respectively) when comparing C3 and C4 grasses within the same clade vs. comparing all C4 and all C3 grasses (i.e., ignoring phylogenetic structure). These results were due to important differences in the environmental preferences of C3 BEP and PACMAD clades (the two main grass clades). Winter precipitation was found to be more important for understanding the distribution and environmental niche of C3 PACMADs in comparison with both C3 BEPs and C4 taxa, for which temperature was much more important. Results comparing closely related C3–C4 sister taxa supported the patterns derived from our modeling of the larger clade groupings. Our findings, which are novel in comparing the distribution and niches of clades, demonstrate that the evolutionary history of taxa is important for understanding the functional diversity of C3 and C4 grasses, and should have implications for how grasslands will respond to global change.  相似文献   

A checklist of the currently-known C4 species which occur in Europe was compiled, and the number of these found in European territories was ascertained. Their contribution to the local floras range from 4.35% in the Azores to 0% in Svalbard. Subsequently, a stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to correlate the relative abundances of four subdivisions of C4 species with climatic variables derived for each territory from meteorological tables. The four subdivisions were: (a) total number of C4 species; (b) number of native C4 species; (c) C4 monocots and (d) C4 dicots. These values were expressed as percentages of either the total flora, (a), or the native flora ((b), (c) and (d)) for the regressions. The abundance of each C4 subdivision was found to be strongly correlated with temperature, and to a lesser extent, negatively with precipitation. Habitat information about the European C4 species was also analysed and it was concluded that their apparent preference for maritime and ruderal habitats indicates some form of competitive advantage of the pathway under saline or disturbed conditions. A small number of European C4 species was identified whose distribution appears to be anomalous with respect to temperature and/or soil moisture content.Nomenclature follows Tutin et al. Flora Europaea.  相似文献   

The CO2-concentrating mechanism present in C4 plants decreases the oxygenase activity of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) and, consequently, photorespiratory rates in air. Under drought conditions, the intercellular CO2 concentration may decrease and cause photorespiration to increase. The C4 grasses Paspalum dilatatum Poiret, Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. and Zoysia japonica Steudel were grown in soil and drought was imposed by ceasing to provide water. Net CO2 assimilation ( A ) and stomatal conductance to water vapour decreased with leaf dehydration. Decreased carbon and increased oxygen isotope composition were also observed under drought. The response of A to CO2 suggested that the compensation point was zero in all species irrespective of the extent of drought stress. A slight decrease of A as O2 concentration increased above 10% provided evidence for slow photorespiratory gas exchanges. Analysis of amino acids contained in the leaves, particularly the decrease of glycine after 30 s in darkness, supported the presence of slow photorespiration rates, but these were slightly faster in Cynodon dactylon than in Paspalum dilatatum and Zoysia japonica . Although the contents of glycine and serine increased with dehydration and mechanistic modelling of C4 photosynthesis suggested slightly increased photorespiration rates in proportion to photosynthesis, the results provide evidence that photorespiration remained slow under drought conditions.  相似文献   

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