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Aim To evaluate the role of habitat heterogeneity on species richness and turnover in the mega species‐rich Cape Floristic Region (Cape), the mediterranean region of southern Africa. Location The Cape and Drakensberg regions of southern Africa. Methods Bioclimatic data were used to estimate habitat amount and habitat heterogeneity in the Cape and Drakensberg regions; these data were then used to explain the patterns of species diversity in the Pentaschistis clade (Poaceae) in these two regions. Habitat variables were used to create ‘bioclimatic units’ to characterize 1′× 1′ cells in southern Africa and to describe the niches of species. Using these bioclimatic units, the niche and range sizes of species in the two regions were compared. A phylogram was used to test for age and lineage effects. Results Pentaschistis species diversity and turnover are higher in the Cape than the Drakensberg. There is no significant difference in the habitat amount and heterogeneity between the two regions. Species occupy the same range of estimated niche sizes, yet there are significantly more range‐restricted Pentaschistis species in the Cape. Main conclusions The roles of age‐ and lineage‐related effects are rejected; biodiversity differences lie in the regions. Current macrohabitat does not explain the differences in biodiversity between the two regions. The larger number of range‐restricted species in the Cape cannot be explained by dispersal mechanism or the occupation of range‐restricted habitats. Species of Pentaschistis and other Cape clades share characteristics associated with species from historically climatically stable areas, and palaeoclimatic and palaeontological evidence indicates the Cape climate has been more stable than the Drakensberg climate throughout the Pleistocene. We conclude that the corresponding lack of extinction might have allowed an accumulation of species in the Cape. Similar climatic and biological evidence for the south‐west Australian Floristic and Mediterranean regions indicate that the same mechanism might explain the high species richness of these mediterranean regions.  相似文献   

Changes in host diversity and community structure have been linked to disease, but the mechanisms underlying such relationships and their applicability to non-vector-borne disease systems remain conjectural. Here we experimentally investigated how changes in host community structure affected the transmission and pathology of the multi-host parasite Ribeiroia ondatrae, which is a widespread cause of amphibian limb deformities. We exposed larval amphibians to parasites in monospecific or heterospecific communities, and varied host number to differentiate between density- and diversity-mediated effects on transmission. In monospecific communities, exposure to Ribeiroia significantly increased mortality (15%), malformations (40%) and time-to-metamorphosis in toads. However, the presence of tree frogs significantly reduced infection in toads, leading to fewer malformations and higher survival than observed in monospecific communities, providing evidence of parasite-mediated facilitation. Our results suggest that interspecific variation in parasite resistance can inhibit parasite transmission in multi-species communities, reducing infection and pathology in sensitive hosts.  相似文献   

Identifying drivers of infectious disease patterns and impacts at the broadest scales of organisation is one of the most crucial challenges for modern science, yet answers to many fundamental questions remain elusive. These include what factors commonly facilitate transmission of pathogens to novel host species, what drives variation in immune investment among host species, and more generally what drives global patterns of parasite diversity and distribution? Here we consider how the perspectives and tools of macroecology, a field that investigates patterns and processes at broad spatial, temporal and taxonomic scales, are expanding scientific understanding of global infectious disease ecology. In particular, emerging approaches are providing new insights about scaling properties across all living taxa, and new strategies for mapping pathogen biodiversity and infection risk. Ultimately, macroecology is establishing a framework to more accurately predict global patterns of infectious disease distribution and emergence.  相似文献   

Parasites are ubiquitous and can strongly affect their hosts through mechanisms such as behavioural changes, increased energetic costs and/or immunomodulation. When parasites are detrimental to their hosts, they should act as physiological stressors and elicit the release of glucocorticoids. Alternatively, previously elevated glucocorticoid levels could facilitate parasite infection due to neuroimmunomodulation. However, results are equivocal, with studies showing either positive, negative or no relationship between parasite infection and glucocorticoid levels. Since factors such as parasite type, infection severity or host age and sex can influence the parasite–glucocorticoid relationship, we review the main mechanisms driving this relationship. We then perform a phylogenetic meta‐analysis of 110 records from 65 studies in mammalian hosts from experimental and observational studies to quantify the general direction of this relationship and to identify ecological and methodological drivers of the observed variability. Our review produced equivocal results concerning the direction of the relationship, but there was stronger support for a positive relationship, although causality remained unclear. Mechanisms such as host manipulation for parasite survival, host response to infection, cumulative effects of multiple stressors, and neuro‐immunomodulatory effects of glucocorticoids could explain the positive relationship. Our meta‐analysis results revealed an overall positive relationship between glucocorticoids and parasitism among both experimental and observational studies. Because all experimental studies included were parasite manipulations, we conclude that parasites caused in general an increase in glucocorticoid levels. To obtain a better understanding of the directionality of this link, experimental manipulation of glucocorticoid levels is now required to assess the causal effects of high glucocorticoid levels on parasite infection. Neither parasite type, the method used to assess parasite infection nor phylogeny influenced the relationship, and there was no evidence for publication bias. Future studies should attempt to be as comprehensive as possible, including moderators potentially influencing the parasite–glucocorticoid relationship. We particularly emphasise the importance of testing hosts of a broad age range, concomitantly measuring sex hormone levels or at least reproductive status, and for observational studies, also considering food availability, host body condition and social stressors to obtain a better understanding of the parasite–glucocorticoid relationship.  相似文献   

The effects of host‐related, parasite‐related and environmental factors on the diversity and abundance of two ectoparasite taxa, fleas (Insecta: Siphonaptera) and mites (Acari: Mesostigmata), parasitic on small mammals (rodents and marsupials), were studied in different localities across Brazil. A stronger effect of host‐related factors on flea than on mite assemblages, and a stronger effect of environmental factors on mite than on flea assemblages were predicted. In addition, the effects of parasite‐related factors on flea and mite diversity and abundance were predicted to manifest mainly at the scale of infracommunities, whereas the effects of host‐related and environmental factors were predicted to manifest mainly at the scale of component and compound communities. This study found that, in general, diversity and abundance of flea and mite assemblages at two lower hierarchical levels (infracommunities and component communities) were affected by host‐related, parasite‐related and environmental factors, and compound communities were affected mainly by host‐related and environmental factors. The effects of factors differed between fleas and mites: in fleas, community structure and abundance depended on host diversity to a greater extent than in mites. In addition, the effects of factors differed among parasite assemblages harboured by different host species.  相似文献   

刘向  陈立范  周淑荣 《生物多样性》2020,28(11):1376-519
在全球生物多样性快速丧失的背景下, 理解生物多样性如何影响传染性疾病风险具有重要意义。大量研究表明, 宿主多样性对传染性疾病可能存在稀释效应(即疾病风险随宿主生物多样性的增加而降低), 但是也有放大效应或者没有影响的证据。本文首先介绍了关于生物多样性与传染性疾病关系的研究进展, 以及该领域的热点研究问题, 包括宿主多样性-疾病关系的格局和空间依赖性、稀释效应的体系依赖性和系统发育稀释效应等。随后,介绍了相关研究伴随的争议和批判, 主要集中在: 稀释效应发生的普遍性、生物多样性-疾病关系实验研究的发表偏好性以及部分疾病生态学家对生物多样性和传染性疾病之间简单数字关系的过分关注。最后指出稀释效应与物种共存、全球变化对稀释效应的影响、进化与稀释效应、稀释效应在政策制定中的应用等领域可能是今后的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

Chytridiomycosis, caused by the pathogenic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), is one of the largest threats to wildlife and is putatively linked to the extirpation of numerous amphibians. Despite over a decade of research on Bd, conflicting results from a number of studies make it difficult to forecast where future epizootics will occur and how to manage this pathogen effectively. Here, we emphasize how resolving these conflicts will advance Bd management and amphibian conservation efforts. We synthesize current knowledge on whether Bd is novel or endemic, whether amphibians exhibit acquired resistance to Bd, the importance of host resistance versus tolerance to Bd, and how biotic (e.g. species richness) and abiotic factors (e.g. climate change) affect Bd abundance. Advances in our knowledge of amphibian–chytrid interactions might inform the management of fungal pathogens in general, which are becoming more common and problematic globally.  相似文献   

Islands are particularly suited to testing hypotheses about the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms underpinning community assembly. Yet the complex spatial arrangements of real island systems have received little attention from both empirical studies and theoretical models. Here, we investigate the extent to which the spatial structure of archipelagos affects species diversity and endemism. We start by proposing a new spatially structured neutral model that explicitly considers archipelago structure, and then investigate its predictions under a diversity of scenarios. Our results suggest that considering the spatial structure of archipelagos is crucial to understanding their diversity and endemism, with structured island systems acting both as “museums” and “cradles” of biodiversity. These dynamics of diversification may change the traditionally expected pattern of decrease in species richness with distance from the mainland, even potentially leading to increasing patterns for taxa with high speciation rates in archipelagos off species‐poor continental areas. Our results also predict that, within spatially structured archipelagos, metapopulation dynamics and evolutionary processes can generate higher diversity on islands more centrally placed than at the periphery. We derive from our results a set of theoretical predictions, potentially testable with empirical data.  相似文献   

Parasite infections often lead to dramatically different outcomes among host species. Although an emerging body of ecoimmunological research proposes that hosts experience a fundamental trade-off between pathogen defences and life-history activities, this line of inquiry has rarely been extended to the most essential outcomes of host-pathogen interactions: namely, infection and disease pathology. Using a comparative experimental approach involving 13 amphibian host species and a virulent parasite, we test the hypothesis that 'pace-of-life' predicts parasite infection and host pathology. Trematode exposure increased mortality and malformations in nine host species. After accounting for evolutionary history, species that developed quickly and metamorphosed smaller ('fast-species') were particularly prone to infection and pathology. This pattern likely resulted from both weaker host defences and greater adaptation by parasites to infect common hosts. Broader integration between life history theory and disease ecology can aid in identifying both reservoir hosts and species at risk of disease-driven declines.  相似文献   

Inter‐specific interactions are important drivers and maintainers of biodiversity. Compared to trophic and competitive interactions, the role of non‐trophic facilitation among species has received less attention. Cavity‐nesting bees nest in old beetle borings in dead wood, with restricted diameters corresponding to the body size of the bee species. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the functional diversity of cavity‐producing wood boring beetles ‐ in terms of cavity diameters ‐ drives the size diversity of cavity‐nesting bees. The invertebrate communities were sampled in 30 sites, located in forested landscapes along an elevational gradient. We regressed the species richness and abundance of cavity nesting bees against the species richness and abundance of wood boring beetles, non‐wood boring beetles and elevation. The proportion of cavity nesting bees in bee species assemblage was regressed against the species richness and abundance of wood boring beetles. We also tested the relationships between the size diversity of cavity nesting bees and wood boring beetles. The species richness and abundance of cavity nesting bees increased with the species richness and abundance of wood boring beetles. No such relationship was found for non‐wood boring beetles. The abundance of wood boring beetles was also related to an increased proportion of cavity nesting bee individuals. Moreover, the size diversity of cavity‐nesting bees increased with the functional diversity of wood boring beetles. Specifically, the mean and dispersion of bee body sizes increased with the functional dispersion of large wood boring beetles. The positive relationships between cavity producing bees and cavity nesting bees suggest that non‐trophic facilitative interactions between species assemblages play important roles in organizing bee species assemblages. Considering a community‐wide approach may therefore be required if we are to successfully understand and conserve wild bee species assemblages in forested landscapes.  相似文献   

Soil samples (varying in granularity) from four natural sites were cultured in microcosms to determine small-scale patchiness in abundance and diversity of gymnamoebae. Eighty grams of the same thoroughly mixed soil, either moistened with distilled water (- nutrients) or supplemented with an equivalent vol. of organically enriched water (+ nutrients), were placed in covered glass jars and incubated for 14 d (25 degrees C). Abundances (number/gram soil) were assessed in each of 3 core samples (5-10 mm apart). Assay precision was estimated to be +/- 4%. Abundances were similar in the 3 closely-spaced samples, but occasional samples had higher abundances, probably representing localized enriched sites ("nutrient hot spots"). Diversity within the triplicate, closely spaced samples varied substantially. Mean abundance and diversity of amoebae were consistently higher in organically enriched soil and in soil of increasing granularity. Field samples collected directly from two of the sites showed similar patterns of abundance and diversity as found in the experimental studies, indicating substantial small-scale compartmentalization of soil protist communities. These data provide evidence of soil eukaryotic microbiocoenoses and indicate that soil microfauna may encounter wide variations in resources and prey communities as they migrate within small distances of several millimeters or less.  相似文献   

Aim Our aim was to investigate how the environment, species characteristics and historical factors at the subcontinental scale affect patterns of diversity. We used the assembly of the Yellowstone biota over the past 10,000 years as a natural experiment for investigating the processes that generate a modern non‐volant mammal species pool. Location The data represent species from throughout North America with special attention to the non‐volant mammals of Yellowstone National Park, USA. Methods We used digitized range maps to determine biogeographical affinity for all non‐volant mammals in the Rocky Mountains, Deserts and Great Plains biogeographical regions of North America. This biogeographical affinity, along with taxonomic order and body size class, was used to test whether non‐random patterns exist in the assemblage of Yellowstone non‐volant mammals. These characteristics were also used to investigate the strength of non‐random processes, such as habitat or taxon filtering, on particular groups of species or individual species. Results Our results indicated that the Yellowstone fauna is composed of a non‐random subset of mammals from specific body size classes and with particular biogeographical affinities. Analyses by taxonomic order found significantly more Carnivora from the Rocky Mountains region and significantly fewer Rodentia from the Deserts region than expected from random assembly. Analyses using body size classes revealed deviations from expectations, including several significant differences between the frequency distribution of regional body sizes and the distribution of those species found within Yellowstone. Main conclusions Our novel approach explores processes affecting species pool assembly in the Yellowstone region and elsewhere, and particularly identifies unique properties of species that may contribute to non‐random assembly. Focusing on the mechanisms generating diversity, not just current diversity patterns, will assist the design of conservation strategies given future environmental change scenarios.  相似文献   

Many animals respond to predation risk by forming groups. Evolutionary explanations for group formation in previously ungrouped, but loosely associated prey have typically evoked the selfish herd hypothesis. However, despite over 600 studies across a diverse array of taxa, the critical assumptions of this hypothesis have remained collectively untested, owing to several confounding problems in real predator–prey systems. To solve this, we manipulated the domains of danger of Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) decoys to provide evidence that a selfish reduction in a seals'' domain of danger results in a proportional reduction in its predation risk from ambush shark attacks. This behaviour confers a survival advantage to individual seals within a group and explains the evolution of selfish herds in a prey species. These findings empirically elevate Hamilton''s selfish herd hypothesis to more than a ‘theoretical curiosity’.  相似文献   

Disentangling the multiple factors controlling species diversity is a major challenge in ecology. Island biogeography and environmental filtering are two influential theories emphasizing respectively island size and isolation, and the abiotic environment, as key drivers of species richness. However, few attempts have been made to quantify their relative importance and investigate their mechanistic basis. Here, we applied structural equation modelling, a powerful method allowing test of complex hypotheses involving multiple and indirect effects, on an island‐like system of 22 French Guianan neotropical inselbergs covered with rock‐savanna. We separated the effects of size (rock‐savanna area), isolation (density of surrounding inselbergs), environmental filtering (rainfall, altitude) and dispersal filtering (forest‐matrix openness) on the species richness of all plants and of various ecological groups (terrestrial versus epiphytic, small‐scale versus large‐scale dispersal species). We showed that the species richness of all plants and terrestrial species was mainly explained by the size of rock‐savanna vegetation patches, with increasing richness associated with higher rock‐savanna area, while inselberg isolation and forest‐matrix openness had no measurable effect. This size effect was mediated by an increase in terrestrial‐habitat diversity, even after accounting for increased sampling effort. The richness of epiphytic species was mainly explained by environmental filtering, with a positive effect of rainfall and altitude, but also by a positive size effect mediated by enhanced woody‐plant species richness. Inselberg size and environmental filtering both explained the richness of small‐scale and large‐scale dispersal species, but these ecological groups responded in opposite directions to altitude and rainfall, that is positively for large‐scale and negatively for small‐scale dispersal species. Our study revealed both habitat diversity associated with island size and environmental filtering as major drivers of neotropical inselberg plant diversity and showed the importance of plant species growth form and dispersal ability to explain the relative importance of each driver.  相似文献   

Aim We examined phytogeographical patterns of West Indian orchids, and related island area and maximum elevation with orchid species richness and endemism. We expected strong species–area relationships, but that these would differ between low and montane island groups. In so far as maximum island elevation is a surrogate for habitat diversity, we anticipated a strong relationship with maximum elevation and both species richness and endemism for montane islands. Location The West Indies. Methods Our data included 49 islands and 728 species. Islands were classified as either montane (≥ 300 m elevation) or low (< 300 m). Linear and multivariate regression analyses were run to detect relationships between either area or maximum island elevation and species richness or the number of island endemic species. Results For all 49 islands, the species–area relationship was strong, producing a z‐value of 0.47 (slope of the regression line) and explaining 46% of the variation. For 18 relatively homogeneous, low islands we found a non‐significant slope of z = −0.01 that explained only 0.1% of the variation. The 31 montane islands had a highly significant species–area relationship, with z = 0.49 and accounting for 65% of the variation. Species numbers were also strongly related to maximum island elevation. For all islands < 750 km2, we found a small‐island effect, which reduced the species–area relationship to a non‐significant z = 0.16, with only 5% of the variation explained by the model. Species–area relationships for montane islands of at least 750 km2 were strong and significant, but maximum elevation was the best predictor of species richness and accounted for 79% of the variation. The frequency of single‐island endemics was high (42%) but nearly all occurred on just nine montane islands (300 species). The taxonomic distribution of endemics was also skewed, suggesting that seed dispersability, while remarkable in some taxa, is very limited in others. Montane island endemics showed strong species–area and species–elevation relationships. Main conclusions Area and elevation are good predictors of orchid species diversity and endemism in the West Indies, but these associations are driven by the extraordinarily strong relationships of large, montane islands. The species richness of low islands showed no significant relationship with either variable. A small‐island effect exists, but the montane islands had a significant relationship between species diversity and maximum elevation. Thus, patterns of Caribbean orchid diversity are dependent on an interplay between area and topographic diversity.  相似文献   

Dispersal of organisms can influence the relationship between beta‐diversity and regional productivity in heterogeneous environments. However, many ecosystems are also linked by fluxes of stressors, with an unknown influence on this relationship. In this study, we assess the relationship between beta‐diversity (measured as Bray–Curtis dissimilarity) and regional productivity (measured as biovolume) under various levels of a stressor flux in meta‐ecosystems that were composed of two marine micro‐algae communities. We created heterogeneity by exposing one of the two communities to a herbicide and manipulated regional diversity by applying a dispersal gradient, which decreased beta‐diversity. We applied four stressor flux levels, which homogenized the herbicide concentration between the communities over time. The stressor flux changed the relationship between beta‐diversity and regional productivity by changing the effect of dispersal on regional productivity. In absence of the stressor flux, the relationship between beta‐diversity and regional productivity was mostly not significant, but positive at the end of the experiment. This positive relationship was generated by a negative effect of dispersal on regional productivity, probably because dispersal disrupted local dynamics by removing organisms from the most‐productive unstressed community. In presence of the stressor flux, the relationship between beta‐diversity and regional productivity was often negative as dispersal now increased regional productivity. Dispersal increased regional productivity by increasing the productivity of the stressed community. This positive effect was stronger in the presence than in the absence of the stressor flux because the stressor flux reduced the concentration of the herbicide in the stressed community, where it facilitated recovery. Our study shows that stressor fluxes can strongly interact with the effects of dispersal on productivity and thus influence diversity–productivity relationships.  相似文献   

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