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红鳍原Ba鳃部寄生单殖吸虫的种群研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
单殖吸虫的感染率和丰盛度表现出明显的季节变化。三种指环虫的丰盛度高峰依次出现在4、6、8月。单殖吸虫对寄生部位的选择性与种群数量有关,时间生态位的分离,正是种间竞争的结果。  相似文献   

单殖吸虫的感染率和丰盛度表现出明显的季节变化.三种指环虫的丰盛度高峰依次出现在4、6、8月.单殖吸虫对寄生部位的选择性与种群数量有关,时间生态位的分离,正是种间竞争的结果.    相似文献   

鱼类寄生单殖吸虫越来越多受到寄生虫学家和生态学家的关注 ,生态位分析也是生态学研究的一个重要方面 ,国外学者在这方面进行了较多的工作[5~ 8] 。近年来 ,我国单殖吸虫生态学的研究也吸引了不少科学家的兴趣[1~ 3 ,9] 。红鳍原鱼白 (Culterichthyserythropterus)是我国的一种自然经济鱼类 ,许多学者研究了不同水体红鳍原鱼白的寄生虫种类组成[4 ] 。作者现将红鳍原鱼白寄生单殖吸虫生态位分析作一报道 ,为研究寄生虫群落结构提供必要的背景参数。1 材料与方法1.1 材料来源洪湖系长江和汉江支流东荆河之间…  相似文献   

寄生于洪湖经济鱼类鳃上的单殖吸虫包括二新种的描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告寄生于洪湖经济鱼类鳃上的单殖吸虫共60种,包括描述指环虫和三代虫各一新种,并有若干寄主新记录及长江流域新记录。  相似文献   

鳜鳃部寄生河鲈锚首吸虫的扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
河鲈锚首吸虫头器表面分布着形状各异的孔状结构,每个中央头瓣上有两个随着器囊,而每个外侧头瓣上只有一个。口腔位于头器下方的腹面中线上,口腔表皮与周围的表皮无异。生殖孔在口腔正下方,阴道开口于虫体背侧面,周围有微纤毛的分布。交接器位于生殖孔左下方,交接管表面波纹状,辅助交配器表面布满疣状突起,后随着器的中央锚钩上具一凹槽,边缘小钩的钩尖弯向基部。虫体表面至少分布着两类可能的感受器末端,一类呈单纤毛状散布于体表,纤毛从体表凹坑中伸出,或在其基部围一环状领襟;另一类呈乳突状,位于外侧头瓣的顶部。在部分河鲈锚首吸虫体表可见车轮虫的超寄生。  相似文献   

报道了寄生于中国南海的芝麻斑鱼Epinephelus rhyncholepis(Bleeker)(Serranidae)上的香港拟大杯虫Megalocotyloides hongkongensis sp.nov.和寄生于黑鲷Acanthopagrus schlegeli(Bloch)(Sparidae)上的鲷裸盘虫Anoplodiscus spari(Yamaguti,1958)。前者为新种,隶属于分室科Capsalidae (Barid,1853)、轮足亚科Trochpodinae、拟大杯足属Megalocotyoides;后者为中国新纪录,隶属于裸盘虫科Anoplodiscidae(Tagliani,1912)、裸盘虫属Anoplodiscus。香港拟大杯虫Megalocotyloides hongkongensis sp.nov.具分室科、Trochopodinae亚科的形态特征。虫体背腹扁平,呈长椭圆形,体表光滑无棘。前端腹面有一对前吸器,成对吸盘状结构,通过一头冠在前背面联系,有头腺。眼点2对,位于咽前。后吸器盘状,无柄,分成5隔和周边5个小隔室,中央小室缺;后吸盘边上有肌肉缘,周围有精致的圆齿状边缘膜,边缘小钩14个;中央大钩3对,有肌肉纤维支持着,第1对钩大,远端尖,近端钝,分叉,有明显的肌腱通过大钩的分叉牵拉,第2对钩细长,远端有刺钩,第3对钩尖细,远端钩尖略弯曲,3对中央大钩成直线纵向排列,有肌腱牵引。口开于咽中央,咽肌肉质,发达,呈5瓣状。食道不明显或缺。两肠支前端达咽的水平处,末端终止于后吸器前,呈树枝状分布,末端不汇合。睾刃个并列,椭圆形,前端略尖,位于体中部。输出管在中部吻合形成输精管,呈盘曲长管状,阴茎囊椭圆形,靠近卵巢的右上角,阴茎细长,卷曲在阴茎囊内。阴茎复合体包含有肌肉质的阴茎、射精管、前列腺球和前列腺储藏囊。阴茎囊远端与子宫远端联合形成生殖腔,其生殖孔开口于体左侧的前吸器旁。卵巢圆球形,位于睾丸前,输卵管自卵巢发出后,向前略大成卵模,周围有发达的梅氏腺,子宫粗短,开口于生殖腔。卵黄腺呈滤泡状,自咽水平处随肠支,略呈对称状分布至后吸器前,贮卵黄囊位于卵巢前。阴道富肌肉质,管状,近端膨大形成受精囊,远端窄,开口于共同生殖腔下方。卵呈多面体形,虫卵的一端有一根卷曲的长极丝。鲷裸盘中Anoplodiscus spari(Yamaguti,1958)具裸盘虫科Anoplodiscidae、裸盘虫属Anoplodiscus的形态特征。虫体背腹扁平,体前端有一对假吸盘,开口于体外,后吸器盘状,无钩,不分室。具2对眼点,咽发达。食道不明显或缺。单支肠支不对称地呈树枝状分布,末端终止于后吸器前。睾丸单个,圆球形,位于体中部。具贮精囊,阴茎囊长,管状,具有几丁质支持器,卵巢卵圆形,位于睾丸前,具受精囊和阴道,卵黄腺发达,呈大滤泡状,自交接器水平处随肠支,略呈对称状分布至后吸器前。  相似文献   

寄生于胭脂鱼鳃上单殖吸虫一新种的记述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胭脂鱼Myxocyprinus aslasticus(Bleeker)是一种大型的经济鱼类。目前有些地方试图作为养殖对象已取得一定的成绩(《淡水渔业》1975年第一期和第四期)。  相似文献   

我国内陆水体单殖吸虫的宿主特异性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道我国内陆水体单殖吸虫的宿主特异性的研究。研究表明单殖吸虫有很强的宿主特异性,但不同种类的特异的有很大的判别。从目前已有的记录来看,60%以上的单殖吸虫中只有1种宿主,约75%的单殖吸虫的宿主仅为1属,超过97%的单殖吸虫的宿主在1科之内。没有1种单殖吸虫可生于超过3个料的宿主中,但大钩指环虫可在23属33种宿主中寄生。在科和发放持异性水平,以锚首虫科和指环虫科单殖吸虫的特异性较强,三代虫科次之  相似文献   

为了评估外来单殖吸虫对我国养殖大口黑鲈Micropterus salmoides (Laceped e, 1802)的危害和入侵风险,对湖北省池塘养殖大口黑鲈的单殖吸虫感染情况进行了调查。调查发现鳃部有2种锚首虫科(Ancyrocephalidae)单殖吸虫,通过形态学鉴定,确定其分别为异形锁钩虫Onchocleidus dispar Mueller, 1936和Clavunculus bursatus (Mueller, 1936),且该2种锚首虫均为外来寄生虫。在湖北大冶的大口黑鲈养殖场,异形锁钩虫和C.bursatus的感染率分别为12.90%和1.08%,平均感染丰度分别为0.14和0.02;在武汉新洲大口黑鲈养殖场,大口黑鲈仅感染有异形锁钩虫,其感染率和平均感染丰度分别为22.22%和2.14。与原产地相比,大口黑鲈引进到中国后,鳃上寄生单殖吸虫种类明显减少;异形锁钩虫在长江中游养殖的大口黑鲈中已建立种群。  相似文献   

寄生鳜鱼鳃部河鲈锚首吸虫的摄食特点   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本文报道了鳜鱼[Sinipercachuatsi(Basilewsky)]鳃上寄生的河鲈锚首吸虫[Ancyrocephalusmogurndae(Gussev)]的食物组成及其能量储存的形式。联苯胺—过氧化物酶染色显示河鲈锚首吸虫摄食宿主的血液,过碘酸Schiff氏反应显示其也摄食宿主的粘液。尽管在河鲈锚首吸虫的肠腔发现残余的细胞,但这些细胞是否为宿主的鳃组织细胞尚待进一步的研究证实。河鲈锚首吸虫体内储存有大量的脂肪,表明有氧代谢的存在并可能是能量供给的主要形式,尽管在虫体的实质中也有糖原的存在。  相似文献   

We review the literature on the way the structure of icefish gills relates the physiology of these haemoglobin-less fishes. Vascular casting confirmed earlier reports that the only special feature of the gills is the large size of the blood vessels, especially the prominent and continuous marginal channels Isolated perfused gill arches were used to study the effects of changes in afferent and efferent pressure on gill resistance and tritiated water influx in Chionobathyscus dewitti. Increasing perfusion rate did not change gill resistance, but there were moderate proportional increases in water influx. Reducing efferent pressure increased gill resistance but did not affect water influx. In both C. dewitti and Cryodraco antarcticus gills perfused at constant flow rate, noradrenaline produced concentration-dependent decreases in gill resistance and, with high concentrations, increases in water influx. Fixation while perfusion continued was used to compare blood space dimensions in control, noradrenaline-treated and unperfused gills. Noradrenaline caused large increases in the thickness of the lamellar blood space and increased lamellar height, despite a greatly reduced afferent pressure. This suggests that modulation of pillar cell active tension might be involved in control of lamellar perfusion. The possible relationship between gill water fluxes and lamellar recruitment is discussed.  相似文献   

Hg2+在中华绒螯蟹幼蟹鳃内的积累及其对组织结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用生态学单因子梯度实验,研究不同浓度汞(Hg2 )的水环境中中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)幼蟹鳃内汞积累情况及对鳃组织结构的影响。结果表明,中华绒螯蟹幼蟹的鳃能够从水环境中迅速积累汞,Hg2 浓度为10、50、100μg/L组的水环境中幼蟹鳃内汞含量分别为4.56、25.53、46.51μg/g干重,均显著高于对照组幼蟹鳃内汞含量1.68μg/g干重(P<0.05);水环境Hg2 浓度为200、300μg/L组的幼蟹鳃内汞含量达到了183.75和283.36μg/g干重,对水体Hg2 蓄积倍数达到了910.35和939.60。光镜观察低浓度组汞能够诱导鳃组织结构发生变化,如上皮细胞肿胀、鳃叶厚度增加、端部膨胀等;高浓度组则会导致鳃叶上皮细胞崩解,鳃组织结构完全破坏。以统计学方法分析了鳃内汞含量同水体汞浓度的相关性,结果表明,两者之间存在明显的相关性,并能够在组织形态上有所体现。鳃是中华绒螯蟹最容易接触水体Hg2 的器官,同时也是蓄积汞的主要器官之一,水体高浓度的Hg2 能够对鳃的组织结构造成明显的破坏,严重影响幼蟹存活率。  相似文献   

The goals of this paper were to investigate phylogenetic and evolutionary patterns of cichlid fish from West Africa and their Cichlidogyrus and Scutogyrus monogenean parasites, to uncover the presence of host-parasite cospeciation and to assess the level of morphological adaptation in parasites. This required the following steps, each one representing specific objectives of this paper: (1) to build phylogenetic trees for Cichlidogyrus and Scutogyrus species based on ribosomal DNA sequences, (2) to investigate phylogenetic relationships within West African cichlid fish based on the analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b DNA sequences, (3) to investigate host-parasite cophylogenetic history to gain clues on parasite speciation process, and (4) to investigate the link between the morphology of the attachment apparatus and parasite phylogeny. Phylogenetic analyses supported the monophyletic origin of the Cichlidogyrus/Scutogyrus group, and suggested that Cichlidogyrus is polyphyletic and that Scutogyrus is monophyletic. The phylogeny of Cichlidae supported the separation of mouthbrooders and substrate-brooders and is consistent with the hypothesis that the mouthbrooding behavior of Oreochromis and Sarotherodon evolved from substrate-brooding behavior. The mapping of morphological characters of the haptor onto the parasite phylogenetic tree suggests that the attachment organ has evolved from a very simple form to a more complex one. The cophylogenetic analyses indicated a significant fit between trees using distance-based tests, but no significant cospeciation signal using tree-based tests, suggesting the presence of parasite duplications and host switches on related host species. This shed some light on the diversification process of Cichlidogyrus species parasitizing West African cichlids.  相似文献   

Black  D. H.  Grahame  J.  Mill  P. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,378(1-3):129-132
Gills were examined in Littorina saxatilis, L. arcana and L. neglecta, using animals of similar size. The form of the gills in the three groups is very similar, although there is an indication of qualitative differences between them. The relationship of number of gill lamellae to shell length shows that L. saxatilis and L. arcana share the same allometric relationship, while in L. neglecta the slope is the same but the intercept is less: at equivalent shell sizes, these animals have about three fewer lamellae.  相似文献   



Monogeneans are flatworms (Platyhelminthes) that are primarily found on gills and skin of fishes. Monogenean parasites have attachment appendages at their haptoral regions that help them to move about the body surface and feed on skin and gill debris. Haptoral attachment organs consist of sclerotized hard parts such as hooks, anchors and marginal hooks. Monogenean species are differentiated based on their haptoral bars, anchors, marginal hooks, reproductive parts’ (male and female copulatory organs) morphological characters and soft anatomical parts. The complex structure of these diagnostic organs and also their overlapping in microscopic digital images are impediments for developing fully automated identification system for monogeneans (LNCS 7666:256-263, 2012), (ISDA; 457–462, 2011), (J Zoolog Syst Evol Res 52(2): 95–99. 2013;). In this study images of hard parts of the haptoral organs such as bars and anchors are used to develop a fully automated identification technique for monogenean species identification by implementing image processing techniques and machine learning methods.


Images of four monogenean species namely Sinodiplectanotrema malayanus, Trianchoratus pahangensis, Metahaliotrema mizellei and Metahaliotrema sp. (undescribed) were used to develop an automated technique for identification. K-nearest neighbour (KNN) was applied to classify the monogenean specimens based on the extracted features. 50% of the dataset was used for training and the other 50% was used as testing for system evaluation. Our approach demonstrated overall classification accuracy of 90%. In this study Leave One Out (LOO) cross validation is used for validation of our system and the accuracy is 91.25%.


The methods presented in this study facilitate fast and accurate fully automated classification of monogeneans at the species level. In future studies more classes will be included in the model, the time to capture the monogenean images will be reduced and improvements in extraction and selection of features will be implemented.

Niche science     
Studies on stem cell aging are uncovering molecular mechanisms of regenerative decline, providing new insight into potential rejuvenating therapies.  相似文献   

为了解版纳鱼螈(Ichthyophis bannanicus)胚胎和幼体鳃的退化特征,同窝卵中8枚在胚胎成熟阶段早期被随机取出剖产,随后余下的9枚卵在胚胎成熟阶段晚期时孵出或剖产,观察幼体或胚胎鳃的变化。成熟阶段早期的胚胎,初时其鳃色鲜红,鳃枝充盈,鳃丝与鳃轴近乎垂直;随后鳃色发白,鳃枝疲软,鳃丝卷曲,鳃丝与鳃轴夹角变小。成熟阶段晚期的胚胎和刚孵出的幼体,初时其鳃色纯白,鳃枝疲软,鳃丝卷曲,鳃丝与鳃轴夹角较小;随后鳃逐渐脱落。观察发现,版纳鱼螈胚胎或幼体鳃的退化模式不是重吸收,也不是重吸收加脱落,而仅为脱落。鳃退化过程经历外鳃供血减少-供血停止-鳃枝组织死亡和脱落3个阶段,每个阶段都有明显的外部形态特征。胚胎进入成熟阶段后,越早孵化,鳃枝留存越多,反之,鳃枝留存越少。发白后的鳃枝随机性脱落。  相似文献   

Bacteria Associated with the Gills of Salmonid Fishes in Freshwater   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The bacteria on the gills of 7 species of freshwater salmonid fishes were examined qualitatively and quantitatively. Both wild and hatchery cultured salmonids were examined. The former were obtained from 12 different locations in British Columbia. Species of Pseudomonas and Cytophaga predominated on both groups of fish. The microflora of the wild fish also contained Aeromonas and members of the Brevibacterium –coryneform– Erysipelothrix group. The microflora of cultured fish was less varied. As many as 106 viable organisms/g wet weight of gill tissue were recovered.  相似文献   

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