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The secretion-responsive regulation of Escherichia coli secA occurs by coupling its translation to the translation and secretion of an upstream regulator, secM (formerly geneX). We revise the translational start site for secM, defining a new signal peptide sequence with an extended amino-terminal region. Mutational studies indicate that certain atypical amino acyl residues within this extended region are critical for proper secA regulation.  相似文献   

The 5' untranslated regions (UTRs) of the Drosophila Ubx and Antp genes were tested for their ability to promote cap-independent translation initiation. The Ubx and the Antp 5' UTR were inserted between the CAT and lacZ coding sequences in a dicistronic gene and tested for IRES activity in transgenic Drosophila. Northern analysis of the mRNAs showed the presence of the predicted full-length dicistronic mRNAs. High CAT activity was expressed from the first cistron from all of the dicistronic constructs introduced into the fly genome. The dicistronic transgenic strains bearing the Ubx and Antp IRES elements expressed significant levels of beta-galactosidase (betaGAL) from the second cistron whereas little or no betaGAL was expressed in the controls lacking the IRESs. In situ analysis of betaGAL expression in the transgenic strains indicates that expression of the second cistron is spatially and temporally regulated. Although the developmental patterns of expression directed by the Antp and Ubx IRESs overlap, they exhibit several differences indicating that these IRESs are not functionally equivalent.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia species export Yop proteins via a type III machinery to escape their phagocytic killing during animal infections. Here, we reveal the type III export mechanism of YopQ. In the presence of calcium, when type III secretion was blocked, yopQ mRNA was not translated. The signal of YopQ sufficient for the secretion of translationally fused reporter proteins was contained within the first 10 codons of its open reading frame. Some frameshift mutations that completely altered the peptide sequence specified by this signal did not impair secretion of the reporter protein. Exchanging the upstream untranslated mRNA leader of yopQ for that of E. coli lacZ also did not affect secretion. However, removal of the first 15 codons abolished YopQ export. Pulse-labelled YopE, but not YopQ, could be secreted after the polypeptide had been synthesized within the cytoplasm of Yersinia (post-translational secretion). Thus, YopQ appears to be exported by a mechanism that couples yopQ mRNA translation with the type III secretion of the encoded polypeptide.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli secA gene, whose translation is responsive to the proficiency of protein export within the cell, is the second gene in a three-gene operon and is flanked by gene X and mutT. By using gene fusion and oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis techniques, we have localized this translationally regulated site to a region at the end of gene X and the beginning of secA. This region has been shown to bind SecA protein in vitro. These studies open the way for a direct investigation of the mechanism of secA regulation and its coupling to the protein secretion capability of the cell.  相似文献   

The regulation of protein synthesis by translation control RNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mechanism by which translational control RNA (tcRNA) inhibits protein synthesis was investigated. In the presence of heme the inhibitory role of muscle tcRNA on hemoglobin synthesis was confirmed. Upon the addition of muscle tcRNA to a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system the binding of [32P]-globin mRNA to 40S ribosomal subunits and its subsequent incorporation into polysomes was inhibited. Furthermore, muscle tcRNA inhibits met-tRNA binding to polysomes and yet stimulates the formation of methionine-puromycin. These results suggest that muscle tcRNA blocks the binding of globin mRNA to ribosomes resulting in an abortive initiation complex that is, however, still capable of the methionine-puromycin reaction.  相似文献   

SecA is an ATPase and motor protein that drives protein translocation across the bacterial plasma membrane. In Escherichia coli SecA levels are regulated by the secretion needs of the cell utilizing secM, which encodes a secreted protein. Previous studies demonstrated that this regulation requires a translational pause within secM, whose duration regulates the accessibility of the secA Shine-Dalgarno sequence on secM secA mRNA. Here we provide evidence that translocon "pulling" of nascent SecM is what regulates the duration of the secM translational pause, and thus secA expression levels, thereby providing direct support for this model.  相似文献   

SecA protein synthesis levels were elevated 10- to 20-fold when protein secretion was blocked in secA, secD, and secY mutants or in a malE-lacZ fusion-containing strain but not in a secB null mutant. An active secB gene product was not required to derepress secA, since SecA levels were elevated during protein export blocks in secB secY and secB malE-lacZ double mutants.  相似文献   

Riboswitches are genetic control elements that regulate gene expression in a small molecule-dependent way. We developed a two-stage strategy of in vitro selection followed by a genetic screen and identified several artificial small molecule-binding riboswitches that respond to the aminoglycoside neomycin. Structure-function relationships and structural probing revealed that they adopt the general neomycin-binding motif. They display no sequence similarities to in vitro selected neomycin aptamers but contain parts of the decoding site that is the binding site for neomycin on the ribosomal RNA. We propose a model of a composed binding pocket of an internal loop as primary docking site and a terminal flaplike loop structure fixing neomycin in a sandwich-like manner. Such binding pockets characterized by multiple contacts between ligand and RNA are described for both natural and engineered riboswitches. We anticipate that combination of in vitro selection and in vivo screening is a useful strategy to identify RNA molecules with a desired functionality.  相似文献   

Translational control in mammalian cells plays a critical role in regulating differentiation, cell growth, cell cycle and response to diverse stresses. Macrophages are one of the most versatile cell types in the body. They are professional phagocytic cells that can be found in almost all tissues and adapt tissue-specific functions. Recent studies highlight the importance of translational control in macrophages during invasion of pathogens, exposure to cytokines and in the context of tissue specific functions. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge regarding the role of mRNA translational control in regulation of macrophages.  相似文献   

Pathways that control cortical F-actin dynamics during secretion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chromaffin cells possess a mesh of filamentous actin underneath the plasma membrane which acts as a barrier to the chromaffin vesicles access to exocytotic sites. Disassembly of cortical F-actin in response to stimulation allows the movement of vesicles from the reserve pool to the release-ready vesicle pool and, therefore, to exocytotic sites. The dynamics of cortical F-actin is controlled by two mechanisms: a) stimulation-induced Ca2+ entry and scinderin activation and b) protein kinase C (PKC) activation and MARCKS phosphorylation as demonstrated here by experiments with recombinant proteins, antisense olygodeoxynucleotides and vector mediated transient expressions. Under physiological conditions (i.e., cholinergic receptor stimulation followed by Ca2+ entry), mechanism (a) is the most important for the control of cortical F-actin network whereas when Ca2+ is released from intracellular stores (i.e., histamine stimulation) cortical F-actin is regulated mainly by mechanism b.  相似文献   

High-quality wheat germ extract (hqWGE) is very useful for the high-yield production of various types of protein. The most important key to high productivity is the design of mRNA templates. Although the design has been refined for straightforward and efficient translation in hqWGE, there is still room for improvement in untranslated regions (UTRs), especially the 3′ UTR length, because a long, cumbersome 3′ UTR is commonly used for translation enhancement. Here we examined some short viral 3′ cap-independent translation enhancers (3′ CITEs) to identify effective ones for efficient translation in hqWGE. We then combined the most effective 3′ CITE and a 5′ enhancer to further increase the translation efficiency. mRNA with the optimal short 3′ and 5′ UTRs, both of whose length was less than 150 nt, exhibited a productivity of 1.4 mg/mL in prolonged large-scale protein synthesis in hqWGE, which was comparable to that of control mRNA with a commonly-used long 3′ UTR (∼1200 nt).  相似文献   

We describe the identification and characterization of a second secA gene in Listeria monocytogenes. This gene, termed secA2, is involved in smooth-rough phenotypic variation and secA2 expression contributes to bacterial virulence. Spontaneous rough (R-) variants of L. monocytogenes grow in chains and form rough colonies on solid media. A subset of R-variants, classified here as type I, also shows reduced secretion of an autolysin, p60. We find that disruptions and in frame deletions in secA2 confer phenotypes identical to those of spontaneous type I R-variants. Additionally, the secA2 genes from two spontaneous type I R-variants encoded truncated SecA2 proteins. Mutations were not found in the secA2 genes from the remaining five independent R-variants, four of which showed a distinct (type II) rough morphology and secreted wild-type levels of p60. Expression of an epitope-tagged SecA2 in the DeltasecA2 strain and a spontaneous R-variant restored normal cell septation and smooth colony morphology. These data suggest that mutations in both secA2 and other genes contribute to smooth-rough phase variation in L. monocytogenes. Expression of the full-length SecA2 also promotes secretion of p60 and a set of additional L. monocytogenes proteins. We hypothesize that SecA2-dependent protein secretion plays a role in the colonization of environmental and host surfaces.  相似文献   

Stenström CM  Holmgren E  Isaksson LA 《Gene》2001,273(2):259-265
The purine-rich Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence located a few bases upstream of the mRNA initiation codon supports translation initiation by complementary binding to the anti-SD in the 16S rRNA, close to its 3' end. AUG is the canonical initiation codon but the weaker UUG and GUG codons are also used for a minority of genes. The codon sequence of the downstream region (DR), including the +2 codon immediately following the initiation codon, is also important for initiation efficiency. We have studied the interplay between these three initiation determinants on gene expression in growing Escherichia coli. One optimal SD sequence (SD(+)) and one lacking any apparent complementarity to the anti-SD in 16S rRNA (SD(-)) were analyzed. The SD(+) and DR sequences affected initiation in a synergistic manner and large differences in the effects were found. The gene expression level associated with the most efficient of these DRs together with SD(-) was comparable to that of other DRs together with SD(+). The otherwise weak initiation codon UUG, but not GUG, was comparable with AUG in strength, if placed in the context of two of the DRs. The +2 codon was one, but not the only, determinant for this unexpectedly high efficiency of UUG.  相似文献   

Locomotor systems are often controlled by specialized cephalic neurons and undergo modulation by sensory inputs. In many species, dedicated brain regions initiate and maintain behavior and set the duration and frequency of the locomotor episode. In the leech, removing the entire head brain enhances swimming, but the individual roles of its components, the supra- and subesophageal ganglia, in the control of locomotion are unknown. Here we describe the influence of these two structures and that of the tail brain on rhythmic swimming in isolated nerve cord preparations and in nearly intact leeches suspended in an aqueous, “swim-enhancing” environment. We found that, in isolated preparations, swim episode duration and swim burst frequency are greatly increased when the supraesophageal ganglion is removed, but the subesophageal ganglion is intact. The prolonged swim durations observed with the anterior-most ganglion removed were abolished by removal of the tail ganglion. Experiments on the nearly intact leeches show that, in these preparations, the subesophageal ganglion acts to decrease cycle period but, unexpectedly, also decreases swim duration. These results suggest that the supraesophageal ganglion is the primary structure that constrains leech swimming; however, the control of swim duration in the leech is complex, especially in the intact animal.  相似文献   

This review describes the results of recent studies of the ribosomal tunnel (RT), the major function of which is to allow the smooth passage of nascent polypeptides with different sequences from the peptidyl transferase center of the ribosome to the tunnel exit, where the folding of protein molecules begins. The features of structural organization of RT and their role in modulation and stabilization of the nascent chain conformation are discussed. Structural features of macrolide binding sites as well as application of macrolide antibiotics and their derivatives as tools to investigate ligand-tunnel wall interactions are also considered. Several examples of strong and specific interactions of regulatory polypeptides with nucleotide and amino acid residues of RT that lead to ribosome stalling and translational arrest are described in detail. The role of these events in regulation of expression of certain genes is discussed on the basis of recent high-resolution structural studies of nascent chains in the RT.  相似文献   

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