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Factors and markers of virulence in Escherichia coli from human septicemia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A lethal and necrotic factor which causes cell multinucleation in HeLa cell cultures has previously been shown to be coded by the Vir plasmid of Escherichia coli. Using an absorbed rabbit antiserum which neutralized the Vir toxic properties, we have compared the SDS-PAGE immunoblots from laboratory and field strains which either produce or do not produce Vir toxicity. A single band of 110 kDa was found to be specifically associated with vir toxicity in E. coli strains. This antiserum also recognized the 115 kDa protein band which was previously identified as the cytotoxic necretozing factor (CNF) of certain E. coli strains. These results suggest that the toxin coded by the Vir plasmid is a protein of 110 kDa distinct from, but immunologically related to CNF.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic necrotizing factor-1 (CNF1) is commonly found in Escherichia coli isolates from patients with urinary tract infection (UTI). To determine whether CNF1 is an important UTI virulence factor we compared the ability of a clinical E. coli UTI isolate and a CNF1-negative mutant of that isolate to colonize and induce histological changes in the urinary tract in a murine model of ascending UTI. We found no evidence that the mutant strain was attenuated.  相似文献   

Septicemic Escherichia coli 4787 (O115: K-: H51: F165) of porcine origin possess gene clusters related to extraintestinal E. coli fimbrial adhesins. This strain produces two fimbriae: F165(1) and F165(2). F165(1) (Prs-like) belongs to the P fimbrial family, encoded by foo operon and F165(2) is a F1C-like encoded by fot operon. Data from this study suggest that these two operons are part of two PAIs. PAI I(4787) includes a region of 20 kb, which not only harbors the foo operon but also contains a potential P4 integrase gene and is located within the pheU tRNA gene, at 94 min of the E. coli chromosome. PAI II(4787) includes a region of over 35 kb, which harbors the fot operon, iroBCDEN gene clusters, as well as part of microcin M genes and nonfunctional mobility genes. PAI II(4787) is found between the proA and yagU at 6 min of the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

Further studies have been carried out on mutation hsb which was previously suggested to block hemolysin secretion (Mu?oa et al., 1988, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 56: 167-172). We show that the reported reduction in the extracellular hemolytic activity of mutant Hsb. 1 is due to lower hemolysin synthesis and that this is itself a consequence of a decrease in plasmid copy number. We suggest that the hsb is identical to the pcnB lesion located at minute 3.6 of the chromosome.  相似文献   

J M Weber  R Losick 《Gene》1988,68(2):173-180
The thiostrepton-resistance-conferring plasmid pIJ702 was integrated into the ermE region of the chromosome of erythromycin (Er)-producing bacterium Saccharopolyspora erythraea (Streptomyces erythraeus) by single, reciprocal (Campbell) recombination between DNA cloned in the vector and homologous nucleotide sequences in the chromosome. Genetic mapping experiments by conjugational transfer were used to establish that the ErR gene, ermE, was located close to the Er-production loci eryA34 and eryB25.  相似文献   

Abstract The cydD gene of Escherichia coli encodes a protein which, together with the CydC protein, probably constitutes a heterodimeric, ABC-family membrane transporter, necessary for biosynthesis of the cytochrome bd quinol oxidase. Here, we demonstrate that a cydD mutant also fails to synthesise periplasmic c -type cytochrome(s), suggesting that the transporter exports haem or some other component involved in assembly of cytochromes that are found in, or exposed to, the periplasm. The CydDC system appears to be the first example of a transporter required for periplasmic cytochrome assembly processes requiring more than one type of haem. A mutant defective in trxB (adjacent to the cydDC operon, and encoding thioredoxin reductase) was unaffected in cytochrome c or bd assembly.  相似文献   

This investigation is an extension of previous studies on the possible role of intestinal Escherichia coli in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) to include the isolation of extraintestinal E. coli. The lungs of 52 and the blood of 144 SIDS infants were cultured and isolates were investigated. E. coli was isolated from about a quarter of post-mortem lung samples and about 15% of blood samples from SIDS infants. The isolates were subjected to microbiological studies, including serotyping and haemolysin assays. The majority were found to belong to serogroups commonly associated with bacteraemia. These results may indicate that extraintestinal E. coli plays a role in SIDS.  相似文献   

We examined the binding of colonization factor antigens (CFAs) of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli to electrophoretically separated membrane components of rabbit intestinal brush borders or human intestinal (and non-intestinal) cell lines using an immunoblotting technique. Both CFA/I and CFA/II bound to distinct membrane components which seemed to be identical in rabbit brush borders and in a human intestinal cell line; these binding structures were mainly missing in membranes from epithelial cell lines of non-intestinal origin. Both shared and specific binding components were identified for CFA/I and the different subcomponents of CFA/II (CS1, CS2 and CS3), respectively. Chloroform-methanol extraction of lipids from the cell membranes did not change the binding pattern for either CFA/I or CFA/II suggesting that the binding occurred to (glyco)proteins rather than to (glyco)lipids.  相似文献   

In a leukaemic patient presenting a septicaemia treated with ceftazidime and amikacin, two clinical Escherichia coli isolates distinguished by their level of resistance to oxyimino-beta-lactams were isolated at an interval of 24 h. The isolates were identified by biotyping and esterase electrophoretic typing and the two host strains were shown to be identical. However, each of these strains exhibited a different transferrable extended-spectrum beta-lactamase. These enzymes had different pI values (5.25 and 5.58), but were both blaTEM-1 mutants. The enzyme with pI 5.25 was identical to TEM-101 (TEM-12) (serine 162 substitution). The enzyme with pI 5.58 showed an additional amino acid substitution (lysine residue instead of an arginine at position 237) and was denominated TEM-23. These data indicate that point-mutations can be successively cumulated in vivo by blaTEM mutants, leading to expression of beta-lactamases with increased hydrolysis rates.  相似文献   

Necrotizing Escherichia coli (NTEC) strains grown in the presence of mitomycin C released cell associated necrotizing factors CNF1 and CNF2 to culture medium. Using culture filtrates from 96 mitomycin C treated E. coli strains, we have found that a modified HeLa cell assay was a more sensitive and specific method for the detection of CNF1 and CNF2 than the Vero cell assay and the rabbit skin test.  相似文献   

XAD-4 resin was used to isolate cytokinins present in Baltic sea water. Four compounds were tentatively identified as 6-(3-methylbut-2-enylamino) purine and zeatin, and their ribosides.  相似文献   

The distribution of virulence markers related to cytolethal distending toxin-V (CDT-V), subtilase cytotoxin (SubAB), the enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli factor for adherence (Efa1), the adhesin similar to IrgA (Iha), the long polar fimbriae (LpfO113), the autoagglutinating adhesin (Saa), and the protein required for full expression of adherence of O157:H7 Sakai strain (ToxB) was investigated in 121 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) strains isolated in Brazil. STEC strains were isolated from human infections (n=49), cattle (n=68) and ground meat samples (n=4). Overall, the lpfA(O113), iha, efa1, saa, and toxB sequences were observed in 89.2%, 87.6%, 47.1%, 43%, and 13.2% of the strains, respectively. The genes efa1 (96.6%) and toxB (27%) were only identified among eae-positive strains, while saa (83.8%), cdt-V (12.9%), and subAB (48.4%) just occurred in eae-negative STEC strains. STEC strains harboring cdt-V and subAB were for the first time described in the South American subcontinent. In addition, the simultaneous presence of cdt-V and subAB has not been previously reported, nor the presence of subAB in STEC O77, O79, O105, O174, and O178 serogroups. A diversity of virulence profiles was observed among the STEC strains studied. The most prevalent profile observed among eae-positive STEC strains mainly isolated from humans was eae efa1 iha lpfA(O113), whereas iha lpfA(O113) saa ehxA subAB prevailed among eae-negative STEC strains, mostly isolated from cattle and foods.  相似文献   

Aims: Ethidium monoazide in combination with quantitative PCR (EMA–qPCR) has been considered as a promising method to enumerate viable cells; however, its efficacy can be significantly affected by disinfection conditions and various environments. In this study, thermal disinfection, osmotic pressure and acids with different pH values were systematically investigated to achieve the optimum conditions. Methods and Results: EMA treatment of pure cultures at low concentration (10 μg ml?1) for 20 min resulted in effective differentiation between viable and nonviable bacteria and had no effect on viable cells. Heating at 85°C for 35 min was the optimum condition that yields inactivated Escherichia coli (E. coli) cells that were not detected with EMA–qPCR. Performing EMA treatment in high‐salt ion environment (sodium chloride concentration ≥4%) could weaken EMA inhibition effect. Both strong and weak acid solutions could react with EMA, change its absorption spectra and influence EMA inhibition effect. Because of the sublethal acidification injury, underestimation of cell counts were found using EMA–qPCR method, and 40‐min incubation in Luria–Bertani medium could completely offset this error. Conclusion: Our results provided optimum EMA treatment, thermal disinfection and environment conditions for EMA–qPCR and demonstrated the feasibility of this method when enumerating viable cells under varied osmotic pressure and pH environment. Significance and Impact of the Study: Optimum EMA treatment, thermal disinfection and EMA‐treated environment will be successfully applied in EMA–qPCR. Osmotic pressure and acid‐induced injury can be detected by EMA–qPCR with optimization.  相似文献   

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