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We studied seasonal fluctuations in the rates of photosynthesis, transpiration, PAR, and stomatal conductance for 16 species
of true mangroves from the Sundarbans region of West Bengal. Soil salinity and pH were also measured. Leaf temperatures were
almost always higher than the ambient temperature. We observed considerable seasonal (summer vs winter) as well as interspecific
variations in photosynthesis, with the highest rates occurring inHeritiera fomes (13.21 pmol m-2s-1) andAvicennia marina (11.8 mol m-2s-1), and the lowest inNypa fruticans (1.56 mol m-2s-1) andCeriops decandra (2.32 pmol m-2s-1), in many species, an abrupt rise in leaf temperature retarded the photosyn-thetic process. In winter, the rate of transpiration
and stomatal conductance reached their maxima inA. marina (4.83 mmol ra-2s-1 and 124.23 m mol m-2s-1, respectively) and their mimima inExcoecaria agallocha (1.85 mmol m-2s-1 and 49.19 mmol m-2s-1, respectively). In contrast, the maximum summer readings were recorded in E.agallocha (6.07 mmol m-2s-1 and 192.74 mmol m-2s-1 respectively). 相似文献
Laboratory pot experiments were run to study the effects of added zinc (Zn) with and without farmyard manure (FYM) and phosphorus (P) on Zn transformations in two Alfisols, together with Zn uptake by wheat plants grown up to 60 days. In the first experiment the treatments included four levels of Zn (0, 3.75, 7.5 and 15 mgkg(-1) soil) and two levels of FYM (0 and 10 tha(-1)), and in the second experiment five levels of P (0, 20, 40, 80 and 160 mgkg(-1) soil) and one level of Zn (7.5 mgkg(-1) soil). The soils were sequentially fractionated into water-soluble plus exchangeable (CA-Zn), inorganically bound (AAC-Zn), organically bound (PYR-Zn), oxide bound (OX-Zn) and residual (RES-Zn) forms. The effect of added FYM was more evident on the OX-Zn fraction and the percentage utilization of Zn by wheat was the greatest with the addition of FYM alone at the rate of 10 tha(-1) (1.95-2.38%) in comparison to other treatment combinations. Among the levels, application of 7.5 mg Zn kg(-1) soil showed the maximum increase in different fractions of soil Zn and significantly increased the Zn utilization by wheat (0.87-1.17%) as compared to other Zn levels (0.58-0.88%). On an average, about 85% of the added Zn was recovered in different fractions in Zn treated pots. However, the recovery per cent of the added Zn was significantly higher at Zn level 7.5 (95%) mgkg(-1) soil than at 3.75 (87%) and 15 (73%) mg Zn kg(-1) soil levels. Phosphorus additions up to 40 mgkg(-1) soil increased the plant-available Zn in soils whereas at higher P levels plant-available forms decreased with a concominant increase in the inert forms. At 160 mg P kg(-1) soil, the P effect was more pronounced in the shoot than in the root, suggesting that a higher P level inhibits Zn translocation from root to upper plant parts. Path analysis showed that the organically (PYR-Zn) and inorganically bound (AAC-Zn) Zn fractions were the predominant fractions that influenced the Zn availability to plants. 相似文献
黄绵土坡耕地大豆的水肥产量效应 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
研究了不同施肥量(N、P配施)下黄绵土坡耕地大豆的水肥产量效应.结果表明,水分利用效率(WUE)与作物产量(Y)正相关,y=0.0017l 0.0035WUE.单施磷时,作物产量和WUE随磷的增加而增大;单施氮时,作物产量和WUE随氯的增加先增大后降低,表明施用氮应该配合施用一定量的磷.施肥能显著提高作物产量和WUE,与不施肥相比,施肥时作物产量和WUE分别提高了86.76%一470.16%和69.64%一438.47.与单施氦、磷相比,氮、磷合理配施能提高作物产量和水分利用效率,适宜的N、P(P205)配施比例为1.3:1. 相似文献
根修剪对黄土旱塬冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)根系分布、根系效率及产量形成的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过田间试验研究了不同时期根修剪处理对冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)根系大小与分布、根系效率、水分利用效率及产量形成的影响。设置4个根修剪处理:越冬期小剪根(WS)、越冬期大剪根(WB),返青期小剪根(GS)、返青期大剪根(GB),未剪根小麦作为对照(CK)。结果表明,到花期时,各根修剪处理小麦的在0~120cm总根量均显著小于对照。与对照相比各根修剪处理主要是显著地减少了上层土壤中的根量。但WS和GS两小剪根处理和对照相比在中层土壤中有较大的根量;花后各处理小麦旗叶的气孔导度和蒸腾速率均显著大于对照。这说明根修剪处理减少了小麦表层的根量,从而削弱了表土干旱信号对作物与外界气体交换的抑制作用。花期时各根修剪小麦的净光合速率均显著高于对照,而单位面积上的根呼吸速率均显著小于对照,根修剪处理提高了小麦的根系效率,使更多的光合产物用于籽粒生产,从而提高了小麦的收获指数。根修剪还提高了小麦的水分利用效率,其中WS、WB、GS处理的水分利用效率显著高于对照。但是GB处理的水分利用效率却没有显著提高。因此,本研究进一步证明了由不同年代品种得到的推测,认为在旱地农业中,通过遗传育种或采用适当农艺措施优化根系分布,既可以减少生长前期作物对水分的过度消耗,又能够削弱花后表土过度干旱对作物生长抑制作用,同时降低根系对同化产物的消耗,对作物产量及水分利用效率的提高具有积极的作用。 相似文献
Stefanie Heinze Meike Oltmanns Rainer Georg Joergensen Joachim Raupp 《Plant and Soil》2011,343(1-2):221-234
The main objective of the second Darmstadt trial was to investigate the effects of vegetal fertilizers on soil properties and crop yield in comparison with farmyard manure. The experiment consisted of seven treatments: (i) inorganic fertilizers, (ii) vegetal organic fertilizers, (iii) vegetal organic fertilizers equivalent to biodynamic preparations, (iv) cattle farmyard manure, (v) cattle farmyard manure with addition of biodynamic preparations, (vi) high level of cattle farmyard manure, and (vii) high level of cattle farmyard manure with biodynamic preparations. The soil properties analyzed were pH, soil organic C, N, P, and S, soil microbial biomass C, N, and P, basal respiration and fungal ergosterol. The application of vegetal fertilizers had slightly negative effects on soil organic C, no effects on crop yield (potato, winter rye) and microbial biomass, but positive effects on ergosterol in comparison with farmyard manure. The increase in ergosterol was caused by straw return in the vegetal, but also in the inorganic fertilizer treatments. The biodynamic preparations did not affect the contents of soil organic C and total N. The low effectiveness of vegetal fertiliser in maintaining soil organic C levels is of particular importance for organic cropping systems and should be examined further under different site conditions. 相似文献
Nitrogen (N) efficiency components and N accumulation parameters were determined for seven commercially available corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids grown on a Cecil sandy loam soil (Typic Hapludult) in the Southeasten U.S. The hybrids were grown in field plots
at three soil pH levels (4.8, 5.5, and 6.6) and four N fertilizer rates (0.4, 1.8, 3.2, and 6.0, g plant−1). Nitrogen uilitzation efficiency (grain yield/total N uptake) was significantly different among hybrids in both 1983 and
1984. Differences in N use efficiency (grain yield/N supply) and N uptake efficiency (total N uptake/N supply) ranged from
100.4 to 114.6 and from 1.62 to 1.90, respectively, in 1984. Nitrogen fertilizer rate significantly affected all measured
N accumulation and efficiency parameters except N uptake after silking in 1983. The results indicate that improving N uptake
or soil N availability might increase grain yields for hybrids with higher N utilization efficiency. 相似文献
Marin M. Hallett P. D. Feeney D. S. Brown L. K. Naveed M. Koebernick N. Ruiz S. Bengough A. G. Roose T. George T. S. 《Plant and Soil》2022,476(1-2):491-509
Plant and Soil - Recent laboratory studies revealed that root hairs may alter soil physical behaviour, influencing soil porosity and water retention on the small scale. However, the results are not... 相似文献
在田间试验条件下研究了群体不同分布对夏大豆产量构成和水分利用的影响.夏大豆‘鲁豆4号'(Glycine max cv. Ludou 4)在同一群体密度(3.09×10~5株/hm~2)下设5种分布方式,即行距×株距分别为A:18 cm×18 cm,B:27 cm×12 cm,C:36 cm×9 cm,D:45 cm×7.2 cm,E:54 cm×6cm.结果表明,群体分布影响夏大豆的产量、叶片水分特征和水分利用效率(WUE).A、B处理的产量显著高于D、E处理(P<0.05),其他处理间均无显著差异;随着行距加大,单株有效荚数、粒数及百粒重呈下降趋势;叶片相对含水量(RWC)、水势(Ψw)和渗透势(Ψs)随生育进程的推进呈整体下降趋势,其中,A、B处理RWC、Ψw 和Ψs的平均值均显著高于D、E处理,E处理的Ψw在日变化的正午阶段明显低于其他处理;WUE与行距呈负相关(R=-0.935~*),与产量呈正相关(R=0.997~(**)),其中,A、B处理的WUE显著高于其他处理(P<0.05),D、E处理极显著低于B处理(P<0.01).夏大豆植株相对均匀分布的处理可改善产量构成因素及叶片水分状况,进而形成较高的产量,提高水分利用效率. 相似文献
Effects of differentiated applications of fertilizer N on leaching losses and distribution of inorganic N in the soil 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Summary Nitrogen fertilizer was applied to field plots at rates of 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 N kg/ha yr, in order to determine the effects
of differentiated N applications on drainage water and groundwater quality. Water samples, collected monthly or bimonthly
from 1974 to 1983, were analysed for inorganic and total N content. In order to see the impact of residual N on leaching losses,
soil samples were collected to a depth of 2 m in the N0, N100 and N200 plots, usually in September and April.
Leaching of nitrate was moderate to the N100 level but increased substantially with increasing fertilization, up to 91 N kg/(ha-yr)
for the highest application rate (N200), during the wet year of 1980/81. The losses were greatest during the fall, mainly
due to high levels of N remaining in the soil after harvest combined with high precipitation. The N content of the groundwater
did not show any significant correlation to the fertilization intensity.
A buildup of inorganic N in the soil occurred only when excessive amounts of fertilizer were applied (N200), while the contents
of the N0 and N100 treatments fluctuated around states of balance, approximately 45 and 70 N kg/ha respectively.
Spring rape followed by winter wheat showed a great ability to reduce N contents in the tile effluent from highly fertilized
plots (N150 and N200), even though the plots had received excessive amounts of fertilizer for several years.
Results of this experiment in central Sweden demonstrate the importance of applying nitrogen fertilizer in balance with crop
needs and of maintaining a growing crop cover as much of the time as possible in order to minimize water pollution. 相似文献
长期施用化肥、猪粪和稻草对红壤水稻土化学和生物化学性质的影响 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
的Cmic/TOC大于相应的单施化肥处理.各处理土壤生物化学性质与TOC和养分含量呈正相关(P<0.01).猪粪、稻草与化肥长期配合施用能显著改善土壤化学和生物化学性质,提高土壤质量和土壤肥力. 相似文献
Farmyard manure, added to six soils at intervals over a two-year period until the equivalent of 240 tons of fresh manure per acre had been applied, significantly increased pH values, organic matter and nitrogen contents, water-soluble boron levels and total amounts of copper, zinc and molybdenum. The uptake of boron and manganese by ladino clover was less, and that of molybdenum was greater, on the manured than on the unmanured soils. It is suggested that the influence of manure on trace-element availability may be an indirect one, due to its effect on soil reaction rather than to any increased amount of these elements that may be added in the manure.Contribution No. 377, Chemistry Division, Science Service. 相似文献
采用定位试验,研究了施用新鲜牛粪(15000和75000 kg·hm-2)和绿肥(36000 kg·hm-2)对玉米产量、土壤呼吸和土壤化学、物理性状的影响.结果表明: 与单施化肥相比,土地整治区施用牛粪的玉米籽粒增产7.2%~29.9%,千粒重增加2.5%~18.2%,活性有机碳和有机质含量分别增加5.3%~34.6%和8.0%~17.6%.施用绿肥的玉米籽粒增产10.8%~15.6%,千粒重增加4.5%~8.4%,活性有机碳含量增加14.1%~48.6%,在第二年土壤有机质含量增加了7.2%.施用牛粪和绿肥的土壤呼吸速率增加了20.0%~69.3%.施用牛粪和绿肥增加了土壤容重,减少了总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度,分别增加了<0.01 mm和0.05~1 mm粒径团聚体的比例.连续2年在土地整治区施用牛粪和绿肥不仅能够增加玉米籽粒产量,而且已经对土壤物理化学性质的改善表现出积极的作用. 相似文献
Effect of long-term application of animal manure on physical properties of three soils 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Surface soil samples to 15 cm depth were taken from replicated plots in an ongoing long-term field experiment involving application of animal manure on three soils in Virginia. The sampled plots had received either no manure or the equivalent of 289,000 kg ha–1 of manure as dry weight. The manure was applied annually at the beginning of each spring for 15 years from 1978 through 1992. The plots were cropped similarly since 1978. Soil textures were a fine sandy loam at Holland in the Atlantic Coastal Plain region, a silt loam at Blacksburg in the Appalachian region, and a clay loam at Orange in the Piedmont region of Virginia. The following measurements were made on subsamples: liquid and plastic limits, wet aggregate stability, aggregate size distribution, dispersible clay percentage, water retention at 0. 03, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 MPa tension, and modulus of rupture of moulded briquettes at a water content corresponding to 0.1 MPa tension. Organic matter content by the Walkley-Black method was significantly higher in the manure-treated soils at all three locations. Increases were 3% for the sandy loam and 25% for the silt loam and clay loam. From these values it was estimated that at least 95% of the total applied manure had been degraded over the 15 years. Results showed that the liquid and plastic limits for all three soils were higher (p<0.05) for the manure-treated samples. However, the differences in the limits were only 2 to 3%. The modulus of rupture values were lowered by addition of the animal manure. Decreases (p<0.05) occurred for the silt loam and clay loam samples. The wet aggregate stability increased and the dispersible clay decreased in the manure-treated soils. Increases (p<0.05) in wet aggregate stability occurred for the sandy loam and silt loam samples. Decreases (p<0.05) in dispersible clay were measured for the sandy loam and clay loam samples. Water retention was consistently, but only slightly, increased by manure addition. The increases, in the order of sample texture, were clay loam > sandy loam silt loam. Increases tended to be higher at the lower values of tension. Manure addition consistently increased the weight percentages of aggregates passing a given mesh size. Increases, in order of sample texture, were silt loam > clay loam > sandy loam. In their entirety, these results show that the manure produced measurable changes in the soil physical properties. The magnitude of the changes, in most cases, were small and depended on the soil texture. Given the high total amount of manure applied, the results indicate that manure-induced physical changes in the soil were small and evidently did not accumulate over time. Rapid microbial degradation of the manure could be responsible for the lack of marked changes in the soil physical properties. 相似文献
Effect of long-term application of manure and fertilizer on biological and biochemical activities in soil during crop development stages 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of six long-term (34-year) fertilizer and farmyard manure (FYM) treatments (Control, N, NP, NPK, NPK+S, NPK+FYM) and three physiological stages of wheat growth on the microbial biomass carbon (MBC), nitrogen (MBN) and dehydrogenase, mineralizable N and phosphatase activities in soil. It was found that a balanced application of NPK+FYM gave the highest values for the measured parameters and lowest at the control. Values were generally highest at tillering, followed by the flowering and dough stages. A significant positive interaction between fertilizer treatments and physiological stages of wheat growth was observed, being highest at maximum tillering due to application of NPK+FYM. Stepwise regressions have revealed that grain yield of wheat was significantly associated with mineralizable N at tillering (R(2)=0.80), MBC at flowering (R(2)=0.90) and alkaline phosphatase activity (R(2)=0.70) at dough stages of wheat growth. 相似文献
《Environmental and Experimental Botany》2005,53(3):343-355
Interactions between UV-B radiation and drought stress have been studied but the underlying mechanisms have not been thoroughly investigated. We hypothesized that UV-B radiation would improve water-use efficiency (WUE) by its effects on epidermal development, specifically stomatal density, and leaf gas exchange. Four lines of soybean (Glycine max: Essex, Williams, OX921, and OX922) were grown for 28 days in a glasshouse with and without supplemental UV-B radiation levels of 13 kJ m−2 biologically effective radiation. UV-B radiation increased phenolic content of leaves in all lines and reduced leaf area in all lines except Williams. Adaxial stomatal density was reduced in Essex, OX921, and OX922 but abaxial stomatal density was reduced only in OX922. Stomatal conductance was reduced in concert with stomatal density as was internal CO2 concentration (Ci). Instantaneous WUE was increased in Essex, Williams, and OX922. Stable carbon isotope analysis showed similar trends in long-term WUE, but these were only statistically significant in OX922. These results suggest that some soybean cultivars may respond to increased levels of UV-B by increasing WUE and that this response could be manifested through changes in stomatal development and functioning. Field studies are needed to test this hypothesis and to further evaluate the role of the K9 gene in this response. 相似文献
放牧对贝加尔针茅草原植被根系分布和土壤理化特征的影响 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
以内蒙古贝加尔针茅草原为研究对象,分析了放牧对植被根系分布特征的影响及其与土壤理化性状的相互关系。结果表明:放牧导致植被根系分布发生显著变化;0~10cm土层根系生物量占0~40cm根系总生物量的65.9%~82.6%,直径≥2mm根系和直径1mm的根系对放牧影响较为敏感;植被根系分布与土壤容重、含水量、全氮、全磷、有机碳含量以及阳离子交换量有一定程度的相关性,放牧主要通过改变土壤理化特征影响不同径级根系生物量的分布,同时各径级根系分布特征对土壤理化性状有一定的反馈作用。 相似文献
不同树种混交林及其纯林对土壤理化性质影响的研究 总被引:30,自引:11,他引:30
对针阔混交林土壤理化性质的研究表明,针阔混交林比针叶树纯林对土壤的改良作用要好,它使土壤总孔隙度增加2—19%,水分含量增加6—31%,枯枝落叶年凋落量增加2—200%;土壤养分含量全N、NH4-N、代换性Ca、代换性Mg和腐殖质含量分别增加45—75%、33—82%、55—85%、44—84%和37—46%. 相似文献
Effect of organic amendments on some physical, chemical and biological properties in a horticultural soil 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The aim of the present work was to assess the response of selected soil physical, chemical and biological properties, after two applications of different organic amendments to a soil with an extended horticultural use. Vermicompost from household solid waste (HSW) and from horse and rabbit manure (HRM), and chicken manure (CM) were applied at rates of 10 and 20 Mg ha(-1). The proportion of water stable soil aggregates (Ws) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in HSW, HRM and CM at 20 Mg ha(-1). The proportion of ethanol stable soil aggregates (Es) was significantly higher in HSW, HRM and CM at 20 Mg ha(-1), and CM at 10 Mg ha(-1). After the first amendment application, HSW and HRM at 20 Mg ha(-1) resulted in higher soil organic carbon (SOC), while all the treatments showed a significant increase after the second amendment application. Linear relationships were found between Ws and Es with SOC. An increment in microbial respiration in all the amended plots was observed with the exception of HRM at the rate of 10 Mg ha(-1). 相似文献
Plant diversity and root traits benefit physical properties key to soil function in grasslands 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3 下载免费PDF全文
Iain J. Gould John N. Quinton Alexandra Weigelt Gerlinde B. De Deyn Richard D. Bardgett 《Ecology letters》2016,19(9):1140-1149
Plant diversity loss impairs ecosystem functioning, including important effects on soil. Most studies that have explored plant diversity effects belowground, however, have largely focused on biological processes. As such, our understanding of how plant diversity impacts the soil physical environment remains limited, despite the fundamental role soil physical structure plays in ensuring soil function and ecosystem service provision. Here, in both a glasshouse and a long‐term field study, we show that high plant diversity in grassland systems increases soil aggregate stability, a vital structural property of soil, and that root traits play a major role in determining diversity effects. We also reveal that the presence of particular plant species within mixed communities affects an even wider range of soil physical processes, including hydrology and soil strength regimes. Our results indicate that alongside well‐documented effects on ecosystem functioning, plant diversity and root traits also benefit essential soil physical properties. 相似文献