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Mitochondria are associated with various radiation responses, including adaptive responses, mitophagy, the bystander effect, genomic instability, and apoptosis. We recently identified a unique radiation response in the mitochondria of human cells exposed to low-dose long-term fractionated radiation (FR). Such repeated radiation exposure inflicts chronic oxidative stresses on irradiated cells via the continuous release of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) and decrease in cellular levels of the antioxidant glutathione. ROS-induced oxidative mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage generates mutations upon DNA replication. Therefore, mtDNA mutation and dysfunction can be used as markers to assess the effects of low-dose radiation. In this study, we present an overview of the link between mitochondrial ROS and cell cycle perturbation associated with the genomic instability of low-dose irradiated cells. Excess mitochondrial ROS perturb AKT/cyclin D1 cell cycle signaling via oxidative inactivation of protein phosphatase 2A after low-dose long-term FR. The resulting abnormal nuclear accumulation of cyclin D1 induces genomic instability in low-dose irradiated cells.  相似文献   

The ability of ionizing radiation to initiate genomic instability has been harnessed in the clinic where the localized delivery of controlled doses of radiation is used to induce cell death in tumor cells. Though very effective as a therapy, tumor relapse can occur in vivo and its appearance has been attributed to the radio-resistance of cells with stem cell-like features. The molecular mechanisms underlying these phenomena are unclear but there is evidence suggesting an inverse correlation between radiation-induced genomic instability and global hypomethylation. To further investigate the relationship between DNA hypomethylation, radiosensitivity and genomic stability in stem-like cells we have studied mouse embryonic stem cells containing differing levels of DNA methylation due to the presence or absence of DNA methyltransferases. Unexpectedly, we found that global levels of methylation do not determine radiosensitivity. In particular, radiation-induced delayed genomic instability was observed at the Hprt gene locus only in wild-type cells. Furthermore, absence of Dnmt1 resulted in a 10-fold increase in de novo Hprt mutation rate, which was unaltered by radiation. Our data indicate that functional DNMTs are required for radiation-induced genomic instability, and that individual DNMTs play distinct roles in genome stability. We propose that DNMTS may contribute to the acquirement of radio-resistance in stem-like cells.  相似文献   

The ability of ionizing radiation to initiate genomic instability has been harnessed in the clinic where the localized delivery of controlled doses of radiation is used to induce cell death in tumor cells. Though very effective as a therapy, tumor relapse can occur in vivo and its appearance has been attributed to the radio-resistance of cells with stem cell-like features. The molecular mechanisms underlying these phenomena are unclear but there is evidence suggesting an inverse correlation between radiation-induced genomic instability and global hypomethylation. To further investigate the relationship between DNA hypomethylation, radiosensitivity and genomic stability in stem-like cells we have studied mouse embryonic stem cells containing differing levels of DNA methylation due to the presence or absence of DNA methyltransferases. Unexpectedly, we found that global levels of methylation do not determine radiosensitivity. In particular, radiation-induced delayed genomic instability was observed at the Hprt gene locus only in wild-type cells. Furthermore, absence of Dnmt1 resulted in a 10-fold increase in de novo Hprt mutation rate, which was unaltered by radiation. Our data indicate that functional DNMTs are required for radiation-induced genomic instability, and that individual DNMTs play distinct roles in genome stability. We propose that DNMTS may contribute to the acquirement of radio-resistance in stem-like cells.  相似文献   

The Iroquois homeobox gene 5 (IRX5), one of the members of the Iroquois homeobox family, has been identified to correlate with worse prognosis in many cancers, including colorectal cancer (CRC). In this study, upregulation of IRX5 revealed a great reduction in the proliferation of CRC colorectal cancer cell line SW480 and DLD-1, which was accompanied by G1/S arrest, increased expression in cyclin E1, P21, and P53 and a decrease in cyclin A2, B1, and D1. Furthermore, IRX5-mediated an increase expression of RH2A protein, the biomarker of DNA damage. Consequently, the SA-β-gal level is higher in IRX5-overexpression cells compared to control ones, which showed elevated DNA damage triggered cellular senescence. Recapitulating the above findings, IRX5 exhibited higher levels of genomic instability. IRX5 may be a perspective target for cancer therapy and it deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of weightlessness, and ionizing radiation plus weightlessness, on changes in the levels of soluble protein, isoperoxidase, and genomic DNA, respectively, in a medicinal plant-ural licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis)-after a 15-d spaceflight in a recoverable satellite. Both the weightlessness samples (Ws) and the ionizing radiation plus weightlessness samples (IR/Ws) showed increases in soluble protein content or peroxidase activity, compared with the ground control (Gc). Moreover, the increased isoperoxidase activity for the IR/Ws group was significantly greater than for the Ws, compared with the controls. Likewise, distinctive RAPD profiles were generated among the Ws, the IR/Ws, and the Gc. The Ws and IR/Ws yielded 66 and 78 polymorphic RAPD fragments, respectively, based on bulk template DNA, along with 19 selected primers. Therefore, weightlessness alone can trigger genomic alterations, to some extent, and may even result in modulation of gene expression, whereas ionizing radiation would probably enhance the effect of weightlessness.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of a defect in NHEJ on the induction of genomic instability by radiation, we investigated X-ray-induced delayed chromosomal aberrations such as dicentrics and fragments in scid mouse cells. We found that radiosensitive scid mouse cells are more susceptible than wild-type mouse cells to the induction of delayed chromosomal aberrations when the cells are exposed to an equivalent survival dose of X-rays. Telomere FISH analysis revealed that radiation enhances the induction of telomeric fusions where telomeric sequences remain at the fused position (tel+ end-fusions), suggesting that radiation induces telomere dysfunction. Moreover, formation of the tel+ end-fusions was found to be enhanced in scid mouse cells, suggesting that DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) plays a role in telomeric stabilization. Thus, the present study suggests that a cause of genomic instability is telomere dysfunction induced by radiation and that a defect in DNA-PKcs enhances the telomeric destabilization.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, our understanding of radiation biology has undergone a fundamental shift in paradigms away from deterministic "hit-effect" relationships and towards complex ongoing "cellular responses". These responses include now familiar, but still poorly understood, phenomena associated with radiation exposure such as bystander effects, genomic instability, and adaptive responses. All three have been observed at very low doses, and at time points far removed from the initial radiation exposure, and are extremely relevant for linear extrapolation to low doses; the adaptive response is particularly relevant when exposure is spread over a period of time. These are precisely the circumstances that are most relevant to understanding cancer risk associated with environmental and occupational radiation exposures. This review will provide a synthesis of the known, and proposed, interrelationships amongst low-dose cellular responses to radiation. It also will examine the potential importance of non-targeted cellular responses to ionizing radiation in setting acceptable exposure limits especially to low-LET radiations.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced genomic instability (RIGI) manifests in the progeny of cells surviving ionizing radiation (IR), and can be measured using such endpoints as delayed mutation, micronuclei formation, and chromosomal instability. The frequency of RIGI is relatively high, exceeding the gene mutation rate of IR by orders of magnitude, leading to conjecture that a gene mutation is not the cause of the phenotype. We have started to explore whether differential gene expression patterns are associated with the instability phenotype, in order to shed light on its initiation and perpetuation. Using GM10115 human-hamster hybrid-derived chromosomally stable and radiation-induced unstable clones, gene expression patterns were analyzed using microarray analysis. Two methods were used to find differentially expressed genes, and all candidate genes identified by these methods were under-expressed relative to the chromosomally stable reference sample. Among this set differentially expressed genes identified were two candidates with a relationship to the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway. While follow-up gene expression analyses have confirmed the under-expression of these two genes in some of our chromosomally unstable clones, preliminary functional studies have been unable to demonstrate a link to instability. It is anticipated that as we apply this technology to the study of radiation-induced genomic instability, clues to its onset will be revealed, ultimately contributing to a greater understanding of the mechanisms of radiation carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

In MCF-7 breast tumor cells, ionizing radiation promoted autophagy that was cytoprotective; pharmacological or genetic interference with autophagy induced by radiation resulted in growth suppression and/or cell killing (primarily by apoptosis). The hormonally active form of vitamin D, 1,25D3, also promoted autophagy in irradiated MCF-7 cells, sensitized the cells to radiation and suppressed the proliferative recovery that occurs after radiation alone. 1,25D3 enhanced radiosensitivity and promoted autophagy in MCF-7 cells that overexpress Her-2/neu as well as in p53 mutant Hs578t breast tumor cells. In contrast, 1,25D3 failed to alter radiosensitivity or promote autophagy in the BT474 breast tumor cell line with low-level expression of the vitamin D receptor. Enhancement of MCF-7 cell sensitivity to radiation by 1,25D3 was not attenuated by a genetic block to autophagy due largely to the promotion of apoptosis via the collateral suppression of protective autophagy. However, MCF-7 cells were protected from the combination of 1,25D3 with radiation using a concentration of chloroquine that produced minimal sensitization to radiation alone. The current studies are consistent with the premise that while autophagy mediates a cytoprotective function in irradiated breast tumor cells, promotion of autophagy can also confer radiosensitivity by vitamin D (1,25D3). As both cytoprotective and cytotoxic autophagy can apparently be expressed in the same experimental system in response to radiation, this type of model could be utilized to distinguish biochemical, molecular and/or functional differences in these dual functions of autophagy.  相似文献   

Based on central dogma of genetics, protein is the embodiment and executor of genetic function, post-translational modifications (PTMs) of protein are particularly important and involved in almost all aspects of cell biology and pathogenesis. Studies have shown that ionizing radiation (IR) alters gene expression much more profoundly and a broad variety of cell-process pathways, lots of proteins are modified and activated. Our understanding of the protein in response to ionizing radiation is steadily increasing. Among the various biological processes known to induce radioresistance, PTMs have attracted marked attention in recent years. The present review summarizes the latest knowledge about how PTMs response to ionizing radiation and pathway analysis were conducted. The data provided insights into biological effects of IR and contributing to the development of novel IR-based strategies.  相似文献   

In MCF-7 breast tumor cells, ionizing radiation promoted autophagy that was cytoprotective; pharmacological or genetic interference with autophagy induced by radiation resulted in growth suppression and/or cell killing (primarily by apoptosis). The hormonally active form of vitamin D, 1,25D 3, also promoted autophagy in irradiated MCF-7 cells, sensitized the cells to radiation and suppressed the proliferative recovery that occurs after radiation alone. 1,25D 3 enhanced radiosensitivity and promoted autophagy in MCF-7 cells that overexpress Her-2/neu as well as in p53 mutant Hs578t breast tumor cells. In contrast, 1,25D 3 failed to alter radiosensitivity or promote autophagy in the BT474 breast tumor cell line with low-level expression of the vitamin D receptor. Enhancement of MCF-7 cell sensitivity to radiation by 1,25D 3 was not attenuated by a genetic block to autophagy due largely to the promotion of apoptosis via the collateral suppression of protective autophagy. However, MCF-7 cells were protected from the combination of 1,25D 3 with radiation using a concentration of chloroquine that produced minimal sensitization to radiation alone. The current studies are consistent with the premise that while autophagy mediates a cytoprotective function in irradiated breast tumor cells, promotion of autophagy can also confer radiosensitivity by vitamin D (1,25D 3). As both cytoprotective and cytotoxic autophagy can apparently be expressed in the same experimental system in response to radiation, this type of model could be utilized to distinguish biochemical, molecular and/or functional differences in these dual functions of autophagy.  相似文献   

Pfau SJ  Amon A 《EMBO reports》2012,13(6):515-527
Aneuploidy is frequently associated with disease and developmental abnormalities. It is also a key characteristic of cancer. Several model systems have been developed to study the role of chromosomal instability and aneuploidy in tumorigenesis. The results are surprisingly complex, with the conditions sometimes promoting and sometimes inhibiting tumour formation. Here, we review the effects of aneuploidy and chromosomal instability in cells and model systems of cancer, propose a model that could explain these complex findings and discuss how the aneuploid condition could be exploited in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Radiation induced genomic instability can be perpetuated over time by the transmission of soluble factors. This can occur via cell-to-cell gap junction communication or the secretion/shedding of soluble factors. We have investigated whether our radiation induced chromosomally unstable GM10115 human–hamster hybrid clones secrete factors that can perpetuate the instability phenotype over time. These clones do not have functional gap junctions, but do secrete significant amounts of Interleukin 8 (IL-8) into the culture medium. We then determined whether IL-8 could initiate and or perpetuate genomic instability over time in parental GM10115 cells. Contrary to our hypothesis, IL-8 could induce DNA damage, but was not responsible for the unstable phenotype. Instead it appears that IL-8 secretion provides a pro-survival function in cells that are chromosomally unstable and generally fail to thrive.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia is a genetically heterogeneous disorder associated with chromosome instability and a highly elevated risk for developing cancer. The mutated genes encode proteins involved in the cellular response to DNA replication stress. Fanconi anemia proteins are extensively connected with DNA caretaker proteins, and appear to function as a hub for the coordination of DNA repair with DNA replication and cell cycle progression. At a molecular level, however, the raison d’être of Fanconi anemia proteins still remains largely elusive. The thirteen Fanconi anemia proteins identified to date have not been embraced into a single and defined biological process. To help put the Fanconi anemia puzzle into perspective, we begin this review with a summary of the strategies employed by prokaryotes and eukaryotes to tolerate obstacles to the progression of replication forks. We then summarize what we know about Fanconi anemia with an emphasis on biochemical aspects, and discuss how the Fanconi anemia network, a late acquisition in evolution, may function to permit the faithful and complete duplication of our very large vertebrate chromosomes.  相似文献   

The toxic response of cultured human colon epithelial-FHC cells to methyl isocyanate was investigated with regard to genomic instability. Qualitative and quantitative assessments of the extent of phosphorylation of DNA damage signaling factors such as ATM, γH2AX and p53, was increased in treated cells compared to controls. At the same time, many treated cells were arrested at the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, and had an elevated apoptotic index and increased inflammatory cytokine levels. Cytogenetic analyses revealed varied chromosomal anomalies, with abnormal expression of pericentrin protein. Analysis through ISSR PCR demonstrated increased microsatellite instability. The results imply that isocyanates can cause genomic instability in colonocytes.  相似文献   

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