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Water transport across epithelial and endothelial barriers in bronchopulmonary tissues occurs during airway hydration, alveolar fluid transport, and submucosal gland secretion. Many of the tissues involved in these processes are highly water permeable and express aquaporin (AQP) water channels. AQP1 is expressed in microvascular endothelia throughout the lung and airways, AQP3 in epithelia in large airways, AQP4 in epithelia throughout the airways, and AQP5 in type I alveolar epithelial cells and submucosal gland acinar cells. The expression of some of these AQPs increases near the time of birth and is regulated by growth factors, inflammation, and osmotic stress. Transgenic mouse models of AQP deletion have provided information about their physiological role. In lung, AQP1 and AQP5 provide the principal route for osmotically driven water transport; however, alveolar fluid clearance in the neonatal and adult lung is not affected by AQP deletion nor is lung CO(2) transport or fluid accumulation in experimental models of lung injury. In the airways, AQP3 and AQP4 facilitate water transport; however, airway hydration, regulation of the airway surface liquid layer, and isosmolar fluid absorption are not impaired by AQP deletion. In contrast to these negative findings, AQP5 deletion in submucosal glands in upper airways reduced fluid secretion and increased protein content by greater than twofold. Thus, although AQPs play a major physiological role outside of the airways and lung, AQPs appear to be important mainly in airway submucosal gland function. The substantially slower rates of fluid transport in airways, pleura, and lung compared with renal and some secretory epithelia may account for the apparent lack of functional significance of AQPs at these sites. However, the possibility remains that AQPs may play a role in lung physiology under conditions of stress and/or injury not yet tested or in functions unrelated to transepithelial fluid transport.  相似文献   

The mammalian peripheral lung contains at least three aquaporin (AQP) water channels: AQP1 in microvascular endothelia, AQP4 in airway epithelia, and AQP5 in alveolar epithelia. In this study, we determined the role of AQP4 in airspace-to-capillary water transport by comparing water permeability in wild-type mice and transgenic null mice lacking AQP1, AQP4, or AQP1/AQP4 together. An apparatus was constructed to measure lung weight continuously during pulmonary artery perfusion of isolated mouse lungs. Osmotically induced water flux (J(v)) between the airspace and capillary compartments was measured from the kinetics of lung weight change in saline-filled lungs in response to changes in perfusate osmolality. J(v) in wild-type mice varied linearly with osmotic gradient size (4.4 x 10(-5) cm(3) s(-1) mOsm(-1)) and was symmetric, independent of perfusate osmolyte size, weakly temperature dependent, and decreased 11-fold by AQP1 deletion. Transcapillary osmotic water permeability was greatly reduced by AQP1 deletion, as measured by the same method except that the airspace saline was replaced by an inert perfluorocarbon. Hydrostatically induced lung edema was characterized by lung weight changes in response to changes in pulmonary arterial inflow or pulmonary venous outflow pressure. At 5 cm H(2)O outflow pressure, the filtration coefficient was 4.7 cm(3) s(-1) mOsm(-1) and reduced 1.4-fold by AQP1 deletion. To study the role of AQP4 in lung water transport, AQP1/AQP4 double knockout mice were generated by crossbreeding of AQP1 and AQP4 null mice. J(v) were (cm(3) s(-1) mOsm(-1) x 10(-5), SEM, n = 7-12 mice): 3.8 +/- 0. 4 (wild type), 0.35 +/- 0.02 (AQP1 null), 3.7 +/- 0.4 (AQP4 null), and 0.25 +/- 0.01 (AQP1/AQP4 null). The significant reduction in P(f) in AQP1 vs. AQP1/AQP4 null mice was confirmed by an independent pleural surface fluorescence method showing a 1.6 +/- 0.2-fold (SEM, five mice) reduced P(f) in the AQP1/AQP4 double knockout mice vs. AQP1 null mice. These results establish a simple gravimetric method to quantify osmosis and filtration in intact mouse lung and provide direct evidence for a contribution of the distal airways to airspace-to-capillary water transport.  相似文献   

Several aquaporin-type water channels are expressed in mammalian airways and lung: AQP1 in microvascular endothelia, AQP3 in upper airway epithelia, AQP4 in upper and lower airway epithelia, and AQP5 in alveolar epithelia. Novel quantitative methods were developed to compare airway fluid transport-related functions in wild-type mice and knockout mice deficient in these aquaporins. Lower airway humidification, measured from the moisture content of expired air during mechanical ventilation with dry air through a tracheotomy, was 54-56% efficient in wild-type mice, and reduced by only 3-4% in AQP1/AQP5 or AQP3/AQP4 double knockout mice. Upper airway humidification, measured from the moisture gained by dry air passed through the upper airways in mice breathing through a tracheotomy, decreased from 91 to 50% with increasing ventilation from 20 to 220 ml/min, and reduced by 3-5% in AQP3/AQP4 knockout mice. The depth and salt concentration of the airway surface liquid in trachea was measured in vivo using fluorescent probes and confocal and ratio imaging microscopy. Airway surface liquid depth was 45 +/- 5 microm and [Na(+)] was 115 +/- 4 mM in wild-type mice, and not significantly different in AQP3/AQP4 knockout mice. Osmotic water permeability in upper airways, measured by an in vivo instillation/sample method, was reduced by approximately 40% by AQP3/AQP4 deletion. In doing these measurements, we discovered a novel amiloride-sensitive isosmolar fluid absorption process in upper airways (13% in 5 min) that was not affected by aquaporin deletion. These results establish the fluid transporting properties of mouse airways, and indicate that aquaporins play at most a minor role in airway humidification, ASL hydration, and isosmolar fluid absorption.  相似文献   

Aquaporin-1 (AQP1) is the main water channel responsible for water transport through many epithelia and endothelia. The latest evidence pointed toward an important role of this protein also in gas permeation, angiogenesis, cell proliferation and migration. In the present work we studied the expression of AQP1 by immunohistochemical staining of 92 lung biopsies from patients diagnosed with a pleuro-pulmonary tumor (71 lung and 21 pleural neoplasms). AQP1 expression was analyzed comparing the results among the different histological patterns and against 9 control cases (5 parenchyma and 4 healthy pleura). Clear staining of AQP1 was detected in 39 of the 92 tumors analyzed. In parenchyma, AQP1 was more frequently detected in primary lung adenocarcinomas (55%, P<0.001); in contrast, small cell carcinomas were the least AQP1 expressive tumors studied (93% of negative staining, P<0.05). Carcinomas analyzed in pleura (mesotheliomas and metastatic adenocarcinomas) also revealed strong expression of AQP1. High expression of this protein was detected in small capillaries in areas near or surrounding the tumor, and novel intense AQP1 immunostaining was detected over thicker alveolar walls in alveoli inside or next to the tumoral tissue regardless of the tumor type. An important role of AQP1 in tumor angiogenesis is sustained by the abundant expression of this protein in the endothelia of tumor capillaries. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the potential pathophysiological role of this protein in pleuro-pulmonary neoplasms.  相似文献   

Aquaporins and CFTR in Ocular Epithelial Fluid Transport   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Aquaporins (AQPs) and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) provide the molecular routes for transport of water and chloride, respectively, through many epithelial tissues. In ocular epithelia, fluid transport generally involves secondary active chloride transport, which creates the osmotic gradient to drive transepithelial water transport. This review is focused on the role of AQPs and CFTR in water and ion transport across corneal/conjunctival epithelia, corneal endothelium, ciliary epithelium, and retinal pigment epithelium. The potential relevance of water and chloride transport to common disorders of ocular fluid balance is also considered. Recent data suggest AQPs and CFTR as attractive targets for drug development for therapy of keratoconjunctivitis sicca, recurrent corneal erosions, corneal edema, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and retinal ischemia.  相似文献   

Lung health and normal mucus clearance depend on adequate hydration of airway surfaces. Because transepithelial osmotic gradients drive water flows, sufficient hydration of the airway surface liquid depends on a balance between ion secretion and absorption by respiratory epithelia. In vitro experiments using cultures of primary human nasal epithelia and human bronchial epithelia have established many of the biophysical processes involved in airway surface liquid homeostasis. Most experimental studies, however, have focused on the apical membrane, despite the fact that ion transport across respiratory epithelia involves both cellular and paracellular pathways. In fact, the ion permeabilities of the basolateral membrane and paracellular pathway remain largely unknown. Here we use a biophysical model for water and ion transport to quantify ion permeabilities of all pathways (apical, basolateral, paracellular) in human nasal epithelia cultures using experimental (Ussing Chamber and microelectrode) data reported in the literature. We derive analytical formulas for the steady-state short-circuit current and membrane potential, which are for polarized epithelia the equivalent of the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation for single isolated cells. These relations allow parameter estimation to be performed efficiently. By providing a method to quantify all the ion permeabilities of respiratory epithelia, the model may aid us in understanding the physiology that regulates normal airway surface hydration.  相似文献   

Larval lepidopteran and coleopteran insects have evolved a specialised cryptonephric system in the hindgut in which water is constantly and rapidly taken up before defecation. In the silkworm, Bombyx mori, the movement of water through the epithelia within the cryptonephric rectal complex is likely facilitated by the two aquaporins, AQP-Bom1 and AQP-Bom3. Both are functionally water-specific and are predominantly expressed in the hindgut (colon and rectum). Phylogenetically, AQP-Bom1 and AQP-Bom3 belong to the DRIP (Drosophila integral protein) and PRIP (Pyrocoelia rufa integral protein) subfamilies, respectively, of the insect AQP clade. In immunoblot analyses using antipeptide antibodies for each Bombyx AQP, the predicted molecular mass for the respective AQPs were around 25 kDa, and further indicated that both tended to be oligomerised as a homotetramer (~110 kDa). AQP-Bom1 [DRIP] was exclusively expressed at the apical plasma membrane of colonic and rectal epithelial cells, whereas AQP-Bom3 [PRIP] was expressed at the basal plasma membrane of these cells. This polarised localisation of DRIP/PRIP was also observed in the outer cryptonephric Malpighian tubules (outer cMT) and in the six tubules just outside the cryptonephric rectal complex (rectal lead MT). In the rectal epithelia, water is transported from the rectal lumen to the perinephric space and then deposited into the lumen of the outer cMT; the water then goes through the tubular lumen to exit the complex and is finally transported across the rectal lead MT. We conclude that rectal water retrieval into the haemocoele occurs at the very limited region of the water-permeable sites in MT epithelia after passing the rectal and cMT epithelia and that the high osmotic permeability is due to the presence of two distinct water-specific AQPs (DRIP and PRIP) in the epithelial cells of lepidopteran hindgut.  相似文献   

Aquaporins and aquaglyceroporins (AQPs) are membrane channel proteins responsible for transport of water and for transport of glycerol in addition to water across the cell membrane, respectively. They are expressed throughout the human body and also in other forms of life. Inhibitors of human AQPs have been sought for therapeutic treatment for various medical conditions including hypertension, refractory edema, neurotoxic brain edema, and so forth. Conducting all‐atom molecular dynamics simulations, we computed the binding affinity of acetazolamide to human AQP4 that agrees closely with in vitro experiments. Using this validated computational method, we found that 1,3‐propanediol (PDO) binds deep inside the AQP4 channel to inhibit that particular aquaporin efficaciously. Furthermore, we used the same method to compute the affinities of PDO binding to four other AQPs and one aquaglyceroporin whose atomic coordinates are available from the protein data bank (PDB). For bovine AQP1, human AQP2, AQP4, AQP5, and Plasmodium falciparum PfAQP whose structures were resolved with high resolution, we obtained definitive predictions on the PDO dissociation constant. For human AQP1 whose PDB coordinates are less accurate, we estimated the dissociation constant with a rather large error bar. Taking into account the fact that PDO is generally recognized as safe by the US FDA, we predict that PDO can be an effective diuretic which directly modulates water flow through the protein channels. It should be free from the serious side effects associated with other diuretics that change the hydro‐homeostasis indirectly by altering the osmotic gradients.  相似文献   

Aquaporins (AQPs) facilitate the passive flux of water across biological membranes in response to an osmotic pressure. A number of AQPs, for instance in plants and yeast, have been proposed to be regulated by phosphorylation, cation concentration, pH change, or membrane-mediated mechanical stress. Here we report an extensive set of molecular dynamics simulations of AQP1 and AQP4 subject to large membrane potentials in the range of ±1.5 V, suggesting that AQPs may in addition be regulated by an electrostatic potential. As the regulatory mechanism we identified the relative population of two different states of the conserved arginine in the aromatic/arginine constriction region. A positive membrane potential was found to stabilize the arginine in an up-state, which allows rapid water flux, whereas a negative potential favors a down-state, which reduces the single-channel water permeability.  相似文献   

Transport of water and glycerol in aquaporin 3 is gated by H(+).   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Aquaporins (AQPs) were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes in order to study the effects of external pH and solute structure on permeabilities. For AQP3 the osmotic water permeability, L(p), was abolished at acid pH values with a pK of 6.4 and a Hill coefficient of 3. The L(p) values of AQP0, AQP1, AQP2, AQP4, and AQP5 were independent of pH. For AQP3 the glycerol permeability P(Gl), obtained from [(14)C]glycerol uptake, was abolished at acid pH values with a pK of 6.1 and a Hill coefficient of 6. Consequently, AQP3 acts as a glycerol and water channel at physiological pH, but predominantly as a glycerol channel at pH values around 6.1. The pH effects were reversible. The interactions between fluxes of water and straight chain polyols were inferred from reflection coefficients (sigma). For AQP3, water and glycerol interacted by competing for titratable site(s): sigma(Gl) was 0.15 at neutral pH but doubled at pH 6.4. The sigma values were smaller for polyols in which the -OH groups were free to form hydrogen bonds. The activation energy for the transport processes was around 5 kcal mol(-1). We suggest that water and polyols permeate AQP3 by forming successive hydrogen bonds with titratable sites.  相似文献   

Recent reports suggest the expression of aquaporin (AQP)-type water channels in mitochondria from liver (AQP8) (Calamita, G., Ferri, D., Gena, P., Liquori, G. E., Cavalier, A., Thomas, D., and Svelto, M. (2005) J. Biol. Chem. 280, 17149-17153) and brain (AQP9) (Amiry-Moghaddam, M., Lindland, H., Zelenin, S., Roberg, B. A., Gundersen, B. B., Petersen, P., Rinvik, E., Torgner, I. A., and Ottersen, O. P. (2005) FASEB J. 19, 1459-1467), where they were speculated to be involved in metabolism, apoptosis, and Parkinson disease. Here, we systematically examined the functional consequence of AQP expression in mitochondria by measurement of water and glycerol permeabilities in mitochondrial membrane preparations from rat brain, liver, and kidney and from wild-type versus knock-out mice deficient in AQPs -1, -4, or -8. Osmotic water permeability, measured by stopped-flow light scattering, was similar in all mitochondrial preparations, with a permeability coefficient P(f) approximately 0.009 cm/s. Glycerol permeability was also similar ( approximately 5 x 10(-6) cm/s) in the various preparations. HgCl(2) slowed osmotic equilibration comparably in mitochondria from wild-type and AQP-deficient mice, although the slowing was explained by altered mitochondrial size rather than reduced P(f). Immunoblot analysis of mouse liver mitochondria failed to detect AQP8 expression, with liver homogenates from wild-type/AQP8 null mice as positive/negative controls. Our results provide evidence against functionally significant AQP expression in mitochondria, which is consistent with the high mitochondrial surface-to-volume ratio producing millisecond osmotic equilibration, even when intrinsic membrane water permeability is not high.  相似文献   

Aquaporins (AQPs) are believed to act as "cellular plumbers", allowing plants to rapidly alter their membrane water permeability in response to environmental cues. This study of AQP regulation at both the RNA and protein levels has revealed a large number of possible mechanisms. Currently, modulation of AQP expression in planta is considered the strategy of choice for elucidating the role of AQPs in plant physiology. This review highlights the fact that this strategy is complicated by many factors, such as the incomplete characterization of transport selectivity of the targeted AQP, the fact that AQPs might act as multifunctional channels with multiple physiological roles, and the number of post-translational regulation mechanisms. The classification of AQPs as constitutive or stress-responsive isoforms is also proposed.  相似文献   

The structural basis of water permeation and proton exclusion in aquaporins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fu D  Lu M 《Molecular membrane biology》2007,24(5-6):366-374
Aquaporins (AQPs) represent a ubiquitous class of integral membrane proteins that play critical roles in cellular osmoregulations in microbes, plants and mammals. AQPs primarily function as water-conducting channels, whereas members of a sub-class of AQPs, termed aquaglyceroporins, are permeable to small neutral solutes such as glycerol. While AQPs facilitate transmembrane permeation of water and/or small neutral solutes, they preclude the conduction of protons. Consequently, openings of AQP channels allow rapid water diffusion down an osmotic gradient without dissipating electrochemical potentials. Molecular structures of AQPs portray unique features that define the two central functions of AQP channels: effective water permeation and strict proton exclusion. This review describes AQP structures known to date and discusses the mechanisms underlying water permeation, proton exclusion and water permeability regulation.  相似文献   

Aquaporins (AQPs) represent a ubiquitous class of integral membrane proteins that play critical roles in cellular osmoregulations in microbes, plants and mammals. AQPs primarily function as water-conducting channels, whereas members of a sub-class of AQPs, termed aquaglyceroporins, are permeable to small neutral solutes such as glycerol. While AQPs facilitate transmembrane permeation of water and/or small neutral solutes, they preclude the conduction of protons. Consequently, openings of AQP channels allow rapid water diffusion down an osmotic gradient without dissipating electrochemical potentials. Molecular structures of AQPs portray unique features that define the two central functions of AQP channels: effective water permeation and strict proton exclusion. This review describes AQP structures known to date and discusses the mechanisms underlying water permeation, proton exclusion and water permeability regulation.  相似文献   

The aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of transmembrane proteins forming water channels. In mammals, water transport through AQPs is important in kidney and other tissues involved in water transport. Some AQPs (aquaglyceroporins) also exhibit glycerol and urea permeability. Skin is the limiting tissue of the body and within skin, the stratum corneum (SC) of the epidermis is the limiting barrier to water loss by evaporation. The aquaglyceroporin AQP3 is abundantly expressed in keratinocytes of mammalian skin epidermis. Mice lacking AQP3 have dry skin and reduced SC hydration. Interestingly, however, results suggested that impaired glycerol, rather than water transport was responsible for this phenotype. In the present work, we examined the overall expression of AQPs in cells from human skin and we reviewed data on the functional role of AQPs in skin, particularly in the epidermis. By RT-PCR on primary cell cultures, we found that up to 6 different AQPs (AQP1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 10) may be selectively expressed in various cells from human skin. AQP1, 5 are strictly water channels. But in keratinocytes, the major cell type of the epidermis, only the aquaglyceroporins AQP3, 10 were found. To understand the role of aquaglyceroporins in skin, we examined the relevance to human skin of the conclusion, from studies on mice, that skin AQP3 is only important for glycerol transport. In particular, we find a correlation between the absence of AQP3 and intercellular edema in the epidermis in two different experimental models: eczema and hyperplastic epidermis. In conclusion, we suggest that in addition to glycerol, AQP3 may be important for water transport and hydration in human skin epidermis.  相似文献   

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