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Improved vaccines and adjuvants are being developed to reduce the threat posed by a terrorist attack involving aerosolized anthrax spores. Nevertheless, uncertainty persists concerning the relative benefits of inducing mucosal vs systemic immunity to host survival following inhalational exposure to anthrax spores. This work examines the effect of delivering the licensed human vaccine (anthrax vaccine adsorbed, AVA) combined with a CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) adjuvant intraperitoneally or intranasally to A/J mice. Results indicate that protection from inhalational anthrax correlates with the induction of a strong systemic rather than mucosal immune response, and demonstrate that protection is significantly improved and accelerated by the addition of CpG ODN.  相似文献   

J L Wallace 《Prostaglandins》1987,34(2):311-323
The effects of daily administration of ulcerogenic doses of the glucocorticoids, dexamethasone and prednisolone, on gastric prostaglandin and leukotriene synthesis were examined in the rat. Significant gastric damage was not observed until the fourth day of treatment with dexamethasone and until the sixth day of treatment with prednisolone. However, the onset of gastric damage was not accompanied by any significant effect of these drugs on gastric 6-keto prostaglandin Fl alpha synthesis. Conversely, both drugs caused a reduction in gastric leukotriene C4 synthesis, with dexamethasone producing a highly significant (p less than 0.001) effect. Furthermore, there was a highly significant (p less than 0.001) correlation between the ability of these drugs to inhibit gastric leukotriene C4 synthesis, and their ability to reduce gastric tissue levels of the neutrophilic enzyme myeloperoxidase. Thus, glucocorticoid-induced gastric damage does not appear to be related to inhibitory effects of these drugs on prostaglandin synthesis. Whether or not effects of these drugs on gastric leukotriene C4 synthesis and myeloperoxidase activity are relevant to the mechanism of ulceration is unclear.  相似文献   

The effect of nicotine pretreatment by feeding nicotine (5mcg/ml) in drinking water ad libitum for 10 days was studied on the aspirin and reserpine induced gastric mucosal damage in rats. The administration of nicotine resulted in the significant augmentation of aspirin (P less than 0.01) and reserpine (P less than 0.05) induced gastric ulcers. The mechanism(s) involving the sensitization of gastric mucosa towards the ulcerogenic effect of aspirin and reserpine may be responsible for the increased intensity of gastric ulcers in both the groups. The study indicates the possibility of a similar interaction in heavy smokers who ingest these drugs.  相似文献   

We previously showed that sustained exposure to febrile-range hyperthermia (FRH) for 24 h caused an increase in circulating granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) levels and a peripheral neutrophilia in mice (Hasday J, Garrison A, Singh I, Standiford T, Ellis G, Rao S, He JR, Rice P, Frank M, Goldblum S, and Viscardi R. Am J Pathol 162: 2005-2017, 2003). In this study, we utilized a conscious temperature-clamped mouse model to analyze the kinetics of G-CSF expression and peripheral neutrophil expansion and the contributions of FRH-induced G-CSF expression, glucocorticoid generation, and catecholamine-induced neutrophil demargination. In conscious mice housed at an ambient temperature of 34.5 degrees C, core temperature rapidly equilibrated at 39.5-40 degrees C. Peripheral neutrophil counts increased 2-fold after 24-h exposure to hyperthermia, peaked at 3.6-fold baseline levels after 36-h exposure to FRH, and returned to baseline levels after 42 h of sustained hyperthermia. Plasma G-CSF levels were increased by 6.8-fold after 24 h and peaked at 40-fold baseline levels after 36 h in the hyperthermic mice. Plasma corticosterone levels peaked at 3.3-fold baseline levels after 30-h sustained hyperthermia and returned to baseline by 42 h. Immunoneutralization of G-CSF blocked FRH-induced peripheral neutrophilia, but blockade of the glucocorticoid receptor with mifepristone failed to modify FRH-induced neutrophilia. Epinephrine induced similar increases in peripheral blood absolute neutrophil counts in euthermic mice (2.2-fold increase) and mice exposed to FRH for 36 h (1.8-fold increase). Collectively, these data suggest that FRH-induced expression of G-CSF drives the sustained peripheral neutrophilia that occurs during sustained (36 h) hyperthermia, whereas glucocorticoid generation and catecholamine-induced demargination play little role in this response.  相似文献   

In vitro platelet function was inhibited in healthy volunteers by two different doses of aspirin, as confirmed by measurement of maximum serum production of thromboxane B2 (TXB2) by platelets. 75 mg aspirin did not fully inhibit serum TXB2 production after 24 hours, whereas 300 mg aspirin did. Inhibition of platelet function in vitro was maintained by both 75 mg/day aspirin or 300 mg/alternate day aspirin. In contrast, in vivo production of TXB2, measured as urinary levels of the 11-keto-TXB2 metabolite, was inhibited similarly by both doses of aspirin throughout the study. These findings suggest that 75 mg/day aspirin may be sufficient adequately to inhibit platelet aggregation in vivo.  相似文献   

Hypoxia causes hyperventilation and decreases body temperature (T(b)) and metabolism [O(2) consumption (VO(2))]. Because dopamine (DA) is released centrally in response to peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation, we tested the hypothesis that central DA mediates the ventilatory, thermal, and metabolic responses to hypoxia. Thus we predicted that injection of haloperidol (a DA D(2)-receptor antagonist) into the third ventricle would augment hyperventilation and attenuate the drop in T(b) and VO(2) in conscious rats. We measured ventilation, T(b), and VO(2) before and after intracerebroventricular injection of haloperidol or vehicle (5% DMSO in saline), followed by a 30-min period of hypoxia exposure. Haloperidol did not change T(b) or VO(2) during normoxia; however, breathing frequency was decreased. During hypoxia, haloperidol significantly attenuated the falls in T(b) and VO(2), although hyperventilation persisted. The present study shows that central DA participates in the thermal and metabolic responses to hypoxia without affecting hyperventilation, showing that DA is not a common mediator of this interaction.  相似文献   

Intravenous (640 micrograms/kg) or intracerebroventricular (0.5 and 1 microgram) injection of Escherichia coli endotoxin (LPS) causes inhibition of water intake induced by 24 hour period of water deprivation in the rat. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha; 20 and 40 ng/rat) given into the lateral cerebral ventricle (i.c.v.) causes effects similar to those observed after LPS. Cloricromene, given either intravenously (1 and 2 mg/kg) or i.c.v. (250 and 500 ng), abolished the antidipsogenic effect induced by LPS (administered both i.v. and i.c.v.). Cloricromene (2 mg/kg, i.v. or 500 ng/rat, i.c.v.), on the contrary, did not modify the antidipsogenic effects induced by TNF-alpha. These data indicate that peripherally injected cloricromene (as well as that i.c.v. injected) antagonizes the effects of mediators of LPS on sites regulating thirst and suggest that cloricromene's action may be due to inhibition of brain TNF-alpha formation induced by LPS.  相似文献   

Oxidized low density lipoproteins (oxLDL) participate in atherosclerosis plaque formation, rupture, and subsequent thrombosis. Because oxLDL are toxic to cultured cells and Bcl-2 protein prevents apoptosis, the present work aimed to study whether Bcl-2 may counterbalance the toxicity of oxLDL. Two experimental model systems were used in which Bcl-2 levels were modulated: 1) lymphocytes in which the (high) basal level of Bcl-2 was reduced by antisense oligonucleotides; 2) HL60 and HL60/B (transduced by Bcl-2) expressing low and high Bcl-2 levels, respectively. In cells expressing relatively high Bcl-2 levels (lymphocytes and HL60/B), oxLDL induced mainly primary necrosis. In cells expressing low Bcl-2 levels (antisense-treated lymphocytes, HL60 and ECV-304 endothelial cells), the rate of oxLDL-induced apoptosis was higher than that of primary necrosis. OxLDL evoked a sustained calcium rise, which is a common trigger to necrosis and apoptosis since both types of cell death were blocked by the calcium chelator EGTA. Conversely, a sustained calcium influx elicited by the calcium ionophore A23187 induced necrosis in cells expressing high Bcl-2 levels and apoptosis in cells expressing low Bcl-2 levels. This suggests that Bcl-2 acts downstream from the calcium peak and inhibits only the apoptotic pathway, not the necrosis pathway, thus explaining the apparent shift from oxLDL-induced apoptosis toward necrosis when Bcl-2 is overexpressed.  相似文献   

We expressed human MDR1 cDNA isolated from the human adrenal gland in porcine LLC-PK1 cells. A highly polarized epithelium formed by LLC-GA5-COL300 cells that expressed human P-glycoprotein specifically on the apical surface showed a multidrug-resistant phenotype and had 8.3-, 3.4-, and 6.5-fold higher net basal to apical transport of 3H-labeled cortisol, aldosterone, and dexamethasone, respectively, compared with host cells. But progesterone was not transported, although it inhibited azidopine photoaffinity labeling of human P-glycoprotein and increased the sensitivity of multidrug-resistant cells to vinblastine. An excess of progesterone inhibited the transepithelial transport of cortisol by P-glycoprotein. These results suggest that cortisol and aldosterone are physiological substrates for P-glycoprotein in the human adrenal cortex and that substances that efficiently bind to P-glycoprotein are not necessarily transported by P-glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The effect of intravenous (IV) vs intracerebroventricular (ICV) administrations of pentagastrin on gastro-intestinal motility and rumination were investigated by electromyography in sheep ; these effects were compared to those obtained after a previous IV or ICV injection of proglumide. When ICV administered at a dose of 20 ng.kg?1, pentagastrin did not significantly affect the frequency of reticular and abomasal spiking activity but elicited a 13 to 37 min period of rumination after a delay of 23 ± 7 min. In contrast, when IV infused at a rate of 20 ng.kg?1.h?1 during 20 min, pentagastrin inhibited significantly the frequency of reticular and abomasal contractions for 30 to 40 min but did not induce rumination. Proglumide ICV administered (0.8 mg/kg?1) abolished the rumination induced by central injection of pentagastrin whereas a 10 times higher dose administered systematically (8 mg.kg?1 IV) did not block these effects. Both of ICV and IV administrations of proglumide at respectively 0.8 and 8 mg.kg?1 were unable to antagonize the inhibitory effects of pentagastrin on reticulum and abomasum motility.  相似文献   

Ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) of stomach causes gastric mucosal injury. Complement can also cause tissue damage, however its role in gastric I/R injury has not been thoroughly investigated. We evaluated the effect of complement suppression in reducing damage to the gastric epithelium caused by local I/R. Local gastric ischemia was induced by clamping the left gastric artery. The blood-to-lumen clearance of 51Cr-labeled EDTA (51Cr-EDTA) served as an index of epithelial damage. 51Cr-EDTA clearance increased shortly after reperfusion with peak values at 10 min. Intraperitoneal administration of cobra venom factor (CVF; 50 units) prior to I/R, which reduced the serum complement value (CH50) to an undetectable level, remarkably suppressed the 51Cr-EDTA clearance following reperfusion. A monocarboxylic acid derivative of K-76 (K-76 COOH) reduced the CH50 by more than 30% (100 mg/kg) and 60% (200 mg/kg). Rats pretreated with K-76 significantly attenuated the increase in 51Cr-EDTA clearance produced by I/R. These results suggest that complement inhibitor could be used to protect gastric mucosal injury induced by local I/R stress.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary supplementation with 0.5% methionine, 2.5% serine, or both on hyperhomocysteinemia induced by deprivation of dietary choline or by dietary addition of 0.5% guanidinoacetic acid (GAA) were investigated in rats fed a 10% casein diet. Hyperhomocysteinemia induced by choline deprivation was not suppressed by methionine alone and was only partially suppressed by serine alone, whereas it was completely suppressed by a combination of methionine and serine, suggesting a synergistic effect of methionine and serine. Fatty liver was also completely prevented by the combination of methionine and serine. Compared with methionine alone, the combination of methionine and serine decreased hepatic S-adenosylhomocysteine and homocysteine concentrations and increased hepatic betaine and serine concentrations and betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase activity. GAA-induced hyperhomocysteinemia was partially suppressed by methionine alone, but no interacting effect of methionine and serine was detected. In contrast, GAA-induced fatty liver was completely prevented by the combination of methionine and serine. These results indicate that a combination of methionine and serine is effective in suppressing both hyperhomocysteinemia and fatty liver induced by choline deprivation, and that methionine alone is effective in suppressing GAA-induced hyperhomocysteinemia partially.  相似文献   

TRH analogue, RX 77368, injected intracisternally (i.c.) at high dose (3 microg/rat) produces gastric mucosal lesion formation through vagal-dependent pathway. The gastric mucosal hyperemia induced by i.c. RX 77368 was shown to be mediated by muscarinic vagal efferent fibres and mast cells. Furthermore, electrical vagal stimulation was observed to induce gastric mucosal mast cell degranulation. The aim of the study was to assess the influence of ketotifen, a mast cell stabilizer, on RX 77368-induced gastric lesion formation and gastric acid secretion. RX 77368 (3 microg, i.c.) or vehicle (10 microL, i.c.) was delivered 240 min prior to the sacrifice of the animals. Ketotifen or vehicle (0.9% NaCl, 0.5 mL) was injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) at a dose of 10 mg x kg(-1) 30 min before RX 77368 injection. The extent of mucosal damage was planimetrically measured by a video image analyzer (ASK Ltd., Budapest) device. In the gastric acid secretion studies, the rats were pretreated with ketotifen (10 mg x kg(-1), i.p.) or vehicle (0.9% NaCl, 0.5 mL, i.p.), 30 min later pylorus-ligation was performed and RX 77368 (3 microg, i.c.) or vehicle (0.9% NaCl, 10 microL, i.c.) was injected. The rats were killed 240 min after i.c. injection, and the gastric acid secretion was measured through the titration of gastric contents with 0.1 N NaOH to pH 7.0. RX 77368 (3 microg, i.c.) resulted in a gastric mucosal lesion formation involving 8.2% of the corpus mucosa (n = 7). Ketotifen elicited an 85% inhibition on the development of mucosal lesions (n = 7, P < 0.001) whereas ketotifen alone had no effect on the lesion formation in the mucosa (n = 7). The RX 77368 induced increase of gastric acid secretion was not influenced by ketotifen pretreatment in 4-h pylorus-ligated animals. Central vagal activation induced mucosal lesion formation is mediated by the activation of mucosal mast cells in the stomach. Mast cell inhibition by ketotifen does not influence gastric acid secretion induced by i.c. TRH analogue in 4-h pylorus-ligated rats.  相似文献   

G J Keil  G E DeLander 《Life sciences》1992,51(19):PL171-PL176
Relative involvement of adenosine deaminase and adenosine kinase in antinociception induced by endogenous adenosine was investigated. Antinociception induced by 5'-amino 5'-deoxyadenosine (5'-ADAdo; an adenosine kinase inhibitor) and deoxycoformycin (dCF; an adenosine deaminase inhibitor) administered i.t. was determined using the mouse tail-flick assay. Dose- and time-dependent antinociception was observed following i.t. administration of 5'-ADAdo, but not dCF. Antinociception induced by 5'-ADAdo was reversed by coadministration i.t. of theophylline, an adenosine receptor antagonist, in a dose-dependent manner. These data provide preliminary evidence that adenosine kinase plays a more significant physiological role than adenosine deaminase in the regulation of adenosine involved in spinally-mediated antinociception.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that central thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) administration induces gastric erosion 4 h after administration through the vagal nerves. However, early changes in the gastric mucosa during these 4 h have not been described. To assess early changes in the gastric mucosa after intracisternal injection of a stable TRH analog, pGlu-His-(3,3'-dimethyl)-ProNH2 (RX-77368), we measured the blood-to-lumen 51Cr-labeled EDTA clearance and examined the effects of vagotomy, atropine, omeprazole, and hydrochloric acid (HCl) on RX-77368-induced mucosal permeability. A cytoprotective dose of RX-77368 (1.5 ng) did not increase mucosal permeability. However, higher doses significantly increased mucosal permeability. Permeability peaked within 20 min and gradually returned to control levels in response to a 15-ng dose (submaximal dose). Increased mucosal permeability was not recovered after a 150-ng dose (ulcerogenic dose). This increase in permeability was inhibited by vagotomy or atropine. Intragastric perfusion with HCl did not change the RX-77368 (15 ng)-induced increase in permeability, but completely inhibited the recovery of permeability after the peak. Pretreatment with omeprazole did not change the RX-77368 (15 ng)-induced increase in permeability, but quickened the recovery of permeability after the peak. These data indicate that the RX-77368-induced increase in permeability is mediated via the vagal-cholinergic pathway and is not a secondary change in RX-77368-induced acid secretion. Inhibited recovery of permeability on exposure to an ulcerogenic RX-77368 dose or on exposure to HCl plus a submaximal dose of RX-77368 may be crucial for the induction of gastric mucosal lesions by central RX-77368 administration.  相似文献   

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