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Flower colour and cytochromes P450   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Flavonoids are major constituents of flower colour. Plants accumulate specific flavonoids and thus every species often exhibits a limited flower colour range. Three cytochromes P450 play critical roles in the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway. Flavonoid 3′-hydroxylase (F3′H, CYP75B) and flavonoid 3′,5′-hydroxylase (F3′5′H, CYP75A) catalyze the hydroxylation of the B-ring of flavonoids and are necessary to biosynthesize cyanidin-(red to magenta) and delphinidin-(violet to blue) based anthocyanins, respectively. Pelargonidin-based anthocyanins (orange to red) are synthesized in their absence. Some species such as roses, carnations and chrysanthemums do not have violet/blue flower colour due to deficiency of F3′5′H. Successful expression of heterologous F3′5′H genes in roses and carnations results in delphinidin production, causing a novel blue/violet flower colour. Down-regulation of F3′H and F3′5′H genes has yielded orange petunia and pink torenia colour that accumulate pelargonidin-based anthocyanins. Flavone synthase II (CYP93B) catalyzes the synthesis of flavones that contribute to the bluing of flower colour, and modulation of FNSII gene expression in petunia and tobacco changes their flower colour. Extensive engineering of the anthocyanin pathway is therefore now possible, and can be expected to enhance the range of flower colours.  相似文献   

Jia H  Pang Y  Chen X  Fang R 《Transgenic research》2006,15(3):375-384
Selection markers are often indispensable during the process of plant transformation, but dispensable once transgenic plants have been established. The Cre/lox site-specific recombination system has been employed to eliminate selectable marker genes from transgenic plants. Here we describe the use of a movement function-improved Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) vector, m30B, to express Cre recombinase for elimination of the selectable marker gene nptII from transgenic tobacco plants. The transgenic tobacco plants were produced by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation with a specially designed binary vector pGNG which contained in its T-DNA region a sequence complex of 35S promoter-lox-the gfp coding sequence-rbcS terminator-Nos promoter-nptII-Nos terminator-lox-the gus coding region-Nos terminator. The expression of the recombinant viral vector m30B:Cre in plant cells was achieved by placing the viral vector under the control of the 35S promoter and through agroinoculation. After co-cultivating the pGNG-leaf discs with agro35S-m30B:Cre followed by shoot regeneration without any selection, plants devoid of the lox-flanked sequences including nptII were obtained with an efficiency of about 34% as revealed by histochemical GUS assay of the regenerants. Three of 11 GUS expressing regenerants, derived from two independent transgenic lines containing single copy of the pGNG T-DNA, proved to be free of the lox-flanked sequences by Southern blot analysis. Excision of the lox-flanked sequences in the three plants could be attributed to transient expression of Cre from the viral vector at the early stage of co-cultivation, since the cre sequence could not be detected in the viral RNA molecules accumulated in the plants, nor in their genomic DNA. The parental marker-free genotype was inherited in their selfed progeny, and all of the progeny were virus-free, apparently because TMV is not seed-transmissible. Therefore, expression of Cre from a TMV-based vector could be used to eliminate selectable marker genes from transgenic tobacco plants without sexual crossing and segregation, and this strategy could be extended to other TMV-infected plant species and applicable to other compatible virus–host plant systems.  相似文献   

There are 75 full length cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes known in the genome of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The individual biological functions of the vast majority are mostly as yet unknown. Here the impact of cytochrome P450 isoforms on the metabolism of PCB52, an ortho-substituted, non-coplanar 2,2′,5,5′-tetrachlorbiphenyl, as a model PCB of these worldwide distributed pollutants is investigated. Organic extracts, isolated from treated worms and analyzed by GC/MS, contained two obvious PCB52-derived products which have been identified as C3-, C4- and/or C6-hydroxy-PCB52. Moreover, these hydroxylase reactions strictly required the functional expression of the NADPH-dependent cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) encoding emb-8 gene, which was recently shown to be essential also for several other cytochrome P450-dependent enzymatic reactions. Multiple and subsequent single RNAi-gene silencing experiments, as well as the use of cyp-mutant strains, identified members of the CYP-14A subfamily and CYP-34A6 as the major isoforms contributing to PCB52 metabolism in C. elegans. In the gene-silenced worms and mutants, the reduction in formation of hydroxylated products ranged from 55% to 78%. These results demonstrate for the first time that C. elegans shares with mammals the capacity to produce CYP-dependent PCB metabolites and may thus facilitate future studies on biotransformation.  相似文献   

The genome of Caenorhabditis elegans contains 75 full length cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes whose individual functions are largely unknown yet. We tested the hypothesis that some of them may be involved in the metabolism of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), the predominant polyunsaturated fatty acid of this nematode. Microsomes isolated from adult worms contained spectrally active CYP proteins and showed NADPH-CYP reductase (CPR) activities. They metabolized EPA and with lower activity also arachidonic acid (AA) to specific sets of regioisomeric epoxy- and ω-/(ω-1)-hydroxy-derivatives. 17(R),18(S)-epoxyeicosatetraenoic acid was produced as the main EPA metabolite with an enantiomeric purity of 72%. The epoxygenase and hydroxylase reactions were NADPH-dependent, required the functional expression of the CPR-encoding emb-8 gene, and were inhibited by 17-ODYA and PPOH, two compounds known to inactivate mammalian AA-metabolizing CYP isoforms. Multiple followed by single RNAi gene silencing experiments identified CYP-29A3 and CYP-33E2 as the major isoforms contributing to EPA metabolism in C. elegans. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry revealed that regioisomeric epoxy- and hydroxy-derivatives of EPA and AA are endogenous constituents of C. elegans. The endogenous EPA metabolite levels were increased by treating the worms with fenofibrate, which also induced the microsomal epoxygenase and hydroxylase activities. These results demonstrate for the first time that C. elegans shares with mammals the capacity to produce CYP-dependent eicosanoids and may thus facilitate future studies on the mechanisms of action of this important class of signaling molecules.  相似文献   

The last reaction in the biosynthesis of brassinolide has been examined enzymatically. A microsomal enzyme preparation from cultured cells of Phaseolus vulgaris catalyzed a conversion from castasterone to brassinolide, indicating that castasterone 6-oxidase (brassinolide synthase) is membrane associated. This enzyme preparation also catalyzed the conversions of 6-deoxocastasterone and typhasterol to castasterone which have been reported to be catalyzed by cytochrome P450s, CYP85A1 of tomato and CYP92A6 of pea, respectively. The activities of these enzymes require molecular oxygen as well as NADPH as a cofactor. The enzyme activities were strongly inhibited by carbon monoxide, an inhibitor of cytochrome P450, and this inhibition was recovered by blue light irradiation in the presence of oxygen. Commercial cytochrome P450 inhibitors including cytochrome c, SKF 525A, 1-aminobenzotriazole and ketoconazole also inhibited the enzyme activities. The present work presents unanimous enzymological evidence that cytochrome P450s are responsible for the synthesis of brassinolide from castasterone as well as of castasterone from typhasterol and 6-deoxocastasterone, which have been deemed activation steps of BRs.  相似文献   

Cytochromes P450 in phenolic metabolism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three independent cytochrome P450 enzyme families catalyze the three rate-limiting hydroxylation steps in the phenylpropanoid pathway leading to the biosynthesis of lignin and numerous other phenolic compounds in plants. Their characterization at the molecular and enzymatic level has revealed an unexpected complexity of phenolic metabolism as the major route involves shikimate/quinate esters and alcohol/aldehyde intermediates. Engineering expression of CYP73s (encoding cinnamate 4-hydroxylase), CYP98s (encoding 4-coumaroylshikimate 3′-hydroxylase) or CYP84s (encoding coniferaldehyde 5-hydroxylase) leads to modified lignin and seed phenolic composition. In particular CYP73s and CYP98s also play essential roles in plant growth and development, while CYP84 constitutes a check-point for the synthesis of syringyl lignin and sinapate esters. Although recent data shed new light on the main path for lignin synthesis, they also raised new questions. Mutants and engineered plants revealed the existence of (an) alternative pathway(s), which most likely involve(s) different precursors and oxygenases. On the other hand, phylogenetic analysis of plant genomes show the existence of P450 gene duplications in each family, which may have led to the acquisition of novel or additional physiological functions in planta. In addition to the main lignin pathway, P450s contribute to the biosynthesis of many bioactive phenolic derivatives, with potential applications in medicine and plant defense, including lignans, phenylethanoids, benzoic acids, xanthones or quinoid compounds. A very small proportion of these P450s have been characterized so far, and rarely at a molecular level. The possible involvement of P450s in salicylic acid is discussed.  相似文献   

J. Wang  K. Zuo  W. Wu  J. Song  X. Sun  J. Lin  X. Li  K. Tang 《Biologia Plantarum》2004,48(4):509-515
Tobacco leaf discs were transformed with a plasmid pBIBnNHX1, containing the selectable marker neomycin phosphotransferase gene (nptII) and Na+/H+ vacuolar antiporter gene from Brassica napus (BnNHX1), via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Thirty-two independent transgenic plants were regenerated. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blot analyses confirmed that the BnNHX1 gene had integrated into plant genome and Northern blot analysis revealed the transgene expression at various levels in transgenic plants. Transgenic plants expressing BnNHX1 had enhanced salt tolerance and could grow and produce seeds normally in the presence of 200 mM NaCl. Analysis for the T1 progenies derived from seven independent transgenic primary transformants expressing BnNHX1 showed that the transgenes in most tested independent T1 lines were inherited at Mendelian 3:1 segregation ratios. Transgenic T1 progenies could express BnNHX1 and had salt tolerance at levels comparable to their T0 parental lines. This study implicates that the BnNHX1 gene represents a promising candidate in the development of crops for enhanced salt tolerance by genetic engineering.  相似文献   

MxA is a key component in the interferon-induced antiviral defense in humans. After viral infections, MxA is rapidly induced and accumulates in the cytoplasm. The multiplication of many RNA viruses,including all bunyaviruses tested so far, is inhibited by MxA. These findings prompted us to express MxA in plants in an attempt to create resistance to tospoviruses. Here, we report the generation of transgenic tobacco plants that constitutively express MxA under the control of the 35S cauliflower mosaic virus promotor. Northern and western blot analysis confirmed the expression of MxA in several transgenic plant lines. MxA expression had no obvious detrimental effects on plant growth and fertility. However, challenge experiments with tomato spotted wilt virus, tomato chlorotic spot virus, and groundnut ringspot virus revealed no increased resistance of MxA-transgenic tobacco plants to tospovirus infections. Neither was the multiplicationof tobacco mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus and potato virus Y inhibited in MxA-transgenic plants. The results indicate that the expression of human MxA alone does not enhance virus resistance in planta.  相似文献   

P450cin (CYP176A) is a rare bacterial P450 in that contains an asparagine (Asn242) instead of the conserved threonine that almost all other P450s possess that directs oxygen activation by the heme prosthetic group. However, P450cin does have the neighbouring, conserved acid (Asp241) that is thought to be involved indirectly in the protonation of the dioxygen and affect the lifetime of the ferric-peroxo species produced during oxygen activation. In this study, the P450cin D241N mutant has been produced and found to be analogous to the P450cam D251N mutant. P450cin catalyses the hydroxylation of cineole to give only (1R)-6β-hydroxycineole and is well coupled (NADPH consumed: product produced). The P450cin D241N mutant also hydroxylated cineole to produce only (1R)-6β-hydroxycineole, was moderately well coupled (31 ± 3%) but a significant reduction in the rate of the reaction (2% as compared to wild type) was observed. Catalytic oxidation of a variety of substrates by D241N P450cin were used to examine if typical reactions ascribed to the ferric-peroxo species increased as this intermediate is known to be more persistent in the P450cam D251N mutant. However, little change was observed in the product profiles of each of these substrates between wild type and mutant enzymes and no products consistent with chemistry of the ferric-peroxo species were observed to increase.  相似文献   

Summary A plasmid containing two marker genes for expression in plants was constructed. This 16 kb vector, pCT1T3, contains an intact nopaline synthase gene and a chimaeric gene consisting of the promoter and terminator regions from cauliflower mosaic virus gene VI and a structural gene, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase (APH(3′)II), from the bacterial transposon Tn5. After transformation of tobacco mesophyll protoplasts with this plasmid, several kanamycin-resistant transformants were obtained. Intensive studies on the drug tolerance of growth and differentiation of the transformants showed that the chimaeric gene was stably expressed. Of 17 independent transformants, 3 (about 18%) expressed the two marker genes, regardless of the state of differentiation, as did individual plants regenerated from the same callus. Multiple copies of the inserted DNA were found in some transformants. Viable seeds were produced by 12 out of 15 independent transformants. Seeds obtained by self-pollination were germinated on medium containing kanamycin sulphate. With the exception of one clone, resistant seedlings with green leaves and sensitive seedlings with white leaves were found to segregate in a 3:1 ratio. This suggests that the inheritance of the inserted gene is Mendelian. A reciprocal cross between the transformants and wild-type tobacco also showed nuclear transmission of the APH(3′)II gene. This was consistently maintained in a subclone of the same transformant derived from the same callus line. Stable inheritance of the single dominant character was also seen among seeds formed in several different flower pods of the same individual plants. Two clones were also found to synthesize nopaline in addition to expressing APH(3′)II. Analysis of the progeny obtained by self-crosses of such transformants revealed the simultaneous expression of these two enzymes, indicating that the two marker genes are linked on the same chromosome.  相似文献   

【目的】研究表明,细胞色素P450(CYP)在死体营养型真菌的毒素合成代谢中发挥重要作用,预测可能与病原菌致病相关。论文对苹果树腐烂病菌(Valsa mali)毒素合成基因簇中的1个上调表达的CYP基因Vmcyp5进行生物学功能研究,明确CYP基因对病原菌致病力影响,为细胞色素P450基因家族对苹果树腐烂病菌致病机理的进一步研究提供依据。【方法】通过Double-joint PCR和PEG介导的原生质体转化技术获得具有G418抗性的突变体,并对突变体进行PCR检测及Southern blotting验证得到单拷贝敲除突变体。将目的基因片段重新导入敲除突变体,筛选获得互补突变体。最终对野生型菌株及敲除突变体、互补突变体进行菌落、产孢及致病力观察,利用SPSS软件对数据进行差异显著性分析,并利用q RT-PCR技术分析突变体黑色素基因簇的表达水平。【结果】通过基因敲除技术获得1个Vmcyp5基因的敲除突变体。与野生型菌株相比,Vmcyp5基因的敲除突变体菌落呈白色,产孢量减少51.3%。q RT-PCR分析发现敲除突变体黑色素基因簇基因表达量降低。重要的是,敲除突变体致病力较野生型菌株降低24.5%。互补突变体菌落颜色、产孢及致病力近似恢复至野生型菌株水平。【结论】Vmcyp5基因与病原菌黑色素合成、子实体的产生和致病力相关。  相似文献   

淡色库蚊细胞色素P450基因研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用一对昆虫细胞色素P450简并引物,以反转录-聚合酶链反应从淡色库蚊对溴氰菊酯敏感品系和抗性品系成虫RNA扩增到约485 bp和510 bp两个片段,将这两个片段与PinPointTMXa-1 T质粒重组,然后克隆至大肠杆菌JM109菌株,筛选获得68个阳性克隆;其中24个阳性克隆测序后与GenBank资料对照,显示为细胞色素P450新序列;分子系统学研究显示,24个新基因(等位基因)分别属CYP4家族CYP4C、CYP4D、CYP4H和CYP4J等4个亚家族,其已由细胞色素P450命名委员会命名和GenBank登录上网;其中CYP4C23可能是一个假基因,CYP4H13具有一段58个碱基长度的内含子,CYP4J4V1在近3′端具有一个终止密码子TAG.  相似文献   

Pravastatin, an important cholesterol lowering drug, is currently produced by hydroxylation of mevastatin (ML-236B) with Streptomyces carbophilus, in which the enzyme P450sca-2 plays a key role. Little information on the recombinant expression of this enzyme is available. As it is of industrial interest to develop an alternative simplified enzymatic process for pravastatin, as a first step, further study on the heterologous expression of this enzyme is warranted. We report here, for the first time, the purification, and characterization of P450sca-2 expressed in Escherichia coli. A synthetic gene encoding P450sca-2 was designed to suit the standard codon usage of E. coli. Expression of P450sca-2 in E. coli under optimized conditions yielded about 100 nmol purified active P450sca-2 per liter. Directed evolution was further carried out to improve the soluble expression level. In the absence of a facile and sensitive assay, green fluorescent protein (GFP) was used as a reporter to enable high-throughput screening. After three rounds of evolution by error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling, six almost totally soluble mutants were obtained, with the soluble expression levels dramatically improved by about 30-fold. For six most frequently occurring mutations, the corresponding single mutants were created to dissect the effects of these mutations. A single mutation, P159A, was found to be responsible for most of the enhanced solubility observed in the six mutants, and the corresponding single mutant also retained the hydroxylation activity. Our study provides a foundation for future work on improving functional expression of P450sca-2 in E. coli.  相似文献   

The Taxol biosynthetic pathway, arising from the primary isoprenoid precursors isopentenyl diphosphate and dimethylallyl diphosphate in yew (Taxus), consists of approximately twenty steps, at least nine of which are thought to be cytochrome P450-mediated oxygenations. Several oxygenases involved in the early hydroxylation steps of the pathway have been identified and the corresponding genes have been cloned; however, defining the enzymes and their genes responsible for oxygenations in the central portion of the pathway is more difficult because neither the exact sequence of reactions nor the relevant intermediates are known. A surrogate substrate, (+)-taxusin (taxa-4(20),11(12)-dien-5alpha,9alpha,10beta,13alpha-tetraol tetraacetate), that was previously employed in the isolation of a taxoid 7beta-hydroxylase, was used here to functionally screen a family of cytochrome P450 oxygenases originating from a Taxus cell EST library. This in vivo screen in yeast led to the identification of a 1488bp cDNA clone (encoding a 495 residue protein) that was capable of producing 2alpha-hydroxytaxusin from taxusin with a K(m) value of 10.5 +/- 2.7 microM and k(cat) of about 0.05 s(-1) for the surrogate substrate. This structurally typical cytochrome P450 resembles most closely the previously isolated taxoid 7beta-hydroxylase, which also uses taxusin as a substrate, and both 2alpha- and 7beta-hydroxylases are capable of the reciprocal conversion of their respective pentaol tetraacetate products to the common hexaol tetraacetate. This C2-hydroxylase would appear to mediate the mid-pathway functionalization of the C2-position of the taxane core that ultimately bears a benzoyl group as an important Taxol pharmacophore. Overexpression of this cytochrome P450 taxoid 2alpha-hydroxylase in Taxus cells may improve Taxol yields and could prove useful in the production of other 2alpha-hydroxy taxoids as starting materials for subsequent acylation at this position.  相似文献   

Coumarins (1,2-benzopyrones) are ubiquitously found in higher plants where they originate from the phenylpropanoid pathway. They contribute essentially to the persistence of plants being involved in processes such as defense against phytopathogens, response to abiotic stresses, regulation of oxidative stress, and probably hormonal regulation. Despite their importance, major details of their biosynthesis are still largely unknown and many P450-dependent enzymatic steps have remained unresolved. Ortho-hydroxylation of hydroxycinnamic acids is a pivotal step that has received insufficient attention in the literature. This hypothetical P450 reaction is critical for the course for the biosynthesis of simple coumarin, umbelliferone and other hydroxylated coumarins in plants. Multiple P450 enzymes are also involved in furanocoumarin synthesis, a major class of phytoalexins derived from umbelliferone. Several of them have been characterized at the biochemical level but no monooxygenase gene of the furanocoumarin pathway has been identified yet. This review highlights the major steps of the coumarin pathway with emphasis on the cytochrome P450 enzymes involved. Recent progress and the outcomes of novel strategies developed to uncover coumarin-committed CYPs are discussed.  相似文献   

Two central redox enzyme systems exist to reduce eukaryotic P450 enzymes, the P450 oxidoreductase (POR) and the cyt b5 reductase–cyt b5. In fungi, limited information is available for the cyt b5 reductase–cyt b5 system. Here we characterized the kinetic mechanism of (cyt b5r)–cyt b5 redox system from the model white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium (Pc) and made a quantitative comparison to the POR system. We determined that Pc-cyt b5r followed a “ping-pong” mechanism and could directly reduce cytochrome c. However, unlike other cyt b5 reductases, Pc-cyt b5r lacked the typical ferricyanide reduction activity, a standard for cyt b5 reductases. Through co-expression in yeast, we demonstrated that the Pc-cyt b5r–cyt b5 complex is capable of transferring electrons to Pc-P450 CYP63A2 for its benzo(a)pyrene monooxygenation activity and that the efficiency was comparable to POR. In fact, both redox systems supported oxidation of an estimated one-third of the added benzo(a)pyrene amount. To our knowledge, this is the first report to indicate that the cyt b5r–cyt b5 complex of fungi is capable of transferring electrons to a P450 monooxygenase. Furthermore, this is the first eukaryotic quantitative comparison of the two P450 redox enzyme systems (POR and cyt b5r–cyt b5) in terms of supporting a P450 monooxygenase activity.  相似文献   

Eschscholzia californica produces various types of isoquinoline alkaloids. The structural diversity of these chemicals is often due to cytochrome P450 (P450) activities. Members of the CYP719A subfamily, which are found only in isoquinoline alkaloid-producing plant species, catalyze methylenedioxy bridge-forming reactions. In this study, we isolated four kinds of CYP719A genes from E. californica to characterize their functions. These four cDNAs encoded amino acid sequences that were highly homologous to Coptis japonica CYP719A1 and E. californica CYP719A2 and CYP719A3, which suggested that these gene products may be involved in isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis in E. californica, especially in methylenedioxy bridge-forming reactions. Expression analysis of these genes showed that two genes (CYP719A9 and CYP719A11) were preferentially expressed in plant leaf, where pavine-type alkaloids accumulate, whereas the other two showed higher expression in root than in other tissues. They were suggested to have distinct physiological functions in isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis. Enzyme assay analysis using recombinant proteins expressed in yeast showed that CYP719A5 had cheilanthifoline synthase activity, which was expected based on the similarity of its primary structure to that of Argemone mexicana cheilanthifoline synthase (deposited at DDBJ/GenBanktrade mark/EMBL). In addition, enzyme assay analysis of recombinant CYP719A9 suggested that it has methylenedioxy bridge-forming activity toward (R,S)-reticuline. CYP719A9 might be involved in the biosynthesis of pavine- and/or simple benzylisoquinoline-type alkaloids, which have a methylenedioxy bridge in an isoquinoline ring, in E. californica leaf.  相似文献   

Formation of the methylenedioxy bridge is an integral step in the biosynthesis of benzo[c]phenanthridine and protoberberine alkaloids in the Papaveraceae family of plants. This reaction in plants is catalyzed by cytochrome P450-dependent enzymes. Two cDNAs that encode cytochrome P450 enzymes belonging to the CYP719 family were identified upon interrogation of an EST dataset prepared from 2-month-old plantlets of the Mexican prickly poppy Argemone mexicana that accumulated the benzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloid sanguinarine and the protoberberine alkaloid berberine. CYP719A13 and CYP719A14 are 58% identical to each other and 77% and 60% identical, respectively, to stylopine synthase CYP719A2 of benzo[c]phenanthridine biosynthesis in Eschscholzia californica. Functional heterologous expression of CYP719A14 and CYP719A13 in Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 cells produced recombinant enzymes that catalyzed the formation of the methylenedioxy bridge of (S)-cheilanthifoline from (S)-scoulerine and of (S)-stylopine from (S)-cheilanthifoline, respectively. Twenty-seven potential substrates were tested with each enzyme. Whereas CYP719A14 transformed only (S)-scoulerine to (S)-cheilanthifoline (Km 1.9 ± 0.3; kcat/Km 1.7), CYP719A13 converted (S)-tetrahydrocolumbamine to (S)-canadine (Km 2.7 ± 1.3; kcat/Km 12.8), (S)-cheilanthifoline to (S)-stylopine (Km 5.2 ± 3.0; kcat/Km 2.6) and (S)-scoulerine to (S)-nandinine (Km 8.1 ± 1.9; kcat/Km 0.7). These results indicate that although CYP719A14 participates in only sanguinarine biosynthesis, CYP719A13 can be involved in both sanguinarine and berberine formation in A. mexicana.  相似文献   

The gene cluster required for paxilline biosynthesis in Penicillium paxilli contains two cytochrome P450 monooxygenase genes, paxP and paxQ. The primary sequences of both proteins are very similar to those of proposed cytochrome P450 monooxygenases from other filamentous fungi, and contain several conserved motifs, including that for a haem-binding site. Alignment of these sequences with mammalian and bacterial P450 enzymes of known 3-D structure predicts that there is also considerable conservation at the level of secondary structure. Deletion of paxP and paxQ results in mutant strains that accumulate paspaline and 13-desoxypaxilline, respectively. These results confirm that paxP and paxQ are essential for paxilline biosynthesis and that paspaline and 13-desoxypaxilline are the most likely substrates for the corresponding enzymes. Chemical complementation of paxilline biosynthesis in paxG (geranygeranyl diphosphate synthase) and paxP, but not paxQ, mutants by the external addition of 13-desoxypaxilline confirms that PaxG and PaxP precede PaxQ, and are functionally part of the same biosynthetic pathway. A pathway for the biosynthesis of paxilline is proposed on the basis of these and earlier results. Electrophysiological experiments demonstrated that 13-desoxypaxilline is a weak inhibitor of mammalian maxi-K channels (Ki=730 nM) compared to paxilline (Ki=30 nM), indicating that the C-13 OH group of paxilline is crucial for the biological activity of this tremorgenic mycotoxin. Paspaline is essentially inactive as a channel blocker, causing only slight inhibition at concentrations up to 1 M.Communicated by E. Cerdà-Olmedo  相似文献   

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