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动物在野外生境中的活动能力通常会受到许多方面(例如,运动基质表面粗糙程度、遭遇障碍物的大小与形状)的影响。在特定体温(30 ℃)条件下,测量主要分布区重叠的两蜥蜴种类(北草蜥和中国石龙子)在四种不同基质表面(塑料草坪;表面粗糙不透底的塑料地毯;光滑具透底网格的塑料地毯和表面光滑的塑料地毯)的运动表现,以及两者的攀附能力和最大游泳耐力。基质类型显著影响两种蜥蜴的运动表现。两种蜥蜴在粗糙表面运动时的疾跑速明显大于光滑表面(例如,塑料草坪上北草蜥为15.7 SVL/s,中国石龙子为8.1 SVL/s;光滑塑料地毯上则分别为11.4 SVL/s和3.5 SVL/s)。中国石龙子在光滑塑料地毯上具有最大的持续运动距离(10.6 SVL)和最少的停顿次数(1.9次)。北草蜥在光滑塑料地毯上具有最多的停顿次数(4.6次)。两种蜥蜴运动能力的种间差异显著。北草蜥具有较大的相对疾跑速度(北草蜥和中国石龙子:13.5 SVL/s vs 5.8 SVL/s)和攀附能力(143.8 ° vs 101.2 °),但较小的游泳耐力(83.5 s vs 238.5 s)。运动速度与耐力之间存在种间权衡关系而与攀爬能力无进化冲突的结论。  相似文献   

草蜥属两种蜥蜴卵和幼体特征的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较研究了南草蜥和北草蜥实验条件下的卵及幼体特征。南草蜥产卵雌体的体长、最大窝卵数、平均卵重小于北草蜥 ,相对窝卵重与北草蜥相似。两种蜥蜴均通过增加卵长径和卵短径来增加卵重 ,但卵外形明显不同 ,南草蜥的卵较长。两种蜥蜴卵孵化过程中均吸水增重。相同孵化温度 ( 2 6℃ )条件下 ,南草蜥的孵化期明显比北草蜥长。南草蜥幼体的体重、体长、头长和头宽的实测值小于北草蜥 ,尾长实测值与北草蜥无显著差异。南草蜥幼体的体重、头长和头宽的矫正平均值小于北草蜥 ,尾长矫正平均值大于北草蜥 ,体长矫正平均值与北草蜥无显著差异。  相似文献   

比较研究了南草蜥实验条件下的卵及幼体特征。南草蜥产卵雌体的体长、最大窝卵数、平均卵重小于北草蜥,相对放重与北草蜥相似。两种蜥蜴均通过增加卵长径和卵短径来增加卵重,但卵处形明显不同,南草蜥的卵孵化过程中均吸水增重。相同孵化温度(26℃)条件下,南草蜥的孵化期明显比北草蜥长。南草蜥幼体的体重、体长、头长和头宽的实测值小于北草蜥,尾长实测值与是蜥显著差异。南草晰幼体的体重、头长和头宽的矫正平均值小于北草  相似文献   

研究了山地麻蜥和丽斑麻蜥实验条件下的卵及孵出幼体的特征.山地麻蜥产卵雌体的体长大于丽斑麻蜥,窝卵重小于丽斑麻蜥,但平均卵重和相对窝卵重与丽斑麻蜥相似.两种蜥蜴均通过增加卵长径和卵短径来增加卵重,但卵的外形不同,山地麻蜥卵较长.两种蜥蜴卵孵化过程中均吸水增重.相似孵化条件(波动温度、-12 kPa)下,山地麻蜥的孵化期明显比丽斑麻蜥长.山地麻蜥幼体的尾、头部大于丽斑麻蜥,但体重和SVL相似.  相似文献   

逃避理论预测,不逃跑若增大适合度代价则导致逃跑启始距离加长,逃跑若增大代价则导致逃跑启始距离缩短。逃跑路径和去向等受生境结构影响。作者通过模拟捕食者逼近研究喀拉哈里树石龙子(Trachylepis sparsa)和黑环蜥(Cordylus niger)逃避策略和风险因子对逃跑启始距离的影响。与迂回逼近相比较,直接逼近不仅提高蜥蜴逃跑几率还能缩短其逃跑启始距离。喀拉哈里树石龙子在两种逼近方式下的逃跑启始距离有显著差异,这种差异对黑环蜥而言是边缘性的。喀拉哈里树石龙子以树为避所,树上个体可逼近的距离短于地面个体;快速逼近地面个体的逃跑启始距离比慢速逼近更长。习惯于有人环境的黑环蜥逃跑启始距离比人迹罕至环境中的个体更短。地面喀拉哈里树石龙子多遁至树上而很少逃入倒木或倒伏编巢中。树上喀拉哈里树石龙子通常奔逃至远侧和高处,有时遁入树洞或编巢中;黑环蜥则逃入石缝中。所有发现都证实逃避理论中有关逃跑启始距离的预测。逃跑策略的种间差异表明每一种蜥蜴都利用其生境中逃跑路径和避所的有利条件。在风险不同的生境中,生境结构可影响逃跑启始距离,似乎对逃跑策略亦有重要影响。  相似文献   

2019年8月和2019年10月,分别在贵州省江口县和福建省连江县分别采集到蜥蜴标本各1号,经形态鉴定,为中国棱蜥(Tropidophorus sinicus)和变色树蜥(Calotes versicolor).中国棱蜥为贵州省爬行动物分布新记录种,是目前该种分布最北记录.变色树蜥为福建省爬行动物分布新记录种,是目前该...  相似文献   

对爬行动物进行野外生态科研调查及实验研究时 ,经常会应用如下几种技术 :1 鉴别雌雄野外活捉动物后 ,不管是留活体饲养 ,还是做成标本 ,都要鉴定其雌雄性别 ,鉴定的方法有 :1 )外部鉴别特征 :爬行动物中的蜥蜴类动物生活时雌性个体与雄性个体的体色相差比较大 ,尤其在生殖季节这种差别更明显 ,如 :中国石龙子雄体体侧红棕色斑纹比雌体鲜艳醒目 ;变色树蜥雄蜥头颈肩部、生活时整个背面全为鲜红色 ,颈、颞、喉部散有黑斑 ,雌蜥没有那么明显的体色 ,南草蜥雄性背面有两条边缘齐整的窄绿纵纹 ,从头背侧至尾前部 ,雌体没有。此外 ,从蜥蜴头宽也…  相似文献   

丽斑麻蜥(Eremias argus)和山地麻蜥(Eremiasbrenchleyi)是我国长江以北数量较多、分布较广的常见小型蜥蜴类,在动物学教材中常作为爬行纲的代表动物。为便于教学和研究,现将这两种麻蜥的生态生物学特征比较如下。1 两种麻蜥的分布及形态全世界约有麻蜥50种,我国有9种,其中丽斑麻蜥和山地麻蜥是我国长江以北地区分布较广、数量较多的种类。关于两种麻蜥在我国的具体分布地点和形  相似文献   

山地麻蜥外部形态某些性状的观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
王景明  王芳 《四川动物》2000,19(1):31-32
山地麻蜥(EremiasbrenchleyiGuenther)是华北地区一种习见的蜥蜴类动物,以往曾被认为是丽斑麻蜥(E.argusPeter)的一个亚种[1]。有关山地麻蜥外部形态方面观察研究,在《安徽两栖爬行动物志》等资料上已有初步报道。但笔者在试验过程中发现其形态特征与以往[1,2,3]的记录有一定出入。为此,1996年遂对徐州南郊牛头山的山地麻蜥进行了全年性的更为详细的观察和统计。资料[1,2,4]报道山地麻蜥的鉴别特征为:体被粒鳞,眶下鳞扩大伸进上唇鳞间;股窝10-11个,尾长超过头体长的15倍。我们观察的结果是:1 体色 山…  相似文献   

密点麻蜥的两性异形和雌性繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李宏  计翔  屈彦福  高建芳  章玲 《动物学报》2006,52(2):250-255
蜥蜴繁殖成功率与其形态特征有密切的关系。作者在内蒙古乌拉特后旗采集密点麻蜥(Eremias multio-cellata) ,定量研究该种形态特征的两性异形和雌体繁殖特征,检验与成体形态特征相关的两性繁殖成功率差异是否能促进两性异形的进化。密点麻蜥成体个体大小无显著的两性差异,但头部大小两性差异显著;雄性个体的头长和头宽均大于体长相同的雌性成体。繁殖雌体于五、六月份排卵;在实验室条件下,雌体在六月下旬至七月下旬之间产仔。该种雌体年产单窝仔,每窝2 -4仔。窝仔重与雌体体长呈正相关,但雌体体长仅能解释很少一部分(约19 %)窝仔重的变异。窝仔数和幼仔重均与雌体体长无关。幼仔重与相对生育力(相对于雌体体长的窝仔数)呈显著的负相关,表明该种蜥蜴存在后代数量-大小之间的权衡。密点麻蜥雄体和雌体向较大体型方向进化的选择压力均相对较弱,与成体头部大小相关的两性繁殖成功率的差异是导致该种蜥蜴头部大小两性异形进化的主要原因[动物学报52 (2) : 250 -255 , 2006]。  相似文献   

山地麻蜥个体发育过程中头部两性异形和食性的变化   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
研究了山地麻蜥(Eremias brenchleyi)个体发育过程中头部两性异形和食性的变化.成体个体大小(SVL)无显著的两性差异,但雄体具有较大的头部(头长和头宽).头部两性异形在孵出幼体就已存在,成体头部两性异形比幼体(包括孵出幼体)更为显著,雄性较大的头部与其头部随SVL的增长速率大于雌性有关.两性头部总体上随SVL呈异速增长,表现为个体发育过程中头长和头宽与SVL的线性回归方程斜率有显著的变化.孵出幼体有相对较大的头部,这种形态特征是胚胎优先保证生态学意义更为显著的头部生长的结果,有利于孵出幼体的早期生存和生长.相对头部大小在个体发育过程中有显著的变化.不同性别和大小的山地麻蜥摄入食物的种类及各种食物在摄入食物中所占的比例有一定程度的差别,食物生态位宽度和重叠度因此有一定的差别.然而,没有直接的证据表明头部两性异形能导致两性食物生态位的明显分离,并有利于减缓两性个体对食物资源的竞争。  相似文献   

We studied sexual dimorphism, female reproduction and egg incubation of the oriental leaf-toed gecko (Hemidactylus bowringii) from a population in southern China. The largest male and female in our sample were 60 and 57 mm snout-vent length (SVL), respectively. Males are the larger sex; sexual dimorphism in head size and tail length (TL) is evident in juveniles and adults, with males having larger heads as well as longer tails than females. Oviposition occurred between late May and late July. Females switched from laying two eggs early in the breeding season to 1-2 eggs later in the season. Clutch mass and egg mass were both independent of female SVL, whereas relative clutch mass was negatively correlated with female SVL. The previous conclusion that female H. bowringii lay a single clutch of eggs per breeding season is unlikely to be true. Thermal environments experienced by H. bowringii eggs affect incubation length as well as morphological and locomotor phenotypes of hatchlings. Hatchlings from eggs incubated at 30 degrees C were larger (SVL, tail length and body mass) and performed better in the racetrack than their counterparts from eggs incubated at 24 degrees C. Temperatures suitable for embryonic development are relatively high in H. bowringii, primarily as a consequence of the adaptive response to warm environments in southern China.  相似文献   

海南变色树蜥个体发育中形态和食性的变化   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
研究变色树蜥(Calotes versicolor)头,尾大小和食性在个体发育过程中的变化,以及头,尾大小两性异性的个体发生,成体体长(SVL)无显著的两性差异,两性异形主要表现为雄性个体有较大的头部(头长和头宽)和尾部。头,尾大小的两性异形在初生幼体就已存在,并随个体发育的进行变得更加显著。不同年龄组两性个体头长以及雌体头宽随SVL呈同速增长;雄性头宽随SVL呈异速增长,表现为雄性头宽的增长速率在个体发育过程中逐渐增大。头,尾部的相对大小在个体发育过程中有显著的变化,初生幼体头部相对较大,尾部相对较小,这种形态特征是胚胎优先保证生态学意义更为显著的部分(如头部)生长的结果,有利于初生幼体的早期生存和生长,不同性别和年龄组的变色树蜥摄入食物的种类及各种食物在摄入食物中所的比例有一定程度的差别,因而食物生态位宽度和重叠度有一定程度的差别,然而没有直接的证据表明头部大小的两性异形能导致两性食物生态位的明显分离。  相似文献   

A viviparous lizard, Eremias multiocellata, was used to investigate the possible sexual and ontogenetic effects on selected body temperature, thermal tolerance range and the thermal dependence of locomotor performance. We show that adults are sexually dimorphic and males have larger bodies and heads than females. Adults selected higher body temperatures (34.5 vs. 32.4 °C) and could tolerate a broader range of body temperatures (8.1–46.8 vs. 9.1–43.1 °C) than juveniles. The sprint speed and maximum sprint distance increased with temperature from 21 °C to 33 °C, but decreased at 36 °C and 39 °C in both juveniles and adults. Adults ran faster and longer than juveniles at each tested temperature. Adult locomotor performance was not correlated with snout–vent length (SVL) or sex, and sprint speed was positively correlated with hindlimb length. Juvenile locomotor performance was positively correlated with both SVL and hindlimb length. The ontogenetic variation in selected body temperature, thermal tolerance and locomotor performance in E. multiocellata suggests that the effects of morphology on temperature selection and locomotor performance vary at different ontogenetic stages.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that an evolutionary trade‐off exists between the capacity to run on level terrain and the ability to climb inclined structures in lacertid lizards. Biomechanical and physiological models of lizard locomotor performance suggest that the morphological design requirements of a ground‐dwelling vs. scansorial life style are difficult to reconcile. This conflict is thought to preclude simultaneous evolution of maximal locomotor performance on level and inclined terrain. This notion has been corroborated by comparative studies on lizard species from other groups (Anolis, Chamaeleo, Sceloporus), but is not supported by our data on 13 species from the family Lacertidae. We found no indication of a negative association between maximal sprint speed of lizards over a level racetrack (indicative of ground‐dwelling locomotor performance), on an inclined stony surface (indicative of climbing performance over rock faces) and inclined mesh surface (indicative of clambering performance among vegetation). Moreover, morphological characteristics associated with fast sprinting capacities (e.g. long hind limbs) apparently enhance, rather than hinder climbing and clambering performance. We conclude that in our sample of lacertid lizards, the evolution of fast sprinting capacity on level terrain has not inflicted major restrictions on climbing and clambering performance.  相似文献   

浙江丽水中国石龙子的食性、两性异形和雌性繁殖   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
林植华  计翔 《生态学报》2000,20(2):304-310
丽水分布的中国石龙子(Eumeces chinensis)摄入的食物均为无脊椎动物,分别属于环节、软体和节肢动物,涉及30余科,成体和幼体的食物生态位宽度分别为7.26和6.69,成体的幼体的食物生态们重叠度为0.59。性成熟雄性个体大于雌体。成雄和幼体的头长和头宽随体长SVL的增长速率大于成雌,成雄头长随SVL的增长速度显著大于幼体,成雌和幼体的头长随SVL的增长速率无显著差异。成雄头部大于成雌  相似文献   

用3个恒定温度(27、30、33℃)和波动温度(14.0~37.5℃)孵化山地麻蜥(Eremias brenchleyi)卵。结果表明,各温度处理下卵孵化成功率差异不显著,但温度对孵化期、孵出幼体表型特征及疾跑速度有显著影响;27、30℃和波动温度下孵出幼体的SVL、重量及躯干干重比33℃的要大,33℃孵出幼体的运动能力比其他3个温度处理弱。波动温度处理下山地麻蜥卵虽短期经历潜在致死的极端温度,但对孵化成功率、孵出幼体表型特征和运动表现均无负效应。  相似文献   

It has been documented in some reptiles that thermal environment can induce variation in sex ratio and morphological phenotypes of offspring. Here, the viviparous lizards (Eremias multiocellata) were maintained under different temperatures during pregnancy to test the effects of this treatment on sexual and morphological phenotypes of offspring, and to investigate whether this lizard is subject to temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). The warmer temperatures resulted in shorter gestation periods and a higher ratio of male: female births; however, gestation temperature did not affect the neonates’ body mass or snout–vent length (SVL). The gestation temperatures also had significant effects on the mean litter size. Therefore, our results show that the viviparous lizard E. multiocellata might be a TSD species, providing the mothers the opportunity to manipulate the sex ratio of their offspring.  相似文献   

Caudal autotomy is a defense mechanism used by numerous lizards to evade predators, but this entails costs. We collected 294 adult Chinese skinks (Eumeces chinensis) from a population in Lishui (eastern China) to evaluate energetic and locomotor costs of tail loss. Of the 294 skinks, 214 (c. 73%) had previously experienced caudal autotomy. Neither the proportion of individuals with regenerated tails nor the frequency distribution of locations of the tail break differed between sexes. We successively removed four tail segments from each of the 20 experimental skinks (adult males) initially having intact tails. Lipid content in each removed tail segment was measured, and locomotor performance (sprint speed, the maximal length traveled without stopping and the number of stops in the racetrack) was measured for each skink before and after each tail-removing treatment. Another independent sample of 20 adult males with intact tails was measured for locomotor performance to serve as controls for successive measurements taken for the experimental lizards. Caudal lipids were disproportionately stored along the length of the tail, with most lipids being aggregated in its proximal portion. Tail loss significantly affected sprint speed, but not the maximal length of, or the number of stops during the sprint. However, the adverse influence of tail loss on sprint speed was not significant until more than 51% of the tail (in length) was lost. Our data show that partial tail loss due to predatory encounters or other factors may not severely affect energy stores or locomotor performance in E. chinensis. As tail breaks occurred more frequently in the proximal portion of the tail in skinks collected from the field, we conclude that caudal autotomy occurring in nature often incurs substantial energetic and locomotor costs in E. chinensis.  相似文献   

青海沙蜥的两性异型和雌性繁殖   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
章熙东  计翔  罗来高  高建芳  章玲 《动物学报》2005,51(6):1006-1012
作者研究了青海沙蜥(Phrynocephalus vlangalii)形态特征的两性异形和雌体繁殖特征。蜥蜴于2005年5月初捕自西宁以西约150km的倒淌河,被检形态特征包括体色、体长、腹长、尾长、头长和头宽,新排卵雌体维持在实验室梯度热环境中直至产仔。成体两性异形显著,而性未成熟个体缺乏两性异形。最大的成年雄体和雌体分别为70.2mmSVL(snout-vent length)和82.8mmSVL。雄性成体具有相对较大的头长、头宽和尾长,雌性成体SVL大于雄体且具有相对较大的腹长。对4个形态特征进行主成分分析(特征值≥0.5)区分出2个主成分,共解释83.9%的两性相关形态特征的变异。去除SVL差异的影响后,尾长、头长和头宽在第一主成分有较高的正负载系数(解释57.8%的变异),腹长在第二主成分有较高的负负载系数(解释26.1%的变异)。实验室梯度热环境下的雌体于6月下旬至7月中旬产单窝、2-6个后代。窝仔数和窝仔重与母体SVL呈正相关,幼仔重与母体SVL无关。未在青海沙蜥中检测到后代数量与大小之间的权衡。  相似文献   

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