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Although numerous studies have examined morphological diversification during major radiations of marine taxa, much less attention has been paid to terrestrial radiations. Here, we examine rates of character change over phylogeny and over time for Palaeozoic limbed tetrapods. Palaeozoic tetrapods show significant decreases in rates of character change whether the rate is measured per sampled cladistic branch or per million years along phylogeny. Given changes per branch, rates decrease significantly from the Devonian through the Pennsylvanian, but not from the Pennsylvanian through the Permian. Given changes per million years, rates decrease significantly over each boundary, although the decrease is least significant over the Pennsylvanian-Permian boundary. Decreasing rates per million years through the Permian might be an artefact of the method being able to ascribe longer durations to Permian branches than to Carboniferous ones; however, it is difficult to ascribe the general pattern of decreasing rates of change over time to sampling biases or methodological biases. Thus, the results implicate biological explanations for this pattern.  相似文献   

As the most diverse group of early tetrapods, temnospondyls provide a unique opportunity to investigate cladogenetic patterns among basal limbed vertebrates. We present five species-level supertrees for temnospondyls, built using a variety of methods. The standard MRP majority rule consensus including minority components shows slightly greater resolution than other supertrees, and its shape matches well several currently accepted hypotheses of higher-level phylogeny for temnospondyls as a whole. Also, its node support is higher than those of other supertrees (except the combined standard plus Purvis MRP supertree). We explore the distribution of significant as well as informative changes (shifts) in branch splitting employing the standard MRP supertree as a reference, and discuss the temporal distribution of changes in time-sliced, pruned trees derived from this supertree. Also, we analyse those shifts that are most relevant to the end-Permian mass extinction. For the Palaeozoic, shifts occur almost invariably along branches that connect major Palaeozoic groups. By contrast, shifts in the Mesozoic occur predominantly within major groups. Numerous shifts bracket narrowly the end-Permian extinction, indicating not only rapid recovery and extensive diversification of temnospondyls over a short time period after the extinction event (possibly less than half a million years), but also the role of intense cladogenesis in the late part of the Permian (although this was counteracted by numerous 'background' extinctions).  相似文献   

Electrophoretic surveys have demonstrated that populations of the sea anemone Metridium senile along the northeast coast of the United States are polymorphic at four enzyme loci. Phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) has two alleles in most populations, phosphoglucomutase (PGM) has three alleles, and two leucine aminopeptidase loci have two common alleles each. Phosphoglucose isomerase displays clinal variation and an apparent association with environmental temperature. Phosphoglucomutase shows clinal variation north of Cape Cod for two of the three alleles, while the two leucine aminopeptidase loci are not clinal. All loci show a great deal of variation in populations on Cape Cod, but there is no apparent systematic pattern to this variation. Temperature may be a selective agent in the maintenance of the PGI and PGM clines, although other possibilities cannot presently be completely excluded.Supported by Grant T-4 from the Health Research and Services Foundation, NSF DEB77-14442, NIH GM25809, and NIH GM28024.  相似文献   

Because of the complexities of their flowering parameters, it is difficult to make generalizations about flowering phenology among temperate angiosperms. We examined patterns of flowering time and duration among 2867 Korean angiosperm species, and these patterns were associated with climatic factors. The effect of taxonomic membership was also tested. Overall data pooled over species from 165 families showed that 63.8% of these angiosperms flowered in summer, 19.5% in spring, 16.5% in autumn, and 0.2% in winter. Summer and autumn flowering periods were significantly longer than springtime events. Both mean monthly temperature and precipitation were strongly positively correlated with the number of species in flower, but not with flowering duration. The seven largest families differed in their flowering season and duration; both parameters were also segregated among genera within large families. In a two-way analysis, both flowering season and family membership exerted significant effects on flowering duration. These results demonstrate that the evolutionary influence on flowering time and duration can be observed at the community level when two factors are considered, i.e., the interaction of flowering parameters and the taxonomic composition of species within those communities.  相似文献   

The hybrid zone between eastern and western grass snakes, which has been independently hypothesized to be due to secondary contact, is investigated using univariate and multivariate analysis of a large number of independent, quantitative characters. Investigation of the patterns of geographic variation show that 5 out of 6 character systems show a congruent pattern of “stepped clinal” change across the zone. Insofar as this case is concerned, secondary contact ‘hybrid’ zones are associated with concordant changes in many character systems and “speciation” involves the origin of a large number of small differences in most character systems rather than the major reorganisation of a single system.  相似文献   

Although a quantitative relationship between sequence similarity and structural similarity has long been established, little is known about the impact of orthology on the relationship between protein sequence and structure. Among homologs, orthologs (derived by speciation) more frequently have similar functions than paralogs (derived by duplication). Here, we hypothesize that an orthologous pair will tend to exhibit greater structural similarity than a paralogous pair at the same level of sequence similarity. To test this hypothesis, we used 284,459 pairwise structure‐based alignments of 12,634 unique domains from SCOP as well as orthology and paralogy assignments from OrthoMCL DB. We divided the comparisons by sequence identity and determined whether the sequence‐structure relationship differed between the orthologs and paralogs. We found that at levels of sequence identity between 30 and 70%, orthologous domain pairs indeed tend to be significantly more structurally similar than paralogous pairs at the same level of sequence identity. An even larger difference is found when comparing ligand binding residues instead of whole domains. These differences between orthologs and paralogs are expected to be useful for selecting template structures in comparative modeling and target proteins in structural genomics.  相似文献   

Evolutionary networks in the formatted protein sequence space.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In our recent work, a new approach to establish sequence relatedness, by walking through the protein sequence space, was introduced. The sequence space is built from 20 amino acid long fragments of proteins from a very large collection of fully sequenced prokaryotic genomes. The fragments, points in the space, are connected, if they are closely related (high sequence identity). The connected fragments form variety of networks of sequence kinship. In this research the networks in the formatted sequence space and their topology are analyzed. For lower identity thresholds a huge network of complex structure is formed, involving up to 10% points of the space. When the threshold is increased, the major network splits into a set of smaller clusters with a wide diversity of sizes and topologies. Such "evolutionary networks" may serve as a powerful sequence annotation tool that allows one to reveal fine details in the evolutionary history of proteins.  相似文献   

Published phylogenies of two eucalypt clades, red bloodwoods Corymbia subgenus Corymbia and eudesmids Eucalyptus subgenus Eudesmia (Myrtaceae), were combined for an analysis of historical biogeographical area relationships within continental Australia. The method of paralogy‐free subtree analysis was used to eliminate geographical paralogy; the paralogy‐free subtrees were coded as characters for parsimony analysis to find the minimal and area cladogram, which proved to be informative of a continent‐wide pattern. The eucalypt fossil record and molecular dating studies allow an interpretation of the biogeographical history in terms of major vicariance events that date from the early Paleogene. The summary area cladogram shows the wet jarrah forest region of South‐West Western Australia, a region of high endemism, as the earliest to differentiate from all other areas, isolated by marine inundation across southern Australia and climatic cooling in the Late Eocene–Early Oligocene. From about this time, regionalization continued, with warmer conditions and monsoonal climate developing in central and northern Australia, and cooling in the south‐east. Northern and eastern humid and semi‐humid areas were related as a track, but with increased aridity in the interior of the continent, the monsoonal climate contracted northwards. The Australian Monsoon Tropics (AMT: Kimberley, Top End, Arnhem, Cape York and inland north‐east Queensland) differentiated from eastern areas (Queensland wet tropics to McPherson–Macleay). Our results also show all arid and semi‐arid regions as related, suggestive of a historically cohesive interior biota rather than repeated colonizations of the interior from the periphery of the continent. Climate largely differentiates hot arid areas in the north (Pilbara, Northern and Central deserts) from arid areas in the south (south‐west interzone, Wheatbelt, Goldfields and Great Victoria Desert). © The Willi Hennig Society 2010.  相似文献   

Thermal constraints on activity patterns in nectar-feeding insects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 All the insects visiting Tilia and Heracleum flowers showed diel patterns of activity, which could best be explained in terms of weather. Of the recorded parameters, solar radiation gave the best correlations with activity.
  • 2 Correlations between activity and radiation depended on the size and colour of particular groups of insects; small bright species visited fully insolated flowers, (r high), while large dark forms visited early and late in the day (r low or negative).
  • 3 Consequently mean reflectance and mean weight of foragers showed consistent trends through a day and predictable relations with radiation for both flowers, suggesting that thermal costs are a critical determinant of feeding times.
  • 4 By contrast, the nectar reward (as sugar amounts) in flowers was poorly correlated with timing of insect visits, indicating that caloric reward is not limiting; although nectar concentration (only measurable for Tilia) did correlate reasonably well with total visitation.
  • 5 The exception to this pattern was Bombus. This endothermic species visited early in the day when nectar was abundant. Thus visits correlated well with reward and negatively with radiation, showing a dependence on high rewards to offset thermoregulatory metabolic costs.
  • 6 For most insects foraging appeared to be largely determined by the visitors thermal requirements and the restrictions imposed by avoidance of overheating. Nectar rewards were not critical, and nectar concentration, itself dependent upon climatic parameters, was probably only incidentally correlated with diel patterning for all but the largest (endothermic) insects.

Morphological relationship among sympatric animal species have often been seen as indirect evidence for competition. Many early ecomorphological studies revealed patterns that were taken as indicating character displacement and character release, driven by competition or lack thereof. These patterns may result from a coevolutionary morphological response or from species sorting according to size. Thus, the relationship between morphology and competition may be crucial for understanding both the morphological evolution of animals and the role of competition in structuring communities. Some earlier research perceived as indicating morphological relationships conditioned by interaction of species was conducted on mammals, particularly carnivores. Subsequent criticism in the ecological literature demonstrated that many of the perceived patterns could not be statistically confirmed, thus calling into question this line of evidence for competition. More recent ecological literature relies on strong statistical analyses and careful consideration both of guild composition and of which morphological traits should be examined. This literature, resting largely on mammals, includes several cases that suggest a coevolutionary morphological response to interspecific competition. These studies have focused on the thropic apparatus directly related to food procurement by mammals — the teeth. Island mammals often show striking morphological patterns, some of which have been interpreted as resulting from release from competition with mainland species that have not reached islands. However, few of these patterns were critically evaluated to demonstrate their support for the hypothesis of character release. Despite several decades of interest and research, many questions regarding competitively induced morphological patterns remain unresolved and require further research. Mammals are especially promising subjects for such researh.  相似文献   

Tamar Keasar  Eric Wajnberg 《Oikos》2019,128(3):347-359
Polyembryony involves the production of several genetically identical progeny from a single egg through clonal division. Although polyembryonic development allows highly efficient reproduction, especially in some parasitoid wasps, it is far less common than monoembryony (development of one embryo per egg). To understand what might constrain the evolutionary success of polyembryony in parasitoids, we developed Monte Carlo models that simulate the competition between polyembryonic females and their monoembryonic counterparts. We investigated which simulated life‐history traits of the females allow the monoembryonic mode of development to succeed. Published empirical studies were surveyed to explore whether these traits indeed differ between polyembryonic parasitoids and related monoembryonic species. The simulations predict an advantage to monoembryony in parasitoids whose reproduction is limited by host availability rather than by egg supply, and that parasitize small‐bodied hosts. Comparative data on the parasitoid families Encyrtidae and (to a lesser extent) Braconidae, but not the data from Platygastridae, circumstantially support these predictions. The model also predicts monoembryony to outcompete polyembryony when: 1) hosts vary considerably in quality, 2) polyembryonic development carries high physiological costs, and 3) monoembryonic females make optimal clutch size decisions upon attacking hosts. These multiple constraints may account for the rarity of polyembryony among parasitoid species.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the evolutionary patterns among larviparous and oviparous species of the family Ostreidae. The data reveal that larviparous species have experienced a wider range of environmental variables, life history traits, and levels of genetic variation than have oviparous species. Non-parametric correlation coefficients were obtained among fifteen variables (i.e., two genetic, four environmental and nine life-history variables). Among the life-history variables, mode of larval development, fecundity, egg size, initial size of the planktonic larva and planktonic larval period were found to covary significantly with the genetic variables. In a comparison of environmental and life-history variables, the mode of larval development and habitat water depth were found to covary. The implications of these results are discussed with reference to the evolution of the family Ostreidae.  相似文献   



Experimental evidence indicates that certain drugs, that are secondary or tertiary amines or amides, form N‐nitroso compounds in the presence of nitrite in an acidic environment. Nitrosatable drugs have been associated with birth defects in a few epidemiologic studies. This study describes the prevalence and patterns of nitrosatable drug use among U.S. women during early pregnancy and examines maternal factors associated with such use.


Data were analyzed from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study and included 6807 mothers who gave birth to babies without major congenital malformations during 1997 to 2005. Information was collected by telephone interview about medication use, demographic factors, and maternal health. Drugs taken during the first trimester were classified according to nitrosatability, amine and amide functional groups, and primary indication of use.


Approximately 24% of the women took one or more nitrosatable drugs during the first trimester, including 12.4%, 12.2%, and 7.6% who respectively took secondary amines, tertiary amines, or amides. Five of the ten most commonly taken drugs were available over the counter. Women who were non‐Hispanic white (29.5%), with 1 year or more college education (27.3%) or 40 years or older (28.8%) had the highest prevalence of use. Supplemental vitamin C, an inhibitor of nitrosation, was not taken by 41.6% and 19.3% of nitrosatable drug users during the first and second months of pregnancy, respectively.


In this U.S. population, ingestion of drugs classified as nitrosatable was common during the first trimester of pregnancy, especially among non‐Hispanic white, more educated, and older mothers. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

As an introduction to the main theme of this conference an overview of the organization of the tetrapod forebrain is presented with emphasis on the telencephalic representation of sensory and motor functions. In all classes of tetrapods, olfactory, visual, octavolateral, somatosensory and gustatory information reaches the telencephalon. Major differences exist in the telencephalic targets of sensory information between amphibians and amniotes. In amphibians, three targets are found: the lateral pallium for olfactory input, the medial pallium for visual and multisensory input, and the lateral subpallium for visual, octavolateral and somatosensory information. The forebrains of reptiles and mammals are similar in that the dorsal surface of their cerebral hemisphere is formed by a pallium with three major segments: (a) an olfactory, lateral cortex; (b) a 'limbic' cortex that forms the dorsomedial wall of the hemisphere, and (c) an intermediate cortex that is composed entirely of isocortex in mammals, but in reptiles (and birds) consists of at least part of the dorsal cortex (in birds the Wulst) and a large intraventricular protrusion, i.e. the dorsal ventricular ridge. In birds, the entire lateral wall of the hemisphere is involved in this expansion. The intermediate pallial segment receives sensory projections from the thalamus and contains modality-specific sensory areas in reptiles, birds and mammals. The most important differences between the intermediate pallial segment of amniotes concern motor systems.  相似文献   

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