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Carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy has been used to further document the interaction, at low and high temperatures, of N-acetylglucosamine and its short polymers with hen egg-white lysozyme. The results have been compared with the corresponding X-ray crystallographic data. Two domains, the active site and the hydrophobic box, have been found by NMR to undergo conformational rearrangement while X-ray crystallography only detected changes located in the active site. The extent of the modifications induced by inhibitor binding was proportional to the inhibitor size. The two techniques concurred to show that even in the presence of monosaccharide (N-acetylglucosamine), more than one subsite of the enzyme was occupied at high temperature, the binding at the C-site being the best defined. The thermal transition of lysozyme still occurred in solution when inhibitors were bound. However, in the solid state, crystallographic data showed that the transition was hindered.  相似文献   

Using laser Raman spectroscopy, we are able to study conformational changes that occur as previously-dried hen egg-white lysozyme is sequentially rehydrated. Parallel n.m.r. exchangeability studies enable us to monitor flexibility changes also during this rehdyration. The results are consistent with a general loosening up of the protein at a water content of ~0.08 g water/g protein, followed by (probably small) local conformational changes. The enzyme regains its activity only after both these processes have gone to completion; thus these solvent-related changes may be necessary before activity can recommence.  相似文献   

Unperturbed dimension mean value of r2(0), dipole moment mean value of mu2, mean squared optical anisotropy mean value of gamma 2 and molar Kerr mean value of mK constant of a polyglycine chain with the secondary and tertiary structures of lysozyme have been calculated and the results compared with polyglycine chains with the same number of repeat units but different conformations including alpha-helix, beta-sheet or random coil. Thus, the influence of secondary and tertiary structures can be investigated. The results obtained show that for mean value of r2 and mean value of gamma 2 this influence is at least of the same order of magnitude as that of the primary structure, and is much greater for mean value of mu 2 and mean value of mK.  相似文献   

We have studied methanol-induced conformational changes in rmethuG-CSF at pH 2.5 by means of circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence and infrared (IR) spectroscopy, and 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS) binding. Methanol has little effect on the secondary and tertiary structures of rmethuG-CSF when its concentration is in the range of 0 to 20% (v/v). At 30% (v/v) methanol, rmethuG-CSF has ANS binding ability. In the methanol concentration range of 30 to 70% (v/v) the amount of alpha-helix decreases a little, and the tertiary structure decreases significantly. At methanol concentrations above 70% (v/v), a transition to a more helical state occurs, while there is little change in the tertiary structure, and no ANS binding ability. Thermal denaturation studies involving CD have demonstrated that as the methanol concentration increases the melting temperature and the cooperativity of transition decrease, and the transition covers a much wider range of temperature. It seems that the decreased cooperativity means an increase in the concentration of partially folded intermediate states during the unfolding of rmethuG-CSF.  相似文献   

A fundamental understanding of the conformational behaviors of lysozyme during the process of adsorption and desorption has been studied using spectrophotometric techniques, and interpreted in terms of the secondary structures in this work. FTIR data show an increase in α-helix and β-sheet content when lysozyme interaction with magnetite nanoparticles (Fe(3)O(4) (PEG+CM-CTS) NPs) which indicates that the lysozyme would adopt a more compact conformation state. The mechanism of fluorescence quenching of lysozyme by magnetite nanoparticles is due to the formation of lysozyme-nanoparticles complex. High desorption of lysozyme from Fe(3)O(4) (PEG+CM-CTS) NPs were achieved using phosphate buffer solution (PBS) (20 mM, pH 5.0, 0.2 M NaCl), PBS (20 mM, pH 5.0, 0.5 M NaCl) and acetic acid (0.2 M, pH 4.0) as eluents. The alterations of lysozyme secondary structure on desorption from nanoparticles were confirmed by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy. Lysozymes desorbed by PBS (20mM, pH 5.0, 0.2M NaCl) and PBS (20mM, pH 5.0, 0.5M NaCl) retain high fraction of its native structure with negligible effect on its activity, and about 92.4% and 89.5% activity were retained upon desorption from nanoparticles, however, lysozyme desorbed by acetic acid (0.2 M, pH 4.0) solution showed significant conformational changes. The stability of NPs-conjugated protein and retention of higher activity may find useful applications in biotechnology ranging from enzyme immobilization to protein purification.  相似文献   

The effect of pressure on the unfolding of the native (N) and molten globule (MG) state of canine milk lysozyme (CML) was examined using ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy at pH 4.5 and 2.0, respectively. It appeared that the thermally induced unfolding was promoted by the increase of pressure from atmospheric to 100 MPa, which indicates that both the N and MG states of CML unfolded with the decrease of the partial molar volume change (DeltaV). The volume changes needed for unfolding were estimated from the free energy change vs. pressure plots, and these volume changes became less negative from 20 to 60 degrees C. The DeltaV values at 25 degrees C were obtained for the N-MG (-46 cm3/mol) and MG-unfolded-state (U) transition (-40 cm3/mol). With regards to the MG-U transition, this value is contrastive to that of bovine alpha-lactalbumin (BLA) (0.9 cm3/mol), which is homologous to CML. Previous studies revealed that the MG state of CML was significantly more stable, and closer to the N state in structure, than that of BLA. In contrast to the swollen hydrophobic core of the MG state of BLA, our results suggest that the MG state of CML possesses a tightly packed hydrophobic core into which water molecules cannot penetrate.  相似文献   

Water molecules make a hydration structure with the network of hydrogen bonds, covering on the surface of proteins. To quantitatively estimate the contribution of the hydration structure to protein stability, a series of hydrophilic mutant human lysozymes (Val to Ser, Tyr, Asp, Asn, and Arg) modified at three different positions on the surface, which are located in the alpha-helix (Val-110), the beta-sheet (Val-2), and the loop (Val-74), were constructed. Their thermodynamic parameters of denaturation and crystal structures were examined by calorimetry and by x-ray crystallography at 100 K, respectively. The introduced polar residues made hydrogen bonds with protein atoms and/or water molecules, sometimes changing the hydration structure around the mutation site. Changes in the stability of the mutant proteins can be evaluated by a unique equation that considers the conformational changes resulting from the substitutions. Using this analysis, the relationship between the changes in the stabilities and the hydration structures for mutant human lysozymes substituted on the surface could be quantitatively estimated. The analysis indicated that the hydration structure on protein surface plays an important role in determining the conformational stability of the protein.  相似文献   

To minutely understand the effect of foreign N-terminal residues on the conformational stability of human lysozyme, five mutant proteins were constructed: two had Met or Ala in place of the N-terminal Lys residue (K1M and K1A, respectively), and others had one additional residue, Met, Gly or Pro, to the N-terminal Lys residue (Met(-1), Gly(-1) and Pro(-1), respectively). The thermodynamic parameters for denaturation of these mutant proteins were examined by differential scanning calorimetry and were compared with that of the wild-type protein. Three mutants with the extra residue were significantly destabilized: the changes in unfolding Gibbs energy (DeltaDeltaG) were -9.1 to -12.2 kJ.mol-1. However, the stability of two single substitutions at the N-terminal slightly decreased; the DeltaDeltaG values were only -0.5 to -2.5 kJ.mol-1. The results indicate that human lysozyme is destabilized by an expanded N-terminal residue. The crystal structural analyses of K1M, K1A and Gly(-1) revealed that the introduction of a residue at the N-terminal of human lysozyme caused the destruction of hydrogen bond networks with ordered water molecules, resulting in the destabilization of the protein.  相似文献   

A quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) is used to determine the adsorption rate of a supercoiled plasmid DNA onto a quartz surface and the structure of the resulting adsorbed DNA layer. To better understand the DNA adsorption mechanisms and the adsorbed layer physicochemical properties, the QCM-D data are complemented by dynamic light scattering measurements of diffusion coefficients of the DNA molecules as a function of solution ionic composition. The data from simultaneous monitoring of variations in frequency and dissipation energy with the QCM-D suggest that the adsorbed DNA layer is more rigid in the presence of divalent (calcium) cations compared to monovalent (sodium) cations. Adsorption rates are significantly higher in the presence of calcium, attaining a transport-limited rate at about 1 mM Ca2+. Results further suggest that in low ionic strength solutions containing 1 mM Ca2+ and in moderately high ionic strength solutions containing 300 mM NaCl, plasmid DNA adsorption to negatively charged mineral surfaces is irreversible.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the stabilizing action of polyols against various protein degradation mechanisms (eg, aggregation, deamidation, oxidation), using a model protein lysozyme. Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) was used to measure the thermodynamic parameters, mid point transition temperature and calorimetric enthalpy, in order to evaluate conformational stability. Enzyme activity assay was used to corroborate the DSC results. Mannitol, sucrose, lactose, glycerol, and propylene glycol were used as polyols to stabilize lysozyme against aggregation, deamidation, and oxidation. Mannitol was found to stabilize lysozyme against aggregation, sucrose against deamidation both at neutral pH and at acidic pH, and lactose against oxidation. Stabilizers that provided greater conformational stability of lysozyme against various degradation mechanisms also protected specific enzyme activity to a greater extent. It was concluded that DSC and bioassay could be valuable tools for screening stabilizers in protein formulations.  相似文献   

Efficient immobilization of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) onto matrix is of crucial importance in the development of BMP-2-based bone tissue scaffold/implant. This often ties with precise control of desirable protein conformation and retention of protein activity. Recently, great attentions were paid to the regulation of protein conformation by tailoring the nanoscale surface properties. In this contribution, with hydrophilic COOH- and hydrophobic CH3-terminated single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs-COOH and SWNTs-CH3) as models, we investigated the nanoscale interface-induced changes of adsorption dynamics, conformation, and bioactivity of recombinant human BMP-2 (rhBMP-2). Our data showed that SWNTs-COOH and SWNTs-CH3 bound rapidly to and induced unfolding of rhBMP-2 molecules, which promoted their interactions with corresponding receptors on cell surface and thus enhanced their bioactivities. In contrast, rhBMP-2 showed stronger affinity to the COOH-terminated surface than that terminated with CH3 groups, while better enhanced bioactivity on the SWNTs-CH3 surfaces. After released from SWNTs, the unfolded rhBMP-2 refolded and their activities from SWNTs-COOH and SWNTs-CH3 were reduced to 90% and 70% of the native rhBMP-2, respectively. Based on these results obtained, a model of the binding characteristics of rhBMP-2 onto SWNTs with different chemistry is presented. This study demonstrates the possibility of simple tailor-made nanoscale chemical surfaces to modulate the binding, conformation and bioactivity of BMP-2, allowing fabrication of BMP-2-based bone tissue scaffolds with high osteoinductivity and low BMP-2 dosage.  相似文献   

The binding of guanidinium ion has been shown to promote a large-scale translation of a tandemly duplicated helix in an engineered mutant of T4 lysozyme. The guanidinium ion acts as a surrogate for the guanidino group of an arginine side chain. Here we determine whether methyl- and ethylguanidinium provide better mimics. The results show that addition of the hydrophobic moieties to the ligand enhances the binding affinity concomitant with reduction in ligand solubility. Crystallographic analysis confirms that binding of the alternative ligands to the engineered site still drives the large-scale conformational change. Thermal analysis and NMR data show, in comparison to guanidinium, an increase in protein stability and in ligand affinity. This is presumably due to the successive increase in hydrophobicity in going from guanidinium to ethylguanidinium. A fluorescence-based optical method was developed to sense the ligand-triggered helix translation in solution. The results are a first step in the de novo design of a molecular switch that is not related to the normal function of the protein.  相似文献   

The conformational changes of bovine heart cytochrome c (cyt c) induced by the adsorption on gold nanoparticles with different sizes have been investigated by electronic absorption, circular dichroism (CD), and Fourier transform infrared spectra. The combination of these techniques can give complementary information about adsorption-induced conformational changes. The results show that there are different conformational changes for cyt c adsorbed on gold nanoparticles with different sizes due to the different interaction forces between cyt c and gold nanoparticles. The colloidal gold concentration-dependent conformation distribution curves of cyt c obtained by analysis of CD spectra using the singular value decomposition least-squares method show that the coverage of cyt c on the gold nanoparticles surface also affects the conformational changes of the adsorbed cyt c.  相似文献   

In this study, various ethanol- and temperature-induced molecular dynamics simulations were conducted to investigate the conformational changes of several human lysozyme variants (I56T, D67H, and T70N) associated with hereditary systemic amyloidosis. The results show that these variants are all more sensitive to conditions affecting the structural integrity of this protein. The structural analyses of these variants reveal a high population of more unstable beta-domain and distorted hydrophobic core compared to the wild-type human lysozyme, particularly for the two natural amyloidogenic variants D67H and I56T. For the D67H variant, the distance between the mass centers of residues 54 and 67 was found to elongate as a result of the destruction of the hydrogen-bonding network stabilizing the two long loops in the beta-domain. It further accelerates the unfolding of this variant, starting from the hydrophobic core between the alpha- and beta-domains. For the I56T variant, the introduction of a hydrophilic residue in the hydrophobic core directly destroys the native contacts in the alpha-beta interface, leading to fast unfolding. The present results are consistent with the previous hypothesis suggesting that the distortion of the hydrophobic core at the alpha-beta interface putatively results in the formation of the initial "seed" for amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

Nanoparticle biological activity, biocompatibility and fate can be directly affected by layers of readily adsorbed host proteins in biofluids. Here, we report a study on the interactions between human blood plasma proteins and nanoparticles with a controlled systematic variation of properties using (18)O-labeling and LC-MS-based quantitative proteomics. We developed a novel protocol to both simplify isolation of nanoparticle bound proteins and improve reproducibility. LC-MS analysis identified and quantified 88 human plasma proteins associated with polystyrene nanoparticles consisting of three different surface chemistries and two sizes, as well as, for four different exposure times (for a total of 24 different samples). Quantitative comparison of relative protein abundances was achieved by spiking an (18)O-labeled "universal" reference into each individually processed unlabeled sample as an internal standard, enabling simultaneous application of both label-free and isotopic labeling quantification across the entire sample set. Clustering analysis of the quantitative proteomics data resulted in distinctive patterns that classified the nanoparticles based on their surface properties and size. In addition, temporal data indicated that the formation of the stable protein corona was at equilibrium within 5 min. The comprehensive quantitative proteomics results obtained in this study provide rich data for computational modeling and have potential implications towards predicting nanoparticle biocompatibility.  相似文献   

Funahashi J  Takano K  Yamagata Y  Yutani K 《Biochemistry》2000,39(47):14448-14456
To evaluate the contribution of the amino acid residues on the surface of a protein to its stability, a series of hydrophobic mutant human lysozymes (Val to Gly, Ala, Leu, Ile, Met, and Phe) modified at three different positions on the surface, which are located in the alpha-helix (Val 110), the beta-sheet (Val 2), and the loop (Val 74), were constructed. Their thermodynamic parameters of denaturation and crystal structures were examined by calorimetry and by X-ray crystallography at 100 K, respectively. Differences in the denaturation Gibbs energy change between the wild-type and the hydrophobic mutant proteins ranged from 4.6 to -9.6 kJ/mol, 2.7 to -1.5 kJ/mol, and 3.6 to -0.2 kJ/mol at positions 2, 74, and 110, respectively. The identical substitution at different positions and different substitutions at the same position resulted in different degrees of stabilization. Changes in the stability of the mutant proteins could be evaluated by a unique equation considering the conformational changes due to the substitutions [Funahashi et al. (1999) Protein Eng. 12, 841-850]. For this calculation, secondary structural propensities were newly considered. However, some mutant proteins were not adapted to the equation. The hydration structures around the mutation sites of the exceptional mutant proteins were affected due to the substitutions. The stability changes in the exceptional mutant proteins could be explained by the formation or destruction of the hydration structures. These results suggest that the hydration structure mediated via hydrogen bonds covering the protein surface plays an important role in the conformational stability of the protein.  相似文献   

pH-dependent processes of bovine heart ferricytochrome c have been investigated by electronic absorption and circular dichroism (CD) spectra at functionalized single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) modified glass carbon electrode (SWNTs/GCE) using a long optical path thin layer cell. These methods enabled the pH-dependent conformational changes arising from the heme structure change to be monitored. The spectra obtained at functionalized SWNTs/GCE reflect electrode surface microstructure-dependent changes for pH-induced protein conformation, pKa of alkaline transition and structural microenvironment of the ferricytochrome c heme. pH-dependent conformational distribution curves of ferricytochrome c obtained by analysis of in situ CD spectra using singular value decomposition least square (SVDLS) method show that the functionalized SWNTs can retain native conformational stability of ferricytochrome c during alkaline transition.  相似文献   

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