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Enhancement of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection by complement alone or in conjunction with antibodies was studied experimentally and theoretically. Experimental studies showed that while HIV-positive sera neutralize HIV infection, the addition of fresh complement abrogated neutralization and could even cause enhancement. Enhancement was blocked by anti-complement receptor 2 antibodies, and infection under enhancing conditions could be blocked by soluble CD4. Antibody-dependent complement-mediated enhancement (C'ADE) was dependent on the alternative complement activation pathway, as factor B-deficient serum could enhance only after the addition of factor B. The observed enhancement was also antibody dependent, since the addition of antibodies increased the level of enhancement. Under C'ADE conditions, infection reached a plateau within 5 min and was not caused by activation of cells by factors in the human serum. On the contrary, preincubation of cells with complement decreased the level of enhancement. A theoretical model of HIV infection in vitro which exhibited similar enhancement in an antibody- and complement concentration-dependent way was developed. Model studies indicated that the enhanced infection process could be explained by the fact that virions, because of complement deposition on the surface, bind more efficiently to cells. The model also indicated that the saturation of the enhanced infection process seen after a few minutes could be caused by saturation of the complement receptors. The effect of neutralizing antibodies can thus be overcome by the enhancing effect of complement that facilitates the contact between gp120 and CD4. These studies demonstrate that the main features of the complement-dependent enhancement phenomenon can be understood in terms of a simple mathematical model.  相似文献   

The extraordinary genetic diversity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a major problem to overcome in the development of an effective vaccine. In the most reliable animal model of HIV-1 infection, chimpanzees were immunized with various combinations of HIV-1 antigens, which were derived primarily from the surface glycoprotein, gp160, of HIV-1 strains LAI and MN. The immunogens also included a live recombinant canarypox virus expressing a gp160-MN protein. In one experiment, two chimpanzees were immunized multiple times; one animal received antigens derived only from HIV-1LAI, and the second animal received antigens from both HIV-1LAI and HIV-1MN. In another experiment, four chimpanzees were immunized in parallel a total of five times over 18 months; two animals received purified gp160 and V3-MN peptides, whereas the other two animals received the recombinant canarypox virus and gp160. At 3 months after the final booster, all immunized and naive control chimpanzees were challenged by intravenous inoculation of HIV-1SF2; therefore, the study represented an intrasubtype B heterologous virus challenge. Virologic and serologic follow-up showed that the controls and the two chimpanzees immunized with the live recombinant canarypox virus became infected, whereas the other animals that were immunized with gp160 and V3-MN peptides were protected from infection. Evaluation of both cellular and humoral HIV-specific immune responses at the time of infectious HIV-1 challenge identified the following as possible correlates of protection: antibody titers to the V3 loop of MN and neutralizing antibody titers to HIV-1MN or HIV-1LAI, but not to HIV-1SF2. The results of this study indicate that vaccine-mediated protection against intravenous infection with heterologous HIV-1 strains of the same subtype is possible with some immunogens.  相似文献   

Typically during human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection, a nearly homogeneous viral population first emerges and then diversifies over time due to selective forces that are poorly understood. To identify these forces, we conducted an intensive longitudinal study of viral genetic changes and T-cell immunity in one subject at < or =17 time points during his first 3 years of infection, and in his infecting partner near the time of transmission. Autologous peptides covering amino acid sites inferred to be under positive selection were powerful for identifying HIV-1-specific cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes. Positive selection and mutations resulting in escape from CTLs occurred across the viral proteome. We detected 25 CTL epitopes, including 14 previously unreported. Seven new epitopes mapped to the viral Env protein, emphasizing Env as a major target of CTLs. One-third of the selected sites were associated with epitopic mutational escapes from CTLs. Most of these resulted from replacement with amino acids found at low database frequency. Another one-third represented acquisition of amino acids found at high database frequency, suggesting potential reversions of CTL epitopic sites recognized by the immune system of the transmitting partner and mutation toward improved viral fitness in the absence of immune targeting within the recipient. A majority of the remaining selected sites occurred in the envelope protein and may have been subjected to humoral immune selection. Hence, a majority of the amino acids undergoing selection in this subject appeared to result from fitness-balanced CTL selection, confirming CTLs as a dominant selective force in HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

In an in vitro assay employing reconstituted nuclei, importin 7 (IPO7) has been implicated in nuclear translocation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) cDNA. Using RNA interference technology, we inhibited expression of IPO7 by 80 to 95% in primary macrophages and in HeLa cells and monitored their ability to support HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) cDNA synthesis, nuclear translocation, and infection efficiency. Marked IPO7 deficiency did not alter the rate or extent of HIV-1 or SIV cDNA synthesis or nuclear translocation. The infection efficiency of HIV-1 was similarly unaltered. Therefore, in natural, nondividing targets of HIV-1, IPO7 may be dispensable for infection.  相似文献   

A human Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B-cell line (IC.1) was characterized for cell surface antigen profile and permissivity to immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. According to cocultivation assay with MT2 cells, P24 release, and immunofluorescence assay, complement-sufficient serum enhanced in vitro infection of IC.1 cells. Enhancement occurs independently of the presence of HIV type 1-specific antibodies, although more efficiently when they are present. Blocking experiments with monoclonal antibodies demonstrated that complement receptor type 2 mediates this phenomenon and that the CD4 molecule is required for infection. Enhancement of in vitro infection on IC.1 cells appears closely related to previously described complement-mediated, antibody-dependent enhancement of HIV infection on the T-lymphoblastoid cell line MT2 (W. E. Robinson, Jr., D. C. Montefiori, and W. M. Mitchell, Lancet i:790-794, 1988).  相似文献   

Quantitation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection kinetics.   总被引:15,自引:16,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
Tissue culture infections of CD4-positive human T cells by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) proceed in three stages: (i) a period following the initiation of an infection during which no detectable virus is produced; (ii) a phase in which a sharp increase followed by a peak of released progeny virions can be measured; and (iii) a final period when virus production declines. In this study, we have derived equations describing the kinetics of HIV-1 accumulation in cell culture supernatants during multiple rounds of infection. Our analyses indicated that the critical parameter affecting the kinetics of HIV-1 infection is the infection rate constant k = Inn/ti, where n is the number of infectious virions produced by one cell (about 10(2)) and ti is the time required for one complete cycle of virus infection (typically 3 to 4 days). Of particular note was our finding that the infectivity of HIV-1 during cell-to-cell transmission is 10(2) to 10(3) times greater than the infectivity of cell-free virus stocks, the inocula commonly used to initiate tissue culture infections. We also demonstrated that the slow infection kinetics of an HIV-1 tat mutant is not due to a longer replication time but reflects the small number of infectious particles produced per cycle.  相似文献   

邱勇  马晶  曾毅 《微生物与感染》2018,13(3):171-178
外泌体(exosome)是动物细胞在生理或病理条件下分泌到胞外的内生性纳米微囊,在疾病发生机制和药物运输载体等研究领域成为新宠。近年来发现,外泌体在人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(human immunodeficiency virus type 1,HIV-1)感染者体内能转移病毒组分和病毒相关免疫分子,与HIV-1感染密切相关。本文以外泌体介导的HIV-1感染机制为重点,围绕外泌体与HIV-1感染的关系进行综述。  相似文献   

Efficient human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 infection depends on multiple interactions between the viral gp41/gp120 envelope (Env) proteins and cell surface receptors. However, cytoskeleton-associated proteins that modify membrane dynamics may also regulate the formation of the HIV-mediated fusion pore and hence viral infection. Because the effects of HDAC6-tubulin deacetylase on cortical alpha-tubulin regulate cell migration and immune synapse organization, we explored the possible role of HDAC6 in HIV-1-envelope-mediated cell fusion and infection. The binding of the gp120 protein to CD4+-permissive cells increased the level of acetylated alpha-tubulin in a CD4-dependent manner. Furthermore, overexpression of active HDAC6 inhibited the acetylation of alpha-tubulin, and remarkably, prevented HIV-1 envelope-dependent cell fusion and infection without affecting the expression and codistribution of HIV-1 receptors. In contrast, knockdown of HDAC6 expression or inhibition of its tubulin deacetylase activity strongly enhanced HIV-1 infection and syncytia formation. These results demonstrate that HDAC6 plays a significant role in regulating HIV-1 infection and Env-mediated syncytia formation.  相似文献   

We previously described a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope mutant that introduces a disulfide bridge between the gp120 surface proteins and gp41 transmembrane proteins (J. M. Binley, R. W. Sanders, B. Clas, N. Schuelke, A. Master, Y. Guo, F. Kajumo, D. J. Anselma, P. J. Maddon, W. C. Olson, and J. P. Moore, J. Virol. 74:627-643, 2000). Here we produced pseudovirions bearing the mutant envelope and a reporter gene to examine the mutant's infectious properties. These pseudovirions attach to cells expressing CD4 and coreceptor but infect only when triggered with reducing agent, implying that gp120-gp41 dissociation is necessary for infection. Further studies suggested that virus entry was arrested after CD4 and coreceptor engagement. By measuring the activities of various entry inhibitors against the arrested intermediate, we found that gp120-targeting inhibitors typically act prior to virus attachment, whereas gp41 inhibitors are able to act postattachment. Unexpectedly, a significant fraction of antibodies in HIV-1-positive sera neutralized virus postattachment, suggesting that downstream fusion events and structures figure prominently in the host immune response. Overall, this disulfide-shackled virus is a unique tool with potential utility in vaccine design, drug discovery, and elucidation of the HIV-1 entry process.  相似文献   

CD8 T-cell responses are thought to be crucial for control of viremia in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection but ultimately fail to control viremia in most infected persons. Studies in acute infection have demonstrated strong CD8-mediated selection pressure and evolution of mutations conferring escape from recognition, but the ability of CD8 T-cell responses that persist in late-stage infection to recognize viruses present in vivo has not been determined. Therefore, we studied 24 subjects with advanced HIV disease (median viral load = 142,000 copies/ml; median CD4 count = 71/ micro l) and determined HIV-1-specific CD8 T-cell responses to all expressed viral proteins using overlapping peptides by gamma interferon Elispot assay. Chronic-stage virus was sequenced to evaluate autologous sequences within Gag epitopes, and functional avidity of detected responses was determined. In these subjects, the median number of epitopic regions targeted was 13 (range, 2 to 39) and the median cumulative magnitude of CD8 T-cell responses was 5,760 spot-forming cells/10(6) peripheral blood mononuclear cells (range, 185 to 24,700). On average six (range, one to 8) proteins were targeted. For 89% of evaluated CD8 T-cell responses, the autologous viral sequence was predicted to be well recognized by these responses and the majority of analyzed optimal epitopes were recognized with medium to high functional avidity by the contemporary CD8 T cells. Withdrawal of antigen by highly active antiretroviral therapy led to a significant decline both in breadth (P = 0.032) and magnitude (P = 0.0098) of these CD8 T-cell responses, providing further evidence that these responses had been driven by recognition of autologous virus. These results indicate that strong, broadly directed, and high-avidity gamma-interferon-positive CD8 T-cells directed at autologous virus persist in late disease stages, and the absence of mutations within viral epitopes indicates a lack of strong selection pressure mediated by these responses. These data imply functional impairment of CD8 T-cell responses in late-stage infection that may not be reflected by gamma interferon-based screening techniques.  相似文献   

Although cells of monocytic lineage are the primary source of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in the brain, other cell types in the central nervous system, including astrocytes, can harbor a latent or persistent HIV-1 infection. In the present study, we examined whether immature, multipotential human brain-derived progenitor cells (nestin positive) are also permissive for infection. When exposed to IIIB and NL4-3 strains of HIV-1, progenitor cells and progenitor-derived astrocytes became infected, with peak p24 levels of 100 to 500 pg/ml at 3 to 6 days postinfection. After 10 days, virus production was undetectable but could be stimulated by the addition of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha). To bypass limitations to receptor entry, we compared the fate of infection in these cell populations by transfection with the infectious HIV-1 clone, pNL4-3. Again, transfected progenitors and astrocytes produced virus for 7 days but diminished to low levels beyond 8 days posttransfection. During the nonproductive phase, TNF-alpha stimulated virus production from progenitors as late as 5 weeks posttransfection. Astrocytes produced 5- to 20-fold more infectious virus (27 ng of p24/10(6) cells) than progenitors at the peak of 3 days posttransfection. Differentiation of infected progenitors toward an astrocyte phenotype increased virus production to levels consistent with infected astrocytes, suggesting a phenotypic difference in viral replication. Using this cell culture system of multipotential human brain-derived progenitor cells, we provide evidence that progenitor cells may be a reservoir for HIV-1 in the brains of AIDS patients.  相似文献   

A Takeda  R W Sweet    F A Ennis 《Journal of virology》1990,64(11):5605-5610
Evidence of antibody-dependent enhancement of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection via Fc receptor (FcR) was published previously (A. Takeda, C. U. Tuazon, and F. A. Ennis, Science 242:580-583, 1988). To define the entry mechanism of HIV-1 complexed with anti-HIV-1 antibody, we attempted to determine the receptor molecules responsible for mediating enhancement of HIV-1 infection of monocytic cells. Monoclonal antibodies to FcRI for immunoglobulin G substantially blocked antibody-dependent enhancement of HIV-1 infection. Furthermore, we demonstrate a requirement for the CD4 molecule in antibody-enhanced HIV-1 infection via FcR. Soluble CD4 prevented infection by HIV-1 antibody-treated virus, and enhancement of infection of virus-antibody complexes was abrogated by a monoclonal antibody to CD4 (anti-Leu3a antibody). Treatment of human macrophages with an anti-CD4 antibody also inhibited antibody-enhanced HIV-1 infection of macrophages, supporting our contention that antibody-dependent enhancement of HIV-1 infection via FcR requires CD4 interaction with the virus glycoprotein.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe two cases of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) intersubtype superinfection with CRF01_AE and subtype B strains, which occurred in two injection drug users participating in a prospective cohort study in Bangkok, Thailand. In both cases, the superinfecting strain was detected by molecular and serologic analyses several weeks after complete seroconversion to the primary infection with a strain belonging to a different subtype. Superinfection occurred despite specific T-cell and humoral antibody responses to the primary virus. In both cases, cross-subtype immune responses were limited or absent prior to the second infection. These data show that, in some individuals, the quality and quantity of the immune response elicited by primary HIV-1 infection may not protect against superinfection. This finding has important implications for vaccine design. HIV-1 vaccines, at a minimum, will need to include potent, broadly protective, conserved immunogens derived from several group M subtypes.  相似文献   

Understanding the properties of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) variants capable of establishing infection is critical to the development of a vaccine against AIDS. Previous studies of men have shown that the HIV-1 env gene is homogeneous early in infection, leading to the suggestion that infection is established by a single transmitted variant. However, we report here that all of eight homosexual men evaluated beginning 3.7 to 9 weeks following onset of symptoms of acute infection harbored diverse virus populations in their blood, with median genetic distances averaging 1.08% in the env C2V5 region and 0.81% in the gag p17 gene. Within another 4.7 to 11 weeks, the variant lineage in env became more homogeneous, while gag sequences continued to diversify. Thus, the homogenization that has been reported to characterize acute infection is actually preceded by the replication of multiple virus variants. This early selective process focuses on viral properties within Env but not Gag p17. Hence, the viral homogeneity observed early in HIV-1 infection results from a selective process that occurs during the establishment of infection.  相似文献   

Factors accounting for long-term nonprogression may include infection with an attenuated strain of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), genetic polymorphisms in the host, and virus-specific immune responses. In this study, we examined eight individuals with nonprogressing or slowly progressing HIV-1 infection, none of whom were homozygous for host-specific polymorphisms (CCR5-Delta32, CCR2-64I, and SDF-1-3'A) which have been associated with slower disease progression. HIV-1 was recovered from seven of the eight, and recovered virus was used for sequencing the full-length HIV-1 genome; full-length HIV-1 genome sequences from the eighth were determined following amplification of viral sequences directly from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Longitudinal studies of one individual with HIV-1 that consistently exhibited a slow/low growth phenotype revealed a single amino acid deletion in a conserved region of the gp41 transmembrane protein that was not seen in any of 131 envelope sequences in the Los Alamos HIV-1 sequence database. Genetic analysis also revealed that five of the eight individuals harbored HIV-1 with unusual 1- or 2-amino-acid deletions in the Gag sequence compared to subgroup B Gag consensus sequences. These deletions in Gag have either never been observed previously or are extremely rare in the database. Three individuals had deletions in Nef, and one had a 4-amino-acid insertion in Vpu. The unusual polymorphisms in Gag, Env, and Nef described here were also found in stored PBMC samples taken 3 to 11 years prior to, or in one case 4 years subsequent to, the time of sampling for the original sequencing. In all, seven of the eight individuals exhibited one or more unusual polymorphisms; a total of 13 unusual polymorphisms were documented in these seven individuals. These polymorphisms may have been present from the time of initial infection or may have appeared in response to immune surveillance or other selective pressures. Our results indicate that unusual, difficult-to-revert polymorphisms in HIV-1 can be found associated with slow progression or nonprogression in a majority of such cases.  相似文献   

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