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目的:研究不同温度条件下血管舒缩功能变化及哌唑嗪、山莨菪碱扩张血管作用变化特征,评价VitE在低温条件下的内皮保护作用,探讨上述药物在冻伤预防过程中的应用前景。方法:利用血管条技术,观察小鼠尾动脉血管在8℃、16℃、25℃、37℃四个温度条件下的收缩及舒张反应特点,比较哌唑嗪、山莨菪碱在不同温度条件下扩血管作用差异。在冷暴露处理的同时预敷Vit E,观察其对低温条件下血管内皮依赖性舒张功能的改善作用。结果:①不同温度条件下苯肾上腺素诱发的血管收缩反应存在明显差异,温度越低,收缩幅度越小;②硝普钠浓度依赖的扩血管作用随着温度的降低明显增强;③与硝普钠作用特点类似,哌唑嗪、山莨菪碱在低温条件下的扩血管作用强于37℃组;④低温能够降低乙酰胆碱内皮依赖的扩血管作用,Vit E能够剂量依赖地对抗低温的影响。结论:随着温度的降低,苯肾上腺素作用下的血管收缩明显减弱,平滑肌靶点扩血管药物的作用显著增强。乙酰胆碱内皮依赖的扩血管作用随温度的下降有所降低,Vit E能够在一定程度上减小低温对乙酰胆碱扩血管作用的影响。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,饮食结构的改变,体力活动减少,生活节奏加快以及社会老龄化等诸多因素使糖尿病的患病率呈逐年上升的趋势,糖尿病患者的逐年增多及人均寿命的延长,导致了糖尿病多种急、慢性并发症也随之大幅度地增加,致使病人生活质量下降,甚至致残,非常痛苦。  相似文献   

急性冷暴露对实验性心肌缺血家兔血浆内ET含量的影响*张宏王洪琦邝杰钊(广州中医药大学94研,广州510407)内皮素(Endothelin,ET)自1989年首次分离后,近八年来,已经成为基础临床领域研究的热点,其在各个系统疾病发病中具有重要意义。对...  相似文献   

在冷暴露(5 ± 1℃)1 d,7 d,14 d 和21d 对中缅树鼩的肝脏、心脏、膈肌、腓肠肌和褐色脂肪组织(BAT)的总蛋白和线粒体蛋白含量、线粒体的状态Ⅳ呼吸能力、细胞色素C 氧化酶活力及血清中甲状腺激素的水平等指标进行了测定。结果表明:冷暴露过程中肝脏线粒体蛋白含量对低温的反应比总蛋白的反应剧烈,心脏和BAT 组织的线粒体蛋白含量也随着冷驯化时间的延长而显著增加,但腓肠肌的反应较为温和;各组织线粒体的状态Ⅳ呼吸能力均显著增强,除腓肠肌外其它各组织细胞色素C 氧化酶活性也随冷暴露时间的延长而急剧增加。说明在低温条件下,肝脏、腓肠肌、心脏和BAT 等组织都参与了体温调节的过程,在自然生境中,低温是重要的刺激产热的调节因子。  相似文献   

目的通过观察肢端缺血预处理(1imbisehemicpreconditioning,LIP)对大鼠脑缺血性损伤后重要炎症因子表达的影响,探讨LIP诱导的脑缺血耐受与炎症反应之间的关系。方法选取72只SD大鼠,实验组(LIP组)30只、缺血组30只和对照组12只。实验组和缺血组设立5个时间点:6h、12h、24h、48h和72h,每点6只。通过线栓法建立大鼠大脑中动脉阻塞(middlecerebralarteryocclusion,MCAO)的局灶性脑缺血模型及LIP法建立脑缺血耐受模型,采用HE观察每组大鼠的脑组织形态学改变、QRT—PCR和ELISA方法检测脑组织中炎症因子IL-17及IL-6的表达变化。结果实验组脑组织学病理改变明显轻于缺血组。与缺血组相比:实验组的IL-17和IL-6的基因和蛋白表达在整体水平均呈下降趋势;mRNA水平提示实验组在缺血12h、24h和48h后脑组织中IL-17、IL-6的表达量显著减少(P〈0.01);蛋白水平提示实验组在缺血24h和48h后脑组织中的IL-6以及在缺血12h、24h和48h后脑组织中IL-17的表达量均降低(P〈0.05)。结论LIP诱导脑缺血耐受,可以减轻脑缺血后的炎症反应,对缺血性脑损伤有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

应激是机体对外界或内部的各种非常刺激所产生的非特异性反应的总和。应激主要表现为交感神经 肾上腺髓质系统兴奋性增强 ,下丘脑 肾上腺皮质功能增强 ,以及由此引起的一系列代谢变化。应激过强易使机体产生许多异常反应 ,如胃肠溃疡、免疫功能改变等病理现象 ,严重者甚至引起死亡。关于禽类冷应激方面的研究报道很少 ,但在实际饲养管理中 ,冷应激却是北方高寒地区养殖现场常见的问题 ,新生动物对其尤为敏感 ,危害也更为严重。本研究旨在探索动物在冷应激和冷适应情况下机体生理机能的某些变化规律 ,为更好的指导育雏工作中的温控以及提高动…  相似文献   

目的: 研究冷暴露介导小鼠回肠机械屏障损伤及其机制。方法: 将20只小鼠随机分为对照组和冷暴露组,每组10只。对照组和冷暴露组均置于(24±2)℃,湿度为40%的气候室内,冷暴露组小鼠每日移至(4±2)℃的气候室内3 h,连续冷暴露三周。三周后采集小鼠回肠组织,通过苏木素伊红染色、Masson染色观察小鼠回肠组织结构变化,通过Western blot检测回肠组织紧密连接、炎症细胞因子、核因子-κB通路的相关蛋白表达水平。结果: 与对照组相比,冷暴露小鼠回肠组织环形肌层变薄,大量的炎症细胞浸润、绒毛长度变短,隐窝深度增大,出现组织纤维化;与对照组比较,冷暴露小鼠的回肠紧密连接相关蛋白表达水平均显著下调(P<0.05),白细胞介素-1β、白细胞介素-6、p-p65蛋白表达水平均显著上调(P<0.05)。结论: 冷暴露能够损伤小鼠回肠组织紧密连接,破坏机械屏障的完整性,其机制与激活NF-κB信号通路,促进炎症反应的发生有关。  相似文献   

温度对嗜冷酵母糖代谢途径某些关键酶的活性效应   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对嗜冷酵母Y18和酿酒酵母细胞中EMP途径和TCA循环中一些关键酶的温度特性进行了比较研究。Y18细胞中,1,6二磷酸果糖醛缩酶、琥珀酸脱氢酶和己糖激酶对温度很敏感,符合Feller提出的冷活性的概念属于冷活性酶类。柠檬酸合成酶的温度特性类似于中温酶。Α酮戊二酸脱氢酶存在不同温度特性的同功酶。通过对嗜冷酵母和中温酶母细胞中琥珀酸脱氢酶的Km值进行比较,结果显示嗜冷酵母琥珀酸脱氢酶在20℃具有较低的Km值。另外还对嗜冷菌细胞中代谢酶类的一些特点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的:探讨冷应激对哺乳类和禽类某些内分泌活动影响的比较生理学机制。方法:Wistar大鼠和罗曼雄性雏鸡进行急性冷暴露和冷习服实验,探讨急性冷暴露和冷习服对大鼠和雏鸡某些内分泌活动的影响。结果:大鼠在急性冷暴露后血清T3水平在4-36 h有不同程度的升高,而雏鸡的T3浓度则在冷暴露后除12 h有所升高外,其他时间均低于冷暴露前的水平;大鼠血清T4在冷暴露后2 h时升高,而后逐渐降低,而雏鸡冷暴露后2~4 h升高,12 h降低,而后又升高;血清胰岛素(Insulin)的变化趋势大鼠和雏鸡基本一致,均在冷暴露2 h升高,而后渐降;皮质醇(Cortisol)的变化,大鼠为冷暴露后2 h明显升高,而后渐降,而雏鸡则一直保持较高水平;冷习服后大鼠和雏鸡血清的几种激素水平变化趋势基本一致,即冷习服后血清T3升高,T4下降,胰岛素降低,而皮质醇则呈升高趋势。结论:冷应激对哺乳动物和禽类的内分泌活动具有差异性。  相似文献   

1. The present study examined the effect of the thermal state of the body (as reflected by rectal temperature) on cheek skin temperature and thermal resistance in active and inactive subjects.

2. Active subjects were exposed to a 30 min conditioning period (CP) (0 °C air with a 2 m/s wind), followed immediately by a 30 min experimental period (EP) (0 °C with a 5 m/s wind). Inactive subjects were exposed to a 30 min CP (22 °C air with no wind), followed immediately by a 45 min EP (0 °C air with a 4.5 m/s wind). The CP period was used to establish a core temperature difference between the active and inactive subjects prior to the start of EP. The 0 °C exposure was replaced with a −10 °C ambient air exposure and the experiment was repeated on a separate day. Subjects were comfortably dressed for each ambient condition.

3. Cheek skin temperature was not significantly higher in active subjects when compared to inactive subjects, but thermal resistance was higher in active subjects.

4. Cheek skin temperature and thermal resistance both decreased as ambient temperature decreased from 0 to −10 °C. The lower cheek thermal resistance at −10 °C may have been due to a greater cheek blood flow as a result of cold-induced vasodilation.

Keywords: Core temperature; Face skin temperature; Cheek thermal resistance; Cold exposure; Exercise  相似文献   


1. 1.|Fourteen male volunteers were examined under passive heating.

2. 2.|Electrical skin resistance (ESR) and rectal temperature (Tre) were measured during the whole period of exposure.

3. 3.|It was found that:

• —|ESR decreases rapidly with increasing air temperature. Assuming an exponential curve yields a mean time constant of 14 min.

• —|There is a correlation between the individual ESR time constants and Tre increases (r = 0.695, P < 0.005).

• —|Additional changes of ESR were noted in 8 subjects at a constant air temperature of 42°C.

4. 4.|It is concluded that ESR may be a useful indicator of the sweating response of the human thermoregulatory system during exogenous heat load.

Author Keywords: Electrical skin resistance; rectal temperature; sweating; heating, man  相似文献   


1. 1. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the non-linearity of the human physiological and psychological responses to step change of air temperature by impulse response analysis using Discrete Fourier Transformation.

2. 2. Experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of thermal transients on human responses.

3. 3. Experimental conditions were as follows: lowering air temperature from 30 to 20°C and raising air temperature from 20 to 30°C.

4. 4. The responses of local skin temperature on lowering air temperature from 30 to 20°C are not necessarily opposite to the responses found on raising air temperature from 20 to 30°C.

5. 5. From impulse response analysis using Discrete Fourier Transformation, skin temperature responses to the opposite air temperature change do not necessarily coincide with each other whenever the same temperature stimulus is occurred.

Author Keywords: Air temperature; step change; impulse response; skin temperature; thermal sensation  相似文献   

People are exposed to heat regularly due to their jobs or daily habits in cold winter, but few studies have reported whether parallel heat and cold exposure and diminish cold acclimation. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of alternating exposure to cold and heat on cold tolerance in eight young males. A daily acclimation program to cold and heat, which consisted of 2-h sitting at 10 °C air in the morning and 2-h running and rest at 30 °C air in the afternoon, was conducted for 14 consecutive days. Eight male subjects participated in a cold tolerance test (10 °C [ ± 0.3], 40%RH[ ± 3]) before (PRE) and after (POST) completing the alternating exposure program. During the cold tolerance test, subjects remained sitting upright on a chair for 60 min. Rectal temperature (Tre) was lower in POST than in PRE during the 60-min cold tolerance test (P = 0.027). During the cold tolerance test, systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial blood pressures in POST were lower than those in PRE (P = 0.006, P = 0.005, and P = 0.004). No significant differences in skin temperatures between PRE and POST were found for the cold tolerance test. There were no significant differences in energy expenditure during cold exposure between PRE and POST. Subjects felt less cold in POST than in PRE (P = 0.013) whereas there was no significant difference in overall thermal comfort between PRE and POST. These results suggest that cold adaptation can still occur in the presence of heat stress.  相似文献   

Effect of drugs on animals exposed to chronic environmental stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

萝卜硫素(sulforaphane,SFN)是一种在十字花科植物中含量丰富,且具有抗氧化效应的天然物质。本文基于核因子E2相关因子2(nuclear factor E2-related factor 2,Nrf2)介导的抗氧化系统,探究不同时长低温暴露对骨骼肌抗氧化酶的影响及SFN对低温暴露骨骼肌抗氧化能力的作用。首先,30只雄性C57BL/6N小鼠随机分为常温对照组(0 h组)、低温暴露1 h组(1 h组)和低温暴露3 h组(3 h组)。其次,40只雄性C57BL/6N小鼠随机分为PBS常温对照组(PBS+Con),PBS低温暴露3 h组(PBS+Cold),SFN常温对照组(SFN+Con)和SFN低温暴露3 h组(SFN+Cold)。小鼠在急性温度干预前腹腔注射4次SFN或等体积PBS。急性低温暴露后,取小鼠骨骼肌,试剂盒检测活性氧(ROS)水平、总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)和氧化型谷胱甘肽(GSSG)含量;荧光实时定量PCR检测Nrf2介导的抗氧化酶和参与生成谷胱甘肽相关酶的mRNA转录水平;Western blot检测Nrf2介导的抗氧化酶蛋白表达。结果显示,与0和1 h组相比,3 h组小鼠骨骼肌Nrf 2和抗氧化酶基因(Gpx 1、Hmox1、Cat、Sod 1和Nqo 1)的mRNA转录水平显著降低,ROS水平显著增加。与PBS+Con组相比,PBS+Cold组小鼠骨骼肌Nrf2和抗氧化酶(HMOX1和CAT)蛋白表达、GSH/GSSG比值及T-AOC水平显著降低,而GSSG含量和ROS水平增加。与PBS+Cold组相比,SFN+Cold组小鼠骨骼肌Nrf 2 mRNA及其蛋白表达、抗氧化酶(HMOX1和SOD1)蛋白表达、抗氧化酶基因(Gpx 1、Hmox 1、Cat、Sod 1和Nqo 1)mRNA转录水平、参与GSH生成的酶基因(Gclm和Gss)mRNA转录水平、GSH/GSSG比值以及T-AOC水平显著提高,而GSSG含量和ROS水平显著降低。综上,3 h急性低温暴露降低了Nrf2介导的抗氧化作用。而低温暴露前给予SFN补充,则激活了Nrf2介导的抗氧化酶和谷胱甘肽抗氧化系统,增强了骨骼肌抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

Catalase enzyme (H2O2: oxidoreductase; E.C. was purified from human skin homogenate using ammonium sulfate precipitation and DEAE-Sephadex A50 ion exchange chromatography at 4°C and some characteristics of the enzyme were investigated. The human skin enzyme, having a specific activity of 1354.5 EU/mg proteins was purified with a yield of 43.13% and 1110-fold. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) showed a single band for the enzyme. Inhibition by piroxicam, ketoprofen, diclofenac sodium, sulfamethoxazole and nidazole occurred with I50 values of 0.414, 1.29, 1.8, 3.83, and 8.64 mM, respectively.  相似文献   

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