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Slow reacting substance (SRS), produced by rat peritoneal mononuclear cells after stimulation with ionophore A23187, consists of two main components (Bach, M.K. et al. (1979) J. Immunol. 122, 160–165). One of these components was recently identified as leukotriene C-1. The other component has now been identified as leukotriene D.  相似文献   

J M Staub  N Wei    X W Deng 《The Plant cell》1996,8(11):2047-2056
The pleiotropic CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC (COP), DEETIOLATED (DET), and FUSCA (FUS) loci are essential regulatory genes involved in the light control of seedling developmental patterns in Arabidopsis. Although COP1, DET1, COP9, and FUS6 (also called COP11) have been cloned, their biochemical activities and interactions remain elusive. We have recently suggested that multiple pleiotropic COP, DET, and FUS genes may encode subunits of a large regulatory complex. In this study, we generated specific antibodies against Arabidopsis FUS6 and show that accumulation of both COP9 and FUS6 is coordinated in the pleiotropic cop, det, and fus mutant backgrounds and in wild-type plants throughout development. Both COP9 and FUS6 cofractionated into identical high molecular mass fractions in an analytical gel filtration assay, and neither was found in its monomeric form. Moreover, antibodies raised against either COP9 or FUS6 selectively coimmunoprecipitated both proteins. We have also developed an Arabidopsis protoplast immunolocalization assay and demonstrated that the COP9 complex is localized in the nucleus and that its nuclear localization is not affected by light conditions or tissue types. The integrated genetic and biochemical results strongly support the conclusion that both COP9 and FUS6 are components of the nuclear-localized COP9 complex. Therefore, we have provided the strongest evidence for the conclusion that at least some of the pleiotropic COP, DET, and FUS loci act in the same signaling pathway.  相似文献   

After treatment of synaptosomes with Nonidet-containing buffers, a proportion of the proteins remained insoluble. The major component (50%) of the residue was identified as a spectrin-like protein by immunodetection after mono- and bi-dimensional gel electrophoresis and transfer to nitrocellulose paper. Actin was also present.  相似文献   

Evidence for a Leydig cell progesterone receptor in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tritiated promegestone [3H] R 5020 is bound with high affinity by charcoal-treated cytosol prepared from purified Leydig cells. The binding is characterized by high affinity (Kd = 2 x 10(-9) M) and specificity (R 5020 = progesterone greater than testosterone = dehydrotestosterone greater than hydroxyprogesterone greater than cortisol = dexamethasone greater than estradiol) appropriate for progesterone receptors. In vitro, progestin-bound cytosol was quantitatively translocated to nuclei fractions, only if cytosol samples were previously labeled at 25 degrees C. However no translocation of binding activity was observed when previous cytosol labeling was done in the presence of sodium molybdate. Effects of glucocorticoids, androgens and estrogens on the Leydig cell are well documented, the demonstration of a putative progesterone receptor raises the possibility of direct effect of progesterone on the Leydig cell.  相似文献   

An 8-h exposure to cycloheximide (0.1 μg/ml) delays the phase of the photosynthesis rhythm 6–14 h in individual Acetabularia cells monitored at 25 °C, providing the drug is present during the first half of a cell's circadian cycle. Puromycin pulses (50 μg/ml) are like cycloheximide in their effect on phase, but chloramphenicol (100 μg/ml) is ineffective. These results indicate that protein synthesis on 80S ribosomes provides a necessary component for the biochemical mechanism of circadian regulation in Acetabularia.  相似文献   

Inhibition of liver aspartate aminotransferase by L-2-amino-4-methoxy-trans-3-butenoic acid in the suckling newborn rat causes a decrease in all gluconeogenic precursors from phosphoenolpyruvate to glucose and an accumulation of lactate but not of pyruvate. This suggests that the aspartate shuttle is operative and confirms the quantitative importance of lactate as a gluconeogenic precursor at this time during development.  相似文献   

A membrane preparation derived from homogenates of the rat kidney has been shown to possess a high affinity for prostaglandins of the E-series. Other prostaglandins including PGI2 had characteristic but significantly weaker binding properties. A 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (PGDH) was found to be associated with the membrane fraction studied. However it was possible to distinguish between this and the "receptor" binding by kinetic studies and by the use of a new inhibitor highly specific for PGDH.  相似文献   

Previous studies in rats have suggested that the urinary excretion of unconjugated bilirubin (UB) comprises only a small fraction of the pigment that reaches the tubular lumen by glomerular filtration and escapes from tubular cell reabsorption. However, additional data also indicated that UB interacts with renal peritubular cell membranes impairing the secretion of p-aminohippurate (PAH). In this study we examined the possibility of a secretory step which could also be involved in the renal excretory mechanism for UB. An isolated rat kidney preparation was used, and the uptake of UB by renal tissue, the UB appearance in the urine, and the secretion of PAH were analyzed throughout the perfusion. The results indicated that the UB urinary excretion rate changed independently of UB filtered load. The latter remained almost unchanged during the perfusion, whereas the excretion rate of UB and the UB-to-creatinine (Cr) clearance ratio increased significantly. Furthermore, a relationship between the uptake of UB by the kidney, the UB-to-Cr clearance ratio, and the decrease in PAH secretion rate, was proved. In addition, when probenecid was added to the perfusate solution the cumulative uptake of UB by the kidney and the rate of excretion of UB in the urine were diminished. We conclude that the mechanism of UB excretion by the kidney may be considered as the result of a process involving glomerular filtration plus tubular secretion followed by a back diffusion step from the lumen in a similar way to other endogenous compounds, thus explaining the virtual absence of UB from the normal urine.  相似文献   

The disintegration of the nuclear envelope has been examined in nuclei and nuclear envelopes isolated from amphibian oocytes from amphibian oocytes and rat liver tissue, using different electron microscope techniques (ultrathin sections and negatively or positively stained spread preparations). Various treatments were studied, including disruption by surface tension forces, very low salt concentrations, and nonionic detergents such as Triton C-100 and Nonidet P-40. The highest local stability of the cylinders of nonmembranous pore complex material is emphasized. As progressive disintegration occurred in the membrane regions, a network of fibrils became apparent which interconnects the pore complexes and is distinguished from the pore complex-associated about 15-20 nm thick, located at the level of the inner nuclear membrane, which is recognized in thin sections to bridge the interpore distances. With all disintegraiton treatments a somewhat higher susceptibility of the outer nuclear membrane is notable, but a selective removal does not take place. Final stages of disintegration are generally characterized by the absence of identifiable, membrane- like structures. Analysis of detergent-treated nuclei and nuclear membrane fractions shows almost complete absence of lipid components but retention bo significant amount of glycoproteins with a typical endomembrane-type carbohydrate pattern. Various alternative interpretations of these observations are discussed. From the present observations and those of Aaronson and Blobel (1,2), we favor the notion that threadlike intrinsic membrane components are stabilized by their attachment to the pore complexes, and perhaps also to peripheral nuclear structures,and constitute a detergent-resistant, interpore skeleton meshwork.  相似文献   

Mutants ton A and ton B of Escherichia coli K12, known to be resistant to bacteriophage phi80, were found to be insensitive as well to albomycin, an analogue of the specific siderochrome ferrichrome. Ferrichrome at micromolar concentrations strongly inhibited plaque production by phi80. Preincubation with ferrichrome did not inactivate the phage. At a concentration at which ferrichrome allowed 90% inhibition of plaque formation, the chromium analogue of ferrichrome showed no detectable activity. Similarly, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, ferrichrome A, and certain siderochromes structurally distinct from ferrichrome, such as ferrioxamine B, schizokinen, citrate, and enterobactin, did not show detectable inhibitory activity. However, rhodotorulic acid showed moderate activity. A host range mutant of phi80, phi80h, was also inhibited by ferrichrome, as was a hybrid of phage lambda possessing the host range of phi80. However, phage lambdacI- and a hybrid of phi80 possessing the host range of lambda were not affected by ferrichrome. Finally, ferrichrome and chromic deferriferrichrome were shown to inhibit adsorption of phi80 to sensitive cells, ferrichrome giving 50% inhibition of adsorption at a minimal concentration of 8 nM. It is suggested that a component of the ferrichrome uptake system may reside in the outer membrane of E. coli K12 and may also function as a component of the receptor site for bacteriophage phi80, and that ferrichrome inhibition of the phage represents a competition for this common site.  相似文献   

Glaucocystis nostochinearum is a eukaryotic organism with chloroplasts that have usually been assumed to be cyanelles — i.e., endosymbiotic cyanobacteria. Previous attempts by others to support this assumption by demonstrating the presence of a limiting peptidoglycan envelope have been unsuccessful.In the present study disruption of intact Glaucocystis cells with a glass tissue homogenizer permitted the isolation of the uniquely-shaped cyanelles. That these cyanelles were lunited by a peptidoglycan-containing envelope was concluted from the following evidence: (1) stability of isolated cyanelles in distilled water as determined by the preservation of their intactness and peculiar asymmetrical shape; (2) lysozyme sensitivity as demonstrated by lysis of isolated cyanelles when treated with low concentrations of lysozyme; (3) inhibition of the lysozyme-mediated lysis by N-acetyl-glucosamine-2, a known competitive inhibitor of lysozyme, (4) visualization of a thin, electron dense layer between the two limiting membranes around the cyanelle, and (5) isolation and identification of the peptidoglycan-specific amino acid, diaminopimelic acid, from the cyanelles.  相似文献   

The activity of the enzyme, guanyl cyclase, associated with the rat intestinal brush border membrane, has an endogenous circadian rhythm which is observed in the absence of oral intermittent feeding and of a dark period. This rhythm is cued by the feeding schedule but is essentially unaffected by a light-dark cycle.  相似文献   

We have followed the synthesis and secretion of a number of periplasmic and outer membrane proteins in three strains of Escherichia coli, a secA amber mutant, a secA temperature-sensitive mutant, and a strain that blocks protein secretion due to a high level of expression of an export-defective hybrid protein between maltose-binding protein and beta-galactosidase (MalE-LacZ). Our results show that after several hours under nonpermissive conditions the specificity and extent of the export blocks in the secA temperature-sensitive mutant and the strain producing the MalE-LacZ hybrid protein are identical, affecting at least four major outer membrane proteins and most but not all periplasmic proteins. The secA gene product, therefore, appears to be an essential component of the major export pathway in E. coli which is used by many envelope proteins independent of whether they are cotranslationally or post-translationally secreted. In contrast, the synthesis of only a subset of these envelope proteins is reduced in the secA amber mutant after shift to the nonpermissive condition. These results indicate that the SecA protein serves roles both in the synthesis and the secretion of certain cell envelope proteins.  相似文献   

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