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Ineffective alfalfa nodules were examined at the light and electron microscope level after inoculation with Rhizobium meliloti strains with mutations in nif and fix genes. All the mutant strains induced nodules that contained elongated bacteroids within the host cells, but the bacteroids quickly senesced. The nodules were small and numerous, and the host cells also exhibited symptoms of an ineffective symbiosis. nifB, fixA, and fixB bacteroids appeared to be completely differentiated (by ultrastructural criteria), i.e., as bacteroids developed, they increased in diameter and length and their cytoplasm underwent a change from homogeneous and electron dense to heterogeneous and electron transparent after enlargement. In contrast, nifA bacteroids rarely matured to this state. The bacteroids degenerated at an earlier stage of development and did not become electron transparent.  相似文献   

Abstract DNA fragments representatives of ndv A and ndv B have been used as probes against genomic DNAs from different Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium species. ndv A and ndv B homologues were found in all species, indicating extensive conservation of these genes. All Rhizobium species show chromosomal localization of ndv A and ndv B homologues.  相似文献   

Medicago truncatula contains a family of at least five genes related to AUX1 of Arabidopsis thaliana (termed MtLAX genes for Medicago truncatula-like AUX1 genes). The high sequence similarity between the encoded proteins and AUX1 implies that the MtLAX genes encode auxin import carriers. The MtLAX genes are expressed in roots and other organs, suggesting that they play pleiotropic roles related to auxin uptake. In primary roots, the MtLAX genes are expressed preferentially in the root tips, particularly in the provascular bundles and root caps. During lateral root and nodule development, the genes are expressed in the primordia, particularly in cells that were probably derived from the pericycle. At slightly later stages, the genes are expressed in the regions of the developing organs where the vasculature arises (central position for lateral roots and peripheral region for nodules). These results are consistent with MtLAX being involved in local auxin transport and suggest that auxin is required at two common stages of lateral root and nodule development: development of the primordia and differentiation of the vasculature.  相似文献   

Prestin is a voltage-dependent membrane-spanning motor protein that confers electromotility on mammalian cochlear outer hair cells, which is essential for normal hearing of mammals. Voltage-induced charge movement in the prestin molecule is converted into mechanical work; however, little is known about the molecular mechanism of this process. For understanding the electromechanical coupling mechanism of prestin, we simultaneously measured voltage-dependent charge movement and electromotility under conditions in which the magnitudes of both charge movement and electromotility are gradually manipulated by the prestin inhibitor, salicylate. We show that the observed relationships of the charge movement and the physical displacement (q-d relations) are well represented by a three-state Boltzmann model but not by a two-state model or its previously proposed variant. Here, we suggest a molecular mechanism of prestin with at least two voltage-dependent conformational transition steps having distinct electromechanical coupling efficiencies.  相似文献   

Abstract Probes containing the nod and hsn regions of Rhizobium meliloti and the fixABC genes of Rhizobium japonicum were used to perform hybridization experiments with endonuclease-restricted DNA from Azospirillum brasilense strains and 2 Azospirillum lipoferum strains. Homology to nod, hsn and fixA was found in the 4 Azospirillum strains.  相似文献   

An immunological assay of root nodule polypeptides was used to analyze the nodules induced by 25 symbiotically defective Rhizobium meliloti mutants. Differences in polypeptide accumulation in these nodules were used to divide the mutants into three subsets. One subset, containing two mutant strains, was further analyzed. Nodules induced by these mutant strains lack both infection threads and bacteria. The kinetics of nodule formation by these mutant strains, by an exoB mutant, and by mixed mutant inocula suggest that the gene products required for nodule invasion may also influence nodule meristem induction. One of the two mutants characterized in this study contains a transposon Tn5 insertion in the ndvB locus, which probably results in the loss of beta-glucan synthesis. The second mutant contains a transposon in a previously uncharacterized locus. RNA analysis suggests that the newly identified locus is transcribed in free-living cultures of ndvB and exoB strains, as well as in the parental R. meliloti strain. Southern blot analysis suggests that at least a portion of this locus is duplicated. This duplication may explain the apparently leaky phenotype of the mutant strain.  相似文献   

The ebg operon consists of at least two genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The ebg operon of Escherichia coli includes a second gene designated ebgB. The ebgB gene product is a 79,000-molecular-weight protein and is expressed coordinately with the ebgA gene product, ebg beta-galactosidase. Insertion of the transposable elements Tn5 and Tn9 into ebgA eliminates the expression of ebgB, suggesting that ebgB is distal to ebgA. Ultraviolet light mapping confirms that gene order. The function of the ebgB gene product is unknown.  相似文献   

We examined the interrelationships of the genomes of 10 slow-growing strains of Rhizobium japonicum to provide a foundation for molecular genetic studies of these agriculturally important endosymbiotic bacteria of commercial soybeans. The degree of base substitution in and around known symbiotic genes (nif and presumptive nod), constitutively expressed genes (glnA and recA), and two other cloned sequences was estimated from restriction site variation by using cloned DNAs as hybridization probes to genomic Southern blots. Two highly divergent patterns of conservation of nifDH genes and nod-homologous sequences were found. On this basis, we classified the strains as the symbiotic genotypes sTI or sTII. Existing maps of the nif genes of R. japonicum apply only to strains of the sTI genotype. This division was further characterized by four other probes which also distinguished two sublines within sTI. Phenograms were constructed depicting interrelationships according to DNA sequence divergence. sTI and sTII are two highly divergent evolutionary lines consistent with the status of individual species. Neither is related to fast-growing Rhizobium strains (PRC strains) nodulating soybeans.  相似文献   

A Rhizobium meliloti DNA region (nodD1) involved in the regulation of other early nodulation genes has been delimited by directed Tn5 mutagenesis and its nucleotide sequence has been determined. The sequence data indicate a large open reading frame with opposite polarity to nodA, -B and -C, coding for a protein of 308 (or 311) amino acid residues. Tn5 insertion within the gene caused a delay in nodulation of Medicago sativa from four to seven days. Hybridization of nodD1 to total DNA of Rhizobium meliloti revealed two additional nodD sequences (nodD2 and nodD3) and both were localized on the megaplasmid pRme41b in the vicinity of the other nod genes. Genetic and DNA hybridization data, combined with nucleotide sequencing showed that nodD2 is a functional gene, while requirement of nodD3 for efficient nodulation of M. sativa could not be detected under our experimental conditions. The nodD2 gene product consists of 310 amino acid residues and shares 86.4% homology with the nodD1 protein. Single nodD2 mutants had the same nodulation phenotype as the nodD1 mutants, while a double nodD1-nodD2 mutant exhibited a more severe delay in nodulation. These results indicate that at least two functional copies of the regulatory gene nodD are necessary for the optimal expression of nodulation genes in R. meliloti.  相似文献   

The role of the Rhizobium nod genes in the induction of nodulin gene expression was examined by analyzing nodules formed on vetch roots by bacterial strains containing only the nod region. Introduction of an 11-kb cloned nod region of the R. leguminosarum sym plasmid pRL1JI into sym plasmid-cured rhizobia conferred on the recipient strains the ability to induce nodules in which all nodulin genes were expressed. This proves that from the sym plasmid only the nod region is involved in the induction of nodulin gene expression. A transconjugant of Agrobacterium carrying the same nod region induces nodules in which only early nodulin gene expression is detected. Thus, the nod region is essential for the induction of early nodulin gene expression. In this case, nodule cytology may indicate that a defense response of the plant interferes with the induction of late nodulin gene expression. Indirect evidence is presented that indeed the Rhizobium nod genes are also in some way involved in the induction of the expression of late noduling genes. The combination between histological data and pattern of nodulin gene expression furthermore reveals a correlation between nodule structure and nodulin gene expression. This correlation may aid in speculations about the functions of nodulins.  相似文献   

To differentiate among the roles of the three nodD genes of Rhizobium meliloti 1021, we studied the activation of a nodC-lacZ fusion by each of the three nodD genes in response to root exudates from several R. meliloti host plants and in response to the flavone luteolin. We found (i) that the nodD1 and nodD2 products (NodD1 and NodD2) responded differently to root exudates from a variety of hosts, (ii) that NodD1 but not NodD2 responded to luteolin, (iii) that NodD2 functioned synergistically with NodD1 or NodD3, (iv) that NodD2 interfered with NodD1-mediated activation of nodC-lacZ in response to luteolin, and (v) that a region adjacent to and upstream of nodD2 was required for NodD2-mediated activation of nodC-lacZ. We also studied the ability of each of the three R. meliloti nodD genes to complement nodD mutations in R. trifolii and Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234. We found (i) that nodD1 complemented an R. trifolii nodD mutation but not a Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 nodD1 mutation and (ii) that R. meliloti nodD2 or nodD3 plus R. meliloti syrM complemented the nodD mutations in both R. trifolii and Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234. Finally, we determined the nucleotide sequence of the R. meliloti nodD2 gene and found that R. meliloti NodD1 and NodD2 are highly homologous except in the C-terminal region. Our results support the hypothesis that R. meliloti utilizes the three copies of nodD to optimize the interaction with each of its legume hosts.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Legumes overcome nitrogen limitations by entering into a mutualistic symbiosis with N2-fixing bacteria (rhizobia). Fully compatible associations (effective) between Trifolium spp. and Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii result from successful recognition of symbiotic partners in the rhizosphere, root hair infection and the formation of nodules where N2-fixing bacteroids reside. Poorly compatible associations can result in root nodule formation with minimal (sub-optimal) or no (ineffective) N2-fixation. Despite the abundance and persistence of strains in agricultural soils which are poorly compatible with the commercially grown clover species, little is known of how and why they fail symbiotically. The aims of this research were to determine the morphological aberrations occurring in sub-optimal and ineffective clover nodules and to determine whether reduced bacteroid numbers or reduced N2-fixing activity is the main cause for the Sub-optimal phenotype.


Symbiotic effectiveness of four Trifolium hosts with each of four R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii strains was assessed by analysis of plant yields and nitrogen content; nodule yields, abundance, morphology and internal structure; and bacteroid cytology, quantity and activity.

Key Results

Effective nodules (Nodule Function 83–100 %) contained four developmental zones and N2-fixing bacteroids. In contrast, Sub-optimal nodules of the same age (Nodule Function 24–57 %) carried prematurely senescing bacteroids and a small bacteroid pool resulting in reduced shoot N. Ineffective-differentiated nodules carried bacteroids aborted at stage 2 or 3 in differentiation. In contrast, bacteroids were not observed in Ineffective-vegetative nodules despite the presence of bacteria within infection threads.


Three major responses to N2-fixation incompatibility between Trifolium spp. and R. l. trifolii strains were found: failed bacterial endocytosis from infection threads into plant cortical cells, bacteroid differentiation aborted prematurely, and a reduced pool of functional bacteroids which underwent premature senescence. We discuss possible underlying genetic causes of these developmental abnormalities and consider impacts on N2-fixation of clovers.  相似文献   

A 200-megadalton plasmid was mobilized from Rhizobium japonicum USDA 191 to other Rhizobium strains either that cannot nodulate soybeans or that form Fix- nodules on certain cultivars. The symbiotic properties of the transconjugants indicate that both soybean specificity for nodulation and cultivar specificity for nitrogen fixation are plasmid encoded.  相似文献   

Using physical and genetic data, we have demonstrated that Rhizobium meliloti SU47 has a symbiotic megaplasmid, pRmeSU47b, in addition to the previously described nod-nif megaplasmid pRmeSU47a. This plasmid includes four loci involved in exopolysaccharide (exo) synthesis as well as two loci involved in thiamine biosynthesis. Mutations at the exo loci have previously been shown to result in the formation of nodules which lack infection threads (Inf-) and fail to fix nitrogen (Fix-). Thus, both megaplasmids contain genes involved in the formation of nitrogen-fixing root nodules. Mutations at two other exo loci were not located on either megaplasmid. To mobilize the megaplasmids, the oriT of plasmid RK2 was inserted into them. On alfalfa, Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains containing pRmeSU47a induced marked root hair curling with no infection threads and Fix- nodules, as reported by others. This plant phenotype was not observed to change with A. tumefaciens strains containing both pRmeSU47a and pRmeSU47b megaplasmids, and strains containing pRmeSU47b alone failed to curl root hairs or form nodules.  相似文献   

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