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The proteolytic activities of two natural isolates of thermophilic lactobacilli, Lactobacillus acidophilus BGRA43 and Lact. delbrueckii BGPF1, and Lact. acidophilus CH2 (Chr. Hansen's strain) and Lact. acidophilus V74 (Visby's strain), were compared. Results revealed that optimal pH for all four proteinases is 6.5, whereas temperature optimum varied among proteinases. Determination of caseinolytic activity done under optimal conditions for each strain revealed that the CH2 and V74 proteinases completely hydrolysed both alphaS1-casein and beta-casein, showing very low activity towards kappa-casein. The BGPF1 proteinase completely hydrolysed only beta-casein. The BGRA43 proteinase completely hydrolysed all three casein fractions. The proteolytic activities of whole cells were inhibited by serine proteinase inhibitors, suggesting that all four strains produce serine proteinases. DNA-DNA hybridization and PCR analysis showed that BGPF1 contains the prtB-like proteinase gene. Characterized thermophilic strains BGPF1 and BGRA43 were successfully used as starter cultures for production of yoghurt and acidophilus milk, respectively.  相似文献   

D. FIRA, M. KOJIC, A. BANINA, I. SPASOJEVIC, I. STRAHINIC AND L. TOPISIROVIC. 2001 . The proteolytic activities of two natural isolates of thermophilic lactobacilli, Lactobacillus acidophilus BGRA43 and Lact. delbrueckii BGPF1, and Lact. acidophilus CH2 (Chr. Hansen's strain) and Lact. acidophilus V74 (Visby's strain), were compared. Results revealed that optimal pH for all four proteinases is 6·5, whereas temperature optimum varied among proteinases. Determination of caseinolytic activity done under optimal conditions for each strain revealed that the CH2 and V74 proteinases completely hydrolysed both αS1-casein and β-casein, showing very low activity towards κ-casein. The BGPF1 proteinase completely hydrolysed only β-casein. The BGRA43 proteinase completely hydrolysed all three casein fractions. The proteolytic activities of whole cells were inhibited by serine proteinase inhibitors, suggesting that all four strains produce serine proteinases. DNA–DNA hybridization and PCR analysis showed that BGPF1 contains the prtB -like proteinase gene. Characterized thermophilic strains BGPF1 and BGRA43 were successfully used as starter cultures for production of yoghurt and acidophilus milk, respectively.  相似文献   

Three series of oligopeptides were synthesized to investigate the proposal that a major factor in determining the differences in specificity of the lactococcal cell surface-associated proteinases against caseins is the interactions between charged amino acids in the substrate and in the enzyme. The sequences of the oligopeptides were based on two regions of kappa-casein (residues 98 to 111 and 153 to 169) which show markedly different susceptibilities to PI- and PIII-type lactococcal proteinases. In each series, one oligopeptide had an identical sequence to that of the kappa-casein region, while in the others, one or more charged residues were substituted by an amino acid of opposite charge, i.e., His<-->Glu. Generally, substitution of His by Glu in the oligopeptides corresponding to residues 98 to 111 of kappa-casein resulted in reduced cleavage of susceptible bonds by the PI-type proteinase and increased cleavage of susceptible bonds by the PIII-type proteinase. In the case of the oligopeptide corresponding to residues 153 to 169 of kappa-casein, one major cleavage site was evident, and the bond was hydrolyzed by both types of proteinase (even though this sequence in kappa-casein itself is extremely resistant to the PI-type enzyme). Substitution of Glu by His in this oligopeptide, even in the P7 position, resulted in increased cleavage of the bond by the PI-type proteinase and reduced cleavage by the PIII-type proteinase. C-terminal truncation of this oligopeptide resulted in a 100-fold decrease in the rate of hydrolysis of the susceptible bond and a change in the pattern of cleavage.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The cell envelope-associated proteinases from Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris H2 (a PI-type proteinase-producing strain) and SK11 (a PIII-type proteinase-producing strain) both actively hydrolyze the kappa-casein component of bovine milk but with significant differences in the specificity of peptide bond hydrolysis. The peptide bonds Ala-23-Lys-24, Leu-32-Ser-33, Ala-71-Gln-72, Leu-79-Ser-80, Met-95-Ala-96, and Met-106-Ala-107 were cleaved by both proteinase types, although the relative rates of hydrolysis at some of these sites were quite different for the two proteinases. Small histidine-rich peptides were formed as early products of the action of the cell envelope-associated proteinases on kappa-casein, implicating this casein as a possible significant source of histidine, which is essential for starter growth. The major difference between the two proteinase types in their action on kappa-casein was in their ability to cleave bonds near the C-terminal end of the molecule. The bond Asn-160-Thr-161 and, to a lesser extent, the bond Glu-151-Val-152 were very rapidly cleaved by the PIII-type proteinase, whereas hydrolysis of these bonds by the PI-type proteinase was barely detectable (even after 24 h of digestion). Differential hydrolysis of kappa-casein at these sites by the two different proteinase types resulted in the formation of distinctive, high-M(r) products detectable by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. Most enzymes from extreme thermophiles do not possess higher specific activities than similar enzymes from mesophiles (measured at their respective growth temperatures). 2. However, using protein substrates, the specific activities of thermophilic proteinases are considerably higher than those of most microbial and eukaryotic proteinases. 3. This property could be attributed to purely kinetic influences on the enzyme, to some specific "design" feature of the proteinase, or to the effects of temperature on the substrate. 4. Comparisons of the rates of hydrolysis of large and small substrates by both mesophilic and thermophilic proteinases suggest that temperature-induced changes in substrate susceptibility are a major factor.  相似文献   

Lactocepins or CEPs are large cell wall bound extracellular proteinases of lactic acid bacteria, involved in protein breakdown and utilization. They are responsible for many health-promoting traits of food products fermented with these organisms, but also essential for probiotic effects of certain strains. Different mesophilic strains selected within the species Lactobacillus zeae, Lb. casei, Lb. rhamnosus, and Lb. plantarum were analyzed for their proteolytic activity towards main fractions of milk proteins—caseins and whey proteins. The strains showing excellent proteolytic features were further examined for presence of corresponding proteinase gene(s). It was found that Lb. zeae LMG17315 possessed catalytic domains of three distinct proteinase genes, unique feature in Lb. casei group, which are similar but not identical to previously characterized prtP and prtR genes. Lb. casei neotype strain ATCC393 was also analysed and based on obtained results its reclassification in taxon Lb. zeae is supported. In addition, we report catalytic domain of prtR-type gene in Lb. plantarum LMG9208, which is first such report in this species, and it is first time that this gene is reported outside Lb. casei group.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis is performed of the polymorphism of the Pleurotus ostreatus (Fr.) Kumm naturally occurring strains isolated from the natural substrates found in two geographically remote Russian natural preserves, the Central Arboreal Biosphere Tver State Preserve (CABTSP) and the Moscow State University Zvenigorod Biological Station (ZBS, Moscow oblast), and within the city of Moscow. The results of the frequency analysis for the isozyme loci alleles and for the sexual and vegetative incompatibility groups are presented; the genetic structure and the interpopulation relations among 58 P. ostreatus dikaryotic strains are estimated. The natural samples from the Moscow and Tver oblasts are shown to have a high degree of polymorphism with a genetic differentiation of 0.743; in spite of their territorial remoteness, they are, however, actively exchanging genetic material. The natural fungal isolates form two reproductively isolated groups.  相似文献   

The emergence of highly virulent community acquired Staphylococcus aureus and continued progression of resistance to multiple antimicrobials, including methicillin and vancomycin, marks the reemergence of S. aureus as a serious health care threat. Investigation of proteins localized to the cell surface could help to elucidate mechanisms of virulence and antibiotic resistance in S. aureus. In this study, proteomic profiling methods were developed to solubilize, display, and evaluate abundance levels of proteins present in the supernatants of the lysostaphin-digested cell envelope from cultured vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus (VISA) cells. Combining approaches of 2-DE or chromatographic separation of proteins with MS analyses resulted in the identification of 144 proteins of particular interest. Of these proteins, 48 contained predicted cell wall localization or export signal motifs, including 14 with distinct covalent peptidoglycan-anchor sites, four of which are uncharacterized to date. One of the two most abundant cell envelope proteins, which showed remarkably high variations in MW and pI in the 2-DE gel display, was the S. aureus surface protein G. The display of numerous secreted proteins that are not covalently cell wall-anchored, suggests that, in the exponential growth phase, secreted proteins can be retained physiologically in the cell envelope and may interact with cell wall-anchored proteins and carbohydrate structures in a manner yet to be determined. The remaining 96 proteins, devoid of recognizable motifs, were repeatedly profiled in the VISA cell envelope fractions. We describe a novel semiquantitative method to determine abundance factors of such proteins in 2-DE gels of cell envelope fractions relative to whole cell lysates and discuss these data in the context of true cell envelope localization versus experimentally caused cell lysis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Microcystis aeruginosa is a species of cyanobacteria commonly found in a number of countries and frequently related to animal poisoning episodes due to its capacity to produce the cyanotoxin known as microcystin. Despite vast literature on microcystin structures and their deleterious effects, little is known about its synthesis by cyanobacteria. Therefore, this study used proteomic tools to compare two M. aeruginosa strains, contrasting them for microcystin production. RESULTS: 2-DE gels were performed and 30 differential protein spots were chosen. Among them, 11 protein spots were unique in the toxin producing strain and 8 in the non-toxin producing strain, and 14 protein spots were shown on both 2-DE gels but expressed differently in intensity. Around 57% of the tandem mass spectrometry identified proteins were related to energy metabolism, with these proteins being up-regulated in the toxin producing strain. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that the presence of higher quantities of metabolic enzymes could be related to microcystin metabolism in comparison to the non-toxin producing strain. Moreover, it was suggested that the production of microcystin could also be related to other proteins than those directly involved in its production, such as the enzymes involved in the Calvin cycle and glycolysis.  相似文献   

Comparative study of 7 fluorescent pseudomonad clinical isolates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is some debate about the potential survival of Pseudomonas fluorescens at temperatures above 37 degrees C and its consequences for infectious potential, owing to the heterogeneity of clinical strains. Seven clinical strains growing at 37 degrees C or more were submitted for polyphasic identification; 2 were identified as Pseudomonas mosselii and 4 were precisely characterized as P. fluorescens bv. I or II. The binding indexes on glial cells of the strains identified as P. fluorescens bv. I and P. mosselii were compared with that of a reference psychrotrophic strain, P. fluorescens MF37 (bv. V). Clinical P. fluorescens had a similar adherence potential range than strain MF37. Conversely, the binding indexes for P. mosselii strains were 3 times greater than that for strain MF37. These data, and those obtained by comparing the cytotoxic activities of P. fluorescens clinical strains, suggest the existence of different virulence mechanisms, leading either to a low infectious form or to a microorganism with cytotoxic activity in the same range as that of P. mosselii or even Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Lactobacilli are widely used in silage production, for fermentation of foodstuffs, and as probiotics. Their therapeutic effect in preparations is based on their antagonistic activity against pathogens. In this work, antagonistic activity of Lactobacillus strains isolated from silage and fermented plant-derived foodstuffs was studied in order to select the strains promising for industry, agriculture, and medicine. Twenty Lactobacillus strains were ranked according to the intensity and rate of acid production and antibiotic resistance. Lactobacillus sp. Cа9L was selected as a promising starter culture strain for biotechnology based on the optimal combination of acid production, rate of acidification, and antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

A comparative study of DNA homology among 12 strains of thermophilic streptococci currently used as ferments in the dairy industry in different regions of the CIS and 16 strains of mesophilic lactococci obtained from different sources was performed by the method of optical reassociation in solution. These strains were found to form three groups with DNA homology generally not exceeding 30-35% between each other. These data indicate that strains commonly classified as Streptococcus thermophilus may belong to different taxa. At the same time, the DNA base composition was similar in all these strains (the G + C content was 38-40 mol %). Among 16 strains of mesophilic lactococci DNA homology was generally higher than 50%, i.e., all these strains indeed belong to the same species, Lactococcus lactis.  相似文献   

The growth of facultatively heterofermentative lactobacilli (FHL) on cell suspensions of the homofermentative Lactobacillus helveticus was investigated. Osmotic lysis of L. helveticus led to a significant increase of ribose. It decreased steadily in parallel with the growth of FHL, strongly suggesting that the bacteria used ribose as a growth substrate.  相似文献   

The properties of enzymes involved in energy transduction from a mesophilic (Bacillus subtilis) and a thermophilic (B. stearothermophilus) bacterium were compared. Membrane preparations of the two organisms contained dehydrogenases for NADH, succinate, L-alpha-glycerophosphate, and L-lactate. Maximum NADH and cytochrome c oxidation rates were obtained at the respective growth temperatures of the two bacteria. The enzymes involved in the oxidation reactions in membranes of the thermophilic species were more thermostable than those of the mesophilic species. The apparent microviscosities of the two membrane preparations were studied at different temperatures. At the respective optimal growth temperatures, the apparent microviscosities of the membranes of the two organisms were remarkably similar. The transition from the gel to the liquid-crystalline state occurred at different temperatures in the two species. In the two species, the oxidation of physiological (NADH) and nonphysiological (N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine or phenazine methosulfate) electron donors led to generation of a proton motive force which varied strongly with temperature. At increasing temperatures, the efficiency of energy transduction declined because of increasing H+ permeability. At the growth temperature, the efficiency of energy transduction was lower in B. stearothermophilus than in the mesophilic species. Extremely high respiratory activities enabled B. stearothermophilus to maintain a high proton motive force at elevated temperatures. The pH dependence of proton motive force generation appeared to be similar in the two membrane preparations. The highest proton motive forces were generated at low external pH, mainly because of a high pH gradient. At increasing external pH, the proton motive force declined.  相似文献   

Comparative study of different isolates of murine sarcoma virus.   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The RNA genomes of a variety of murine sarcoma viruses (MSV) were compared by heteroduplex analysis. These viruses included the Moloney-derived isolates 124-MSV, m1-MSV, m3-MSV, HT1-MSV, and NP-MSV and also two independent isolates, Gazdar MSV and 1712-MSV. All of these viral genomes exhibited the acquired cellular sequences previously identified in 3124-MSV and thought to be responsible for transformation and sarcomagenesis. The location of the acquired cellular sequences within the envelope gene was variable in different MSV isolates, suggesting that the cellular sequences can be expressed in different positions relative to murine leukemia virus-derived information present in MSV. Deletions in the gag coding region of the different MSVs were consistent with their known gag-related gene products. Based on several features of the hetero-duplex analysis and the known genealogical relationships of the different MSVs, various possible mechanisms for the formation of MSV are considered.  相似文献   

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