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Adult pallids bats collected in April or May, were maintained in short or long photoperiods (10 or 14 h light/day) for 3-6 months. In August, the short-day bats had regressed testes, epididymal spermatozoa and fully developed accessory sex glands, corresponding to the autumnal reproductive condition of field animals; long-day bats had testes undergoing spermatogenesis, few epididymal spermatozoa and undeveloped accessory sex glands (summer reproductive condition). Bats in each photoperiod manifested the expected autumnal reproductive pattern in October. We suggest that photoperiod influences the reproductive physiology of male pallid bats by affecting an endogenous circannual reproductive rhythm.  相似文献   

  • 1.1 The body weight (BW), hematocrit and plasma colloid osmotic pressure (COP) of adult and juvenile pallid bats maintained under constant laboratory conditions were measured periodically from August through April.
  • 2.2. In the adult, BW and plasma COP showed seasonal cycles with peaks occurring in December and October through December respectively. A significant seasonal correlation between BW (fat) and plasma COP was found.
  • 3.3. In the juvenile, a seasonal cycle was found for plasma COP, but the peak value was reached later in the year than in the adult. The need for a minimal fat content to support hibernation in the juvenile bat was suggested.
  • 4.4. Seasonal changes in plasma volume appear to alter plasma COP: the quantity of circulating plasma protein appears to remain constant.

The complete primary structure of the hemoglobin from the Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus, Microchiroptera) is presented. This hemoglobin consists of two components with identical amino-acid sequences, differing, however, in the N-terminus which is formylated in 12.5% of the beta-chains. The alpha- and beta-chains were separated by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. The sequences of both chains were established by automatic Edman degradation with the film technique or gas phase method using the native chains and the tryptic peptides. The formylation of a part of the N-terminal peptide of the beta-chains was determined by mass spectrometric examination. Compared to the corresponding human chains we found 14 substitutions in the alpha-chains and 21 in the beta-chains. One substitution in the alpha-chains and three in the beta-chains are involved in alpha 1/beta 1-contacts. Among these the exchange beta 123(H1)Thr----Cys is unusual because cysteine was so far not found in this position of mammalian beta-chains. Compared to the hemoglobin of Myotis velifer, another representative of the family Vespertilionidae, 5 residues are replaced in the alpha-chains and 18 in the beta-chains.  相似文献   

Summary The pallid bat (Antrozous p. pallidus) uses passive sound localization to capture terrestrial prey. This study of captive pallid bats examined the roles of echolocation and passive sound localization in prey capture, and focused on their spectral requirements for accurate passive sound localization.Crickets were used as prey throughout these studies. All tests were conducted in dim, red light in an effort to preclude the use of vision. Hunting performance did not differ significantly in red light and total darkness, nor did it differ when visual contrast between the terrestrial prey and the substrate was varied, demonstrating that the bats did not use vision to locate prey.Our bats apparently used echolocation for general orientation, but not to locate prey. They did not increase their pulse emission rate prior to prey capture, suggesting that they were not actively scanning prey. Instead, they required prey-generated sounds for localization. The bats attended to the sound of walking crickets for localization, and also attacked small, inanimate objects dragged across the floor. Stationary and/or anesthetized crickets were ignored, as were crickets walking on substrates that greatly attenuated walking sounds. Cricket communication sounds were not used in prey localization; the bats never captured stationary, calling crickets.The accuracy of their passive sound localization was tested with an open-loop passive sound localization task that required them to land upon an anesthetized cricket tossed on the floor. The impact of a cricket produced a single 10–20 ms duration sound, yet with this information, the bats were able to land within 7.6 cm of the cricket from a maximum distance of 4.9 m. This performance suggests a sound localization accuracy of approximately ±1° in the horizontal and vertical dimensions of auditory space. The lower frequency limit for accurate sound localization was between 3–8 kHz. A physiological survey of frequency representation in the pallid bat inferior colliculus suggests that this lower frequency limit is around 5 kHz.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the phylogeographic pattern of a volant mammal at the continental scale. The pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus) was chosen because it ranges across a zone of well‐studied biotic assemblages, namely the warm deserts of North America. Location The western half of North America, with sites in Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Methods PCR amplification and sequencing of the mitochondrial control region was performed on 194 pallid bats from 36 localities. Additional sequences at the cytochrome‐b locus were generated for representatives of each control‐region haplotype. modeltest was used to determine the best set of parameters to describe each data set, which were incorporated into analyses using paup *. Statistical parsimony and measurements of population differentiation (amova , FST) were also used to examine patterns of genetic diversity in pallid bats. Results We detected three major lineages in the mitochondrial DNA of pallid bats collected across the species range. These three major clades have completely non‐overlapping geographic ranges. Only 6 of 80 control‐region haplotypes were found at more than a single locality, and sequences at the more conserved cytochrome‐b locus revealed 37 haplotypes. Statistical parsimony generated three unlinked networks that correspond exactly to clades defined by the distance‐based analysis. On average there was c. 2% divergence for the combined mitochondrial sequences within each of the three major clades and c. 7% divergence between each pair of clades. Molecular clocks date divergence between the major clades at more than one million years, on average, using the faster rates, and at more than three million years using more conservative rates of evolution. Main conclusions Divergent haplotypic lineages with allopatric distributions suggest that the pallid bat has responded to evolutionary pressures in a manner consistent with other taxa of the American southwest. These results extend the conclusions of earlier studies that found the genetic structuring of populations of some bat species to show that a widespread volant species may comprise a set of geographically replacing monophyletic lineages. Haplotypes were usually restricted to single localities, and the clade showing geographic affinities to the Sonoran Desert contained greater diversity than did clades to the east and west. While faster molecular clocks would allow for glacial cycles of the Pleistocene as plausible agents of diversification of pallid bats, evidence from co‐distributed taxa suggests support for older events being responsible for the initial divergence among clades.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic noise is an emerging global pollutant. Road networks and energy extraction infrastructure are both spatially extensive and rapidly expanding sources of noise. We predict that predators reliant on acoustic cues for hunting are particularly sensitive to louder environments. Here we examined the foraging efficiency of pallid bats (Antrozous pallidus) when exposed to played‐back traffic and gas compressor station noise in the laboratory. We show that both types of noise at each of five exposure levels (58–76 dBA, 10–640 m from source) and low‐level amplifier noise (35 dBA) increase the time required for bats to locate prey‐generated sounds by twofold to threefold. The mechanism underlying these findings is unclear and, given the potential landscape‐level habitat degradation indicated by our data, we recommend continued research into the effects of noise exposure on acoustically specialized predators.  相似文献   

It is commonly assumed that aerial insectivorous bats in the tropics respond to moonlight intensity by decreasing their foraging activity during bright nights due either to an increase in predation risk, or to a reduction in insect availability.The effect of moonlight on bat activity can be measured both between nights and within a single night. However, few studies have simultaneously used both approaches, and most authors generally compare bat activity with lunar phases. Our main aim was to evaluate how moonlight influences aerial insectivorous bat activity at different time scales: between nights and within the same night. Activity of five bat species was measured using autonomous ultrasound recording stations and moonlight intensity percentages retrieved from the Moontool program nightly throughout a 53-day sampling period. Only one species (Myotis riparius) responded negatively to moonlight, while two species (Pteronotus parnellii and Saccopteryx leptura) increased their foraging activity in moonlight. For Cormura brevirostris and S. bilineata, moonlight intensity did not affect activity level. Bat activity was greater for all species at the beginning of the night, independent of the presence of the moon, indicating that foraging just after the sunset is adaptive. Thus, bat response to the effect of moonlight intensity is more apparent between nights than within a single night and may depend on species-specific traits, such as flight speed, flexibility in habitat use and body size.  相似文献   

Schoeman MC  Jacobs DS 《Oecologia》2003,134(1):154-162
The allotonic frequency hypothesis proposes that certain insectivorous bat species can prey upon moths that can hear bat echolocation calls by using echolocation frequencies outside the sensitivity range of moth ears. The hypothesis predicts that the peak frequencies of bat echolocation calls are correlated with the incidence of moths in the diets of these bats. The aim of this study was to test this prediction on a bat community dominated by bats using low duty cycle echolocation calls, i.e. aerial foraging, insectivorous species using frequency modulated calls. The community consisted of nine species, two molossids, Sauromys petrophillus and Tadarida aegyptiaca, five vespertilionids, Eptesicus capensis, Eptesicus hottentotus, Miniopteris schreibersii, Myotis tricolor, and Myotis lesueuri, one rhinolophid, Rhinolophus clivosus, and one nycterid, Nycteris thebaica. The insect fauna in the habitat used by the bat community was suited to the testing of the allotonic frequency hypothesis because more than 90% of the moths comprising the insect fauna were tympanate. These included Pyralidae (3.8%), Geometridae (44.9%), Notodontidae (3.8%), Arctiidae (4.6%), Lymantriidae (0.8%) and Noctuidae (32.4%). As predicted, peak echolocation frequency was correlated with the incidence of moths in the diets of these nine species (r=0.98, df=7, P<0.01). Furthermore, multivariate analysis revealed that echolocation frequency (t=9.91, n=129, P<0.001) was a better predictor of diet than forearm length (t=5.51, n=129, P<0.001) or wing area (t=-3.41, n=129, P<0.001). This suggests that the selection pressure exerted by moth hearing might have acted directly on call frequency and secondarily on body size and wing morphology, as part of the same adaptive complex. It is unlikely that dietary differences were due to temporal and spatial differences in the availability of prey because the pattern of differences in skull morphology of the nine species supported our dietary analyses. The skull morphology of a bat represents a historical record of the kind of diet it has become adapted to over its evolutionary history. These results suggest that prey defences may mediate other factors structuring bat communities, e.g. competition. Competition may be reduced for those species of bats that can circumvent prey defences.  相似文献   

Water-soluble nutrients are absorbed by the small intestine via transcellular and paracellular processes. The capacity for paracellular absorption seems greater in fliers than in nonfliers, although that conclusion rests mainly on a comparison of flying birds and nonflying mammals because only two frugivorous bat species have been studied. Furthermore, the bats studied so far were relatively large (>85 g, compared with most bat species which are <20 g) and were not insectivores (like about 70 % of bat species). We studied the small (11 g) insectivorous bat Tadarida brasiliensis and tested the prediction that the capacity for paracellular absorption would be as high as in the other bat and avian species studied so far, well above that in terrestrial, nonflying mammals. Using standard pharmacokinetic technique, we measured the extent of absorption (fractional absorption = f) of inert carbohydrate probes: L-arabinose (MM = 150.13) absorbed exclusively by paracellular route and 3OMD-glucose (MM = 194) absorbed both paracellularly and transcellularly. As predicted, the capacity of paracellular absorption in this insectivorous bat was high (L-arabinose f = 1.03 ± 0.14) as in other frugivorous bats and small birds. Absorption of 3OMD-glucose was also complete (f = 1.09 ± 0.17), but >80 % was accounted for by paracellular absorption. We conclude that passive paracellular absorption of molecules of the size of amino acids and glucose is extensive in this bat and, generally in bats, significantly higher than that in nonflying mammals, although the exact extent can be somewhat lower or higher depending on molecule size, polarity and charge.  相似文献   

In anthropogenic landscapes, aerial insectivores are often confronted with variable habitat complexity, which may influence the distribution of prey. Yet, high mobility may allow aerial insectivores to adjust their foraging strategy to different prey distributions. We investigated whether aerial-hunting common noctules Nyctalus noctula adjust their foraging strategy to landscapes with different habitat complexity and assumingly different prey distribution. We hypothesized that the movement behaviour of hunting common noctules and changes of movement behaviour in reaction towards conspecifics would depend on whether they hunt in a structurally poor cropland dominated landscape or a structurally rich forest dominated landscape. We tracked flight paths of common noctules in northeastern Germany using GPS loggers equipped with an ultrasonic microphone that recorded foraging events and presence of conspecifics. Above cropland, common noctules hunted mainly during bouts of highly tortuous and area restricted movements (ARM). Bats switched from straight flight to ARM after encountering conspecifics. In the forested landscape, common noctules hunted both during ARM and during straight flights. The onset of ARM did not correlate with the presence of conspecifics. Common noctules showed a lower feeding rate and encountered more conspecifics above the forested than above the cropland dominated landscape. We conjecture that prey distribution above cropland was patchy and unpredictable, thus making eavesdropping on hunting conspecifics crucial for bats during search for prey patches. In contrast, small scale structural diversity of the forested landscape possibly led to a more homogeneous prey distribution at the landscape scale, thus enabling bats to find sufficient food independent of conspecific presence. This suggests that predators depending on ephemeral prey can increase their foraging success in structurally poor landscapes by using social information provided by conspecifics. Hence, a minimum population density might be obligatory to enable successful foraging in simplified landscapes.  相似文献   

The lipid composition of washed erythrocytes from Molossus molossus and Molossus ater were studied. In comparison with other mammalian species, bat erythrocytes were characterized by very high cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratios, as well as by low sphingomyelin content. The lipid composition of bat erythrocytes was similar to that of patients suffering from lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency, but the physiological significance of this in bats is unknown.  相似文献   

Summary Microspectrophotometric measurements on the retina ofDeilephila elpenor were performed using fresh (cut by razor blade) as well as frozen (cryostate microtome) sections. Difference spectra from various parts of the rhabdom clearly showed that in the distal part of the rhabdom the UV pigment is predominant, while in the medial part only green pigment was found. From the difference spectra, wave-length and relative height of the absorption maxima of rhodopsins and metarhodopsins were computed and were found to be in close agreement with other results reported in the literature. These findings confirm the work of Welsch (1977) who concluded from his electron microscopic analysis that the two distal receptor cells are UV sensitive, while the six median receptor cells are green sensitive. There is also good evidence to assume that the ninth, proximal receptor is violet sensitive.We would like to thank Mrs. E. Brüning for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft SFB 114 Bionach.  相似文献   

Abstract Patterns in the composition of assemblages of microbat species sampled during the late dry season (the ‘build‐up’) in north Australian savannas were assessed against a range of environmental factors as well as four a priori defined habitat types (riparian, escarpments, coastal and woodlands). Distinct species assemblages were most strongly associated with topographic and climatic variables. There were also limited associations with vegetation structure, fire and local roost potential but no associations with insects or water availability. Total species diversity at sample sites was associated with distance to rivers and rainfall. In general, species assemblages were not clearly defined and the number of significant environmental associations was relatively few. We compare these associations with those reported for bat assemblages elsewhere in Australia.  相似文献   

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