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Summary The petrographic investigation of the Miocene Rieslake-carbonates gave rise to a modifiedDunham-scheme for classifying non-marine carbonates. If the fabric is not exclusively the result of hydromechanical or biogenic effects,Dunham-terms were extended by interpretative attributes describing processes responsible for the secondary fabric development (pedogenesis, early meteoric diagenesis). The lowermost investigated section reveals a distinct zonation of the lake shore during humid stages (carbonates of the infra-, eu-, and supralittoral), interrupted by playa-like interstages of arid conditions (desiccated mudflat). Dolomitic successions of sinter-veneered bioherms, built by green algae and cyanobacteria, form an incomplete ‘reef belt’ at the northern crater rim. Bioherm sequences were controlled by a seasonally oscillating lake level and fluctuations of higher order, which correspond to small-scale climatic fluctuations in the range of several hundreds to thousands of years. A superposed facies trend is recognized, which is the result of the decreasing eutrophy, alkalinity, and carbonate supersaturation. This reflects the climatic change to generally humid conditions at the end of Miocene. Originally thrombolitic sublacustrine spring mounds were caused by upwelling groundwater from permeable bedrock. Cement framestones of the mound core are considered to result from fabric alteration within the upwelling ground water and by emersions. Marginal carbonates of the Ries basin, inclusively bioherms, probably were originally Mg-calcitic. Aragonite was restricted to gastropod shells and sublacustrine spring mounds. Dolomitization is interpreted as essentially due to a fluctuating phreatic mixing-zone caused by meteoric groundwater, which underflowed saline water at the soda lake margin. The algal flora comprises cyanobacteria, possible cyanobacteria, green algae, few charophytes, endoliths, and problematic forms. A Recent contamination by endolithic fungi and lichens is evident. Occasionally preserved insect larval tubes, mass accumulations of pupal cases of flies, and arthropod eggs demonstrate that these groups were once a prominent part of the fossil soda lake ecosystem of the N?rdlinger Ries.  相似文献   

Summary Several Waulsortian-type mud mounds nearly 500 m thick and about 5 km long occur in the Middle Paleozoic carbonate section of the Aktur nappe in the mountains on the right bank of Isfara river. These buildups form a well developed barrier system that stretches along the South Ferganian carbonate platform margin and divides the carbonate complex into a fore-reef and a back-reef part. The time of the mounds' most active growth was from the Late Silurian (Ludlow) to the Middle Devonian (Eifel). Three main facies types can be recognized in the mud mounds: 1. micritic core facies, 2. sparitic flank facies and 3. loferitic capping facies. The central massive or crudely bedded part of the mounds consists of white or light grey clotted micrite. Macrofossils are rare. The sparitic flank facies in contrast consists of coarse and densely packed crinoidal wackestone-floatstones with some brachiopod shell debris. Solitary rugose corals, tabulate corals, stromato-poroids and fragments of mollusks are also abundant. The tops of the mounds are usually covered with loferitic pelmicrites or oolitic grainstone caps. Stromatactis-like structures are very rare and poorly developed in the South Ferganian mud mounds. However, almostin all such mounds horizons of calcitic breccias can be found. In order to explain all the features found in the Fergana mounds an ‘atoll-like’ model has been proposed which starts the evolution of the mud mounds with a small nucleus bioherm. The main stage of the evolution corresponds to an atoll-like structure developing on the surface of shallow water platforms. White clotted micrite of the mound core facies is interpreted as a accumulation of fine-grained sediment in an inner lagoon flanked by crinoidal bar deposits. The mound flank facies represents the atoll rim deposits from where the carbonate mud is derived. The capping loferitic facies is considered as tidal flat deposit that developed on top of the buildups during the last stage of its evolution. The knoll shape of the mounds is explained by the retreat of the atoll flanking crinoidal bars back into the inner lagoon during the rise in sea level. Stromatactis-like structures of small cavities filled with sparry calcite owe their existence to burrowing organisms. Calcitic breccias are interpreted as paleokarst collapse breccias. They indicate that the tops of the mud mound became subaerially exposed. Other evidence for a subaerial exposure can be seen in the occurrence of Variscian ‘black and white’ limestone gravel on the tops of some mud mounds. According toWard et al. (1970) these sediments were produced above the sea level at the edge of hypersaline lakes situated on islands.  相似文献   

Cold-water coral mounds on both margins of the Rockall Trough (NE Atlantic Ocean) have a strongly different morphology. Single, isolated mounds occur on the SE margin and are mainly found on the upper slope between 900 and 650 m water depth, while large mound clusters are found on the SW margin in water depths between 600 and 1,000 m, in a narrow zone almost parallel to the slope. Sedimentation rates on the mounds are higher than on the surrounding seabed as a result of baffling of biogenic carbonate debris and siliciclastic particles by the coral framework covering the mounds. This is confirmed by 210Pb measurements. The individual coral growth rate can be three times higher then the vertical growth rate of the coral cover (±10 mm year−1) which in turn is more than an order of magnitude higher then the present-day overall mound growth rate (±0.25 mm year−1). The presence of extensive hardgrounds and firmgrounds and the three-dimensional coral framework are considered to be responsible for the stability of the relatively steep slopes of the mounds. High current velocities in the intramound areas result in local non-sedimentation and erosion, as is shown by the presence of IRD (ice-rafted debris) lag deposits on the seabed and moats around some of the mounds. The morphology and sedimentology of cold-water coral-covered (mainly Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata) mounds on the southern Rockall Trough margins (NE Atlantic Ocean) is discussed and a model describing the development of these mounds is presented.  相似文献   

Pennsylvanian phylloid algal reefs are widespread and well exposed in south Guizhou, China. Here we report on reefs ranging from 2 to 8 m thickness and 30–50 m lateral extension. Algae, the main components, display a wide spectrum of growth forms, but are commonly cyathiform (cup-shaped) and leaf-like (undulate plates). The algal reef facies is dominated by boundstone. Algal thalli form a dense carpet whose framework pores are filled with marine cement and peloidal micrite. The peloidal matrix is dense, partly laminated or clotted with irregular surfaces and often gravity defying. Algal reefs in Guizhou differ from examples reported to date by the high biodiversity of organisms other than phylloids: e.g., the intergrowth of algae with corals (some of which are twice the size of algal thalli) and numerous large brachiopods. This contrasts to previous views that phylloid algal “meadows” dominated the actual seafloor, excluding other biota. Also, the pervasive marine cements (up to 50%) including botryoidal cement are noteworthy. Algal reefs developed at platform margins, a depositional environment similar to that of modern Halimeda mounds in Java, Australia and off Bahamas, and to that of time-equivalent examples reported from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Whereas nutrients appear decisive in the growth of Halimeda reefs, algal reefs reported herein seemingly grew under conditions of low nutrient levels. Overall, algal reefs in Guizhou challenge previous views on growth forms, diversity patterns, and depositional environments and add to the spectrum of these partly puzzling biogenic structures.  相似文献   

Dr. Karl Krainer 《Facies》1995,33(1):195-214
Summary A heretofore undocumented example of skeletal mounds formed by the dasycladacean algaAnthracoporella spectabilis is described from mixed carbonate-clastic cycles (Auernig cyclothems) of the Late Carboniferous (Gzhelian) Auernig Group of the central Carnic Alps in southern Austria. The massive mound facies forms biostromal reef mounds that are up to several m thick and extend laterally over more than 100 m. The mound facies is developed in the middle of bedded limestones, which are up to 16 m thick. These limestones formed during relative sea-level highstands when clastic influx was near zero. The mound facies is characterized by well developed baffler and binder guilds and does not show any horizontal or vertical zonation. Within the massive mound faciesAnthracoporella is frequently found in growth position forming bafflestones and wackestones composed of abundantAnthracoporella skeletons which toppled in situ or drifted slightly.Anthracoporella grew in such profusion that it dominated the available sea bottom living space, forming ‘algal meadows’ which acted as efficient sediment producers and bafflers. BecauseAnthracoporella could not provide a substantial reef framework, and could not withstand high water turbulence, the biostromal skeletal mounds accumulated in shallow, quiet water below the active wave base in water depths less than 30 m. The massive mound facies is under- and overlain by, and laterally grades into bedded, fossiliferous limestones of the intermound facies, composed mainly of different types of wackestones and packstones. Individual beds containAnthracoporella andArchaeolithophyllum missouriense in growth position, forming “micromounds’. Two stages of mound formation are recognized: (1) the stabilization stage when bioclastic wackestones accumulated, and (2) the skeletal mound stage when the sea-bottom was colonized byAnthracoporella and other members of the baffler and binder guilds, formingAnthracoporella bafflestones and wackestones of the mound facies. A slight drop in sea-level led to the termination of the mound growth and accumulation of organic debris, particularly calcareous algae, fusulinids, crinoids and bryozoans, forming well bedded limestones, which overlie the mound facies  相似文献   

The knowledge of Pleistocene reef facies of Belize, Central America, is largely limited to outcrops in the northernmost part of the country. Otherwise, Pleistocene limestone, which forms the basement of the modern barrier and atoll reefs, occurs in the subsurface and is to a major extent unstudied. Based on the study of 40 m of core from 25 rotary core holes collected on central and southern Belize barrier and on atoll reefs, five Pleistocene reef facies are distinguished in the present study. They include (1) Acropora palmata grainstone, (2) Acropora cervicornis grainstone, (3) biogenic grainstone, (4) mollusk packstone, and (5) mollusk-foram wackestone. Facies 1 and 3 occur on marginal reefs, facies 2 is found on marginal and lagoonal reefs, and facies 4 and 5 mark lagoon shoals and lagoons, respectively. Most of the facies have equivalents in the Pleistocene of the wider Caribbean and also in the modern of the study area. Diagenetic features include dissolution, caliche formation, laminated blocky low-magnesium-calcite and dogtooth spars. Age data from Pleistocene corals obtained during earlier studies are discussed, and indicate deposition during marine isotope stage 5, between 140–80 ka bp.  相似文献   

Summary During the uppermost Carboniferous and lowermost Permian algal mounds were formed in inner shelf settings of the Carnic Alps (Austria/Italy). A specific mound type, characterized by the dominance of the dasyclad green alga Anthracoporella was studied in detail with regard to geometry, relationship between mound and intermound rocks, composition of the sediment, biota and diagenetic criteria. The two meter-sized mounds studied, occur within depositional sequences of transgressive systems tracts in the Lower Pseudoschwagerina Limestones (uppermost Gzhelian) at the flank of the Schulterkofel. The mounds consist of an Anthracoporella core facies with a spongecrust boundstone facies at the base and at the top. The massive limestones of the Anthracoporella core facies exhibit abundant algal tufts and bushes, frequently in life position. The limestones of the intermound facies represented by thin-bedded bioclastic wackestones and packstones with abundant phylloid algae underlie and overlie the mounds. Intercalations of intermound beds within the mound facies indicate sporadic disruption of mound growth. Onlapping of intermound beds on steep mound flanks indicate rapid stabilization and lithification of mound flanks and the existence of a positive paleorelief. Asymmetrical shape of the mounds may be current controlled. Mound and intermound biota differ in the prevailing algae but are relatively similar with regard to associated foraminifera. Conspicuous differences concern bioerosion and biogenic encrustations. Bothare, high in intermound areas but low in the Anthracoporella core facies. The mounds show no ecological zonation. The mounds grew by in-place accumulation of disintegrated algal material and trapped bioclastic material between erect algal thalli. The comparison of the various Anthracoporella mounds demonstrates that almost each mound had ist own history. Establishing a general model for these mounds is a hazardous venture.  相似文献   

The lack of extended dataset has so far prevented an inclusive understanding of the long-term relationships between primary production (PP) and vertical export in the Arctic Ocean. It is urgent to investigate these connections as Arctic ecosystems are on the verge of climate-related shifts, which could be caused by the combined effects of increase in Pacific and Atlantic inflow, climate warming, and sea ice decline. For a period of 6 years we investigated the degree of coupling between PP and export by making use of modelled PP rates and vertical particle fluxes collected with sediment traps moored at ~300 m depth in the eastern Fram Strait. Our analyses indicate that total and new simulated PP averaged for different areas centered on the mooring location (5–200 km radius) explain at best 20–44% of the observed biogenic particle fluxes at 300 m, when applying extended time-lags (55–90 days) between PP and vertical fluxes. Based on this phasing, we define a conceptual framework that presents the temporal dimension as a prime determinant of the maximum strength of the PP-export coupling at a given depth. Our results support that planktonic food webs in the Fram Strait process heavily biogenic material in the epipelagic zone, but we further suggest that Atlantic-Arctic water interactions induce a particular ecological setting responsible for the extended turn-over. In conclusion, we hypothesize that global warming could promote a transition toward a more retentive ecosystem in the Fram Strait region despite the likely increase of pelagic PP in the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

The impact of ice melting on bacterioplankton in the Arctic Ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Global warming and the associated ice melt are leading to an increase in the organic carbon in the Arctic Ocean. We evaluated the effects of ice melt on bacterioplankton at 21 stations in the Greenland Sea and Arctic Ocean in the summer of 2007, when a historical minimum of Arctic ice coverage was measured. Polar Surface Waters, which have a low temperature and low salinity and originate mainly from melted ice, contained a very low abundance of bacteria (7.01 × 105 ± 2.20 × 105 cells ml−1); however, these bacteria had high specific bacterial production (2.40 ± 1.61 fmol C bac−1 d−1) compared to those in Atlantic Waters. Specifically, bacterioplankton in Polar Surface Waters showed a preference for utilizing carbohydrates and had significantly higher specific activities of the glycosidases assayed, i.e. β-glucosidase, xylosidase, arabinosidase and cellobiosidase. Furthermore, bacterioplankton in Polar Sea Waters showed preferential growth on some of the carbohydrates in the Biolog Ecoplate, such as d-cellobiose and N-acetyl-d-glucosamine. Our results suggest that climate change and the associated melting of Arctic ice might induce changes in bacterioplankton functional diversity by enhancing the turnover of carbohydrates. Since organic aggregates are largely composed of polysaccharides, higher solubilization of aggregates might modify the carbon cycle, weaken the biological pump and have biogeochemical and ecological implications for the future Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

Summary The Belgian Frasnian carbonate mounds occur in three stratigraphic levels in an overall backstepping succession. Petit-Mont and Arche Members form the famous red and grey “marble” exploited for ornamental stone since Roman times. The evolution and distribution of the facies in the mounds is thought to be associated with ecologic evolution and relative sea-level fluctuations. Iron oxides exist in five forms in the Frasnian mounds; four are undoubtedly endobiotic organized structures: (1) microstromatolites and associated forms (blisters, veils...), possibly organized in “endostromatolites”; (2) hematitic coccoids and (3) non dichotomic filaments. The filaments resemble iron bacteria of theSphaerotilus-Leptothrix “group”; (4) networks of dichotomic filaments ascribable to fungi; (5) a red ferruginous pigment dispersed in the calcareous matrix whose distribution is related to the mound facies type. The endobiotic forms developed during the edification of the mounds, before cementation by fibrous calcite. The microbial precipitation of iron took place as long as the developing mounds were bathed by water impoverished in oxygen.  相似文献   

Zooplankton composition and distribution were investigated on the Laptev Sea shelf, over the continental slope and in the adjacent deep Nansen Basin during the joint German-Russian expedition “Arctic 93” with RV Polarstern and Ivan Kireyev in August/September 1993. In the shelf area biomass decreased from west to east with the lowest values in the area influenced by the Lena river runoff. A gradual increase of biomass from the shallow to the deep area correlated with water depth. Total biomass ranged between 0.1 and 1.5 g m−2 on the shelf and 4.7 and 7.9 g m−2 in the adjacent Nansen Basin. On the shelf Calanus glacialis/finmarchicus dominated overall. The contribution of brackish-water taxa was low in the west, where high salinity and southward currents from the Arctic Basin supported a marine neritic community, but on the southern and eastern Laptev shelf, in the areas of freshwater influence, brackish-water taxa contributed up to 27% of the total biomass. On the slope and in deep areas a few large Arctic copepod species, Calanus glacialis, C. hyperboreus and Metridia longa, composed the bulk of biomass and determined the pattern of its vertical distribution. The export of Calanus species from the Nansen Basin onto the Laptev shelf appears to be of great importance for the shelf communities. In turn, the eastern outer shelf and slope area of the Laptev Sea are thought to have a pronounced effect on the deep basin, modifying the populations entering the central Arctic. Received: 25 March 1997 / Accepted: 18 July 1997  相似文献   

Regional variability in the annual fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC) and biogenic silica (Si) at the periphery of the Mackenzie Shelf (Beaufort Sea) was investigated using eight long-term sediment traps moored at ~100-m depth. Relatively high autochthonous POC and Si fluxes were recorded in the Mackenzie Trough (4.1 and 8.9 g m−2 year−1 respectively) and off Cape Bathurst (6.6 and 79 g m−2 year−1), two areas where upwelling events are frequently observed. Diatomaceous new production was minimum on the mid-slope of the Mackenzie Shelf (2.8 g C m−2 year−1), moderate in the Mackenzie Trough (14.5 g C m−2 year−1), and highest off Cape Bathurst (128.7 g C m−2 year−1). High annual autochthonous POC flux corresponded to high diatom production. Among sites, the vertical attenuation of the POC flux increased with diatomaceous new production. Hence, the retention of autochthonous POC in the surface layer (<100 m) was highest (95%) at the highly productive site off Cape Bathurst, intermediate (72%) in the moderately productive Mackenzie Trough, and low (4%) at the unproductive mid-slope of the shelf. Our results indicate that, on Arctic shelves, upwelling and the production of diatoms increase the fraction of the POC which is retained in the surface layer and diverted to the pelagic food web. In the relatively unproductive waters of the Arctic Ocean, biological hot spots such as the one identified off Cape Bathurst where the food web promotes retention rather than vertical export could be disproportionately important as feeding grounds for higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Summary The Middle Devonian Hollard Mud Mound is situated in the eastern Hamar Laghdad, which is a small mountain range in the Tafilalt in SE Morocco. In contrast to the well known Lower Devonian Kess-Kess mounds, the Hollard Mound is of Middle Devonian age. The facies in the core of this mud mound differs from that of the other parts of the mound, and exhibits signatures of ancient hydrocarbon venting. The carbonate phases of the core facies are derived from the oxidation of vent fluids and consist of clotted micrite, a cryptocrystalline carbonate associated with spheres of uncertain origin, and a calcitic rim cement (rim cement B). These vent carbonates show δ13C values in the range of −11 to −20% PDB indicating that some of their carbon is derived from isotopically light hydrocarbons. Fossiliferous micrite has been affected by hydrocarbon venting in the proximity of the vent site, which is indicated by intermediate δ13C values between vent carbonates and not affected sediments. Bivalves occur in dense populations within the core facies. They form autochthonous shell accumulations and are almost exclusively articulated. it is likely that these bivalves were dependent on chemosynthesis similar to their counterparts at modern vents. The vent deposits also exhibit an unusual prasinophyte assemblage, which might have been linked to the specific nutrient availability at the vent site. The ancient vent site is characterized by an enhanced carbonate precipitation and rapid lithification. The latter is corroborated by the three-dimensional preservation of phytoplankton (prasinophytes and acritarchs) and the occurrence of stromatactoid pores. An early phase of carbonate corrosion predating the formation of vent carbonates affected the fossiliferous micrite of the core facies and is thought to be related to a phase of H2S-rich venting.  相似文献   

Using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique, we examined Cl-selective currents manifested by strial marginal cells isolated from the inner ear of gerbils. A large Cl-selective conductance of ∼18 nS/pF was found from nonswollen cells in isotonic buffer containing 150 mm Cl. Under a quasi-symmetrical Cl condition, the `instantaneous' current-voltage relation was close to linear, while the current-voltage relation obtained at the end of command pulses of duration 400 msec showed weak outward rectification. The permeability sequence for anionic currents was as SCN > Br≅ Cl > F > NO 3≅ I > gluconate, corresponding to Eisenmann's sequence V. When whole-cell voltage clamped in isotonic bathing solutions, the cells exhibited volume changes that were accounted for by the Cl currents driven by the imposed electrochemical potential gradients. The volume change was elicited by lowered extracellular Cl concentration, anion substitution and altered holding potentials. The Cl conductance varied in parallel with cell volume when challenged by bath anisotonicity. The whole-cell Cl current was only partially blocked by both 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid (NPPB, 0.5 mm) and diphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid (DPC, 1.0 mm), but 4-acetamido-4′-isothiocyanato-stilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (SITS, 0.5 mm) was without effect. The properties of the present whole-cell Cl current resembled those of the single Cl channel previously found in the basolateral membrane of the marginal cell (Takeuchi et al., Hearing Res. 83:89–100, 1995), suggesting that the volume-correlated Cl conductance could be ascribed predominantly to the basolateral membrane. This Cl conductance may function not only in cell volume regulation but also for the transport of Cl and the setting of membrane potential in marginal cells under physiological conditions. Received: 15 August 1995/Revised: 3 November 1995  相似文献   

Abstract A principle of the cross-scale interaction (CSI) framework is that disturbance-induced landscape changes resulting in coarser-grained spatial structure may non-linearly amplify transfer processes across scales. We studied suspended sediment losses at two spatial scales (0.24 m2 plots and ca. 0.25 ha hillslopes of about 140 m in length) in a semiarid savanna landscape to determine whether the spatial structure of grassy and bare soil areas introduced a non-linear amplification of sediment loss. Sediment loss rates from 0.24 m2 bare plots averaged 1.527 t ha−1 y−1, which was 23 times the loss rate from nearby grassy plots (0.066 t ha−1 y−1). These rates were then extrapolated linearly to two hillslopes separated by only 200 m and having similar total grass cover, slope and soil type but differing in the spatial structure of bare soil patches. The coarse-grained hillslope had a large bare patch on its lower slope, whereas the fine-grained hillslope had no bare soil patches when quantified at a 4 m grid-cell resolution. Measured sediment loss from the fine-grained hillslope averaged 0.050 t ha−1 y−1, whereas the average sediment loss from the coarse-grained hillslope was 2.133 t ha−1 y−1. By linearly extrapolating from the plot scale, the expected sediment loss for the fine-grained hillslope was 0.066 t ha−1 y−1, which is similar to that observed. The expected sediment loss for the coarse-grained hillslope was 0.855 t ha−1 y−1, where linear extrapolation assumed a 46:54 ratio of bare to grassy plots and that the spatial arrangement of plots does not affect sediment loss processes. For the coarse-grained hillslope observed sediment loss is 2.5 times greater than that expected by linear extrapolation from the plot scale. This result indicates a cross-scale interaction related to spatial configuration of patches. We suggest that there were non-linearities in hillslope ecohydrological transfer processes (runoff, erosion) across scales due to a specific patch configuration that greatly amplified sediment loss because the pattern failed to slow runoff and retain sediment before it entered a creek. This example supports the CSI framework and indicates the importance of considering the effect of spatial structure when predicting system dynamics at different scales.  相似文献   

Due to extensive cannibalism, Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) often represent the two highest trophic levels in Arctic freshwater ecosystem where Arctic char often is the only freshwater fish present. There is a general lack of char stock size and production estimates from Arctic lakes although high catchability and late maturation of large piscivorous individuals raise considerable management challenges because large growing forms are a valued resource. Here, we use mark-recapture to estimate the biomass of both invertebrate feeding dwarfs (60–150 mm) and their cannibalistic conspecifics (>150 mm) in a small Arctic lake at Bear Island (74.5°N, 19.0°E; 11.3 ha; mean depth 1.8 m). Biomass was 10.1 and 2.0 kg ha−1 and production was 2.1 and 0.5 kg ha−1 yr−1 for dwarfs and cannibals, respectively. All the production of invertebrate feeding small char was removed by the cannibals. The low production of the Arctic lake ecosystems combined with high catchability of large piscivorous char indicates that these stocks may be particularly vulnerable to exploitation. We finally point out the similarity between Arctic and sub-arctic alpine populations of Arctic char in production and life-history parameters.  相似文献   

Uptake of glyeine,l-cysteine,l-leucine,l-methionine,l-aspartic acid andl-lysine was investigated in resting cells ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae treated with 0.3mm actidione for blocking protein synthesis. The amino acids were taken up against substantial concentration gradients (up to nearly 1,000∶1 for μm l-cysteine and glycine). They were present in the free form inside the cells. Their unidirectional transmembrane fluxes were under a negative feedback control by the intracellular concentration of the amino acid involved. The amino acids tested apparently employed more than one transport agéncies for their membrane passage, the half-saturation constants being 6.2–7.7×10−4 m for glycine, 2.5×10−4 m forl-cysteine, 6×10−5 and 4×10−4 m forl-lysine, 3×10−5 and 6×10−4 m forl-methionine, 7–18×10−5 and 1.6×10−3 m forl-aspartic acid and 6×10−5 and 2×10−3 m forl-leucine. The specificities of the transport systems are overlapping but there emerges a wide-affinity transport system for glycine, alanine, leucine, methionine, serine, cysteine, phenylalanine, aspartic acid, asparagine, glutamic acid and tryptophan (and possibly for other amino acids), and more specific systems for each of the following: glycine, lysine, methionine, histidine, arginine, and aspartic and glutamic acids. Proline had the peculiar effect of stimulating the transport of all the amino acids tested. The amino acids apparently interacted in the uptake not only by competition for the binding site but also by allotopic inhibition (e.g.l-cysteine) and possibly stimulation (l-proline). The initial rate of uptake of amino acids and their steady-state level of distribution were characterized by identical activation energies: 7.5 kcal/mole forl-lysine, 6.9 kcal/mole forl-aspartic acid, and 13.2 kcal/mole for glycine.  相似文献   

Properties of large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels were studied in the soma of motoneurones visually identified in thin slices of neonatal rat spinal cord. The channels had a conductance of 82 ± 5 pS in external Ringer solution (5.6 mm K+ o //155 mm K+ i ) and 231 ± 4 pS in external high-K o solution (155 mm K+ o //155 mm K+ i ). The channels were activated by depolarization and by an increase in internal Ca2+ concentration. Potentials of half-maximum channel activation (E50) were −13, −34, −64 and −85 mV in the presence of 10−6, 10−5, 10−4 and 10−3 m internal Ca2+, respectively. Using an internal solution containing 10−4 m Ca2+, averaged KCa currents showed fast activation within 2–3 msec after a voltage step to +50 mV. Averaged KCa currents did not inactivate during 400 msec voltage pulses. External TEA reduced the apparent single-channel amplitude with a 50% blocking concentration (IC50) of 0.17 ± 0.02 mm. KCa channels were completely suppressed by externally applied 100 mm charybdotoxin. It is concluded that KCa channels activated by Ca2+ entry during the action potential play an important role in the excitability of motoneurones. Received: 7 November 1996/Revised: 29 October 1997  相似文献   

Chloride (Cl) conductances were studied in primary cultures of the bright part of rabbit distal convoluted tubule (DCTb) by the whole cell patch clamp technique. The bath solution (33°C) contained (in mm): 140 NaCl, 1 CaCl2, 10 N-2-hydroxy-ethylpiperazine-N′-2-ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES), pH 7.4 and the pipette solution 140 N-methyl-d-glucamine (NMDG)-Cl, 5 MgATP, 1 ethylene-glycol-bis(b-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N′-tetraacetic acid (EGTA), 10 HEPES, pH 7.4. We identified a Cl current activated by 10−5 m forskolin, 10−3 m 8-bromo adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophophosphate (8 Br-cAMP), 10−6 m phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), 10−3 m intracellular adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophophosphate (cAMP) and 10−7 m calcitonin. The current-voltage relationship was linear and the relative ion selectivity was Br > Cl≫ I > glutamate. This current was inhibited by 10−3 m diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC) and 10−4 m 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoate (NPPB) and was insensitive to 10−3 m 4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS). These characteristics are similar to those described for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl conductance. In a few cases, forskolin and calcitonin induced an outwardly rectifying Cl current blocked by DIDS. To determine the exact location of the Cl conductance 6-methoxy-1-(3-sulfonatopropyl) quinolinium (SPQ) fluorescence experiments were carried out. Cultures seeded on collagen-coated permeable filters were loaded overnight with 5 mm SPQ and the emitted fluorescence analyzed by laser-scan cytometry. Cl removal from the apical solution induced a Cl efflux which was stimulated by 10−5 m forskolin, 10−7 calcitonin and inhibited by 10−5 m NPPB. In 140 mm NaBr, forskolin stimulated an apical Br influx through the Cl pathway. Forskolin and calcitonin had no effect on the basolateral Cl permeability. Thus in DCTb cultured cells, exposure to calcitonin activates a Cl conductance in the apical membrane through a cAMP-dependent mechanism. Received: 5 July 1995/Revised: 21 December 1995  相似文献   

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