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The Exudation from Excised Maize Roots Bathed in Sulphate Media   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fluid exudation fluxes of excised maize roots bathed ina variety of K2SO4 solutions have been measured, along withthe ionic concentrations and osmolalities of the exudates. Anapparent imbalance of inorganic ionic charge in the exudate,and a discrepancy in the total salt concentrations comparedwith the measured osmolalities, suggest the presence of significantamounts of organic anions in the exuded fluid. Thin-layer chromatographicmethods indicate these to be mainly amino-acids and organicacids of the Kreb's cycle. Linear regression analysis showsthat the exudation flux is satisfactorily described by a simpleosmotic process together with a constant non-osmotic water fluxof 0.43 µ1 cm-2 h-1. The osmotic permeability for theroot is found to be 0.18 x 10-6 cm sec-1 atm-1. The exudationfrom sulphate media is contrasted with that from chloride media.  相似文献   

In excised tomato roots submerged in solution, mannitol at –2.8 atm increased the phosphorus uptake and decreased the loss of previously absorbed phosphorus. Separate collection of the xylem exudate demonstrated that these mannitol effects were due entirely to a reduced phosphorus flow via exudation. For example, in the case of previously absorbed phosphorus, the high loss of phosphorus at –0.3 atm could be contributed to phosphorus transport via the exudation stream, which was higher at –0.3 than at –2.8 atm. In contrast, loss from the root surface to the external medium was identical for the two different water potentials. The neglect in measuring ion flow in the exudate might have confounded ion transport studies by other workers. Some particular cases were re-examined, such as chloride uptake at high external concentrations and ion toss from different cell compartments.  相似文献   

The rates of sulphate transport into intact and excised rootsof soybean (Glycine max L.) were not significantly differentin the first hour and were maximal at pH 7. However, intactroots accumulated four times as much sulphate as excised rootsin 24 h, because of a marked reduction in the rate of transportby excised roots. The continued high rates of transport intointact roots were observed in plants kept in the light, andobserved in darkened plants growing in 1 per cent sucrose. Similarly,sulphate accumulation by excised roots was stimulated 2-foldby 1 per cent sucrose. The characteristics of sulphate accumulation by roots were notuseful in predicting sulphate translocation to the leaves. Transportto the leaves was maximal at pH 2–3, was almost totallylight-dependent and was not enhanced by growing plants in sucrose. Sulphate transport, Glycine max L., soybean, excised roots  相似文献   

The uncoupler, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP) is shown to reduce the hydraulic conductivity of barley, maize, mung bean, and onion roots. In barley and maize, the reduction in exudation from excised roots is partly due to the reduction in the permeability of the root to water (Ip), but it can be inferred that the rate of salt release to the xylem, is also inhibited. The action of CCCP on Lp is suggested to be mainly in blocking the symplasmic pathway at the plasmodesmata.  相似文献   

The fluid exudation rates and the ionic compositions of theexudates of excised maize roots have been determined in bathingmedia of 0.1 mM, 1.0 mM, 10.0 mM, and 50.0 mM KCl, each containing0.1 mM CaCl2, at temperature intervals between 10 °C and30 °C.Analysis of these data in terms of an osmotic modelfor excised root exudation shows that the observed temperaturevariation in fluid exudation rate is accounted for by the observedtemperature variation in the osmotic driving force, the saltconcentration difference from xylem fluid to bathing medium.Temperature variation in the osmotic permeability of the rootand of the non-osmotic water flow are not significantly differentfrom zero.  相似文献   

Measurements of the rates of fluid exudation from excised rootsof onion, and determinations of the osmolalities of the exudatefluids are found to be adequately related by the simplest modelin which the rate of fluid exudation is proportional to theosmotic pressure difference between the exudate fluid and thebathing solution. The mean hydraulic conductivity of roots producedby unsprouted onion bulbs is 0.44 x 10–6 cm s–1atm–1 and of roots from sprouted bulbs is 0.91 x 10–6cm s–1 atm–l.  相似文献   

The exudate of excised onion roots bathed in simple KCl/CaCl2solutions contains a variety of inorganic cations and anionstogether with quantities of organic molecules. This complexityof composition contrasts with the simplicity of the exudatesof maize roots under identical conditions and presumably reflectstransfer of these materials from the onion bulb to the rootsduring growth.  相似文献   

The fluid exudation rates and the ionic composition of the exudatesof isolated maize roots were compared with those of similarroots from which the epidermal and outer cortical cells hadbeen removed. The results indicate that in low ionic strengthmedia the salt fluxes into the exudation stream are severaltimes larger in the control than in the treated roots. As theionic strength of the bathing medium increases to 10 mM KClor greater, the salt fluxes become equal. A mechanism to accountfor this behaviour is discussed. The values of Lp, the hydraulic conductivity of the roots toradial water flow, are 0.26 x 10–6 cm sec–1 atm–1for treated and 0.14 x 10–6 cm sec–1 atm–1for control roots, but a statistical technicality precludeda significance test on this apparent difference. The kinetics of tritiated water exchange from external mediumto the exudation fluid in both control and treated roots werenot significantly different. The entry of labelled water seemsto be achieved by the fluid exudation rate in both cases; thusthe barrier to water movement to the exudate compartment remainsintact after removal of the epidermis.  相似文献   

The application of D-glucose to solutions bathing excised maize,wheat, pea and bean roots causes a rapid depolarization of theelectrical potentials between the cut tops of the roots andthe bathing solutions. Similar effects are observed for theplasma membrane potentials of maize lateral roots. A flow cell apparatus was used to demonstrate qualitative andquantitative relations between glucose induced H+ influx andthe transient decrease in current through the root. The currentchanges appear to be due entirely to H+ fluxes. Current andH+ fluxes are strongly influenced by external pH, the optimumpH for glucose induced current change being about 4.0. A similarpH optimum was found for 3-O-methyl-D-glucopyranoside but 1-O-methyl--D-glucopyranosidedid not significantly affect the trans-root potential at anypH, suggesting a significant role for the anomeric hydroxylgroup of glucose. Compounds which depolarize the trans-root potential also inhibitthe glucose induced depolarization. Surface -SH groups are probablynot involved in the glucose/H+ cotransport. Eadie-Hofstee plots relating the depolarization of trans-rootpotential to the concentrations of D-glucose or 3-O-methyl-D-glucopyranosidehave shown that Km values increase with increasing monosaccharideconcentration and are very similar to reported values of 3-O-methyl-D-glucopyranosideuptake in maize root segments. Km values for a similar rangeof D-glucose concentrations do not vary significantly with pHor with membrane depolarization due to a 10-fold increase ofKCl concentration. However, Vmax is lowered by an increase inexternal pH or a decrease in trans-root potential. It appearsthat both proton and electrical gradients can affect glucoseinduced H+ influx. The auxin herbicide, 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyethanoic acid (0.01mM) stimulates the glucose induced depolarizations in a mannerconsistent with an increase in cytoplasmic pH. This is discussedin relation to the reported action of indole-3-acetic acid andfusicoccin on maize root tissue.  相似文献   

Influence of Wavelength on the Light Response of Excised Wheat Roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

啤酒废酵母中还原型谷胱甘肽的抽提新方法探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
潘飞  邱雁临  黄欣 《生物技术》2005,15(4):50-52
采用对羟基苯甲酸酯提取啤酒废酵母菌细胞中的谷胱甘肽(GSH)。研究表明,按菌体与破壁液比例1:2(W/V)加入0.5%的对羟基苯甲酸丙酯,30℃,pH5-pH6,搅拌3h能有效地从啤酒废酵母中提取谷胱甘肽(GSH),溶液经离心后,上清液中谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量可达96.71mg/100mL。和现有的几种抽提方法比较,对羟基苯甲酸酯提取由于其提取含量高(96.71mg/100mL)、不需要复杂和贵重的仪器、易于放大、经济性强而明显优于其他抽提方法。  相似文献   

环境条件及摇瓶补糖策略对谷胱甘肽发酵的影响   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
研究了酵母摇瓶发酵中pH、装液量、初糖浓度、碳氮磷比和补糖方式对谷胱甘肽(GSH)发酵的影响。结果表明,GSH发酵适宜的初始pH和装液量分别为6 0和500ml锥形瓶内装液量60m1。初糖浓度对GSH发酵有较大的影响,超过12g/l,的初糖浓度将减少胞内GSH含量。应用计算得出的一种以控制比生长速率为目的的摇瓶补糖策略,在总糖浓度为26.2g/L下发酵12h,最终细胞浓度和胞内GSH含量分别达到8.78g/L和13.6mg/g,发酵液内GSH总量达到119.4mg/L,细胞对糖产率达到0.335g/g。  相似文献   

Macrophage death, believed to be an important event in the pathogenesis of human atherosclerosis, can be induced by oxidised low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in vitro. Supplementation of the culture medium with 5 mM GSH significantly protected human monocyte-macrophages in vitro against the toxicity of copper-oxidised LDL.

Oxidation products of LDL include the aldehyde 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE). We present evidence that conjugation of HNE by GSH contributes to this protection. In the absence of cells, HPLC analysis showed there were marked reductions in the levels of both pure HNE and HNE in copper-oxidised LDL in the presence of GSH. However, GSH did not reverse protein modification, as judged by agarose gel electrophoresis, nor did it influence the depletion of poly-unsaturated fatty acids, which were assessed using gas chromatography. The possible implications for human atherosclerosis are discussed.  相似文献   

嫁接对薄皮甜瓜养分吸收、伤流液中激素含量和产量的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
以薄皮甜瓜品种‘玉美人’作接穗,以白籽南瓜‘圣砧一号’为砧木进行嫁接,以自根苗为对照的结果表明,嫁接植株的南瓜根系主动吸收能力增强,其伤流量比自根植株的大,植株吸收氮钾的能力高于自根植株,而吸收磷的能力则有所降低。伤流液中玉米素(ZT)、赤霉素(GAs)和脱落酸(ABA)的浓度均低于自根植株,但ZT和GA的含量高于自根苗,而ABA的含量低于自根苗。嫁接植株的增产效果显著,其平均单瓜重和667m^2产量均高于自根植株。  相似文献   

The effects of red and blue light on the formation of chlorophyll in excised roots of cucumber and pea was investigated and compared with previously reported experiments on wheat roots. All three kinds of roots are similar in that in continuous red light no or very little chlorophyll is formed. and in blue light a considerable amount of chlorophyll is produced. Roots of cucumber and pea differ from those of wheat, in that red light is ineffective (or nearly so) even when combined with blue.  相似文献   

外源谷胱甘肽(GSH)对水鳖Zn2+毒害的缓解作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究在10 mg L-1 Zn2 毒害下外施10-50 mg L-1梯度浓度的还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)对水鳖(Hydrocharis dubia)的保护酶(SOD、CAT、POD)活性、GSH、可溶性蛋白质、叶绿素、H2O2含量以及O2.-产生速率的影响。结果表明,相对单一的Zn2 毒害,施用外源GSH可明显减轻毒害症状,植物体内GSH含量增加了10.71%-35.71%,O2.-的产生速率最低降至78.2%,H2O2含量最低降至62.7%。植物体内可溶性蛋白含量和CAT、SOD、POD的活性最大分别增加了74.2%、108.2%、61.4%、19.5%。随GSH浓度增大,缓解能力下降,在培养液中最佳缓解浓度为20-40 mg L-1。  相似文献   

Glutathione (GSH) is thought to play critical roles in oocyte function including spindle maintenance and provision of reducing power needed to initiate sperm chromatin decondensation. Previous observations that GSH concentrations are higher in mature than immature oocytes and decline after fertilization, suggest that GSH synthesis may be associated with cell cycle events. To explore this possibility, we measured the concentrations of GSH in Golden Hamster oocytes and zygotes at specific stages of oocyte maturation and at intervals during the first complete embryonic cell cycle. Between 2 and 4 hr after the hormonal induction of oocyte maturation, GSH concentrations increased significantly (approximately doubling) in both oocytes and their associated cumulus cells. This increase was concurrent with germinal vesicle breakdown and the condensation of metaphase I chromosomes in the oocyte. GSH remained high in ovulated, metaphase II (MII) oocytes, but then declined significantly, by about 50%, shortly after fertilization, as the zygote progressed back into interphase (the pronucleus stage). GSH concentrations then plummeted by the two-cell embryo stage and remained at only 10% of those in MII oocytes throughout pre-implantation development. These results demonstrate that oocyte GSH concentrations fluctuate with the cell cycle, being highest during meiotic metaphase, the critical period for spindle growth and development and for sperm chromatin remodeling. These observations raise the possibility that GSH synthesis in maturing oocytes is regulated by gonadotropins, and suggest that GSH is more important during fertilization than during pre-implantation embryo development.  相似文献   

In this study, new procedure with improved tandem HPLC plus ESI-MS was utilized to decipher the protective role of glutathione (GSH) against dopamine (DA) oxidation. We demonstrated that auto-oxidation of DA could produce aminochrome (AM, a cyclized DA quinone), which could be effectively abrogated by reductants, especially by GSH. Furthermore GSH was demonstrated to be able to conjugate with AM to form various conjugates via condensation reactions without enzymatic catalysis. The GSH-AM conjugates tend to aggregate, possibly mediated by conjugated AM structures, but could be inhibited by GSH. We hypothesized that proteins conjugated by AM might facilitate Lewy body formation of Parkinson’s disease (PD) in dopaminergic neurons via similar polymerization. We proposed that GSH could protect dopaminergic neurons against DA-induced toxicity via various mechanisms. The imbalance between DA oxidation and GSH protective capacity could be a key factor contributing to PD. Strategies to use GSH analogues, GSH inducers or to control DA oxidation might work to control PD onset and development.  相似文献   

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