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Common map turtles (Graptemys geographica) were collected from a natural underwater hibernaculum in Vermont at monthly intervals during the winter of 1997-1998. Blood was sampled by cardiac puncture and analyzed for pH, PCO(2), PO(2), and hematocrit; separated plasma was tested for Na(+), K(+), Cl(-), total [Ca], total [Mg], [lactate], and osmolality (mOsm kg(-1) H(2)O). Control (eupneic; 1 degrees C) values for pH, PO(2), PCO(2), [HCO(3)(-)], and [lactate] were 7.98 +/- 0.03, 47.4 +/- 18.7, 10.1 +/- 0.7 (mm Hg), 36.1 +/- 0.2 (mmol liter(-1)), and 2.1 +/- 0.1 (mmol liter(-1)), respectively. Between November 1997 and March 1998, ice covered the river and the turtles rested on the substratum, fully exposed to the water, and were apneic. Blood PO(2) was maintained at less than 3 mm Hg (range 0.9 +/- 0.2 to 2.1 +/- 0.7 mm Hg), PCO(2) decreased slightly, plasma [lactate] was <5 mmol liter(-1), and plasma [HCO(3)(-)] decreased significantly. In March [lactate] rose to 7.5 +/- 1.5 mmol liter(-l), but there was no acidemia. Map turtles meet most of their metabolic demand for O(2) via aquatic respiration and tolerate prolonged submergence at 1 degrees C with little change in acid-base or ionic status. The adaptive significance of remaining essentially aerobic during winter is to avoid the life-threatening progressive acidosis that results from anaerobic metabolism. J. Exp. Zool. 286:143-148, 2000.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of cold and submergence on blood oxygen transport in common map turtles (Graptemys geographica). Winter animals were acclimated for 6-7 wk to one of three conditions at 3 degrees C: air breathing (AB-3 degrees C), normoxic submergence (NS-3 degrees C), and hypoxic (PO2=49 Torr) submergence (HS-3 degrees C). NS-3 degrees C turtles exhibited a respiratory alkalosis (pH 8.07; PCO2=7.9 Torr; [lactate]=2.2 mM) relative to AB-3 degrees C animals (pH 7.89; PCO2=13.4 Torr; [lactate]=1.1 mM). HS-3 degrees C animals experienced a profound metabolic acidosis (pH 7.30; PCO2=7.9 Torr; [lactate]=81 mM). NS-3 degrees C turtles exhibited an increased blood O2 capacity; however, isoelectric focusing revealed no seasonal changes in the isohemoglobin (isoHb) profile. Blood O2 affinity was significantly increased by cold acclimation; half-saturation pressures (P50's) for air-breathing turtles at 3 degrees and 22 degrees C were 6.5 and 18.8 Torr, respectively. P50's for winter animals submerged in normoxic and hypoxic water were 5.2 and 6.5 Torr, respectively. CO2 Bohr slopes (Delta logP50/Delta pH) were -0.15, -0.16, and -0.07 for AB-3 degrees C, NS-3 degrees C, and HS-3 degrees C turtles, respectively; the corresponding value for AB-22 degrees C was -0.37. The O2 equilibrium curve (O2EC) shape was similar for AB-3 degrees C and NS-3 degrees C turtles; Hill plot n coefficients ranged from 1.8 to 2.0. The O2EC shape for HS-3 degrees C turtles was anomalous, exhibiting high O2 affinity below P50 and a right-shifted segment above half-saturation. We suggest that increases in Hb-O2 affinity and O2 capacity enhance extrapulmonary O2 uptake by turtles overwintering in normoxic water. The anomalous O2EC shape and reduced CO2 Bohr effect of HS-3 degrees C turtles may also promote some aerobic metabolism in hypoxic water.  相似文献   

1. Zebra mussels ( Dreissena polymorpha ) derive their energy from the pelagic energy pathway by filtering plankton. Because zebra mussels occur in high densities in littoral habitats, they potentially constitute an important trophic link between littoral consumers and pelagic energy sources. Northern map turtles ( Graptemys geographica ) are widespread in North America and consume zebra mussels.
2. We used stable isotopes analyses to quantify the flow of energy from the pelagic pathway to northern map turtles and to infer the contribution of zebra mussels to map turtle biomass. We then built a bioenergetic model to estimate the annual intake of zebra mussels by northern map turtles in Lake Opinicon, Ontario, Canada.
3. Stable isotopes analyses indicated that zebra mussels constitute between 0% and 14% of the diet of males and between 4% and 36% of the diet of females. Assuming that zebra mussels account for all of the pelagic contribution, we estimated that map turtles consume 3200 kg of zebra mussels annually. Because female map turtles are much larger than males and consume more zebra mussels, they are responsible for 95% of the zebra mussel biomass ingested annually.
4. The pelagic pathway supports an important part of the standing crop biomass of map turtles in Lake Opinicon. We highlight the importance of freshwater turtles in lake ecosystems. Unravelling the trophic interactions mediated by freshwater turtles will lead to a more integrated picture of lake ecosystems.  相似文献   

Map turtles of the genus Graptemys are native to North America, where a high degree of drainage endemism is believed to have shaped current diversity. With 14 species and one additional subspecies, Graptemys represents the most diverse genus in the family Emydidae. While some Graptemys species are characterized by pronounced morphological differences, previous phylogenetic analyses have failed yet to confirm significant levels of genetic divergence for many taxa. As a consequence, it has been debated whether Graptemys is taxonomically inflated or whether the low genetic divergence observed reflects recent radiations or ancient hybridization. In this study, we analysed three mtDNA blocks (3228 bp) as well as 12 nuclear loci (7844 bp) of 89 specimens covering all species and subspecies of Graptemys. Our analyses of the concatenated mtDNA sequences reveal that the widespread G. geographica constitutes the sister taxon of all other Graptemys species. These correspond to two clades, one comprised of all broad‐headed Graptemys species and another clade containing the narrow‐headed species. Most species of the broad‐headed clade are reciprocally monophyletic, except for G. gibbonsi and G. pearlensis, which are not differentiated. By contrast, in the narrow‐headed clade, many currently recognized species are not monophyletic and divergence is significantly less pronounced. Haplotype networks of phased nuclear loci show low genetic divergence among taxa and many shared haplotypes. Principal component analyses using coded phased nuclear DNA sequences revealed eight distinct clusters within Graptemys that partially conflict with the terminal mtDNA clades. This might be explained by male‐mediated gene flow across drainage basins and female philopatry within drainage basins. Our results support that Graptemys is taxonomically oversplit and needs to be revised.  相似文献   

Replicate adaptive radiations are dichotomous morphological patterns related to resource use and repeated in a series of isolated habitats. Biologists have long noted a dichotomy in relative head width and alveolar width among species of map turtles ( Graptemys ), particularly with regard to adult females, which are much larger dian adult males in all 12 species. I measured plastron length (PL), head width (HW), and alveolar width (AW) of nearly 2300 specimens representing the 12 recognized species, and used allometric regressions to investigate this genus as an example of both sexual dimorphism in trophic morphology and replicate adaptive radiation. Sexual dimorphism was noted in HW after correction for PL, with females having wider heads than males of similar body sizes, but AW as corrected for HW was not dimorphic, thus absolute differences in AW are the simple result of differences in HW. Sexual differences in HW probably relate to the dimorphic niches of Graptemys , as females of three species have been reported to occupy deeper water further from shore than conspecific males. Based on predicted HW at maximum PL in adult females, species were categorized as mega-, meso-, or microcephalic. Differences in relative head width are related to differences in degree of molluscivory, with little molluscivory in microcephalic females, moderate to high molluscivory in mesocephalic females, and high molluscivory in megacephalic females. Distributions of Graptemys species in sympatry and allopatry reveal patterns consistent with structuring of distributions via competitive interactions. Superimposing data on relative HW on a phylogeny of the genus suggests there may have been one or two episodes of character displacement, widi subsequent character assortment, in Graptemys evolution. This conclusion is similar to the current model for the evolution of body size during the radation of Anolis lizards in the northern Lesser Antilles.  相似文献   

Eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta) from Connecticut were submerged at 3 degrees C in normoxic and anoxic water to simulate potential respiratory environments within their hibernacula. Those in normoxic water could survive submergence for at least 150 d, while those in anoxic water could survive for a maximum of about 125 d. Turtles in normoxic water developed a slight metabolic acidosis as plasma lactate accumulated to about 50 mM in 150 d, while anoxic turtles developed a severe lactic acidosis as plasma lactate reached about 200 mM in 125 d; there was no respiratory acidosis in either group. Plasma [Na+] changed little in either group, [Cl-] fell by about one-third in both, and [K+] increased by about fourfold in anoxic turtles but only slightly in those in normoxic water. Total plasma magnesium and calcium increased profoundly in anoxic turtles but moderately in those in normoxic water. Consideration of charge balance indicates that all major ions were measured in both groups. Plasma glucose remained unchanged in anoxic turtles until after about 75 d of submergence, when it increased and continued to increase with the duration of anoxia, with much variation among individuals; glucose remained unchanged throughout in turtles in normoxic water. Hematocrit doubled in 150 d in turtles in normoxic water; in anoxic turtles, an initial increase was no longer significant by day 100. Plasma osmolality increased markedly in anoxic turtles, largely because of accumulation of lactate, but anoxic turtles only gained about half the mass of turtles in normoxic water, who showed no increase in osmolality. The higher weight gain in the latter group is attributed to selective perfusion and ventilation of extrapulmonary gas exchange surfaces, resulting in a greater osmotic influx of water. The physiologic responses to simulated hibernation of C. picta picta are intermediate between those of Chrysemys picta bellii and Chrysemys picta dorsalis, which correlates with the severity of the winter each subspecies would be expected to encounter.  相似文献   

Coloration can play critical roles in a species' biology. The allometry of color patterns may be useful for elucidating the evolutionary mechanisms responsible for shaping the traits. We measured characteristics relating to eight aspects of color patterns from Graptemys oculifera and G. flavimaculata to investigate the allometric differences among male, female, and unsexed juvenile specimens. Additionally, we investigated ontogenetic shifts by incorporating the unsexed juveniles into the male and female datasets. In general, male color traits were isometric (i.e., color scaled with body size), while females and juvenile color traits were hypoallometric, growing in size more slowly than the increase in body size. When we included unsexed juveniles in our male and female datasets, our linear regression analyses found all relationships to be hypoallometric and our model selection analysis found support for nonlinear models describing the relationship between body size and color patterns, suggestive of an ontogenetic shift in coloration traits for both sexes at maturity. Although color is critical for many species' biology and therefore under strong selective pressure in many other species, our results are likely explained by an epiphenomenon related to the different selection pressures on body size and growth rates between juveniles and adults and less attributable to the evolution of color patterns themselves.  相似文献   

Young loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from eastern Florida, U.S.A., undertake a transoceanic migration in which they gradually circle the North Atlantic Ocean before returning to the North American coast. Hatchlings in the open sea are guided at least partly by a 'magnetic map' in which regional magnetic fields function as navigational markers and elicit changes in swimming direction at crucial locations along the migratory route. The magnetic map exists in turtles that have never migrated and thus appears to be inherited. Turtles derive both longitudinal and latitudinal information from the Earth's field, most likely by exploiting unique combinations of field inclination and intensity that occur in different geographic areas. Similar mechanisms may function in the migrations of diverse animals.  相似文献   

We conducted a 3-year field and laboratory study of winter biology in hatchlings of the northern map turtle (Graptemys geographica). At our study area in northern Indiana, hatchlings routinely overwintered in their natal nests, emerging after the weather warmed in spring. Winter survival was excellent despite the fact that hatchlings were exposed frequently to subfreezing temperatures (to –5.4 °C). In the laboratory, cold-acclimated hatchlings exhibited low rates of evaporative water loss (mean=2.0 mg g–1 day–1), which would enable them to conserve body water during winter. Laboratory-reared hatchlings were intolerant of freezing at –2.5 °C for 24 h, conditions that are readily survived by freeze-tolerant species of turtles. Winter survival of hatchling G. geographica probably depended on their extensive capacity for supercooling (to –14.8 °C) and their well-developed resistance to inoculative freezing, which may occur when hatchlings contact ice and ice-nucleating agents present in nesting soil. Supercooled hatchlings survived a brief exposure to –8 °C. Others, held at –6 °C for 5 days, maintained ATP concentrations at control levels, although they did accumulate lactate and glucose, probably in response to tissue hypoxia. Therefore, anoxia tolerance, as evidenced by the viability of hatchlings exposed to N2 gas for 8 days, may promote survival during exposure to subfreezing temperatures.Abbreviations EWL evaporative water loss - FPeq equilibrium freezing point - INA ice-nucleating agents - Tc temperature of crystallizationCommunicated by L.C.-H. Wang  相似文献   

Canadian northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) and bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) were acclimated to 3 degrees C and submerged in anoxic (0-5 mmHg) and normoxic (Po(2) approximately 158 mmHg) water. Periodic measurements of blood Po(2), Pco(2), and pH were made on samples taken anaerobically from subsets of each species. Blood plasma was analyzed for [Na(+)], [K(+)], [Cl(-)], [lactate], [glucose], total calcium, total magnesium, and osmolality. Blood hematocrit was determined, and plasma bicarbonate concentration was calculated. Both species died within 4 d of anoxic submergence. Anoxia intolerance would rule out hibernation in mud, which is anoxic. Both species survived long periods of normoxic submergence (R. pipiens, 125 d; R. catesbeiana, 150 d) with minimal changes in acid-base and ionic status. We conclude that ranid frogs require a hibernaculum where the water has a high enough Po(2) to drive cutaneous diffusion, allowing the frogs to extract enough O(2) to maintain aerobic metabolism, but that an ability to tolerate anoxia for several days may still be ecologically meaningful.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(12):1739-1753
Patterns of ossification and chondrification are well‐described for several species of turtles, but details of the chondrocranial anatomy are known for only a handful of species. Cleared and double‐stained embryos of Graptemys pseudogeographica were used to examine the fully formed chondrocranium and the formation, chondrification, and ossification of the cranium. The chondrocranium of G. pseudogeographica possesses an unusually large, irregularly shaped foramen epiphaniale that is joined with the fenestra olfactoria. As in other emydids, and many turtles generally, the taenia marginalis is present only as a small projection and the taenia medialis is lacking in mature stages of embryonic development. Ossification data for G. pseudogeographica are consistent with those of other Testudines in that the dentary and maxilla (dermal elements of the upper and lower jaws) ossify early, whereas the articular (an endochondral bone of the lower jaw) ossifies relatively late. Additionally, comparative ossification shows that the vomer is quite variable in its relative timing of ossification across Testudines.  相似文献   

Nineteen map turtles, Graptemys caglei and Graptemys versa were collected from the Guadalupe and Colorado River watersheds of south-central Texas and examined for coccidial parasites. Thirteen of the 19 turtles (68%), including 11 of 16 (69%) G. caglei and 2 of 3 (67%) G. versa, were infected with at least 1 coccidian. Five Eimeria spp. (E. chrysemydis, E. graptemydos, E. lutotestudinis, E. pseudogeographica, and E. trachemydis) were harbored by G. caglei, and 2 eimerians (E. graptemydos and E. mitraria) infected G. versa. This represents new host records for these previously described coccidians and is the first time parasites have been documented in turtles of both species.  相似文献   

Molecular physiology of neuronal K-ATP channels (review).   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
ATP sensitive potassium (K-ATP) channels are widely expressed in many cell types including neurons. K-ATP channels are heteromeric membrane proteins that consist of two very different subunits: the pore-forming, two-transmembrane spanning potassium channel subunit (Kir6) and the regulatory, 17 transmembrane spanning sulphonylurea receptor (SUR). This ensemble--joined together in a 4:4 stoichiometry--endows this channel with a unique combination of functional properties. The open probability of K-ATP channels directly depends on the intracellular ATP/ADP levels allowing the channels to directly couple the metabolic state of a cell to its electrical activity. Here, recent progress on the molecular composition and functional diversity of neuronal K-ATP channels is reviewed. One is particular concerned with single-cell mRNA expression studies that give insight to the coexpression patterns of Kir6 and SUR isoforms in identified neurons. In addition, the physiological roles of neuronal K-ATP channels in glucose sensing and adapting neuronal activity to metabolic demands are discussed, as well as their emerging pathophysiological functions in acute brain ischemia and chronic neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) were placed individually into artificial nests constructed in jars of damp soil and then were cooled slowly to temperatures between-7.7 and-12.7 °C. Distinct exotherms were recorded in all jars when water in the soil began to freeze at temperatures between-0.9 and-2.4 °C. A second (animal) exotherm was subsequently detected in some of the jars when water in hatchlings also began to freeze. An animal exotherm occurred in the temperature records for all 23 hatchlings that died in tests terminating at temperatures between-7.7 and-10.8 °C, but no such exotherm was apparent in the temperature records for the 23 turtles that survived these treatments. Moreover, the 4 hatchlings that produced exotherms in tests terminating between-11.5 and-12.7 °C failed to survive, but 5 of 7 hatchlings that produced no exotherm in these tests also died. Thus, turtles that die at subzero temperatures above-11 °C apparently succumb to freezing when ice propagates across their integument from the frozen soil, but animals that die at temperatures below-11 °C generally perish from some other cause. These findings indicate that hatchling painted turtles overwintering inside their shallow, subterranean nests survive exposure to subzero temperatures by avoiding freezing instead of by tolerating freezing.  相似文献   



Adult leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) exhibit thermal gradients between their bodies and the environment of ≥8°C in sub-polar waters and ≤4°C in the tropics. There has been no direct evidence for thermoregulation in leatherbacks although modelling and morphological studies have given an indication of how thermoregulation may be achieved.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We show for the first time that leatherbacks are indeed capable of thermoregulation from studies on juvenile leatherbacks of 16 and 37 kg. In cold water (< 25°C), flipper stroke frequency increased, heat loss through the plastron, carapace and flippers was minimized, and a positive thermal gradient of up to 2.3°C was maintained between body and environment. In warm water (25 – 31°C), turtles were inactive and heat loss through their plastron, carapace and flippers increased. The thermal gradient was minimized (0.5°C). Using a scaling model, we estimate that a 300 kg adult leatherback is able to maintain a maximum thermal gradient of 18.2°C in cold sub-polar waters.


In juvenile leatherbacks, heat gain is controlled behaviourally by increasing activity while heat flux is regulated physiologically, presumably by regulation of blood flow distribution. Hence, harnessing physiology and behaviour allows leatherbacks to keep warm while foraging in cold sub-polar waters and to prevent overheating in a tropical environment.  相似文献   

Eimeria arundeli is a widespread coccidian parasite of the common wombat (Vombatus ursinus), and has been considered to be nonpathogenic. We describe disease in two captive juvenile wombats ascribed to infection with E. arundeli. One animal had diarrhea, the second had mucoid soft feces and lost weight over several weeks prior to death. Masses of coccidial gametocytes in hypertrophic cells in the lamina propria distended villi, causing grossly visible raised pale thickened regions over extensive areas of the mucosa of the small intestine in both animals. Neutrophils infiltrated affected mucosa, and there was an inflammatory exudate into the intestinal lumen in case one. In case two, neutrophils infiltrated the lamina propria of villi focally, crypts were distended by necrotic debris, and epithelium on villi was extremely attenuated. No bacterial pathogens were isolated from lung and intestine in case one; case two was not cultured. Oocysts consistent with E. arundeli were present in large numbers in floatations of diarrheic feces in both cases.  相似文献   

Eimeria juniataensis sp. n. is described from the map turtle, Graptemys geographica, in Pennsylvania. The spherical to subspherical oocysts of E. juniataensis are 11.5 to 18.5 mu by 11.5 to 16.5 mu (mean, 13.5 by 12.9mu). The broadly fusiform sporocysts are 7.5 to 10 mu by 4 to 6.5 mu (mean, 8.3 by 5.0mu) and a Stieda body is present. Oocyst and sporocyst residua are present. This is the first report of an eimerian species from Graptemys.  相似文献   

We investigated the temperature dependence of some physiological parameters of common eelpout (Zoarces viviparus) from different locations (North Sea, Baltic Sea and Norwegian Sea) on acclimation temperature (3 degrees C and 12 degrees C) and acute temperature variation. The lethal limit of 12 degrees C-acclimated eelpout was determined as the critical thermal maximum [loss of equilibrium (LE) and onset of muscular spasms (OS)] and it was found to be 26.6 degrees C for LE and 28.8 degrees C for OS for all populations. However, these parameters do not have any relevant ecological interpretation. We therefore investigated the effect of gradually increased water temperature on standard metabolic rate (measured as resting oxygen consumption Mo2) and critical oxygen concentration ([O2]c) of eelpouts. Acclimation to low temperature (3 degrees C) resulted in partial compensation of Mo2, paralleled by a decrease of activation energy for Mo2 (from 82 kJ mol(-1) at 12 degrees C to about 50 kJ mol(-1) at 3 degrees C) in North Sea and Baltic Sea eelpouts. At the same time, Norwegian eelpout showed no acclimation of oxygen demand to warm temperature (12 degrees C) at all. The scope for eelpout aerobic metabolism shrank considerably with increased acclimation temperature, as [O2]c approached water oxygen concentrations. At 22.5+/-1 degrees C the [O2]c reached air saturation, which is equivalent to the upper critical temperature (TcII) and at this temperature the aerobic scope for the metabolism completely disappeared. In line with previous insight, the comparative analysis of the temperature dependence of Mo2 of Z. viviparus from different populations suggests that a pejus (sub-critical) temperature for this species is about 13-15 degrees C. In conclusion, the capacity to adjust aerobic metabolism relates to thermal tolerance and the bio-geographical distribution of the species. Global warming would thus be likely to cause a shift in the distribution of this species to the North.  相似文献   

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