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We present the first genome sequence of Chlamydophila psittaci, an intracellular pathogen of birds and a human zoonotic pathogen. A comparison with previously sequenced Chlamydophila genomes shows that, as in other chlamydiae, most of the genome diversity is restricted to the plasticity zone. The C. psittaci plasmid was also sequenced.  相似文献   

水稻所在的稻属(Oryza)共有24个左右的物种。由于野生稻含有大量的优良农艺性状基因, 在水稻遗传学研究中日益受到重视。随着国际稻属基因组计划的开展, 越来越多的稻属基因组序列被测定, 稻属成为进行比较、功能和进化基因组学研究的模式系统。近期开展的一系列研究对稻属不同基因组区段以及全基因组序列的比较分析, 揭示了稻属在基因组大小、基因移动、多倍体进化、常染色质到异染色质的转化以及着丝粒区域的进化等方面的分子机制。转座子的活性以及转座子因非均等重组或非法重组而造成的删除, 对稻属基因组的扩增和收缩具有重要作用。DNA双链断裂修复介导的基因移动, 特别是非同源末端连接, 是稻属基因组非共线性基因形成的主要来源。稻属基因组从常染色质到异染色质的转换过程, 伴随着转座子的大量扩增、基因片段的区段性和串联重复以及从基因组其他位置不断捕获异染色质基因。对稻属不同物种间基因拷贝数、特异基因和重要农艺性状基因的进化等研究, 可揭示稻属不同物种间表型和适应性差异的分子基础, 将加速水稻的育种和改良。  相似文献   

结核分枝杆菌基因组学与基因组进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在后基因组时代,特别是在新的测序理论和设备大发展的背景下,一些重大传染性致病微生物基因组序列正在被逐一测定,并且随后的基因功能注释,蛋白质三维结构重建等工作也正在开展,以期对致病微生物的生物学特性、诊断策略和治疗方法等有突破性的认识.作为对人类健康一直存在严重威胁的结核分枝杆菌,其基因组在进化中所发生的各种遗传事件对其生物学性质、致病能力和抗药性等各方面有重要作用.本文旨在阐述结核分枝杆菌的起源及其基因组特征,论述其基因组进化的研究进展.  相似文献   

Genome browsing with Ensembl: a practical overview.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A wealth of gene information is accruing in public databases. Genome browsers such as Ensembl are needed to organize and depict this information in the context of the genome. Ensembl provides an open source gene set based on experimental evidence for over 30 species, the majority of which are vertebrates. Genes and annotation are accessible through the Ensembl browser (http://www.ensembl.org), and through direct queries of its databases using the Perl API (Application Programme Interface), MySQL or BioMart.  相似文献   

In this paper, the current status of chicken genomics is reviewed. This is timely given the current intense activity centred on sequencing the complete genome of this model species. The genome project is based on a decade of map building by genetic linkage and cytogenetic methods, which are now being replaced by high-resolution radiation hybrid and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contig maps. Markers for map building have generally depended on labour-intensive screening procedures, but in recent years this has changed with the availability of almost 500,000 chicken expressed sequence tags (ESTs). These resources and tools will be critical in the coming months when the chicken genome sequence is being assembled (eg cross-checked with other maps) and annotated (eg gene structures based on ESTs). The future for chicken genome and biological research is an exciting one, through the integration of these resources. For example, through the proposed chicken Ensembl database, it will be possible to solve challenging scientific questions by exploiting the power of a chicken model. One area of interest is the study of developmental mechanisms and the discovery of regulatory networks throughout the genome. Another is the study of the molecular nature of quantitative genetic variation. No other animal species have been phenotyped and selected so intensively as agricultural animals and thus there is much to be learned in basic and medical biology from this research.  相似文献   

We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast genome of the leptosporangiate fern, Adiantum capillus-veneris L. (Pteridaceae). The circular genome is 150,568 bp, with a large single-copy region (LSC) of 82,282 bp, a small-single copy region (SSC) of 21,392 bp and inverted repeats (IR) of 23,447 bp each. We compared the sequence to other published chloroplast genomes to infer the location of putative genes. When the IR is considered only once, we assigned 118 genes, of which 85 encode proteins, 29 encode tRNAs and 4 encode rRNAs. Four protein-coding genes, all four rRNA genes and six tRNA genes occur in the IR. Most (57) putative protein-coding genes appear to start with an ATG codon, but we also detected five other possible start codons, some of which suggest tRNA editing. We also found 26 apparent stop codons in 18 putative genes, also suggestive of RNA editing. We found all but one of the tRNA genes necessary to encode the complete repertoire required for translation. The missing trnK gene appears to have been disrupted by a large inversion, relative to other published chloroplast genomes. We detected several structural rearrangements that may provide useful information for phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

【背景】枯草芽孢杆菌N2-10是一株具有较强抑菌能力且能产纤维素酶等多种水解酶的革兰氏阳性菌,在发酵饲料中具有较大的应用潜力。【目的】通过获得枯草芽孢杆菌N2-10的全基因组序列信息,进一步解析菌株次级代谢产物合成基因信息,并通过比较基因组学分析菌株N2-10与模式菌株的差异性,为阐明N2-10抑菌和益生机制提供理论基础。【方法】通过二代Illumina NovaSeq联合三代PacBio Sequel测序平台,对菌株N2-10进行全基因组测序,将测序数据进行基因组组装、基因预测与功能注释,并利用比较基因组学分析N2-10与其他菌株的差异。【结果】菌株N2-10基因组大小为4 036 899 bp,GC含量为43.88%;共编码4 163个编码基因,所有编码基因总长度为3594369bp,编码区总长度占基因组总长度的89.04%;含有85个tRNA、10个5S rRNA、10个16S rRNA、10个23S rRNA,以及2个CRISPR-Cas、1个前噬菌体和6个基因岛;在GO (gene ontolog)、COG (clusters of orthologous groups of...  相似文献   

Plant pathogens continuously evolve to evade host immune responses. During host colonization, many fungal pathogens secrete effectors to perturb such responses, but these in turn may become recognized by host immune receptors. To facilitate the evolution of effector repertoires, such as the elimination of recognized effectors, effector genes often reside in genomic regions that display increased plasticity, a phenomenon that is captured in the two‐speed genome hypothesis. The genome of the vascular wilt fungus Verticillium dahliae displays regions with extensive presence/absence polymorphisms, so‐called lineage‐specific regions, that are enriched in in planta‐induced putative effector genes. As expected, comparative genomics reveals differential degrees of sequence divergence between lineage‐specific regions and the core genome. Unanticipated, lineage‐specific regions display markedly higher sequence conservation in coding as well as noncoding regions than the core genome. We provide evidence that disqualifies horizontal transfer to explain the observed sequence conservation and conclude that sequence divergence occurs at a slower pace in lineage‐specific regions of the V. dahliae genome. We hypothesize that differences in chromatin organisation may explain lower nucleotide substitution rates in the plastic, lineage‐specific regions of V. dahliae.  相似文献   

【背景】一直以来,链霉菌都是活性物质的主要生产者,近年来随着抗生素滥用引起的环境和微生物抗药性问题越发严重,挖掘高效生物防治因子和新型抗生素成为了解决以上问题的重要手段。【目的】通过获得植物内生链霉菌SAT1全基因组序列和次级代谢基因簇信息,利用比较基因组学和泛基因组学分析SAT1菌株的特殊性以及与其他链霉菌的共性,为阐明SAT1抑菌和内生机制提供理论基础,为揭示链霉菌的生态功能提供可靠数据。【方法】通过三代测序平台PacBio Sequel完成SAT1基因组测序,利用生物信息学技术进行注释和功能基因分类;分别利用RAxML和PGAP软件进行系统发育树的构建和泛基因组分析;次级代谢基因簇的预测和分析通过antiSMASH网站完成。【结果】获得SAT1菌株的全基因组完成图,该菌线性染色体长度约7.47 Mb,包含有4个质粒,GC含量近73%,共预测到7 550个蛋白编码基因,含有37个次级代谢基因簇,分属29个类型,其中默诺霉素基因簇与加纳链霉菌具有较高相似性。42株代表链霉菌中,单个菌株次级代谢基因簇数量为20-55个,主要类型为PKS类、Terpene类和Nrps类,而且含有大量杂合基因簇,各个菌株中特有基因数目较为庞大。【结论】链霉菌SAT1菌株在基因组特点以及次级代谢基因簇的数量和类型上与其余41株链霉菌具有一定的共性,其中潮霉素B基因簇和默诺霉素基因簇合成的相关物质可能与SAT1抑菌活性密切相关。42株链霉菌中次级代谢基因簇数量的多少与基因组大小成正相关,同时大量杂合基因簇以及庞大的特有基因数目的存在说明链霉菌在长期进化过程中存在了很高程度的水平基因转移现象,可能具有重要的生态功能。  相似文献   

Heterodera carotae, the carrot cyst nematode, is a significant pest affecting carrot globally. Here we present the draft genome of H. carotae, which was generated from short read libraries from Illumina HiSeq technology, and the corresponding genome annotation.  相似文献   

Naegleria fowleri is a unicellular eukaryote causing primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, a neuropathic disease killing 99% of those infected, usually within 7–14 days. Naegleria fowleri is found globally in regions including the US and Australia. The genome of the related nonpathogenic species Naegleria gruberi has been sequenced, but the genetic basis for N. fowleri pathogenicity is unclear. To generate such insight, we sequenced and assembled the mitochondrial genome and a 60‐kb segment of nuclear genome from N. fowleri. The mitochondrial genome is highly similar to its counterpart in N. gruberi in gene complement and organization, while distinct lack of synteny is observed for the nuclear segments. Even in this short (60‐kb) segment, we identified examples of potential factors for pathogenesis, including ten novel N. fowleri‐specific genes. We also identified a homolog of cathepsin B; proteases proposed to be involved in the pathogenesis of diverse eukaryotic pathogens, including N. fowleri. Finally, we demonstrate a likely case of horizontal gene transfer between N. fowleri and two unrelated amoebae, one of which causes granulomatous amoebic encephalitis. This initial look into the N. fowleri nuclear genome has revealed several examples of potential pathogenesis factors, improving our understanding of a neglected pathogen of increasing global importance.  相似文献   

The cyanobacterial genus Leptolyngbya is widely distributed throughout terrestrial environments and freshwater. Because environmental factors, such as oxygen level, available water content, and light intensity, vary between soil surface and water bodies, terrestrial Leptolyngbya should have genomic differences with freshwater species to adapt to a land habitat. To study the genomic features of Leptolyngbya species, we determined the complete genome sequence of the terrestrial strain Leptolyngbya sp. NIES-2104 and compared it with that of the near-complete sequence of the freshwater Leptolyngbya boryana PCC 6306. The greatest differences between these two strains were the presence or absence of a nitrogen fixation gene cluster for anaerobic nitrogen fixation and several genes for tetrapyrrole synthesis, which can operate under micro-oxic conditions. These differences might reflect differences in oxygen levels where these strains live. Both strains have the genes for trehalose biosynthesis, but only Leptolyngbya sp. NIES-2104 has genetic capacity to produce a mycosporine-like amino acid, mycosporine-glycine. Mycosporine-glycine has an antioxidant action, which may contribute to adaptation to terrestrial conditions. These features of the genomes yielded additional insights into the classification and physiological characteristics of these strains.  相似文献   

The Xylella fastidiosa comparative genomic database is a scientific resource with the aim to provide a user-friendly interface for accessing high-quality manually curated genomic annotation and comparative sequence analysis, as well as for identifying and mapping prophage-like elements, a marked feature of Xylella genomes. Here we describe a database and tools for exploring the biology of this important plant pathogen. The hallmarks of this database are the high quality genomic annotation, the functional and comparative genomic analysis and the identification and mapping of prophage-like elements. It is available from web site http://www.xylella.lncc.br.  相似文献   

【目的】探究生防菌贝莱斯芽胞杆菌(Bacillus velezensis) XRD006对青皮核桃采后病害的生防能力及其贮藏保鲜效果,解析菌株的基因特性和次级代谢产物,了解菌株的抑菌机制。【方法】通过抑菌试验确定XRD006对青皮核桃采后病原菌的抑制能力。利用活体抑菌及贮藏试验探究生防菌对青皮核桃采后病原菌的抑制能力及对青皮核桃贮藏品质的影响。以全基因组测序了解菌株XRD006的基因组特征及潜在抑菌相关基因;利用antiSMASH软件预测XRD006的次级代谢产物;结合比较基因组学分析XRD006和贝莱斯芽胞杆菌标准株FZB42、SQR9之间的共线性关系和次级代谢产物基因簇差异。利用高效液相色谱(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)和质谱鉴定XRD006次级代谢产物并通过牛津杯法测定其抑菌能力。【结果】抑菌试验表明菌株XRD006对青皮核桃采后病原菌隐秘刺盘孢(Colletotrichum aenigma)、暹罗炭疽菌(Colletotrichum siamense)、葡萄座腔菌(Botryosphaeria dothidea)和藤仓...  相似文献   

Aeromicrobium massiliense strain JC14Tsp. nov. is the type strain of Aeromicrobium massiliense sp. nov., a new species within the genus Aeromicrobium. This strain, whose genome is described here, was isolated from the fecal microbiota of an asymptomatic patient. Aeromicrobium massiliense is an aerobic rod-shaped gram-positive bacterium. Here we describe the features of this organism, together with the complete genome sequence and annotation. The 3,322,119 bp long genome contains 3,296 protein-coding and 51 RNA genes.  相似文献   

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