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Qu R  Li X  Luo Y  Dong M  Xu H  Chen X  Dafni A 《Annals of botany》2007,100(6):1155-1164
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Delayed self-pollination is a mechanism that allows animal-pollinated plants to outcross while ensuring seed production in the absence of pollinators. This study aims to explore a new mechanism of delayed self-pollination facilitated by wind-driven corolla abscission in Incarvillea sinensis var. sinensis. METHODS: Floral morphology and development, and the process of delayed self-pollination were surveyed. Experiments dealing with pollinator and wind exclusion, pollination manipulations, and pollinator observations were conducted in the field. KEY RESULTS: Delayed self-pollination occurs when the abscising corolla driven by wind drags the adherent epipetalous stamens, thus leading to contact of anthers with stigma in late anthesis. There is no dichogamy and self-incompatibility in this species. The significantly higher proportion of abscised corolla under natural conditions as compared with that in wind-excluding tents indicates the importance of wind in corolla abscission. When pollinators were excluded, corolla abscission significantly increased the number of pollen grains deposited on the stigma and, as a result, the fruit and seed set. Only half of the flowers in plots were visited by pollinators, and the fruit set of emasculated flowers was significantly lower than that of untreated flowers in open pollination. This species has a sensitive stigma, and its two open stigmatic lobes closed soon after being touched by a pollinator, but always reopened if no or only little pollen was deposited. CONCLUSIONS: This delayed self-pollination, which involved the movement of floral parts, the active participation of the wind and sensitive stigma, is quite different from that reported previously. This mechanism provides reproductive assurance for this species. The sensitive stigma contributes to ensuring seed production and reducing the interference of selfing with outcrossing. The pollination pattern, which combines actions by bees with indirect participation by wind, is also a new addition to ambophily.  相似文献   

Anthesis in individual flowers of Nuphar pumila (Timm) DC. occurs for four consecutive days. First-day flowers are protogynous and functionally female. Flowers can open completely on the first day of anthesis. This contrasts with all previous reports, which state that first-day flowers of Nuphar are characterized by partial expansion of the calyx, leaving a distal small triangular opening just above the stigmatic disc. Flowers close completely on the first night of anthesis and remain partially open on the subsequent three nights. During the entire anthesis period the stigmas emit a sweet, fruity odor and the petal nectaries produce visible nectar drops. The stigma of N. pumila is secretory and unicellular-papillate. Pollen grains are monosulcate with long spines. Our observations on the mating system of N. pumila indicate that neither asexual seed production nor spontaneous self-pollination occurs. Cross-pollination of second-, third- and fourth-day flowers produced few seeds. Flowers of N. pumila were mainly pollinated by sweat bees, with flies playing a minor pollination role. No beetle visits were observed. Our insect-pollination observations substantiate the view that the relative contribution of flies, bees, and beetles to pollination in a single Nuphar population depends on two factors: the relative abundance of the insects, and presence of alternative food sources.  相似文献   

濒危植物南川升麻传粉生物学的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
南川升麻(CimicifugananchuanensisHsiso)的繁育系统以异交为主,传粉昆虫主要为蝇类,盛花时的访花频率平均每花每天11次,雄蕊脱落后约06次;单穗升麻(C.simplexWormsk)以虫媒为主,风也可以帮助其花粉在近距离传播。单穗升麻的传粉昆虫有蝇类和蜂类,盛花时的访花频率蝇类为1.4次,蜂类为1.2次。南川升麻和单穗升麻都是靠大的花序和气味来吸引传粉昆虫,报酬是退化雄蕊基部分泌的蜜液。自然条件下南川升麻每个柱头上平均有4枚花粉,结籽率平均为64%,而单穗升麻每个柱头上平均有17枚花粉,结籽率平均为459%。南川升麻有性生殖中传粉的限制是其致濒的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

The pollination biology of Cimicifuga nanchuanensis Hsiso, an endangered species and C. siraplex Wormsk, a widespread species as a control, has been studied. Protandry occurs in both species, the former goes further than the latter. The breeding system of C. nanchuanensis is dominantly xenogamous. The average visitation rate of flies as the main pollinators is 1.1 and 0.6 per flower per day at anthesis and after stamen shedding respectively. C. simplex is mainly an entomophilous plant. However, wind pollination could occur within a short distance. Moreover, a certain ratio of self pollination exists also in this species. The mean visitation rates of flies and bees, the main pollinators of C. simplex, are 1.4 and 1.2 respectively at anthesis. The pollinating insects of both plant species are attracted by their big inflorescences and the fragrant odor. Nectar, the reward for pollinators, produces in the secretory cells at the base of the spoonform staminode. In natural conditions, an average of 17 pollen grains are found on the surface of a stigma resulting in a mean seed set rate of 45.9 %. Pollination limitation (very few pollinators and their low efficiency of pollination) in C. nanchuanensis is one of the weak links in its life cycle and one of the reasons for the endangerment of this species.  相似文献   

在自然居群中通过野外定位观测,运用杂交指数(OCI);花粉—胚珠比(P/O);去雄、套袋、人工授粉等方法对濒危植物肉苁蓉(Cistanche deserticola Ma)的花序发育、开花特性、花粉活力、柱头可授性、传粉方式、繁育系统进行了研究,结果表明:肉苁蓉穗状无限花序的生长发育期可明显分为拱土期、出土期、开花期、结实与种子成熟期四个阶段。两性花,单花开放时间2~3d,花序有花期持续20~25d。种群开花历时36~38d。开花时柱头略高出花药,柱头较大,下垂。重力玻片法检测,风媒导致的异株异花传粉完全可以忽略。主要访花昆虫为蜂类。扫描电镜观察虫体,蜂类携带大量花粉,但传粉飞行距离大部分为0。杂交指数为3;花粉—胚珠比为35.45±8.56;结合去雄、套袋和人工授粉试验结果,认为肉苁蓉属于以自交为主的繁育系统。  相似文献   

  • Mexico has one of the highest diversities of barrel cacti species worldwide; however, all are threatened and require conservation policies. Information on their reproductive biology is crucial, but few studies are available. Ferocactus recurvus subsp. recurvus is a barrel cactus endemic to the Tehuacán‐Cuicatlán Valley. Our research aimed to characterise its floral and pollination biology. We hypothesised bee pollination, as suggested by its floral morphology and behaviour, and self‐incompatibility, like most barrel cacti studied.
  • Three study sites were selected in the semiarid Zapotitlán Valley, Mexico. We examined 190 flowers from 180 plants to determine: morphometry and behaviour of flowers, flower visitors and probable pollinators, and breeding system.
  • Flowers showed diurnal anthesis, lasting 2–5 days, the stigma being receptive on day 2 or 3 after the start of anthesis. Flowers produced scarce/no nectar and main visitors were bees (Apidae), followed by flies (Muscidae), ants (Formicidae), thrips (Thripidae) and hummingbirds (Throchilidae); however, only native bees and occasionally wasps contacted the stigma and anthers. Pollination experiments revealed that this species is self‐incompatible and xenogamous. In natural conditions, fruit set was 60% and cross‐pollination fruit set was 100%. Percentage seed germination resulting from cross‐pollination was higher than in the control treatment.
  • Our results provide ecological information for conservation programmes to ensure a high probability of breeding and seed production in natural populations of F. recurvus.

RICHARDS, A. J., 1990. Studies in Garcinia , dioecious tropical forest trees: the phenology, pollination biology and fertilization of G. hombroniana Pierre . Garcinia hombroniana is a facultative agamosperm which is pollinated by Trigona bees. Nectar is restricted to the large discoid stigma (or pistillode in male flowers), which also captures and hydrates pollen. The 'wet' stigma and binucleate pollen suggest that Garcinia arose from hermaphrodite plants with a gametophytic self-incompatibility system.
On stigmas, nectar is secreted early on three or four successive days. On male pistillodes, nectar is secreted when anthers dehisce, on the second morning after anthesis. Pollen is most viable when freshly collected, but some viability remains four days after collection. Pollen germinates within 24 h of hydration. Similar results to pollinations are obtained by germinating pollen in 1 % sucrose.
Garcinia hombroniana flowers principally from January to June. Cultivated females are considered as 'big bang' strategists. Male flowers are considered as 'steady state' strategists.  相似文献   

  1. Crop pollination generally increases with pollinator diversity and wild pollinator visitation. To optimize crop pollination, it is necessary to investigate the pollination contribution of different pollinator species. In the present study, we examined this contribution of honey bees and non‐Apis bees (bumble bees, mason bees and other solitary bees) in sweet cherry.
  2. We assessed the pollination efficiency (fruit set of flowers receiving only one visit) and foraging behaviour (flower visitation rate, probability of tree change, probability of row change and contact with the stigma) of honey bees and different types of non‐Apis bees.
  3. Single visit pollination efficiency on sweet cherry was higher for both mason bees and solitary bees compared with bumble bees and honey bees. The different measures of foraging behaviour were variable among non‐Apis bees and honey bees. Adding to their high single visit efficiency, mason bees also visited significantly more flower per minute, and they had a high probability of tree change and a high probability to contact the stigma.
  4. The results of the present study highlight the higher pollination performance of solitary bees and especially mason bees compared with bumble bees and honey bees. Management to support species with high pollination efficiency and effective foraging behaviour will promote crop pollination.

Cross‐ and self‐fertilization in angiosperms are regulated by several factors, and a knowledge of the mechanism and time of spontaneous self‐pollination offers opportunities for a better understanding of the evolution of mating systems and floral traits. The floral biology of five species of Gentianaceae found in high‐altitude neotropical grassland is presented, with emphasis on the mechanisms that promote spontaneous self‐pollination. A presumed floral Batesian mimicry system is suggested between the rare and rewardless Zygostigma australe and Calydorea campestris, a species of Iridaceae with pollen‐flowers, pollinated by syrphids and bees. The floral morphology of the other four gentian species points to three different pollination syndromes: melittophily, phalaenophily and ornithophily. However, with the exception of the nocturnal Helia oblongifolia, flowers are nectarless and appear to exhibit non‐model deceptive mechanisms, providing similar floral cues to some sympatric rewarding species with the same syndrome. The similar mechanism of spontaneous self‐pollination in Calolisianthus pedunculatus, Calolisianthus pendulus and H. oblongifolia (Helieae) is based on the stigmatic movements towards the anthers. Selfing is promoted by movements of the style/stigma and of the corolla in Deianira nervosa and Z. australe (Chironieae), respectively. The movements of stamens, style and stigma during anthesis seem to be the most common method of spontaneous self‐pollination in angiosperms. It is suggested that the evolution of delayed spontaneous self‐pollination would be more expected in those taxa with dichogamous flowers associated with herkogamy. Such a characteristic is frequent in long‐lived flowers of certain groups of Asteridae, which comprise most documented cases of autonomous selfing. Thus, the presence of dichogamy associated with herkogamy (which supposedly evolved as a result of selection to promote both separation of male and female functions and the efficient transfer of cross pollen) may be the first step in the adaptive evolution of delayed selfing to provide reproductive assurance. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 160 , 357–368.  相似文献   

为研究格木(Erythrophleum fordii Oliv.)的传粉方式和交配系统,在鼎湖山国家级自然保护区对珍稀濒危树种格木进行野外观察,花的微器官(花粉和柱头)用扫描电镜观察,并进行控制授粉实验和遗传分析。结果表明,格木具有颜色亮丽和散发香味的总状花序,格木花粉包被厚重的粘性物质,柱头没有易于捕获花粉的结构,风媒传粉没有坐果,推断格木应该是通过虫媒传播花粉,或者主要是通过虫媒传播。遗传分析和在不同繁殖环境的两棵目标树的坐果情况表明,格木偶尔可以自交产生后代,但异交占据着绝对的优势,鼎湖山格木种群的异交率达到90.6%。格木传粉方式和交配系统的研究有利于对格木进行保护和保育。  相似文献   

吕文  刘文哲 《植物学通报》2010,45(6):713-722
从开花动态、传粉昆虫、花的形态结构、繁育系统、花粉活力和柱头可授性等方面研究了我国特有珍稀植物瘿椒树(Tapiscia sinensis Oliv.)的传粉生物学特性。瘿椒树是典型的雄全异株植物,两性花中含有功能性花粉,且自交亲和,但雄花花粉活力和萌发力是两性花的10倍以上。雄株和两性植株具有相同开花物候期,花期均为5月下旬至6月上旬,单花期为4-5天,雄花和两性花的5枚花药开裂的不同步性明显延长了散粉时间。两性花雌蕊先熟,柱头可授性较长。具有适应风媒和虫媒传粉的花部特征。传粉昆虫主要为蜜蜂科(Apidae)和食蚜蝇科(Syrphidae)昆虫,访花高峰期为8:30-10:30。维持瘿椒树雄全异株的可能机制是:雄株总体上增加了异交花粉的数量和质量;两性花的雄蕊为该物种提供了繁殖保障,同时为传粉者提供了报酬。  相似文献   

吕文  刘文哲 《植物学报》2010,45(6):713-722
从开花动态、传粉昆虫、花的形态结构、繁育系统、花粉活力和柱头可授性等方面研究了我国特有珍稀植物瘿椒树(Tapiscia sinensis Oliv.)的传粉生物学特性。瘿椒树是典型的雄全异株植物,两性花中含有功能性花粉,且自交亲和,但雄花花粉活力和萌发力是两性花的10倍以上。雄株和两性植株具有相同开花物候期,花期均为5月下旬至6月上旬,单花期为4-5天,雄花和两性花的5枚花药开裂的不同步性明显延长了散粉时间。两性花雌蕊先熟,柱头可授性较长。具有适应风媒和虫媒传粉的花部特征。传粉昆虫主要为蜜蜂科(Apidae)和食蚜蝇科(Syrphidae)昆虫,访花高峰期为8:30-10:30。维持瘿椒树雄全异株的可能机制是:雄株总体上增加了异交花粉的数量和质量;两性花的雄蕊为该物种提供了繁殖保障,同时为传粉者提供了报酬。  相似文献   

林慧  张明莉  王鹏鹏  马淼 《生态学报》2018,38(5):1810-1816
从开花物候、花粉活力、柱头可受性、传粉媒介、花粉散布距离、雄性、雌性功能以及繁育系统等方面系统地研究了意大利苍耳的传粉生态学特性,旨在为揭示该物种成功入侵的机理提供科学依据。研究结果显示:意大利苍耳种群的花期较长,雌花花期可达40d,雄花花期可达30d。其雄性和雌性功能都很强,意大利苍耳单株雄花序和花粉量分别高达3847个/株和37903037粒/株,单株雌花序和单株胚珠数高达3847个/株和7694枚/株,种群平均结实率高达80.59%,即平均每株个体能形成6200枚成熟的果实。花粉活力的日变化呈单峰型曲线,早晨和傍晚的花粉活力最低,14:00时的活力高达99%。雌蕊柱头一经伸出总苞即具有可受性,可受期长达7d,开花后的3—4d柱头的可受性最强。意大利苍耳为风媒传粉植物,在4.5km/h的微风条件下,其花粉的散布距离可达45m,大量的花粉集中分布在距花粉源0—20m的范围内,这对于往往高密度连片分布的意大利苍耳种群来说无疑是一种高效的传粉策略。意大利苍耳的交配系统灵活多样,盛花期自然结实率达到100%,套袋试验结果表明该植物自交亲和,自株自然授粉的结实率高达93%。表明较长的花期、大量的雌雄花序及花粉数量、较高的花粉活力、较长的柱头可授期、较远的花粉风媒散布距离、混合交配系统、以及较高的结实率是意大利苍耳繁殖成功的重要保障,也是其成功入侵的重要原因。  相似文献   

We investigated the reproductive biology, including the floral biology, pollination biology, breeding system and reproductive success, of Pachira aquatica, a native and dominant tropical tree of fresh water wetlands, throughout the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico. The flowers present nocturnal anthesis, copious nectar production and sugar concentration (range 18–23%) suitable for nocturnal visitors such as bats and sphingid moths. The main nocturnal visitors were bats and sphingid moths while bees were the main diurnal visitors. There were no differences in legitimate visitation rates among bats, moths and honey bees. Bats and honey bees fed mainly on pollen while moths fed on nectar, suggesting resource partitioning. Eight species of bats carried pollen but Leptonycteris yerbabuenae is probably the most effective pollinator due to its higher pollen loads. The sphingid moths Manduca rustica, Cocytius duponchel and Eumorpha satellitia were recorded visiting flowers. Hand pollination experiments indicated a predominant outcrossing breeding system. Open pollination experiments resulted in a null fruit set, indicating pollen limitation; however, mean reproductive success, according to a seasonal census, was 17 ± 3%; these contrasting results could be explained by the seasonal availability of pollinators. We conclude that P. aquatica is an outcrossing species with a pollination system originally specialized for bats and sphingid moths, which could be driven to a multimodal pollination system due to the introduction of honey bees to tropical America.  相似文献   

Cucurbita pepo carries male and female flowers on the same plant,and is pollinated by nectar-collecting bees. The nectaries aredimorphic in the two sexes and pollen is loaded and unloadedas the bees gain access to the nectar. Both types of flowerare open for only 6 h (from 0600 h to 1200 h); male flowersopen and close half an hour earlier than female flowers. Thelatter produce more nectar and are visited more often by thebees than the male flowers. Pollen viability determined by fluoresceindiacetate (fluorochromatic reaction) decreases by 20% duringanthesis and more rapidly after the flower closes. This decreaseis due to dehydration of the grain, especially around the porewhere the intine is exposed. An unusual feature of this speciesis that the grains do not dehydrate before anther dehiscence.Female receptivity has two aspects, that of the stigma lasting4 d, and that of the ovules lasting 2 d. The receptivity ofthe two sexes and the short period of anthesis are discussedin the light of the reproductive ecology of the species.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Entomophilous pollination, anthesis, nectars, pollen viability, female receptivity, bees, pollinator efficiency, courgette Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbitaceae  相似文献   

Sensitive stigma has been recognized to facilitate outcrossing. We hypothesized that species with different levels of sensitivity might have corresponding differences in components of their breeding system. In this study, three Mazus species with bilobed stigmas were used to test the hypothesis. We explored stigma behaviors of the species in reaction time, recovery time, permanent closing time, and the minimum pollen load causing permanent closure. We investigated floral traits, pollinator type and behavior, pollination intensity, and natural schedule of pollen deposition on stigma. Moreover, we evaluated the mating system of the species by checking seed set after controlled pollination treatments, namely, natural flowers with open pollination, enclosed flowers without pollination, and enclosed flowers with self and outcross hand pollination. Results indicated that stigma of M. pumilus (N. L. Burman) Steenis was not sensitive, whereas stigmas of M. miquelii Makino and M. stachydifolius (Turcz.) Maxim. closed and reopened quickly in response to pollination. Accordingly, hand pollination treatments revealed that seed set of self-spontaneous pollination in M. pumilus was similar to the other treatments. For M. miquelii, outcross pollen resulted in significantly higher seed set than self-pollen.Mazus stachydifolius was self-incompatible. Additionally, the corresponding characteristics in other components of the breeding system for each species were found. Our study indicated that the sensitivity of bilobed stigma might be linked with floral traits and the mating system in a given species. Sensitive stigma should be regarded as an evolutionary mechanism for enhancement of outcrossing.  相似文献   

Sexual conflicts and their evolutionary outcomes may be influenced by population‐specific features such as mating system and ecological context; however, very few studies have investigated the link between sexual conflict and mating system. The self‐compatible, mixed‐mating hermaphrodite Collinsia heterophylla (Plantaginaceae) is thought to exhibit a sexual conflict over timing of stigma receptivity. This conflict involves (i) delayed stigma receptivity, which intensifies pollen competition, and (ii) early fertilization forced by pollen, which reduces seed set. We investigated the potential for the conflict to occur under field conditions and performed glasshouse crosses within eight populations to assess its consistency across populations. Flowers were visited, and produced seeds after pollination, at all developmental stages, suggesting that the conflict can be of significance under natural conditions. In the glasshouse, early pollination imposed costs in all populations. Overall, the timing of first seed set was most strongly affected by the maternal parent, denoting stronger female than male ability to influence the onset of stigma receptivity. Crosses also revealed a negative relationship between donor‐ and recipient‐related onset of receptivity within individuals, a novel result hinting at trade‐offs in sex allocation or a history of antagonistic selection. Neither timing of stigma receptivity, timing of first seed set, nor pollen competitive ability covaried with population outcrossing rate. In conclusion, these results indicate that sexually antagonistic selection may be present in varying degrees in different populations of C. heterophylla, but this variation does not appear to be directly related to mating system variation.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The stigma, a structure which serves as a site for pollen receipt and germination, has been assumed to have evolved once, as a modification of carpels, in early angiosperms. Here it is shown that a functional stigma has evolved secondarily from modified tepals in some Albuca species (Hyacinthaceae).


Deposition of pollen on Albuca floral organs by bees was recorded. Pollen germination and fruit set was measured in flowers that had pollen deposited solely on their tepals or had their tepal tips experimentally isolated or removed after pollination.

Key Results

Leafcutter bees deposit pollen onto the papillate apices of the inner tepals of Albuca flowers. Pollen germinates in tepal-derived fluid secreted 2 or 3 d after anthesis and pollen tubes subsequently penetrate the style during flower wilting. Application of cross-pollen to the inner tepal apices of A. setosa flowers led to high fruit set. No fruits were produced in pollinated flowers in which the inner tepals were mechanically isolated or removed.


Pollen capture by tepals in the Albuca clade probably evolved in response to selection for floral morphology that maximizes the accuracy of pollen transfer. These findings show how pollination function can be transferred among floral organs, and shed light on how the original angiosperm stigma developed from sporophylls.  相似文献   

KCl处理对百合柱头生理及结实的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以百合(Lilium)品种‘Pollyanna’为材料,研究了KCl处理对柱头中SOD、POD及CAT等3种保护酶活性、可溶性蛋白含量以及电阻率的影响。结果表明,处理后3种酶的活性均表现出不同程度的应激性升高,其中SOD活性在花开当天和花开1d显著升高,在蕾期与花开2d极显著升高;花开当天及花开1d的POD活性极显著升高;CAT活性在花开1d升高显著,花开2d及3d时升高极显著。柱头可溶性蛋白含量及电阻率无显著变化,表明KCl处理削弱了细胞膜的膜脂过氧化作用,延缓了柱头衰老,提高了授粉受精作用,且与结实率升高表现出一定相关性。  相似文献   

The effects of floral morphology on rates of pollen removal and deposition by different pollinators in generalist plant species are not well known. We studied pollination dynamics in wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum, a plant visited by four groups of pollinators: honey bees, small native bees, butterflies, and syrphyd flies. The effects of anther position and other factors on pollen removal during single visits by all four pollinator taxa were measured. Flowers with high anther exsertion (i.e., anthers placed higher above the opening of the corolla tube) tended to have the highest numbers of pollen grains removed, but this effect was strongest for honey bees and butterflies. For all pollinator taxa, pollen removal increased with the number of pollen grains available on a flower and whowed a positive, decelerating relationship with the duration of the visit. The effects of stigma position and other factors on pollen deposition during single visits by honey bees and butterflies were also studied. The nectar-feeding butterflies had a higher pollination efficiency (percentage of pollen grains removed from anthers that were subsequently deposited on a stigma) than the nectar- and pollen-feeding honey bees. Flowers with intermediate stigma exsertion had the highest numbers of pollen grains deposited on their stigmas by butterflies, but stigma exsertion had no effect on deposition by honey bees. For both butterflies and honey bees, pollen deposition on the recipient flower increased with the amount of pollen removed from the donor flower, and there was a positive, decelerating relationship between deposition and time spent at the flower; these results are analogous to those for pollen removal. The effects of anther and stigma exsertion on pollen removal and denosition did not fit predictions based on patterns of floral correlations, but results for morphology, pollen availability, time spent per visit, and pollinator efficiency are in broad agreement with previous studies, suggesting the possible emergence of some general rules of pollen transfer.  相似文献   

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