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Carbon monoxide (CO) is physiologically produced via heme degradation by heme oxygenase enzymes. Whereas CO has been identified as an important physiological signaling molecule, the roles it plays in neuronal development and regeneration are poorly understood. During these events, growth cones guide axons through a rich cellular environment to locate target cells and establish synaptic connections. Previously, we have shown that another gaseous signaling molecule, nitric oxide (NO), has potent effects on growth cone motility. With NO and CO sharing similar cellular targets, we wanted to determine whether CO affected growth cone motility as well. We assessed how CO affected growth cone filopodial length and determined the signaling pathway by which this effect was mediated. Using two well‐characterized neurons from the freshwater snail, Helisoma trivolvis , it was found that the CO donor, carbon monoxide releasing molecule‐2 (CORM‐2), increased filopodial length. CO utilized a signaling pathway that involved the activation of soluble guanylyl cyclase, protein kinase G, and ryanodine receptors. While increases in filopodial length often occur from robust increases in intracellular calcium levels, the timing in which CO increased filopodial length corresponded with low basal calcium levels in growth cones. Taken together with findings of a heme oxygenase‐like protein in the Helisoma nervous system, these results provide evidence for CO as a modulator of growth cone motility and implicate CO as a neuromodulatory signal during neuronal development and/or regeneration. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 77: 677–690, 2017  相似文献   

Immunocytochemistry and in vitro studies have suggested that the ERM (ezrin-radixin-moesin) protein, radixin, may have a role in nerve growth cone motility. We tested the in situ role of radixin in chick dorsal root ganglion growth cones by observing the effects of its localized and acute inactivation. Microscale chromophore-assisted laser inactivation (micro-CALI) of radixin in growth cones causes a 30% reduction of lamellipodial area within the irradiated region whereas all control treatments did not affect lamellipodia. Micro-CALI of radixin targeted to the middle of the leading edge often split growth cones to form two smaller growth cones during continued forward movement (>80%). These findings suggest a critical role for radixin in growth cone lamellipodia that is similar to ezrin function in pseudopodia of transformed fibroblasts. They are consistent with radixin linking actin filaments to each other or to the membrane during motility.  相似文献   

Arp2/3 is a negative regulator of growth cone translocation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Arp2/3 is an actin binding complex that is enriched in the peripheral lamellipodia of fibroblasts, where it forms a network of short, branched actin filaments, generating the protrusive force that extends lamellipodia and drives fibroblast motility. Although it has been assumed that Arp2/3 would play a similar role in growth cones, our studies indicate that Arp2/3 is enriched in the central, not the peripheral, region of growth cones and that the growth cone periphery contains few branched actin filaments. Arp2/3 inhibition in fibroblasts severely disrupts actin organization and membrane protrusion. In contrast, Arp2/3 inhibition in growth cones minimally affects actin organization and does not inhibit lamellipodia protrusion or de novo filopodia formation. Surprisingly, Arp2/3 inhibition significantly enhances axon elongation and causes defects in growth cone guidance. These results indicate that Arp2/3 is a negative regulator of growth cone translocation.  相似文献   

Substrate-bound laminin pathways prepared by the method of Hammarback et al. [J.A. Hammarback, S.L. Palm, L.T. Furcht, and P.C. Letourneau (1985). J. Neurosci. Res. 13, 213-220] guided peripheral nervous system neurites (dissociated dorsal root ganglia and sympathetic ganglia) and central nervous system neurites (dissociated spinal cord and brain). Guidance of individual growth cones by 7- to 10-micron-wide laminin pathways was observed using time-lapse video microscopy. Fibronectin pathways, produced by the method used for laminin pathways, did not guide neurites. The guidance effect of laminin pathways was quantified and found to correlate with the concentration of laminin initially applied to the substratum. The concentration of laminin initially applied to the substratum also correlated with increased adhesivity of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons to laminin constituting the pathways relative to uv-irradiated laminin that borders the pathways. The guidance effect of laminin pathways was blocked by anti-laminin antibodies or by laminin but not by anti-fibronectin antibodies. This study demonstrates that guidance of DRG neurites by laminin occurs at the growth cone in a manner consistent with the hypothesis of guidance by differential neuron-to-substratum adhesivity.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,134(5):1197-1207
Filopodial motility is critical for many biological processes, particularly for axon guidance. This motility is based on altering the F-actin-based cytoskeleton, but the mechanisms of how this occurs and the actin-associated proteins that function in this process remain unclear. We investigated two of these proteins found in filopodia, talin and vinculin, by inactivating them in subregions of chick dorsal root ganglia neuronal growth cones and by observing subsequent behavior by video-enhanced microscopy and quantitative morphometry. Microscale chromophore-assisted laser inactivation of talin resulted in the temporary cessation of filopodial extension and retraction. Inactivation of vinculin caused an increased incidence of filopodial bending and buckling within the laser spot but had no effect on extension or retraction. These findings show that talin acts in filopodial motility and may couple both extension and retraction to actin dynamics. They also suggest that vinculin is not required for filopodial extension and retraction but plays a role in the structural integrity of filopodia.  相似文献   

Laminin is well known to promote neuronal adhesion and axonal growth, but recent experiments suggest laminin has a wider role in guiding axons, both in development and regeneration. In vitro experiments demonstrate that laminin can alter the rate and direction of axonal growth, even when growth cone contact with laminin is transient. Investigations focused on a single neuronal type, such as retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), strongly implicate laminin as an important guidance molecule in development and suggest the involvement of integrins. Integrins are receptors for laminin, and neurons express multiple types of integrins that bind laminin. Morphologically, integrins cluster in point contacts, specialized regions of the growth cone that may coordinately regulate adhesion and motility. Recent evidence suggests that the structure and regulation of point contacts may differ from that of their nonneuronal counterparts, focal contacts. In part, this may be because the interaction of the cytoplasmic domain of integrin with the cytoskeleton is different in point contacts and focal contacts. Mutational studies where the cytoplasmic domain is truncated or altered are leading to a better understanding of the role of the α and β subunit in regulating integrin clustering and binding to the cytoskeleton. In addition, whereas integrins may regulate motility through direct physical linkages to the growth cone cytoskeleton, an equally important role is their ability to elicit signaling, both through protein tyrosine phosphorylation and modulating calcium levels. Through such mechanisms integrins likely regulate the dynamic attachment and detachment of the growth cone as it moves on laminin substrates.  相似文献   

We report on the characterization of actin driven lamellipodial protrusion forces and velocities in keratocytes. A vertically mounted glass fiber acted as a flexible barrier positioned in front of migrating keratocytes with parallel phase contrast microscopy. A laser beam was coupled into the fiber and allowed detecting the position of the fiber by a segmented photodiode. Calibration of the fiber was carried out with the thermal oscillation method. Deflection and force signals were measured during lamellipodial protrusion. Velocity was constant during initial contact whereas loading force increased until finally the cell was stalled at higher forces. Stall forces were on the order of 2.9 ± 0.6 nN, which corresponds to a stall pressure of 2.7 ± 1.6 nN/μm2. Assuming a density of actin filaments of 240 filaments per μm, we can estimate a stall force per actin filament of 1.7 ± 0.8 pN. To check for adaption of the cell against an external force, we let the cell push toward the glass fiber several times. On the timescale of the experiment (∼1 min), however, the cell did not adapt to previous loading events.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy was used to study regulation of growth cone shape and surface morphology by nerve growth factor (NGF). The growth cones of cultured rat sympathetic neurons and neuronally-differentiated PC12 cells were observed under conditions of continuous NGF exposure, NGF withdrawal, and NGF readdition. Growth cones of cells cultured in the continuous presence of NGF were mostly spread in shape and about 60% possessed surface ruffles. Ruffles appeared to be largely restricted to growth cones in that few were observed on cell bodies and neurites. Withdrawal of NGF for 4–5 hr caused most of the growth cones to take on a non-spread or contracted appearance and to lose their ruffles. Readdition of NGF promoted rapid changes in growth cone properties. Within 30 sec, ruffling was again evident on the growth cones and remained prominent there throughout the course of treatment (up to 5 hr). This was in contrast to cell bodies on which, as previously reported, ruffling also occurred following NGF readdition, but only transiently (for less than 15 min). Respreading of growth cones also occurred under these conditions. This was evident within 1 min of NGF readdition and reached the levels observed in continuously-treated cultures within 1–2 hr. Neurites were also examined. Ruffles were only rarely present in the continuous presence of NGF and were absent after NGF withdrawal. NGF readdition elicited ruffling along neurites within 30 sec; the prevalence of such ruffles diminished to that seen in continuously-treated cultures within about an hour. As evidence of the specificity of these NGF effects, epidermal growth factor and dibutyryl cAMP, agents that elicit responses in PC12 cells, but do not promote their neuronal differentiation, had no observable effect on NGF-deprived growth cones. These findings demonstrate that NGF exerts very rapid effects on growth cone shape and surface morphology. Such actions may play roles in regulation of growth cone movement and guidance by NGF.Special Issue dedicated to Dr. E. M. Shooter and Dr. S. Varon.  相似文献   

The myosin family of motor proteins is implicated in mediating actin-based growth cone motility, but the roles of many myosins remain unclear. We previously implicated myosin 1c (M1c; formerly myosin I beta) in the retention of lamellipodia (Wang et al., 1996). Here we address the role of myosin II (MII) in chick dorsal root ganglion neuronal growth cone motility and the contribution of M1c and MII to retrograde F-actin flow using chromophore-assisted laser inactivation (CALI). CALI of MII reduced neurite outgrowth and growth cone area by 25%, suggesting a role for MII in lamellipodial expansion. Micro-CALI of MII caused a rapid reduction in local lamellipodial protrusion in growth cones with no effects on filopodial dynamics. This is opposite to micro-CALI of M1c, which caused an increase in lamellipodial protrusion. We used fiduciary beads (Forscher et al., 1992) to observe retrograde F-actin flow during the acute loss of M1c or MII. Micro-CALI of M1c reduced retrograde bead flow by 76%, whereas micro-CALI of MII or the MIIB isoform did not. Thus, M1c and MIIB serve opposite and nonredundant roles in regulating lamellipodial dynamics, and M1c activity is specifically required for retrograde F-actin flow.  相似文献   

PTP mu is expressed in the developing nervous system and promotes growth and guidance of chick retinal ganglion cells. Using a newly developed growth cone rearrangement assay, we examined whether the small G-proteins were involved in PTP mu-dependent signaling. The stimulation of retinal cultures with purified PTP mu resulted in a striking morphological change in the growth cone, which becomes dominated by filopodia within 5 min of addition. This rearrangement in response to PTP mu stimulation was mediated by homophilic binding. We perturbed GTPase signaling using Toxin B, which inhibits Cdc42, Rac, and Rho, as well as the toxin Exoenzyme C3 that inhibits Rho. The PTP mu-induced growth cone rearrangement was blocked by Toxin B, but not by Exoenzyme C3. This result suggests that either Cdc42 or Rac are required but not Rho. To determine which GTPase was involved in PTP mu signaling, we utilized dominant-negative mutants of Cdc42 and Rac. Dominant-negative Cdc42 blocked PTP mu-induced rearrangement, while wild-type Cdc42 and dominant-negative Rac did not. Together, these results suggest a molecular signaling cascade beginning with PTP mu homophilic binding at the plasma membrane and the activation of Cdc42, which acts on the actin cytoskeleton to result in rearrangement of the growth cone.  相似文献   

Growth cone behavior on gradients of substratum bound laminin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have tested the ability of a gentle gradient of neurite-promoting activity to orient the extension of embryonic growth cones. Gradients of neurite-promoting activity were made with biologically active, tritium-labeled laminin. The distributions of laminin bound to glass substrata were visualized by autoradiography and quantified with an image processing system. Embryonic chick sympathetic ganglia were explanted onto laminin gradients and cultured. No tendency for neurites to be oriented up-gradient was detected by examining the morphology of explants. Time-lapse studies of individual growth cones detected no up- or down-gradient bias in growth cone motility. These results suggest that growth cone orientation is relatively insensitive to a graded distribution of a naturally occurring neurite-promoting molecule.  相似文献   

Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) have been shown to play key roles in regulating axon guidance and synaptogenesis. HmLAR2, one of two closely related LAR-like RPTPs in the embryonic leech, is expressed in a few central neurons and in a unique segmentally-iterated peripheral cell, the comb cell (CC). Here we show that tagged HmLAR2-EGFP has a punctate pattern of expression in the growth cones of the CC, particularly at the tips of extending filopodia. Moreover, although expression of the wild-type EGFP-tagged receptor does not affect CC growth cone morphology, expression of a putative dominant-negative mutant of the receptor, CS-HmLAR2, leads to the enlargement of the growth cones, a shortening of filopodia, and errors in cellular tiling. RNAi of several candidate substrate signaling proteins, Lena (leech Ena/Vasp), β-integrin and paxillin, but not β-catenin, phenocopies particular aspects of the effects of HmLAR2 RNAi. For paxillin, which co-localizes with HmLAR2 at growth cone puncta, knock-down led to a reduction in the number of such puncta. Together, our data suggests that HmLAR2 regulates the morphology of the growth cone by controlling F-actin polymerization and focal adhesion complexes.  相似文献   

We seek to understand how the nerve growth cone acts as a sensory motile machine to respond to chemical cues in the developing embryo. This review focuses on filopodial protrusion and F-actin-based motility because there is good evidence that these processes are required for axon guidance. The clutch hypothesis, which states that filopodial protrusion occurs by actin assembly when an actin filament is fixed with respect to the substrate (i.e., a clutch is engaged), was postulated by Mitchison and Kirscher to link protrusion to actin dynamics. Protrusion would require functional modules for movement of material into filopodia, clutching the F-actin, F-actin assembly at the tip, and retrograde flow. In this review, recent studies of actin-associated proteins involved in filopodial protrusion will be summarized, and their roles will be assessed in the context of the clutch hypothesis. The large number of proteins involved in filopodial motility and their complex interactions make it difficult to understand how these proteins act in protrusion. Recently, we have used microscale chromophore-assisted laser inactivation (micro-CALI) for the focal and acute inactivation of specific actin-associated proteins during filopodial protrusion to address their in situ roles. Our findings suggest that myosin V functions in moving membranes or other material forward in extending filopodia, that talin acts in the clutch module, and that zyxin acts in actin assembly at the tip during filopodial protrusion, perhaps by recruiting Ena/VASP family members to promote actin elongation at this site.  相似文献   

Dynactin is a multi-subunit complex that serves as a critical cofactor of the microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein. We previously identified dynactin in the nerve growth cone. However, the function of dynactin in the growth cone is still unclear. Here we show that dynactin in the growth cone is required for constant forward movement of the growth cone. Chromophore-assisted laser inactivation (CALI) of dynamitin, a dynactin subunit, within the growth cone markedly decreases the rate of growth cone advance. CALI of dynamitin in vitro dissociates another dynactin subunit, p150Glued, from dynamitin. These results indicate that dynactin, especially the interaction between dynamitin and p150Glued, plays an essential role in growth cone advance.  相似文献   

Cell spreading and motility require the extension of the plasma membrane in association with the assembly of actin. In vitro, extension must overcome resistance from tension within the plasma membrane. We report here that the addition of either amphiphilic compounds or fluorescent lipids that expanded the plasma membrane increased the rate of cell spreading and lamellipodial extension, stimulated new lamellipodial extensions, and caused a decrease in the apparent membrane tension. Further, in PDGF-stimulated motility, the increase in the lamellipodial extension rate was associated with a decrease in the apparent membrane tension and decreased membrane-cytoskeleton adhesion through phosphatidylinositol diphosphate hydrolysis. Conversely, when membrane tension was increased by osmotically swelling cells, the extension rate decreased. Therefore, we suggest that the lamellipodial extension process can be activated by a physical signal (perhaps secondarily), and the rate of extension is directly dependent upon the tension in the plasma membrane. Quantitative analysis shows that the lamellipodial extension rate is inversely correlated with the apparent membrane tension. These studies describe a physical chemical mechanism involving changes in membrane-cytoskeleton adhesion through phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate-protein interactions for modulating and stimulating the biochemical processes that power lamellipodial extension.  相似文献   

The traditional classification of Gymnopilus (Agaricales) recognizes two primary groups, Annulati and Gymnopilus, based on the presence or absence of a membranous partial veil. While our analyses of DNA sequence data from the nuclear ribosomal ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 (ITS) gene supports the monophyly of the genus, these traditional subgroups were not recovered. Five well-supported clades within the genus were identified through these analyses: 1) the spectabilis-imperialis group; 2) nevadensis-penetrans group; 3) a clade formed by G. underwoodii, G. validipes and G. cf. flavidellus; 4) aeruginosus-luteofolius group; and 5) lepidotus-subearlei group. Relationships among these subgroups were not resolved.  相似文献   

Sepsis is common in liver cirrhosis, and animal studies have shown the gut to be the principal source of infection, through bacterial overgrowth and translocation in the small bowel. A total of 33 patients were recruited into this study, 10 without cirrhosis and 23 with cirrhotic liver disease. Six distal duodenal biopsies were obtained and snap frozen for RNA and DNA extraction, or frozen for FISH. Peripheral venous bloods were obtained from 30 patients, including 17 chronic liver disease patients. Samples were analysed by real-time PCR, to assess total bacteria, bifidobacteria, bacteroides, enterobacteria, staphylococci, streptococci, lactobacilli, enterococci, Helicobacter pylori and moraxella, as well as TNF-α, IL-8 and IL-18. There was no evidence of bacterial overgrowth with respect to any of the individual bacterial groups, with the exception of enterococci, which were present in higher numbers in cirrhotic patients (P?=?0.04). There were no significant differences in any of the cytokines compared to the controls. The small intestinal mucosal microbiota in cirrhotic patients was qualitatively and quantitatively normal, and this shifts the focus of disease aetiology to factors that reduce gut integrity, failure of mechanisms to remove translocating bacteria, or the large bowel as the source of sepsis.  相似文献   

Wu Y  Xing D  Chen WR  Wang X 《Cellular signalling》2007,19(12):2468-2478
UV irradiation triggers apoptosis through both the membrane death receptor and the intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathways. Bax, a member of the Bcl-2 family of proteins, translocates from the cytosol to the mitochondrial membrane during UV-induced apoptosis, but the regulation of Bax translocation by UV irradiation remains elusive. In this study, we show that Bax translocation, caspase-3 activation and cell death by UV irradiation are not affected by Z-IETD-fmk (caspase-8 inhibitor), but delayed by Pifithrin- (p53 inhibitor), although Bid cleavage could be completely abolished by Z-IETD-fmk. Co-transfecting YFP-Bax and Bid-CFP into human lung adenocarcinoma cells, we demonstrate that translocation of YFP-Bax precedes that of Bid-CFP, there is no significant FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) between them. Similar results are obtained in COS-7 cells expressing YFP-Bax and Bid-CFP. Furthermore, using acceptor photobleaching technique, we observe that there is no interaction between YFP-Bax and Bid-CFP in both healthy and apoptotic cells. Additionally, during UV-induced apoptosis there is downregulation of Bcl-xL, an anti-apoptotic protein. Overexpression of Bcl-xL in cells susceptible to UV-induced apoptosis prevents Bax translocation and cell death, repression of Bid protein with siRNA (small interfering RNA) do not inhibit cell death by UV irradiation. Taken together, these data strongly suggest that Bax translocation by UV irradiation is a Bid-independent event and inhibited by overexpression of Bcl-xL.  相似文献   

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