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Five mutants of Bacillus subtilis 168 defective in an intracellular esterase activity were identified. By polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, four of the mutants were shown to lack esterase B activity, and the fifth lacked esterase A activity. All of the back-crossed esterase mutants were able to sporulate at wild-type frequency and produce exoprotease(s) and antibiotic(s). No difference in motility could be attributed to the esterase mutation. PBS1 transduction analysis showed all the esterase B mutations to be linked to the hisA marker.  相似文献   

Summary A number of mutants (abs)-resistant to antibiotic(s) produced by sporulating Bacillus subtilis 168 have been isolated from an early blocked asporogenous mutant (spoA12). At least four classes were recognized according to their phenotypic properties. Genetic analysis has shown that these mutants were neither partial revertants nor suppressor mutants of the spoA gene. Both nonsense and missense mutants of the spoA gene are reverted partially by a secondary mutation which is resistant to antibiotic of B. subtilis 168. Another asporogenous mutant, spoB, whose locus is closely linked to pheA, is also affected by the same abs mutation. The nature of abs mutants is discussed.  相似文献   

Three mutant strains of Bacillus subtilis were isolated on the basis of their ability to grow in the presence of 5 microM carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). The mutants (AG2A, AG1A3, and AG3A) were also resistant to 2,4-dinitrophenol, and AG2A exhibited resistance to tributyltin and neomycin. The mutants all exhibited (i) elevated levels of membrane ATPase activity relative to the wild type; (ii) slightly elevated respiratory rates, with the cytochrome contents of the membranes being the same as or slightly lower than those of the wild type; (3) a passive membrane permeability to protons that was indistinguishable from that of the wild type in the absence of CCCP and that was increased by addition of CCCP to the same extent as observed with the wild type; and (4) an enhanced sensitivity to valinomycin with respect to the ability of the ionophore to reduce the transmembrane electrical potential. Finally and importantly, starved whole cells of all the mutants synthesized more ATP than the wild type did upon energization in the presence of any one of several agents that lowered the proton motive force. Studies of revertants indicated that the phenotype resulted from a single mutation. Since a mutation in the coupling membrane might produce such pleiotropic effects, an analysis of the membrane lipids was undertaken with preparations made from cells grown in the absence of CCCP. The membrane lipids of the uncoupler-resistant strains differed from those of the wild type in having reduced amounts of monounsaturated C16 fatty acids and increased ratios of iso/anteiso branches on the C15 fatty acids. Correlations between protonophore resistance and the membrane lipid compositions of the wild type, mutants, and revertants were most consistent with the hypothesis that a reduction in the content of monounsaturated C16 fatty acids in the membrane phospholipids is related, perhaps casually, to the ability to synthesize ATP at low bulk transmembrane electrochemical gradients of protons.  相似文献   

Autolytic enzyme-deficient mutants of Bacillus subtilis 168.   总被引:56,自引:45,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Mutants of Bacillus subtilis strain 168 have been isolated that are at least 90 to 95% deficient in the autolytic enzymes N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase and endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase. These mutants grow at normal rates as very long chains of unseparated cells. The length of the chains is directly related to the growth rates. They are nonmotile and have no flagella, but otherwise appear to have normal cell morphology. Their walls are fully sysceptible to enzymes formed by the wild type and have the same chemical composition as the latter. Cell wall preparations from the mutants lyse at about 10% of the rate of those from the isogenic wild type, with the correspondingly small liberation of both the amino groups of alanine at pH 8.0 and of reducing groups at pH 5.6. Likewise, Microcococcus luteus walls at pH 5.6 and B. subtilis walls at pH 8 are lysed only very slowly by LiCl extracts made from the mutants as compared with rates obtained with wild-type extracts. Thus, the activity of both autolytic enzymes in the mutants is depressed. The frequencies of transformation, the isolation of revertants, and observations with a temperature-sensitive mutant all point to the likelihood that the pleiotropic, phenotypic properties of the strains are due to a single mutation. The mutants did not produce more protease or amylase than did the wild type. They sporulate and the spores germinate normally. The addition of antibiotics to exponentially growing cultures prevents wall synthesis but leads to less lysis than is obtained with the wild type. The bacteriophage PBSX can be induced in the mutants by treatment with mitomycin C.  相似文献   

Fusidic acid-resistant, sporulation-defective mutants were isolated from Bacillus subtilis 168 thy trp. About two-thirds of the fusidic acid-resistant (fusr) mutants were defective in sporulation ability and fell into three classes with respect to sporulation character. The representative mutants FUS426 and FUS429 were characterized in detail. FUS426 [fusr spo (Ts)], a temperature-sensitive sporulation mutant, grew well at 30 and 42 degrees C but did not sporulate at 42 degrees C. FUS429 [fusr spo (Con)], conditional sporulation mutant, grew and sporulated normally in the absence of fusidic acid, but its sporulation and growth rates decreased in the presence of fusidic acid, depending on the concentration of the drug. Although electron microscopic observation showed that both mutants were blocked at stage I of sporulation, the physiological analyses indicate that these mutants belong to the SpoOB class. Both mutants formed a thickened cell wall as compared with that of the parental strain. Genetic and in vitro protein synthesis analyses led to the conclusion that the sporulation-defective character of mutants FUS426 and FUS429 resulted from an alteration in elongation factor G caused by a single lesion in the fus locus. The possible role of elongation factor G in sporulation is discussed.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized four Bacillus subtilis competence-deficient mutants. The mutants were obtained by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis and by screening for mutants unable to be transformed both on solid and in liquid medium. Most of the mutants obtained in this way were tested for their sensitivity to the DNA-damaging agents methyl methanesulfonate, mitomycin C, and UV light. Among the mutants which did not show an increased sensitivity to these agents, four were chosen for further characterization. Data were obtained which indicate that the mutants are reduced in chromosomal and plasmid transformation and in transfection, whereas they are not altered in transduction and in protoplast transformation. Transformation experiments carried out by mixing a culture of a mutant with a culture of a wild-type strain gave some complementation for competence with one of the strains. The mutants were also characterized for their capacity to bind, take up, and break down transforming DNA; furthermore, the four competence mutations were mapped, and the results indicate that they belong to four different genes.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized 48 Bacillus subtilis competence-deficient mutants. The mutants, obtained by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis or by insertional mutagenesis with transposon Tn917, had a reduced transformation frequency and a wild-type transduction frequency. The com mutations were mapped by PBS1 transduction and at least four new com genes have been identified. The mutants were also characterized for their capacity to bind and take up the transforming DNA.  相似文献   

A new mutant of Bacillus subtilis defective in the outgrowth phase of spore germination has been isolated. When incubated at 46 C, the spores of the mutant gave rise to abnormally large swollen cells. Genetic crosses show that the mutant is different from the three previously described. The genetic analysis indicates two regions of the B. subtilis chromosome involved in the control of the spore outgrowth.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis mutants with lesions in PBSX prophage genes have been isolated. One of these appears to be a regulatory mutant and is defective for mitomycin C-induced derepression of PBSX; the others are defective for phage capsid formation. All of the PBSX structural proteins are synthesized during induction of the capsid defective mutants; however, several of these proteins exhibit abnormal serological reactivity with anti-PBSX antiserum. The two head proteins X4 and X7 are not immunoprecipitable in a mutant which fails to assemble phage head structures. In the tail mutant, proteins X5 and X6 are not immunoprecipitable, tails are not assembled, and a possible tail protein precursor remains uncleaved. The noninducible mutant does not synthesize any PBSX structural proteins after exposure to mitomycin C. The mutation is specific for PBSX since ø105 and SPO2 lysogens of the mutant are inducible. All of the known PBSX-specific mutations were shown to be clustered between argC and metC on the host chromosome. In addition, the metC marker was shown to be present in multiple copies in cells induced for PBSX replication. This suggests that the derepressed prophage replicates while still integrated and that replication extends into the adjacent regions of the host chromosome.  相似文献   

S Graham  Y Yoneda  F E Young 《Gene》1979,7(1):69-77
Spontaneous deletion mutants of the bacteriophage SPO2, which are viable and retain their temperate character, were isolated using a heat-EDTA enrichment step. They were identified by endonuclease digestion and agarose-gel electrophoresis of phage DNA. Two of the nine mutants were characterized in detail. Both mutants have a 2.3 Md deletion removing the single BglII site and two of the XbaI fragments. The deletion extends 1.0 Md to one side of the former BglII site and 1.3 Md on the other side. This region of the SPO2 genome is non-essential for either lysogeny or viable phage production and thus is a suitable region for the insertion of exogenous DNA fragments.  相似文献   

In rod-shaped bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis, division site selection is mediated by MinC and MinD, which together function as a division inhibitor. Topological specificity is imposed by DivIVA, which ensures that MinCD specifically inhibits division close to the cell poles, while allowing division at mid-cell. MinD plays a central role in this process, as it positions and activates MinC and is dependent on DivIVA for its own positioning at the poles. To investigate MinD activities further, we have constructed and analysed a collection of minD mutants. Mutations in the conserved ATPase motifs lead to an inactive protein, possibly unable to oligomerize, but which nevertheless retains some affinity for the cell membrane. Several mutations affecting the mid- to C-terminal parts of MinD led to a protein probably unable to interact with DivIVA, but that could still stimulate division inhibition by MinC. These findings suggest that the ATPase activity of MinD is necessary for all its functions (possibly in part by controlling the oligomerization state of the protein). The other mutations may identify a surface of MinD involved in its interactions with DivIVA and a possible mechanism for control of MinD by DivIVA.  相似文献   

We isolated 28 mutants of Bacillus subtilis deficient in the development of competence by using the transposon Tn917lacZ as a mutagen. The mutant strains were poorly transformable with plasmid and chromosomal DNAs but were normally transducible and exhibited wild-type resistance to DNA-damaging agents. The mutations were genetically mapped, and the mutants were characterized with respect to their abilities to bind and take up radiolabeled DNA. All were defective in uptake, and some failed to bind significant amounts of DNA. The abilities of the mutant strains to resolve into two buoyant density classes on Renografin gradients were studied. Most resolved normally, but several banded in Renografin only at the buoyant density of noncompetent cells. The genetic mapping studies and the other analyses suggested that the mutations define a minimum of seven distinct com genes.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of 29 new germination (Ger) mutants of Bacillus subtilis 168 is described. These were classified, along with previously described mutants, into seven groups according to map location. The mutations in 26 GerA mutants mapped between cysB and thr; detailed mapping of two of these has located them very close to citG. These mutants were deficient in germination in alanine, but responded to the germinative combination of asparagine, glucose, fructose and KCl. One GerB mutant mapped on the origin-proximal side of hisA; it was normal in germination in alanine, but deficient in termination in a mixture of asparagine, glucose, fructose and KCl. Two GerC mutants were linked to lys, but were separable from a temperature-sensitive growth deficiency mapping between lys and trp. The GerC mutants had a similar germination phenotype to the GerA mutants. Three GerD mutants did not germinate in either of the above germinants or in Penassay Broth. They were located on the side of ery distal to cysA. The GerE mutant, which did not germinate in any of the three germinants, was located very close to citF and possessed an altered spore coat. The two GerF mutants were defective in germination in all three germinants and mapped on the origin proximal-side of hisA, but much closer to his than did the GerB mutant. A phosphoglycerate kinase-negative mutant altered in germination mapped between cysB and hisA (GerG). These mutants have established a minimum of seven locations important to germination, and will be useful in the development and appraisal of theories of spore germination.  相似文献   

Transformation-deficient mutants of Bacillus subtilis have been identified either by screening for a nuclease-deficient phenotype on methyl green-DNA agar or for nontransformability on transforming DNA-containing agar. After purification of the mutations causing a reduction in the entry of DNA, a set of isogenic entry-deficient strains was obtained. In addition to being entry deficient to various extents, the strains usually were less capable of association with DNA than the entry-proficient parent. Likewise, the specific transforming activity in the purified mutant strains continued to be less than that in the wild type. With the possible exception of one strain, no evidence was obtained that the mutant strains were impaired in recombination. Since the breakdown of transforming DNA to acid-soluble products correlated fairly well with the residual capacity of the strains to take up DNA, nucleolytic activity is likely to be involved in the entry of DNA in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

Genetic properties of arsenate sensitive mutants of Bacillus subtilis 168   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Arsenate sensitive mutants were isolated from Bacillus subtilis strain 168 after treatment with N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine or ethyl methane sulfonate. Though all mutants are phenotypically identical, a high proportion (40%) of the induced mutations are of a multisite nature as they do not revert spontaneously and are poorly transformable to arsenate resistance with wild type DNA. On the basis of transformation efficiency, UV inactivation kinetics and cotransduction frequency of outside markers, four independently isolated multisite arsenate sensitive mutations are characterized as resulting from large deletions of homogenous size (24000±6000 base pairs). The arsenate resistance locus was mapped between phe and aroD on the B. subtilis chromosome by PBS1 mediated transduction. Mechanisms for the formation of such chromosomal deletions are discussed.Part of the dissertation of Alice Adams Lindahl, presented to New York University in partial fulfillment of requirements for the Ph. D. degree. A preliminary report of this work was presented at the NATO International Symposium, Mol, Belgium, August 1970.  相似文献   

We have produced and characterized by physiological and enzymatic analyses pantothenate (pan) auxotrophs of Bacillus subtilis. panB auxotrophs are deficient in ketopantoate hydroxymethyltransferase, whereas panE mutants lack ketopantoic acid reductase. The pan mutations were mapped by phage PBS1-mediated two-factor crosses and found to be located in the interval purE-tre of the genetic map of B. subtilis.  相似文献   

A set of chemotaxis mutants of Bacillus subtilis was complemented by using SP beta c2 transducing bacteriophage either containing cloned segments of DNA or derived from abnormal excision of SP beta c2 dl2::Tn917 inserted into the chemotaxis region. Representative mutants were characterized in capillary assays for chemotaxis toward four amino acids and mannitol and in tethered-cell experiments for addition and removal of two attractants and two repellents. Twenty complementation groups were identified, in addition to the cheR previously characterized. All were found to be defective in chemotaxis toward all chemoeffectors. They were assigned the names cheA through cheU. The large number of general chemotaxis genes in B. subtilis, in contrast to the six in Escherichia coli, suggests fundamental differences in the mechanism of chemotaxis in the two species.  相似文献   

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