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Copper deficiency has been reported to be associated withdecreased cytochrome c oxidase activity, whichin turn may be responsible for theobserved mitochondrial impairment and cardiac failure. We isolatedmito-chondriafrom hearts of copper-deficient rats: cytochrome c oxidase activity was found to be lowerthan incopper-adequate mitochondria. The residual activity paralleled coppercontent of mitochondria and also corresponded with the heme amount associated with cytochromeaa3. In fact, lower absorption in thea-band region of cytochrome aa3 was foundfor copper-deficient rat heart mitochondria. Gel electrophoresisof protein extractedfrom mitochondrial membranes allowed measurements of protein content of thecomplexes ofoxidative phosphorylation, revealing a lower content of complex IV protein incopper-deficientrat heart mitochondria. The alterations caused by copper deficiency appear to bespecific forcytochrome c oxidase. Changes were not observed for F 0 F 1 ATP synthase activity,for heme contents ofcytochrome c and b, and for protein contents of complexes I, III and V.The present study demonstrates that the alteration of cytochrome c oxidase activityobserved in copper deficiency is due to a diminishedcontent of assembled protein and that shortnessof copper impairs heme insertion into cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

Cardiac mitochondrial respiration, ATP synthase activity, and membrane potential and intactness were evaluated in copper-deficient rats. In the presence of NADH, both copper-deficient and copper-adequate mitochondria had very low oxygen consumption rates, indicating membrane intactness. However copper-deficient mitochondria had significantly lower oxygen consumption rates with NADH than did copper-adequate mitochondria. Copper-deficient mitochondria had significantly lower membrane potential than did copper-adequate mitochondria using fluorescent dyes. Copper-deficient mitochondria had significantly lower state 3 oxygen consumption rates and were less sensitive to inhibition by oligomycin, an ATP synthase inhibitor. Copper-deficient and copper-adequate mitochondria responded similiarly to CCCP. No difference was observed in mitochondrial ATPase activity between copper-deficient and copper-adequate rats using submitochondrial particles. We conclude that cardiac mitochondrial respiration is compromised in copper-deficient rats, and may be related to an altered ATP synthase complex and/or a decreased mitochondrial membrane potential.  相似文献   

Dietary copper depletion results in cardiac hypertrophy and ultrastructural alterations. The objective of this study was to determine the components that contribute to cardiac enlargement. Two groups (n = 4) of male, weaning, Sprague-Dawley rats were fed ad libitum with copper-adequate or copper-deficient diets for five weeks. Cross sectional transmission electron micrographs from both groups were evaluated using image analysis to quantify absolute area occupied by myocyte, mitochondria, myofibril, and other intracellular material. Copper-deficient rats had larger myocytes, increased area of mitochondria, and increased ratio of mitochondria :myofibril as well as mitochondria:myocyte. Copper deficiency did not change the absolute area occupied by myofibrils. These data suggested that increase in the absolute mitochondria area is the major contributory factor to the cardiac hypertrophy in copper deficiency. Under the conditions used, myofibril has minimal role toward contributing to the hypertrophic state. The pathology reported resembles human forms of genetic mitochondrial cardiomyopathies. The copper-deficient rat may be a useful model to investigate the underlying biochemical or molecular responses when peptides of enzymes are deleted.  相似文献   

Cardiac nonmyofibrillar proteins from copper-deficient rats appear to have diminished quantity of selected peptides. Identification of some of these peptides was the objective of the present study. Male weanling Long-Evans rats were fed either copper-adequate (n=6) or copper-deficient (n=6) diets for 5 wk. At the end of 5 wk, the rat hearts were removed, quick frozen in liquid nitrogen, and non-myofibrillar proteins separated using sodium-dodecyl-sulfate poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). A peptide in the 16-kDa mol-wt region was diminished in copper-deficient rats. Blotting of gels to an Immobilon-P membrane and subsequent sequencing of the amino acids identified the peptide as the δ subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase. Blotting of gels to nitrocellulose followed by Western blot assay for cytochrome C oxidase using antibodies against the enzyme complex revealed decreased protein content in the copper-deficient rat for this enzyme, primarily the nuclear encoded subunits.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological disorder triggered by various factors through complex mechanisms. Research has been done to elucidate the potential etiologic mechanisms in ASD, but no single cause has been confirmed. The involvement of oxidative stress is correlated with ASD and possibly affects mitochondrial function. This study aimed to elucidate the link between mitochondrial dysregulation and idiopathic ASD by focusing on mitochondrial respiratory capacity and membrane potential. Our findings showed that mitochondrial function in the energy metabolism pathway was significantly dysregulated in a lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL) derived from an autistic child (ALCL). Respiratory capacities of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), electron transfer of the Complex I and Complex II linked pathways, membrane potential, and Complex IV activity of the ALCL were analyzed and compared with control cell lines derived from a developmentally normal non-autistic sibling (NALCL). All experiments were performed using high-resolution respirometry. Respiratory capacities of OXPHOS, electron transfer of the Complex I- and Complex II-linked pathways, and Complex IV activity of the ALCL were significantly higher compared to healthy controls. Mitochondrial membrane potential was also significantly higher, measured in the Complex II-linked pathway during LEAK respiration and OXPHOS. These results indicate the abnormalities in mitochondrial respiratory control linking mitochondrial function with autism. Correlating mitochondrial dysfunction and autism is important for a better understanding of ASD pathogenesis in order to produce effective interventions.  相似文献   

Although dietary copper deficiency causes physiological, morphological, and biochemical abnormalities in cardiac mitochondria, the relationship observed between abnormalities of mitochondrial structure and function have been inconsistent in previous studies. The purpose of the present study was to re-evaluate the respiration rates of cardiac mitochondria from copper-deficient rats and to use several drugs that uncouple and inhibit mitochondrial respiration in order to clarify the mechanisms of mitochondrial dysfunction found in several laboratories. Copper deficiency reduced state 4 and state 3 cardiac mitochondrial respiration rates with all substrates tested. However, neither the ratio of ADP/oxygen consumed nor the acceptor control index was affected by copper deficiency. Cardiac mitochondria of copper-deficient rats showed a resistance to respiratory blockade by oligomycin and an increased ability to hydrolyze ATP in the presence of oligomycin compared with mitochondria of copper-adequate rats. This suggests that copper deficiency affects the function of the cardiac mitochondrial ATP synthase.  相似文献   

The presence of plant-uncoupling mitochondrial protein (PUMP), previously described by Vercesi et al. (1995), was screened in mitochondria of various organs or tissues of several plant species. This was done functionally, by monitoring purine nucleotide-sensitive linoleic acid-induced uncoupling, or by Western blots. The following findings were established: (1) PUMP was found in most of the higher plants tested; (2) since ATP inhibition of linoleic acid-induced membrane potential decrease varied, PUMP content might differ in different plant tissues, as observed with mitochondria from maize roots, maize seeds, spinach leaves, wheat shoots, carrot roots, cauliflower, broccoli, maize shoots, turnip root, and potato calli. Western blots also indicated PUMP presence in oat shoots, carnation petals, onion bulbs, red beet root, green cabbage, and Sedum leaves. (3) PUMP was not detected in mushrooms. We conclude that PUMP is likely present in the mitochondria of organs and tissues of all higher plants.  相似文献   

Some aldehydes, produced during lipid peroxidation of liver lipids, are able to inhibit the respiration of mitochondria and of intact cells both in normal hepatocytes and in Yoshida hepatoma. In mitochondria, the respiratory stimulation produced by addition of ADP and dinitrophenol is decreased more in hepatoma than in normal liver. Two- to four-fold higher concentrations of aldehydes are needed to obtain the same degree of inhibition in normal liver mitochondria as in tumorous organs. The effect of aldehydes on intact cell respiration is absent or very low in hepatocytes, but it is consistently observed in hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

Dietary restriction increases life span and delays the development of age-related diseases in rodents. We have recently demonstrated that chronic dietary restriction is beneficial on recovery of heart function following ischemia. We studied whether the metabolic basis of this benefit is associated with alterations in mitochondrial respiration. Male Wistar rats were assigned to an ad libitum-fed (AL) group and a food restricted (FR) group, in which food intake was reduced to 55% of the amount consumed by the AL group. Following an 8-month period of restricted caloric intake, isolated working hearts perfused with glucose and high levels of fatty acids were subjected to global ischemia followed by reperfusion. At the end of reperfusion, total heart mitochondria was respiration was assessed in the presence of pyruvate, tricarboxylic acid intermediates, and palmitoylcarnitine. Recovery of heart function following ischemia was greater in FR hearts compared to AL hearts. Paralleling these changes in heart function was in increase in state 3 respiration with pyruvate. The respiratory control ratios in the presence of pyruvate and tricarboxylic acid intermediates were higher in FR hearts compared to AL hearts, indicating well-coupled mitochondria. Overall energy production, expressed as the ADP:O ratio and the oxidative phosphorylation rate, was also improved in FR hearts. Our results indicate that the beneficial effect of FR on recovery of heart function following ischemia is associated with changes in mitochondrial respiration.  相似文献   

Doxorubicin (DXR) belongs to the most efficient anticancer drugs. However, its use is limited by a risk of cardiotoxicity, which is not completely understood. Recently, we have shown that DXR impairs essential properties of purified mitochondrial creatine kinase (MtCK), with cardiac isoenzyme (sMtCK) being particularly sensitive. In this study we assessed the effects of DXR on respiration of isolated structurally and functionally intact heart mitochondria, containing sMtCK, in the presence and absence of externally added creatine (Cr), and compared these effects with the response of brain mitochondria expressing uMtCK, the ubiquitous, non-muscle MtCK isoenzyme. DXR impaired respiration of isolated heart mitochondria already after short-term exposure (minutes), affecting both ADP- and Cr-stimulated respiration. During a first short time span (minutes to 1 h), detachment of MtCK from membranes occurred, while a decrease of MtCK activity related to oxidative damage was only observed after longer exposure (several hours). The early inhibition of Cr-stimulated respiration, in addition to impairment of components of the respiratory chain involves a partial disturbance of functional coupling between MtCK and ANT, likely due to interaction of DXR with cardiolipin leading to competitive inhibition of MtCK/membrane binding. The relevance of these findings for the regulation of mitochondrial energy production in the heart, as well as the obvious differences of DXR action in the heart as compared to brain tissue, is discussed.  相似文献   

孤独症谱系障碍(ASDs)患儿中约有5%伴有线粒体功能紊乱.线粒体功能紊乱会损害对能量高度依赖的生理进程,如神经发育和神经可塑性,从而导致孤独症.本文综述了孤独症个体中线粒体过量的活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)产生及其抗氧化系统减弱、呼吸链复合物异常、线粒体基因突变及与线粒体功能相关的基因组DNA编码的蛋白质异常等方面的研究,旨在阐述线粒体系统多方面的紊乱在孤独症个体中均有所体现,希望能够对孤独症的发病机制和治疗提供帮助.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial diseases are a broad, genetically heterogeneous class of metabolic disorders characterized by deficits in oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Primary mitochondrial disease (PMD) defines pathologies resulting from mutation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or nuclear genes affecting either mtDNA expression or the biogenesis and function of the respiratory chain. Secondary mitochondrial disease (SMD) arises due to mutation of nuclear-encoded genes independent of, or indirectly influencing OXPHOS assembly and operation. Despite instances of novel SMD increasing year-on-year, PMD is much more widely discussed in the literature. Indeed, since the implementation of next generation sequencing (NGS) techniques in 2010, many novel mitochondrial disease genes have been identified, approximately half of which are linked to SMD. This review will consolidate existing knowledge of SMDs and outline discrete categories within which to better understand the diversity of SMD phenotypes. By providing context to the biochemical and molecular pathways perturbed in SMD, we hope to further demonstrate the intricacies of SMD pathologies outside of their indirect contribution to mitochondrial energy generation.  相似文献   

Liver mitochondria were exposed in vitro at 30°C to microwave radiation (2.45 GHz) during the following states of respiraton: resting, state 1; substrate dependent, state 2; ADP stimulated, state 3; and ADP depleted, state 4. At 10 or 100 mW/g, with succinate as substrate, no effect of exposure was observed on states 1–4 or the respiratory control index (state 3/state 4) of either tightly or loosely coupled mitochondria. When glutamate was used as substrate, no effects were observed at 10 mW/g. However, in the loosely coupled mitochondria the 100 mW/g exposure produced an increase in states 2 and 4 and a decrease in the respiratory control index. The results suggest that the function of loosely coupled mitochondria can be affected at high power levels of microwave radiation.  相似文献   

One of many problems to be faced when assessing in vivo human muscle mitochondria respiration by phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS) is the definition of the correct reference population and the values of reference range. To take into account most factors that influence muscle activity as age, sex, physical activity; nutritional state etc., an exceedingly high number of different reference groups are needed. To overcome this problem we developed specific tests to assess separately in vivo the activity and the functionality of muscle mitochondria by 31P-MRS in clinical settings. By activity we refer to muscle whole metabolic activity, i.e. the total oxidative capacity of muscle mitochondria which is influenced by many factors (age, sex, physical activity, nutritional state etc.). By functionality we refer to the qualitative aspects of mitochondrial respiration which depends on the integrity of mitochondrial multienzyme systems and on substrate availability. Our tests ha ve been experienced on some 1200 patients and are currently used to detect deficits of mitochondrial respiration and ion transport in patients with suspected primary or secondary muscle mitochondrial malfunctioning. (Mol Cell Biochem 174: 11–15, 1997)  相似文献   

The effects of long-term cold exposure on muscle and liver mitochondrial oxygen consumption in hypothyroid and normal rats were examined. Thyroid ablation was performed after 8-wk acclimation to 4 degrees C. Hypothyroid and normal controls remained in the cold for an additional 8 wk. At the end of 16-wk cold exposure, all hypothyroid rats were alive and normothermic and had normal body weight. At ambient temperature (24 degrees C), thyroid ablation induced a 65% fall in muscle mitochondrial oxygen consumption, which was reversed by thyroxine but not by norepinephrine administration. After cold acclimation was reached, suppression of thyroid function reduced muscle mitochondrial respiration by 30%, but the hypothyroid values remained about threefold higher than those in hypothyroid muscle in the warm. Blockade of beta- and alpha1-adrenergic receptors in both hypothyroid and normal rats produced hypothermia in vivo and a fall in muscle, liver, and brown adipose tissue mitochondria respiration in vitro. In normal rats, cold acclimation enhanced muscle respiration by 35%, in liver 18%, and in brown adipose tissue 450% over values in the warm. The results demonstrate that thyroid hormones, in the presence of norepinephrine, are major determinants of thermogenic activity in muscle and liver of cold-acclimated rats. After thyroid ablation, cold-induced nonshivering thermogenesis replaced 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine-induced thermogenesis, and normal body temperature was maintained.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of the microtubular inhibitor, podophyllotoxin, on mitochondrial respiration were determined using isolated, digitonin-permeabilized hepatocytes and isolated mitochondria. In hepatocytes, podophyllotoxin (1.5 mM) inhibited coupled and uncoupled respiration of both FAD and NAD-linked substrates. In mitochondria, podophyllotoxin inhibited State III respiration, prevented the return to State IV respiration, and inhibited uncoupled respiration. There was no inhibition of ascorbate/TMPD oxidation in either the hepatocytes or the mitochondria. Podophyllotoxin had no effect upon oligomycin inhibition of coupled respiration. Oligomycin had no effect on the podophyllotoxin-inhibition of uncoupled respiration in either hepatocytes or mitochondria. The results indicate that podophyllotoxin alters electron flow at a site early in the electron transport chain.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial respiratory parameters were measured in situ, i.e. in saponin-skinned rabbit cardiac fibers and in fibers treated with saponin + collagenase. It was found that the decrease of maximal ADP-stimulated respiration rate of saponin-skinned fibers with pyruvate + malate under the conditions of total ischemia (0.5–1.5 h) is less pronounced as compared to isolated mitochondria. Maximal succinate oxidation rate (+ADP), however, was not different from control (1 h ischemia) but it exceeded the control level when measured in the medium supplemented with cytochrome c. It was also demonstrated that treatment of fibers with collagenase alone or in combination with saponin significantly (almost 2 fold) enhanced the maximal ADP-stimulated respiration rate if compared with saponin-skinned fibers. The data obtained suggest that mitochondrial respiration in saponin-skinned rabit cardiac fibers is not completely revealed, most probably, due to insufficient permeabilization of sarcolemma by saponin and, thus, inadequate accessibility of mitochondria to exogenous substrates, ADP in particular. These parameters can be improved by pre-treatment of fibers with collagenase. (Mol Cell Biochem 174: 87–90, 1997)  相似文献   

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