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Studies were made to determine whether the energy-dependent binding of ethidium to the mitochondrial inner membrane reflects the membrane potential or the energization of localized regions of the membrane.The number of binding sites of ethidium in mitochondria energized with ATP was 72 nmol/mg protein and decreased with increase in the amount of the ATPase system (F1 · Fo) inactivated by oligomycin. These findings clearly show that the energy-dependent binding of ethidium to the mitochondrial inner membrane energized with ATP does not reflect the membrane potential, in good accord with the previous conclusion (Higuti, T., Yokota, M., Arakaki, N., Hattori, A. and Tani, I. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 503, 211–222), but that ethidium binds to localized regions of the energized membrane that are directly affected by ATPase (F1), reflecting the localized energization of the membrane by ATP.  相似文献   

The empirically observed relationship between the activity of membrane-bound enzyme systems and transporters and the external osmotic pressure offered a direct method to assess the reflection coefficients to polyols in respiring mitochondria. These osmotically modulated reaction rates varied with the molecular mass of the external polyol similar to volume and solute fluxes across dialysis membranes. The equivalent pore radii of mitochondria were shown to increase with respiration (and temperature) and decrease on addition of the uncoupler, 2,4-dinitrophenol. The magnitude of the induced porosity in the inner membrane was large enough to render the chemiosmotic mechanism inoperable in well-coupled rat liver mitochondria.  相似文献   

Two reports in the literature that mitochondria isolated in special media or from a particular source do not undergo configurational changes under energizing, conditions have been analyzed in detail. It could be shown that the failure to demonstrate configurational changes was a consequence of a procedure which allowed anaerobiosis to set in before the mitochondria were fixed. When fixation was achieved while the mitochondria were still under energizing conditions, the correlation between configurational change and change in the energy state could be confirmed.  相似文献   

ATP synthase converts the electrochemical potential at the inner mitochondrial membrane into chemical energy, producing the ATP that powers the cell. Using electron cryo-tomography we show that the ATP synthase of mammalian mitochondria is arranged in long approximately 1-microm rows of dimeric supercomplexes, located at the apex of cristae membranes. The dimer ribbons enforce a strong local curvature on the membrane with a 17-nm outer radius. Calculations of the electrostatic field strength indicate a significant increase in charge density, and thus in the local pH gradient of approximately 0.5 units in regions of high membrane curvature. We conclude that the mitochondrial cristae act as proton traps, and that the proton sink of the ATP synthase at the apex of the compartment favours effective ATP synthesis under proton-limited conditions. We propose that the mitochondrial ATP synthase organises itself into dimer ribbons to optimise its own performance.  相似文献   

Osmotic titration of ATPase activity in rat liver mitochondria was consistent with enhanced porosity of the mitochondrial inner membrane to mannitol due to ATP hydrolysis even when endogenous respiration was inhibited by rotenone. The occluded ATPase activity, which exhibits osmotic activation with an optimum near isotonicity, depends both on the ATPase activity per se and on the activity of the ADP/ATP carrier. Purified ADP/ATP carrier incorporated into small, unilamellar liposomes was critically shown to exhibit dependence of its activity on the osmotic pressure differences across the membrane, with maximal activity corresponding to isotonicity, regardless of the actual internal tonicity.  相似文献   

Electrophysiology of the inner mitochondrial membrane   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The application of electrophysiological techniques to mitochondrial membranes has allowed the observation and partial characterization of several ion channels, including an ATP-sensitive K+-selective one, a high-conductance megachannel, a 107 pS anionic channel and three others studied at alkaline pH's. A reliable correlation with the results of non-electrophysiological studies has been obtained so far only for the first two cases. Activities presumed to be associated with the Ca2+ uniporter and with the adenine nucleotide translocator, as well as the presence of various other conductances have also been reported. The review summarizes the main properties of these pores and their possible relationship to permeation pathways identified in biochemical studies.  相似文献   

The ADP/ATP translocator, a transmembrane protein of the mitochondrial inner membrane, is coded in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by the nuclear gene PET9. DNA sequence analysis of the PET9 gene showed that it encoded a protein of 309 amino acids which exhibited a high degree of homology with mitochondrial translocator proteins from other sources. This mitochondrial precursor, in contrast to many others, does not contain a transient presequence which has been shown to direct the posttranslational localization of proteins in the organelle. Gene fusions between the PET9 gene and the gene encoding beta-galactosidase (lacZ) were constructed to define the location of sequences necessary for the mitochondrial delivery of the ADP/ATP translocator protein in vivo. These studies reveal that the information to target the hybrid molecule to the mitochondria is present within the first 115 residues of the protein. In addition, these studies suggest that the "import information" of the amino-terminal region of the ADP/ATP translocator precursor is twofold. In addition to providing targeting function of the precursor to the organelle, these amino-terminal sequences act to prevent membrane-anchoring sequences located between residues 78 and 98 from stopping import at the outer mitochondrial membrane. These results are discussed in light of the function of distinct protein elements at the amino terminus of mitochondrially destined precursors in both organelle delivery and correct membrane localization.  相似文献   

1. Of various phospholipids tested, lysolecithin was the most efficient in the solubilization of the components of beef heart submitochondrial particles. Lysolecithin solubilized selectively nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, NADH dehydrogenase and oligomycin-sensitive ATPase. Various cytochromes other than cytochrome c were only slightly solubilized. 2. The effect of various parameters, e.g. ionic strength, pH, time of centrifugation, and concentrations of lysolecithin and protein was investigated. Increasing times of centrifugation led to a partial sedimentation of NADH dehydrogenase, and a complete sedimentation of oligomycin-sensitive ATPase and cytochrome oxidase. 3. Further fractionation of the lysolecithin extract by centrifugation in the presence of low concentrations of cholate gave a complete separation of NADH dehydrogenase and transhydrogenase, indicating that these enzymes are not related functionally. 4. With the lysolecithin fractionation procedure a more than 10-fold purification of transhydrogenase was achieved. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the partially purified transhydrogenase in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate showed major increases in protein-stained bands corresponding to between 70 000 and 54 000 daltons. 5. A possible mechanism for the detergent action of lysolecithin involving a specific exchange of bound phospholipids for lysolecithin is discussed.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are complex organelles with two membranes. Their architecture is determined by characteristic folds of the inner membrane, termed cristae. Recent studies in yeast and other organisms led to the identification of four major pathways that cooperate to shape cristae membranes. These include dimer formation of the mitochondrial ATP synthase, assembly of the mitochondrial contact site and cristae organizing system (MICOS), inner membrane remodelling by a dynamin-related GTPase (Mgm1/OPA1), and modulation of the mitochondrial lipid composition. In this review, we describe the function of the evolutionarily conserved machineries involved in mitochondrial cristae biogenesis with a focus on yeast and present current models to explain how their coordinated activities establish mitochondrial membrane architecture.  相似文献   

The inner membrane of liver and heart mitochondria possesses an anion uniport pathway, known as the inner membrane anion channel (IMAC). IMAC is inhibited by matrix Mg2+, matrix H+, N,N'-dicyclohexycarbodiimide, mercurials and amphiphilic amines such as propranolol. Most of these agents react with a number of different mitochondrial proteins and, therefore, more selective inhibitors have been sought. In this paper, we report the discovery of a new class of inhibitors, triorganotin compounds, which block IMAC completely. One of the most potent, tributyltin (TBT) inhibits malonate uniport via IMAC 95% at 0.9 nmol/mg. The only other mitochondrial protein reported to react with triorganotins, the F1F0ATPase, is inhibited by about 0.75 nmol/mg. The potency of inhibition of IMAC increases with hydrophobicity in the sequence trimethyltin much less than triethyltin much less than tripropyltin less than triphenyltin less than tributyltin; which suggests that the binding site is accessible from the lipid bilayer. It has long been established that triorganotins are anionophores able to catalyze Cl-/OH- exchange; however, TBT is able to inhibit Cl- and NO3- transport via IMAC at doses below those required to catalyze rapid rates of Cl-/OH- exchange. Consistent with previous reports, the data indicate that about 0.8 nmol of TBT per mg of mitochondrial protein is tightly bound and not available to mediate Cl-/OH- exchange. We have also shown that the mercurials, p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate and mersalyl, which only partially inhibit Cl- and NO3- transport can increase the IC50 for TBT 10-fold. This effect appears to result from a reaction at a previously unidentified mercurial reactive site. The inhibitory dose is also increased by raising the pH and inhibition by TBT can be reversed by S2- and dithiols but not by monothiols.  相似文献   

Submitochondrial particles were labeled with the triplet probe eosin-5-maleimide (EMA) after pretreatment with N-ethylmaleimide. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, eosin fluorescence occurred in a single band of Mr approximately 30,000. The labeled band was identified as the ADP/ATP translocator, since EMA binding was completely inhibited by carboxyatractylate. Furthermore, the EMA-labeled polypeptide had the same molecular weight as the purified carboxyatractylate-bound translocator and the purified EMA-labeled translocator. Rotational diffusion of the translocator around the membrane normal in submitochondrial particles was measured by observing flash-induced absorption anisotropy of EMA. The translocator rotates with a time constant which varied from approximately 240 microseconds at 5 degrees C to approximately 100 microseconds at 37 degrees C. However, it is likely that only a fraction of the translocator rotates, the remainder being immobile over the measurement time of 500 microseconds. The mobile fraction of the translocator decreased with decrease in temperature. The observed fluorescence anisotropy of 0.24 indicates that EMA undergoes subnanosecond rapid wobbling in the binding site of the ADP/ATP translocator.  相似文献   

The effect of some thiol alkylating agents (N-substituted maleimide derivatives) on the permeability of the mitochondrial inner membrane was investigated. Several experimental approaches were used to study the modifications of the permeability properties. Alkylation of sulfhydryl groups led to an increase in the nonspecific permeability as judged by (i) the augmentation of the rate of osmotic shrinkage of mitochondria induced by polyethylene glycol, (ii) the sensitization of succinate dehydrogenase toward oxaloacetate, (iii) the enhancement of the oxidation rate of exogenous NADH, and (iv) the increase of the sucrose permeable space. The sulfhydryl groups involved in the maintenance of the selective permeability were shown to be located in the hydrophobic core of the membrane. Energization of mitochondria provoked an unmasking of these sulfhydryl groups. When magnesium ions were present in the incubation medium, N-substituted maleimide derivatives promoted gross modifications of the intramitochondrial ionic contents. Effluxes of endogenous calcium ions, inorganic phosphate, adenine nucleotides, and NAD(P)H were established. It was concluded that sulfhydryl groups probably play a crucial role in the maintenance of the membrane integrity and thus control the mitochondrial inner membrane permeability.  相似文献   

Exposure of mitochondria to visible light in the presence of riboflavin resulted in the initial release of respiratory control, followed by inhibition of electron transport and dissolution of structural integrity. Under these conditions, however, cytochrome c oxidase activity remained unchanged. ATPase activity was stimulated initially and remained in this activitated state even under continued illumination. In submitochondrial preparations, both electron transport and ATPase declined as a function of illumination time; cytochrome c oxidase was not sensitive to light. Enzyme inactivation also occurred to a lesser extent in the absence of riboflavin.  相似文献   

Dynamic subcompartmentalization of the mitochondrial inner membrane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The inner membrane of mitochondria is organized in two morphologically distinct domains, the inner boundary membrane (IBM) and the cristae membrane (CM), which are connected by narrow, tubular cristae junctions. The protein composition of these domains, their dynamics, and their biogenesis and maintenance are poorly understood at the molecular level. We have used quantitative immunoelectron microscopy to determine the distribution of a collection of representative proteins in yeast mitochondria belonging to seven major processes: oxidative phosphorylation, protein translocation, metabolite exchange, mitochondrial morphology, protein translation, iron-sulfur biogenesis, and protein degradation. We show that proteins are distributed in an uneven, yet not exclusive, manner between IBM and CM. The individual distributions reflect the physiological functions of proteins. Moreover, proteins can redistribute between the domains upon changes of the physiological state of the cell. Impairing assembly of complex III affects the distribution of partially assembled subunits. We propose a model for the generation of this dynamic subcompartmentalization of the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

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