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Microbial carbonic anhydrase promotes carbonate deposition, which is important in the formation and evolution of global carbon cycle and geological processes. A kind of bacteria producing extracellular carbonic anhydrase was selected to study the effects of temperature, pH value and Ca2+ concentration on bacterial growth, carbonic anhydrase activity and calcification rate in this paper. The results showed that the activity of carbonic anhydrase at 30 °C was the highest, which was beneficial to the calcification reaction, calcification rate of CaCO3 was the fastest in alkaline environment with the initial pH value of 9.0. When the Ca2+ concentration was 60 mM, compared with other Ca2+ concentration, CA bacteria could grow and reproduce best, and the activity of bacteria was the highest, too low Ca2+ concentration would affect the generation of CaCO3, while too high Ca2+ concentration would seriously affect the growth of bacteria and reduce the calcification rate. Finally, the mechanism of CaCO3 precipitation induced by microbial carbonic anhydrase was studied. Carbonic anhydrase can accelerate the hydration of CO2 into HCO3, and react with OH and Ca2+ to form CaCO3 precipitation in alkaline environment and in the presence of calcium source.  相似文献   

Aims: To gain an understanding of the environmental factors that affect the growth of the bacterium Sporosarcina pasteurii, the metabolism of the bacterium and the calcium carbonate precipitation induced by this bacterium to optimally implement the biological treatment process, microbial induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP), in situ. Methods and Results: Soil column and batch tests were used to assess the effect of likely subsurface environmental factors on the MICP treatment process. Microbial growth and mineral precipitation were evaluated in freshwater and seawater. Environmental conditions that may influence the ureolytic activity of the bacteria, such as ammonium concentration and oxygen availability, as well as the ureolytic activities of viable and lysed cells were assessed. Treatment formulation and injection rate, as well as soil particle characteristics are other factors that were evaluated for impact on uniform induction of cementation within the soils. Conclusions: The results of the study presented herein indicate that the biological treatment process is equally robust over a wide range of soil types, concentrations of ammonium chloride and salinities ranging from distilled water to full seawater; on the time scale of an hour, it is not diminished by the absence of oxygen or lysis of cells containing the urease enzyme. Significance and Impact of Study: This study advances the biological treatment process MICP towards field implementation by addressing key environmental hurdles faced with during the upscaling process.  相似文献   

Microbial precipitation of calcium carbonate is a widespread environmental phenomenon that has diverse engineering applications, from building and soil restoration to carbon sequestration. Urease-mediated ureolysis and CO2 (de)hydration by carbonic anhydrase (CA) are known for their potential to precipitate carbonate minerals, yet many environmental microbial community studies rely on marker gene or metagenomic approaches that are unable to determine in situ activity. Here, we developed fast and cost-effective tests for the field detection of urease and CA activity using pH-sensitive strips inside microcentrifuge tubes that change colour in response to the reaction products of urease (NH3) and CA (CO2). The urease assay proved sensitive and useful in the field to detect in situ activity in biofilms from a saline lake, a series of calcareous fens, and ferrous springs, finding relatively high urease activity in lake samples. Incubations of lake microbes with urea resulted in significantly higher CaCO3 precipitation compared to incubations with a urease inhibitor, showing that the rapid assay indicated an on-site active metabolism potentially mediating carbonate precipitation. The CA assay, however, showed less sensitivity compared to the urease test. While its sensitivity limits its utility, the assay may still be useful as a preliminary indicator given the paucity of other means for detecting CA activity in the field. Field urease, and potentially CA, activity assays complement molecular approaches and facilitate the search for carbonate-precipitating microbes and their in situ activity, which could be applied toward agriculture, engineering and carbon sequestration technologies.  相似文献   

Calcium, carbonic anhydrase and gastric acid secretion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Previous data concerning the action of calcium (Ca) on gastric acid secretion (GAS) indicated that calcium ions increase GAS elicited by gastrin released through a vagal mechanism, and also by a direct effect on parietal cells. Our research showed that the stimulating effect of calcium on gastric acid secretion can be antagonized by verapamil administration, which reduces gastric acid secretion . In the present study we followed the effect induced by administration of calcium and Ca-chelating agents (disodium EDTA) on gastric acid secretion and on carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity. We selected two groups of healthy volunteers: Group I (n=21) received a single i.v. dose of CaCl2 (15 mg/kg b.w.), whereas Group II (n=22) received a single i.v. dose of disodium EDTA (5 mg/kg b.w.). We determined blood calcium before and after treatment, gastric acid secretion at 2 hours. erythrocyte CA II activity, and CA IV activity in membrane parietal cells, which were isolated from gastric mucosa obtained by endoscopic biopsy. Assessment of carbonic anhydrase activity was achieved by the stopped-flow method. In Group I calcium administration increased blood calcium, HCl output, CA II and CA IV activity as compared to initial values. In Group II, disodium EDTA reduced blood calcium, HCl output, CA II and CA IV activity as compared to initial values. The results demonstrated that increased blood calcium and GAS values after calcium administration correlated with the increase of erythrocyte CA II and parietal cell CA IV activity, while disodium EDTA induced a reversed process. Our results also show that cytosolic CA II and membrane CA IV values are sensitive to calcium changes and they directly depend on these levels. Our data suggest that intra- and extracellular pH changes induced by carbonic anhydrase might account for the modulation of the physiological and pathological secretory processes in the organism.  相似文献   

不同培养条件对胶质芽孢杆菌诱导碳酸钙晶体形成的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周雪莹  杜叶  连宾 《微生物学报》2010,50(7):956-962
【目的】研究不同培养条件对胶质芽孢杆菌(Bacillus mucilaginosus)菌体形态、数量和分泌的碳酸酐酶(CA酶)活性的影响,以及不同方式培养的菌体与碳酸钙晶体的生长及其形貌、数量之间的联系。【方法】分别采用无氮和有氮培养基培养胶质芽孢杆菌,进行菌体形态、数量及CA酶活性的比较,收集不同培养方式的菌体加入碳酸钙结晶体系中以研究细菌与碳酸钙晶体形成的联系。【结果】在无氮培养条件下,胶质芽孢杆菌数量少、荚膜肥厚,细菌培养液CA酶活力较低;有氮培养条件下,菌体数量多、荚膜单薄,细菌培养液CA酶活力较高。在碳酸钙结晶体系中加入无氮培养的菌体,生成的碳酸钙晶体表面光滑,体积较大但数量较小,加入有氮条件下培养的菌体形成的碳酸钙晶体表面粗糙,数量大但体积较小。【结论】不同培养条件能够引起胶质芽孢杆菌菌体数量、荚膜多糖及CA酶活的明显差异,进而对碳酸钙晶体的生成和形貌产生影响。  相似文献   

Li W  Yu LJ  Wu Y  Jia LP  Yuan DX 《Bioresource technology》2007,98(4):950-953
Three experimental systems were set up to investigate whether carbonic anhydrase (CA) from microorganisms actually plays the driving role in limestone dissolution. In one, redistilled water served as negative control. In a second, microbial origin CA enzyme solution supplemented with CA special inhibitor acetazolamide (AZ) served as positive control. A third contained a crude enzyme solution of microbial CA. The results showed that the amount of released Ca2+ from limestone in a CA non-inhibited system increased by 2.4 times compared to a CA inhibited system, and increased by 11.7 times compared to the redistilled water control. These experiments demonstrated that microbial origin CA significantly enhanced Ca2+ release from limestone (P < 0.01), and therefore, proved the significant driving effect of microbial CA on limestone dissolution. The results also suggested that microbially derived CA might exert an important influence on biokarst process.  相似文献   

Aquaporin-1 (AQP1) enables greatly enhanced water flux across plasma membranes. The cytosolic carboxy terminus of AQP1 has two acidic motifs homologous to known carbonic anhydrase II (CAII) binding sequences. CAII colocalizes with AQP1 in the renal proximal tubule. Expression of AQP1 with CAII in Xenopus oocytes or mammalian cells increased water flux relative to AQP1 expression alone. This required the amino-terminal sequence of CAII, a region that binds other transport proteins. Expression of catalytically inactive CAII failed to increase water flux through AQP1. Proximity ligation assays revealed close association of CAII and AQP1, an effect requiring the second acidic cluster of AQP1. This motif was also necessary for CAII to increase AQP1-mediated water flux. Red blood cell ghosts resealed with CAII demonstrated increased osmotic water permeability compared with ghosts resealed with albumin. Water flux across renal cortical membrane vesicles, measured by stopped-flow light scattering, was reduced in CAII-deficient mice compared with wild-type mice. These data are consistent with CAII increasing water conductance through AQP1 by a physical interaction between the two proteins.  相似文献   

Z. Zeng  M. M. Tice 《Geobiology》2014,12(4):362-371
Iron‐bearing early diagenetic carbonate cements are common in sedimentary rocks, where they are thought to be associated with microbial iron reduction. However, little is yet known about how local environments around actively iron‐reducing cells affect carbonate mineral precipitation rates and compositions. Precipitation experiments with the iron‐reducing bacterium Shewanella oneidensis MR‐1 were conducted to examine the potential role of cells in promoting precipitation and to explore the possible range of precipitate compositions generated in varying fluid compositions. Actively iron‐reducing cells induced increased carbonate mineral saturation and nucleated precipitation on their poles. However, precipitation only occurred when calcium was present in solution, suggesting that cell surfaces lowered local ferrous iron concentrations by adsorption or intracellular iron oxide precipitation even as they locally raised pH. Resultant precipitates were a range of thermodynamically unstable calcium‐rich siderites that would likely act as precursors to siderite, calcite, or even dolomite in nature. By modifying local pH, providing nucleation sites, and altering metal ion concentrations around cell surfaces, iron‐reducing micro‐organisms could produce a wide range of carbonate cements in natural sediments.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase (CA) IV was purified to homogeneity from rat lung microsomal and plasma membranes. The single N-terminal amino acid sequence showed 55% similarity to that reported for human CA IV. A monospecific antibody to the 39-kDa rat enzyme that cross-reacts on Western blots with CA IVs from other mammalian species was produced in rabbits. Digestion of rat lung enzyme with endoglycosidase (peptide-N-glycosidase F) reduced the Mr to 36,000, suggesting that rat CA contains one N-linked oligosaccharide chain. All of eight additional mammalian CA IVs that were examined also contained oligosaccharide chains, as evidenced by reduction in Mr from 52,000 (cow, sheep, and rabbit), 42,000 (pig, guinea pig, and dog), and 39,000 (mouse and hamster) to 36,000 after treatment of the respective lung microsomal membranes with peptide-N-glycosidase F. The 36-kDa human enzyme showed no change in molecular mass with this treatment. Thus, the human CA IV is the exceptional one in lacking carbohydrate. Rat lung CA IV was found to be relatively resistant to sodium dodecyl sulfate and to be anchored to membranes by a phosphatidylinositol-glycan linkage; both properties were found to be shared by other mammalian CA IVs. Western blot analysis indicated distribution of CA IV in rat tissues other than kidney and lung where it was previously known to be present. CA IV was particularly abundant in rat brain, muscle, heart, and liver, all locations where the CA IV enzyme was not known to be present previously. None was detected in rat skin or spleen.  相似文献   

1. Carbonic anhydrase III (CA-III) from different mammalian species (horse, cow, dog, cat, rat and rabbit) has been analyzed by the immunodiffusion technique with anti-equine CA-III serum. 2. Immunodiffusion demonstrated the absence of cross-reactivity between isozyme CA-I, CA-II, and CA-III. 3. Cross-reactions were observed between the CA-III from all the species examined except the rabbit. 4. Molecular weights and isoelectric points of CA-III from different species were determined by Western blotting.  相似文献   

In a previous paper we identified several 1-aryl-6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-2-sulfonamides that displayed inhibitory effects toward selected carbonic anhydrase isozymes at micromolar concentration. In order to deepen the structure-activity relationships (SARs) and identify novel compounds with improved activity, we synthesized a series of monomethoxy analogues of the previously investigated dimethoxy derivatives. The evaluation of biological profile has been focused on in vitro effects against several CA isoforms. The new monomethoxy derivatives showed higher hCA inhibitory effects against several isoforms compared to the dimethoxy analogues. Particularly, some of these compounds (e.g., 1b and 1h) showed low nanomolar K(I) values and excellent selectivity for hCA IX and hCA XIV versus hCA I and II inhibition.  相似文献   

Key roles of pH and calcium metabolism in microbial carbonate precipitation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper reviews the general mechanismsof microbial carbonate precipitation and offersan alternative view on the role of calciummetabolism in this process, as well as on theoccurrence of species- and environment-specificcalcification.  相似文献   

Two young patients with unimpaired renal and hepatic function were found to have developed metabolic acidosis after treatment for glaucoma and joint pain with a combination of salicylates and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors in normal doses. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors appear to interact with salicylates to produce serious metabolic acidosis in patients without the predisposing factors generally considered to constitute risks. It is recommended that treatment combining salicylates and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors is either kept to a minimum or avoided.  相似文献   

The effects of pulsed 130 GHz radiations on lipid membrane permeability were investigated by using cationic liposomes containing dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), cholesterol, and stearylamine. Carbonic anhydrase (CA) was loaded inside the liposomes and the substrate p-nitrophenyl acetate (p-NPA) added in the bulk aqueous phase. Upon permeation across the lipid bilayer, the trapped CA catalyzes the conversion of the p-NPA molecules into products. Because the self-diffusion rate of p-NPA across intact liposomes is very low the CA reaction rate, expressed as Delta A/min, is used to track membrane permeability changes. The effect of 130 GHz radiation pulse-modulated at low frequencies of 5, 7, or 10 Hz, and at time-averaged incident intensity (I(AV)) up to 17 mW/cm(2) was studied at room temperature (22 degrees C), below the phase transition temperature of DPPC liposomes. At all the tested values of I(AV) a significant enhancement of the enzyme reaction rate in CA-loaded liposomes occurred when the pulse repetition rate was 7 Hz. Typically, an increase from Delta A/min = 0.0026 +/- 0.0010 (n = 11) to Delta A/min = 0.0045 +/- 0.0013 (n = 12) (P < 0.0005) resulted at I(AV) = 7.7 mW/cm(2). The effect of 130 GHz pulse-modulated at 7 Hz was also observed on cationic liposomes formed with palmitoyloleoyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC), at room temperature (22 degrees C), above the phase transition temperature of POPC liposomes.  相似文献   



Growing industrialization and the desire for a better economy in countries has accelerated the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs), by more than the buffering capacity of the earth's atmosphere. Among the various GHGs, carbon dioxide occupies the first position in the anthroposphere and has detrimental effects on the ecosystem. For decarbonization, several non‐biological methods of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) have been in use for the past few decades, but they are suffering from narrow applicability. Recently, CO2 emission and its disposal related problems have encouraged the implementation of bioprocessing to achieve a zero waste economy for a sustainable environment. Microbial carbonic anhydrase (CA) catalyses reversible CO2 hydration and forms metal carbonates that mimic the natural phenomenon of weathering/carbonation and is gaining merit for CCUS. Thus, the diversity and specificity of CAs from different micro‐organisms could be explored for CCUS. In the literature, more than 50 different microbial CAs have been explored for mineral carbonation. Further, microbial CAs can be engineered for the mineral carbonation process to develop new technology. CA driven carbonation is encouraging due to its large storage capacity and favourable chemistry, allowing site‐specific sequestration and reusable product formation for other industries. Moreover, carbonation based CCUS holds five‐fold more sequestration capacity over the next 100 years. Thus, it is an eco‐friendly, feasible, viable option and believed to be the impending technology for CCUS. Here, we attempt to examine the distribution of various types of microbial CAs with their potential applications and future direction for carbon capture. Although there are few key challenges in bio‐based technology, they need to be addressed in order to commercialize the technology.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity was measured by the Bowes-Davis technique in diluted hemolysates of dog erythrocytes, rabbit erythrocytes, and dog lung tissue homogenates. Plasma (from the same animal) inhibited the CA activity in each case. For 1:16,700 dilution of dog erythrocytes, the CA catalyzed the CO2 hydration reaction by 5.3 +/- 0.4-fold above the uncatalyzed rate, and half that activity was inhibited by plasma concentrations of 0.44 +/- 0.05%. Similar rabbit CA concentrations were inhibited by plasma concentrations of 1.02 +/- 0.24%. CA from dog lung tissue homogenate is only partially inhibited by plasma even at high plasma concentrations, suggesting different isozymes, at least one of which is not inhibited by plasma. The results suggest that extrapolating from artificially perfused lungs or histological observations to in vivo conditions may not be valid, and the possibility of inhibition by plasma in at least some species should be considered.  相似文献   

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