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This study examined the effect of insulin on rat macrophage metabolism and function. The following parameters were studied: cell migration in response to thioglycollate and BCG stimuli, macrophage phagocytic capacity, H2O2 production, glucose and glutamine metabolism as indicated by the measurement of enzyme activities, the utilization of metabolites and production and oxidation of substrates. The results indicate that insulin: (1) did not affect cell migration in response to thioglycollate and BCG; (2) enhanced the phagocytic capacity of macrophages and the production of H2O2 by macrophages; (3) increased the metabolism of glucose and reduced that of glutaminase.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in most neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). We here combined experimental and computational approaches to investigate mitochondrial health and bioenergetic function in neurons from a double transgenic animal model of AD (PS2APP/B6.152H). Experiments in primary cortical neurons demonstrated that AD neurons had reduced mitochondrial respiratory capacity. Interestingly, the computational model predicted that this mitochondrial bioenergetic phenotype could not be explained by any defect in the mitochondrial respiratory chain (RC), but could be closely resembled by a simulated impairment in the mitochondrial NADH flux. Further computational analysis predicted that such an impairment would reduce levels of mitochondrial NADH, both in the resting state and following pharmacological manipulation of the RC. To validate these predictions, we utilized fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) and autofluorescence imaging and confirmed that transgenic AD neurons had reduced mitochondrial NAD(P)H levels at rest, and impaired power of mitochondrial NAD(P)H production. Of note, FLIM measurements also highlighted reduced cytosolic NAD(P)H in these cells, and extracellular acidification experiments showed an impaired glycolytic flux. The impaired glycolytic flux was identified to be responsible for the observed mitochondrial hypometabolism, since bypassing glycolysis with pyruvate restored mitochondrial health. This study highlights the benefits of a systems biology approach when investigating complex, nonintuitive molecular processes such as mitochondrial bioenergetics, and indicates that primary cortical neurons from a transgenic AD model have reduced glycolytic flux, leading to reduced cytosolic and mitochondrial NAD(P)H and reduced mitochondrial respiratory capacity.  相似文献   

An increasing body of evidence suggests that high intracellular free zinc promotes neuronal death by inhibiting cellular energy production. A number of targets have been postulated, including complexes of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, components of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and enzymes of glycolysis. Consequences of cellular zinc overload may include increased cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, and reduced cellular ATP levels. Additionally, zinc toxicity might involve zinc uptake by mitochondria and zinc induction of mitochondrial permeability transition. The present review discusses these processes with special emphasis on their potential involvement in brain injury.  相似文献   

As recently suggested, the target of rapamycin (TOR) pathway, rather than molecular damage by free radicals, drives aging and diseases of aging. But may mitochondria nevertheless contribute to aging? Here, I discuss aimless program‐like aging (versus altruistic program), conflict between the cell and mitochondria, cell murder (versus cell suicide) and the role of mitochondria in aging. In particular, life‐long selection among mitochondria may yield “selfish” (malignant) mitochondria resistant to autophagy. And TOR may create an intra‐cellular environment that is permissive for such selfish mitochondria. In theory, pharmacologic inhibitors of the TOR pathway may reverse accumulation of defective mitochondria, while also inhibiting the aging process. J. Cell. Biochem. 102: 1389–1399, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Most previous studies on the effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in pigs focused on the body’s immune response, and few reports paid attention to body metabolism changes. To better understand the glucose metabolism changes in skeletal muscle following LPS challenge and to clarify the possible mechanism, 12 growing pigs were employed. Animals were treated with either 2 ml of saline or 15 µg/kg BW LPS, and samples were collected 6 h later. The glycolysis status and mitochondrial function in the longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle of pigs were analyzed. The results showed that serum lactate content and NADH content in LD muscle significantly increased compared with the control group. Most glycolysis-related genes expression, as well as hexokinase, pyruvate kinase and lactic dehydrogenase activity, in LD muscle was significantly higher compared with the control group. Mitochondrial complexes I and IV significantly increased, while mitochondrial ATP concentration markedly decreased. Significantly increased calcium content in the mitochondria was observed, and endoplasm reticulum (ER) stress has been demonstrated in the present study. The results showed that LPS treatment markedly changes glucose metabolism and mitochondrial function in the LD muscle of pigs, and increased calcium content induced by ER stress was possibly involved. The results provide new clues for clarifying metabolic diseases in muscle induced by LPS.  相似文献   

Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) of Escherichia coli is regulated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. This phosphorylation cycle controls the flow of isocitrate through the glyoxylate bypass, a pathway which bypasses the CO2 evolving steps of the Krebs' cycle. IDH is phosphorylated at a single serine which resides in its active site. Phosphorylation blocks isocitrate binding, thereby inactivating IDH. The IDH phosphorylation cycle is catalyzed by a bifunctional protein kinase/phosphatase. The kinase and phosphatase reactions appear to be catalyzed at the same site and may share some catalytic steps. A variety of approaches have been used to examine the IDH phosphorylation cycle in the intact organism. The picture which has emerged is one of an exquisitely sensitive and flexible system which is capable of adapting efficiently to the environment both inside and outside the cell. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tumour cells thrive in environments that would be hostile to their normal cell counterparts. Survival depends on the selection of cell lines that harbour modifications of both, gene regulation that shifts the balance between the cell cycle and apoptosis and those that involve the plasticity of the metabolic machinery. With regards to metabolism, the selected phenotypes usually display enhanced anaerobic glycolysis even in the presence of oxygen, the so-called Warburg effect, and anabolic pathways that provide precursors for the synthesis of lipids, proteins and DNA. The review will discuss the original ideas of Otto Warburg and how they initially led to the notion that mitochondria of tumour cells were dysfunctional. Data will be presented to show that not only the organelles are viable and respiring, but that they are key players in tumorigenesis and metastasis. Likewise, interconnecting pathways that stand out in the tumour phenotype and that require intact mitochondria such as glutaminolysis will be addressed. Furthermore, comments will be made as to how the peculiarities of the biochemistry of tumour cells renders them amenable to new forms of treatment by highlighting possible targets for inhibitors. In this respect, a case study describing the effect of a metabolite analogue, the alkylating agent 3BP (3-bromopyruvate), on glycolytic enzyme targets will be presented.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) is a well‐known neurodevelopmental disorder most commonly caused by trisomy of chromosome 21. Because individuals with DS almost universally develop heavy amyloid burden and Alzheimer's disease (AD), biomarker discovery in this population may be extremely fruitful. Moreover, any AD biomarker in DS that does not directly involve amyloid pathology may be of high value for understanding broader mechanisms of AD generalizable to the neurotypical population. In this retrospective biomarker discovery study, we examined banked peripheral plasma samples from 78 individuals with DS who met clinical criteria for AD at the time of the blood draw (DS‐AD) and 68 individuals with DS who did not (DS‐NAD). We measured the relative abundance of approximately 5,000 putative features in the plasma using untargeted mass spectrometry (MS). We found significantly higher levels of a peak putatively annotated as lactic acid in the DS‐AD group (q = .014), a finding confirmed using targeted MS (q = .011). Because lactate is the terminal product of glycolysis and subsequent lactic acid fermentation, we performed additional targeted MS focusing on central carbon metabolism which revealed significantly increased levels of pyruvic (q = .03) and methyladipic (q = .03) acids in addition to significantly lower levels of uridine (q = .007) in the DS‐AD group. These data suggest that AD in DS is accompanied by a shift from aerobic respiration toward the less efficient fermentative metabolism and that bioenergetically derived metabolites observable in peripheral blood may be useful for detecting this shift.  相似文献   

Plastid acquisition, endosymbiotic associations, lateral gene transfer, organelle degeneracy or even organelle loss influence metabolic capabilities in many different protists. Thus, metabolic diversity is sculpted through the gain of new metabolic functions and moderation or loss of pathways that are often essential in the majority of eukaryotes. What is perhaps less apparent to the casual observer is that the sub-compartmentalization of ubiquitous pathways has been repeatedly remodelled during eukaryotic evolution, and the textbook pictures of intermediary metabolism established for animals, yeast and plants are not conserved in many protists. Moreover, metabolic remodelling can strongly influence the regulatory mechanisms that control carbon flux through the major metabolic pathways. Here, we provide an overview of how core metabolism has been reorganized in various unicellular eukaryotes, focusing in particular on one near universal catabolic pathway (glycolysis) and one ancient anabolic pathway (isoprenoid biosynthesis). For the example of isoprenoid biosynthesis, the compartmentalization of this process in protists often appears to have been influenced by plastid acquisition and loss, whereas for glycolysis several unexpected modes of compartmentalization have emerged. Significantly, the example of trypanosomatid glycolysis illustrates nicely how mathematical modelling and systems biology can be used to uncover or understand novel modes of pathway regulation.  相似文献   

Summary The uptake of deoxyguanosine by rat liver mitochondria was characterized. The process required an intact mitochondrial membrane and exhibited a dependence on added phosphate. Deoxyguanosine uptake was minimally influenced by Mg2+ or Mn2+, but Ca2+ at concentrations above 0.5 mM were detrimental. Of the deoxynucleosides tested, only deoxyinosine inhibited the uptake of deoxyguanosine. The ribonucleoside guanosine was not observed to compete with its deoxynucleoside analog. Known inhibitors of nucleoside transport, cytochalasin B and NBMPR, did not block deoxyguanosine uptake, but the sulfhydryl reagents NEM and pCMB were both inhibitory. The uptake of deoxyguanosine was shown to be a saturable process and an apparent Km of 0.64 M was calculated from a Hanes plot.  相似文献   

Regulation of cellular energy metabolism   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle is a central route for oxidative phosphorylation in cells, and fulfills their bioenergetic, biosynthetic, and redox balance requirements. Despite early dogma that cancer cells bypass the TCA cycle and primarily utilize aerobic glycolysis, emerging evidence demonstrates that certain cancer cells, especially those with deregulated oncogene and tumor suppressor expression, rely heavily on the TCA cycle for energy production and macromolecule synthesis. As the field progresses, the importance of aberrant TCA cycle function in tumorigenesis and the potentials of applying small molecule inhibitors to perturb the enhanced cycle function for cancer treatment start to evolve. In this review, we summarize current knowledge about the fuels feeding the cycle, effects of oncogenes and tumor suppressors on fuel and cycle usage, common genetic alterations and deregulation of cycle enzymes, and potential therapeutic opportunities for targeting the TCA cycle in cancer cells. With the application of advanced technology and in vivo model organism studies, it is our hope that studies of this previously overlooked biochemical hub will provide fresh insights into cancer metabolism and tumorigenesis, subsequently revealing vulnerabilities for therapeutic interventions in various cancer types.  相似文献   

The effect of thyroid hormones on monocyte migration, phagocytic capacity and hydrogen peroxide production by macrophages and the effect of these hormones on glutamine and glucose metabolism was investigated. The experiments were performed on resident, thioglycollate- and BCG-stimulated cells from hypo- and hyperthyroid rats. High plasma levels of thyroid hormones suppressed the migration of monocytes and hydrogen peroxide production, whereas hypothyuroidism did not affect cell migration but rasied the phagocytic capacity and the hydrogen peroxide production. Hyperthyroidism increased the activities of glutaminase and hexokinase and the rates of decarboxylation of [U-14C]-glutamine and [U-14C]-glucose in inflammatory and activated cells. Hypothyroidism stimulated glucose metabolism and had only a slight effect on glutaminolysis. The activity of the TCA cycle was, however, diminished in the presence of high plasma levels of thyroid hormones and enhanced by the hypothyroid state. These findings suggest that the functional changes observed are more likely to be related to the activity of the TCA cycle rather than to glutaminolysis and glycolysis.  相似文献   

Bardoxolone-methyl (BAR) is reported to have anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and anti-fibrotic effects. BAR activates Nrf2 and may ameliorate oxidative stress through induction of antioxidant genes. However, off-target effects, probably concentration and NFkB-dependent, have limited the clinical use of BAR. Nrf2 regulates expression of antioxidant and mitochondrial genes and has been proposed as a target for both obesity and breast cancer. Therefore, we explored whether BAR can alter migration and proliferation in the MCF7 cell line and whether metabolic function is affected by BAR. Incubation with BAR caused a time-dependent migratory inhibition and an associated decrease in mitochondrial respiration. Both migratory and mitochondrial inhibition by BAR were further enhanced in the presence of fatty acids. In addition to the activation of Nrf2, BAR altered the expression of target mRNA GCLC and UCP1. After 24?h, BAR inhibited both glycolytic capacity, reserve (p?p?N-acetyl cysteine. The fatty acid, palmitate, increased mitochondrial ROS, impaired migration and oxidative phosphorylation but palmitate toxicity towards MCF7 could not be inhibited by N-acetyl cysteine suggesting that they exert effects through different pathways. BAR-activated AKT, induced DNA damage and inhibited cell proliferation. When the proteasome was inhibited, there was loss of BAR-mediated changes in p65 phosphorylation and SOD2 expression suggesting non-canonical NFkB signaling effects. These data suggest that BAR-induced ROS are important in inhibiting MCF7 migration and metabolism by negatively affecting glycolytic capacity and mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

Oocyte maturation defect can lead to maternal reproduction disorder. NAMPT is a rate-limiting enzyme in mammalian NAD+ biosynthesis pathway, which can regulate a variety of cellular metabolic processes including glucose metabolism and DNA damage repair. However, the function of NAMPT in porcine oocytes remains unknown. In this study, we showed that NAMPT involved into multiple cellular events during oocyte maturation. NAMPT expressed during all stages of porcine oocyte meiosis, and inhibition of NAMPT activity caused the cumulus expansion and polar body extrusion defects. Mitochondrial dysfunction was observed in NAMPT-deficient porcine oocytes, which showed decreased membrane potential, ATP and mitochondrial DNA content, increased oxidative stress level and apoptosis. We also found that NAMPT was essential for spindle organization and chromosome arrangement based on Ac-tubulin. Moreover, lack of NAMPT activity caused the increase of lipid droplet and affected the imbalance of lipogenesis and lipolysis. In conclusion, our study indicated that lack of NAMPT activity affected porcine oocyte maturation through its effects on mitochondria function, spindle assembly and lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

The energy metabolism of Plasmodium berghei sporozoites was studied by using their motility as an indicator of energy production and consumption. Sporozoites suspended in medium without sugars or amino acids ceased to move. Motility was restored by the addition of any of several sugars or amino acids to the medium. Inhibition of sporozoite motility, under otherwise favorable conditions, was induced by fluoride, malonate, cyanide, amytal, rotenone, antimycin A, arsenate, 2,4-DNP, and diphenylamine. The results suggest that these sporozoites utilize glycolysis, the Krebs' cycle, and conventional electron transport through the cytochrome chain.  相似文献   

《Cell metabolism》2022,34(10):1499-1513.e8
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