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The intracellular channel of information transmission was analyzed from the point of view of complexity. The most important steps in the transfer of information within a cell are the folding, transport and recognition of proteins. It was shown that the large number of conformational degrees of freedom that proteins possess can paradoxically lead to an information channel with an exponentially small capacity. To resolve this paradox, a model, which assumes a quantum collective behavior of biologically important molecules, was proposed. Experiments to test the quantum nature of the intracellular transfer of information were also proposed.  相似文献   

Observations of the motion of individual molecules in the membrane of a number of different cell types have led to the suggestion that the outer membrane of many eukaryotic cells may be effectively partitioned into microdomains. A major cause of this suggested partitioning is believed to be due to the direct/indirect association of the cytosolic face of the cell membrane with the cortical cytoskeleton. Such intimate association is thought to introduce effective hydrodynamic barriers into the membrane that are capable of frustrating molecular Brownian motion over distance scales greater than the average size of the compartment. To date, the standard analytical method for deducing compartment characteristics has relied on observing the random walk behavior of a labeled lipid or protein at various temporal frequencies and different total lengths of time. Simple theoretical arguments suggest that the presence of restrictive barriers imparts a characteristic turnover to a plot of mean squared displacement versus sampling period that can be interpreted to yield the average dimensions of the compartment expressed as the respective side lengths of a rectangle. In the following series of articles, we used computer simulation methods to investigate how well the conventional analytical strategy coped with heterogeneity in size, shape, and barrier permeability of the cell membrane compartments. We also explored questions relating to the necessary extent of sampling required (with regard to both the recorded time of a single trajectory and the number of trajectories included in the measurement bin) for faithful representation of the actual distribution of compartment sizes found using the SPT technique. In the current investigation, we turned our attention to the analytical characterization of diffusion through cell membrane compartments having both a uniform size and permeability. For this ideal case, we found that (i) an optimum sampling time interval existed for the analysis and (ii) the total length of time for which a trajectory was recorded was a key factor.  相似文献   

应用光镜和电镜对病虾组织细胞病理变化的观察与分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
应用光镜和电子显微镜技术比较研究正常与发病的中国对虾7种组织细胞病理变化,结果显示,病毒侵染后,对虾组织病理变化主要集中在消化系统的肝胰腺、中肠、胃等组织。在光镜下,可见消化道内壁上皮组织广泛受损,细胞大量坏死或空泡化;电镜下可见主要的细胞器如线粒体嵴大量断裂、粗面内质网严重扩张、溶酶体增生,病变细胞内出现大量变性的膜性结构等。观察结果为弄清对虾病毒引起的病症及致病机理打下基础。  相似文献   

Flavodoxin (Fld) replaces Ferredoxin (Fd) as electron carrier from Photosystem I (PSI) to Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase (FNR). A number of Anabaena Fld (AnFld) variants with replacements at the interaction surface with FNR and PSI indicated that neither polar nor hydrophobic residues resulted critical for the interactions, particularly with FNR. This suggests that the solvent exposed benzenoid surface of the Fld FMN cofactor might contribute to it. FMN has been replaced with analogues in which its 7- and/or 8-methyl groups have been replaced by chlorine and/or hydrogen. The oxidised Fld variants accept electrons from reduced FNR more efficiently than Fld, as expected from their less negative midpoint potential. However, processes with PSI (including reduction of Fld semiquinone by PSI, described here for the first time) are impeded at the steps that involve complex re-arrangement and electron transfer (ET). The groups introduced, particularly chlorine, have an electron withdrawal effect on the pyrazine and pyrimidine rings of FMN. These changes are reflected in the magnitude and orientation of the molecular dipole moment of the variants, both factors appearing critical for the re-arrangement of the finely tuned PSI:Fld complex. Processes with FNR are also slightly modulated. Despite the displacements observed, the negative end of the dipole moment points towards the surface that contains the FMN, still allowing formation of complexes competent for efficient ET. This agrees with several alternative binding modes in the FNR:Fld interaction. In conclusion, the FMN in Fld not only contributes to the redox process, but also to attain the competent interaction of Fld with FNR and PSI.  相似文献   

Dong JH  Wen JF  Tian HF 《Gene》2007,396(1):116-124
Ras superfamily proteins are key regulators in a wide variety of cellular processes. Previously, they were considered to be specific to eukaryotes, and MglA, a group of obviously different prokaryotic proteins, were recognized as their only prokaryotic analogs or even ancestors. Here, taking advantage of quite a current accumulation of prokaryotic genomic databases, we have investigated the existence and taxonomic distribution of Ras superfamily protein homologs in a much wider prokaryotic range, and analyzed their phylogenetic correlation with their eukaryotic analogs. Thirteen unambiguous prokaryotic homologs, which possess the GDP/GTP-binding domain with all the five characteristic motifs of their eukaryotic analogs, were identified in 12 eubacteria and one archaebacterium, respectively. In some other archaebacteria, including four methanogenic archaebacteria and three Thermoplasmales, homologs were also found, but with the GDP/GTP-binding domains not containing all the five characteristic motifs. Many more MglA orthologs were identified than in previous studies mainly in delta-proteobacteria, and all were shown to have common unique features distinct from the Ras superfamily proteins. Our phylogenetic analysis indicated eukaryotic Rab, Ran, Ras, and Rho families have the closest phylogenetic correlation with the 13 unambiguous prokaryotic homologs, whereas the other three eukaryotic protein families (SRbeta, Sar1, and Arf) branch separately from them, but have a relatively close relationship with the methanogenic archaebacterial homologs and MglA. Although homologs were identified in a relative minority of prokaryotes with genomic databases, their presence in a relatively wide variety of lineages, their unique sequence characters distinct from those of eukaryotic analogs, and the topology of our phylogenetic tree altogether do not support their origin from eukaryotes as a result of lateral gene transfer. Therefore, we argue that Ras superfamily proteins might have already emerged at least in some prokaryotic lineages, and that the seven eukaryotic protein families of the Ras superfamily may have two independent prokaryotic origins, probably reflecting the 'fusion' evolutionary history of the eukaryotic cell.  相似文献   

Our recently presented PS II model (Belyaeva et al., 2008) was improved in order to permit a consistent simulation of Single Flash Induced Transient Fluorescence Yield (SFITFY) traces that were earlier measured by Steffen et al. (2005) on whole leaves of Arabidopsis (A.) thaliana at four different energies of the actinic flash. As the essential modification, the shape of the actinic flash was explicitly taken into account assuming that an exponentially decaying rate simulates the time dependent excitation of PS II by the 10 ns actinic flash. The maximum amplitude of this excitation exceeds that of the measuring light by 9 orders of magnitude. A very good fit of the SFITFY data was achieved in the time domain from 100 ns to 10 s for all actinic flash energies (the maximum energy of 7.5 × 1016 photons/(cm2 flash) is set to 100%, the relative energies of weaker actinic flashes were of ∼8%, 4%, ∼1%). Our model allows the calculation and visualization of the transient PS II redox state populations ranging from the dark adapted state, via excitation energy and electron transfer steps induced by pulse excitation, followed by final relaxation into the stationary state eventually attained under the measuring light. It turned out that the rate constants of electron transfer steps are invariant to intensity of the actinic laser flash. In marked contrast, an increase of the actinic flash energy by more than two orders of magnitude from 5.4 × 1014 photons/(cm2 flash) to 7.5 × 1016 photons/(cm2 flash), leads to an increase of the extent of fluorescence quenching due to carotenoid triplet (3Car) formation by a factor of 14 and of the recombination reaction between reduced primary pheophytin (Phe) and P680+ by a factor of 3 while the heat dissipation in the antenna complex remains virtually constant.The modified PS II model offers new opportunities to compare electron transfer and dissipative parameters for different species (e.g. for the green algae and the higher plant) under varying illumination conditions.  相似文献   

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