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This paper addresses the detection and monitoring of the development of epilithic phototrophic biofilms on the granite fa?ade of an institutional building in Santiago de Compostela (NW Spain), and reports a case study of preventive conservation. The results provide a basis for establishing criteria for the early detection of phototrophic colonization (greening) and for monitoring its development on granite buildings by the use of color changes recorded with a portable spectrophotometer and represented in the CIELAB color space. The results show that parameter b* (associated with changes of yellowness-blueness) provides the earliest indication of colonization and varies most over time, so that it is most important in determining the total color change. The limit of perception of the greening on a granite surface was also established in a psycho-physical experiment, as Δb*: +0.59 CIELAB units that correspond, in the present study, to 6.3 μg of biomass dry weight cm(-2) and (8.43 ± 0.24) × 10(-3) μg of extracted chlorophyll a cm(-2).  相似文献   

Biofouling is one of the most important problems associated with heat exchangers, leading to a loss of thermal performance in their cycle. To maintain them in optimum working condition, biofouling must be kept under control and, to do so, instrumentation is required for its monitoring. The development of the biofouling layer can be qualitatively followed, but only during maintenance shutdown periods is it possible to attain a quantitative assessment. The CMDIMB [Combined Monitor for Direct and Indirect Measurement of Biofouling] was conceived as a means of discovering the evolution of the frictional resistance (f) and the heat transfer resistance (R f) of a fluid because these are variables that indirectly define the biofouling deposited in the tubes of a seawater-cooled heat exchanger. They likewise serve to directly indicate its mass and thickness according to the total solid matter adhered over time. The results obtained allowed the values of the variables taken by the CMDIMB to be extrapolated to the heat exchanger that was set up in parallel. The CMDIMB is proposed as a highly useful tool for directly and indirectly monitoring biofouling growth in heat exchangers that do not possess the necessary instrumentation to monitor this phenomenon.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, biofilms on submerged surfaces can promote or discourage the settlement of invertebrate larvae and macroalgal spores. The settlement-mediating effects of biofilms are believed to involve a variety of biofilm attributes including surface chemistry, micro-topography, and a wide range of microbial products from small-molecule metabolites to high-molecular weight extracellular polymers. The settled organisms in turn can modify microbial species composition of biofilms and thus change the biofilm properties and dynamics. A better understanding of biofilm dynamics and chemical signals released and/or stored by biofilms will facilitate the development of antifouling and mariculture technologies. This review provides a brief account of 1) existing knowledge of marine biofilms that are relevant to settlement mediation, 2) biotechnological application of biofilms with respect to developing non-toxic antifouling technologies and improving the operation of aquaculture facilities, and 3) challenges and future directions for advancing our understanding of settlement-mediating functions of biofilms and for applying this knowledge to real-life situations.  相似文献   

Abstract We explored the key issues that are most likely to influence any set of guiding principles for developing biodiversity monitoring programmes in Australia's rangelands. We defined the Australian rangelands and came up with an overview of their climate extremes, land‐use pressures and biodiversity loss, and then focussed on issues underpinning the design phase of any monitoring programme. Using Noss's 1990 framework of compositional, structural and functional attributes of biodiversity and its new revisions by others, we showed how the elusive, abstract concept of biodiversity can be used to identify many measurable attributes that can form a minimum and necessary set of indicators for any biodiversity monitoring task. We then described the steps in the monitoring process, with a particular focus on the reasons for monitoring biodiversity as they strongly influence the selection of indicators. We concluded by compiling a table of key issues as background information for developing guiding principles (Table 4). The list is by no means an exhaustive list for the design phase but it does indicate that considerable attention needs to be given to this phase when developing monitoring programmes. We have intentionally not addressed the equally important issues associated with the planning and delivery phases of developing a monitoring programme, as Wallace et al. and Watson and Novelly cover these in their papers in the present issue of Austral Ecology.  相似文献   

A number of assay methods which measure cellular metabolic activity have only measured intracellular ATP levels because it has been speculated that ATP production and oxygen consumption are obligatorily coupled to each other under normal conditions. However, there exist many cases in which ATP production and oxygen consumption are uncoupled. Therefore, measurement of only intracellular ATP levels has a limit for understanding the overall metabolic states during various cellular functions. Here, we report a novel system for simultaneously monitoring intracellular ATP and oxygen levels using a red‐emitting Phrixothrix hirtus luciferase (PxRe) and a blue‐emitting Renilla luciferase (Rluc). Using this system, we monitored the dynamic changes in both intracellular ATP and oxygen levels during chondrogenesis. We found that the oxygen level oscillated at twice the frequency of ATP in chondrogenesis and the oxygen oscillations have an antiphase mode to the ATP oscillations; we also found an independent mode for the ATP oscillations. This result indicates that both mitochondrial and non‐mitochondrial respiration oscillate and thus play a role in chondrogenesis. This dual‐color monitoring system is useful for studying metabolic regulations that underlie diverse cellular processes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Acoustic monitoring of Orthoptera and its potential for conservation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Songs of Orthoptera can be used for inventorying and monitoring of individual species and communities. Acoustic parameters such as carrier frequency and pulse rates allow the definition of recognizable taxonomic units (RTUs) which help to overcome the taxonomic impediment due to our scanty knowledge, particularly of tropical faunas. Bioacoustic diversity is a first estimate for species richness and provides baseline data which can be a prerequisite for conservation. Additional ecological and behavioural information such as habitat preference and singing schedules can be inferred. Many Orthoptera are sensitive indicator species for habitat quality in temperate and tropical ecosystems. Examples are given for evaluation of habitat quality and deterioration by acoustic detection of Orthoptera.  相似文献   

Successfully reintroducing rare plant populations to recover historical community composition may require multiple efforts and greater lengths of time than is typically devoted by researchers. To improve the probability of successful colonization and to learn about the life history of the regionally endangered mahogany mistletoe (Phoradendron rubrum) in the Florida Keys, United States, we conducted sequential augmentations for 10 years across two host tree sizes, two seed sources, and six recipient sites. Long‐term monitoring for 13 years revealed that sowing fresh seeds in dry periods from introduced versus wild plants onto small diameter trees (<20 cm diameter at breast height [dbh]) that had branch diameters 15–20 mm resulted in the greatest colonization success. An average of 38.7% of seeds germinated and 23.8% survived to 2015. Plant development was quite slow. Seeds required over 100 days to germinate, 1.6 years for cotyledon emergence, and over 4.7 years to produce fruit. We detected first recruitment nearly 8 years after installation. Population growth improved following multiple attempts and expanded spatial extent as is predicted by theory. Portions of the life cycle are undetectable and thus could give false indications of reintroduction success or failure. Achieving and documenting unequivocal success of this reintroduction has required over a decade.  相似文献   

氟监测植物的筛选及监测指标的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道用开顶式熏气装置筛选大气氟监测植物,研究监测植物在氟污染情况下的反应,以确立监测指标和监测定量化。结果表明,梅、唐菖蒲、赤胫散、火炭母、水杉、金荞麦、雪松、苹果等植物是良好的氟监测植物,其中赤胫散、火炭母是国内筛选出来的监测植物,可用来监测大气氟污染。受害浓度(阈值)、症状出现时间、受害叶面积%和叶片含氟量可作为植物的监测指标,生理反应指标作为参考。  相似文献   

Trends and status of species and habitats need to be measured to assess whether global biodiversity policy targets have been achieved. However, it is impossible to monitor all species and habitats with a justifiable effort. Therefore, it is critical to prioritize the monitoring of specific biodiversity components. Priorities must be linked to key nature conservation policies to ensure that monitoring efforts are relevant to policy needs, achieve maximum impact, and obtain governmental support. Here we discuss priority setting in biodiversity monitoring in view of monitoring obligations and priorities in supranational biodiversity legislation and policies in Europe and assess overlaps in priorities among policies. While most supranational biodiversity regulations require monitoring of biodiversity, obligations are legally enforceable only for the Nature Directives, the Water Framework Directive, and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive of the European Union. Of the assessed international conventions and other relevant policy instruments about 50% explicitly designate priority species and most focus on vertebrates. Lower emphasis is given to habitats and geographical priorities are even less pronounced. Also, an overarching system for monitoring prioritization is still missing. Our prioritization system is based on three main criteria: (1) legal requirement for reporting, (2) wording used to define priority or importance, and (3) inclusion in lists that indicate importance of monitoring due to e.g. threats or relevance of a region for a species. Our system contains five main priority levels, within which an additional division differentiates priorities according to national/European responsibility criteria. Based on this system, we provide recommendations for allocating species and habitats enlisted by the reviewed policy tools to explicit non-overlapping priority levels. Our approach will facilitate synergies between monitoring activities for different policy needs, and contribute to alleviate the notorious resource shortage for biodiversity monitoring.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Understanding variation in the detectability of birds is fundamental to determining the reliability of survey methods. We examined the influence of lunar light conditions on the detection probability of Whip-poor-wills through repeated sampling of 78 point count stations over two lunar cycles. The probability of detection was positively related to moonlight intensity measured as the percentage of moon-face illuminated and moon height above the horizon. These results were used to show how the reliability of long-term monitoring strategies can be improved by sampling design. Surveys conducted on nights when the moon-face was >50% illuminated were less variable and provided more statistical power to long-term monitoring results compared to surveys that were conducted across all nights. Stratifying surveys for Whip-poor-wills during bright moonlight provides greater statistical power for monitoring programs, which inevitably allows better scientific conclusions to be drawn from collected data.  相似文献   

The monitoring of biodiversity at the level of habitats is becoming widespread in Europe and elsewhere as countries establish national habitat monitoring systems and various organisations initiate regional and local schemes. Parallel to this growth, it is increasingly important to address biodiversity changes on large spatial (e.g. continental) and temporal (e.g. decade-long) scales, which requires the integration of currently ongoing monitoring efforts. Here we review habitat monitoring and develop a framework for integrating data or activities across habitat monitoring schemes. We first identify three basic properties of monitoring activities: spatial aspect (explicitly spatial vs. non-spatial), documentation of spatial variation (field mapping vs. remote sensing) and coverage of habitats (all habitats or specific habitats in an area), and six classes of monitoring schemes based on these properties. Then we explore tasks essential for integrating schemes both within and across the major classes. Finally, we evaluate the need and potential for integration of currently existing schemes by drawing on data collected on European habitat monitoring in the EuMon project. Our results suggest a dire need for integration if we are to measure biodiversity changes across large spatial and temporal scales regarding the 2010 target and beyond. We also make recommendations for an integrated pan-European habitat monitoring scheme. Such a scheme should be based on remote sensing to record changes in land cover and habitat types over large scales, with complementary field mapping using unified methodology to provide ground truthing and to monitor small-scale changes, at least in habitat types of conservation importance.  相似文献   

Sustainable use of tropical forest systems requires continuous monitoring of biological diversity and ecosystem functions. This can be efficiently done with early warning (short-cycle) indicator groups of non-economical insects, whose population levels and resources are readily measured. Twenty-one groups of insects are evaluated as focal indicator taxa for rapid assessment of changes in Neotropical forest systems. Composite environmental indices for heterogeneity, richness, and natural disturbance are correlated positively with butterfly diversity in 56 Neotropical sites studied over many years. Various components of alpha, beta and gamma-diversity show typical responses to increased disturbance and different land-use regimes. Diversity often increases with disturbance near or below natural levels, but some sensitive species and genes are eliminated at very low levels of interference. Agricultural and silvicultural mosaics with over 30% conversion, including selective logging of three or more large trees per hectare, show shifts in species composition with irreversible loss of many components of the butterfly community, indicating non-sustainable land and resource use and reduction of future options. Monitoring of several insect indicator groups by local residents in a species-rich Brazilian Amazon extractive reserve has helped suggest guidelines for cologically, economically, and socially sustainable zoning and use regimes.  相似文献   

我国农田土壤动物面临严峻的多样性丧失问题, 建设监测样地并开展长期监测是解决该问题的重要途径, 但至今国内外仍缺乏农田土壤动物长期监测样地科学调查监测的实施方法。依据BCI 50 ha大型固定样地建设规范, 参照我国已建成的森林和农田土壤动物大型固定样地监测经验, 本文提出了农田土壤动物长期监测样地科学调查监测的实施方法。首先, 需要明确科学问题, 确定科学调查监测应遵守的基本原则。其次, 需要规范长期调查监测涉及的专业术语, 依据研究目的和实际情况选择地点和样地, 参照建设规范和农田特征建立农田土壤动物大型固定样地。第三, 以研究农田土壤动物多样性为核心, 揭示土壤动物在农田生态系统健康和功能中的作用, 有选择性地开展4类27项科学指标的长期监测工作, 要求按照统一的、规范化的工作流程开展野外调查和室内实验。最后, 要科学规范地完成标本的鉴定描述和保存保管, 研发体现农田土壤动物特征的数据库和管理信息系统。希望本文的研究结果能推动我国乃至世界范围的规范化样地建设和标准化网络监测, 为我国农田土壤动物评估与保护提供长期可靠的数据支撑。  相似文献   

城市生态环境损害鉴定评估监测体系研究   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1  
李欢欢  张雪琦  张永霖  董仁才 《生态学报》2019,39(17):6469-6476
我国城市生态环境损害事件频发,不但造成大气、地表水、地下水、土壤等环境质量下降,也造成城市生态系统结构和功能的退化,推进生态环境损害赔偿制度势在必行。由于城市生态系统的复杂性和特殊性,确认环境损害行为、说清因果关系、判定损害程度和计算赔偿金额等环节难度均比较大,开展城市生态环境损害鉴定评估技术研究迫在眉睫。根据城市地理学和城市生态学相关理论,在分析城市生态环境损害概念和特征基础上,从城市生态系统完整性角度出发,结合实例构建了一套测度城市生态系统损害状态监测的样方体系,通过形成城市生态环境整体水平评估框架为综合判定城市生态环境基线奠定基础;进一步提出充分利用既有生态观测样方、环境监测站点和社会公众参与式数据共享策略,以提高现场勘察效率、降低鉴定评估成本和提高评估结果质量的方法。研究所形成的样方体系、监测策略和方法对我国城市生态环境损害鉴定评估工作业务化具有指导意义。  相似文献   

[目的] 定量评估进境台湾果蔬主要病虫在大陆的入侵风险,为早期监测预警提供依据。[方法] 首先,基于外来物种传入、定殖、扩散和危害的一般过程,构建了包括4个层次26个指标的进境台湾果蔬有害生物入侵综合风险评估指标体系,规范了风险指数的计算方法,评估了14种病虫随台湾果蔬入侵的综合风险;其次,利用气候生态位模型预测了它们在我国的适生区;最后,融合进境台湾果蔬到达港口、物流中转站、集散地和主要病虫的适生区的空间分布,通过空间叠加分析划定了它们在我国传入并定殖的风险区及其空间异质性。[结果] 14种被评估病虫在我国的综合风险值均大于0.7,属高风险等级。14种病虫在我国都存在广阔的适生区,但不同物种适生区的面积和空间分布存在差异。福建、广东、海南等东部和南部沿海地区是它们适生区的高度重叠区,超过95%的台湾果蔬到达港口、物流中转和集散地的集中分布区,潜在的入侵风险极高。[结论] 进境台湾果蔬贸易能够促进或加剧外来有害生物的入侵。研究进一步证实了台湾已经并将继续成为大陆外来有害生物入侵的踏板。建议进一步加强海关检疫、开展和完善监测预警等措施预防和控制有害生物入侵,为农业生物安全提供保障。  相似文献   

以分布于秦岭的金花忍冬(Lonicera chrysantha Turcz.)、忍冬(L.japonica Thunb.)、葱皮忍冬(L.ferdinandii Franch.)和金银忍冬(L.maackii(Rupr.)Maxim.)为对象,通过定位观察、人工授粉实验、人为设置实验斑块的方法对忍冬属4种植物的开花生物学特性、繁育系统、花色变化现象、传粉过程进行了研究。结果表明,4种植物的单花花期、花部特征存在差异。人工授粉实验显示,4种植物均存在一定的花粉限制,自交不亲和。除葱皮忍冬外,其余3种植物随着花色由白变黄,花粉和花蜜报酬减少、雌雄生殖能力逐渐降低;葱皮忍冬花变色后花蜜量变化不显著,且仍保留较强的雌性生殖能力。变色花的保留被认为是植物的一种生殖策略,通过增大植物的花展示来扩大自身的吸引力,以吸引更多远距传粉者访花。人为控制白、黄花不同数量比的实验结果表明,大多数传粉者偏向访问白花(变色前的花),且白花提供的报酬量和黄花(变色后的花)数量显著影响传粉者的访花频率,即当花蜜量减少或黄花数量增多时,传粉者访花频率随之降低。因此,我们认为忍冬属4种植物的花色变化可能除了增大植物对远距传粉者的吸引力外,对近距传粉者的访花行为也可能具有一定的影响。当传粉者接近植株时,变色后的花可能暗示其花蜜(花粉)报酬已经发生变化,并驱使昆虫离开并飞向同株或异株植物新开放的报酬丰富的白花,这既有利于提高传粉者的觅食效率,又能降低植物同株异花授粉的几率,对忍冬属植物及传粉者都具有重要意义,是植物长期与授粉昆虫相互适应的反映。  相似文献   

【目的】刺萼龙葵是20世纪80年代入侵我国的检疫性外来植物,目前已在东北和西北地区广泛分布并对农牧业生产造成极大危害,急需明确其时空分布格局和潜在扩散动态,为其早期监测预警提供依据。【方法】首先,利用实地调查、标本和文献查询途径获得的地理分布信息重建刺萼龙葵在我国的扩散历史和分布格局;其次,通过物种分布模型预测其潜在的分布区;最后,融合时空动态和潜在的扩张趋势,利用空间分析模型划定早期监测预警的区域。【结果】刺萼龙葵最早于1980年在辽宁省朝阳市被发现,其后不断沿河流和公路等扩散蔓延。2000年以后相继在内蒙古、北京、河北、吉林以及新疆等省区发现其入侵种群。截至目前,已扩散到了7个省的54个县区。适生区预测结果表明,其在我国存在广阔的潜在分布区,目前还处在快速扩散阶段,没有达到饱和阶段。【结论】刺萼龙葵在我国还处在快速扩散阶段,远没有达到饱和,华北平原是其潜在扩散的高风险区,建议加强对其扩散前沿带包头、张家口、北京、秦皇岛一线的监测力度,以抑制其进一步扩散蔓延。  相似文献   

In this experimental study the patterns in early marine biofouling communities and possible implications for surveillance and environmental management were explored using metabarcoding, viz. 18S ribosomal RNA gene barcoding in combination with high-throughput sequencing. The community structure of eukaryotic assemblages and the patterns of initial succession were assessed from settlement plates deployed in a busy port for one, five and 15 days. The metabarcoding results were verified with traditional morphological identification of taxa from selected experimental plates. Metabarcoding analysis identified > 400 taxa at a comparatively low taxonomic level and morphological analysis resulted in the detection of 25 taxa at varying levels of resolution. Despite the differences in resolution, data from both methods were consistent at high taxonomic levels and similar patterns in community shifts were observed. A high percentage of sequences belonging to genera known to contain non-indigenous species (NIS) were detected after exposure for only one day.  相似文献   

自然保护地是维护国家生态安全, 提升生物多样性保护成效的重要载体, 对保护地生态系统进行实时、高频、多尺度的监测是认知其动态变化的有效手段, 也是实现自然保护地生态系统健康管理的基石。由于目前我国没有形成自然保护地生态系统监测网络, 缺少统一的联网监测指标体系, 导致多数自然保护地生态系统组成家底不清、动态不明, 应对生物多样性保护新问题的能力不足, 并且在国家尺度上的自然保护地生态系统健康状况及保护成效评估缺乏联网监测数据支撑。因此, 亟需构建国家尺度的自然保护地生态系统组成和动态监测网络, 以及一套科学、系统、规范的自然保护地生态系统联网监测指标体系。该文针对自然保护地生物多样性和生态系统监测的目标和内容, 参考国内外现有的生态系统监测网络的指标体系, 确定了自然保护地生态系统联网监测指标体系建立和选取的基本原则, 建立了一套适用于国家尺度的自然保护地生态系统联网监测指标体系, 并在6个国家级自然保护区进行示范。构建的指标体系针对构成生态系统的6类关键要素(生境要素、生物要素、气象要素、土壤要素、大气和水环境要素、景观要素)制定了30个监测指标, 有效应用于森林、草地、荒漠、湿地等生态系统类型的自然保护地, 能够实现对不同类型自然保护地生态系统组分和结构的现状和演变特征进行长期、动态化监测, 并可为自然保护地保护成效评估和健康管理提供规范化、标准化的基础数据。  相似文献   

AIMS: The composting process needs to be validated for its hygienic status in order to ensure that it is free of pathogens. Generally, this is evaluated through temperature monitoring, or additionally through active inoculation and monitoring of indicator organisms. We aimed to develop a monitoring method for the heat-resistant indicator organism Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica serovar Senftenberg strain W775 for detection in composting biowastes. METHODS AND RESULTS: The method development is comprised of: (i) optimization of molecular detection of bacteria belonging to the genus Salmonella; (ii) identification of a DNA marker for Salmonella strain W775; and (iii) development of a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based on both DNA markers. Subsequently, Salmonella strain W775 was inoculated and monitored during composting of biowastes in an industrial composting facility. CONCLUSIONS: A highly sensitive and specific detection of viable cells was obtained by enriching the compost sample prior to multiplex PCR analysis. Complete inactivation of Salmonella strain W775 was obtained within 4 days in an industrial composting facility at temperatures ranging between 41 and 57 degrees C. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: We describe a monitoring method for the simultaneous detection of naturally occurring Salmonella strains and artificially introduced Salmonella strain W775 in composting biowastes that can be applied in routine analysis.  相似文献   

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